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well I realized I've gotten too kiss you good-bye do you mind not really when we left Bridget and Mark last time it was a new love the new relationship that they were entering in tear and it wasn't in that sort of fantasy phase that you have mock Darcy is perfect he is a miracle really as they mature in their relationship I think they've both come to learn that love isn't necessarily about making that person match your ideal but about allowing them to be who they are and loving them for it not in spite of it don't want you to see believe this but I haven't have a very high regard for your wobbly bits in all circumstances really absolutely I think it's high time we had another look every woman in the world wants her wobbly bits to be loved you know and that is the sign of a mature and loving man and there's Colin's face in that scene is so charming and so delicious and you just want to jump under the deer baby he really is very very very nice it's I think it's something we all know to some extent is we meet in a rarefied circumstance and then you've got to get down to the reality of how's this going to work with your friends my friends my parents your parents and it's basically what happens after the happily ever after point Horatio was just saying he's totally against charitable giving obviously this is sort of rubbish you expect from some fat balding Tory home counties I think quite often the things that attract you when you meet a person can develop into things that it irritates you I think that you know he's high-mindedness might have been appealing in some ways this aloof man who then turns his attention to her but that very high mindedness I think is probably something that makes her feel left behind going into his house with little Rebecca Gillies she's only 22 she's got legs under here here my legs only come up to there with their relationship it's it's as though she's trying to establish that she deserves it that she deserves that kind of happiness you must be Rebecca Gilley Bridget is convinced that Mark and his delectable colleague Rebecca are having an affair and of course once you ignite that then there's no stopping it really you know her friends feel it I say go over there immediately and asking straight out are you or are you not having an affair with Rebecca Gillies if he says I won't dignify that question with an answer [Music] I won't dignify that question with an answer the way what it's all being played is that we're deliberately setting it up to make it look as much as possible as if Rebecca and I do have intimacy listen I'm running late Tim to counsel Rebecca has a hand on my lapel which it just happens to look round at a moment where she's whispering in my ear heightening these things in the way that they would be heightened through the eyes of a jealous person Rebecca seen through Bridget's eyes she does completely have it together and is easy and elegant and light and tall like Mark and you know from sort of wealthy family like Markin and this just seems to be poised in her eyes anyway Paris you I can't ski I can't ride I can't speak Latin my legs only come up to here and yes I will always be just a little bit fat thing is that Bridget being something of a fantasy like many of us she keeps on imagining that her relationship is going to be perfect and it's her striving to be perfect that it brings her into conflict to a degree with with Colin's life and it's also her own insecurities which are very well reported from the first movie that also lead to a number of humorous but also quite touching debacles where she keeps on getting the wrong end of the stage millions of people fell in love with Bridget and when they saw the first film and I think she has a huge character and I think he has enough humor and enough humanity to to recognize that which adjourns will you marry me [Music] [Music]
Views: 55,873
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: Colin Firth, Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones, Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason, Colin, Firth
Id: 2jxyQnUVKIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2016
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