The Girl He Never Noticed | Romantic movie

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come my and I will disappear in you [Music] run to you I will [Music] run your future like a py baby you going to end up right in my B chemistry is I could play I'm tell you like [Music] itry why didn't you wake me up I could have made breakfast for you it's okay mommy you look tired okay well let's get you ready for school you don't want to be late what's wrong M Lee told me to remind you about school Fe o my classmate ask if we were poor we're not poor maybe I must go to a che bar school you're the kid and I'm the parent it's my job to take care of this your job is to go learn and have fun okay I love you now go get ready Zion baby are you okay does it hurt again no Mommy I'm okay now you go get ready [Music] too [Music] my favorite thing every [Music] morning M I like this blend Jade I knew you would you always do if not for your little gift this place would be doing a lot worse oh don't worry Mrs changle business will pick up how to compete these days with all these different more hi cafes popping up left right center think of it this way the more these cafes open up pretty soon they're all going to look the same and then yours will be the hip one but this place could do with a little makeover how to afford it with business is so bad Jade thank God you're here I have important job interview and I'm super nervous look at my hands that is a s V case of jittery Noma and I have just the right blend for you it's a perfect mix of sea salt and roasted coffee beans you'll get the kick you need to kick some ass coming right [Applause] up she's a gem isn't she yes do you have any single friends yes where are you I'll be there soon the meeting starts in 5 minutes but I'm guessing you need slightly more time than that I'll be there no you won't and I don't need you to be where's your mother let me sit I can play are you done your school work yes you might be able to fool your mother but not me so tell me again are you done and yet here you are any excuse to get out of doing the work that needs to be done just want to play with the ships if you don't do the work that needs to be done you'll only ever play with them you're not going to rule them you understand hey look at me just because you are pet trus does not mean you get a free pass earn it Daddy let's go inside there you go let's get the car ready coffee yeah sure [Music] are you sure this place is good you can let go now sorry you know what you should was where you're going uh you bumped into me well I broke your fall so maybe you should thank me what [Music] hey one of the secretaries told me that your father is still in the meeting did you even drop in at all nope he told me not to what would you like to order coffee and you I said coffee I'm sorry I didn't realize you two were one person expresso she's going to spit in my coffee isn't she oh my God who does that guy think he is I don't know but he's very yummy yeah don't you think so it's not the point he's super rude well then you know what you need to do spit in his coffee my dear girl the way to deal with people like that is by killing them with kindness go and make him one of your special blends go on you know what your old man's like he says that oh come on Don then why was he in my meeting he always tells me that I don't take control enough and then he takes over then breaths down my neck you were late look your father just wants to run the company the way he wants to run it so what am I his puppet just give him some time look Donovan I didn't just start working for him yesterday look this happens a lot your father gets angry then you get angry and nothing changes it's a vicious cycle maybe you should start reacting differently to him you know what thank you for the unsolicited life lesson okay so I'm going over the agenda for the meeting mandatory breaks more food options in the cafeteria I mean it's ridiculous not to everyone evidently well if something's so basic it's going to be a problem what more if we have the bigger problems coming in you must be rich excuse me that's how the French Revolution started you know like when Marie Antoinette was told her people had no food to eat she said let them eat cake the rich have no understanding of how the rest of the world lives and evidently they're also not well read I did not see that coming are you okay yeah I mean why wouldn't I be [Music] D B Wow Let's go back to the office I have an idea what's next on the agenda it's the matter of the workers at the shipyard the supervisor can't seem to get us control of the situation what have I missed what exactly is happening down there the worker show up but not much is done they're unmotivated because they're not satisfied with their working condition well suddenly they feel short changed huh suspect is the new highest that's riling up the rest well get rid of the troublemakers then there's a manp Power Crunch at the shipyard this period we don't want a walk out you know what why don't I just go down there and talk to them myself when Marie antonet was told that her people had no bread to eat do you know what she said she said let them eat cake and that that is how the French Revolution started you know what if I go down there personally and talk to them then they will know that we take their concerns seriously we cannot have issues with Manpower plus we have the Japanese deal coming up I didn't know you had time to read especially with all your extracurricular activities I think you going to the shipyard might work Mr petus well let's get to it then shall [Music] we uh must be about the school fees haven't you paid Z 's medication ran out hello is he [Music] okay hey how did he go killed it you know what I used have the whole the rich not understanding the rest of the world thing and it worked but the waitress said yeah you must be rich right forgot about that okay by the way offer her a job here okay what yeah we could use some good coffee every the time we want okay usually I get your impulsive decisions but what makes you think should even consider it oh Donovan you forget the number one motivator for people to do something for you [Music] money let me know how Zion is and if you need anything okay promise promise hi sorry can I talk to you uh there's a suggestion box over there if you're here to make a complaint no I'm not here to complaint in fact you should be complimented on your coffee oh uh thanks I'm here on behalf of my boss the obnoxious snob who probably thinks he's God's gift to women yeah that one does he work out a lot what does he want he would like to offer you a job are you joking fortunately for you no what kind of job is this it's personal assistant I mean who goes around offering strangers jobs out of nowhere well he was impressed by your coffee and what you said that he doesn't read enough he's willing to offer you three times what you get here this is crazy I have no time for this right now think about it ridiculous any job office for me G shall we talk outside have right back okay I need to take a look at his blood test results just to be sure but I don't think his medication is working for him he had a Weak Knee this morning and his teachers saying that he has trouble getting out of his chair and he developed a rash on his knees sence his juvenile dermatas STIs is acting up again we will need to monitor him closely before an extreme flare up we wouldn't want any damage to his bones lungs or other internal organs what do we do now we will be putting him on stronger steroids and hope that we can get it back under control try not to worry too much it is a rare disease but there are measures that we can take children are resilient feel get through it his medication isn't working what does that mean it means he has to start taking a different one A more expensive one I know you don't like to talk about it but maybe it's time you spoke to his father about this you're right I don't want to talk about that okay then no be so stubborn and let me help you can't depend on you forever I know but let me help you for now I'll find a way I'll get a second job maybe you should consider that job offer what with that stuck up spoiled brat no way I mean who goes around offering jobs to strangers just because they like the coffee yeah what coffee did you give him monkey spit coffee vanilla flavored it's a special coffee that these monkeys suck on and then spit out I've been saving it for a long time you did not yes I did you know I'd work for the Devil with the money suffering okay maybe not the Devil Himself maybe one of his fallen angels I do Mommy I missed dancing with you come here baby I will always dance with you I'm sorry for what for being expensive it's not your fault look at me I still can't get this move is it like this like this it's not that funny come here I thought you going to show me you're supposed to teach me right you're supposed to teach me where's my dance teacher huh she accepted your job offer she'd be a fool to reject it from what I've seen she's anything but a fool she's not like the other girls you know the ones that lamp up every word you say Donovan I'm hiring her as an assistant not as a girlfriend whatever I have a feeling things are going to get interesting me too [Music] this way me song just call me jade Okay Jade so what EX exactly does my job entail I'll let the boss tell you himself wow all the way to the top huh on the building or something yeah Rose J's here did you always have black hair yes no wait H H sorry what go to HR and finish all the paperwork okay you want me to stop no hold me [Music] tight [Music] excuse me what are you doing up so early I wanted to wish you good luck in your first day of work you purposely woke up at 4:30 a.m. to wish me luck yep wait did you just get home yeah you're supposed to be taking Zion to his physio at 10 oh good thing I'm up already hey good luck your hi go tell someone to report for work at 5:30 in the morning and I'll be awake themselves didn't she have blonde hair last night I'm so sorry um I wasn't here last night and how' you get in here um your housekeeper let me in and I'm Jade you're new PA so what are you still standing there for go make me some coffee and clean up that mess why are you here isn't it your first day with the devil yeah taking a break before I head to the office I was at his Penthouse at 5:30 this morning ooh no no it was bad he was in his boxer's bad oh my Mrs changle this is not what I want to be doing okay okay listen this is not a permanent solution right I've been thinking about what you said about giving the cafe a makeover you're going to do it yes but since I'm not getting a sugar daddy anytime soon I need to find another way to get the money you're not that old you need a sugar granddaddy at my age I'll need a sugar great granddaddy so what's the plan well I'll just do it the oldfashioned way go to the bank and beg for money so I've been working on a business plan but it's missing something what so I thought and I thought and finally it hit me the thing that will make the bank say take all our money what what is it you me CU you're my secret weapon you're like the coffee whisperer oh I don't think you should say that in your business plan I need you to come with me to meet the bank you can tell them all about how you make your coffee we should just bring all your equipment and let them try your coffee I'm slow down what does that mean I'll make you partner in the cafe you don't have to put in any money your investment will be the talent really but no but I I I need a steady paycheck every month and and and we both know you can't afford that right now that will all change when the cafe is a hit but I just started this new job all right I'm not asking you to quit what I'm saying is you should explore the opportunity which potentially could let you Be Your Own Boss okay I'm going to make an appointment with the [Music] bank oh I have to go all right I'll let you know when I set it up go go go okay bye better hi uh I'm Jade I'm new here welcome I guess and you are [Music] busy oh thank God I'm sorry I stepped out for like 5 minutes before I have a 300 p.m. meeting this afternoon so make sure that the boardroom is ready uh what does that mean it means that I have very important meeting later with a Japanese CEO so make sure that the boardroom is ready how clear can I be really yeah I'll be back by 2:45 and Japanese people hate people being late so be on time where do you get your clothes um up up up wait let me guess the thrift store or the charity shop yeah Thrift Store it is I think you look nice hi again I'm still busy yeah but uh I was wondering if you knew how to get the boardroom ready for a meeting with a Japanese CEO he told you to do that it's my first day and I yes you said look it's not my job to tell you how to do yours okay but maybe you could just make the batroom look welcoming to a Japanese [Music] person Mr Tashi and his associ are here uh hello Mr Kashi you're early no we are not our appointment is at 2 is this how you're getting ready to meet the Japanese CEO yeah shut up those board members who keep saying that I'm just my father's puppet they've been trying to book a meeting with him for months and guests Who convinced them to come to our office after I think the board better start taking you seriously yeah and dear old time okay I'm done and you're late no I'm not Hello what what the hell happened what did you do I didn't do anything Mr tekashi said the the meeting was at 2:00 p.m. not 3 Mr zakashi how are you I'm so sorry I don't know what happened sir we have been waiting for almost 1 hour well let's get started then we have another appointment to attend to oh come on Mr Tashi it was all of miscommunication weren't you ever late for a meeting before good afternoon what the hell the Japanese are very sensitive about business Ed oh so now you're giving me a talk about business etiquette no of course not I'm just trying to say that what happened I should got a call for Mr tesi don't worry I'll fix it oh you're going to fix it you're always fixing everything here's an idea get it right to start with it wasn't my fault no it's never your fault I'm sorry I can get up just get out you okay not exactly the best first day at work a job I didn't even want in the first place nobody wants to work do they they need to couldn't be more true in my case come let me give you a right home I should quit then do what go back to the cafe you need this job right look whatever happened will blow over why is he like that Aros he has everything and more but he's always so angry and mean to people and it wasn't my fault don't take it personally he's like that with everyone well that makes me feel so much better about him you've met petraki senior right yeah but just because your father's scary doesn't mean that you need to be like that too more complicated than that it's not easy being the son of a billionaire surely those with no money have bigger [Music] problems [Music] Jade I need you to come to the house now well if it could I wouldn't be calling you would I well it's about time I got here as fast as I could oh all right so how do we fix your screw up well I didn't screw up so who did me well I tried calling you many times to let you know the meeting was earlier but you weren't picking up and and you know how important that meeting was look I really need this job so whatever you need me to do whatever is a a big big promise darling are you sure you know what you remind me of someone so much I mean the hair the same style talk what are you talking about yes yes huh yes it's not easy being the son of a billionaire so is His Highness happy now we didn't get anything done he was just rambling what he was drunk was being a jerk and in the end he just passed out so he called you over to wallow in his self-pity I guess doesn't he have any friends for that what a waste of your time you really shouldn't have gone I went because I need this job what are you doing what you're friends with him is that a crime no look Joseph sent me a request sometime back I accepted it we chatt a little that's all what you don't want me to I don't know stff after what he did to me I don't know don't you think it's time you guys talk things out I don't know reconnect with whatever that's been happening in your life right now maybe it might help does he even know about Zion you know it's complicated and besides he's the one who left but I don't want to talk about it it's in the past and I want it to stay that way is it really I need to do some work it's late go get some sleep I can't my job may be on the line Mr pis Mr tekashi is here for your meeting Mr tekashi thank you so much for your time and I'm really really sorry for what happened last meeting I hope that she can forgive me your assistant told me how sorry you were and that I would not regret giving you another chance you have a bright girl working for you she even knows my hometown in Japan ah I'm just fascinated with the history and the culture she is certainly full of surprises sir a gift from Mr fetra here this is for you please open it is this suyaki coffee yes roasted using binchotan charcoal this is from the Sado shimata Plantation in Brazil made by the Japanese descendants of Brazil exactly Mr pus knew you were looking for this blend here in Singapore thank you you have made my heart truly smile sir it is my pleasure so shall we get started dad oh don't mind me I'm just here to observe all right then uh sir let's go to the [Music] boardroom excuse me so what does the future of green shipping look like well Mr Tashi with a partnership of petris shipping company and of course golden Steel Corporation I believe that we we are the future maybe I can try my best to explain the business then to you I will speak to my board soon and let you know thank you for today I appreciate your initiative and care you show for your potential Partners thank you so much Mr tashian and uh this is what you can always expect when you do business with a pis I'll be in touch looking forward to it sir Jade we'll see you out well Dad I think that went very well it only went well because you were lucky and hired a capable assistant you had no idea about this meeting did you of course I did you might have fooled Mr tekashi but I know you you were clueless don't ever put a stunt like that again are you s mom no sweetheart just tired walk I had a rough day what happened my boss wasn't very nice to me why I have no idea Are You Naughty no it was very good did you tell him he's wrong [Music] why what are you doing here I don't understand why you're angry with me so this couldn't wait until the morning no all right so why didn't you tell me what you were going to do huh well at the meeting it all happened so fast I didn't know that Mr tekashi was going off to Tokyo tonight so when he agreed to the meeting I was scrambling to get everything ready you made me look like a fool in front of my father I thought the whole point was to save the deal as a team you know you were such a simple girl with a simple mind excuse me you have no idea about anything do you I was trying to help you well isn't that like the job of a personal assistant done you want the medal or something well thank you would be nice so now you want me to thank you you know what you were so funny well you wouldn't have to thank me if you thought about doing what I did yourself that's your job excuse me I said do your damn job no wonder your father doesn't respect you and stop taking it out on me enough you're fired [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you're going to apologize don't bother just get back to work last night I said some things that I regret you made me angry annoyed helpless you made me feel small and I lashed out that was no way to speak to my boss but you bring out the worst in me this toxic work environment I left a safe job to come work here and yes I came for the money but that doesn't mean that I will give up my dignity so you don't get to fire me I quit and you can either be a boss or a leader but I suggest you learn to be a human being [Music] [Music] first [Music] hey sappy guess what hey Zion had a fall we're on the way to the clinic what happened nothing okay I may have made her angry about [Music] well I may have fired her what look Donovan words were said temper flared it wasn't pretty at all all right but I think I made the right decision she doesn't get me okay and we don't work well together oh maybe she's the only one who does I haven't seen anyone stand up to you H even I don't that that was quite a sight yeah okay I'll get you your coffee Mr petus wants you to look into this a you paa yes he wants you to take him under your wing and to show him the rops wait a he it's your uncle Sten son he will report here next week look I get to choose who my PA is all right apparently [Music] not how are you feeling baby it's okay Mommy it's not that painful anymore Zion why don't you take a sit outside while I talk to your mommy his Le giveway he lost balance gave way he lost sensation in his Le and it might have made him feel weak is that normal it's one of the rarest symptoms what his muscles are degenerating at a faster rate he's going to need Specialist Care and if he doesn't unfortunately it's only going to get worse from now we can get you financial assistance to help J yes okay um I'll figure it out thank you Dr [Music] FIA sorry ma'am your C has been declined ah okay here try this one are you all right Mrs tangley what are you doing here why were you at the medical center earlier no I wasn't what were you doing there aren't you supposed to be at work uh let me make us a cup of coffee first so here I am now without a job and I have to find a way to put Zion in specialist care I'm going to spit in that Manch child's coffee the next time he dares to come in here what's on your mind I missed our meeting I'm sorry well I did have to put on the extra charm but it's okay I might have an idea for the business plan I think I can make it work if you let me come back here of course you're always welcome back but are you sure you can handle it yeah well then let's get us a bank [Music] loan Aeros Petrus I mean what kind of a name is that anyway I was toldo is the Greek God of erotic love you still haven't told me what you're doing here oh you paycheck okay thanks don't you guys normally just mail these how have you been you want to try some coffee yes of course young man did you make this yourself my mommy did oh this tastes like a hug in a cup thank you Zion it's a new Bland I'm working on Mexican and Ethiopian coffee beans why aren't you running your own coffee house actually I've been helping Miss changle Rebrand her Cafe I have a whole new business plan if everything goes well I might actually be running the whole place myself wow congrats you make a great boss a leader I heard you that day you know you're right and the truth is deep down AOS knows that too how long have you known AOS how long have you been working for the company well AOS was um 10 18 years I used to work at their Shipyard an accident happened and uh instead of paying me off and letting me go his father gave me another job so you've known Aros since he was a boy have you been to their house wait what am I saying of course you have it's huge so I Dro them off at the porch park the car coming from the side entrance at El was 12 he saw me eating in the kitchen once and he dragged me out with the main dining hall so that I could eat on the fancy plates yeah we became friends he's still that boy but maybe I don't know imagine being told that you are not good enough all the time [Music] your Dad's here he may have asked I may have told [Music] him no more fight left than you we were expecting you for dinner your mother was waiting I had plans oh yeah we're about finish what you started huh going down to the shipyard and the workers you ever get down there I was going to oh yeah your new p is going to keep to in check huh the board called for a meeting they want me to name the next in line I'm going to go with chlo she got fing kpi back on track three new shipyards in Europe cor is name in her AG is 30 under 30 do I need to go on I've done just as much not enough Chloe's getting married she's continuing the lineage I don't see any of that from you in every way she is saving this company's Legacy well I'm going to get married too [Music] Dr mael yes yes I'm over I understand yes they spoke about Cancer Care thanks doctor cancer when were you going to tell me I found out just 2 months ago during my health checkup how bad is it there isn't much they can do at this stage so I'm choosing to live each day as it is is this why you wanted to make me partner [Music] here you have so much potential Jade I hate to let you waste it away what about your children please if this place were left in their hands everything I worked for would just go down the drain within a day yeah I built this place from scratch and I don't want to you don't have to you won't I'm [Music] here why would you even say that wait are you getting married I don't know okay I mean no no I'm not I don't know why I said that you don't even have a girlfriend do you he kept saying this 30 under 30 kpi marriage lineage you know all that stuff yeah but you don't even have a girlfriend well I can get a fake girlfriend right it's that easy fake girlfriend look I I just need to show my dad that I am committed and I just need this to last until he trusts me to take over his company that's all and after that after that then I'll call off the engagement get a divorce if I have to and where are you going to find someone who's going to agree to This brilliant idea look it's easy okay there are lots of girls Samantha she stalked you Rachel she maxed out your credit card your track record of women are all about your money your status your what about Jane a you just leave that girl alone [Music] [Music] [Music] okay come [Music] closer [Music] CL hi what are you doing out here in the rain well if I weren't would you have let me in can we talk thank you sorry about the mess fine oh I'm sorry it's a draft agreement for an investment for what for this coffee house from me to you huh okay look I didn't like how things ended the last time and to be honest I felt pretty bad and you did do a good job with Mr theh and this just me believing in you and wanting to invest in you yeah I don't buy that what do you want sharp see you'll be a great business woman okay okay [Music] fine look I want something from you need something actually I need you I I mean I need us I need this to be engaged okay engaged in what engaged to be married what it's a simple job okay okay and I'm sure you could use some money I don't need your charity I meant for the coffee house as an investment look I can take care of myself and I'm not going to help you lie to your father I've worked so hard for this and I deserve to be CEO and you deserve to achieve your dreams it's so Inland situation for the both of us no thank you [Music] Jade [Music] [Music] the sheer Audacity Of that Manchild oh my gosh what did you even say told him to get out get lost who would even come up with something like that a fake engagement too much money in life the brain got fuzzy hey but but what H H what are you sure there's nothing going on between you two what the hell I mean from what you said he knows a lot of women he could have gone to anyone else why you he a fake engagement needs some sort of fake intimacy right he would have to spend some time with the person why would he spend it with someone he doesn't like there is nothing going on between us okay what it really sounds like a movie who would you want to play you if it gets made oh my gosh [Music] ears what are you doing out here in the [Music] rain [Music] you must be rich you must be rich [Music] the in I knew it I knew this day would come what's wrong with this they're selling this place they sold it none of want your children what am I going to do Jan we have to vacate this place and listen over me I'm so sorry want to come in so I'm guessing that you had a change of heart that's why you're here I accept your proposal with some non-negotiable terms okay let's hear it then I agree to be your Fake Fiance but instead of just your investment in the business I need more I need you to buy over the current space we'll keep the name of the coffee shop but I'll need shares in the business obviously obviously and since I will be spending time with you during this engagement period if it will take me away from my responsibilities at this business so I expect proper financial remuneration just like a job okay fair enough Oh and about this fiance thing do I have to sleep with you you know what that's a very good question let me think about it no like seriously no come on of course you don't have to okay and what about like intimacy and stuff well maybe some holding hands maybe a backck on the cheek especially if there are other people in front of us purely for Optics don't worry I'm doing this because I have to not because I want to all right deal um so yeah um free up your schedule tomorrow because um Donovan will be picking you up okay why well if you're going to be my fiance darling you have to look the part yeah now I'm not a big fan of floral stuff good maybe maybe maybe that Donovan I am a mother please it's like a champagne flute what um it's good right can I see the back again I don't know I think I feel like a present hey I am a gift to your son oh okay yeah let's try this one I like [Applause] this [Music] yes this is the dress that Donovan picked out for me but this is more me I know you would have wanted something more I don't know I elegant I thought this was more me no no no you're perfect you're beautiful so we are doing this I guess we are are you ready why me I know you're type you probably have girls lining up for you I know your type you probably have girls lining up for you Arrow um maybe because you're the only woman who can make me look like an honest man in that case uh you've forgotten the most important thing which is what where's my ring well of course wait uh let me check okay I got the perfect one here we go this one but I think it's perfect so Jade what is your full name Jade Akino on Jade aino on will you fake marry me yes I fake will all right um all right so are you ready to meet the family [Music] yes are you ready to meet the family yes Joseph uh Jade this is Joseph my fiance so Joseph here is a family friend and he recently just joined our company and I'm not quite sure why I'm kidding what do you have for me just need your signature signature all right all right we'll trat tomorrow sure so shall we what are you nerv with us no um I'm ready to meet your parents just give me a minute okay okay sorry hey ready for the big lunch your chariot awaits my lady Jade are you enjoying the food yes so Jade what do you do actually I she's an entrepreneur she runs her own coffee house and uh she plans on expanding her business yes it's my passion and what about your parents what do they do um my parents are no longer around how did you two meet at work you were the girl from tesh's meeting right yes uh I we we met before that years ago actually had a party she called me out because I look so bored in a room full of people and then we started talking and it went on for hours just and an instant connection instant connection even though we're PS apart two very different worlds but it just made sense so much sense I didn't agree at first he had to convince me a lot poor boy got wet in the rain and all well this doesn't sound anything like my son I haven't seen him open up like this before Aeros this is a nice look on you well what can I say mom she brings out the best of me where is my son Aros and what have you done I still don't get it uh years ago so when did you get engaged was it before or after you came to work with us um no because Jade wanted to get the hang of the business so she worked with us for a very short while but now she's back and focused on building her own business so yeah and did you uh sorry did you get the hang of the business from being with him I did there are people who don't believe in him at first but he wins them over by showing up every day and I think that's an important quality in business he probably learned that from you Mr petus when's a wedding um not yet why not dear what is a bad question right no it's okay Mom well first of all because I want to focus on our family business first before we start our own family I don't think you need to worry about that yes I do and Chloe she can run our European front but I am here and I am confident that I can lead in our home ground okay boys we have a guest and so enough of the shop talk please and more of the passing of the salt uh AOS can you pass me the I've made my decision I'm going to sleep like a baby knowing it's the right one especially after what I've seen today what do you mean after today let the board vote I'll present for my stand and you present for Chloe Dad I am here I've been here all this time and I am sure that the board will appreciate the CEO who knows the name of all their work enough our family matters remain within these four walls I will name my successor that's final you hasn't said a word at all I'm sorry it's really okay no it it was a bad idea but thank you so much for still agreeing and uh everything Still Remains the Same the investment the the agreement all of that don't worry you don't have to worry about me I got a warm-up today I'll be prepared for anything else um earlier today I sensed like a weird vibe between you and Joseph do you guys know each other no oh okay okay it just seemed like that all right thank you so much for the day well Dad come let me remember I told you about the possible military posting the medical relief Mission I got it you did to where the US oh my God that's exactly where you wanted to go I'm so happy for you um I should clear this up I leave in 2 weeks that's um soon how long will you be gone for 3 years will you come back after 3 years will you come back to me after 3 years Jade I don't want you to wait for me why you're only 19 live your life so you can live yours that's not fair I'm 28 opportunities like this might not come around for me anymore what's not fair is you haven't said anything until now you haven't said that you love me it's just me with all of these thoughts in my head so you're right it's not fair you have your whole life ahead of you yeah yeah I have a sick father a non-existent school life an imagin love life a whole damn life you're not alone trust me you got to be okay don't go please don't go thanks you remembered always I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you yesterday I was in shock and the last time we spoke I have to ask before anything else my head's been exploding the shipping company Petrus like what happened to the medical posting you're a trained military doctor yeah I am but two months ago my dad had a health scare and he needs help with the company now I finished everything I set up to do so it's only right that I come back and help so now you are starting from scratch learning from the best they're actually doing us a favor because Marcos and my dad were buddies so here I am back in sing yeah here you are when did you end up AOS yeah life are you happy yes I am That's good I've been in touch with safy here and there and she told me about your dad I'm sorry I wasn't there it's okay Jade I need to talk to you about I think I need to go it was good seeing you Joe [Music] Mommy she's not in yet oh that's all right I'll just come back later coffee well come on you're paying for the cow might as well have the [Music] milk I never got to thank you properly for the investment that's all right how are things coming up it's all on Jade she has big plans a whole list of Renovations and ideas the funds from you really [Music] help what are you getting out of it as in why a coffee house the ROI surely would mean anything to you well first of all I believe in Jade and I just want to help yeah Jade has that effect she makes you believe because she believes with all her heart you see that's the thing with hot people cretic hope can destroy them well don't worry about me Mrs changle because I I don't think with my heart this spr oh sweetheart after all these years I can spot a member from Team heart or team brain or team no brain or team no heart refill no it's okay I don't want to hold you up don't worry my children are in grates my husband's dead my plants are plastic I have all the time in the world hey Zion let's go get you change go okay is he your son m how old is he s is he erasus no yes I doubt it oh come on Mrs changle how hard can this be I'm sure that I can make better coffee than you see I was able to bring it out of the machine you know what I'm going to give you a run for your money okay so how do you do [Laughter] this why do I get a sense that you've been searching for something aren't we all have you found it maybe team heart you my boy a captain of Team heart you just don't know it is we are making a three bean coffee blend maybe let's do like a 3 2 1 ratio just remind myself the hey you were the worst helper stop it I'm going to demonstrate one time and then you have to repeat but perfectly open is up and then flip this I feel like it's going to fall I don't think it's secure I think a little bit more more yeah you could be a [Music] barista so why all these dates well how else are we going to convince them seeing is believing right here try this it's called a coffee blend you know what you are a coffee whisperer not yet there's this blend that I've been working on for years but I can't seem to find the beans till I get that done I'm Just Your Average Barista so this is your happy place so this is your happy place yes I can see why thank you what for can you hear it if you listen to the waves carefully you can actually hear what it's trying to tell you come and listen tell your future like a Psy baby you going end up right in my chemistry is s i could play it co but I be L you like a PS I'mma tell you something you like it chemistry what fing kind of St in the day [Music] my it's here is it exactly what I wanted yes burndy all the way from East Africa all right great thank you oh Katrina could you wrap it up like a gift or something all right great thanks what I had this thing I left it here this bottle cap thingy must be here somewhere can I just get you another bottle cap no it's okay what is it it's just this thing this silly thing that AOS gave me so AOS got you a bottle cat why is it so important may I ask it's our engagement ring what oh I mean our fake engagement mhm it's not my birthday yeah I know it's not I've never seen you buy anything for anyone in your life ever Jade I'm guessing you won't be bringing her over for dinner anymore come on Mom what do you think well he's just worried about you well he has a terrible way of showing it then I know but that's just him looking out for you are you sure about this girl mom what kind of a question as that no no I'm just asking here and if you're sure that she's the one then give her this yeah your grandmother's mom this is beautiful so that's from me and this is from your father father now just remember this is him looking out for you that's all okay okay I'll take a [Music] [Music] look what the hell is this he had her followed she has a son did you know look AOS there's nothing wrong with her having a child but all I'm saying is you have to think do you know her well enough and if you do then you have the ring so your fake husband and your real ex but not ex-boyfriend are working together does your fake husband know about your very real son I I mean I don't it's never come up okay I'm not meddling not a meddler but maybe don't you think you should bring it up uh Zion is the most important person in your life if OS is becoming a friend maybe he should know that fair point found your ring [Music] ah I have a son I have a son I have a son hey arrows did you know I have a son I have a son hey arrows can I tell you I have a son I have a son I have a son make sure that all shipments are on time all right Jade I know we haven't known each other for so long so I think it's best that we do this the proper way read this and sign [Music] this a contract just for safety you mean in case I take advantage of this deal where is this coming from nowhere this is how business deals work so this is a business deal now what isn't it or did you just get carried away thinking that there was something more I'll take a look at [Music] it [Music] you you not know Joseph what's wrong please just go what the [Music] [Music] hell it's [Music] over [Music] you don't get to say it's over I do I was the one doing you a I never lied to you Joseph is my past it's something I don't like to talk about when you asked me I wasn't ready to talk about it how about your son is he something that you're not ready to talk about too how do you know about my son it doesn't matter how I know about your son what matters is you lied to me I have never lied about my son Donovan has been to my house Donovan's met my son why would I needan to lie about him can you not argue with me on a technicality why does it matter to you because it matters why it's Joseph is Joseph his dad what is Joseph's dad no God this is all so messed up it's way too complicated I never should have agreed [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] CL want me to stop do you want me to stop no P me [Music] tight I love you [Music] never happen oh my gosh how cliche can you get here as I scream a romantic movie leave me alone has Joe left I'm playing with I departed 2 hours ago he's gone you won't find him there you know that's it you are coming with me you get more ice cream we are going to a party no yes I don't want to call yes you're com please you're so mean oh you'll think mean later you've been crying in the room for 2 weeks I'm surprised it isn't flooded my heart is broken I should be allowed to PL the whole city if I want to e you need distraction let's have some fun meet some new boys going home hey don't you dare you want me to tackle you the floor again what give me your mask I'm going to put this on we're going to go in there and you'll forget Joseph ever existed wait let go y Max oh the party's going to be over before we even get in hey um excuse me what an apology would be nice yeah how about I save you from queuing with all the peasants here huh no thank you uh she means yes thank youo no thank you just go yes thank you yes thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hello I'm thirsty hello my good man am I Invincible please hi hi please I just need a bottle of champagne please oh great you again I was here first and your point is you're rude and you are pretty oh uh well um you'll never find out because I'm not taking this mask off for you I didn't ask you to you must be rich that's why you think you can just be rude to people take it easy pretty ice want a drink hey you could be a distraction right I'm supposed to find one what yes cheers why do I get the feeling that you don't belong here hey I have an invite okay it's my sister's invite but it still counts yeah well this isn't normally your scene right what gave it away is it my off the rack clothes effortless Beauty then shouldn't you be getting back to your girlfriends something tells me that it'll be more interesting if I stick around is that your way of telling me I should start saying things to impress you now don't worry you already have you must think girls just fall all over you all the time you know what like I just take a call kiss [Music] me you want to stop no hold me tight [Music] you know what you never told me your name and I kind of like your hair like this I need to go what come on don't tell him you're going to leave me again I should never have wait don't tell me you've known all this time too what do you mean too you you knew well I suspected like the first time we saw each other and then as time went by the more time we spent together the more convinced I was and especially after this night oh my god look I was trying to look for you after that night okay but I couldn't I can't talk about this right now I need to get home to my son yeah but you never answered my question did you know all this time too no of course not if I knew I never would have would never have what this is a mistake okay a really bad mistake here Mommy I'm so happy to see you are you okay what are you doing here um I happen to be in a neighborhood so I thought I'd drop by and say hi hi yeah right in the neighborhood I'm Joseph B me this Cool J show puzzle you're own halfway done um that's nice I'm f it with us Mommy a look at you guys thanks for letting me stay for dinner Zion wanted you to he's a great kid I've done a great job raising him can't imagine how H it's been for you to raise him by yourself especially if his heal is safy helps out I'm sorry I wasn't there well you left I'm here now what do you want from me sorry I didn't mean to upset you well it's too late for that you broke my heart I thought I was doing the right thing how could that be the right thing I promise your dad that I'll take care of you getting into a relationship with you when I wasn't even going to be around doesn't seem like taking care of you I had to go out and make something of myself before I could beat anything to anyone especially you I'm sorry that I hurt you I really missed you Joe I really missed you too is Uncle Joseph coming you like him huh he's fun he told me how to F an airplane is that what you guys were doing last night when I was making dinner is this house like now what's like to have a daddy okay I'm sorry I didn't think that was going to end fine I'm fine okay let's go okay okay okay that's it I don't want to lose my bonus for the year what's wrong with you today is it J you know what I don't understand her what did you do now okay what what did she do now remember that night from years ago that girl that I met in this masquerade ball when you were driving that whole night just trying to look for her that I remember you said you fell in love that was drunk babbling Aros but of course drunk babbling arrows never said those words again well yeah guess what I found her what the girl in the Mas yeah who Jade but you said you never saw her face does she know well now she does but if if you bled that you were in love with Mas Jade does that mean you are in love with real jade this should be enough to get you through the afternoon at least you're the best Jade the baby kept me up all night and I've got a presentation to do in an hour good luck thanks hi don't you have to be at work I'm latte but it's okay what are you and Zion doing for dinner tonight ooh I wish you just texted I don't think it's a good idea for you to be spending so much time with Zion why not I don't want them to get too attached in case I thought we were good after our talk last night we are it's just it's just really complicated at the moment I'm not treasuring you for anything you're not ready I just want to be there for you and Zion I'm engaged Joe I know but is she really the one Jade I'm back and I'm not going to let you go without a fight no matter what happens between us I'm not going anywhere this time are you okay I'm not sure if you were me would you tell Zion's father about Zion Oh I have so many questions but the answer is yes it's complicated you should tell him I've been saying that from the beginning you know I couldn't even if I wanted to then I didn't even know who he was now that you know tell him no matter what he deserves to know and he can help with Zion's medical bills I can take care of that myself okay fine but think of Zion doesn't he deserve to know who his father [Music] is you know I don't even know your name we are just two strangers who happen to find each other one night we'll probably never see each other again wait what why I mean come on it was more than just some fun right come on let me take you out on the date I know you're tight you probably have girls lining up for you you probably won't remember me tomorrow slow down please don't follow me you're not what I need right now okay wait I can't go through it again [Music] hey where have you been I want to go home please oh uh [Music] okay [Music] oh hey where have you been we've been looking for you come join us let's have a drink Aris Joseph I need you to cover for me for the Henderson meeting but I haven't prepped anything for it yet prep now then sure by the way way how do you know Jade I've known her since we were young she's very special to me and you don't think that you had to mention it to me the moment I introduced the both of you what was my place to say he said special special how I love her does she love you you should [Music] ask the meeting is in 1 hour make sure that the deal goes through you're [Music] dismissed yep why'd you freak out last night I guess I was in shock or something but you reacted like it was such a bad thing hey look I'm really glad to have found you again this is so messed up up what do you think I'm just good enough for a fling not anything more no that's not it then what that I'm a good paycheck no I I we have a [Music] son say something what's going on look I was wondering if he was mine I mean the timing the timing is perfect but then when you said it out loud it just became real so you're panicking now honestly no but I kind of feel bad because you went through everything on your own but now you don't have to now we can be a family just like that yeah why not you think that we can just become an instant happy family he has no idea about you look Jade we have all the time in the world now for him to get to know me is this about impressing your father and the board of directors cannot believe you think that well you got me to be your Fake Fiance for that exact reason is this because of Joseph no do you love him no I don't know but I do know that I don't need this in my life look Jade it's not just your life okay it's Zion's too and I'm his father exactly what do you mean you don't think I can be a good father to Zion I'm sorry I'm just I'm not going to risk making his life any harder than it already is and you're not even going to give me a chance to prove myself then let me out of our agreement we should just go our separate ways maybe maybe when Zion's older we can tell him about [Music] you I'm sorry I'm just I'm not going to risk making his life any harder than it already is we should just go our separate ways maybe maybe when Zion's older we can tell him about [Music] [Music] you I kind of feel bad because you went through everything on your own but now you don't have to now we can be a family I just have to convince her that I love her well if all else fails just get on your knees and grel you know what it's a good thing that I'm wearing my least expensive pants right now wish me luck I really to maybe it's not what it looks like you don't think that they look like one little happy family let's go hi uh are you looking for Jade cuz she's not in is z around yeah do all right thanks h hey Zion I'm AOS your mom's uh her friend but she's not here yes because I came here to see you wow very nice handshake huh very firm I like it thank you Uncle Joseph taught me that this is for you thank you do you want coffee um I may make the best coffee maybe you can save that coffee date for next time okay can he uh yeah sure I'll see you soon okay okay bye nice I don't think mommy would agree this is very impressive well the shipping industry has been facing very Fierce competition in the recent years especially in terms of uh vessel size and modernization but ecological and sustainability aspects play a very important role in this and Mrs Lucas I believe that with this our company will emerge on top against all our competitors getting engaged has certainly made you very productive um about that Mrs Lucas did my dad ever talked to you about the succession planning yes he did and I'll be very honest with you Ross I had my doubts on you but the way you have taken control of the shipyard Manpower issues this bidding proposal and of course your personal life I'm quite impressed you're settling down it's a promising look on you thank you uh some of the members and I are uh going for dinner tomorrow uh you should join us they're going to be really excited seeing this proposal yeah sure and please do bring soon to be Mrs Petrus okay okay hey he was here who Aeros what he spoke to Zion gave him that toy and left Zion baby can Mommy have that for a while thank you Chloe's coming next week I'm going to make an official announcement when she's here what about how about her taking over as CEO okay okay okay do what you have to do what do you mean do what you have to do if you want Chloe to take over then let her you know what I'm done I'm done with this this this whole thing this trying to prove myself to you every single time if you want me to become CEO for the rest of my life then I will become CEO for the rest of my life you're done when I tell you you're done just get to that dinner I'm not going to leave her you know you know she has a child and you think it's going to endanger our family but I'm not leaving her to make sure it works out for the [Music] family don't you dare Walts into my house and start talking to my son Jane my don't say it look I just wanted to see him okay why what do you mean why what kind of a question is that I have every right to no you don't I didn't give you any Jade we can do this the easy way or what well I can fight for custody I can but I won't what do you want okay so there's a dinner later with all the board members and I want you to come and pretend to be my fiance you see it's that easy and after that we can break it up I'll come to dinner I'll pretend but all of this ends with me I don't want Zion dragged into this mess he's off limits I'll pick you up at 6 saffy he's that guy remember when Joe left you took me to a party I met a guy yeah it's Os Oh my God I always assumed it was Joe no we have never Os Os is Zion's father and now I'm fake engaged to him and I don't know how to get out of this mess are you in love with him I mean from the way you were balling your eyes out that wasn't desperation that was heartbreak I don't know it's all about business for him he just needs us a picture perfect family so he can get his seat at the table and now now Joe's back you know I always thought I was on team Joe but I'm not I'm on team Jade what does that even mean it means I'm on your side no matter what you choose I thought you said it's dinner it was until I changed it to here well I want to show them that business can also be [Music] fun you really want me to s going guys why okay you know I'm not I'm not really good at this [Music] [Music] [Music] hold oh me don't know [Music] all I wonder if they have it in my size anyway I'm so glad we're here instead of the same old bom yeah can all their dinner meetings be like this AOS is a genius too bad he isn't taking over from Marcos isn't he but Mrs Lucas loves him I don't think the rest of them do they think of him as a self-entitled brat today is their last attempt to evaluate him well no one day strank so hard poor thing did you see that girl um his beyon yes absolutely no spark right I thought so too looks like they've been forced to get married really what I know Wonder was it me let's go you got this uh I shared few of few plans with the members Theos they were very impressed and I should say that the Voting is going to go your way well thanks Mrs Lucas but I'm afraid that I'm not going for the seat anymore yeah but don't worry the acquisition plan Still Remains the Same and I can still work on it while Chloe calls the the shots didn't think you had it in you to give it up well I'm not giving up Mrs luas just taking a step back but why well maybe I just want to get the possession based on my professional merits and as of now that ship has sailed no pun in and here I thought that you're going to do better than your dad hey [Music] hi we need to talk okay why are you here what do you mean I mean what is this dinner about well it's just some of the board members just balancing some new ideas no that's not what it's about you are being evaluated they're giving you scores why would you say that doesn't matter do you want this or not I did you did then why am I still [Music] here look you asked me to be your fiance to get the job I'm here as your fiance now go get the job it's yours right you deserve this right right right but look it's complicated okay no it's not the company is your life your connection to your father you can't you wouldn't just give it up just like that without fighting until your very last shot you you are the most frustrating irritating stubborn man I have ever met but you have a heart for your employees and I have no doubt you'll be a great CEO let's get you what you deserve and get this over with yeah okay but just had to attap me a bit huh but before that [Music] cheers let's go show them what spark looks like ring ding ding Play Our Song go play our song Go Play Our Song [Music] go going to be all right you know it's going to be all right you know it's all going to be all right know it's going to be all right let's do this together we're going to get through this whatever it is oh oh yeah we can do this together walk one another through this [Music] me I love [Music] you can you please take me home [Music] [Applause] [Music] you going to be okay he meant what he said I'm sure he thinks that he meant it but he didn't it's all about the business for him and his guilt guilt about having a son he didn't know about J no I don't have the strength anymore Donovan to fall in love with an idea and watch it walk away from me again I just don't tell OS to stay away from Zion and me Jade hey safy let me in come [Music] on [Music] are you [Music] okay you were a big part of my life Joe and I think I depended on you too much even after you left you never really left my life I allowed myself to be defined by you and your rejection I didn't reject I know that I know that now and I can finally breathe knowing that you want me feels like Vindication and that's how I know this isn't love I can't I can't allow myself to be defined by this anymore I need to let you go once and for [Music] all the end of the world at the palm of my hand when it all goes to hell will you still will be my friend you should my face to the Sea my backs to the you can't heard you gave your approval for AOS and that girl approval was a strong word are you okay with it with her becoming a part of our family who told you anyway I have my sources at Donovan you think she's a good fit no like you said he's been a different Aros Ser since she came into the picture this is what it takes so be it tell me something if you really want Chloe to take over then why are you pushing him so hard it's just like your father pushed me you didn't just hand all this to me I had to fight for it I had to earn his trust now it's time for your son to earn mine what well it looks like he already has AOS I need to talk to you it's about Jade we'll talk in the ring OS is Zion's father mhm oh deos I thought these things only happen in the movies I wish someone would write me a happy ending and what would that look like me the co-owner of a successful Cafe reunited with the father of my child and we all live happily ever after happily ever after huh do you also believe in Santa Claus I thought you were supposed to make me feel better who was time for that besides you didn't just unload all this on me so I can make you feel better you did it so that I can say that you made the right decision which I did right you're a smart girl with good instincts but but you took the easy way out and you pushed everybody away what's your hold on Jade what do you mean I don't think that the two of you are love or rather that she loves you why I know her and I kissed her you don't love him no I don't not anymore and that's what I don't get you're not the same Jade anymore you revolve feel things Chang you may care about him but it's not the same as being in love this Jade loves somebody else should he loved you she won't even allow me near really so you really think that you know Jade so well did you know that I love Jade did you know that Zion is my son uh it's all just so complicated no it's not steady the heart pay attention to one feeling at a time but also know that feelings are not facts you need to weigh both then you'll truly know [Music] yourself get punched in the face yeah you should see the other guy huh what was so urgent I'm grateful for the opportunity you've given me here Mr Marcos thank you for doing this for my dad but I need to step down I can't continue working here why I can't work with your Ross I was expecting this sooner or later but it's up to you this is what you want and so be it there's something else I think you should know I owe you this at least Jade's child is your grandson I have to go get Zion I'll see you tomorrow can I say one more thing though as much as I love your Fierce Independence it's okay to need someone I was exactly like you at your age so proud to do everything on my own till I met my husband he taught me that loving someone didn't mean I had to give up my Independence you must miss him a lot every day I love you Mrs changle a I love you too I will we get down but make time to sit alone with your heart and pay attention and weigh the facts and feelings yes [Music] [Music] m [Music] OS what are you doing CH something happened the cafe at the cafe your staff when the they couldn't reach you they contacted me and what happened this changle she passed [Music] away [Music] kids never came it seems like they couldn't book a flight on time I had my legal team contact [Music] them thank you we have to get you home how do I do this without her he she trusted you I know she did what is it I just I just remembered how smitten she was when she saw you the first time you came to the cafe really yeah she said you were yummy well I'm sure that Mrs changle was also a heartbreaker during her heydays you think you're a heartbreaker am I [Music] not I still had so much to learn from her she was suppos she wasn't supposed she trusted you she believed in you she even wanted to run the cafe with you please just trust yourself what hey come here [Music] is [Music] [Music] we're home yeah how long was I out for probably 2 hours why didn't you wake me up well you look tired so I just want to get to rest thank you Mommy Mommy Mommy why aren't you asleep yet what is this did you have fun thanks for looking after him yeah what happened uh nothing just nothing um thank you both for everything you should get some rest you too hey wait that that's not nothing it came from me from inside the ring okay come let's go Sam I think the three of us should talk this one out I don't get it Jade I don't want to live my life with you anymore based on lies I think that we should tell him about our Arrangement let him know and I want you to make a choice now so that the both of us can hear it what arrangement I love you Jade and I mean it do you love me [Music] too you shouldn't have pushed her well at least now I know it'll never be me she's scared AOS she's terrified of what me no she's afraid of admitting that she's in love with you because she feels that you are only doing this because you feel guilty are you no no what if I told you that you'll move on that you'll meet someone no I'm very sure look it doesn't worth that way okay Donovan you just don't get over someone by meeting someone new she's Irreplaceable she's stubborn rude infuriating but she is kind she's smart she's funny she's super beautiful she's just Irreplaceable then go and tell her that go go go go [Music] he's as sleep thank you you should go I know about the medical bills it must be tough but I can help it's very kind of you to offer but I've got it please just just go I know it's been a long day but can we please talk talk about what US Joe I told you there is know us you just called it off with Aros so that doesn't mean that I want this it will be different this time I promise just give me a chance is anybody going to listen to what I want okay okay I will listen please just look at me and tell me you don't feel the love you had for me all those years ago that what we have isn't real please Joe no no stop stop are you trying to do huh [Music] both of you out [Music] no did you know about what Jade's son he's mine that's not something you thought that I should know about well not until I fixed it how by marrying her you think I'm going to allow that now you were okay when you found out that Jade had a son so what's your problem now it's even better if you think this is better you're obviously not ready for what I thought you were you know what I don't get you did she know you were the father when you saw her again are you trying to say that she manipulated her way here if this isn't the oldest trick in the book to get the rich guy and I don't know what is stop you are not marrying her this family's name is not going to get dragged to the the mud because my son is a naive fool it's her or a seat at the table you [Music] choose [Music] we are closed even for me especially for you why am I getting the bullets he's sorry I don't care he misread the situation it's not a good excuse he was just trying to protect you hash epic fail I don't need anyone to protect me I don't need anyone to save me I don't need anyone to love [Music] you should I even be drinking that okay he's so good makes me feel all warm inside just like her Mrs changle I'm going to call it the changle can you please tell Aros I'm done Jay no I'm done I need to there's so much to do I need to make sure I make this place a success I need to focus and I'm done with all of these distractions he's still an investor here I'll find another way okay I'll stay with the company finally you're doing something right I'll take care of Jay what do you mean I could not stop that Aros Petz we need to bring you in for questioning what is the meaning of this assault charges [Music] welcome afternoon Jade oh Mr Petrus um can I get you anything let's take a seat what can I do for you I know about your son uh-huh I know iser's son too what's your in game here what do you mean what was a family Legacy or you want money or what what are you implying look Jay it's not wrong to want the best for your boy okay you just need to tell me what it is you want nothing from you okay okay but I want something from you I want you to give up your son what I can't have AOS publicly claiming he has a child out of wedlock but I can take care of your son and make sure he doesn't want for anything in his life but I can only do that if I have all rights to him okay I don't want you coming back in the future making a claim or black mailing arrows you understand me leave before I call the cop take your time with this and we'll talk again no we won't who do you think could take better care of your son you are me get out you know what you strike me as a smart girl think about this I'm going to kill that [Music] guy don't do anything rash look he was the one who reported me to the police okay the B is going to lose confidence in you if you keep acting this way [Music] well let's just get [Music] going Aros [Music] a what kind of a sick joke are you playing what are you talking about sending your daddy to buy me out what what did he do you think I would sell my son to you Jade it makes me sick to even think that you would di I didn't know what he was going to do okay don't lie to me you said that you would leave me alone after I made my decision but this is how you I got arrested and I just got home today what yeah for assaulting Joseph he reported that look dude I'm sorry I wouldn't do anything like that to you and I meant it I'll just stay away from you I'll just stay [Music] away I want this what you me just [Music] here I know it's pretty selfish but you remind me of that coton candy Sky I used to love H okay so back when I was still young my dad would always bring me to the beach and I'd always feel so alone alone but whenever I'd look up to the coton candy Sky it would always make me feel like I was never alone and that's how you make me feel even if it's just for a few moments just for a few seconds what too much never heard you say so much in one [Music] go you loved [Music] me it's not that [Music] simple well let's make it simple then I have to trust you completely well what's stopping you I don't know I think I know what to do [Music] oh come on you guys started without me different matters you can join later well you can continue after I'm done because after this I won't be back here later or ever what are you talking about okay well Dad I just wanted to discuss the price that you were willing to offer in order to buy my son your grandson so what was the starting offer he rose leave we will talk later oh come on can't we have a bit of fun here and don't you think that these guys right here deserve to know just as much as you do [Music] well I have a son and he is 7 years old and I'm going to marry the mother of my son who I love very very much but this guy right here who happens to be my dad is making me choose a seat at this table or her and guess what I'm choosing her I [Music] [Music] quit Zion Zion Zion Zion hello hey is Zion with you what do you mean I thought you picked him up no he's not with me he's not here either Zion [Music] [Music] Zion Zion Zion is it the guy at the party is it Joel it doesn't matter are you going to keep it how can you even ask me that you have options I mean you don't need to yes I know I have options I'm choosing to keep my baby where are you maybe I'll take you to a park and I'm going to do my best to be the mother that you deserve there a have for you sorry I cover your eyes there nice I promise you will never spend a day feeling like you're [Music] alone sth yeah it's okay okay [Music] uh under all their are all the girls and boys hello Jade I did it I told my dad i w w slow down [Music] what Jade where's Zion you you people why are you doing this your father call him ask him he must have taken Zion Jade calm down okay okay my dad would never do this no call him please I don't need anything from you people please just tell him to stop this Jane relax okay calm down you're not thinking clearly look let's go home we'll make a police report and everything will be okay let's go no you will never get it it's not the same for you and I your life didn't spiral out of control just cuz you had a random night out with a random girl you wouldn't even have noticed on any other day but my dead my whole life changed complete 18 and it was good Zion is good and he is mine and now your father wants him just like that no no Don Don we need to step it up Zion is still missing yes please please update me are you okay excellent how bad was it emergency board meeting tonight kind of bad why did you do that to what you went for the jugular what with the girl and her child how could you think that she would give up her son that was a calculated move a calculated move based on what that a mother would willingly give up her child for for money Aros is in love with her I just wanted to show him maybe she's not in love with him well that blew up spectacularly in your face didn't it yes it did Thank you Grandma I am gosh I get it I get why you did it like if he marries her then he can never get the respect he needs to run what he needs to run but at the same time I can't let his son grow up without us spectacular indeed I've sent all of you a photo of him we already have another team out there looking for him with a list of possible locations we'll find him okay BOS isn't that is he he's okay he's full of questions get ready all right tell Jade okay yeah thanks Don hey buddy that's forus you remembered my name I Googled you is that how you got here I put the T okay very smart but it's very dangerous you can only do that when you get older okay okay so now let's get you home your mom is very worried about you is this your office not anymore why because I quit why because my boss he's not that nice are you my [Music] daddy my mommy said Uncle Joseph isn't no no he's not if you're on my D can you pay for my mine [Music] I think every night m is crying because you cannot pay for it I want her to start [Music] crying Zion this so wor about you where did you go you can never do this again okay on R gr up he said that come on thank you Boss I I was speci this bye Zion Jaden hey come let's go on what's wrong with Z what do you mean he showed me this talk about this medicine you don't need to worry about that I made a choice a long time ago to do this on my own Zion is my responsibility what's his condition juvenile dermatomiositis JDM for short wait a skin disease more than that it causes muscle inflammation leads to weak muscles it's an autoimmune disease treatable but the longterm effects can be life altering so he's constantly in pain I didn't tell you about it because it's not on you it's my responsibility wait is this longterm [Music] [Music] you done with your declarations yet board is meeting in 30 minutes you can continue your Tantrums air I'm sorry I was out of line I'm sorry and I'll apologize to the bo too I just want my job back and I don't need any other job just my current job why I just need it and I need to know why because I have responsibilities on my terms and I have three one I cannot just put you back up for CEO not have to stunt you pulled you'll be coo to support Chloe okay two you need to write a formal note to the board okay and what's the [Music] third stop laughing fine laugh makes sense you left one more person to add to the list of those who've left me yeah I'll stop whimpering stop throwing this pity party but you know I'm right you made it look so easy you never made me ask for anything it's so impossibly painful for me to ask anything from anyone he calls me his cotton candy Sunset I even told him he's my coffee pot on a rainy afternoon that he makes me feel comfortable warm he's not that insufferable man anymore well kind of is but that's not all he is he's also gentle and kind and I'm starting to believe him when he says that he loves me what if Zion asks me when he's older I didn't give him the love of a father I didn't let him enjoy having one what if he hates me I can't do that to Zion right I'll tell Zion about OS and I'll tell OS about the girl who loves him I withdrew the complaint it was a shitty move and I'm sorry I got it completely wrong I didn't realize that Jade had already moved on so I'm bowing out I'm heading back to the stats you love her yeah I do but it doesn't so keep her happy you know what I'm done playing these games she's all yours just keep her keep them happy you are hovering why life of for Messenger huh from new contract H okay it says he's going to remain an investor here and I I am under no obligation yeah and there's a stipend y what's this stipend about you're pay for your expertise it's generous yep okay what's the catch no catch what's going on he's getting married who AOS is getting [Music] married come on and I will disappear in [Music] you playing no [Music] baby miss Affairs for two leave Al light on call me [Music] home and I will run to you yeah I will [Music] run what's the third you marryed person am my choosing Marshall's daughter six generations of shipping Dynasty undo some of the damage that you've done okay to all of the above but I have one too you don't go near my son or Jade ever leave Al on calling me home [Music] and I will [Music] run sit what what are y'all doing what you two Knuckleheads should have done talk and since y'all aren't we are going to and you need to listen your future bride is looking for you are you talking NOP because you made the choice well it wasn't really much of a choice right you know it's just an engagement party okay you can still change your mind it's too late the engagement party is today are y'all crazy don't you love him don't you why are you so stubborn so stubborn why are y'all telling me this he's the one getting married not me thank God I didn't listen to anyone and didn't let him into my life Zion's life the only reason he agreed to get married is f Zion he quit his job walked away from everything that was his and when he found out about Zion's condition he went right back to his father why to invest in this in you cuz he knows that you are too proud to ask for any help and he knows that Zion needs it but I didn't ask for it you don't have to with some people Jade he came looking for you that night when you first met he spent the whole night looking for you spent days trying to figure out who you were so if you think he's doing this out of guilt I think you're wrong my God you I don't know I can't responsible we need it there's so much to keep track of oh I know I know yes found [Music] it ladies and gentlemen are you ready for the entry of the man of the hour the most eligible bachelor is ready to give up his throne Aros the practice get on up here [Applause] [Music] [Music] buddy [Music] I heard that you were looking for me I heard you went looking for me too that night I didn't go through it with it do you want to do right by your son we s are you on mom do you think it's easy being your father's wife but I made that choice years ago I love your dad deeply yes but there are times when I go to bed hating him hating his coldhearted choices but then I wake up and I have a choice love him or hate him I choose to love him I choose to love him every day with for you Mom no listen it's not that I fully agree with your dad on this but I do agree on one thing he believes he's doing what's best for his son are you doing the best you can for your son because you have a choice coffee pot [Music] what you're my coffee pot on a rainy afternoon wait does that mean you yes yes yes I do well I want to hear you say it first you're going to milk this for a long time aren't you a little [Music] bit I love you okay that's it yeah why you want me to say it back well yeah okay fine I made a choice to love you today so today seems to be settled and I will make that choice again tomorrow so I'll keep you posted Arrow p trus as arrogant as ever Jade aino AR you're m forever what that's it [Music] really thank you all right you [Music] ready [Music] look this [Music] [Music] [Music] come my name and I will [Music] disappear in [Music] you playing no games baby this Affairs [Music] for leave Al [Music] home ladies and gentlemen friends and families we are gathered here on this happy occasion to celebrate the marriage of iros petris and Jade Akino on may we have the [Music] [Music] Rings leave Al call me [Music] home I Now Pronounce You man and wife you may kiss the bright and I will run to you I will [Music] run do you want to stop [Music] not I will [Music] thisa in [Music] you playing no gam baby miss Affairs for two leave Al light on call me home
Channel: Romance Movies
Views: 3,444,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Romance, melodrama, love movies, love stories, The Girl He Never Noticed
Id: sZ2zD0lo2ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 10sec (10930 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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