I Let Why Don't We Pick My Boyfriend: Jenna | Bestie Picks Bae

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how do we just get here I'm Jenna I'm 20 where why don't we now we're gonna find Jenna Abed I decided to have why don't we pick my baby cuz they all have really great style they're really talented and artistic and that's something that I really look for in a guy so I feel like they'd be the perfect people to pick somebody for me we are not the perfect people to find I hope the Bay is most like Daniel because he's so funny he's so talented and of course he's beautiful I feel like because we're all guys we know what to look for and like what good yes that's true we know what guys not to go after yes yeah like this type of guy so something I'm looking for in a guy is somebody who is really artistic like all the guys somebody who's into music or art or something like that because that's something that I'm really passionate about somebody who has eyes like Daniel would be great I love curly hair so maybe some hair like Jack and all the guys have really great style and that's something that I also really look for in a guy so something like that I'm also looking for somebody who's really spontaneous because I'm always down to do like really crazy adventures and I always love doing like random spontaneous things so somebody who likes to do stuff like that would be great if I don't like the guy that the band picks for me I'm probably gonna be nice and trust that the band knows what they're doing and hopefully everything will work out in the end if you marry this guy will say anyway okay perfect oh all right well let's find you a babe [Music] my name is Brian I'm 24 and I lived in Paris for half a year Oh tip a dream bucket my name is Tyler I'm 20 and I really love gardening one of my favorite things is growing strawberries in my hydroponic system at home I like dude this is the one hi so my name is Nolan I'm 24 something unique about me will be my birthmark some people think it's a hickey but it's actually not I have one like that it's right here shaped like a triangle I'm Tyler I'm 23 and I walk on stilts at haunted houses oh wait my name is Dexter I'm 26 and I'm an alumni drummer at approaching storm marching baby's room my name is John I'm 21 and I'm studying Homeland Security cuz I love America hi my name is Brandon I'm 20 years old and I have an unhealthy amount of spider-man costumes in my closet I have the spider-man far from home 1 I have the homecoming 1 and I have the black suit spider-man which isn't in any of those the venom yeah oh god I have the black like what occasion any time like people usually wear them to comic-con I wear them on my walks like to the park or I will I wear in the concerts I love wearing them the concert hi I'm Ben I'm 24 and fun fact is I'm a twin I'm a test-tube baby and there could have been four of me oh my god my name is Jo I'm 21 and I got do 50 pushups and one arm what he's gonna say two hands I was like my name is Malik I'm 23 and I do personal security I like this guy I I feel good oh we have we have a very solid I you know I was strong from hearing about the bays they seem like pretty good contestants some of them had pretty interesting facts so we'll see so tell us your longest relationship and then a fun fact about you as a boyfriend in a relationship or maybe how you see yourself all right so my longest relationship was about two years and I'm a chef I like to whip it up I like pot I like my Kompas I like making I mean pretty much any in all things but I love pizza I will say that oh I'm a foodie so I'll bring that to the table my longest relationship was two years and I really like to lead the charge on a date I like to go to the park or have a picnic and bring some food and just have a good time my longest relationship was three and a half years an interesting fact about me would be I'm a natural gentleman I'd like to come with flowers you know go out for some food walk by the water and joy to my son say you know catch a vibe my longest relationship was a year and a half and I'm an actor in real life so I'm in touch with my feelings so we can like watch Titanic together and I'll cry with you hey so you're saying this guy that's a good one I like I like that guy we're still like brother get from crying you'll cry with me dude I got your back cry all you want don't hold it in a longer relationship is three years and I write poems so I could basically change your mood when you're down that's solid my longest relationship is a year and I'm very goofy I'm gonna make jokes about everything I might even make friend of you but it's gonna be funny the longest relationship that I've been in is a year and a half hopefully Jenna and I will break that record I would say I'm gonna be her biggest fan everything she does I'm gonna love it worship it I'm gonna like all of her pictures first her friends they're gonna be my friends her mom asked my mom if she's got sisters brothers they're my sisters and brothers we're all gonna be like her world is my world he's gonna be obsessed with her then Wow my longest relationship was three years long and in a relationship I like to do things for the person that I'm with but it's it's kind of sneaky because I love to clean and do stuff like that but I make them think that I'm doing it well I mean it is for them but it's also for me yeah exactly my longest relationship was like Parveen two or three weeks and she's down to travel I'm down hiking whatever my god my longest relationship was two and a half years and I'm a very I'm slightly overprotective as a boyfriend and if anyone has any beef with you I'll definitely make that go away we didn't really really want to think you know he's just showing I'm thinking we were gonna sing a song today [Laughter] yeah we're going sorry man [Music] seriously it sucks that I got eliminated first but I'm like why don't we biggest fan so it was just really nice to meet them let's go okay the question is what is the fastest you've driven the fastest I've ever gone is I didn't get the triples I don't get the triple is that bad that's like fun but safe you know what I'd like to keep it like that last year I went to Italy and we had a race there I went over a hundred ten my last trip to Miami we rented out a Mustang GT and I had a bout of 120 on the highway I grew up in PA in the suburbs in the woods so I went like 120 didn't get pulled over yeah the fastest I went was about 110 in my cousins okay fastest ever went to be honest I love speed but after I got out the car the car was smoking so I guess I'm guessing pretty fast the fastest I've ever went is 70 cuz I've only ever been on a highway that's 65 and you go five up you know they don't pull you over Wow I Drive a respectable 80 on the highway but one time when my parents were getting divorced and my dad was like doing his thing he rented a Camaro and was like let's drive it in the desert so we drove like a hundred I think we were trying to get to a hundred that was fast I went to school in North Carolina and they love mudslinging alright okay so what's mudslinging muscling is um you get on the ATV get in this muddy area and go as fast as you can just mud everywhere I said I'm not sure exactly how fast I was going but I know it was the fastest I ever went this is a really an important question so whatever the guys think go go alright gut feeling I didn't choose it I'm so sorry man I think we all chose [Music] best of luck homey hope you find a loved one if Jenna had dated me she would have gotten a dancer a drummer artist a poet it'll all still be looking for love all right I spit it how would you break up with someone oh I think when you're breaking up you just it's best to do it in person yeah yeah tech stuff you know no you can't do that got to be a person you got to be I feel like breaking up is to really like heart to heart kind of thing I feel like face-to-face is like the bare minimum you gotta like you gotta let them know that something's going on you gotta take him somewhere and you got to be really like open and honest with it like you don't want to have regrets well of course you would meet up in person and you would you know express to them how you feel about the situation and if it doesn't progress and get better then there's only best to split ways before you guys hate each other versus staying cool and you know calm and collective you got a meet in person not in public be honest address the issues don't lie take feelings into account I'll post on snapchat single I shall get the message I know this isn't exactly a popular method anymore but I feel like it's really important to before going right to the break-up taking a break maybe a week a few weeks see how we really feel about anything instead of it being a Russian impulse decision if we both decide a breakup is good I don't want it to just be a breakup after that maybe like one last date like a dinner date or up on the Stars open up the car sit in the back just like one last goodbye to make it meaningful to me when you break up with someone obviously you do it in person but the most important thing is that you actually break up with them because I think I've had situations where you break up but you don't really break up but you kind of break up and that's really hard I think if you decided you're you have to break up and you've talked it through and that's what it is it's got to be over in all honesty yeah I'm the cancer so you know I'd be in my feelin's too it's not like I would definitely take her out and then try my best to fix it I'm a firm believer in manifestation if that's someone you want to be with then you make it work no matter what but if it's unbearable then yeah we'll go out I'll let you know how it is but it's not gonna be it's not gonna be fast it's gonna be a slow letdown okay I don't want somebody who is breaking up with someone over text before because I feel like if you're in a relationship you should meet face-to-face because obviously you know each other pretty well no one sorry well I just got eliminated I have no idea why I was eliminated to be honest Jenna's missing out on a smooth laid-back guy what's the best concert you've ever been to the best concert I've gone to was probably a Prince concert pretty recently I went to kcon and I'm not usually hugely into like Korean music but just the performances were amazing like it was incredible I love me some oldie rock so I went to Alice Cooper he's my man everyone in this room and Russia it's a dude who rocks I recently just went to the XXL freshmen concert it had blue phase low um the baby everybody Riko nasty everybody on the XXL list it was pretty good the best concert I've ever been to is Jake Miller not only because I've met Jake Miller but because it was the concert where I first put on my spider-man costume and this is crazy so we were in the concert we were trying to get Jake's attention the entire time like I got on my my friend Isaiah's shoulders like waving at him but then after the concert ended we started dancing and then all of a sudden this like circle like of everyone in the concert formed around me and I was like doing the Fortnight dances in the middle and like you know like like that just in my spider-man costume the best concert I went to like senior year of high school my dad and my brother and I saw Bob Dylan and it was he was unintelligible look it was not like musically the best thing ever but like you know we were all we moved away after that and stuff you know college so it was it was great and he's a legend obviously all right my favorite concert that I've ever been to was Jay Cole's concert in North Carolina because he is my favorite absolute favorite of all time rapper I embody his personality I love it if somebody doesn't really go to a lot of concerts or doesn't really enjoy music festivals and stuff like that they're probably not the one for me I got to say we have to pick somebody once again all right just do it put your finger up at this point tally number one I'm sorry man I feel like she's missing out on just like you know somebody who'll be there for her it's a shame that I didn't be Tyler number two but I slept faith that he'll still lose I think the other Tyler walks on stilts just because he's self-conscious of how much taller I am than him how many people have you kissed I think approximately ten people yeah I went to theater school so that was a weird group of people so over 1000 I don't know it could be if I talked to a lot of girls that's all i'ma say I've kissed ten ten or more girls okay we'll say in the realm of 1500 10 to 15 15 15 somewhat over like 20 maybe 20 my best friend growing up was named Ben so this hurts but [Music] I'm not the bay today I don't know Jenna so I trust their judgment if they don't think it was a good match then I'm glad to not have been put into a bad situation all right question explain to us how your futures gonna look I just learned a master's degree in public policy so kind of looking into doing some more work with nonprofits that I've worked with and also doing some kind of entrepreneurial stuff so yeah it was crying with first probably walking on stilts at their show then uh yeah hopefully acting on Broadway or in movies or something so we'll see you will in my future I see me being a race hopefully nice colors nice house and just being rapes having money our future together I see me and Jenna being happy whatever she wants to do I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure she's living and doing what she wants to do for a living yeah in my future I do see a couple little knees running around and maybe I'll end up doing security for y'all one day I'm sorry man I'm so sorry keep shooting your lens I will I'm gonna shoot my webs at that concert ya know some new show if you show up in a spider-man outfit I'll get you back I promise Jenna this isn't over you'll see me at the next concert too I just got eliminated because I gave the worst answer I could have ever gave to that question the sentence didn't even sound correct like I was trying to be all cool and then like I just saw why no we all say you read your mind I know what you're thinking I could spend my time feeling although bee dies what's the biggest lie you've ever told your parents honestly I think back in like school in high school I used to lie about grades a lot you know I used to yeah that was a I get caught yeah so it wouldn't work out anyways I would get caught later but yeah this isn't the worst thing but I used to play football and I would faked injuries every game because I didn't want to play so I guess I've betrayed my dad see how a lot of my mother yes no he never supposed to lie to your mother so that's the biggest lie that I'm lying right now the biggest live I told my mom was that I was staying after school when I wasn't [Music] [Music] I was lying about the biggest lie so baby that gets out it's missing out on a whole lot of uh you know trips to pizza places and Italian food because I love food you guys best pick-up line you ever seen Twilight I kind of look like Robert Pattinson so yeah actually is the idatd bacon cuz you got some nice buns do you like blue cuz you know if not I could take this shirt John I'm sorry I didn't think I was gonna get that far because I was just saying any random thing that came into my head I think they thought it was funny but not serious enough so yeah I guess I'll keep looking for love why should we choose you go in 30 seconds less you should choose me if you want to date an actor and you like being emotionally unstable but honestly the real answer you guys should pick who you think genuine like based off of not much feedback you should pick me because I'm gonna make you feel safe if you know yeah if you want to project right sue like honey I'm with cancer so you know I feel those feelings too yeah you should definitely pick me because you know safety is key why it's it's Malik [Music] you're gonna security Hey whoa I made it to the top - hey nobody was gonna mess with her but you know I'll protect somebody else Tyler come on down hey man welcome to the band he's a good-looking man and he acts like what girl doesn't it's cute I like his outfit she's cute I like her outfit and she has dogs she's representing yeah oh my god you guys did great I really think you should stand with your new yeah you guys all right well we have a little song for you tell me have you seen a sun's turn into a Sun kiss right through the night squeeze should try it at sunset hold you to the moon and if I said I'm falling would you just [Music] [Applause] Wow beautiful if you guys get married we'll perform at the wedding perfect yeah 100% yeah who's gonna be the flower girl me my favorite band picked my BAE [Applause] if I'm being honest I think Johnson won but you know I just something about this still just doesn't sit well with me it's a little odd but you know I mean he seems like a nice guy so whatever makes Jenna happy I'm glad it was why don't we that picked my BAE instead of one of my friends cuz they did a good job I think maybe me and Tyler could go to why don't we concert okay then John yes my favorite band did pick my BAE he seems cool he's got great style he's cute so yeah they did a good job I was intimidated for sure when I walk down is like she's best friends with why don't we that's crazy at the start Daniel and I definitely had beef over stilts I don't know where that comes from but I think towards the end we kind of made amends we spoke after so we're good I hope our first date is why don't we concert especially after all the people thank you tickets would be nice for most of the questions I was kind of like why are they asking this but it's a group of young guys of course the questions are gonna be crazy so I didn't expect anything less I thought I was gonna get eliminated when I told them I listened to Alice Cooper or when I said you like emotionally unstable people I don't really know much about Robert Pattinson but sure I like him that's enough I think it's pretty cool to have a band that you don't know choose someone for you to date because they're not biased I agree yeah it was a cool experience thank you guys for watching a single one of mine is out right now so go check it out yeah and for more videos like this make sure to subscribe to Seventeen's youtube channel do it right now please [Music]
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 2,700,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube, bestie picks bae, seventeen bestie picks bae, best friend picks my boyfriend, why don't we, why don't we picked my bae, why don't we dating, daniel seavey, why don't we daniel seavey, daniel seavey girlfriend, daniel seavey date, why don't we bestie picks bae, why don't we game, why don't we dating show, i let my best friend pick my boyfriend, i let my best friend pick my girlfriend
Id: WuDv9PliMOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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