Baby Bootcamp - Full Movie

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[Music] all right great job everybody two more just two more Julia I barely broke a sweat okay then three more that for my pregnant moms you can begin stretching three two one let's hold arms up all right everybody you're done shake it off great work I'll see you all next week and remember what I always say bit bodies pre-baby make fit mommies with baby great work good work sick thanks apparently not as good as the keener I mean seriously who gets back to a size two three months after giving birth I mean that's for sure class always works Julia wipes us both out oh you mine Joey's got a bit of a greener home you okay uh yeah just some pulse contractions how do you know the difference cuz both my kids came ten days late in this one ain't coming out early either later skaters hey so you coming over tonight and making veggie tacos I love having a domestic sister I know I know all right I'll see you later tonight hey Julia can you watch baby Abbi while I go freshen up sure thanks [Music] you choose your bed you can't walk in him yet huh [Music] [Music] Abey Abey hey have you seen a baby cute little pink sparkly shoes worms my happy a worms you can't text when you're babysitting Julie it's like malpractice for babysitters it was an accident texting isn't an accident well how was I supposed to know she could crawl that fast besides the doctor says you can just group the bug that feeding your unborn child come on Gwen babies can't taste anything the book says that she'll grow a taste for whatever I eat oh then it's gonna love chips what no no I'm off all junk food this is just you know will hold me over okay sure hello can you hear me in there it's like hearing underwater mm-hmm oh you know what check this out hello you're here can you hear the heartbeat yeah oh that's so cool speaking of cool Phil and I have decided we're gonna go through with the water birth you know just so the baby feels a little more natural when it comes out Wow water birth but what is that like you have the baby in a bathtub or something no in the pool silly oh and before I forget you have plans on your birthday me and Phil are gonna throw you a little gathering in the backyard Quinn I told you no party but you're turning the big three Oh Jules come on yeah I'm turning 30 I'm single I have no prospect for a husband oh and I'm broke not much to celebrate all right as far as being broke you clearly need a second job and as for being a spinster we're just gonna have to get you hooked up no way I am NOT falling for another one of your hookups or your husband's for that matter you guys both stink at it okay rappy was a great blind date okay he's a catch yeah whoa what is that oh the empathy belly pregnancy simulator so Phil can relate to how I'm feeling hmm I can experience up to 20 symptoms of pregnancy right now 30 pounds of weight gain fetal kicking shallow breathing shortness of breath increased blood pressure back pain irritability plus it even press up against my latter so I feel a full effect Gila try no I'm good I'm gonna wait for the real thing which is gonna happen because Phil and I have invited all of those single friends to your partay yay you mean the ones that we're still single at my last party you know what don't worry about it there's gonna be options yeah well there better be because if this birthday fails to yield me a man I'm seriously going to adopt Oh Julia don't be so dramatic great party right yeah I was turning five not 30 we told everyone I was a family friendly party sings how everyone has kids now right oh hey did you get a chance to talk to those friends from the club this will have a question why they're also single yeah I'm gonna go dry off dad how's my ray of sunshine what are you doing here I was gonna take the bus out to see you well how could I miss my little girl's 30th well you'll stay right for the night well it's Bridge night and condo organizer I gotta be there to make sure things don't get out of hand this is for you dad you don't have to get me anything from your mother this is from her charm bracelet before she died she wanted you to have it for your firstborn but I just figured you should have it now why because I'd be old and gray otherwise it'll happen when it's meant to be just look at you it took your sweet time coming after your sister [Music] [Music] I know that we were supposed to plan once to get pregnant together but he's gonna have to go and do something crazy like adopt I mean my motherhood ready book says that you need to be able to master all things before you become a mother like I don't know your plants I mean they're always dying to us I run a baby boot camp I know what I'm doing baby toys okay everybody let's begin the class we're gonna start with some really easy neck rolls just releasing all the tension from carrying baby excuse me I'm assuming this is the baby boot camp yeah this is it the one and only right your website says that this is for new parents not just for moms only no it's for new parents that's two you're just our first dad oh okay great lucky me let me get you a mat I know him he Shops at the grocery store near my house I heard he's a widower but I heard are you sure this is okay cuz you know we don't mind other ways no it's fine you can just skip the Kegel exercises great thank you thank you you hear that we don't have to do kegels stuff we shy I mean hi I'm kind of the class leader so if you want my opinion you'll get a better workout with who's that it's our four little pumpkin this is Maddie oh say hi Maddie hi Betty so just how Maddie is up on your chest that you want to go like this all right everybody social hour is over so let's start with lunges left leg back first switching right foot back [Music] thank here's your mat thank you very much I'll bring my own next time um by the way great workout I feel like my legs are gonna buckle Hey hope you don't have far to walk no my office is like literally just around the corner so I should be able to make it barely but I'll make it anyway same time next week same time same place okay thank you okay it's too cute when cute and I'm sure happily married actually know what you have this scoop on him already what divorced widowed you're like a lawyer at a crash site Oh morning ladies Friday morning what's y'all doing in the park so early morning stretches wretched morning stretches stretch it okay so you wouldn't be operating a a fitness class or anything like that right oh no does he eat a permit in a insurance to do that huh what that's really that sounds complicated oh go sis I think it's time it's time are you okay mm-hmm are you sure yeah escort full lights I can call my friend you need to get insurance keep walking all right delinquents delinquent past due [Music] oh excuse me not that you're not beautiful already but it's like I always say fit buddies free baby make fit mommies with baby you sure we're always accepting new members Hey shoo shakedown advertising I love it are you guys going I just going to the office you uh you want to walk with us sure great what we bring Maddie to the office oh yeah I have a little play area set of birth so it'sit's not that bad what do you do I run an adventure tour company actually really yeah that's awesome well I'm glad you think so I'm not only so sure so you take people like shark diving and mountain biking that's so cool I've always wanted to do that night Safari where the animals hunt each other well gets you all go get her yeah yeah we do all that stuff how'd you get into that well when my wife and I first met we did a lot of traveling together and this one time we were in Brazil and we're about to bungee jump off the altar Villa Tower and the idea just sort of popped into my head hence the name Ault adventures yeah I'm sorry about your wife no III heard from the girls yeah it's it's been hard but we're managing I think we're managing right anyway how about you you uh you do much traveling ah no not exactly it's not in the budget right now how about you that's a stupid question you run a travel company no no not at all I mean you think right but unless you're counting trips to the kids park no we don't do much traveling at all right now anyway this is uh this is me so thanks for the company and see you in class you bet okay bye hey hey so clean bill health well Mandy got a clean bill of health dog wants me to start eating a little healthier ah tofu you can make that stuff taste like anything ground beef chicken tastes like nothing yeah it is sort of nasty so you want the good news or the bad news bad you missed the conference call oh I'm so sorry I totally forgot no that's cool I covered for you send you over the flu but the good news is we got the accounts yes yeah they want to talk to you man about numbers marketing all that stuff so I said the video call it for Oh Maddie has a rainbow songs at 4:00 we you know what no big y'all I'll take her no you already do too much I'm not gonna subject you to a kid sing alongs dude are you kidding remember the old garage band days don't worry about it man I got this all right thank you and I owe you you don't but I really think you should reconsider getting a nanny yeah like I just don't want my kids raised by somebody that I don't know I get that I do but no one else is raising them it's just an extra hand to help out just think about it okay yeah think about it and what is that smell ah that smell that smell is your turn Oh [Music] okay all I'm saying here is think about it [Music] weird how every stage of development can be described as either a fruit or a vegetable but first she's a pear then she's a grapefruit you're supposed to be relaxing not talking I'm multitasking so that Oh every mother has eyes in the back of her head of my dear even the expectant ones help under Child's Pose [Music] [Music] I just wanted to say another great class but as usual we're in a rush to go so do you uh do you have any help I mean we heard about your wife oh I'm sorry my sister doesn't know anything at all no that's okay that's okay answered your question is no we haven't got any help since my wife passed away but my business partner is just about got me convinced the hire a nanny hard time around the house anyway really yeah well you know Julia actually used to be a nanny really yeah okay Gwen don't be so sure she is so great with kids and extremely domestic I mean she cooks she cleans and she was actually just looking for another job I was yeah and you live pretty nearby I presume yeah literally just like five minutes up the street yeah that is so great cuz Julia actually lives just a few blocks away really Wow okay well what kind of hours are you looking for because I don't technically have to be into the office till after 10:00 so that could really work around your class schedule yeah yeah that that's good okay well you know what here I got a card why don't you just email me come up with a time to swing by the house and go from there perfect okay all right well there you go okay guys thanks all right you take care of Scott would you look at that we got you a man and a travel Gwen I can't even take care of a plant and you signed me up to be a nanny okay I'll give you my books I'll teach you well I do need the money see so it's just one kid I mean I'll be a breeze [Music] so is she hot sorry wet don't don't play that game with me is she good-looking huh she's a fitness instructor yeah she's she's very pretty a hot fitness instructor nanny my man this is beyond like every dudes wild dream right maybe yours okay okay look you know you're like my bestest friend right so clearly I'm coming from a good place when I say this but it is time for you to get back in the dating world I don't know yeah I just don't know I love Claire too you know that but she wouldn't wanted you to be alone forever yeah I realized that you're right but I I don't think she had the nanny in mind okay fair enough then at least agree to come with me to the rib this weekend we can get hot in any to babysit if I hire of course so are we on Maddy what do you think honey should I go talk some sense into daddy a good point [Music] hi hi welcome all right Maddie's in the kitchen so come on in okay oh you could just put Maddie's bib on that would be great hi sure give me a chance to finish up Charlotte's grilled cheese yeah no problem um I'm sorry uh who's Charlotte Charlotte's my other daughter hey char there you are honey come on in here me Julia I didn't know you had another daughter yeah well this one is my little angel I don't know what I'd do without her yeah sorry about that oh I guess it doesn't all end up in the hip huh it's okay you got that in your hair Oh oh jeez um I have to make a quick call so you know what I think maddie is done come on girl maybe the two of you can just sort of get to know each other a little bit and I'll be back in a few minutes when I deal with this okay no problem so Charlotte how old are you seven and three months oh so that's grade two right how old are you I am thirty and two weeks but who's counting what are you eating now that'd be the sleuth I love that book have you ever read near the Nina girl p.i books pill oh well I like him no matter he's doing on Pooh oh oh I'll show you where changer okay ah [Music] [Music] you should seen her first and don't forget her Matt who goes all the way out right please be any smaller oh I'm who on my hand Oh [Music] Oh sticky [Music] Thanks I'm a little rusty sorry about that Australia timezones crazy but you guys look like he's doing all right everybody's getting along we sure are that's great I mean I guess if you're happy then I'm happy too I go ahead and make this official I guess really that's great excellent oh I just one more thing if you're not busy maybe on Saturday night you could watch the girls for me for a little while Saturday night only if you're not busy and then we can start three days a week from Monday sounds terrible I mean I had no idea what I was doing if it wasn't for Charlotte I would have never gotten that diaper on and that's another thing nobody told me he had two kids it's kind of a game changer don't you think do you remember dodging the cop you need money to make this boot camp thing legit Jules it's the bottom line what are you doing whatever remember oh and you need to smell the water for that I'm checking it we cleared out all the chlorine so it's as safe as possible for when the baby comes out so what it's just supposed to pop out pretty much though they say this is the most comfortable way to do it mmm sir Jules how much harder can one more kid be twice as hard I mean I feel like I'm really in over my head here other Scott is pretty awesome you should see how cute he is with the girls so maybe it's not just for the money now what are you doing getting you some help for what baby boot camp Julia baby boot camp feeding time Organic is a must anything purple or green are the healthiest those are the ones you want puffs is a staple red sauce tastes great and keeps it back chopped and mash chocolate gnash chop and mash everything is a choking hazard at Manny's age veggies with low-sodium soy coconut butter or key butter on gluten-free toast and remember no nuts when in doubt cheese puffs nice crisp anything jeez got it got it baby-proofing all sharp corners drawers cupboards and II see baby brother [Music] um okay well I just put Maddie down and you don't have to worry about her because she never wakes up and this one has to go to bed at 8:30 8:30 no hey nice try young lady but she knows what else she has to do teeth jammies and mr. Brown who does mr. brown uh mr. Brown is her favourite stuffie her mom gave it to her huh so where you going tonight tonight a friend of mine actually my business partner Jeremy is dragging me out because he seems to think that I need to get back in the game ah yeah these knuckles hmm ah you must be the new nanny I've heard about Julia this is Jeremy Jeremy Julia please do not embarrass me hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you wow you are fit maybe I should sign after that boot camp scouts been doing I could use a little tone up huh what do you think sure okay on that incredibly inappropriate moment I think we should get going you have my cell right yes it's in the phone okay and you young lady you mhm you be good okay alright we should go yeah you'd be bad really nice meeting you all right homework let's start here thank you what about you bedtime is this your first nanny job yeah sort of are you a mom no not yet how come well I guess I haven't met the right daddy [Music] there you go snug as a bug in the rug thanks for your help today you're pretty smart for a seven-year and three month old Punk's you should have seen them Gwen I think they were all dressed up for a night of trolling just because he's going out doesn't mean he's picking up scratch Betty she's new not 90 he said he was getting back in the game I mean if that doesn't mean he's picking up I'm not sure what does what if he does meet someone tonight so what Julia you're in I mean you're basically like a surrogate to his children now there's no competition I know Maxine but why not it's our first choice what do you think the kids are gonna call her Matt Maxie max max maxi pad yeah gotcha okay anyway mr. brown I mean he's kind of the perfect husband material a house and the kids and you're right as soon as he sees how great I am with Charlotte and Maddy he's sure to fall in love with me right Tennessee like 1010 e10 she's a tad Oh I should go check on the girls [Music] [Music] hello hey sleepyhead wake up hey hey sorry that's okay what time is it just a little after 10:00 that's it yeah I know I just I guess it wasn't into the whole scene really really yeah I don't know maybe I'm just too old or jaded or something but it just kind of felt like a gamete market yes exactly like a meat market anyway so I came home I'm just gonna get a drink you want something water would be great water okay I can do that so how are the girls the girls were great no problems my kids yeah really Wow yep okay good I guess there you go okay I just um I wanted to ask you um did Charlotte talk to you about all about her mom by any chance no she didn't oh I was just sort of thinking that you know with you being a girl and all that she might open up to a little bit not that we don't talk I mean we talk we talk about everything but you know she's just ever since her mom died she's been she's been quieter you know what happened to her mom your wife if you don't want to talk about it I completely understand no no it's fine um I mean I should probably tell you anyway in case she does want to talk about it right shortly after we found out that Claire was pregnant with Manny she started have all these weird things happen to her body and then like you know bumps and and pains and stuff like that but we just thought it was a pregnancy so we didn't really we didn't pay much attention but then things got worse she started to feel worse doctor said that wasn't normal so we did some tests two months later she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer I can't imagine yeah and of course she refused the chemo because Manny she never would've made it instead of months later she gave birth to our beautiful healthy baby girl and an hour later she died but not before they met they were both determined that I was gonna happen when it was just for a moment but I know they say that newborns eyes don't focus but I saw the way that Maddie looked at Claire and she knew who she knew that that was from how [Music] amen amen I am so sorry yeah me too anyway oh boy you know managing yeah we're managing but Charlotte Wow she's she's been my rock because honestly I I don't know if I would have made it through this without her yeah and now you are here too right so things can only get better I want to help I really want to help thank you I should go I have to get up early of course yeah boot camp right no it well I'm I'll see you Monday okay Monday good night I mean it's so tragic never to see your children grow up kind of like mom I mean she saw us grow up to be teenagers but she's never gonna get to meet her granddaughter uh-huh here it is 3d baby monitor it comes with glasses that'll give me the added bonus value of entertainment while you watch your baby sleep I totally need that thank you how awesome is this I mean it's good that Charlotte's got you now you know and who knows maybe you'll become more I don't know boy that feels wrong going after someone with a wounded heart look I get that he's been through some stuff but everyone has a second chance at happiness who's to say you're not his just keep the door open to it all right now this is the latest from the mami and Mozart collection many expectant mothers play this for their developing fetus is it really for the avant-garde a parent that is so totally me in film like completely there is a correlation between classical music listening baby fetuses becoming excellent mathematicians they liked it a study oh I'm sure they did art Bears gender neutral Charlotte would love this it's perfect for her see you're already thinking like a mommy morning hey you brought supplies is he hurt Charlotte I thought you might like this I'm almost 8 you know I don't play with stuffy's he sold you little rat she's just trying to be thoughtful no it's it's fine of course I mean you already have mr. Brown and he's pretty special he's not a stuffy he's a rabbit and yes he is special okay on that note I think we should probably get going um Maddie's still upstairs sleeping she should be up in a few minutes you got my number at the office if you need anything and this one's friend's mom is dropping after schools so good I'm good have a have a good day at work good luck bye Charlotte [Music] [Music] hey they look a little better come on Maddy yeah yes I did it you did it Charlotte did you see Maddy was walking whatever that was good you want us not have some leftover pasta actually I don't feel like our grilled cheese of course coming right up voila that's not the way my dad mix oh how about some scrambled eggs you got it I want waffles your waffles I only like chicken noodle she's awesome okay here this is how you do it oh thanks Oh oh this should be burned actually we like to wash them these are disposable diapers disposable dirty diapers we like to recycle really uh-huh my dad will be really happy okay great [Music] then Maddie's up I'm gonna go get her [Music] you guys how you doing how was your day pretty good good oh my did I did I miss a party or something yeah I meant to get to those as soon as I finished folding the diapers folding the diapers yeah I washed and folded the diapers just like you like it wow that's great we're using recycle right you're using recycle the diapers that's great yeah yeah oh yeah baby proof the house baby-proof the house great hey I want to show you something I want to show it yeah okay girls amazing right it's amazing isn't it time for Juliet to go home Shama honey did you see this your sister is walking yeah well I better get going oh the dishes oh no no no that's okay we'll do the dishes that's all right oh I'm so proud of you hi Charlotte hi I'm addy my grades come here you don't be so grumpy ok ladies and gentlemen you're doing great keep it up 30 more seconds hmm perfect all right okay Pilate why don't you start stretching yeah what Julia if you work like this do you alternate like this to get away better work out okay amber thank you you said your babies never came early when give me some towels gonna put the baby on the towel you you ready for this Betty we need us here yes we're gonna have a baby baby boot camp now I need you to go behind her support her back in her neck okay gonna get a little creepy and weird you ready okay here we go here we go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey hey he's got blood on his hands Topher back up come on I need your help his head freeze whoa hey hey I think there's been a little misunderstanding here guys you're doing stand back it may still be armed armed with what baby soother just delivered a baby yes that's right a baby so maybe you could come and help us out oh okay I like babies sure good I'm good entire Park just saw my lady parts but I'm good it's amazing you were incredible how you just jumped in there no no no you weren't correct you know what you were incredible to be the organizer here this little baby boot camp and do not try and deny right from an insurance please you know what I don't have those things right now but I am working on it you just pay this ticket you consider yourself lucky but your friend here who gave birth under your watch doesn't sue as if I would if it wasn't for this group who knows what it happened seems you all took your sweet time getting here if I see you here or anywhere in this park without the proper documentation I'm gonna shut you down for good and that's a promise yep well that's it my career is officially over she shut down my bootcamp for now look at the bright side Jules you got a new nanny job with extra hours which definitely means that he likes you yeah until he finds out I don't know what I'm doing who is this oh this is Stephanie my midwife Stephanie this is my sister hi you know Julia food its way to a man's heart that's ridiculous honey what are you talking about okay our fourth date you cooked me a beef tenderloin Bearnaise sauce and garlic mashed potatoes how's the first day I fell in love with you really food its way to a man's heart so Charlotte your dad asked me to cook dinner tonight any idea on what he might like why I thought it might be fun to have dinner as a family well he definitely doesn't like me so he's like a vegetarian oh yeah lots of vegetables cool I can make a mean tofu alone here loves tofu hey Charlotte love your hair let me just clean Hey okay no one wears pigtails anymore Charlotte [Music] you hungry that snacks I'm not hungry you know when I was in school there were mean girls two girls that made you feel like you weren't good enough pretty enough Melissa Cuthbert she's always picking on my clothes my hair she said he looked like a baby because they still wear my hair in pigtails what's wrong with pigtails I love pigtails Melissa gets her hair tied in the salon dad still cuts mine and she doesn't get that my clothes are old or that I don't want to wear pigtails anymore you know my mom died when I was 13 she did yeah she did right before high school and trust me you've never met him mean girl to me on in high school and my dad well he didn't understand either he didn't understand why I wanted to wear cool jeans or get my hair highlighted dad's aren't supposed to but I understand and if you want maybe I could help you okay so we have one hour till Maddie wakes up for a nap so let's do this [Music] so what do you think I love it [Music] you know I'm pretty good at putting outfits together too so if you want maybe we could go shopping get some cool new tops I saw these great pink converse with glitter all over them I can't are you sure I mean we can make a girls day out of it you're not my mum you know and if you think my dad will ever replace her you're wrong [Music] [Music] hey what happened to doctor's orders that does not smell like tofu so good though lettuce and tomatoes oh so question does she have a boyfriend just a little boyfriend the hot nanny um I don't know I don't think so why well I would I was just thinking that I might like ask her out I mean that is if you're cool with it only if you're okay with it well yeah I just but what happened to the super hot stewardess see you were dating I mean she was like wow she was hot yeah like really Wow yeah but her time change clock it was screwing me up I was getting jetlagged in my own City right but look it like if you're not cool with me asking Gemma out I will just Julia hmm her name is Julia Julia right I meant I meant Julie I should get that right but honestly man if you you're not okay with Elle totally Blake step aside no no no it's no it's fine I mean it's not like I'm dating her so and you don't want to what you don't want to date her no I mean no she's the kids nanny that's it she's the nanny yeah okay sweet I'll grab her number up that resume and don't worry buddy I will give you all the dirty deets oh yeah mom [Music] hey hey what's all this uh dinner remember you asked me to start it so Oh Judith okay where's Maddie she's asleep Wow okay well this looks really good did you eat before oh no no no just uh okay thank you Oh Charlotte yes I screwed her oh hey you have a braid and pigtails sure yes and pigtail so did you do fun stuff today not really just grocery shopping huh okay all righty it looks uh looks really good tofu your favorite tofu oh and it's Aria who told you that tofu is my favorite Charlotte she mentioned you are a vegetarian did she now okay great you know it you don't have to eat it if you don't know no okay so it's very good I love it really you try it tell me what you think go ahead yeah hmm yeah it's really really they love it um it's really good you were supposed to hate it oh honey hey Charlotte honey I'll just I'll go talk to her I'm sorry hello [Music] mm-hmm you look more like your mom every day I don't know I'm not so sure okay why would you say that I'm starting to not remember much looked like and it's my fault because I don't think about her every day like I used to sweetheart it's okay no it just means it means that you're healing okay and you are never gonna forget about your mom you know why because she's right here in your heart and she always will be okay I just wish I could to your moment I know I know hey hey thanks yeah how is she she's alright she's uh now she's a Vista got all the blinds closed she's sitting heard a little tea set should be fine she just just misses her mom a lot right now I think anyhow what are your plans now that the baby boot camp thing is on hold for awhile I don't know you know I always thought I'd be married and settled with kids by now really yeah wait just to me you seem sort of you know carefree and independent you know the Knights of far is the mountain hiking all that yeah I mean I still want to do all those things I just I always envisioned a baby on my back while I was hiking or kids in the Jeep on the Safari Wow and that's that's funny because well I used to have all those same visions and then you know everything that's happened I just sort of lost sight of them so come true um no no no my sisters do so I should get this of course hello Jeremy oh right right you know what can I get back to you on that all right sounds good so that was uh Jared Jeremy yeah yeah what do you want he wanted to know if I would go to dinner with him sometime is that weird how odd I don't know is it I mean is it weird for you I don't know I don't know I don't know either you know I should probably go right but I'll see you on Monday okay yep there's no way I'm going out with this friend I mean that's total sabotage so wait you said you kind of felt like you and Scott had a moment right I think so I mean it felt like we had a moment well why not be sure and go out on a date with Jeremy I don't follow if you really want to know Scott's feelings towards you what better way than to make him jealous you women a cruel war Keeley's sure I mean I don't want to turn him off I am positive do it okay how do you think you are lucky I love you so much I think this one it's look yeah definitely oh definitely that one yeah this one that one's great has been so have you decided where you're gonna take Julia you know for the big big date oh yes I have I'm thinking Rodney's Oyster Bar now oysters are an aphrodisiac yeah you're you're still cool with this right oh yeah yeah of course you know what I just don't think she's your type really yeah my type yeah how come well okay first of all she's boring like no sense of adventure whatsoever really I'm serious and so not ready to settle down I mean you know I look at her and I just don't see mother material also if you're thinking about something serious and I just I don't know if it's whoa slow it down my friend who said anything about serious I'm just looking to have some fun if you know what I mean you know what I mean well this one's cool yeah it's great that one's a winner yeah like that's fun but some of mine Meena girl pie books in case you wanted to read them no thanks hmm well I'll just leave them here in case you change your mind all right stay here let's get your diaper changed [Music] hey sweetheart she has a pretty voice doesn't she I guess she does hey you're home hi sweetheart oh okay well um I just need to freshen up before I meet Jeremy so you mind if I use the washroom uh yeah yeah yeah of course yes [Music] well I guess I'm gonna get going Wow you look amazing Thanks by Charlotte I'm Addie goodnight I she come back she's coming back so tell me what does Julia the fitness instructor slash and nanny like to do for fun oh I don't know boring stuff I guess really how about you well personally I love to feed beautiful women oh no no delicious okay so how long have you and Scott been friends a long time since we were like 16 Wow so you knew his wife yeah I did Claire was uh she was one of a kind smart sophisticated classy but also really laid-back she sounds amazing I mean it would be hard for Scott to find someone to live up to that unless of course he's found someone oh no no no Scott hasn't dated anybody since Clara died I mean I've tried to get him out there he's it's not interested that's too bad I mean he's a great guy and dad may be a great catch for for someone right for someone like say someone who's great with his kids of course I mean they'd have to be and fit I mean Scott's a real doer very fit so they can keep up yeah I liked you exactly no not me not me me I mean like me like you great right hey okay I'm gonna call no I'm not gonna go and you should see how cute he is with Maddie I mean how many guys do you know that would go to a baby boot camp not many and all the girls love him I mean he's just charming yes sensitive but still masculine yeah no he's handsome the man's got great calves I mean okay I'm gonna call speak of the devil Scott what's shaking buddy hey Jer how you doing [Music] you still on on the date kind of I guess great well that's good yeah no I just wanted to know if the other the the the scuba place from Belize come back to you what the thing they did buddy you were there remember it was at a conference call we were both on the call yeah yeah not yeah I remember I remember yeah so so that's great okay yeah anything else that I can help you with sir don't worry bro I'm I'm hearing you and you know what you were right Julia is totally not my type really nope not in the slightest thanks Jer thank you okay tell you what how about some how about I get you home sounds good come on we call during the date he was fishing for sure plus he pretended to like her tofu casserole and they had a moment ah so I need to plan a day not just any day you need to plan something that special it's both of you and him oh I remember that day those are Damian Phil went rollerblading a Windham Park and then we stopped for funnel cakes Stu took me fishing taught me how to play a fish fresh off the hook I think I know exactly what to do [Music] if you had told me you had a thing for her I never would have asked her out I didn't know I had a thing for I still don't know that I have a thing I think she's great and hot like she's like really hot yeah she's pretty she's very pretty she is pretty I don't know it just it feels like a like a high school crush well don't worry all right cuz if she could say no to this action then obviously she's crushing on you to really think so buddy she talked about you the whole time okay all right cool so what should I do you asked her out yeah I don't know what if she says no look as your wingman have I ever steered you wrong I mean it's okay aside from that one time in Mexico other than that I apologize for that have I ever steered you wrong no okay all right I'm gonna do it on the house girl that's my man what [Music] Hey hey Charlotte you look nice today Thanks hey hey go wait the car I'll be right there okay I had a girl look I just want to ask you no you go no you got absolutely you go first okay I wanted to know if you'd maybe consider taking the afternoon off tomorrow going out in with me and the girls I just thought it'd be nice cuz you know you work so hard and you never get a chance to spend a full day with them yeah yeah I would I would love that it'd be great great um let's say 11 o'clock at Granville Island okay yeah sure Granville Island 11 o'clock I'll be there [Music] [Music] hey guys there you are hey so what's the plan welcome to the adventure tour of your city Charlotte's our official photographer okay right this way oh this is gonna be so much fun [Music] if I hit the ground in the center of the sole you lift me up because not even gravity not even grind he could bring me there [Music] [Music] [Music] Carrie carry me home [Music] further and further to me to the point where there's no turning back further and further okay here we are last stop on the tour yeah I think they're sleeping at least one of I'm sleeping huh me thank you yeah you don't have to keep thanking me yes I do because for me that day was for me it was perfect it was perfect for me too I was wondering if maybe you would like to have dinner with me sometime and not at my place and maybe not with with them I get a restaurant or something I would love that okay great whoa I don't maybe Saturday night oh I'll see if Jeremy and watch the girls and go out it's a date okay it's a date say goodbye to the girls for me I will [Music] [Music] so what are you gonna wear I don't know I haven't thought about it yet no you definitely don't want to look like you're trying too hard anything 100 babies spit on it will be a step up definitely in track or maybe a jumpsuit jumpsuit no I'm thinking like a low cut dress gotta show a little yeah ladies ladies if you're talking you're not working hard enough get back into it [Music] [Music] come on I think there's still a spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] we really need to get back in park your phone's ringing oh you know what this is work can you watch Maddie I'll be right back sure baby boot camp bye Julia oh right yeah I know I know let's play a little trick on Julia I am looking for a bigger space dad definitely won't like this one no I'll get back to you it's okay madam Charlotte Charlotte where's Maddie huh Maddie where's Maddie you lost Maddie you're watching or where's Maddie Maddie hey guys some shots made up of the adventure day what you lost Maddie what Scott she was just here Maddie Maddie Bichette dad check the shed daddy she's not here she's not here daddy she was supposed to be in here Maddie [Music] [Music] hey homeboy I am so sorry I'm so sorry I should have never left her you know what it's okay it's okay look it's been a long day we're all tired I'll deal with it from here okay come on sweetheart let's go back in the house okay of course I'm sorry Jules I think you're being too hard on yourself am i that's twice I've lost a baby she should have seen the look on his face I'm never gonna be able to face him again besides I have the money I need to get the camp up to speed what's always for the money right what Oh what is it what's happening okay here we go what's wrong it's happening Oh baby hold on hold on okay I'm coming again bill I need you to remember the steps you need to get the phone and call Stephanie oh you're right Stephanie what Oh baby there's nothing don't worry um Julia do you have a cell phone at the park yeah it's my car I'll go get it no there's no time she's coming she's coming she's coming down good he's okay he's fine I need to get my phone and call an ambulance are oh no no still like get it Jenny help me no no no no no she can't might need calm energy to leave commenters you okay let's go okay [Music] there's the head okay it's let's go you're gonna have to get in there what you need down there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you did it you really did it it's a boy it's a boy it's amazing huh after all that planning he still managed to surprise us yeah the doc said his little ding-a-ling was just tucked right there between his legs on the sonogram so what are you gonna name him I don't know I guess I have to get Phil to do up a whole new flow chart look at him my little baby boy I got a son Stephanie had son you're amazing thank you well at least I finally did something right Julia no you were right I need to learn how to master things before I become a mother or a nanny at least now I have a little nephew to practice on all right you two get some rest let's see tomorrow this is nice just three of us right yeah that's nice very nice mm-hmm do you miss mom yeah yeah I do I miss your mother very much why did you ask Julia out on a date just because I like Julia it doesn't mean that I'll stop loving your mom I will always love your mother but she wanted us to be happy and I guess Julia makes me happy so that's okay yeah yeah it's okay it's what she would have wanted and no one is ever gonna replace your mother I promise you and you two girls will always be my number one girls okay got it we're good dear Scott Charlotte and Maddy where to begin I guess by saying I should have been truthful with you from the beginning and told you I was completely in over my head [Music] but I guess I'm just thankful nothing truly bad happened to Maddy this time what is it dad it's a letter from Julia says she came here for us anymore Charlotte honey my mom once told me to always follow my heart but to make sure that logic was mixed in which is why I can no longer work for you Scott even though I've fallen in love with your family my mom also told me that honesty is always the best policy I'm not a nanny Scott I'm a fitness instructor if I can even get that together but I'm not a nanny [Music] do me a favor will you please give Charlotte a hug for me and tell her I love her and I'm so sorry I let her down [Music] hey man why don't you just give her a call because she asked me to respect her decision and I'm going to it's the least I can do dude are you crazy a girl like that you can't just give up that easily Jerry I appreciate it okay I really do but I guess it's just not meant to be all right fine [Music] all right ladies let's hold this for five more seconds five four three [Music] uh can we stop holding now yeah sorry right let me stop you I I have my insurance [Music] good job on turning us around Thanks alright guys finish up with some stretches [Music] it's gonna be okay Jules you're okay [Music] it's okay dad I don't mind if it's burnt [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you should call him when don't you think it's time to admit our master plan failed did it Julia the number one thing couples fight over are their children but that's just that we didn't fight I would have felt better if he yelled at me better than the disappointment in his eyes I'm just saying you never even gave it a chance and the nice having dad here right yeah you should see how he lights up when me holds Austin you know which I think he's angry Phil's got this one Bell feeding time you can't be serious why shouldn't he share in the bonding I pump I dump pop it right in there super easy waters about to start right I'll catch you in the fourth that's uncle Jared he's taking me to school today he is yeah whoa hey Minkus I see you later did you get it yep I got her address right here you got the brochure all right kiddo hop in let's do this [Music] back you go seatbelts on come on we're going for a walk I'm just not in the mood right now yeah you can't just sit around there moping no we do not want to miss now are you coming or not okay fine fine you want to go for a walk yeah okay let's do it where is she where's who Julia Julia why would you leave me here because I let her know we'd be here so I could fix things I guess I messed things up real bad sweetheart it's not your fault it is I'm the one who hid Maddie I put her in the shed so you thought Julia lost her and why would you do that because I was afraid because you liked her Maddie liked her I liked her honey but if we liked her too much sure replace mom but how she's gone and I miss her I missed you too Julia you came of course I did I wouldn't want to miss out on my life adventure look Julia all that stuff with Maddie I am it was me I did I'm sorry it's okay I understand so does this mean that you would consider coming back you'll have me I was like that very much so this is a date isn't it yeah yeah maybe it is I don't know what do you what do you think what thank you [Music] I'm not he gets bigger she can come here no tell her it's a beautiful tree in memory of a beautiful mom they're my other girls and he's kicking oh yeah [Music] hello in there can you hear me he can't hear you but it's like hearing underwater at least that's what your aunt Quinn said and he knows a lot and went thinks she knows a lot [Music] I'd stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 532,510
Rating: 4.774076 out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Id: RzMNiQw-HrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 8sec (5408 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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