Michael Che Would Be a Great Babysitter for Colin Jost & Scarlett Johansson | Tonight Show

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-Welcome back to the show. I appreciate every time you come. -I've always wanted to drink water here. [ Laughter ] You always see, like, the cup but I don't ever see anybody drink. And I always wanted to just have a little sip of water. -Yeah. I have to ask you, because we talked about this last time. You now have a house. -Yes. -And last time we talked, you thought -- you had an ice maker and you thought the Three Stooges were burglaring your house. And it made me laugh. But you have a house. How is it? And I heard that Questlove helped you decide to move Upstate? -That's true. He did. I was looking for a house, and I was looking out in some town that I shouldn't have been in. [ Light laughter ] And he was like, "You need to look where I'm at." And I looked up there, and it's quite nice. I do enjoy it. It's good water. [ Laughter ] I'm not used to having neighbors, though. Like, even still, I've never seen you before, like, in the neighborhood. -i have yet to move in. [ Laughter ] -So you sent me to a neighborhood that you don't even live in? [ Laughter and applause ] -I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. -Yeah, so I'm, like, the guinea pig for the neighborhood, now? [ Laughter ] -Do you like it? -It's crazy, though. Like, when I first got there, some lady, like, brought me bread. [ Light laughter ] She knocked on the door and was like, "I'm your neighbor. Here's some bread." -That's so nice. -Trying to poison me or something. -No, Upstate, that's not what they do. -If you're watching this, ma'am, I punted your bread over two fences. [ Laughter ] -You're too paranoid. She was being neighborly. -No, man, I've lived in apartments in New York City my whole life. I've never met one neighbor. [ Laughter ] Not one person. We don't make eye contact. We're nice people that way. Suburbs, I don't trust it. -I want to ask about Colin Jost, your "Weekend Update" co-anchor. You guys are fantastic together, by the way. Congrats on a great season. -Oh, stop. [ Cheers and applause ] -He just had a baby. -That's true. Well, Scarlett did. -Scarlett had the baby, yeah. Have you met the baby? -I have, man. What a cute kid. But babies are -- they're fun for, like, a second. [ Laughter ] You know, they don't do much after you've looked at them. And they're just staring at you, trying to keep their head on straight. -Oh, yeah. [ Laughter ] -Get this wiggly thing away from me. But, no, it's, like, an adorable baby. It's Colin and Scarlett's baby together. -Are you going to babysit? Has he asked you yet? -I don't like babysitting, man. I'm actually a really good babysitter, though, if you guys are interested. [ Light laughter ] I'm a great babysitter. I've been babysitting my whole life. I have nieces and nephews that's like three years younger than me. -Oh, really? -I've been babysitting them since they were babies. Since I was a baby, actually. -Yeah, Were you a good babysitter? -I was a great babysitter, man. I just let you cry until you're sleepy. [ Laughter ] -Now, "Michael Che: Shame the Devil." This is your stand-up special on Netflix. -I'm excited. You know, right about now, I just feel like what the world needs is more stand-up comedy on Netflix. [ Laughter ] Something that everyone can agree on. -Yeah, yeah. I love the name "Shame the Devil." I've never heard that term before. -Never? You don't got, like, a black aunt? [ Laughter ] "Shame the Devil" is a very -- it's something that, you know, like, church ladies say. They say, "Tell the truth, shame the devil, 'cause the devil is a liar." No one has ever heard this before? -No, I mean, I haven't. -The Roots are shaking their head, "Yes, absolutely." [ Laughter ] "Shame the devil." -So, you're just kind of just telling the truth? -I'm trying to. But as much as I can, you know. -Yeah, you're a great comic, man. -Let's not... -Where did you film it? -In Oakland. Oakland, California. [ Cheers and applause ] -A lot of Oakland fans here. What's it like backstage when you're on the road? Do you have a rider? Do you have -- What do you have in the room? -I'm fascinated with riders. Like, I don't really have a rider. I usually just ask for, like, chicken fingers and M&M's because that's just my life right now. But I'm fascinated with other people's riders. Like, I'm always like -- Anytime there's a performer, like, before me, I'm like, "What did they have in their rider?" And then, like, they tell me. Like, some performers -- one comedian -- I won't say his name, but he asked for, like, white sneakers before every show. Brand-new white sneakers. They got to buy them before every show. -Can you do that? -Apparently, yeah. [ Light laughter ] Isn't that the coolest thing? You do it, too? -i do it with T-shirts and other things. But I like to provide my own shoes. -That's awesome! -Wait, do you go do a gig and you have them buy you -- -I mean, you have a rider. It's, you know, part of the terms of agreement. -No, I understand what a rider is. -So you put the sneakers on the rider, and then, you know --' -They got to do it. -Yeah, mission accomplished. [ Light laughter ] -One less thing you got to think about. My favorite rider thing was Snoop Dogg. I was doing a gig, and Snoop Dogg was there, like, the week before me. And it was in the U.K., and I was like, "Man, what does Snoop Dogg have in his rider?" He said, "Regular stuff, but he ordered 150 pounds of chicken." [ Laughter ] And I was like, "150 pounds of chicken?" It blew my mind. For, like, a whole year, I'm thinking, "Snoop Dogg eats more chicken than anybody on the planet." [ Laughter ] And then I was telling a friend about it. I was like, "You know Snoop Dogg asks for 150 pounds of chicken in the U.K.?" And she was like, "Money or weight?" [ Laughter ] -Oh. That makes more sense. -Yeah, apparently, he doesn't eat a barrel of chicken before shows. -Where does he put it all? He's got good metabolism, man. -It made the story a lot less interesting. [ Laughter ] -I want to show a clip. If you guys needed a laugh, you got to watch this. Here's Michael Che in "Shame the Devil" on Netflix. Take a look. -Black people love this country. We're just more specific about our love. You ask any [Bleep], "You love America?" he's like, "I love Brooklyn." [ Laughter ] "Atlanta is cool. I don't know [Bleep] about them Dakotas." [ Laughter ] If there was a black American flag, there'd be like 11 stars. [ Laughter ] For cities. It wouldn't even be the whole state. They'd be like, "Alright, Detroit, Oakland, D.C." [ Cheers and applause ] Everything else would be a big-ass question mark. -That's what I'm talking about. Michael Che, everybody!. [ Cheers and applause ] His special "Shame the Devil" premieres on Netflix, November 16th.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 405,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Saturday Night Live, Michael Che SNL, Michael Che Saturday Night Live, Weekend Update Michael Che, Colin Jost, Cecily Strong, Michael Che Colin Jost, Michael Che on Tonight Show, Michael Che interview, Michael Che on Jimmy Fallon
Id: 2bbCu58Fbh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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