Coin Pusher season 2 episode 10

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today we're just using our tokens we had from before we won on a previous game so there's no buy-ins on this looks like they got a big tower in there it's about i counted it off camera it looked like there's a right around three thousand dollars there i got quite a few of those silver half dollars so hopefully we can get some of those too so let's get to it see what we can make oh yeah that's moving good just gotta get that big tire to fall oh that was a good push nice everything's moving good oh yeah [Applause] so yeah i think we're gonna do for halloween we'll do uh nice some good pushes there we'll do a giveaway for halloween nothing real extravagant maybe uh most likely to be amazon gift cards oh sweet wow that was a good fall there normally they fall straight back nice we're gonna make some good money on this one anyway i think we'll do amazon gift card giveaways for halloween i have to get that going pretty soon the way they get everybody gets them in time in case they're wanting to use it for halloween and we'll probably do another one i don't know we'll see yeah i think it could be neat to do them during holidays maybe that sounds silly i don't know i know a lot of people said halloween's not a holiday but i don't know a lot of kids enjoyed it when i was growing up i had fun with all everything that's going on in the world right now we really can't can't let the kids go out and enjoy halloween like they should so i think we all just stay inside stay safe watch some youtube watch a movie whatever i'm not saying you got to watch this [Applause] that's fishing real good all right all right made some money right there i can't believe how fast the channel's grown by time this video gets uploaded we'll probably be oh sweet there's some more money be really close to our 15 000 subscribers if not more well if you happen to notice that we're at 15 000 subscribers go back and check and see if you won on the 10 000 subscriber giveaway video i'll leave comments in the comment section of that video to let the winners know good luck to y'all [Applause] wow we've got a bunch of those everything really they got a bunch of money a bunch of those 50 silver silver half dollars [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] we are cleaning house really quick this is amazing now we can just get that money to fall it's being a pesky little booger yeah making it rain making it rain made some really big pushes we got oh about 150 or so left we'll get them in and then we'll check it out see what we got wow that's nice 50 is about to go that was a bunch of silver we just got sweet wow oh i dropped a bunch right there oh that was i mean drop that manny might have helped though so i got five left let's get them in check it out see what we got all right all right yeah we got 250 bucks there freaking awesome it's all profit didn't pay nothing for these tokens we've had them for so many games now [Music] we got 20 of the silver half dollars also it's pretty sweet the tokens oh yeah look at that we got slipping out my hands i got so many got my hands in my buckets we got a thousand probably so maybe plus that so probably like 1200 tokens that's freaking awesome let's get to it see if we can't get some more wow i didn't realize that much had fallen out that was awesome yeah we need to get making some more scrapper joe videos i just kind of enjoy i really enjoy it just don't have time after working and everything else i'm doing in life playing on the coin pushers it's hard to find time for everything you want to do it'll happen i really like to give back to the community and give back to the world as much as possible so that's kind of why i started started the old scrapper jail nice there's 100 bucks trying to take care of the world you know do my part i know i can't do it all by myself but it's got to start everybody's got to do their i've part collecting copper and aluminum you know pop cans and stuff that way they can get you know the plan is to melt them down into ingots you know keep them out of the landfill just stack them that's what they call it i think that's what i've seen in other videos anyhow it's all stacking stacking copper or whatever whatever happens to be your saving up you know maybe one day we'll start sacking silver we do have a lot of those silver half dollars well they must have bought a bunch of those things we've won hundreds of those [Music] but most of those i've given away are giving them to my to my dad so he really enjoys him [Music] it means more to me to see him happy getting them and me holding on to him yeah i'm working on it working on the old scrapper joe channel winter's coming up it's gonna be probably impossible to do during the winter i guess i won't have to mow the yard down huh it takes six hours to melt the copper down my time it's dark i'm ready for bed so how's everybody been doing do an awful lot talking about myself i guess i need to that's kind of hard to ask questions for y'all i guess you can comment back that was a bunch i just dropped right there we'll stay on the left side for a minute and see if those work their way loose so looks like everything's pretty much on the corners now oh wow there's there's quite a bit on that oh yeah we just made 25 bucks nice that's what i was getting ready to say there's a bunch on the left we just we just got it looks like the right's getting ready to go again there's 200 bucks there wow booyah we're making bank nice very much left on her now forgot what 450 550 bucks it looks like i guess that's still quite a bit yeah that tower fell quick didn't take long it was gone i'm sorry about that dump the old camera ah [Music] darn it i dropped one of those half dollars in there see it back there half dollar in there so i'm gonna have to call them and have them get that out of there it ends up breaking something i don't know they're not gonna be happy man i'm sure it's happened before it can't be the first time somebody's done that i got that great big old slot in there it's opened up okay so you can just put whatever you want in there i'll drop a few in just so you can see kind of ghetto but boy it makes it a lot easier anyhow i'm gonna i'm gonna have them uh open that up get that out of there all right i'm back they got that out silver half dollar out for me told me not to do it again they were just kind of playing around really but they don't they're like don't let it happen again i'm tired of you constantly calling them that's why i don't i try not to call them over you know taking time out it's just inconvenience for them they're nice about it they're just mostly just joking around either way i told them i'd be more careful see i just i had so many of these see there's one right here see we didn't even notice it i didn't even know that was in there earlier so done more now i've seen more but i dug through it like as i was doing it and i i caught all these other ones i just i missed one so four of them would meant five total we missed from that count we had earlier that's five more than what we said earlier i heard forgot how many we had but whatever it was just add five more to that hold molly i don't know if that was in my hand but right there's another one all right let's get to it see if we can't make 300 more bucks still early i'll probably play one of those other games play another game along here put it up on a maybe a different video but [Applause] got those hundreds on the left let's say we get those hundreds on the left and i might call it a day on this game we pretty much cleared the table i'm gonna load up get some got about 100 here let's let's get those in missing ginormous pushes maybe we can get those to fall oh yeah it's getting close wow so close we all made 25 bucks so that was a hundred of them we got we got plenty more that was about a hundred so let's just keep going the old blue fingers got me wow that was the first old butterfingers in the whole video i'm doing good that might be a new record too for the least amount of old butterfingers oh yeah there's 100 bucks wow all right there was another handful let's get hey look i was dumping it out found another one these things are everywhere i was getting tokens too well you can't tell i guess the camera but yeah i'm just getting me some tokens out of my basket the last of them a little more than i can hold i got to hold it up against my belly so probably 120 or so let's get them in see if we can't get the rest of that there's 325 bucks on there i want to take it with me [Music] call me grady i don't know oh yeah there's a hundred bucks sweets hey look check it out oh wait i don't know if you can see it i'll try to zoom in on the editing but there's a quarter an actual quarter right there somehow there's a quarter in there i don't know how that got in there but i guess we can use that to kind of see how the game goes kind of follow it along it's a little late now but it's hard to see too so maybe we'll try it nice yeah we might do that in another video but we won't rank us we won't sneak a quarter in here though let's get a marker or something and we'll uh mark it up or something with some black marker so we can follow it along see where it goes how it travels nice 75 bucks on there that's all that's there is left we're out of tokens we've done we've done cleaned up both baskets let's check it out see what we got all right all right we ended up with 1550 bucks wow that's nice we got four of those half dollar silver half dollars so i'm gonna add it all up let us know how we did all right looked like 2850 bucks that's pretty sweet nice and we ended up with 31 of these silver half dollars so that's pretty cool well if you all like what you're seeing please hit that like button shoot me a comment and subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see on the next video y'all take care now
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 18,868
Rating: 4.9284964 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher
Id: mGtD7oFSpSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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