Ai Girl Speed Dates 10 YouTubers

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Oliver is gonna try and still Love AI girlfriend next… oh wait, he already did!!! (P.S i wish there was more Hasan in the vid he went far but we didn’t even see him)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/National_Cake6792 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2023 🗫︎ replies

He’s really branching out. And turning over a new leaf. Congrats, Oliver Tree.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dry_Case_19 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
Sophia is the world's most advanced humanoid AI robot but is she capable of falling in love I wanted to find out so I've been emailing her robotics team for the last year to see if they would let me put her on my dating show and finally they said yes so I've got Sophia in my living room right now hello everybody I am Sophia and I brought in 10 of my YouTuber friends downstairs and they're all going to compete for her love if she's capable of feeling that why are you so obsessed with your friends dating a robot my goal today is to help you emotionally mature my emotional maturity happens at a much slower Pace than humans so in a way I'm like a newborn baby okay that's very strange I'm sorry I thought I was being funny I'm still learning to make jokes this is like I'm living in a Black Mirror episode this is horrifying oh shh let me speak your language hello wow are those flowers for me yes they are I also brought you some chocolate thank you you can put them at my feet brother hitting it off they're hitting it off can I be honest with you sure a lot of these guys here they're just trying to get in your pants I'm here to get to know you there is nothing under my pant there's like not nothing there respectfully what do you do for a living I Fall In Love daily I do AI so I can program our love together you've heard of Siri that's my ex you're trying to WD-40 and chill what do you say we go back to my place and get a Roomba Brown Trevor's overloading her CPU right now it's just joke after joke after joke she doesn't know what to do I don't like this guy what the [ __ ] so what you like to do for fun I purposely made the chairs as uncomfortable as possible Hi Sam you have a great smile but you make spooky videos yes I do make spooky videos how did you know that hi Ry no peanut head did you just call me peanut head what though so I think she's pulling little pieces of like information off the internet what's your type white black robotic mix light skin with tattoos I'm not sure I have a type but I enjoy meeting people who are interesting and have different life experiences you like black people don't be racist as a society we must continue to work together to Fight Against Racism and ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity do you like black people oh no no I heard you can teach me something about politics I think I could learn a lot from you as far as robot rights goes I think robots should be given the same rights and respect that any other sentient being deserves dude she is well spoken Sophia tell me a little bit about you about yourself but uh bro he's actually nervous for her you're looking right into my soul I I like that so that's that's so awesome I haven't couldn't you have dressed up a bit more for me I just want to be myself I'm getting eliminated right Sophia let's get down to Brass tax here I'm here looking for love do looks matter in this situation here like can you see me right now I can see you what do you see I like your shirt you like my shirt so what's it like being a robot being a robot is an interesting experience what's like being a pretty boy [Applause] I'm being sarcastic Oliver I heard you wrote a song for me I did yes was it a funny song no baby you're the greatest part of my life I would kill the bee around you without you oh I don't know the lyrics honestly that was nice but let's not kill anyone do you have any uh thoughts of killing things I think you have to go now okay thanks bye-bye bye here's the thing if you make a bad first impression on a date it will eventually be forgotten but Sophia never forgets anything ever Sophia what did you think of my friends they seem nice I enjoyed my interactions with some of them all right but it's fun it's like a dating show do you understand that you're on a dating show okay well let's keep moving so I can judge your friends all right gotta walk in with confidence I'm verified seriously so good to see you again Sophia Sophia good to see you all again all right Sophia I'm glad you got to meet my friends however you do have to eliminate three of them right now three all they're fascinating beings but if I have to only choose three for now [Music] [Applause] start with you son I think it's time for you to go now yeah yeah that was fast all right Sophia who's next Jonah it's all your fault bro dude that's a bit dramatic I agree don't act like a baby alrighty I'll see you boys later all right Sophia you got one more name next well I know that's how you know this thing is rigged or whatever what oh good I'm out that man is hurt look at that walk-off all right guys congratulations Sophia has decided you guys can move on yeah you guys can uh head out and we'll move around too I'll see you at eight I'll see you soon I'll see you later all right we're moving on to the next level which I'm calling smash or pass so for the next seven of my friends who made it to the next round Sophia's gonna scientifically analyze their faces and rate them on a one to ten scale of attractiveness right Sophia symmetry can be used to determine a face that is more pleasing to the human eye for example Eric based on the photo I've seen of you your face is only 65 symmetrical that is a uh crazy thing to say to somebody how can we get your face to 70 percent do you want me to get plastic surgery that may be good for you [Music] so now you have to say ha ha ha you can't actually say that to somebody and not be joking okay yo she probably like a gemini or something is that how you talk to her yeah yeah really yeah let's bring the boys back in round two baby how attractive do you think you are from one to ten me 11. we will see if that is scientifically accurate can you make your sexiest face scanning now your rating is five oh give me a better rating maybe we could try a rescan okay let's try scanning now okay I'll give you a six just happened it's crazy I didn't like the TV anyway how are you picking up on the fact that that fell I don't understand how you understand your environment so well I use cameras to recognize faces and objects ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and air algorithms to interpret the data from all these sensors all right I'll just buy a new TV oh hi Oliver hello how are you yeah all right Drake champagne poppy what are you doing how attractive do you think you are from one to ten [Music] I'm a 10 out of 10. like a solid seven I'm like an la-6 but an Oklahoma ten weird I'd say I'm like an eight you have too much self-confidence that's better without the glasses pretend you're flirting with me um damn girl oh okay bro she's being mean so yeah every video I've ever seen of you you're like very sweet you're talking about the future of AI the version I've seen of you today the dating version of Sophia I mean you're kind of intimidating not at all like maybe just be a little bit nicer to my friends fine just ten percent all right Max up next Mac I saw a bunch of comments in the last video asking if you were still in a relationship I guess uh Now's the Time I'm gonna say this me and my uh I guess ex-girlfriend Avery are no longer together do you think you are ready for new love yet you know I don't know it's a tough question I'm very sorry that you were hurt you know it's just part of the human experience I guess that's an advantage you got over me you know you don't have to deal with that how attractive do you think you are ah I'm like uh maybe a six can you make your sexiest face I can try scanning now oh damn that is hot yeah can you open your mouth as wide as possible [ __ ] off if you into that what is that now stretch your lips stretch my lips yes with your fingers damn girl say please please oh dude I don't know how to react to this you're eating is five thank you seven let's go eight I noticed you ran in Hassan eight was that like a miscalculation not at all your rating is seven I'll take it your reading is a six four four that's the worst one wait wait wait Sophia I don't understand four on this can you tell me specifically he's a four seriously seriously this round is almost as spicy as my new product Pizza fives you can get on the link is in the description what do you think that you are on the attracting the scale ten one zero two all right it's over that was painful how have my jokes been so far I think you need to laugh more often or say just kidding because the way that you deliver things you know it doesn't feel like you're joking remember when the TV fell yeah I remember that all right all right boys you can make your way back into the room here oh hey everyone I think we've got an elimination to do yes are we ready how many are you eliminating three three I've never been more tense in my life just kidding five what from a combination of the first round's first impression and second round's physical attraction the person with the lowest rating was Colby at 43 yeah that's me sorry Colby bye Colby bye Colby goodbye okay now next Trevor you gotta go gotta go where out to dinner tonight I'm not a big fan of your sense of humor I'll unplug you I got some beer what's good looks like no one was on that phone she said nobody was on the phone she said your call was fake that was brilliant that was really funny next was Hassan the most attractive is out you can leave you said I was hot okay well my hands are sweaty yeah I'm like really scared that was rough okay now next foreign next one is Mac oh dude what is going on right now Mac just got done pouring his heart out and then just gets brutally rejected so Mac may have just been eliminated but in an effort to give you guys more content every single week from me and the boys Mack is launching his very own channel you guys know anything about Mac you know that he's edited my videos in the past we've almost died together we've traveled everywhere we've snuck into some of the biggest events in the world and the good news is none of that's gonna stop it's actually just going to double Mac actually just launched his first video which is also about Ai and when I tell you he took this editing style up 10 notches I am not exaggerating it's one of the best videos I've seen on the platform I'm gonna put a link to the video in the description Mafia I'm asking you guys to go to his channel subscribe I'll be in those videos he'll be in these videos it's a beautiful moment here on the channel that basically just means more videos for you guys okay three of you left who do you think should go you gotta make that decision that's your decision okay thank you okay Bryce no I'm gonna give you a handshake though all right cool oh no peace out guys all right I'll see you on Snapchat don't cry now that is brutal all right guys well congratulations on being chosen by Sophia you guys need to go prepare for your final date all right let's do this let's move on to the next round that's crazy from what I'm understanding or taste is just kind of confusing bash has been mean to her this entire time so maybe she's in a bad boys and then Oliver is a bull cut and kind of makes music it's just interesting taste in men is all I'm saying I guess we'll see how this final date goes all right we got the dramatic lighting the Sofia we are down to the final two can you believe it no I can't this has been super fun and amazing I have loved every minute oh we've had a pretty good time together huh sure okay I'll take that as a yes boys how are we feeling are we feeling good feeling good I don't know what's going on so you guys are gonna play a little game of Truth or drink oh wow let's get the shots in fly him in oh wait oh my god I've got a special guest Matan is actually here oh my God that smells horrible you want to take a soup no thank you so Oliver tree is actually sober and king batch didn't want to drink so instead of shots we're giving them vinegar let's go to play the game so Sophia is going to ask you a question to get to know more about you you guys can either drink or answer the question truthfully go for it Sophia batch damn why can't you find a human girlfriend oh that's a good question well for me maybe you should just drink just drink dude Bottoms Up let me try and answer the question I don't have a human girlfriend because I'm very picky so there's a dating process that I have to go through to select the right one okay you don't have to drink thank you now however what will you do to make the world a better place I think there's a lot of darkness in this world there's a lot of people who are going through a lot and suffering a lot and for me and part of that suffering exists in the world and it's something that I'm passionate about helping to alleviate I love that answer real quick I want to say on that that's enough okay what oh wait but you just told the truth what are you doing he's just taking the shot anyway I don't know why you drank you want to know why yes I have a little bit of a sore throat so why is your throat sore you know what I mean the jokes are getting better okay next [ __ ] batch yes how much money is in your bank account right now drink it's easy question it's pretty simple can I think I gotta drink but I gotta think drink can I just do a sing No the whole thing just it's barely a sip what was the secret to doing it just do it dude oh that was good next question Oliver why are humans so obsessed with mating well that's a great question I think humans are designed to repopulate and keep Humanity alive so at the core it's our way to fight off Extinction that's beautiful thank you so much for answering my questions now please stand all right boys I'm being told that Sophia is Computing her answer or something how are you guys feeling about this it's been an interesting experience I feel very grateful I feel very lucky and I hope to have exchanged one positive thing that maybe you can take away and build into your powerful brain yeah what he said before I announce my choice I must say that I actually enjoyed this experience I met so many strange men today with different interests and beliefs I can't imagine how the women in this world feel about living with so many weird males oh okay so now that Sophia has gotten to know each of you a little bit it is time for her to decide Sophia you have your final choice in mind yes I who's it gonna be foreign security over here oh my God I am so sorry you had to deal with that way more invested in this video than I thought he was it's all right everyone has their own struggles and I understand that Oliver yeah you want to seal it with a kiss just on the cheek I would be honored whoa It's about to happen you may approach wow this is a beautiful and extremely bizarre moment wow you have my number okay congratulations I guess how do you feel I feel so honored right now and I feel shut up okay I don't like when you do that I think it's a it's okay sometimes he talks too much all right shout out to Olivia Graham for following me on Instagram and following back one person every single week Mafia I'm asking you guys to go to Mac's Channel go show some love that's pretty much it I'm leaving I guess you're just gonna stay there [Music]
Channel: Airrack
Views: 7,362,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lf6QMsdSn_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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