Colin Jost Surprised Michael Che with a Mariachi Band Performance for His Birthday

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Was there hoopla?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IngsocInnerParty ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Interesting to see he was filming during the off weeks.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pretty-in-pink ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
-Do you -- Like, how long did it take you to come up with the title of your show? -Oh, it took me -- I wanted to wait until the episodes was done, so it took me, like, kind of the whole time, but then also a week right after, I was like, "Oh, this is what it should be called." -So it's called "That Damn Michael Che," but that wasn't your first choice. -No. -You put this on Instagram. This is a photo of Tilda Swinton with the quote "That Black Ass Michael Che." We should clarify that Tilda Swinton never said that. -Well, not that I know of. -That's true. -I don't know. -We can never -- We haven't been with her, like, 24/7 or anything. -I haven't heard her say it, no. -So, what's the back story of this? -Well, I wanted to call the show, "That Black Ass Michael Che," because in my head, it -- let's just say -- it's not going to win an award, but let's just say it were to win an award, right? And then Tilda Swinton is the presenter, and she has to open the envelope and say, "The winner is 'That Black Ass Michael Che'." I just think that would be fantastic and cool, and it would have been worth it. That's my -- That's a pretty good Tilda Swinton, by the way. -Oh, it's very good. -That's what I did for my audition. -I remember you auditioned as Tilda Swinton. -Yeah, I did. -And I remember Lorne said, "I don't know if he'll ever be able to play her." -Well, you guys wouldn't let me use makeup, so. [ Laughter ] -Speaking of "SNL", Ellen Cleghorne and you have some great guests -- Cecily Strong, we saw Billy Porter in the first episode. -Heidi Gardner. -Yup, man. Ellen Cleghorne was great to see. -She was awesome. She was so -- It was great. It was like, you know, that's kind of my era of growing up, you know? I guess, like my first ever seeing "SNL" was that early '90s cast, so it was awesome that she was able to do it. She was really funny. -Colin Jost is going to be in an episode. -Yes. -And is it very in line with your relationship? Is it true that you did not tell him what he was going to be playing? -He has no idea -- He had no idea what he was going to be doing, but, in perfect Jost fashion, he showed up anyway, about an hour late. -It's amazing how willing he is to take chances, considering he's only ever in his life landed on his feet. -It's -- I mean, I guess that's why he takes chances. -Yeah, exactly. -What's the worst that could happen? I mess up and marry Scarlett Johansson? I'll take that. [ Laughter ] -He's just like a guy who's just, like, wearing an invisible bike helmet to protect him from all injury. -It's insane. It's like that -- You ever seen that cartoon with the baby that's just, like, walking through a scaffold as the cat, like, putting stuff up the whole time? Like, that's Colin. -Baby Jost. -Yes, Baby Jost. -That's a -- He was long called -- Like, sort of the first 5 years, he was on the show, that's what a lot of people called him, was Baby Jost. -It's amazing that it stuck. -You -- He was last here, told us all about the birthday present that you got him, that he was very impressed, especially since it was at the height of the pandemic. -[ Laughs ] -He received a package and he was very excited to open it, and, you want to let everybody again know what it was that you gifted him? -Well, it was a Minnesota State Trooper Uniform. [ Laughs ] In fairness, the George Floyd thing had just happened, and I sent him a card that said, "Dress for the job you want." [ Laughter ] It was dark, but I mean, you know, that's -- Don't be friends with comedians if you don't want dark jokes. -What about -- It should be noted that this has been sort of a heightening warfare -- -Yeah, he sent me -- before that, he sent me a mariachi band, and -- for my birthday. Like, it's -- During the pandemic, I'm in my apartment and the doorman is just like, "Hey, Michael, you need to come outside, you have a gift." And I'm like, "Come outside? What are you talking about? I haven't been outside in 6 months. He said, "No, you gotta -- You gotta come outside." And I'm thinking somebody bought me a Lexus with a red bow on it or something -- something amazing, and I'm like, "Boy, Lorne's really done it this time." But I go out there and it's a full mariachi band singing "Happy Birthday" to me. And I -- Somebody's taking video and they sent me the video, and I posted it to make fun of Jost, and all of the comments was like, "We know your address! Is this where you live?" And I'm like, "Oh no!" And had them take the video right down immediately after. So it was a double burn. And that's why I sent him the cop uniform. -Is it true that they sang -- they were singing it -- that it was from Colin, that's how you found out. -Yes. It was a -- Well, once I saw the mariachi band, I knew it was from Colin. Like, this is -- this is perfect. It was good. That was maybe -- that was the best one, I think. He got me good. -You -- Oz Rodriguez, did he direct all of the episodes of your show? -He directed all of them. He was even at most of the tables -- like, the writer's table, too. Because we was trying to figure it out. We had such a short window to get this show executed, So we kind of had to go for it. We had to produce it almost as we was writing it. So it was a real crunch, because like -- you know, like you said, we were doing it during "SNL". So, it was -- It ended up being a lot of fun. -Did you have -- Are there other guest stars that'll be coming? -Yeah, we got Method Man, we got Omari Hardwick, we got Colin Quinn -- the good Colin, no. We got... [ Laughter ] We got -- Man, we got so many people. We got Geoffrey Owens, we got -- Billy Porter's in it. -Yeah. -It was a lot of fun, man. It was really cool -- It was very hard to book people, even, because some people were stuck in L.A., some people couldn't do it, but the people we got was pretty much all of our first choices. It was dope. -Well, I can't wait to watch the rest of them. Buddy, it's always such a pleasure. Thanks for coming down. -Thank you for having me here. -Have a great final 3 shows. -Do you like my baggy pants, by the way? -I think they're great. -Yeah, I'm putting on a little bit of weight, so I thought maybe I'd fill these out. [ Laughter ] -Thank you for -- Thank you for asking. All episodes of "That Damn Michael Che" are available to stream on HBO Max on May 6th.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 400,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night, Seth Meyers, Colin Jost, Surprised, Michael Che, Mariachi Band, Performance, Birthday, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Michael Che on Meyers, Michael Che interview, Saturday Night Live, Michael Che SNL, Michael Che Saturday Night Live, Weekend Update Michael Che, Cecily Strong, Michael Che Colin Jost
Id: 85rPmzbiQGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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