CoffeeJack: ONE MILLION DOLLARS of bad coffee!

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let's start with something fun it's always this way when I bust some Kickstarter or a scam or something that promises something simply we'll never be able to deliver like say for instance with coffee jack which was given produced barista style coffee when I had made my first video on it it raised about six hundred thousand dollars now that's up to almost a million this must mean I'm some negative Nelly I mean they must be that because they've raised almost a million dollars for this brilliant idea how could they possibly be in the wrong he just must be that I am some dullard who doesn't understand the paradigm shift that this brilliant new visionary idea embodies no really it'll work with the interests of an incredible amount of belief that it will work it's the way it was with solar roadways indeed so rude we've put up an entire page dedicated to my videos called clearing the freakin air there's a lot of false information about solar roadways out on the internet these days and it's so freakin wrong so we've created the page to set the record straight and it really does read the liquor then basically saying that everything that I said which turned out to be true was false like false claim we picked a really stupid place to put solar panels no you picked a really scary place to put solar panels false claim asphalt roads are cheap and maintainable well relative to Sol roads yeah they are false claim we can't afford to heat roads it's a rather expensive way of getting rid of the snow falls claim you can't see LEDs in direct sunlight well we're in there under the road and there's loads of glare coming off the off the glass nah you can't anyway so basically everything that I said about the solar roadways it turned out to be true and there have been some real professional attempts to get Sol roadways to work and all of them have been a monumental failure but solar roadways isn't quite done yet you see they've just installed their new installation as you can see it's much more shinier than normal although for some reason they have to take the picture at night so you could see the LEDs anyway looks like they're kind of running out of money that was not an easy expense Barris we have so many financial needs now we are working on getting more machinery to gear up for mass production although nations would be most welcome we have a new moosh mascot t-shirt and other shirts available on our website we'd love to make them available on our IndieGoGo page but the site selection feature is not available here the shirts would make a great Christmas present that are available from our solar roadways gear shop and if you actually go and take a look at that what you find is they're selling t-shirts for fifteen sixty dollars a piece yeah well why would they be selling t-shirts for 50 in $60 a shot well maybe it's to do with the power production of their new solar roadways installation so this is the solar roadways power generation I got this link courtesy of of Dave from the EEV blogs who does some fun stuff on this as well so anyway this is the power generation for their brand new solar roadways 4th generation and this has been up for a month or something anyway so daily power generation well live on a good day it'll generate a third of a kilowatt hour and on a bad day nothing so let's just give it an an average of 1/10 per kilowatt hour per day kilowatt hour costs about 10 cents so it's generating about 1 cent of electricity per day so at that rate a hundred days they would generate a dollar 300 days out of a year they generate 3 so in about 20 years they could just about save up and buy themselves a solar roadways t-shirt paid for exclusively funded by their 2 million dollar saw a rudely installation if holy someone could have seen it coming oh wait that's right they did and at this point I gotta say a big thank you to all the patrons who have supported this channel over the years because you've really given this channel an element of stability through all of Google and YouTube's deem monetization spasms and an algorithmic demotions I mean seriously if you want to see something really messed up just google my name sometime see what you get you come back here and thumbs up the comment this as holy crap I just Google Thunder foots name anyway back to the solid waste now you'll be happy to know that that page clear in the friggin air was created over five years ago enough if you try to take a look at it now I wonder I wonder what you get you you get it's funny how these things work out or something more recent you remember Morris the superfast dryer that was going to use vacuum technology to try clothes super quickly [Music] my name it's a scam oh sorry I couldn't get ahead of myself that do continue my name is Morris and I'm dry and this is the more zero it's a dryer from the future it might just be the fastest gentlest dryer on earth thankfully the more zero uses vacuum technology no not that vacuum space vacuum I wonder how that's working out now well they seem to have revised their drying times a little with their brand-new 6th generation prototype tests you know about half dry assured in 15 minutes Oh a towel in about half an hour wow that's so ultra fast now invariably whenever one of these guys respond I am always the bad guy the guy who just doesn't have the vision to see what a paradigm shift this is other than the guy bringing the cold hard scientific truths to the table I mean one that springs to mind was back with waters here where they said how much belief they had that their product would work in technical aspects of the video show how water sea yet can work not how it can't anyone who sees water condense on a cold glass or runs an air conditioner knows how this works and how water comes out of the air when you see something working you don't deny it because it doesn't fit your understanding of the theory facts are stubborn things HAP's on the National Peace Corps Association UC Berkeley the suit artists Center for Entrepreneurship and technology and that Jacobs Institute for design and innovation are inappropriate unprofessional and unfair I'm confident that their reputation for excellence and working for the public good can withstand any examination only for them to completely vanish a few years later taking $300,000 of a scam starter money with them that was after they've been caught selling hundred-dollar how I haven't rewarm art dehumidifiers as this revolutionary new way of getting water from the air and in some cases they will actually provide video evidence of the device not working as promised to show that the device works as promised sorry boys not on my watch so you'll remember Coffee Jack was gonna produce barista style coffee equal to the finest industrial machines in order to solve the problem we had to design a product that would match the taste quality of an industrial machine only available inexpensive coffee shops hot some second-rate wispy expresso machine but for barista style coffee they're gonna show me good they give the shaming coffee Jack working hi guys so we've had a couple of requests from buck is just to upload a viral video I'm showing coffee Japanese come down here you can see the extraction start to happen nope it instantly starts out with some new style drip coffee I mean really let's just compare this to my coffee machine now bear in mind mine isn't an industrial style coffee machine it's just one of those sort of prosumer levels you know push a button and it grinds the beans and makes the coffee okay so this is what an expresso so it's like with my machine [Music] Misha stick those out side by side in real time shall we I'm not so sure this is going to live up to expectations if only someone could have seen it coming now at this point you might be saying I made this decision fair you're comparing a $1000 coffee machine into this thing which they claimed was going to be better than an industrial-style coffee but whatever let's let's not worry about that let's compare it to an entry-level capsule machine which I got for about $40 brand-new and this is the absolutely nothing special capsule machine oh hi smash cured think I'm spotting a slight difference between the performance of these machines now the early bird special for the coffee jack here is just under $90 oh it is more expensive than this capsule coffee machine and of course the capsule coffee machine actually heats the water foyer now it's actually been quite entertaining following the discussion on their Kickstarter you know from just after when I put up my first video when I was the boogieman have yet to comment on what Harris posted here Thunderfoot apparently either does not have any knowledge of manual expresso tools and the reality behind expresso making or worse one star profit from making fun of such things in any way the only thing that Thunder foots video proved is his ignorance smiley face welcome back to that later hi Pavel asked below it's a shame these things pop up all the time we know the truth behind our product and we believe in it wholeheartedly and Pavel comes back I also do believe a lot in your product smiley face and it was about this time that they released the video of coffee Jack working so everyone could see how brilliant it was and how a Thunderfoot really didn't know anything about expresso coffee I wonder how Pavel responded to that afterwards yes that's part of it Puck resistance pressure it's hard to guess from what I see but the shot seems thin not the viscosity I would expect and my first guess would be the persistent slash pressure was low twits the creators respond hi Pavel giving them knowledge of this field I'm sure you'll appreciate viscosity can be highly dependent on the grind variety of coffee and time lag between grinding the beans additionally raped slash speed a pump will impact pressure there are a huge number of variables when making expresso as you already know and then someone else time said I'm in agreement with Pavel on this the shot looks thin not the rich color would expect to see from a good extraction you're absolutely right it's been on the grind and coffee but when making a video for over 7,000 backers I have to assume that you'd make every effort to show the best shot possible so that video has made me question whether I want to back this product it's also been fun tracking the change in tone from Thunderfoot knows nothing about expresso you know Thunderfoot in this silly calculations based on basic physics where he went and did some rough calculations and worked out to get the right pressure out of this thing you'd have to put about 10 kilos of weight on the top of this piston to about 2 mils that sort of region so we need at least twice as much weight you need twice as much weight as that to get here 10 / up let's try again path under foot knows nothing about angle expresso making I'm sure it's completely wrong here oh oh oh oh what's that you've done some calculations yourself now and there I was right I'm stunned that's what I'm trying to say you have to push down with 12 kilograms but not with your fingertips use the palm of your hand should be much easier well I can't be right in their video it clearly shows them just pushing down nice and gently with a few fingertips to which the Creator replies hi Kurt yes it's very easy as I've said happy to upload more videos soon oddly enough that never happened now you might recall those yelps have we've done it in their Kickstarter video of an industrial machine only available in expense that's the one is the same Russia ignoring that yeah minor things that they clearly never put that sort of force on top of the piston in their video of this thing working the list of excuses they come out with is phenomenal so this is from Reza the super backer who eventually went on to cancel his contribution I am concerned you claim your device can reach nine to ten bars and it is what distinguishes it from the competition yet you have failed to provide any proof I commented the day the campaign launched question is there any proof it can reach and maintain nine bar to which the answer was hi Reza I will look into putting together some more information on this may be a further explanation of input force versus cylinder bore size and its mechanical advantage we have pressure tested the system throughout the prototyping phase to which Reza follows up I would greatly appreciate that I am familiar with concepts as I used to teach fluid mechanics labs in grad school some type of demonstration with the pressure gauge would be fantastic if possible about 10 days later I followed up posting my question again is it seems to mean buried and you may miss the follow-up answer in terms of follow-up we are looking to arrange another prototype to show visually with a gauge just in the process of adapting the computer-aided design two days ago I asked again and this time you acted as if it was the first time you were hearing this question were you able to film it with a pressure gauge to show that it achieves and maintains nine to ten bars I had asked about it as the campaign started answer hi Reza in order to do this we will have to send off for a custom part it's something that we can look into additionally you provided the same answer to another question by UV b15 days ago question can you explain a bit as to how you create the pressure of nine bar and what will be the pressure or force I need to consider while pumping answer nine bar is achieved by a cylinder pore size coupled with the fact that we use hydraulics which increases efficiency from the downward stroke actually it requires exactly the same force to generate the same pressure by the way whatever with regards to a definite input force we will test with a force gauge and provide this information on the campaign page I hope this is an honest mistake as several people might be answering the question otherwise your reply is very dishonest I strongly urge you to demonstrate your device reaches the pressure you claim it reaches you have had since October at the 22nd to shoe this and your campaign is nearing the end yet you have not provided a proof-of-concept video on what makes your device stand out thank you very much for your time Reza hi Reza it seems you are trying to identify some sinister behavior we are literally working day and night to get ahead of the game our tooling design planning for fulfillment it's an extremely busy time whilst we are trying to act on every individuals request it's impossible to answer all we are doing our best I can't guarantee we will develop a visual pressure gauge rig by the end of the campaign I mean like you're saying this is completely stupid all you need is some bathroom scales and shoe that when you're pushing down on the top you're pushing down with about 10 kilos of force so this is literally how sophisticated you need to pay I have some scales which show that that dumbbell their weight in kilos so got two options I can either just put my coffee jack straight up here and push down with ten kilos of force and with one finger I can get out to about six or seven kilos it's three you three fingers I can get up just enough I hope that's real white fingernail stuff there and with a palm and rushed my oh I can take Flo she might tell white on my hands so yeah but that gives you an idea of how much weight the coffee jack alternatively you could just get your ten kilo dumbbell like that and just rest it up on top of your coffee jack and that would supply all the force that you need to generate you ten power of pressure so yeah this is basically the simplest way to demonstrate that it would work but coffee jack is way too busy with computer-aided design and they're trying to work up for mass production - hurry themselves with that - reality sister whether it actually works or not when their video clearly shows that it doesn't there are some other interesting comments on there as well like question how does coffee jack work different than star s oh hi there to answer the question coffee Jack could extract 16 grams double shot of ground coffee deemed to be the richest in flavor this is instead of pods oh wow that seems to be a pretty non-committal answer it's almost like you don't have an answer to that question no let's take a look at this star so thing shall we and you find that it's basically exactly the same machine with a few minor technical details like for instance star s Oh doesn't have an open container with boiling water in it and star s Oh doesn't have you pushing ten kilos of force down on a glass the piston is smaller meaning you don't have to apply as much for to the top pressure isn't taken directly onto the glass you don't push with like ten kilos of force down on the top of a glass he it's taken by load-bearing things on either side of the glass now honestly for me this is all way too much trouble you know taking this thing apart cleaning you know a sort of thing you know the $50 entry level capsule coffee machine is about the same price it's the star ISO and well it looks like it produces me star coffee yes still after boil the water first and heat everything up and so forth the $50.00 capsule coffee machine does all of that for you but what coffee tech does takes it to another level it takes an existing idea presented as something amazing a new of an industrial machine only available in expensive coffee shops something that you could already buy on Amazon and then and then to hear the cherry on the cake it makes the design dumber and gives it worse performance and then what Beck is belief is it raises about a million dollars on Kickstarter at a time to be alive so what the hell I think it's an awesome time to be alive drop a like on this video make sure you hit the subscribe and notification buttons make sure you don't miss out on creating new videos thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 781,199
Rating: 4.8922734 out of 5
Keywords: coffeejack, coffee, latte, expresso, starbucks, coffeshop, kickstarter, scam, dumb, million, dollar, idea, dollars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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