CHICKEN GIRLS | Season 3 | Marathon

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[Music] previously on chicken girls this is the song we listen to when we're younger it gets me really pumped up this is going to be the best year ever here's the deal ryan and tk are best friends and he's like a brother to all of us boyfriends over best friends he's just my friend we have a new team manager meet our newest member my very own baby brother is going to help us stay on track and crush power surge once and for all we're friends right friends go on dates with other people yeah friends who's this nerd ace this is flash kindergarten best friend dungeon master and comrade whatever am i talking to my friend tk or ace's friend tk i'm happy you're back in town it's star wars tonight see you later guys power switch is gonna leave your little group in the dust i'm a dancer singing is just something i do in the show i can't be at both the dance meet and the concert i can't be in two places at one time no ellie nobody the akwa armadillos what do we do i think you're gonna have to go in without her guys kayla's right we're a team we can't go on without ellie she couldn't be in two places at once so she's bringing the concert to the dance meet when do we dance now [Music] robin robbins you can take the girl out of attaway but you can't take out away out of this old lady ellie got discovered by robin robbins music producer and she invited us to her recording studio in malibu you're gonna have to ditch that dreary life in attaway now the question is are you in [Music] how are we gonna crush anyone without a team we just gotta find more dancers i have a feeling we're not in attaway anymore and you're your 2018 champions our power surge now that state's over we have nothing to look forward to we start the sprinkling having observed your carefree attitudes and overheard your incessant singing i have decided to cancel this year's spring fling we demand a recount what kind of a terrible person would have a good spring fling ma'am are you all right i just wish i could have had one last game the dance is back on there's something i gotta tell you flash's dad invited us to l.a this summer the whole summer [Music] it's okay that's right good girl [Music] such a drama queen harmony [Music] hi ellie's here mommy could we go play outside just stay on our street okay watch out there's a new girl in town hi i'm ryan and this is ellie who are you i'm birdie i like your name yeah it's cool that's my brother tk rise and shine time to wake up it's your first day of high school are you ready at least brush my teeth [Music] first [Music] come on it's so exciting everything will be different it's high school days will be longer the classes will be harder the boys will be taller and the girls will be a lot leaner what's wrong suddenly i'm worried about what to wear you haven't planned your outfit out yet good thing i'm up early to help you let's go [Music] [Music] here goes nothing just the start of another year only it's not just any other year it's freshman year it's just high school we're still on ataway it's like last year yeah except not at all i'm in a deeply committed relationship but we're still the chicken girls aren't we of course we are i am so nervous are you guys nervous because i just i really want people to like me and we like you i hope there's not too much homework cause i hate homework yeah spending my summer studying was just amazing yeah we really missed her at camp this year [Music] hey girl apparently i missed a lot at camp there's so many people don't worry i studied the yearbook here's what i know those are the jocks obviously those are the nerds but the cool nerds they're into 80s movies and vinyl those are the real nerds i'm talking dungeons and dragons risk any other board game that i haven't even heard of steer clear the kylie jenner wannabes and their hypebeast boyfriends the future politicians and those are the queen bees beatrice brittany and the becky's they rule the dance team i've heard about them none of it's good ryan you trying out for the dance team this year aren't we all i heard there's only going to be five spots that's it oh god i am so nervous after everything that's happened with robin robbins and all that i just i need to get back into dance let's meet before try out so we can practice works for me uh i'd have to check with flash but i think our schedule's clear guys there's only five spots there's more than five of us not all of us are gonna make it i'm having serious deja vu [Music] all right bro you ready for this remember we got a brand to protect we were the kings of middle school we were so many hotties here not like you would care what can i say i'm a one-woman man what you are is you're whipped kayla has you wrapped around her finger we do bicker like an old married couple sometimes sometimes but isn't it awesome going into high school and having a girlfriend uh yeah no way dude look around babe's everywhere so where were you this morning isn't it still morning we were supposed to walk in together oh shoot i forgot i noticed that's tk i thought he'd be with you don't sign a birdie either maybe they're just running late what's up ladies you got my text ew keep walking ketchup packet who's the other guy he's cute that's ty football player dude's a legend well he was until he got injured thanks man i really appreciate it any time though ladies love a nice guy who helps out be gone what's this what crutches i thought you'd be walking by now be an acl injury or recovery is nine months maybe eight if i do all my stretches uh so what are you gonna do now i don't know um i like singing maybe join the choir no huh absolutely not i did not put in all this work for to be some choir boy ty i'm sorry it's over wait what what's happening you heard me i'm breaking up with you wait just like that wait beer be it wait get well soon becky let's go [Music] did you hear him nine months ah and tied so much promise a football star he was perfect not anymore what a loser he wasn't always a loser though don't you get it i made him cool i chose ty i turned him from a loser into a legend whatever i could do that to any guy i wanted any guy yeah just no more athletes too great at risk what about that guy you could make that guy cool watch me hi i'm beatrice hi i'm tim do you mind holding this next on the agenda lab partners yes the person you're sitting with will be yours for the rest of the semester so take a few minutes and get to know each other thank god i didn't have to sit next to christopher peterson his halitosis is out of control seriously like brush your teeth i'm rooney stephanie right you're from the overnights uh yeah i used to be well what happened it was an interesting summer the band broke up sorry no it's cool it gives me more free time to pursue my other interests oh look what skateboarding in the 80s new wave modern art i love going to art exhibits i'm a photographer so i have an appreciation oh well actually i'm going to this black and white photo exhibit at this museum after school today it's going to be tight you should come with okay i mean why not i mean i love old photos there's something so nostalgic about them right it's like floyds are the original instagram totally cool please don't set up any more fire alarms it's the first day spike can't make any promises what sort of trouble are you in i'm not in trouble why else would you be here family drama it's trouble all right oh hey do you know room 302 is i didn't know there was a room three or two so i'll see what that saturday night i don't know just thinking of it gives me deja vu what stage are we just asking hey how was your day not so bad actually made some new friends you ready to go to the movies i made some pv and jace to sneak in shoot um i actually made plans with stephanie but i'll call you later who's stephanie should we run through the choreo one more time i'm so tired i haven't even started yet remy okay yes i'm fine do this okay then and five six seven well what do we have here early birds catching worms since you're all already here we may as well get started but birdie isn't even here yet i'm sorry did someone say something okay grab a number now ryan what are you doing this is too much pathetic anyone else thinking of wimping out now's your chance good let's begin [Music] what am i doing [Music] well now what did we hear oh the drama i wasn't i was going to try out for the dance team but clearly i can't do it no my dear clearly you were meant for the theater here rodeo and juliet it's a new twist on a shakespeare classic auditions are next week oh we're the best give thanks to the ones you love yeah [Music] that my dear is drake and yes he plays and sings i have a certain knack for spotting those with a special gift angie meet your new protege ryan i'm ryan welcome watch and learn isn't he a genius [Music] hmm t.k what's going on my parents are getting divorced what yeah my dad's moving back to texas [Music] i'm sorry it's okay texas that's pretty far yeah but birdie's saying well yeah yeah you are too right right t.k [Music] i don't know yet i'm sorry [Music] you have no right to be putting tk in this position i'm his dad not even frozen waffles come on i can't take this fight anymore dad just needs to stay at a hotel or he should just decide not to move to texas he's splitting the entire family up breakfast is the most important meal of the day or whatever good morning is it yeah i don't need the attitude we're all just trying to figure this out you make a choice yet tk why do you keep asking him why are you trying to split the family up birdie please stop yelling i wonder where i get it from come on tk he needs to stay here and back i have a lot to think about whatever family dinner at seven don't be late but i know this is a big decision but you really have to make a choice by tonight hey good you're hearing so were you what's wrong nothing just stuff at home i really had to get out of there this morning i get it yeah yeah if you need an escape there's a cool band playing at the heatwave tonight i get in for free because my older brother sends up the owner i can i have a dinner tonight well if you change your mind you know where to find me we said 7 30. do you know what time it is there was a really long line at the coffee shop no excuses do you even want to be on the varsity dance team we can always demote you to jv did you write my paper for me yes 1 000 words in the scarlet letter it better not be copy and pasted from spark notes kimmy i said an ice chai not mocha i can't even drink coffee oops looks like you have some cleaning to do let's go bees these rookies are giving me a migraine am i the only one that thought that was ridiculous it sucks but what else are we supposed to do dance is my life me too but the bees are horrible they're so mean this is unacceptable i don't know about you girls but i'm not spending the rest of my freshman year being bullied and pushed around we need a mutiny mutiny see if we all quit the dance team there won't be enough members to compete so then they'll have no choice but to be nicer and we get to stay on the team exactly we need to stick together though or else it won't work remember power in numbers i'm in me too same i guess okay so tomorrow after rehearsal we take a stand [Music] so this is how it's supposed to be i remember when some new ghost tell me i guess this is what it feels like [Music] what are you doing here supposed to be at school yeah yeah i know look okay you're my boyfriend but you're also my best friend and i want to be part of this decision so let's just hang out for the rest of the day and maybe that will make your decision easier i ain't gonna be in trouble i kind of sent an email from my mom's computer to the principal saying i was sick rhyme i know but i needed to see you that's a lot of stuff it's all your dads uh yeah we're all still kind of sorting it out you know everything's gonna be okay right we're stronger than this let's go [Music] um hello anybody here the lighting's a little dramatic don't you think you've been chosen ellie or what we've picked you picked me for what we have decided after much deliberation that you will be the fifth bee we always have five and brianna went to boarding school so we've been in the market and you're the lucky winner you guys want me to be a bee that's right well not yet usually we start with the trial period there's a lot of work to be done a lot starting with your name robin robbins thought i should be a brook perfect now brooke do you understand what it means to be a b it means power it means getting what you want it means all the girls admire you and all the boys want to be with you you're one of us you're loyal to us no more stupid chicken girls ellie was a chicken girl brooke is a bee the chicken girls are middle school the bees are high school so are you in or do you want to make the worst decision of your life and be a loser all four years of high school the choice is up to you we will only make this offer once and if you say no you'll be blacklisted by the bees forever but once you're b you're b for life assuming you don't cross us and we'll always have your back again unless you cross us hey hamilton hey quinn is rooney here ah she just left i've been trying to hang out with her all week do you want to come in uh no don't worry i'm making sandwiches you want i love sandwiches i had a lot of fun today ryan every day can be like this but we can't cut school every day yeah okay maybe not every day but it could be like this you know you me and that way okay it's just not that simple ryan but shouldn't it be just because two people love each other and want to be together doesn't mean it always works out lick my parents i get it it's a big decision i i just don't know what to do i say you sleep on it that's what my mom always tells me to do if i've got a big decision to make i can come by early tomorrow and we can talk it out i don't i don't think that we should do that until you make a decision it's already hard enough you're right then i'll see you tomorrow morning ryan we'll talk tomorrow oh good you're not late we have someone we need to introduce you to dance team minions meet the newest queen bee brooke wait what are you serious you're a traitor i really hope you feel good about yourself ellie it's brook now well that's stupid this whole queen bee concept is so dumb you can't just change your name well that's super rude don't you agree brooke brooke wasn't that really rude of luna to say yes i guess and no way to treat a friend teammate and most importantly a bee brooke don't you think luna should apologize for being so rude oh it's fine really it's not a big deal anything no brooke she needs to say sorry luna apologize to brooke i'm sorry ellie no that's not her name say it right and say it like you mean it you're such a follower brooke if you don't tell her to apologize she'll be kicked off the team maybe you should just do it i'm sorry brooke cheer up brooke you're about to be one of the most popular girls in school is what happened this morning hey yourself can you turn down that tv would you rather just sit here and listen to them screaming at each other you know what we don't just have to sit here and listen to them argue we're supposed to have dinner together so we can just sit there and pretend that mom and dad don't hate each other oh yeah sounds like a real joy hey what time does the band go on okay i'll meet you there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] winter is fine on my own [Music] still here he just said i'm sorry [Music] um tell me where it's gone to start again just won't let me go oh [Music] the pieces of this [Music] foreign everyone knows a new beginning starts with a good sage bath not anyone i know it's a hollywood thing angelino's invented the r of reinvention this bookland survives or at least that's what my shaman says okay i guess i'll trust you and trust me when i say forget tk high school is rhymes time to shine a new year a new you thanks you always tell me what i need to hear go make me proud [Music] look at this i'm so excited to see what you got me i already got you a gift oh yeah me too i already got it you better be planning already planning me when am i ever unprepared where's your sock oh all right i'm gonna admit it i forgot it but socks are just a social construct okay allergies again here take this where would i be without you oh my god good but not great i give it a six out of ten better than a five that's a d plus d for do not wear again but don't worry we can definitely turn the ship around you'll look totally different in no time how to be you don't just become a badass b overnight what happened before was just to see if you can be a bee now we have to teach you how to be a being dress code is on page six so read it all and your first lesson my books oh look who it is the paltry women hey ali when you address one of us you need to address all of us shouldn't you do the same for us we like who we like and we hate who we hate it's not a double standard because we're not equals we were just wondering if we were hanging out after school ellie number one her name is brooke address her by her name number two she'll pass rsvp no and three this social exchange is over you're not gonna say anything we are going to go get lattes do you want anything ah i'm good thanks i'll just get my own though don't worry about it you're one of us now rule 45 of how to be always have a latte in hand or stomach oh uh then i guess if you're going i'll have a uh green tea match latte extra matcha added shroud of espresso no whip got it catch you later brooke bye subordinate [Applause] things are really changing around here [Music] whoa slow down there speed racing sorry i yeah algebra wasting time before i get there i got an equation for you me plus you tonight i can't i have movie night with the girls movie night with the girls i couldn't think of a lamer sequence of words you just said what are you guys even watching uh the notebook sounds like school to me not exactly but it's pathetic all right well if you wanna do something actually fun hit me up otherwise catch late [Music] okay thank you thank you timothy appreciate it okay i think we have our cast um everybody auditioned right here's your new beginnings we got everybody great oh well if it isn't my weeping willow so glad you made it and g your protege has arrived i wanna audition and what pray tell will you be auditioning for what role um juliet really okay that's an audacious choice for a first-timer i love it let's see what you got [Music] well i know i got him but i think that's something else just might begin there's a pool on my heart that tells me something's bound to start and you got me all figured out now everything's new and i don't know what to do i gotta figure it out before it's too late cause somebody's if i told him the truth it will break apart the world that we both knew but you got me all figured out now everything's new and i don't know what to [Music] somebody's heart wow that was incredible wasn't that great you know i knew there's something special about her [Music] she's incredible right she's fine a little pitchy [Music] hey girls my name is ace i'm lit welcome to school hope you guys have a great year and uh hit me up i'll see you girls around catch you later [Music] bro this is not middle school anymore these babes are another level you said it i mean kaylin and i have our three-month anniversary next week i have no clue what i'm gonna do see if i'm gonna get a woman and you're gonna keep yours we need to up our game and how are we gonna do that we need to expand our brand get some new dj equipment maybe new clothes our whole approach has to be different new approach what i'm saying is we need to buy them things roses jewelry donuts we should take them places restaurants up here a petting zoo there's not even a pair around here actually i know exactly what we need cash i mean you know what they say no money no problems but i have no money and a lot of problems so at this point i'll try anything question is how i mean i heard there was a lot of money in oil i appreciate you thinking big but we need to get rich quick i got it let's go [Music] hey you need help oh no it's fine i got it i'm such a mess totally cool it happens to the best of us oh you're hurt now i feel really bad ah trust me if i wanted you to feel bad i wouldn't be helping you i'm sorry i know um i mean i'm luna thanks again um what happened to your leg i uh tore my acl playing football oh i'm sorry it's fine injury is a part of the game i guess you know plus it gives me more time to focus on other things well maybe you should come to this praise it's a youth choir it sounds stupid but it's not it's like a religious group huh yeah it's at my church my dad's the pastor but it's super fun though i swear no it sounds fun i'm i'm just not really religious um but i'll still think about it though hi my god what's up man gotta run low walk but it was nice meeting you hopefully i see you around again absolutely i mean yeah totally hope to see you again too as you all know we had incredible turnout this year for the cast of rodeo and juliet i had a very difficult time casting all of the leads was it and i'm very excited to announce this year's cast list rodeo will be played by drake the role of juliet will be played by angie and the nurse will be played by rye who will also be understudying juliet by the way okay i can work with that if it's any consolation i thought you were more than understudy material thanks you're pretty good too how long have you been doing theater long enough i heard this was your first time yeah it is now that i'm not on the dance team wait wait she can dance and sing what can she do trust me a whole lot well i'm glad you stepped out of your comfort zone yeah the theater's glad to have you and so am i [Music] fergie isn't coming is she no i think i figured that out in the first 40 minutes look even fluffy's bummed me too fluffy me too i mean i know she's going through hard times but this sucks we tried [Music] quinn honey you okay not really high school's so weird what's going on everything's so different now and everyone's just off doing their own things why don't you plan something for all the girls to do together just like old times thanks mom oh okay you guys are here we need a ketchup sesh i feel like i know nothing about your guys's lives anymore i know this guy's been so different dance used to bring us all together so now we gotta find other things to bring us together like what spa staycation tonight we can have it at my house harmony just got all of these like new sample beauty products from this really fancy brand in italy wants to work with or something um i can't do tonight me and flash have a three-month anniversary can't you reschedule three months is kind of an important milestone i'm still in ellie she's probably too busy with her new friends excuse me i can make it i just need to make sure that the bees don't find out also now that we're at school please call me brooke you'll always be an ellie to us see you guys tonight so bumped i can't come next time is about staying on your toes it helps keep your focus come on does she even know how to zip zap zop zip that's okay ryan why don't you just start it again zip [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay everyone uh new pairs drake why don't you partner with rhyme and show her how to do the mirroring exercise [Music] but this is not that hard okay one of us leads in the other mirrors you got this i'll go first i feel so stupid i don't know any of this stuff because it's some serious life skills come on now you see my days a little different a mind frame i didn't know existed you never let the rain get twisted see it's not that hard it's really not rocket science i think angie hates me she's just intimidated by you why she's the big star just a nobody and nobody who showed a freshman year no acting experience and landed the understudy role of the lead i wanna know what part she got her freshman year chorus member number two no she didn't if you go through the old yearbook pics you'll see okay cast i'd really like to ground ourselves before we start any of our scene work so i need everybody to lie flat on their backs find a nice comfortable spot on the ground and we'll go ahead and dim the lights all right everybody we're going to try to align our spines if even one single vertebrae is out of whack it can throw our entire system off and as we all know our bodies are our instruments right that's right let's start with some deep breathing exercises [Music] in with good air focus focus every single exercise is to be taken seriously after all this is theater [Music] wow rooney these are amazing i'm still learning but the new dark room is really cool too bad mom didn't let you turn the basement to a dark room well when you get your own place you can have a big beautiful dark room of your own i was just messing around and the lighting in this one yeah i love it so artsy these days hey ladies what's so funny uh inside joke wouldn't make any sense all right i'm gonna go develop the rest of these but i'll catch up with you guys later mind if i come with you i'd love to see how the rest of them turn out yeah definitely high school am i right high school um can i actually talk to you for a second yeah what's up i suck at math and if i fail another test mr rossing's going to call my mom and i remember rooney saying that you're really good at math say no more i would love to do to you thanks hamilton you're the best um we probably shouldn't mention this journey right yeah definitely not things are weird enough with her as it is whatever happened to your tim sharp plan it's still in the work stuff sounds like you're scared i'm not scared i'm being strategic so what's your strategy then can you all just relax i have a plan hey guys what's going on none of your beeswax lol beeswax i get it [Music] so what have you guys been up to why is this awkward guys we've been friends forever yeah i know it's just i feel like you guys are mad at me because of the whole bee thing and i'm not mad i think we're just sad because things are changing yeah but maybe that's normal i mean people get older grow apart you know but we're the chicken girls we don't grow apart remember we're birds of a feather we fly together come on you guys okay remember that time we went to six flags we made rhyme go on that roller coaster with us and she barfed yeah actually i do remember that quite vividly actually i'd throw up all over my head and it was really gross yeah sorry about that kind of learned my lesson oh wait do you guys remember when our moms took us camping and quinn started crying there's a bear right [Music] here's some samples they sent me face masks nail polish and lotion go to town ladies i'm about to get a snail facial okay but you're nine it's actually been proven to have significant anti-aging effects never too early to have preventative measures well there you go oh my god guys i have such a good idea okay just hear me out hear me out don't knock it till you try it okay [Music] something has come over me got all the feels [Music] [Music] i'm gonna [Music] moving all around like i'm upside [Music] is everything okay oh yeah yeah it's it's just my mom checking in on me well then if it's your mom shouldn't you answer it it could be an emergency no no uh everything's fine ellie your phone's blowing up are you sure it's not an emergency i'm totally sure you know that's uh it's it's fine um i'll just maybe i'll just shut it off turn it on silent he seemed super stressed you know supposed to be relaxing i'm so relaxed are you kidding me this is me being relaxed like you look like a swamp creature you laugh now but wait until i'm 40. i'll have skin like a 25 year old that's weird we're not expecting anyone can i help you we're here for breath i actually was just finishing up some study stuff um our moms our friends and they they wanted us to save it okay we were sort of in the middle of a spa staycation with like two friends and a kindergartner wow how fun excuse me i'm in third grade were we talking to you let's go brooke we have plans brooke this is your last chance or else it's back to lane little freshman ellie [Music] there are some choice words i like to say about those girls that i picked up while on set but in the interest of keeping the spa night classy i'll refrain i can't believe her she'll come around right i don't know at least we still leave each other even if you are super busy with the musical actually i need something kind of big to tell you oh my god me too but you can go first is it about tk no i'm over tk and i know i'm over tk because i kind of have a crush on someone oh my god who drake oh he's such a hottie you do know that theater kids are like super nerdy and like weird but he's not he's like actually like really cool like european sophisticated kind of cool are you gonna tell them no why not we're in a musical together if that goes south that's going to make for a really awkward few minutes what about at the cast party i'll think about it okay so what about you what's your big news i told you my secret okay okay i kind of like someone too and and it's complicated and and he's goofy it's like pulling teeth tell me i've known him forever who is it he really likes sandwiches ellie you almost ready breakfast is on the table mom i told you it's brooke i am not calling you that ridiculous name you're ellie you need to sit up straight and make sure when you're here you brush your teeth hello brooke robin robbins robbie hi you look good what are you doing here be nice to our guests please our guests um what's going on actually i was just leaving and i am gonna be staying you're staying mom i don't understand what's going on your mother owes me a favor from 1987. it's a long story she's repaying me by hosting robbie while i go on tour actually robbie is going to be taking over the guest room for a little bit but it's going to be nice to have a smart young man staying around the house i mean don't you think get excited roomy [Music] dude why are we here it's so early you're still wearing the same outfit trust me dude i'm exhausted but we're here now we got a huge day ahead of us what are we gonna do about money i told kayla that her anniversary present was in the mail and now she's asking for tracking numbers and mail notifications got it all figured out presenting sup sup sup whoa is that your voice sure is all you got to do is pick a friend and send them sup that's it genius right only cost 99 cents a download and how did you learn how to make an app found a template online whip something together and now we goss up literally anyone could do it even you wow the future really is here give me your phone what's up now all we got to do is sell it to everyone we know and pretty soon we'll be rolling in dough sup what's up what's up look i've got something really good going for me this year so i'd appreciate it if you kept your distance what you don't want people to see with the hot new boyfriend in town ew no i get it you don't want to be seen in public with me it's all good good see you later roomie who's that piece of me and me just robbie robbins new blood fun i call dibs trust me you don't want to go there he's a total player kind of a jerk then why do you hang out with him because her mom's are friends and he's sort of living with me for a while lucky does he ever change with the door open okay i'm going to math early i'll catch you guys later don't forget we have plans after school good work on the outfit major improvement she's so lucky she gets to see that hottie robbie every day what about you beatrice how is your man my man yeah your new little project ty 2.0 what was his name again tim tim sharp and don't worry i'll be debuting a new boy twin halloween i made this for you cut off the cuts just like you like it oh thanks hey guys hey one crutch very cool finally got a free hand i cannot believe you're still dating this loser hey quit it or get lost henry let's go well that was embarrassing actually he does have a point why are you still with me why wouldn't i who else is going to sing ukulele songs about me and cut off the cross with my sandwiches right i do do all that for you it's just feels like you've been m.i.a lately what do you mean well you always got cool plans with stephanie okay i'm sorry i'll try to make more time for you starting now cool you want to study together after school um after school not a good time i have the newspaper bit uh another time [Music] yes mr levine looks like there's been a family emergency you should go to the principal's office winner uh kind of principal's office family emergency um yeah but how did you know that i'm a family emergency wait what are you ready for spike and brady's day off don't tell anybody we gotta go i'ma want a man what's up what's up dude this is crazy i have so many unopened subs how many people downloaded this 83 that's 83 dude bro that's like more than i had before gentlemen sup hey you hey sorry i was focusing something i'm really busy i'm working on a story about the school's decaying infrastructure these lockers have cracks all over them well i've got an anonymous tip about infrastructure it's my number here's the tip text me that wasn't very anonymous okay rodeo rodeo wherefore art this rodeo what is in a name that which we call a horse by any other name would still smell like manure angie are you okay just a tickle let's continue rodeo so what do you think what angie and she's great you don't sound so sure come on you can be honest with me i am wisely and slow cowboy they that stumble run fast yeehaw okay i know what if when she said cowboy she should curtsy and maybe tip her hat a little see amazing what you have a knack for this just tell mr stanson oh no i do not want to overstep my boundaries okay i'll tell them just a minute it's dancing here's a thumb what if when she says cowboy she does curtsy and tilt her like this i love it angie do as the vanderkin says drake you're so inspired actually it was rhyme's suggestion rhyme wow very good i see you study very well angie watch out she's gonna be as good as you in no time yeehaw what's up what's up hey ellie what's up what's up god nothing is up why does everybody keep asking me that oh [ __ ] yeah and there's this coffee shop in venice and they make the best flat one you should try sounds amazed i love l.a robbie want to come to the arcade with us yeah i want to hear more about los angeles brooke you're coming too right oh yeah of course so that coffee shop yeah hey oh hi how are you forever yeah it's been so crazy so do you want to hang out are you free i've actually gotta robbie's back yeah it's a long story i've got time let me guess you don't i'm really sorry i have to hang with mindy's and robbie robbins it's cool i get it [Music] sup what's up new fan oh yeah it's amazing now your little app has ruined my day everywhere i go i hear choruses of sap yeah it's that well that's actually my voice like on the recording thankfully i'll never have to hear it again are you gonna murder ace what no what i mean is look your app is banned from the school and school run premises what for how long from now on to forever and that's what's up well it was cool it lasted a whole 117 downloads i still don't know how you did it i promised everyone 50 cents back on each download they used their parents credit cards so it wasn't even our money and now we are 59 richie my friend you really are a genius that'll be 29 for you 30 for me i'm majority owner obviously no this is enough for a movie ticket i made plans with kayla tonight are you sure people can't find us here it's like magic nobody can see us today was surprisingly fun even though we almost got caught at the coffee shop by my mom can i say not have fun yeah we're back at school yeah but at the stadium that doesn't even count plus you know what to see what goes on around here what do they say so that's what they said [Music] i'm so sorry i forgot i just no no i'm sorry we need to nail this are you in a dancer brook keep up or get out um maybe try and get some atmosphere shots okay like around the room or yeah i'm like of signs into the gym and then the dancer aesthetics hashtag pep rally vibes exactly um i'm gonna go down there to get some insights yeah let's go cool i can't believe how excited everybody is of course nothing like a little tribalism to inspire the masses what out of wavers smell it gets everyone going i still can't believe ellie even made the dance team i know i feel bad these are glaring at her she looks so nervous whatever she dropped us like flies karma's a real bee i don't know she just sucks so much she's changed i miss the old only yeah uh oh i think she's gonna puke yup that's definitely her puke face [Music] who would do this millwood obviously my mom told me that they'd always do something to psych out attaway before a big game we can't let him get away with this am i right bees we don't know for sure it was them this is a little out of left field what about robbie robbins okay maybe let's just not jump to conclusions why not he's back and he's a miscreant robbie must hate out away enough to do something like this or maybe even his crazy mom put him up to it really tim called a journalist hunch journalists are so sexy don't you think uh what tim is a genius it was definitely robbie the cutest guys are always the worst i thought we liked bad boys not this one let's go plan our revenge talk to you later timmy okay [Applause] she's such a sheep kelly's gone it's [Music] i was dancing last night for the vandalism fiasco it sucks that you didn't get to see the whole thing i saw enough i didn't have to be on dancing with the stars i stopped i'm not that great you really are though you know i'm just some guy who used to play football hey you should join praise i know that you said it's not your type of thing but it's not like some honk if you love jesus type church it's pretty chill and fun um don't get offended i just really don't believe in god okay well that's fine praise is more of a community type of thing and i know that you missed playing football so maybe if you joined you'd feel like you're part of a team again well since you put it like that look i'm not making any promises but um i'll try to be there okay well i hope you can make it what's up you seen birdie uh no and sup is so overchip hey what's up uh nothing just checking in on attaway appeals star photographer well if you keep showering you're gonna take my place one day are these the picks from the pep rally yeah we got some good ones it's so weird that somebody tagged the sign though yeah i know i really love that one yeah what do you think of ace um i don't really think of him much i don't know he's kind of cute right maybe he's single you guys are look cute together i'm um i'm not really into guys oh oh i i didn't know i'm sorry it's totally okay well now you know i wish i got more of the dance team oh that reminds me here what's this it's uh the atmosphere shots and i wanted to get your opinions as my mentor your mentor yeah wow yeah no of course i'd love to um i'll check them out later thanks i'm gonna get back to the yeah okay yeah see ya okay bye i still don't get it i hate math i'm so bad at math i'm bad at everything no you're not you're a great dancer and singer and sister i don't know about that i'm not so sure rooney would be thrilled if she knew we were spending all this time together i'm tutoring you it's not like we're dating right yeah and it's not like she knows about it anyways she doesn't have to okay more math so why wait i'm gonna be late for class just ditch let's go to the bleachers again not today what's going on you want to talk about it i can't deal right now [Music] just the man i was looking for me i'm gonna need to open up your locker mr robbins why i don't need to give you a reason why i'm the principal open up looks like you just sprayed your future away robbie wait what happened i got suspended they found a can of spray paint in my locker what did you tag the sign no ellie or brook or whatever you go by these days somebody put it in my locker i swear okay and no one believes me you don't even believe me yeah well you didn't leave the best impression around here okay you can't blame people for wondering okay i just hate this place you know i come back and i try to make things better and no one wants to give me a second chance maybe you need to show people why you deserve a second chance it's too late once this whole spray paint can thing gets out everyone's just gonna hate me more than they already do i'm just gonna have my mom send me back to me don't be dramatic [Music] i don't think we should be hanging out right now whoa dude come on i'm not a dude i know hey hey why you so mad at me what did i do it doesn't matter yeah it does one minute we're kissing underneath the bleachers the next minute you're avoiding me because you act like you hate my guts it's just i don't know i don't know that i want to be getting involved in something you know my parents are getting divorced right no i didn't know well that's because you never asked everything with you is always fun and games [Music] birdie just because your parents hurt you doesn't mean [Music] hey get over here where's angie apparently she's deathly ill and needs to be on vocal rest no way because half the kids in my math class are also all sick what's going on well you're not allowed to get sick because we have no understudy for the understudy and plus i desperately need you to help me through this song ooh i don't know this is kinda angie's part this might be your partner if i gave you everything would you run away with me now's [Music] i would swear i'm here as you know they say the show must go [Music] [Music] yeah i know we're just friends [Music] as you may know a fast spreading epidemic has gripped the hearts minds and bodies of many attaway students that's right we are amidst the worst mono outbreak since the spring of 87. in an effort to prevent more cases we're asking that all students take extra care this should go without saying but please wash your hands after using the bathroom facilities cover your mouth when you cough and under no circumstances are you to share a beverage with any other student there are some rumors going around that mono is a kissing distance i would like you to know that these rumors are absolutely correct thank you we're taking five this isn't going well i really don't feel well brooke that is unacceptable i can't lose any more of your bees becky you're being promoted i'm becky one now omg i don't care if you're on your death bed when you're at practice you're giving it every last breath you've got is that clear okay let's get back to it and another one bites the death we cannot work under these circumstances but i just got promoted without brook we're officially outnumbered code yellow i'm making an executive decision practice is cancelled well what are we supposed to do now do whatever you would normally do on your own after school like homework whatever it is i don't care so what do we do now i don't know about you two but i have plans [Music] uh you're standing in front of my locker yeah that's kind of the point well can you move i have places to be we have to talk birdie why is everyone always trying to talk to me i just want to be left alone well this can't be left alone i don't know what this is and i don't know what you're talking about i'm talking about you letting robbie take the blame for something that you did that photo is blurry you can't even see who's in it what is wrong with you i understand you've got a lot of things going on back home with your mom and your dad but you're a completely different person if you don't like it you don't have to worry about being my friend anymore that's not what i'm saying what i'm saying is that i'm worried about it save the lecture rooney you're not my mother who sucks these days by the way not like you've asked bertie i've been your best friend since sixth grade okay just tell me what's wrong and i'll help you i don't need your help i don't just leave me alone right everyone i have some terrible news to share today i was informed that several of our cherished company members have been felled by the great mono outbreak of 2018. a moment of silence for our fallen soldiers this is bad i heard angie's spine burst you mean her spleen it's true angie's been compromised she's on bed rest indefinitely which means rhyme you're our new juliet me juliet the understudy becomes the ingenue praise the ghosts of the theater you're already so well prepared i hope so we're all going to be leaning on you now rhyme hey you're going to be amazing i know you are julia [Music] diana yes yes i did i uh figured out your new punishment you often like some vitamin out of the c this sucks welcome to my world i am so sorry i used to have mono actually i have had mono twice uh there was this one girl down on the pier two summers ago and then the second girl i i don't want to know well at least we're under house arrest together so what have you been up to since you've been suspended mostly school but it's kind of hard when you're not actually allowed in school that sounds terrible well the rest of the time is pretty chill and i eat i sleep i contemplate building a pillow fort a pillow for it okay this is actually really cool i think stuck here isn't so bad after all well now that you're here [Music] i'm so sorry i can't let you get mono no no it's cool i'm probably immune to it by now did i mention girl number two yeah you did i'm stuck with you anyway i'm gonna get you some orange juice okay yeah [Music] what's up so i'm glad you can make it with the whole mono thing going around i guess it's like a kissing disease we probably shouldn't kiss each other right uh-huh i mean not like we are gonna kiss or anything this is just a date right this is a date right [Music] just because you have mono doesn't united that's impossible i feel just fine no you don't my poor sweet flashy you must be hallucinating calm down i'll be your nurse well you probably have mono now but blend this together robby are you picking the oranges and squeezing them yourself yeah i'm having a hard time yeah nobody likes me here ellie she can barely even tolerate me yes i'm trying i promise [Music] can i just come on tour with you two croissants two paninis one muffin we'll share everything wow okay so glad you didn't order the salad for that extra dressing on the side i'm a dancer carbs are life that should be a bumper sticker or i need a point i used to need a point and want to sell them online like on etsy yeah i i know it's lame i've actually never told anyone about it before why not that's genius britney and the becky's would definitely make fun of me they knew i was putting catchphrases on pillows i mean jokes on them trust me i'm a bit of a weird nerd there's a whole marker for that sort of thing a whole word nerd seriously point proven for the record this is the date you want to share hot chocolate hamilton no silly it's me you must really be sick how do you feel what time is it i don't know why [Music] oh hi did you bring me soup it's actually for quinn since she and i are sick we might as well be sick together ewen could have gotten really close recently huh i guess so and now you both have mono interesting have not saints lips in cowboys too i cowboy lip line i cowboy lips they use to cattle call cattle call right okay i'm not doing very well don't worry we all mess up you don't but i have and i will again come on you're doing great am i just look into my eyes don't even think of it as a scene it's just you and me talking to each other okay you got this shall we from the top have not saints lips and cowboys too i cowboy lips they used to cattle call and then he gets down on one knee and with deep feeling he says well then dear saint let lips serve as a call to cattle saints do not move thou grant there for their catechol's sake then move not whilst my calls effect i take yes and now they're kissing and they kiss wait wait wait no kissing sorry no kissing the mono mono good job though if my mom finds out she'll kill me is it gonna hurt she's not that bad it's just so like permanent well exactly years from now when you look at it remember us in this moment rooney knows about the sign she got a picture she gonna snitch i don't know i don't think she would ever betray me like that plus snitches get stitches i'm with you on that like hardcore i'm falling for you too i'm actually doing this [Music] ace tiger we're leaving okay absolutely no parties at the house while we're gone guys come on i would never do that to you guys i respect you and this house oh hey ryan howdy cowboy how are you going to ace halloween party tonight who's a little freshman kid who started the incredibly rudimentary apps up yes that would be him no that's it's really not my scene plus i'm in the middle of the new jonathan safran 4 novel so yeah i don't know who that is but you're seriously going to stay home and read during halloween that's basically it well i just thought maybe we could go together you know since after we almost kissed it's kind of like that was on stage yeah but it wasn't in the script uh i was taking creative license i was just being an actor oh you didn't think i was drake then did you when i'm on stage i'm fully my character yeah yeah have fun reading i guess [Music] oh rooney i was just leaving rooney wait what i have nothing to say to you we haven't spoken in two weeks and i know it's because of hamilton you don't have to be a genius figure that out but rody i really didn't oh you didn't you know what it's times like these i'm so grateful that you're not my blood sister because a real sister would have never done something like this we were just hanging out i didn't kiss him i would never do that to you oh you didn't no you still went behind my back quinn honey so we're going to that questions party tonight right uh aces ah yes tim keep up yeah i mean i was planning on going so we'll go together then sure okay i have this really cool zora costume we're all going as cats and you can be my little mouse get it what it's cute playing little cat and mouse please tim fine i'll save zora for next year party tonight dj by yours truly dj stuff and what am i just let me handle this it's dj what and i'm dj sup let's go baby stuff is dead self lives on forever my friend hey listen to the music oh yeah we're gonna party like it's 2016. 2016 was a terrible year sales oh we're gonna party like that mono outbreak never happened oh mono don't talk about model you're scaring need some help rude much i was just trying to get ready just let me help you you're tying it wrong how's studying going boring i wish you could come with me to the party yeah i know i hate being suspended check my outfit i think the bees are probably gonna hate it don't worry about what they think they're just jealous that you don't have to try as hard to look good and i think you look really cute thanks robbie i could probably distract my mom and we could sneak out and go to the party together you'd cover for me like that don't make it a big deal or anything [Music] hey honey hey robbie what are you supposed to be uh myself i'm hoping people will see the real me wow that was deep so are you doing okay well being suspended sucks ellie's mom hates me my mom is mad at me but she can't be bothered and nobody believes that i'm innocent besides that yeah it's great i believe you you know you're the last person i expect to believe i don't know if you've noticed recently but things have gotten pretty weird around here so you're kind of the least of my worries oh i fully noticed to surviving it i'll drink tonight what's up kayla stop trying to make stuff a thing stop trying to kill our vibes was i talking to you come on i want to go dance go for it babe i want to dance with you can i wait i'm kind of in the middle of something we're here in couple costumes salt can't be walking around without pepper then it just looks like i came here salty didn't you though flash flash sorry babe kind of spinning tracks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what in the hw hockey sticks aren't wearing this is not what we meant when we said dress up like a cat this is so embarrassing for you what are you 12. you probably said i looked cute he was obviously lying to you we need to fix this monstrosity you said dress like a cat we can help you we need scissors [Music] hey yo okay i'm fine what happened to the costume i told you the bees would hate it okay well i think you're beautiful no matter what you wear i need air [Music] oh hey hey haven't seen you guys at all lately yeah well thanks for making me feel guilty again maybe you wouldn't feel so guilty if you didn't act like a total b whoa it's nearly just as bad it's always about flash flash flash flash yeah well i'm over flash what flash is a total jerk we came in a couple's costume and he won't even take a five-minute break from the dj booth to dance with me yeah well the bees completely destroyed my costume so not only am i uncomfortable i'm also very cold and not to make things weirder but i think i like robbie robbins which sucks so i'm sorry ryan i like someone who doesn't like me back i like an aspiring dj excuse me i need to go put the dog back on this leash building [Music] i'm gonna go grab my jacket call it the name i get it i probably won't be too far behind you hey ellie what's wrong i just i wouldn't trust beatrice the bees are all lying backstabbing nasty bees just because they screwed you over doesn't mean they're out to get everyone else or everyone's out to get you well whatever don't say i didn't warn you someone's in here what is it what are you stalking me bertie you need to do the right thing i know what you're talking about yes you do and i'll give you to the end of thursday to turn yourself in and if you don't i'll do it myself you know the thing about germany you are such a good friend but you're a real pushover you would never turn me in because it would break your precious little heart my heart's already breaking seeing you throw your life away like this you need to get this through your head i don't care what you think i don't want your advice and i definitely don't want you to feel sorry for me i'm fine better than ever [Music] is that a tattoo it's not real good is that a tattoo [Music] birdie is that a tattoo pretty cool huh is it real you think i'm a fake of course israel you're so naive what are you going to tell her mommy boop he's dude does bernie have a tattoo it's just temporary right it's a hundred percent real it looks like a teapot in here i can't really tell it's a bird it's a stupid little bird that's gonna be on her body forever like birdie it's a little on the nose [Music] have a great day go in peace [Music] luna ty i'm so glad you came me too actually um i hate to admit it but you were right thank you i knew that if you came you'd like it maybe i should just listen to you more often i'm glad we agree on that you should join praise i mean sign ups are over but i'm pretty sure if you talk to my dad he can get you in i'm not really uh oh there he is dad this is ty ty i've heard a few things about you it's great to meet you you too sir so what'd you think you're ready to give it all up and become a monk um i'm just kidding relax so i haven't seen your congregation before is that correct this is my first time i'll be honest i've never really been much of a church goer in the past huh don't sweat it everyone's welcome here regardless of your background ty was thinking about joining praise actually i don't really that's a great idea i mean sign up a pass but i'll see if i can set something up with the big guy regardless you should come to the youth meetup on tuesday it's a great opportunity for you to introduce yourself to the community what did you think ty fun enough to come back to i actually promised a couple of the guys on the team that we'd watched remember the titans on tuesday but um i'll i'll see i'm going to leave you too nice to meet you i'll see [Music] i need to talk to you hey you what's up in private okay so i was going through the photos from the pep rally yeah you're quite the andy warhol okay look no robbie didn't spray paint the sign birdie and spike did i know wait what what do you mean you know i saw the photos okay look this is bad this is really bad because robbie is just sitting at home for something he didn't even do and there's evidence evidence that that i took look i was vice president of this school last year and i might run for something like that again but if one person finds out that i took these photos and i knew about this i'd have serious consequences no i know okay trust me this is bad for everybody involved then let's do the right thing and i can i can go talk to them myself i'll talk to her see if i can get her to turn herself in fine but if she hasn't done it by the end of today one of us has to talk to principal mathers [Music] slow down the pace you guys just a little bit keep up the pace rodeo and juliet get ready for a night that you'll never forget [Music] i cowboy lips they used to cattle with oh the dear scent let thy lips be the cattle's call saints do not move though grant for their cattle call's sake then move not whilst my cause effect i take and scene beautiful work everyone i loved every minute of it take five eugene eugene i need my coffee oh there you are don't sneak up on me like that wow that was different i mean methi acting really creates a world of its own yes acting look don't worry about what it is ryan if you're feeling it the theater will love it and the audience will too acting is really about behaving truthfully in imaginary circumstances we're just leaning into the truth yeah ron you're just leaning into the truth relax hey i like the look thanks i like yours too it's called exhaustion and that's my new favorite brand oh is that what the bees are wearing these days someone sour no i'm just saying that you hang out with them a lot they're my friends you carry their books and buy them lattes you know they're just trying to teach me how to be a bee they're not monsters it's all part of the process sheesh okay okay sorry just telling you that you don't have to put up with that okay so how's life i mean we haven't talked in ages any new boys well there was no way who don't freak it's it's robbie robbie robbins yeah we've just been spending a lot of time together and i thought we were a thing but but well he kissed brittany at ace's party and i just i don't know the whole thing's bumming me out you could have seen that coming oh god what now no no i'm just saying that you probably should have thought about the fact that he was a total jerk to me beforehand you know what what's wrong with you rhyme why do you have to be so rude to everybody all the time lately what's wrong with me no what's wrong with you you choose to hang out with people who aren't even your friends and then act surprised when they totally suck you were just bitter because you were too scared to try out for the dance team and now you're jealous me jealous of you slave of the bees do you even hear yourself right now you have way less real friends than i do you of all people don't know who is or isn't my friend welcome to high school rhyme grow up [Music] this has gone on for way too long you need to do the right thing stop telling me what i need to do as if you suddenly care of course i care i've always cared that's why i'm telling you to turn yourself in stephanie knows and if you don't do it by the end of the day we're gonna have to you would never turn me in i might not but stephanie would really you let her do that after everything we've been through being a good friend to her is more important than being a good friend to me you know it's not like that okay it's just so hard for me to see you throw your life away why don't you just go suck up to stephanie i don't need you to be a good friend to me because at this point we haven't been friends for a long time get a life ty guy how's my one-legged ombre doing bro oh and he's down if you don't be careful i'll be in no leg at home brady then we'd be really screwed we need you on the field dude you need to get better fast how bad are we cringeworthy our quarterback is worse than our nickelback and just miss you yeah well i miss you guys too you have no idea how bad it is to have to watch the season go by without me yeah well hey at least you don't have to go to the evening practices well coach is scheduling evening practices you guys must be pretty bad yeah we have one tonight speaking of which we should get our work done beforehand so no remember the titans tonight holy crap dude i'm so sorry maybe next week it's okay i'll catch you guys another time all right next week you me hamilton and denzel washington it'll happen all right guys and now to go harass flash about our three-month anniversary wasn't that last week it was but he said might get to still in the mail but the fedex tracking number he gave me believes otherwise mainly all sevens oh sounds highly suspicious i don't know what to do about him i feel like i'm the only one putting an effort and making plans it sucks if you're not his first priority you shouldn't be wars you're right men i think it's time to call it quits your humble abode is rooney still avoiding you yes it's been like two weeks since we've spoken how can you live with someone and avoid them for two weeks i don't know but she's a master [Music] speak of the devil she just texted me meet me at diner at seven back booth i'll see you later [Music] hold on when life is [Music] stay unbroken [Music] so what did you think i think you're incredible thank you i'm glad you liked it this place is really amazing it's definitely not what i expected it to be let me guess you were expecting prayer circles and rosaries something like that if it was like that i wouldn't be here this place is chill and i like everyone here well i really like the one person i know here [Music] hey what are you doing here all alone yo not the sister i was expecting i was waiting for rooney actually no way me too that's weird she texted me to meet her here at seven well she told me to meet her at the diner earlier but then told me to meet her here instead do you think she forgot and double booked us no definitely not that's way too much of a coincidence oh she texted me again me too you have my blessing what is inside finishing up her last song if you're looking for her i know you know i used to play football no way could've never guessed that why because i'm a pastor i was a quarterback i loved it i thought i was gonna go to college what happened ah i got sacked in my championship game my senior year for my achilles and my meniscus so you know exactly how much this sucks i'm sorry i mean stinks absolutely i was miserable one minute you're on top of the world and in the next minute you're just watching your life pass you by from the sidelines what'd you do to make everything normal again i didn't i broke up with my girlfriend my grade slip i almost got kicked out but that's when i found god i found this beautiful community i wish that could happen for me couldn't it [Music] i don't really know [Music] that's okay we love you nonetheless [Music] you're so tense my missus would be horrified between drake and the chicken rolls i've had a lot on my mind tell me more well it's super awkward with drake how awkward i tried to kiss him oh yeah he dodged oh my lantern cringe tell me about it it was terrible i mean i thought we were a thing but maybe not is this what high school is if i could give my younger self advice it would be don't waste your time on people who won't matter in a month six months even a year drake won't matter you think so everything will be better tomorrow it's not the end of the world [Music] so suspended oh no birdie suspended as for you spike this wasn't your first offense you're expelled they mean expel what am i gonna do you can't do this you vandalize school property and let someone else take the blame these are the consequences that's it i'm out spike [Music] so we're gonna do now or not go away mom oh well isn't this rich my former best friend who got me suspended let me guess you're here to apologize now i want to explain myself you explained yourself quite clearly in the principal's office pretty please i had to do the right thing you know i did okay i tried to get you to confess whatever i don't know what else you want me to do oh my gosh you don't need to do anything else leave me alone i just want to help you it's too late oh look it's time for school you better get going i don't hear you leaving hey you playing again this nah i wish i'm actually the team manager now really talking to your dad really clarified that for me i'm happy for you i was hoping that you would join praise i sort of thought praise was cool and all it was just it really showed me that religion isn't for me and i want to channel my passions into what i care about which is football don't sound so disappointed sorry i guess i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up so he writes you a note every single day uh-huh and he tucks it somewhere new every day he's the sweetest what about flash what about him what kind of cute stuff does he do for you sometimes he listens to me when i talk sounds great i guess not really what is going on quinn we're in a rut you guys just need to like let loose and have some fun hey let's go on a double date later at the cafe sure why not i've always wanted to go on a double date and things to hand me i can i'll see you [Music] later [Music] okay i'll talk to you later lady you are adorable and you love it oh my god beatrice you're iconic a legend goals i know it's gonna be so insane when i'm done wait what are you talking about oh brooke just you wait i tried i went to her house and everything when this morning she just wouldn't listen and she pretty much kicked me out i feel bad you shouldn't have to go through with this alone i mean she's my friend too wow she won't listen we can try again later together i can go right after rehearsals i guess got nothing else to lose except birdie have not saints lips in cowboys too i cowboy lips they used to cattle call oh then dear saint let lips be the call to cattle saints do not move they'll grant for the cattle call's sake then move not why is my cause effect your juliet has returned y'all angie my word [Music] yes i got him yeah one sec babe flash hey honey how was school uh you know school uh fun well you seem a little distracted yeah well everything about high school is harder like what i don't know everything like boys if you ask me it seems like love is in the air what i just noticed lately you and robbie seem like especially close these days oh my gosh mom stop [Music] [Music] okay angie are you sure you're okay of course i've got this i'm a professional of course you are and drake of course she gets a chance to step back into her role um costume oh welcome back juliet okay let's take it from rodeo's line cowgirl by yonder blessed moon cowgirl by yonder blessed me i swear that tips with silver all these fruit tree tops oh rodeo swear not by the moon the the i'm sorry what was the line it's swear not by the moon the inconstant orb and then lest that thy love prove likewise for that swear not by the moon the inconstant orb and get her some water swear not by the moon the inconstant orb lest that thy love proved likewise variable then what shall i swear by sweet cowgirl do not swear at all yes look at them how perfect it's a miracle truly a mirror where's the remote uh i don't know i haven't been here all day okay well i don't know who else wouldn't put it in its regular position i can look for it also would you please stop leaving the cap off the toothpaste otherwise it's really disgusting and there's dry crusty stuff everywhere okay sure also stop leaving your dirty socks on the bathroom floor i'm really not that bad are you kidding me okay where's all this anger coming from i'm confused oh just you and your your boy stuff everywhere invading my space and i'm not used to it and i i just i can't handle it anymore i wish you're more like hamilton hamilton's a tool yeah well at least he pays attention to his girlfriend uh-huh why do you even want to date me i feel like all you really want to do is play video games with your friends you know what this isn't working wait what bye flash wish you the best wait what just happened we broke up but i didn't even get to say anything and whose fault is that oh man it was terrible right when we were about to kiss she walked in angie back from the dead huh yeah pretty much it stinks i'm sorry it's okay half of me wasn't even that mad about not getting the park i mean just the thought of it it was really terrifying but come on what if drake falls in love with angie i mean they've been doing theater together for like ever don't you think that would have already happened just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't what why are you smiling this isn't a smiling matter i don't know you just must really like him huh come on [Music] well isn't this a nice surprise is birdie home yeah we would love to talk to her birdie's still in her room so she hasn't come out since you left this morning brittany it's me and me i hope you're doing a sure about this i've never been more sure of anything [Music] don't you think this is a little excessive you're only gone for like three days but it's for ho to the loon you never know with this press junket i'll need a ball gown an oxford and a scuba suit i like to be prepared for anything well your press junket sounds a lot more fun than spending thanksgiving at quinn's rooms i bet mr forrester will be wearing a turkey track huh but you won't have that at your first junket attention attaway students this is your principal mavericks here wishing you a very happy thanksgiving here at attaway we have so much to be thankful for especially that so many of your fellow classmates have recovered from the motto outbreak except of course sheldon ah thanksgiving is a time to be with family and friends please have a safe and restful holiday and enjoy your half day today oh and if any of you have any information about spike smith or birdie k please let me know [Music] i can't believe my family's in la i mean i'm glad that hotel is successful but still okay i get it my mom can't cook to save her life i was supposed to go to flashes for thanksgiving but that's not happening and we have no clue where birdie is this holiday is a mess rhyme's having dinner with my family you should come too yeah it'll be like a chicken girl's thanksgiving except for ellie you mean brooke hey stranger i haven't seen you in a while hey yeah i know i'm sorry i've just been really busy with birdie yeah i just feel so bad like i'm the reason she got suspended no you tried everything you could sometimes you just need to let people make their own mistakes i know i know thanks anytime hey so my parents are having this like big thanksgiving get-together you should totally go i'd love to but um actually i'm going to mel's hey babe hi um actually speak of rooney this is my girlfriend mel and mel this is rooney my lab partner hey i can't believe you guys haven't met already i was just going to tell rooney about how your grandma makes a killer cranberry sauce the best none of that kind of stuff cool cool well maybe we'll come by for dessert see ya let's go [Music] [Music] ladies but i better not see anyone lagging because they had too much pie and couldn't bother to practice gain two pounds and you'll be kicked off the team so beatrice when are you going to do it i'm thinking winter formal would be a nice public place to break his heart you know what i was worried you've gotten stopped on us we're tim sharp as if besides a bets a bet what are you guys planning on doing to tim sharp nothing you need to concern yourself with brooke i don't know what you think you just heard but you better keep your mouth shut nothing worse than a bee sting saints do not move they'll grant for the line saints do not move though grant for the cattle calls sake saints do not move they'll grant for the cow's sake no cattle call sick angie are you sure you're ready for this i mean rhyme has been doing so well and i don't want you to push yourself if you're not ready i'm fine all right please take it from the top you got this remember that three-page monologue that you had last year no one could have memorized it but you did thanks drake i've not seen lives in cowboys too aye cowboy lips they used to cattle call then dear saint that lip serve is the call to cattle saints do not move though grant the cattle call steak then move not [Music] a new i know you're in there [Music] do you want to talk about it not really just how did everything get so messed up [Music] you did become a bee and you probably think i deserve it because karmas are real i don't think that i think that you changed but we all have have you heard anything about birdie no i'm so worried i'm so worried too i'm sorry about everything ellie we're having thanksgiving at quinn's and ronnie's house you and your mom should come it'd be like old times you can bring robbie yeah i'd like that okay ryan never call me brooke again [Music] you came hey you finally realized your new friends sucked no they weren't my real friends anyway the gang's all here together and we're best friends forever and and the party's just because we'll forgive you if you stop singing that song i i thought we liked it no no no no absolutely not it is it's fine so uh which one of these girls is your your gal pal my what you know your your main squeeze or whatever you kids are calling it these days oh it's it's it's pretty complicated son it is always complicated so lay it on me okay uh so i'm kind of dating this one girl but i like another girl you got yourself into a pickle says the turkey good point yeah good point so does the girl you're dating know that you have feelings for someone else no and i feel really bad about it you should feel really bad about it honesty and communication are essential for a good relationship i know i just i want to tell this other girl but i feel like if i tell her then things are never going to be the same between us i mean it's it's [Music] it's already weird between us so maybe it's just all too late but what's life without a little risk as babe ruth said never let the fear striking out keep you from playing the game a candy bar said that oh god robbie good thing you're good-looking i'm so glad we're all together again me too this is like the perfect thanksgiving for the year we've had things have been crazy around here tk now birdie where do you think she went rooney and i tried to talk to birdie her mom seemed really upset if he did almost i don't blame her freddie's really been put through a ringer this year oh you made it i'm so glad come on in thank you so much for having me of course no one should spend thanksgiving by themselves you seem like you're doing great all things considered so uh have you heard anything from birdie i was hoping that she'd gone to texas but um neither her father nor tk have heard from her she'll be all right she's such a strong girl she'll be back before you know it it's gonna be okay those potatoes look great yeah i can't wait for food yeah when is the turkey gonna be ready you know what else turkey reminds me of girls chicken [Music] [Music] [Music] we have a tradition in this household that before we eat we like to say something that we're thankful for i'll start i'm thankful for all my friends and family that are here to celebrate this day together i'm thankful that i don't have to eat my mom's cooking this year i am so thankful that we got mr forster to wear that hat i guess the turkey's gone straight to my head i'm thankful that um even though i can't be with them today i have two beautiful children i just wish they could be here to celebrate with us i miss him too i'll be right back i made a pie i'll go get it i'm gonna go help her out what do you want the pies look good whatever are you mad at me because it really feels like you're mad i just don't get it is it the bees is it me is it the way i dress i've gotten better about being messy i just don't see what the problem is what i did wrong ellie i care about you i just don't understand why if you're gonna take one of the bees it's not me [Music] hey t.k it's me um it's thanksgiving and we were naming the things that we're thankful for and in spite of everything i'm thankful for you a lot has happened since you left i mean i'm in a musical at school next week and bernie's not here and i'm sure you're worried too i wish you were here [Music] where's tk gobble gobble losers mom what are you doing here you said you've been so miserable here so pack your bags going on tour [Music] [Music] well you can take the girl out of her small town but it won't change [Music] julian well that was a complete train ride it was painful but at the same time i couldn't look away so cringy william shakespeare is rolling through his grave totally this play is garbage hot flaming stinking garbage there's literally flies surrounding the stage come on guys they've really worked hard on me hey tim can i talk to you privately for a second [Music] look if you're gonna get mad at me for standing up for the musical no it's sweet of you to be nice even though the show's completely bombing but i wanted to know if you wanted to go to winter formal with me really really really i'd love that kayla how are you no we're not talking yet we're not at a hey how are you kind of place i thought i wanted you to be single so we could hit on chicks together but now you're just so lame and miserable it's even worse than being whipped by kayla you gotta get her back for everyone's sake i know but you won't even talk to me all right what do guys do in the movies when they want to win a girl back i don't know they do some big romantic gesture gotta do something like that to show kayla you want her back she'll be right back into your arms it works every time in the movies yeah but this is real life [Music] but i guess it's worth a try [Music] darling your markers are everything whistled me little young seed it's the little lady of the ranch is she a capulet oh dear account this will cost me three horses in a pile of gold my life's in my foe's debt come hit uh come hither nurse um what is yon cowboy his name is rodeo a montague y'all's worst enemy my only love my only love sprung from my only hate too early scene unknown i got the wrong pick by the tail love is love is love is help although with denim yes that's right love is a loathed enemy what's this darling darling what's this i didn't expect them to go full method but the performances are so poorly developed is that a theater thing but soft look like do yonder barn breaks is it the wild wild west and juliet is the sun oh rodeo rodeo wherefore out thou rodeo deny your father and say nay to thy name or if or if thou or if bound or if thou wilt not by promise of your finest deed or if thou wilt not by promise of your famous seed no finest steed not famous seed what i meant to say was finest steed or if thou wilt not by promise of your finest steed and i will no longer be a capulet what and i will no longer oh just forget it i can't do this um i'm juliette where for arthao um juliet uh my juliet it's me juliet i mean it's me juliet y'all [Applause] [Music] wandering around in a one horse town never could tell if i was lost or found but it [Music] kiss and then you came along on a summer night and here i am [Music] oh it's that annoying freshman what's her name lyric or something she's definitely going to suck um the name is run who cares i didn't come to see the understudy oh brooke did you hear the good news tim and beatrice are going to the winter formal together isn't that great lady by yonder blessed moonlight thou that shines over the mountains and the prairies swear not by the moon do not swear at all this tumbleweed of love is too sudden too fast like a horse who's done her thunder it's still growing i'd done be satisfied with the exchange of this love faithfulness vow for mine i gave thee mine before thou ditz requested cowboy my bounty is as boundless as the prairies of the west my love is vast the more i give thee the more i have for both are infinite [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if i gave you everything [Music] so please tell me [Music] i swear by the moon with the light shining through i promise you all of me [Music] here in this room this promise key i swear by the moon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] ryan nailed it her last scene i really thought she stabbed herself that my friend is what we call acting i guess it runs with the family you are incredible no you were amazing i can't believe we just did that i don't feel this kind of rush before it feels like the best feeling in the world doesn't it yeah close to it i've never felt this chemistry with someone on stage before i don't think it was just acting you don't you were always my julia what would you say if i asked you to the winter form i would say the eye if i wasn't such a nerd i'd probably just say yes but no i've got to try to sound like shakespeare thou art [Music] i need to talk to you right now we're about to go get ice cream yes now i have to tell you something okay i'm listening it's a bet what's a bet you and beatrice it's a stupid bet that she made with the other bees come on ellie i know you're mad at them but you don't have to get in between me and beatrice no yes i do because she's gonna humiliate you at the winter formal in front of the entire school look i'm really sorry i i would have told you earlier but i just found out come on i mean why would you think the most popular girl in school would decide to date you ouch look i'm sorry i didn't mean it like that it's just i get it i thought it was really weird too this sucks okay well you can't let her get away with this well definitely not so what are you gonna do i have an idea but i'm gonna need your help you need to assemble all of your friends no i cannot wrap the bees into this i'm not talking about the bees i'm talking about the chicken girls [Music] ryan how could you do this to me okay tk wake up it's prom day wake up ryan you're gonna be late for school [Music] just as drake and i were about to kiss tk shows up but not tk like now like tk when he first moved to attaway oh my god no i know it got way weirder from there but i will spare you you know what i think i think somebody's a little nervous about the dance yes i am a little drake is so into you you'll be fine but i've only ever kissed tk i've never felt like this about anyone except for tk um hi i'm still here i remember when we dated does nobody remember that tim and rhyme tim and rhyme thyme sorry can we just go back to plotting revenge that was far more compelling okay tim what's your big idea how are we gonna take down the bees once and for all are you ready an expose on bowling in the attaway appeal really i just feel like you're kind of always writing exposes and it's getting a little stale harmony always says that any press is good press fine then what's your idea we can find like old ugly photos of them and post them all over the school isn't that just stooping to their level or we can silly string them at the winter formal yeah then we'll probably just get kicked out of the dance do we have any dirt on them oh beatrice once told me she loves a needlepoint guys what's the most important thing to the bees you would know better than we would their image their status so [Music] are you there god it's me luna i really try not to ask you for things because i know that this isn't how this whole thing works but it's really hard being alone and it would be so nice to have somebody to spend time with like from a quarterback for instance you know just in case you're listening dad have you been in the whole time mark 5 36 overhearing what they said jesus told him don't be afraid just believe i got hamilton hey hey rooney um you're a little early for the dance i'll go get him actually can i talk to you for a second if that's okay yeah what's up um i just want to say thank you and i know conan and i should have told you we were hanging out and up and shady about it it really means a lot that you gave us your blessing i'm just glad we can still be friends i mean you seem to really like quinn but so help me god if you hurt her i will smash your ukulele into pieces and turn you into firewood cool so you were in my dream last night that was really weird what would freud say what never mind what happened in your dream well jake and i almost kissed and then randomly younger tk decides to show up rhyme move on i thought you were over all of this tk drama look i've been in the acting business for a while and when i saw on stage between you and drake you can't fake that kind of chemistry really yeah so are you ready for the dance or what yeah are you gonna kiss rake maybe i'm checking that so yes yeah you're ace right depends on news asking you did seth stump is dead principal matthews killed it well i'd like to bring it back to life i came into some cash recently and i want to invest call me no way does everyone know the plan can we just go over it one more time brittany's hijacking the mic from principal mathers and announcing winter formal king and queen and then becky number one will go on the stage with the crowns then i crown you queen beatrice i hand the mic to tim and as planned he'll make his speech and declare his love for me and then you'll completely crush him do you think he'll cry what's my job again ah this is why i'll never be becky number one just make sure mothers doesn't ruin the whole thing this is gonna be our best yet ladies oh god there he is act normal tim hey sweetie oh my god tim you look like so good um may i have this dance beatrice of course how nice [Music] wow you look just wow thanks you don't look too bad yourself i'm so used to seeing you dressed as a cowgirl should we still talk in western accents it kind of feels like we're meeting for the first time doesn't it hi i'm ryan hey ryan i'm drake i heard you into theater but i'd like to know everything else about you oh i brought you this it may be cheesy but you remind me of you delicate but resilient man i have this dance [Music] this sucks tell me about it yeah my sister's dating my ex-boyfriend and i'm totally okay with it this sucks hey jade i wanna hey luna dance ty you wanna dance so i asked your dad for permission he said yes just uh better keep it fiji because big man's always watching i never thought i'd be dancing with you at the winter formal yet here we are i always thought of you as my sister's boyfriend but now you're my boyfriend wait you want my boyfriend right i think that's the safest option that would have been awkward weird years so far huh so weird but also really really great [Music] hi um can tim sharp come to the stage please tim sharp tim get up here what do you think you're doing the right thing uh hi a lot of you are really confused this is super weird uh principal weathers we just need a second so as many of you know beatrice was dating tim but as it turns out that was all part of a mean scheme to humiliate him in front of the entire school because to them that's fun being mean is fun and we all put them on this pedestal because we're scared of them we want them to like us so we won't get bullied by them but they're actually just like us beatrice beatrice loves needlepoint which she's too embarrassed to open up about or britney britney's real name is sarah um becky one likes to collect bugs which i think is super gross but clearly she loves it which is good i'm becky too she plays dumb but she's actually the top of her class and that's really cool no one should be ashamed of those things [Applause] the bees are just like us they're normal there's nothing to be scared of beatrice wears headgear like i used to but she used to make fun of me for it that's great keep them coming brittany and i went to summer camp together and she's secretly obsessed with the harry potter books who doesn't love harry potter the becky's are in my saturday morning chess class chess that is great why don't you guys get up here and own it because if you were yourselves we'd like you a lot more [Music] wow you guys really stole my thunder i also had an announcement to make hi guys i'm flash i'm ace's friend i worked on sub you got this bro bro everyone loves l.a [Music] you know when you're dating someone and there's someone in this room who isn't normal and that's because she's exceptional kayla i love you you take the ordinary out of extraordinary which i guess just leaves the word extra [Music] do [Music] so [Music] be a mess but i don't mind made sense to be friends for a long time but here we are so what do we do now maybe we're free cause we need something like this now good enough but [Music] rooney hey hi hi steph show me your photos they're amazing that's so nice of you what's that we're the car keys oh um rooney this is jackson my brother and jackson this is rooney the friend i was telling you about hi rooney it's pleasure to meet you you never told me you had an older brother well um we'll just leave you guys to it am i gonna dance sure um i'm sorry i i have to take this [Music] what i just want to remember this moment okay look i've been trying to tell you something and that is i think i'm falling for you rhyme we're kind of in the middle of something it's birdie i gotta go [Music] girls i'm so glad you came what happened we don't know um they crashed into another car that boy spike was driving she's hurt pretty bad she'll be okay right we don't know sweetie [Music] we need the room clear only family please [Music] i should have followed her no matter what happens you need to stick together rhyme are you okay i think i just need something [Music] tk [Music] you
Channel: Brat TV
Views: 11,131,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brat, chicken girls, chicken girls marathon, chicken girls movie, chicken girls season 3, brat marathon, show, teen show, drama, YA, annie leblanc, annie leblanc bratayley, bratayley, rhyme, hayden summerall, indiana massara, mads lewis, riley lewis, aliyah moulden, dylan conrique, caden conrique, brooke butler, carson lueders, rush holland, paul toweh, lily chee, kaylyn slevin, sean cavaliere, jay ulloa, matt sato, hayley leblanc
Id: yzRD7zh4SbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 48sec (9708 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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