College Girls | Comedy Series | Season 1

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hey bill i'm in the mood for a switcher i hit the function hit the roads like till i hiccup i hit the stage and leave with money that's a sticker she picture perfect so i told him oh booty cramp i don't think that's possible what are you saying walk it off nice medical advice nurse emily stop calling me nurse it takes four years yeah well at least you know what you want to be who's going to sign for this skyler oh she's not here um we haven't met her yet well we have but we were 10 and it was summer camp so just sign here oh what does it mean if i sign means i can go it's like a legal thing no just put your name down is it okay no no no no i can do it just have never really done anything like this before so i'm not really used to this kind of responsibility welcome to the real world just write your name in cursive yes no big deal my signature's bad you can do it thank you you know your problem is what you don't arch your back enough what when you pop your booty excuse me well you don't need a big butt it's more of a myth okay here just play the song i'm i the mood for a switcher i hit the function hit the roads like till i hiccup i hit the stage and leave with money that's a sticker she picture perfect so i told him um [Music] [Applause] just tag epic movers you think he's also a stripper [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this must be skyler oh do you think she's still the same oh she was so sweet it's called courtesy oh we both got something out of it oh yeah what did i get what did i get you knew i was leaving oh yeah yeah i should have just assumed i'm such an idiot chill out don't tell me to chill out you chill out oh walk away go go just leave do not sleep oh i will slam it all i want this is what you get me i think she changed skylar hi welcome to the apartment thanks is everything okay oh yeah yeah yeah i'm good i'm so good so good wow so good to see you guys here we are emily and maddie babe actually that's just my instagram name ray just maddie oh my god i'm so sorry it's okay happens all the time oh my god remember our performance at summer camp oh yeah the friendship's on yes the rain the sun that was embarrassing that's because you couldn't do the hand motions i could do them i just got nervous oh but the audience reaction that's where it started for me seriously second place never felt so good oh yeah those stupid boys one with that tarzan they cheated please do not talk about boys right now i hate them especially cheaters uh was that your boyfriend was was key word never seeing him again uh well never say never oh my god i just can't right now up [Music] hi i'm scott's friend hi where's she um i just need my stuff back we she she had to disappear briefly well i need it now i'm catching a plane in two hours what is it stuff my sunglasses keychain parents garage door opener okay um i don't know where that would be do you think she's coming home soon i don't no she might we we don't really know her very well well just to warn you she's a psycho so now you know her well we know she's taking acting at university yeah she's an actress classic needy self-obsessed weird this is your new roommate oh and good luck getting rent she still owes me like 200 bucks so yeah have fun with that what did she do she hacked into my instagram and blocked my ex oh yeah one time she poured blood all over my car and she deleted the stanley cup finals from my pvr so she could record rupaul's drag race or something i mean it was the season finale and it was fake blood on his car there's a performance art project this is a french festival give me back that hoodie this this no see she's psycho trying to steal my clothes uh i earned it the coach gave it to me oh yeah and what about what i gave you oh and what did you give me my heart my soul she's acting and you throw me on the side of the road like a bag of trash it's my favorite hoodie it's cute on me okay okay maybe we can find a compromise okay we're all adults here we are or maybe she could give me my damn hoodie why so you can give it to amber who's amber she's nobody oh no she's not nobody not yet at least she will be nobody eventually just like me you already have a girlfriend it's complicated it is between us oh us us what us there's no us i don't have time for this oh oh i'm wasting your time how much did i waste like 10 minutes what about the six months you just wasted of mine just give me my stuff back fine fine fine mom's garage door opener give diane a hug i'll actually miss her oh and your broken sunglasses and your stupid hockey stick keychain newsflash never liked hockey i was faking it not the only thing i faked and the hoodie [Music] i'm glad you guys are seeing this because uh this is what you have to look forward to unreasonable moody psycho and you know what you're not pretty enough to be an actress yeah truth hurts doesn't matter if it's raining [Music] what even when you're feeling lonely you will always have someone okay so you're all freaks friends are friends forever no matter what the weather so cold or hot i'm a friend you've always got i think it's time for you to go cause you're saying some stupid song no because you're a jerk and maddie is proof on her phone and she just happens to be a mega popular influencer and she's gonna cancel you some of my followers might not be real and emily's a nursing student so so what are you qualified to do in week one i think we just clean bums and stuff and she's gonna wipe your ass classy it's real classy if you need another reason you're about to get a ticket for parking on the wrong side of the road see i told you i knew the hand motions guys that was the cringiest display of girl power i've ever seen yeah but thank you we need a selfie hell yeah okay go power on three yes oh no no hold on we have to do this right get used to it you're gonna put this over here right here oh my god that's so much better okay and the timer is on three okay ready it's on three okay one two three girl power so these are my roomies emily and skylar we're moving in and moving on i'm mailing it back what is the total value why for the customs form what's the value of a human heart let's just say five dollars how did you end up going out with him anyhow fate and my cousin dated his best friend but mostly fate he was put in my life for a reason actors need these life experiences well sorry to work out just like you guys if we didn't meet at summer camp we wouldn't be here true the universe has a plan it speaks to us you just have to listen what is it telling us i think it's saying our food is ready see totally works bon appetit now these are in my life for a reason should we toast yeah these jalapenos being so perfect may they represent our lives and all that is to come on our new adventure to uh to us [Music] why are you still up it's almost three no one told me to go to bed you have to do that yourself now all right what are you eating gummy worms you want one sure we have to remember to brush our teeth what are we watching an ad [Music] um can i borrow one of your textbooks oh um these are nursing textbooks i know i need it as a prop i'm doing a first day of school post can you take it for me uh first day of school is until tomorrow yeah i know that's why i'm doing it today right do you want to look like you're happy going to school or this isn't for my mom vertical okay okay and hi here okay and like this okay that's cute okay um maybe try f just flip your hair yeah yeah yeah okay and kick kick your feet okay and like turn ah make it stop what sorry no not you look listen what the faucet it keeps dripping well what do we do we fix it we what we fix it how oh how do you stop a leaky faucet what does it say get your landlord to fix it um what no what's the matter he's not super approachable who cares it's his faucet we can't look like this i can facetime my dad he knows this stuff no we can do it we you mean us did you see my sign we can do hard things that's our motto here sounds dirty it's not dirty rosie the riveter it's inspirational it sounds a little bit dirty okay here's the video look we can do this we're strong a leaky faucet is nothing [Music] g'day all right in this video i'm going to teach you how to stop a dripping faucet see first things first shut the water off that's what we're trying to do give him a minute so just reach under give that bad boy a twist okay under here do you see it what is it i don't know a bad boy uh i don't see a bad boy there's no bad boy hang on there you go be sure to check sometimes that bad boy's hiding behind the sink you just gotta look around um okay oh yup yup that's a bad boy okay okay oh i turned it now check the water's off good on you it didn't work i turned it all the way yeah hang on okay we're just gonna follow the instructions now get out of the old point wrench you're gonna loosen this little sheila right here i see being successful i have no idea do we even have a pipe wrench no wait what if this explodes and causes a flood let's just call the landlord he's upstairs why not okay look we shouldn't bother him with every little problem okay we're actually really lucky to have this place oh because i thought we were strong independent women yes and it shows independence not to call him and it shows strength not to be afraid perhaps so what are we fine just text him no no no we're gonna do this on his level meaning i know his type he's one of those men that likes to use his phone as a phone those people scare me what are you gonna say hi bob leave a message hi uh bob it's emily your tenant from downstairs um we had a bit of a problem with our kitchen faucet it keeps stripping and we were wondering if you might be able to help us with that please thank you why did you say problem no no no no that was good that was professional what if he thinks we're problem people guys this is a new life experience we need to embrace these moments he might not be as mean as he seems okay let's just go knock on the door no message from bob be there in a minute he's coming yay no not yay why not yay we need to fix things fix what damage damage oh we scratched the floor when we're removing the couch and there's a hole in the wall that's a nail hole this is how we lose our deposit there's a paint chip help cover it please before he gets here how do you do something anything quickly okay uh be cool be cool [Music] hey hi you guys got a plumbing problem did this just turn into a bachelorette party uh are you bob oh i'm nick ball's my dad oh and so you do the plumbing yeah and other stuff like what other stuff let me show you the sink right this way thanks this is the sink this is the faucet and this is the drip i think he knows we tried turning the water off already yeah you only turned off the cold really yeah there's also a hot one yes there is so is it fixable yeah probably just needs a new o-ring of course so where did you learn all these interesting skills internet same but with makeup yeah who needs school on this youtube i know right yeah well we're actually just starting university tomorrow cool i can hold this for you let me take let me take this so where you guys from smithers lethbridge small town girls living in a lonely world where are you from upstairs uh do you think this has anything to do with it i think we've got a corroded stem nut i'll speak it up and come back now you know where we live are you sure i mean it's kind of sticking out uh that's the washer i should have it in a couple of days he knows what he's doing thank you for your expertise no problem enjoy your apartment you too look it just popped back in it was the washer thing hey guys i don't need to come back after all way to go emily any other problems just text i'll be right down we need to find more problems oh my god yes this is sticky paint chip how does this temperature thing even work pickle jar we need a man we cannot get involved with our landlord's son why not because it's wrong and complicated and really convenient it doesn't matter if someone dates him and it doesn't work then what you can't block him he lives upstairs but he's hot it doesn't matter we are adults we can do hard things like call our landlord fix a sink set up wi-fi kill a spider what there's a spider oh crap oh oh get it get it kitty i am not getting it you get it okay just chill somebody needs to be the designated spider killer not it i will literally move out i'm not touching it i don't do spiders that's good it's a new life experience no no no no no you said you like those yeah i meant like dating an older guy or kissing a girl or something not spiders rock paper scissors fine what are the rules again you do either rock paper or scissors okay okay what is that dynamite there's no dynamite yeah dynamite beats everything that's cheating you automatically lose best of three you're doing it fine but you guys owe me i'm never plunging the toilet i'm not doing that either just saying it's going to make you a better actress i forgot my wrist it's in the toaster what are you doing toasting it you can't toast a spider why not it means well you were gonna squish it with your shoe hold on listen it's getting crispy [Music] are you sure it's in there toast is overrated adulting is hard how come no one ever told me that isn't there like a million memes of it oh right it's gonna get easier okay we're gonna be good adults if you guys could pick one age to be for the rest of your lives what would you pick oh 27. i know my parents will be bugging me to get married 30. no then they'll be bugging me to have kids i'll take 27. i'll be rich by then what would you pick 10. i was such a good 10 year old i could sing i could dance i punched a boy and i had the hottest zac efron poster and we met at camp i should have picked ten those were the good old days what if these are the good old days no yeah like when we look back what if we're in it and we don't even know it you just blew my mind oh maddie can you grab some plates uh maddie yeah i think you just became an adult eww you were sitting on it what is there spider on your tushy emily emily yeah do we have any spices spices what yeah i'm trying to cook spaghetti sauce it's late i know i'm hungry for spaghetti what are you guys talking about i can't find any spices we don't have any spices yet they're expensive i have one what is it it's called marjoram marjoram what's marjoram i don't know my parents had two so i just grabbed one heart marjoram is good you can put it in spaghetti yeah it's fine can i have some of your spaghetti yeah but you gotta help me okay [Music] [Applause] that's what i learned at school today what that psychology is boring really i thought it'd be cool yeah i thought so too i thought we'd be learning about like schizophrenia or eating disorders but no instead we're learning about stupid stuff like how your eyeball waves connect to your brain it's a first-year chorus look i bet second year is better okay yeah if i make it that far oh you should be in nursing look we're learning about infections oh my god emily is that a guy's it totally is oh what i know it's gangrene gross why would you make me look at that it's cool oh wait hang on go back go back you emily wait actually this would make a really good reaction video can you guys take it outside my scene partner is going to be here any minute what are you doing rehearsing what's all this why did you move the couch it's a set it's a car it's a romantic scene who's your scene partner oh my are you guys gonna like oh we'll see there's a kiss so who knows have you done acting kisses before twice and i dated both of them really yeah it helped make the acting super believable who's that nobody um no just some guy met at the health sciences mixer last night you guys are making me feel like really single right now it's not like that okay he's just texting me a lot is he better than skye's handsome leading man um he's met student doctor eventually let me see okay emily oh my god is that a filter nope cute right wait look at this one emily are you gonna date him i don't know um i i do want to get a good start to the year academically so yeah he wakeboards i know look at his body oh my god look at those jeans you can basically see the entire outline of his time's up outside fine hey hey hey hey this is tyler no i'm not not while you're rehearsing i'm literally a fly on the wall i'm not gonna disturb anyone he promised he'll behave are you he's my boyfriend i release him for one hour come in we were just leaving skylar you didn't tell us that's because i didn't know oh well happy rehearsal can i get you guys anything to drink oh we're good we are so low maintenance just water bubbly with lemon if you have it did you just follow him who andrew he's following you now what what are you doing nothing why did you follow him why not well he can see where roommates now he knows i've been talking about him so so i don't want him to know that he might think i like him because i followed him he's gonna think that you like him yes exactly do you want me to unfollow him no then he'll think i'm some weird jealous freak who won't even let her roommate follow the guy who asked her out are you no okay good but johnny where are we gonna go nobody understands us it doesn't matter as long as we got each other how we gonna survive love is all we need cupcake that's easy for you to say but what about when the baby comes it'll be all right i promise look at me stop acting so crazy you make me crazy johnny it's called being in love we'll just have to deal with it oh johnny we can just save the kiss for the final performance yeah what no oh it's because i'm here oh no it's no big deal oh please kiss you must i support his career and this is going to help him grow okay and besides this is like a big deal he's never kissed a girl before tyler sorry baby just pretend it's me [Music] what are you doing nothing why are you taking a selfie it's for andrew what what you're texting him yeah what are you saying nothing and why are you texting him i'm just replying oh he texted you what did he say he said hello oh and so now you're flirting with him i'm not flirting you're licking your lips okay oh my god this is just like middle school oh whatever oh chris anderson grade eight he was gonna ask me out at maria's halloween party then you started a rumor that you liked him what and he never asked me out who remembers this stuff girls who didn't have boyfriends it'll be all right i promise look at me stop acting so crazy you make me crazy johnny it's called being in love we'll just have to deal with it oh johnny sorry that was for seth's dad he worries about him you said that you weren't going to date him i said i wanted to have a strong academic start to the year but there wasn't an invitation for you to swoop in i'm not swooping you are totally swooping okay the world isn't ending maddie some of us like to take it slow so are you going to date him i don't know yet okay well let me know you make me crazy johnny it's called being in love we'll just have to deal with it oh johnny yeah uh what nothing i shouldn't get involved what is it it just needs a tick more believability okay for the kiss i don't see two people in love i think you just need to go for it you mean on the lips more passion should we try it again and just pretend i'm not even here actually i just need like one second i'm just being friendly and guys think that's flirting since when since forever what happened okay normally kissing guys it's really easy for me what is it weird cause he's gay no it's right cause his boyfriend's there just kiss him on the cheek i tried dad he wants us to make out seth does no the boyfriend it's like what do we do why don't you ask maddie she knows all about making moves on off-limit guys you guys are no help look what i found i googled how to do a movie kiss and it says five seconds long open mouth no tongue but moist moist moist moist moist okay you're in the car together ready to run away a new life awaits and action but johnny where are we gonna go nobody understands us it doesn't matter as long as we got each other how we gonna survive love is all we need cupcake that's easy for you to say but what about when the baby comes it'll be all right i promise look at me stop acting so crazy you make me crazy johnny it's called being in love we'll just have to deal with it oh johnny [Music] how can you say that because it's true you push away every good guy that comes into your life that is so not true oh yeah what about trevor what about him you could have stayed in left bridge and gone to nursing school there i came here because it's a better school or was it just your excuse to break up with him oh what are you my therapist but i thought you weren't learning anything in psychology what i can't do it it's just what if this is the wrong career for me an actress i could be a hair stylist or or a makeup artist or maybe a junior accountant my dad does that for the gas company i could probably get a foot in the door or i could be a milkshake maker i once had a dream that i was in charge of milkshake flavors you are not gonna be a milkshake maker or an accountant or a hair stylist you are an actress you can do this i can yes it's so awkward oh so what awkward difficult that's what this year is all about okay so what if there's someone watching you it's called an audience and that's what actresses do right i just need to block them out but what about the kiss it's so hard to make it real i have an idea wear this what why just trust me but johnny where are we gonna go nobody understands us it doesn't matter as long as we got each other how we gonna survive love is all we need cupcakes that's easy for you to say but what about when the baby comes what are you doing just wait look at me stop acting so crazy you make me crazy johnny scott being in love we'll just have to deal with it [Music] [Music] why did you do that do you remember that song at damn she played over and over again she thinks he's zack [Music] i'm proud of you skylar what can i say zack is my kryptonite now i just need a trigger to make me cry on cue well if you can do something hard then so can i what is it i'm saying no to andrew for real ben maddie i'm proud of you too as zach would say we're all in this together who is it andrew oh that was fast send me a pic ew what a pig dumped by you comes crawling back to me what are you doing ghost him nope what did you just do i sent him a pic [Music] why i swallowed mouthwash okay no it says do not swallow and i didn't want to call my parents how much did you drink like that much i don't know you'll probably be fine okay just don't do it again what are you guys doing maddie swallowed mouthwash oh when i was little i used to eat toothpaste and you didn't die nah yet hey guys maybe we should all go to sleep oh right sorry um [Music] [Applause] oh skye really be my test patient yes and i will what is it i just need to check your blood pressure for practice yes and i'll roll up my sleeve great just sit down yes and i'll spin around what what what are you doing i i'm just i'm sorry my theater props making us do these weird acting exercises today this is for improv it's called yes and why yes to accept someone's idea and to build on it what is that going to do hey is it a good time to fix the stove yes and let me show you where it is i think he can figure it out it's a light bulb let's have a look huh there we go wow how did you do that it was just loose i wonder how that happened is your arm okay yes and um do you want to help emily needs to test patients oh no yeah sure what do i do lay down on the couch right here oh sitting is fine should i take my shirt off yes and no and that's good yes and pump it up yes and thank you skylar can you hand me my stethoscope yes and i'll warm it up for you [Applause] how is it a little high oh i wonder what would be causing his blood pressure to rise all of a sudden thanks don't forget his heart sorry it's all right is he healthy you seem healthy i'm counting oh what is that do you have an irregular heartbeat oh my phone's buzzing it's i'll just ask her to come down her who yeah my girlfriend she's upstairs girlfriend okay okay okay [Music] maddie oh my god what are you guys doing nothing nothing at all what are you doing i thought you had class better go see what she wants did you fix the stove light yeah all good oh okay i was supposed to be here he just shut up oh what happened to school i got asked to leave why i fell asleep in gender studies oh no and then i tried to apologize but i got my teachers pronouns wrong right that profit is non-binary well what did you say did you say she her i said mom okay it's not my fault all right i just woke up let's make you a tick tock [Music] [Music] uh what are the hand gestures for again my life goals will appear so you'll add them later it's kind of like visualizing my destiny and then stepping into my future so what are your life goals i don't know i might just do a poll skyler it's okay it's just another acting exercise ripping a dress yeah this is called a moment of truth yes and no i don't do that anymore now i just say and do what i feel when i feel it this is gonna make me a better actress okay but why are you feeling this way they just announced the castles for our class production you didn't get the part no i got a part ugly stepsister so i guess i don't need my princess dress anymore the one i wore as cinderella in our high school production of into the woods because apparently in the real world i'm a character actress and not a leading lady okay do you think there's maybe a more healthy way for you to express your moment of truth like burn it or we could do the exercise with you somehow oh you guys don't have to hey that's what friends do yeah i just i don't really want to rip my clothes all you have to do is just say and do what you feel when you're feeling it only censor yourself if it'll hurt somebody else i'm getting like truth or dare vibes what does this have to do with acting to be honest on stage you must be honest in life you can start small though one girl my class did it at taco bob you were in the bathroom no she had a moment of truth she asked for extra cheese and she didn't get it normally she just let it go but she spoke up she got extra cheese and a free burrito we were all so proud of her it was life changing okay let's do this i want a moment of truth m okay um just say whatever you want whatever you're feeling maybe something you're holding in okay maddie this is a safe space just open up maddie you always use my shampoo and your makeup takes up too much space on the bathroom counter she broke the rules that was hurtful no no no it's okay it's okay sometimes little wounds come up it's better to expose them we learn that in nursing clean the wounds don't let them fester this is gonna make us stronger let's spin again maddie moment of truth it really bothers me that you guys don't like comment and share all my posts i commented on your post the other day uh which one the one for you were doing the tricks with your tongue okay i've had like five other posts since then you guys are supposed to hype me up okay i didn't know you felt that way i am liking all your posts right now and if you share one i'll buy more shampoo with my parents credit card sharing remember guys the moment of truth doesn't have to be a complaint like for my turn i could say that i really love you guys for doing this with me you helped me to feel better that's my moment of truth oh skye you're sweet oh i want to redo mine that's okay just do one at school tomorrow in real life yeah totally just say and do what you feel when you feel it it can be like a philosophy of living okay so like if i don't understand something in class speak up be honest and fearless or if one of my followers repost my post without crediting me tell them how you feel m are you in so if there's a cute guy in my study hall i've been wanting to talk to [Music] how do i love thee let me count the ways i love thee to the height and breadth and depth my soul can reach when feeling out of sight okay just say what you feel say what you feel hey you hot smart sensitive guy who studies here at the same time every day and smells so good i love thee freely as men strive for right i love thee purely as they turn from praise i love thee with the passions put to use in old griefs i love thee with the breath smiles tears of all my life and if god chooses i shall love thee better after death sonnet 43 the most romantic poem in the english language your new romance would be so boring young lady do you have something you wish to say no sorry actually yes [Music] i do say what you feel say what you feel hey um this is for you [Music] [Music] so he like came after you yeah he like chased me down he chased you what is this a wrong god i know it was so sweet and he doesn't even know me but he said nobody's ever done that for him before so it worked perfectly did you get his number i did and we're having a steady date tomorrow i don't know how it'll go but we talked and we're both studious so doesn't matter you did it amazing yeah oh my god these moments of truth are life-changing yes they are did you do one too spill the tea what happened i told my professor how i felt about his class okay that it was a total waste of time oh and then he asked me to leave so i went to the admin office and i had another moment of truth okay i dropped that class and three others wow you really went for it do your parents know i think that moment of truth is gonna have to wait we can do hard things right right [Music] [Music] you okay my cat used to sleep on my bed yeah and sometimes my mom would laugh so loud it would wake me up missing home and my mom's cookies tell her to send me the recipe [Music] [Applause] [Music] so he's going to be a nurse who that is so progressively manly unless he's doing it to meet girls then he's a pig you can meet him he's coming by later taking me on a steady date does he have a car uh no i'm driving that's even more progressive he better pay i never said it was a waste of time mom i'm just saying that if i really need a degree i can go back and get it but why should i just for a piece of paper i'm not talking about the future right now mom i'm i know i know but i'm talking about now i have no idea what i want to do i'm 18. but why should i it might have nothing to do with my life so it'll just be a big waste of time okay fine you got me i said it was a waste of time bye you told your parents you dropped out no the credit card company did they got a notification my tuition was refunded so are they no they're not okay with it they want me to get a job oh wow i know right like why like i'm still a student like i'm still enrolled in social media marketing conflict resolution okay we just learned conflict resolution in class i don't need that i just need my parents to stop overreacting that's good that's the first step acknowledge your feelings you're frustrated well obviously i don't need them dictating my life what second step acknowledge your parents feelings i don't want to acknowledge their feelings they're stupid not to them they probably think they're the good guys good guys aren't controlling okay if my life was a movie they'd be like yoda or something i think yoda was actually a good guy it doesn't matter point is they're just frustrated and disappointed that their precious little daughter isn't some robot that they can control good you did it okay next step is why do you think they feel that way no next step is i cry have a mental breakdown and get a job i'll help you with that the job part this is all my fault i should have never had you guys do acting exercises um big freeze ice cream they need scoopers i'll get fat okay what about the university cafeteria they wear hair nets um oh okay here's one i think it's a tech company they're looking for a personal assistant dulas you know it i think so personal assistant yeah i think it is a tech company this could be a good fit dulas do you guys even know what a doula is it's like an app right no it's someone who supports women during childbirth ew simon come on in i'm almost ready these are my roommates skyler maddie hey what's up oh we're just trying to find maddie a job oh where you guys looking anywhere everywhere ideally somewhere where she can use her skills like social media makeup tick-tock trends my roommate actually works at the coffee shop on campus they're short stuffed and they're hiring or that which one sugar daddies oh that one's good you can make coffee it's minimum wage plus tips they actually have really good coffee and cute uniforms i'll i'll text them right now i'll help you with your resume when we get back thank you i don't have one i think he's working right now oh and i have a cover letter template you can use here just put your contact info in there i'll give it to his manager are you sure yeah they do a lot of hiring off of referral so okay well let's put together a formal application when we get back resume references selfie maddie what are you doing sending my picture that's not how jobs work you can't just text a selfie to a prospective employer you have to approach it professionally so they know you're serious um can you interview it 13 today never mind networking for the win um be on time boss is a stickler for punctuality get ready i'll drive you we'll drop you on our way see the real world isn't so bad if they ask for a resume just say your printer broke and you'll email it tomorrow are we leaving too early no it's fine this way there's a little extra cushion in case something bad happens what do i have a flat tire that's bad it is why don't i just order an uber good idea okay let's see the next ubers is [Music] 25 minutes away no we have to fix this okay um do you know how to fix a flat tire yeah yeah i mean how hard could it be right um i i don't see one um look under it says you gotta flip it up okay yeah here we go thank god there's a guy here oh what what happened i cut my hand on the tire yeah um i'm bleeding i'm sorry that's okay uh that's okay here come sit down uh keep it raised i have a clean town in the back seat looks like we're on our own girls simon there's still a very important job for you what if i'm not getting this job i'm getting a post keep it vertical got it use this to loosen the nuts what are the nuts i don't know guys we're women we can figure out what nuts are oh okay it fits here those are the nuts okay just um just loosen them don't take them off gentle gentle with the nuts oh my god why are they called nuts okay they won't budge okay um other way no counterclockwise it won't go harder come on emily pound them okay i am trying i have never done this before maddie help getting these nuts off is gonna be a two-woman job okay that's it yep no mercy girls okay now just do all of them [Music] [Music] okay this is the jack and it goes here and then this hugs here okay now what jack it up yes okay keep going okay you got to get it off the ground okay keep jacking i'm jacking as fast as i can stop saying jacking put your body into it just help her simon keep the camera steady okay [Music] oh [Laughter] we can do hard things wait you can still make it let's go we need to clean that no i'm i'm fine i might get infected yeah i can do it myself skyler yeah you have your license right yeah but my picture's bad you're driving okay i can do this i can do this i can't do this why it's a stick come on it's easy you've seen me okay you just push that pedal down as you change gears and then slowly let it out as you add more gas it goes one two three four but you only need three oh my god you can do it skyler go go go go start up in neutral what's neutral that's the middle just yeah okay [Music] i am not responsible for this you are freaking amazing [Music] i'm sorry it's okay how am i doing i mean this is textbook nursing yeah you think i can do it yeah you didn't pass out from seeing all my blood that's gotta be a good sign yeah i think you're an er nurse after seeing you change that tire you get it done maybe that's where the action is what kind of nurse are you i don't know i kind of like being a patient right now you're cute sorry i ruined our date you didn't we can study here oh how's that yeah it's good yeah is it gonna stay on yeah i think so looks good okay uh move your fingers it works it's still working yeah it's working should we start studying yes we should let's study where should we start [Music] um that is the tricuspid valve yeah okay uh direction of the blood flow starting with the right atrium go okay uh right ventricle pulmonary arteries lung capillaries for oxygen but then back to the heart uh pulmonary veins left atrium left ventricle and then all over again nice oh my sorry how'd it go where's maddie ladies and gentlemen i introduced to you the newest sugar baby oh my god yes maddie you did it isn't it cute look how cute i am oh it is so cute you were the cutest she's gonna kill it what are you gonna be doing everything cappuccinos and icing on donuts drinking ice lattes all day oh maybe you'll be the drive-thru girl welcome to sugar daddies how can i make your life a little sweeter today oh my god this is amazing i am so happy hurry up someone is barf in the men's room let's go [Music] hey who did that yeah come on banana who keeps hitting me we just got banana peel everybody's slipping on my banana peels yes i won no you didn't what skyler won no yeah i'm top left no i'm the princess no you're the mushroom guy i'm the mushroom yeah you're toad you just kept crashing into that wall i'm not the princess not the princess i thought it was the princess [Music] [Applause] i will kiss thy lips happily some poison doth hang on them thy lips are warm oh happy dagger this is thy sheath let me die what is that romeo and juliet where's the romance it's a tragedy mom like everyone dies at the end i thought it was a romance it was for our shakespeare scene studies we had to audition well it was great i loved it i thought it was romantic she just told you it's not oh okay other parts of the play are romantic this was just the ending well it's very dark and excellent well i want it to be different they've been encouraging us to be bold take chances be a little crazy i've been embracing that make the most of every opportunity exactly well not too crazy but you will be julia for sure born to play that role absolutely our snowflake special snowflake yes i know say it back i'm your snowflake okay you don't have to call me that anymore we call you that because you're one of a kind yes i know i gotta go we love you stay safe bye sorry you had to hear that only daughter always been there special snowflake what's the matter simon oh my god what happened are you okay did he do something what a jerk these are to make up for something bad aren't they he cheated didn't he what a little no or he lied some guys can't help themselves they do it all the time he didn't lie is it the bachelor he doesn't like the bachelor no he loves it he even watched it with me he's good i'm just not ready for this meaning what if he's the one oh i did not think that would happen at this stage of my life i thought i'd date a bunch of losers first and i wouldn't have to worry about this but i feel like i'm crashing into reality and i have to make all these decisions i am not ready to make when we're going out again later today okay well he's not proposing to you they're just flowers not that serious he gave me his grandmother's bracelet okay that's serious this is not the stage i want to be at i haven't even stolen his hoodie yet oh the hoodie stage is good yeah that's what i've heard okay you know what stop putting so much pressure on yourself just talk to him maybe he didn't mean anything maybe his grandma owns like a pawn shop it's been two weeks look at maddie she's been at her job two weeks and she's not freaking out are you guys on the same cycle maddie hey are you okay i quit what why what happened they were gonna fire me why because i suck no you don't yes i do i can't do the latte art thingy because apparently mine is too abstract and also i suck at math and i give out the wrong change and also they don't like the time emotional and cry in front of customers did they also say you used too many air quotes what am i good at i don't get anything just stupid videos wait what the hell what's the matter 49.7 49.7 i had 50.1 i lost 400 followers see you're good at math they're leaving me everybody my my job and my followers and my family hey okay we're not going anywhere okay this is all i have and i can't i can't do anything look at all my followers they're just all a bunch of losers no they're not then why else would they follow me [Music] no i'm not i'm so big that i literally googled butt implants yesterday we've all done that [Music] ugly without my makeup and my eyelashes and and i i just should post fail videos because [Laughter] hey hey it's okay okay look at me you're not fake okay you're real calm down okay you're fine come with me you need to lie down [Music] [Music] emily emily what come here what what is going on maddie's tick tock's going viral what for real yes this is great we should tell her no no no we can't tell her why not because i posted her meltdown you what she recorded the whole thing look no i can't do it i can't do it i have nothing how could you do this without her permission she said she wanted to post fail videos i don't know i was thinking of my acting brav he says we have to take chances okay not like this you you don't take chances for other people i know i didn't think it through you have to delete it well i was going to but every time i refresh he's like 500 new followers 200 000. oh my god okay uh just maybe let it build up and then delete it before she wakes up what are the comments um what did i just watch you're not fake you're pathetic this sums up everything wrong with gen z oh my god skye we have to stop this who's that hey simon hey are you ready uh yes almost come in [Music] where are we going again my mom's house great yeah okay uh i was just finishing getting ready hey how's it going oh hey um i'm just on my phone i'm addicted to my phone what's going on uh i'm just following uh some stocks yeah i'm following some stocks very closely how are the stocks doing they're still going up are you invested yeah yeah i'm infested yeah with maddie we're both invested uh who's gonna be there my mom and my sister and her boyfriend okay so like a double date well they're not really dating they're engaged oh yeah you'll love them they're super cool my my sister she's a designer and she makes wedding dresses wow yeah no no uh well on the stock well for your sister too just be careful she might ask you to try one on or something really yeah well she always needs bridal models oh my god i know she'd be amazing right [Music] skye what's uh happening is it time to sell this dog yes yes no maybe i don't know before it crashes my my brother's husband he's a financial analyst and he actually he knows a lot about this sort of stuff and then my sister's husband is anybody not married in your family just me i'm not i'm the baby so much pressure i know every every family event everyone's always like i guess you're next all right i'm kind of like the third wheel of my family so it'll be really good to have you emily this is serious i know we're late we should get going okay i think we should break up oh i'm sorry this is too fast [Music] okay i'm sorry um is it is it something i no no no look okay it's not you it's me i'm i'm just not ready i i'm not ready for commitment and i have a lot going on and and and i i need to slow down and and i need to step back and my friends they need me and i don't want to hurt you but i need you to go in and i'll call you later why not i don't know um i'm sorry i just i can't be the girlfriend you want me to be right now okay okay i'm so sorry i'm such an evil we both are maddie i'm really sorry i never should have posted that uh look how famous i am i'm so sorry [Music] instant karma what i'm not julian what part did you get the nurse what's the nurse juliet's maiden old ugly nurse juliet will be played by the girl who brought the professor at starbucks i think my parents lied to me i'm i'm not a special snowflake i'm just snow yeah well my romeo's gone too actually what are you doing here i um i i i gave this to you i want you to keep it no it's it's too much i i can't take your family heirloom it's actually technically not a family or them what my grandma was gonna check it out she's still alive she has a lot of old jewelry i thought you might like this one it's kind of classic but it's it's not a family heirloom it's just a cheap bracelet it might be fake i'm sorry you deserve better hang on if it's fake then that changes everything you want it i want it [Music] and i want your hoodie too okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: YAPTV
Views: 2,300,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teens movie 2022, cinderella spoof, college love movie 2022, comedy movies prime, comedy series 2021 netflix, girl without a phone cinderella story, high school series netflix, high school web series netflix, netflix romcom, new short film love story 2022, pauline chalamet, princess movies 2021, rom com, romcom, romcom movies, romcom series, romcom series netflix, sex lives of college girls, sitcom 2022, teen sitcom, teenager movies 2022, tv series, tv series english comedy
Id: 40rz37O4MRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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