Barry Spears Testimony 4-17-15

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put me the ruler brother job you give me coffee birds like myself they found American fellowship where this speaks about hikers we are and I makes the light amount for the first temple to pull up when I got the move of the Burmese Peters he has to become their preach Lord may not so Richard you come no time when you will see what you see for you I've not always been I once was so broken and battered by singing the story that I tell you his farm and haha - nothing but he found bigger and I am tired this morning turned the book of Genesis chapter number 7 Genesis chapter number 7 I've I've met from the Chris he didn't realize this I got saved a no three I met him a no five and murli's brother Greg winters do another youth outreach conference down there and he preached on being on gets to the depths of hell I think that might have been the title of it but he took our imagination down the hill and I remember the glory of God fall down and I always thought what it'd be like to get to know brother Chris and gods allow them to do that throughout the years this message that I want to preach this more and I don't know God move what he's doing I haven't appreciated the several years in fact I think the last time I preached it was that for the Morrises Church and for some reason God had been took this thing away had not planned on preaching it but now I know why God made and put it in my Bible and I appreciate God knowing what a whole lot more than I believe Genesis chapter number 7 we're going to read verse number 24 I thank you pastors for having me out this morning it's my privilege to be here and you pray for me tonight I'll increase it without the Rhian porter again close enough that beaten then with him all week and how many other glad to say neighborhood say I'm glad I'm not as ugly it does not be unspiritual at all it just means I'm overweight nice weather I preach no and by the way I found out my movie weakness trout it has nothing to do with how much I eat I'm in the shower the other day and lathering up a little here I've got rolling on my head and that stuff started running down all over me and I read the back of the bottle and that shampoo bottle said adds body that's nothing the dude from Eton kick some of my life I said bring me some that don't dish detergent our venom that bar it removes excess fat and grease Genesis chapter number 7 verse number 24 and the waters prevailed upon the earth and 150 days chapter 8 and verse 1 and God remembered Noah father I need you this morning like the very heartbeat isn't my chest how did you like the areas of my lungs caught up I need you like the blood that's flowing through my veins you called me the breeze you put your hand upon me and no one just said you'd never leave me nor forsake me thank you for a grand opportunity to preach to these people today give them some help lord help them to know how sweet it is to love those he just said to be loved by you and your precious Holy Name we pray amen and amen you know where you're at in your Bible here in Genesis chapter number 8 no I had more reason than anyone to feel absolutely hopeless here it is one about the size of an ocean liner it has no rudder it lets go math it has no publish it has no sail it has high as no motor it has the land in sight no doubt mrs. Noah is starting to complain about floor number two and for number one the kids are saying dad how much longer do we have to go Noah s obeyed God he's got everything that God told him to do he has built that to the specs that God commanded he has preached righteousness yes that everything that God has asked him in Manila could I say that that possibly 450 days of God has been silent I want to kind of tell you what brother Chism was preaching up on maybe perhaps God has been silent now when Noah's life for 150 days 150 days ago The Fountains of the depot window but the judgment of God poured out upon planet Earth an exception that was outside the heart people were running and screaming babies maybe in the screen the yellow but brindle open that door Peter wanted too many half because he didn't close it God close the door team of mules up to that door and cried a little bit because when God rose was a girlfriend that he closes her a good writer the hand of God close that door the day of grace was over jump ahead began Ana and the same way to destroy men and women and boys and girls and flocks and herds also trying to destroy Noah and his wife and his children God's judgment saw absolutely no difference in the ground outside the ark and in dark brown on the lightning and the waves in the storm was searching for Noah from the outside it was it was I mean Jesus Christ no I was untouched it has a beginner you dis story I begin if they go down while they're in that heart they begin to feel the rapid pilot going on outside possibly for 150 days stay with me now possibly for about 150 days maybe they felt forgotten maybe they maybe no ace they can go on I'm told me to do I built the honor I got my family and I preached righteousness up but I used the materials that you told me to use I heard your buzzer I listened God where are you where are you and for a hundred and fifty days it seemed like there was absolute silence maybe fear sets in Noah says man the storm every end - oh God tells me everything but God's promise ever come to pass in my life I felt a storm it would have been easy for brother Noah to focus it on fear and doubt it really easy for brother Noah to let the devil come up on the shoulder whisperers here Noah you haven't forgotten God doesn't remember you and then it seemed like there was no hope and no one in science and God couldn't hear you chapter 8 what illuminates in my mind and God never do up I was born in 1972 into a drunkard told my father I went to church one time when he was a young man boy and he lived in the hills of Virginia grew up with five brothers and one sister he said the only time I remember everyone to church is when a bus stopped and picked me up on our little dirt road he said we didn't even have come under water we were a nasty crunchy grinding family my grandmother my father's mother had had several husbands and the one she the ones that she lived with worked on her own she was a very loose woman to be a godly woman - my dad went to church one time on the church bus and when he got home my grandmother with him it says those who ever go back to that place you don't know what you're getting into it so my dad 4:21 eaters never dark through the door of the church he met my mother that gone to these Gardens which is - which is to get choked up in Colombia next is Jake apartment a 1 that's where they met him and they they got married had my brother who's about 18 16 months older than I am at the age of just a couple months old my mom and dad when I was a couple of months old my mom and dad were challenged and there you go to church by their neighborhood there was a man who looked at my dad and said Randy there's a church down at the corner of Alpine and merciful Road and there's a man named Alan swimming who will we hear him on the radio and you helium just put on the soap or you wanna go to hear what he's got to say and my dad was so into the church then he said is there are tons of charts - Gideon said no there's no cover charge you just go and you'll be entertained it will cost you a dime if you come on so on a Sunday night in 1972 at 21 years of age my mom was 19 my dad was a drunkard running in the street game still he has a hand running the and acting foolish that all he knew was had a lewd life on my mother knew was being married to a drunkard and a very fornicating man and all they knew was that the same deprivation of this murderer but they went to church over there under the providential head about all night another Sunday night in 1972 my mom and my dad said about a quarter of the way back on the right hand side of the old building at the old country church out behind madness we're not the see eight women was pastoring not the flippancy one man and you got a bull's-eye oops didn't tell them everything's going to be all right just with a good purpose for the nine dollars reporter caters to all Liars the short route shall have their part in the lake which part of the fire brimstone but for the first time in 21 years my mom and dad go what's called Holy Ghost condition Sunday night seven-thirty but no holy ghost conviction with tears rolling down there to eat hey hello engine stood up the old country church pick up three hoarsely bored Jesus Christ reach down to the banks with a hammer and strike them up and send them to Sun rock and that day forward they decided that as for me in my house we're gonna serve the Lord they got in with both feet they didn't go halfway take them all the way with God go ahead remembers mom and dad should be on their knee and make me memorize Scripture and going to Greer Baptist and meet new Blue Ridge better stamina and here nose radome in a God that take some people the Word of God and tell me how good Jesus was growing up and then God hearing Holy Ghost filled Church teaches I grew up and those inner chambers for the Stroud was a good at killing would stay in our house two sometimes three weeks out of the year doctor say me I was a personal friend of offended about your route Sexton seen hear some of those great men and God who some of them even passed off the scene already I had the privilege of growing up and watching their sweat meet me in the face as they breathe I know but it's right to build the front row kicking chambers and watchable Ben burns but kind of Moria God would fall down I mean what it was like to feel God's privilege at the age of 17 years old I was in love with a beautiful girl in Pennsylvania we lived there for about four years my dad had taken the church up there that's where I graduated high school that I got back you got an argument with my girlfriend at 17 years old and boy my body and crust before my face ha I felt life it's over I didn't even know that I could feel such pain in my heart and rather than go to the Bible to get my help I was working at Weaver's house a ticket into mom mall in Morgantown Pennsylvania no it's a fun all around the corner who run the liquor shop and he befriended me he would always eat lunch there and he said listen man he said if you ever do want to get a drink you just come see me you know cost you a little more than what we charge but I'll get you whatever you want I listen to snuff although about me I know better men as the devil's in that bubble I know but this particular day I was firing now it's hurting real bad and I knew I knew that the Bible is where I need to be government for some reason I didn't choose that page serve the Lord do you have to to read a measly that was one of the choices in front of you do you you're gonna have to choose here we're God's just about every day of your life and sometimes multiple time today Joshua chapter 24 until I read that verse is press Dix but that day the Jews and I went to my friend and I said look man of the bottle of Jack Daniels give me a fin that's what lynyrd skynyrd great and that's what I'm loaded and so there I stood on the backside of a mall parking lot and a 1986 Camaro with Def Leppard on the cassette tape you know you getting rock to roll it goes right along with them with outlaw I couldn't this trade I had to get some other buy something to fill the flesh of the ears try the Def Leppard and just come out with this stereo my plane Oh God I'm just going to drink that one bottle I've been listen to that wind cave I'm going to smoke this look back of Secrets I'm gonna be heaven it's away mom and dad I'm gonna put it down you're gonna forget me everything will be all right and I just put it this way picked up good for a while I have about 2 or 3 days though who release but did not mommy tapped it was gone I took blast in that pack of Marlboros have run out and that Def Leppard cassette tables you know most of you don't know what a cassette tape is but that's a real real about that big I mean I got 13 years life away from addiction come back to the very first time on a bottle now remember the preacher man saying take you further humidity look it up from the bottom saying my god I mean you know this bit no doubt my mom my dad or what to be progressed they rushed me the day I come home with Hell's Angels on my back and no doubt now my brother's been in prison since he was 18 years old in the seven years that's the last week you know he's 4442 he's 43 here he is what my sister isn't it's four years under the night she awoke from a bleeding heart liberal government posters over the stone wall cheese cheese blacked out my brother's behind bars and I'm not telling you for my back my mom and dad know they're pregnant we even got where you are you have all 303 or shower I remember landing in that far country he'll take to fill my back I remember waking up in the clubhouse one morning they said I've been up for four days straight I don't even want to remember the trip they said I've been up for four days one of the bars one of the clubs and I passed out in a particular party in the clubhouse with Hells Angels all around and I woke up that morning they set up a now for about three or four hours and I look to my left and there was a little puddle of blood in the corner and a trail that it went out the front door was someone who got stabbed the night before I look behind the bar in this summer or the remember the barkeeper was was passed out slow down in the corner with with puke all up in his beard the smell of marijuana in the air and the jukebox was ringing with kid mocking and I remember waking up and looking around me and the hangings in my mind my heart corrupt and I remember thinking my god you're in a fire go away Oh the Holy Ghost was listening and God was convicted myself I'm never coming back to the hills ain't no party I had literally dumped a note to my legs to my chest it was about 90 degrees out house on a child that we had bill had 20/20 jeg heter slam in the back had a 20 inch chicken wrap on the back friend I'm talking about springer front end I was loaded to the gills been off for about three or four days again putting drugs into my body had to eat Hank Renko bar just liquor two pills and built in my veins leaving a Hells Angel party weight 100 about 60 pounds here him to my belt tattoos all over my back in my arms and then the devil 601 coming back from a car to thinking I could just get home and get some sleep I'll do it I'm gonna get in tomorrow had a bunch of dumb enough to overhead shows everything that particular weekend Here I am hold my weight holding a Sunday morning been up for three days ever since Thursday I remember coming l6o on and I looked over the house I had the Frogger world back up about 150 was on that bike we do and with colors on my back don't burn my veins and plenty to celebrate with my body in a 9-mil my side that was stolen 115 mile an hour and I've seen the state trooper kotappa here on the other end of six over one my heart sank into my booze and as that cop as that state trooper degree the SWAT team I thought I need a prison today I put the kickstand down and got my wild ass speakers I could get everything ready so wouldn't be fumbling around for it with whiskey on my breath and I'm looking the other way there was two state troopers in one car come walking on this side of me sir driver's license and registration I handed it to him he looked at it he read my information about the time he was gonna say mr. Spears step off the motorcycle and I no need you to do a sobriety check his radio went off with his car and he looked at his partner after they heard the call on the radio I said did you hear that he said I did he said that's our jurisdiction we gotta go we better go now and he came into my driver's license back you said mr. Spears you need to slow down in this road there's deer everywhere and you got his father make another u-turn him with the opposite leg I remember speaking to me for the first time and here's what he told me somebody else remind me of a man named Jesus trying to give tail but don't free pull it off they're taking a left Oh screaming you rode I've been taking a particular aptitude Sunday morning about 9:30 out the world for the stoplight a Belgian three miles from where we lived my wife had been doing the best she could to keep the family together all she knew was phone calls in the middle tonight literally watching cocaine be sniffed up off her coffee table in counter tops carburetors in the dishwasher named members and all kinds of wicked lewd acts going on out in the garden out in the shop and and all she knew was she'd had enough she was gonna pack up and she wasn't gonna divorce we thank God but she was relieved exceed them packed her bags and when they did two or three beats she said I was out of there she said I would go to here's what you said preacher she said I'd go to hell I'm down to church with your mom and dad on Sunday morning just to exchange reality she said I've seen better with your mom and dad and our son and our daughter and there's something Bastian I would watch the man of God I would just close my eyes and daydream and tell people that Jesus what busted me ha yeah you know the desperation of her heart should begin to cry out to God the whole church they give the fasted prayed for me for my mom and dad in my life sake that particular point and I found that the side of the road over those cuts will be a weapon up to the stoplight and hit the cross the light addition was on the way to church I thought I'd miss long we've got time to break I remember looking at her she told me she's only about 5 foot 2 but she passed a good punch she knocked me out the time she is here I wouldn't say that she killed her I potentially did she got the number one night she she was looking at me she's asking him right back I started laughing at her she come down with a right hook it dislocated my jaw and I'm just about six months like I say I was treating my beverages out of a straw the boys were like what happened so there I was at the stoplight I looked across the mission was I knew I had to pass her she's coming this way house one that way black turning green let the clutch out roll past I couldn't hear what she was saying but I could hear her heart behind murdered our son was ten years old maybe nine at the time and I looked at my son and I couldn't hear his word I remember his heart screaming in that Ford Explorer died you never took officials down I we went to bed last night with mama crying where are you been dead what's the football what's the baseball hey God we're gonna be next weekend I'll look beside Tony and the Lexus was about two years old tooth and her sunday dress in the car season and I couldn't hear her words of course but I've been getting a feel and hear her car doesn't scream through the park what are you doing to me I'm gonna be the property of somebody when I'm 20 years old and the game will have their way with me and I'm gonna take pills and shoot go put the kickstand down praying with my body free I tried whole and over and over again to get the dope out of my body but it would lock down any time I tried to quit how's it going today hit the shapes and I would hit Lady Rams hugs from throwing up and and I will just feel suicidal I couldn't live without I wanted to it wasn't even about get high anymore now it's just about getting out of the bed and living is functional like I said I can't I can't write free remember that I can't put the needle now but they told me if I tried to get outside the club they stick my back with the blowtorch is how stupid enough to get their covers all over my back their symptoms their patches are on my back that's very woman and actually God they said if I ever tried to get out they would I can't play $3.00 Here I am did you save that work i'ma tell you what happened this make political theory or a thesis I don't know when I throw the peace and the comfort like I've never said it's almost like God simple or something absolutely you're gonna find this honey you're almost David I tell you what I started doing that me started looking for him for about a week I remember looking at the bottom for the first time the public a good cat with an ar-15 underneath it that was cleaned and dust from the fire get up there several times not leave and go with a spotlight on that bad boy and I remember getting it down one time to say buddy will you just read something out of songs or proverbs and she looking at me like I was a battle cat a hailstorm she began to read the Bible to God begin to speak my heart hi Brooklyn Pat Collins made my life and here was Jesus's boys happy in some Clubhouse happy in a bar room in the arms of no woman at the truth over fightin in the parking lot he was coming to me China coming to me you can't live this way 27 which is about a week later I tried to cry to the Lord in that bathroom I woke up that little in about nine o'clock so there's my bed tear down my belt wait a hundred and fifty pounds it's a hundred list of my way now that's what book with them to me I snapped on my face or my head my arms I would sit in my let in my recliner and dig into my skin with my weren't even there nervous system had been under attack from the dope of the speedball that I was doing yeah I remember just a frame of a man simply get to that bed that morning with tears my eyes that he knew I was troubling I remember steaming up and because I'm so weak walking into my bathroom in the master bathroom and I looked in that mirror only goes to God begin to squeeze me more than I'd ever felt in my life tears from my teeth scabs on my life would steal my breath and open my hands my sin to become I believe I got saved this moment but I had an open ocean when I took that step I believe mama lives right next door to 10 acres they got five like I find about 50 yard trail and I remember picking up the phone there's a landline it's a foam of the court I don't know where it goes once it goes to the floor but you can't try them to the down the road I picked up that landline now I call one next to her mom does something bad wrong with me click you know you're in bad shape with my hands up what I didn't realize was about three minutes later look at mom and dad and I said mom and son broom and they don't know what if she said you need to get saved I look at it I said yeah that's exactly right she didn't get she did concrete and I said yeah that's right she said no way I'm telling you you're probably know they're probably together no problem is a blood problem you ain't never in sight on blue and yellow when she said no father yeah I don't know exactly what you stop hey stop there got three verse one so you've been for the board you pray or they see W suffocate the further involved in it the more you pass their recommended the more give up seems like the harder their life becomes and that's mom and dad agree mother-in-law that's hard well that's hard to deal with because you want to step in and roll up your sleeve and flex their muscle on these things and they amount and you read the top on the truth but God knows what he's doing until you're ready to forsake the world you can't accept Christ we're on that as far as what you believe but I personally believe that repentance is still work equation there's a great big not purple and resurfaces it's of the head that you don't have to be born again Joe I'm glad nobody got a hold of me with that but I'm just trying to believe I'm attached something in my place of God our teachers like oh yeah hardest thing I've ever had to do is come now here I am now so Monday morning at 9:30 in the morning I'm saved I'm leaving to go because I need oscillation so I'm not gonna say snowstorm I didn't do it this way but I knew that a man needs to clean nothing look like man chill I did that it mean happy farmer so I split boom closed coburn up myself I just knew I'm going to take it I'm beyond flames that way not everybody's ready to church it takes time man I know that I'm just talking about my life with my tech stories browser Cheryl on a Monday morning Cody's in school he's about nine and a half years oh he went to school he has no clue what just happened in this world he comes home from school to that movie about 3:30 walks in the door and my grandpa drop off he comes running the door of his book bag now the door that he comes in is over here as you walk through the living room here I'm sitting here that keeps him totally aware as mom's doing dishes brand new king james bible my life my hand already yeah he gets home go he comes literally walking into this book bag those of them sinks pockets over decompose with tears remember he's not saying know it she's doing the dishes with tears on her face she looks over she said daddy gots a party Tommy he knew but say they keep it going to Sunday school for about three years with Grandma and Grandpa he's got run it on jumps up in my lap he goes daddy does that mean you won't be drinking beers anymore I said get certified that's what it means he goes but he's your dad does that mean you're not gonna ride in the club anymore that's uh yeah that's what it means is I mean with getting out there I'd see her try to get out so I begin to pray as I say from the Monday morning I was in church on Wednesday I shared with some of the brother who I wish I had time to get him off his mother into the tasting Callisto I remember going to church and I felt so strange in there because everything was new to me it smell good there was no haze of marijuana there was no jukebox it's just clean I'll begin to help my mom and dad crate I told my mom I said mom I told you they'd call don't do Church of course it was the church we know about this I said Friday night and I want to turn to my coach I had a couple choices I couldn't nail them in and just ran the rest of my life I couldn't send my friend but then I look like a coward I've never been a coward so I decided okay on my own two feet took in my coach you don't know what color that's the patches that's show who you belong to so I told my mom Wednesday so mom I gotta get out the club I can't just let this thing go looking for me I said I'm going in Friday night about 8:30 not my color good I said mom you're not moms don't come with me into turning their clothes I said mom you're not going that scene I'm telling you you can't go with another bloody match through the Philips so that's a much persuasion that my father convinced ago but she couldn't go with me she said okay I'm not until Saturday I'm faster hey get the meeting started eight o'clock I got there about 8:15 the brothers had already gone around some people found out more now that I got religion and so they were prepared I walked in the clubhouse there was a room probably bored of the size of this auditorium with about 40 50 60 throw em in there and none of them weaklings they were all sitting there and I walked in and I laid my covers on the table and looked up the head of the global table and I said and the president stood up and he said you have something you want to tell us I said yes sir I can't elaborate smoothieboard he said you wanna tell me why I said yes sir I got saved by the grace of God one day and I can't continue to fellowship and do the things that you do he looked at me he asked me a few questions and and I mean I got my fist full of I'm gonna fight ISIL but they get me down there fine the ears first ones coming honey oh there's hold on of your ID gives it comin father thank you so much for saving the nasty thank you for the day you reach way down below the bottom pick me up or what I don't ever want to get over there's somebody here battling discouragement lack of faith increase their faith ratcheted up with months given the strength give them hope to make realize it not be safe go over like this you see if anybody Lord there's a child here a young person let him understand the very best testimony they can ever have is to never experience what I've experienced another the pure life it takes why holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service they'll never have the battery the things that I battle to simply say okay she's just it was just a by 70 people just every bit of the decimal places already I guess I could relate to all that but the beginning computer because he said I was ready grab my things he said surely the fear every mother damage do raise your children to fear God we'll take you home yeah see we keep you home sorry uncomfortable miss Victoria succeed just a moment result large savings this victorious appears to her local across most devastated screaming one thing she's been rights totally off the rubber hit the road miss Victoria broke what she's doing God has used the calamity people most people in fact it's real she's one of my favorite people is one so proud of her race boss's dog experinced I'm telling you the devil could mess with her of those speakers he could use weight truth Jesus this song says it all alone oh god she's great she's got going on give it a hip crowd comes by dr. Felicia three words you might become prey I can't either so I'll be right there but prettier be careful look some of your right now listen I'm serious there's something you've got folks you really weren't about people you love people you serve back they go away you might be here that you might be limited in their who stopped you Christmas school they don't have to be public school it doesn't have to be ten I played the game to the foot of the cross I was lost Church I play contenders if I would go you'll be this I probably tell this and a football field so you might not believe me but I won't you listen if I would have died 17 new people done they didn't cut off my cast except my mother could've won was ball he was in church he could cook the books of the Bible in our eggs you don't have to be burnt in the charm of violins playing games Oh so bear he says so hopefully she wishes let's not get the older son Jesus when home he never lost he had but the one player that he didn't come back but the one he was saying this home lady tell you some ranged just listen I went with her cried with her she's with my faith be true she knows she's got me breath when she knows her baby she goes but I'm telling momaday if you got a younger state we go her deprecated you sneak some frat little girl up the worlds that dude she said no late people across into college you don't have to agree with it the second comment sleep deeper crux still doesn't apostles in France the six come glad she didn't kill spaces in school can be in stuff like this disappointment tell you shut up on her GCD of all stuff you proud of that see these beautiful things my church can you see this wonderful but I guess the thing that might disturb most gotta be him young lady I love you baby receive my brother Jimmy between stopping a field trip is Jesus
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 32,823
Rating: 4.8232045 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel, Barry Spears, testimony, KJV, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord, savior, God, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, salvation, truth, Word, CBC
Id: CXwWvjodXhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2015
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