Coin Pusher season 2 episode 7

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[Music] so hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today we're doing a 500 buy-in they gave us 50 tokens they got a pretty good sized tower in there a bunch of 20s and some 50s just laying here and there so i think we'll do all right we'll see let's get to it come on give me some good pushes here buddy all right that's doing good moving i just gotta get that tower to fall over [Applause] oh yeah we're gonna have to stay to the right i think or the last of our tokens so let's check it out see what we got all right it's not bad we probably still got close to 50. [Applause] oh yeah that's person good these tokens are a lot bigger than the quarters apparently [Applause] it gets stuck pretty easy i don't have a quarter to compare it to but they look well they don't look any bigger but they get stuck a lot easier either way we'll make it work oh we're about to get some 20s on the left there it is we just made 20 bucks that was the last of our tokens too let's check it out see what we got that 20 bill hasn't fallen through it's just down in the chute so it'll fall eventually but we're doing better look at that that's probably close to 75 or so that's good [Applause] oh yeah 20 finally fell all right there's 70 bucks we just made that's nice [Applause] wow oh yeah making it rain [Applause] just need a huge push oh man it's so close [Applause] it's all right there's so much right there we're about to about to get paid real good come on i got i got two tokens left there it is let's get those in come on give me a nice little push all right all right okay well it is what it is let's check it out see what we got nice more spawn sweet all right all right we ended up with 265 bucks that's nice we've almost made half a pro we've made a little over half our profit back already or our buy-in and uh tokens we're doing good got over 100 that's for sure [Applause] so let's keep going see if we can't clear the house [Applause] oh yeah it's finally friday i don't know when this will get uploaded but for me it's friday finally that was a long week at work got off work drove right here straight here didn't even go home [Applause] so excited to come play the coin pushers [Applause] mixing money hopefully make some money here we go yeah there's 20 bucks sweets those hundreds are getting real close like really close oh yeah nice whoops hopefully i didn't drop too many all right we did all right i've seen this same setup happen before everything get lined up like that and pretty much the pay just stops hopefully i don't handle turn out this way this time we'll see we'll find out soon enough if we have to we'll start double stacking them so we can get some big stacks down there at the bottom [Applause] all right we just made 70 bucks there the 50 is about to go on the right sweets [Applause] that was the last of our tokens let's check it out see what we got all right all right we got 570 bucks pretty sweet so we're definitely all profit from here on out tokens oh yeah we're getting closer 200 now wow we're already made money let's see if we get some more of that oh yeah oh big money big money [Applause] wow it's all right there this is a close one here i mean luckily we already made our money back but i've seen him land line up just like this before and i'm sure y'all seen it too they just refuse to push we'll do what we can now [Applause] uh they definitely like to get stuck don't they there we go most time i can knock them loose i hate calling people to have them unlock it and open it all up and everything i'd rather just keep playing see what what's the next holiday coming up would be halloween i think it would be so i wonder what we should do for halloween i gotta give away something for halloween i don't know what should be got some ideas let me know [Applause] i said i'm pretty good friends with the owners now let me put about anything i want in here so if you guys can come up with something it's not outrageously expensive 200 bucks or less let's stick it in here it's going to stay on the left for a little bit see if that stuff on the right will fall over i said i don't care calling them it doesn't look like it's gonna happen now it's probably all just gonna slowly pile up over there there's too many if i start aiming at them we'll just get stuck worse oh yeah they went down that was the last of our tokens too so let's check it out see what we got oh my goodness we got 210 bucks that's sweets tokens and we're doing all right probably a little over a hundred so we lost quite a bit on that last hand we're all good though we made money so yeah y'all got something that we could do for halloween you got some suggestions let me know i love giving back nothing better than giving back to the community [Applause] appreciate all of you watching my videos means a lot especially when you hit that subscribe button i love watching that number climb comments are pretty sweet too i try i try to respond to the comments but i work a lot of hours about 70 hours a week so today's friday and i got i got to go back to work in the morning so it's really difficult same thing with the prizes i it's easier for me to to buy them off amazon and ship them to you so that's what i do i just buy them off amazon um just really busy i like it though i enjoy my job so that 100 on the left i think we're gonna get it i really do i think we're gonna get that oh yeah that's some good timing right there i'll tell you i tell you what all right that was the last of our tokens so let's check it out see what we got all right so we made another hundred bucks it's pretty sweet definitely got lots of money now tokens yeah probably probably 90. it's not bad yeah as soon as i noticed they were all lined up like that i knew it was going to be for bad news i mean we're going to make money of course we did already we're not gonna clean the house this won't happen oh yeah there's a hundred might have been two i could just make 200 bucks ah oh my god fingers got me again i think that was like looked like three of them i dropped so yeah this thing's getting really slippery you're holding a whole bunch of them you gotta you gotta transfer them one hand to the next two here here's the last three or sorry four last four of them all right let's check it out see we've got ooh that's another push come on just filled in the gap all right all right whoop sorry all right all right we made 125 bucks there hot diggity tokens yeah not bad probably down to like 75 or 80. oh 100 on the left's about to go yeah we just got it sweets it's doing a lot better than i thought was just bringing up some bad memories a while back i'd lost quite a bit the last couple couple days in a row all right that's the last of our tokens let's check it out see what we got all right man 900 bucks awesome tokens and we're probably about dr 50. probably should play a right side you know there's the high dollar amounts are over here but there's a bunch over here and i know they kind of equal themselves out but it's worth a shot that's the last of our tokens let's check it out see what we got well we didn't make any money but we got i don't know 45 or so tokens said we're going to stay on the right that's the goal anyway never seem to get it where i want it my skills are not where they should be it's not quite up to par but i definitely try oh yeah that's working sweet wow get some more in there i got a little excited and forgot to drop some tokens i wasn't expecting to actually make any more money we got two tokens left let's get them in [Music] come on that's a good little push hopefully nah i just filled in the gap all right let's check it out see what we got wow that did good nice wow 275 bucks that is nice i was not expecting to make any more tokens were running low it's probably like 20 there never give up and if i got thousands of them sometimes i stop playing them excuse me we'll play it on a different game but this this wouldn't do no good on another game we just run out we got four left let's get them in there it is that's a nice push i didn't pay out on any but it looked like it was going to be a good one all right so we got about the same amount of tokens we didn't make any money that's okay oh 200 bucks wow all right we got two tokens left let's get them in all right so looks like one of them fell oh and there was a 50 in there that's right so we made 150 bucks there's a hundred chip in there it's down underneath it's like stuck in the trough so hopefully that'll fall out soon tokens we're still doing good wow this is doing a lot better than i expected this is a good thing that's funny i'm staying right well i thought i was staying right anyways that was my goal we've knocked off a couple of those hundred ships on the left it's weird how the coin pressure works yeah four left let's get him in oh sorry about that all right there it is let's check it out see what we got well that 100 still hasn't fallen yet that's what we got we got probably 20. let's see if we see if we can't make some more money oh yeah look at that oh boy those hundreds they are getting close that's the last of our tokens right there nice we just made another hundred bucks right there so that other hunter's still stuck that's all right it'll fall eventually we made another 100 bucks tokens yeah i don't know about 20 or so it's doing good so yeah if y'all can think of something we can put in here for halloween see what i can do we'll get those whatever we win for the halloween giveaway we'll just we'll give it away so how's the last ever tokens oh i think that 100 chip finally fell there's one down here yeah i did so there it is there's not a hundred bucks that's pretty sweet tokens yeah i'm gonna say falling no i'm not counting but it's in that range 15 or 20. [Music] all right that was the last of them let's check it out see what we got second wave nice i like second waves especially when we're getting low on tokens all right that's what we got not bad that green one i remember seeing that earlier up at the top it's already pushed all the way through and it's going back in there's the last of them [Music] yeah there's a there's a green token up there kind of looks silver maybe but it's green looks over on my display yeah that was the last of them here's what we got about ten [Applause] oh that was not good why did i do what i did that for let's toss them in there right at least i got i didn't double stack them all i was the last of them right there i only lost one token that way not terrible oh that paid out pretty good nice that's about what we had [Music] see if we can make another 100 bucks or at least 50 or 25. two tokens left let's get them in all right let's see hold the gas ah that's not bad i think it's a couple more we had before oh that should be a good one nice that was 50 bucks 50 bucks more than i had all right that's the last of them let's check it out see what we've got sweet so there's another 50 bucks that is awesome tokens yeah we lost a little on that but yeah there's not a whole lot on there i don't i don't expect it to last much longer we'll be out here soon [Music] that's one thing about the token are the coin pushers the longer you play the higher the just gonna lose eventually unless you're already in the profit like i am still gonna eventually run out of tokens so that's what we got that's a lot better i mean i know i'm talking about how we're supposed to run out but we just got like 25 tokens now so we did good on that hand i got three left let's get them in all right let's see we've got all right look at that hot diggity it's doing good still got 20 25 of them we got a good chance of getting another 100 bucks [Applause] all right that was the last of them not bad not bad at all really that's probably about i don't know about 15 or so i'm gonna guess we had there here's the last of them let's check it out see what we got all right all right no money but i'm still in the game that's the last one right there let's see what we got oh nice little second wave there all right we made a little profit off that token profit i didn't hear very many fall when something fell but it wasn't very many that was the last of them three tokens left that's it let's get them in see what we get all right all right nice not bad i think there's about eight of them there there's the last of them oh yeah well wasn't what didn't okay that paid out i was about to say i think we only got one left but we got that little push at the end so now we're up to seven quarters i think there they are all right i think we're gonna have two yep that's what it was two oh that's so close nah that's it all right game's over we ran out of tokens so i'm gonna tally everything up i'll let you know in a second how we did all right that's pretty nice we got 2045 bucks there hot diggity nice well y'all like what you're seeing please hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed shoot me a comment [Music] and we'll see you on the next video you all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 20,765
Rating: 4.9268031 out of 5
Keywords: Coin Pusher, Coinpusher, High limit coin pusher
Id: eseDxN3PDGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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