Maitreyi Ramakrishnan Has THIS Message for Period Shamers | Celebrity Starter Pack | Seventeen

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- I can actually do a really good Peach, I can't even lie, like video game Peach, which is, "Hi, I'm Peach." She's very like up there. Hi, I'm Maitreyi and this is my celebrity starter pack meaning I'm gonna show you all the things that make me me. So yay. I have tattoo ointment to like lotion my tats. I get very paranoid that my tattoo will look less than perfect and my perfectionism kicks in. You always have to lotion your tattoos. (test pattern beep) This is a public service announcement. If you have tattoos, lotion them. They will have a better lifespan. Alright, just do it, take care of your skin. Currently I have three tattoos, one of Kirby, one of a anime character, Eren Yeager from "Attack on Titan", which is my favorite show of all time, not even favorite anime. My most recent one is hearts on my arm. 'Cause I wear my heart on my sleeve. (bell dings) Yeah, it's cheesy, I know, but I like it. So I have a sweater here. But this sweater is really cool because it's an anime sweater. The sleeve is Mikasa, which is really dope. So cozy while being a nerd and being fashionable. (bell dings) If I could de describe my style in three words, all-around, I'd say cool, and comfortable. I do like dipping into a lot of different aesthetics for sure and I very much so, yes, I do love sweats and you know, sweaters but I also love heels. I'm about all different corners of fashion which is like a really cool thing that I've gotten since "Never Have I Ever". No, it's been cool to dive into fashion. I have a bad habit of picking at my lips when I'm anxious or stressed. So, I have to definitely carry one of these, one of the lip balms around in all my bags. So this just kind of helps 'cause it's around when I try to fight that habit. And this is for when I'm just feeling fancy. It's just lip gloss. It sucks with the mask though. So I kind of put it on and sometimes I'm just stuck to my mask and then I have like fuzzies on my lips 'cause it's like the mask and I'm like, we know this. Why are we talking about pandemic things still? We know this. Come on. So the next item in my pack is a pad. You should know what this is everyone. I really suck at remembering to pack a pad. So I just scatter them everywhere like lip balm and hand sanitizer in all of my bags. And then I'm always ready to go and I'm always there to help my homies. I honestly don't get why people are weird about talking about periods. That never made sense to me. We're all here because someone had their period or well yeah, they, well they missed it after but the fact that they had to have the period first. So pads are the most comfortable for me. But if I have to, you know freeze the access of something else of whatever's available then I'll switch it up but hey don't shame pad girlies. You know what? Let's make this another public service announcement. If you're someone who shames someone else for their choice in menstruation products, screw you, don't do that. People need to stop caring about other people's bodies. These are my infinity stones. I am Thanos. I'm just kidding. These are just my rings. That wasn't even that funny. So this one is my mom's. She's pretty cools, a little sapphire and this one is my great-grandma's, which actually started the whole thing. My great grandma passed away when I was 15. I kind of grew up with her, we had a lot of fun and then she passed away to Alzheimer's and she always wore this ring like up until she died. And then my grandma and my mom gave this to me. My last ring, which is this one. This ring actually kind of changes up but the whole point is it's a ring that I buy for myself that I just like for myself. That's with the rest of my family and the women in my family 'cause that's pretty cool. This is my dog Melody or also known as Schmelody or Schmel, or Mel or Butt or Mutton Chicken Biryani or just Mutton. I call her a lot of things and she is my bestest friend. If my house was gonna burn down tomorrow and I had to take one item out of it, it would be my dog easily. I like to tell Melody that she is not my favorite dog, but she's my favorite noun. She beats all nouns, person, places, or things. She also sometimes disappoints me. We'll put her picture down for this moment. Sometimes she runs outta the house. She doesn't come back so I have to chase her. I'm not a runner, but for her I am. Other than that, she never disappoints me and that's why she's my best friend and I know that I will love her very, very, very, very much, more than anyone else in the world or a thing or a place. Yet again, favorite noun. We've covered this. Spotify playlists. I take a lot of pride in my Spotify playlist because they're all very like nicely organized. There's no names like words on them, they're all labeled by emojis. And then the front image is like a different like female anime character that kind of matches the mood of the playlist. I have like a photo shoot playlist, which is just songs that hype me up if I'm in a photo shoot 'cause I definitely need that. I also have an angry playlist. I also have a playlist about cutting people off, scissors emoji, appropriate. In my last Spotify wrapped, I got Lil Nas X 'cause I love the song "Industry Baby", but very, very, very close behind was John Williams. I love John Williams, he's a genius. Okay, all the soundtracks that he does. "Leaving Hogwarts"? (drum beat) The feels. This is my best friend Shahara who I met back in high school and they're still my bestest friend to this day. They are the infamous best friend that sent me the tweet that got me "Never Have I Ever", that you know, got me up out of my couch from deep depression to send in a video of myself to Mindy Kaling and that is why we are here today. So kind of makes sense that they're an essential in my life. Back then when I was just a dumb teen, I didn't know that I truly met my soulmate. These are my Roots sweatpants that are definitely an essential. Roots is a company in Canada, very proudly Canadian that definitely their biggest product is these lovely salt and pepper Root sweatpants, boyfriend fit. It's a Canadian staple right up here with like Tim Hortons, which is a coffee place. I'm not explaining all of Canada culture. I won't be condescending. You can Google. Fun story though, when I feel like growing up if you had these, you were super cool and I did not have them, but I was trying to beg my mom to get me the one that said Roots on the butt and she said absolutely not. I got Roots on the butt now. This is my Switch. I have to take it everywhere with me, every flight, it is my go-to. And also, yeah, growing up with Nintendo very much so makes me who I am. My favorite game right now currently is "Tears of the Kingdom". But my favorite game of all time would be "Super Smash Bros". My go-to character in "Smash" is Kirby. I have a Kirby tattoo for that very reason. And also I personally like to play random whenever I play people in person because I do like to be that guy that says I can beat you with anyone. And it's kinda kinda true. I can actually do a really good Peach. I can't even lie, like video game Peach, which is, "Hi, I'm Peach." She's very like up there. But Yoshi is harder to like do it in the back of your throat. Yoshi, Yoshi. No, I can't, I can't do it. Not as great. Peach is way better. Okay, "Seventeen", thank you for hanging out with me and exploring my kind of basic, maybe slightly entertaining celebrity starter pack. Thanks. And don't forget to watch "Never Have I Ever" Season Four, final season. So if you don't like it, I'm sorry but you can watch it on Netflix starting June 8th. So yeah.
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 77,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maitreyi ramakrishnan, never have i ever, maitreyi ramakrishnan interview, netflix, never have i ever cast, maitreyi ramakrishnan never have i ever, devi never have i ever, never have i ever netflix, devi and paxton, maitreyi ramakrishnan dance, maitreyi ramakrishnan funny, matreyi ramakrishnan, never have i ever interview, never have i ever starter pack, maitreyi ramakrishnan starter pack, celeb starter pack seventeen, maitreyi ramakrishnan seventeen, seventeen, 17 magazine
Id: tMt8NysVkm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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