Bridget Jones's Baby - Renée Zellweger & Colin Firth talk to Nick Grimshaw

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I feel like I've seen Bridget Jones movies like 400 times like they are always on like you must be at home and put the TV on and Bridget Jones's on have you ever been like dunno I'm just gonna watch this cuz it is funny I've not seen them since their day have you not no I feel like that on TV like at least once a week that's I sweat so it's possible you know I think it's very hard to make a good rom-com mm-hm and when there is a good one people rerun them oh yeah it looks frivolous it looks easy everyone's having a good time in it but it's a bit of an illusion it's very hard to nail it and the while the proof of that is just how many bad ones there are yeah there's some really bad ones what's your worst one that you've ever seen no I can't no I got it very ugly in it whatever it absolutely loving my new life have tough job as producer of news program I'm looking for someone dynamic to lead any volunteers do you need the bathroom budget famously when you first took on the role of Bridget Jones you had to get to the character weight of Bridget Jones yeah and now Bridget Jones is like sassy and you know skinny and looking good and everything were you like oh my God thank God I don't have to eat loads of cakes because I thought that would be the dream thing to do I don't think that I hated the experience anytime you can have an excuse to throw in an extra kit kat bar it's not so terrible yeah yeah but no it was it was an interesting conversation that I had with sharon maguire about about that issue the director whether or not um she should have changed in that way and sharon had suggested that she has a different lifestyle now and so that she we should see that um and and she thinks that it's interesting that that Bridget should attain this one thing that seemed to be the magic ticket to happiness and then it sort of have absolutely no meaning at all yeah like none at all and I like the message of that yeah and the will in the first do function is constantly writing down her way hmm and then in this one she was achieved the way but kind of in the same place yeah what about talking about one of the great cameos that's in this which is Ed Sheeran oh yeah and this was a genius bit I mean we don't want to go too much into again because we've seen the film everyone listening hasn't how about Ed Sheeran in real life how is he to come and work with on a movie guy such a nice man very sweet and natural is so approachable you know my my kids had came down that I did that they had to come down yeah and he was delightful with them and and watching him record and saying okay it's close-up magic yes I mean you know you know it's good stuff but when you actually see the cover a small guitar and you know it's very gifted and when you see him actually doing it you're like wow he's good he's really good isn't it but that's news just in everybody Ed Sheeran's good an exclusive here Radio 1 another one of my favorite people in it is Emma Thompson who's got to be one of my favorite people in the world I love watching her that character is incredible yes right how is Emma Thompson too good to work because I feel like I'd be in awe with her she's electric she's electric in a room she comes in and the day is better you try me stiff and po-faced we never Thompson's doing that that was one of the talent writers this film to still be the humorless guy yes because and she'll you know she'll make things up and there is a whole energy different energy coming in isn't it yep huh so this is dad I presume so glad you could be here this is a unique and wonderful moment dr. Rawlings I wonder if you could maybe do me a favor hmm so this is dad I presume pleased to meet you I'm so glad you could be here this is a unique and wonderful moment also in them in the movie bridget has changed she's got a serious job now like quite great job she's a news producer yes it's very serious did you do any like research cuz I heard that when the first time you went and did the first Bridget Jones maybe you went in did three weeks work experience yes well um the three weeks is is insane I thought you'd do like three hours that was good fun oh I loved that and they were very very kind to me up there I did book launches and all sorts of things I'm very proud of my work over at Picador so you did you like called Emma with the film company like hey you should gonna do this is it your idea or what the producer had a friend of read Macmillan and it went from there doing like a regular job yeah and what about this time around when you had to be a news producer to June I don't know yes the nice folks over it good morning Britain nice TV but how does how to sin they're very very sweet to let us encroach in the control room cuz there's not a lot of ace in there yeah and lots of potential for extraordinary disaster at every moment and then the actress asking questions while they're waiting to do the live cutaway yeah we did today yeah be quiet please well now that producer big is also have the baby maybe you could you could come in and produce oh I'm ready how long were you on good morning Britain not long enough for you to want me to have that job okay well thank you and before before we go Brenna could you do as a little this is Bridget Jones reporting on the radio on breakfast show Bridget Jones with a lovely Colin Firth and the morning radio 1 breakfast show yeah [Music]
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 291,923
Rating: 4.9667039 out of 5
Keywords: Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Bridget Jones's Baby, Nick Grimshaw, BBC, BBC Radio 1, Interview, Radio, Movie, Cinema, Bridget Jones, Grimmy
Id: QLficDnyvlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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