4-7-19 pm When You Have No More to Give - Heath Williams

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first Kings chapter number 19 verse number one read to you about eight verses tonight kind of sort of stay in the same vein of this morning and the burden the Lord's had on my heart the Bible says and a have told Jezebel all that Elijah had done and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword watch this now then Jezebel sent a messenger unto a lad just saying so let the gobs do to me more also if I make not thy life as one of the one of the ones of them by tomorrow about this time then when he saw that he arose and went for his life came to Bathsheba which belongeth to Judah this is a scary phrase and left his servant there now verse number four kicks off with three of the worst words you can ever have in your life but he himself in other words all alone when a day's journey into the wilderness and came sat down under a juniper tree and he requested for himself that he might die and said it is enough now O Lord take away my life for I'm not better than my father's remember that phrase it'll be important in a minute and as he lay and slept under a juniper tree behold that an angel touched him and said unto Him arise indeed and he looked and behold and there was a cake Baken on the coals and a cruse of water at his head and he did eat and drink and laid him down again and the angel of the Lord came again the second time touched him and said arise and eat because the journey is too great for thee that's a lot of wisdom right there verse number eight swear will in for right now and the Bible says and he arose and did eat and drink and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights under Horeb the Mount of God by the help of the Lord tonight I'd like to preach on this thought when you have no more to give what do you do when you have no more to give father in Jesus name we sure do love you the Lord we thank you for this morning thank you for the hearts and last thank you for how you encouraged me thank you for the good singing him the good Spirit of God the Lord we've come tonight looking for a fresh touch and a fresh visitation from You Lord a Sunday night not many and here the backbone of this church and of all that's done and gob they've got a heart for you Lord in these days they're few and far between real people that are carrying the load and praying and backing up the church and there's bull's-eyes on their back now I know many of us probably fighting and they're in heavy places and the scourge in places and God they're just weary and tired God it's never been a day here with so many of God's me and God's servants are tired Lord their battles heavy and I pray tonight she would just Street fulness pray tonight that you would just kiss on us for a little while God alleviate a lot of that burden and touch our minds and Streak fulness God let us just see some things from the Word of God of how when we're down and we ain't got nothing left to give him there's a god that's got more than enough help of smile encourage us help us Lord bless this week in the Jubilee we'll give you glory in Christ's name amen you can be seated now you Bible students understand where we're at in scripture of course in Chapter number eighteen which is one chapter before what I just read to you would be the highlights of Elijah's life and now in Chapter number nineteen would be the lowest place in his life so literally from one verse to the beginning of the next chapter ladies and gentlemen we go from the greatest time in Elijah's life to the worst time chapter 8 teens his faith chapter chapter 19 is his fear chapter how in the world doesn't man that can pray down fire who can command skies to rain and not to rain how in the world doesn't man who can stand before a king who holds the life in his hands great possibly or at least earthly speaking have such faith in a holy God that he could tell him that his sins are up before God and he could tell him that judgments on a head and he could pray and he could raise up a boy from the dead I mean a whole lot happens in 46 verses in chapter 18 I mean we're talking about a man that not only commanded the skies but he commanded the fire he raised up a boy he slew the prophets of bale I'm talking about a man's man a great man of God with great influence power praying power preaching power he just had it all he was an incredible man of God but how many of you know the best of me and are just minute ain't nobody in this building got any kind of a supernatural ability beyond we're all clothes out the same stuff if Elijah had problems with this then you and I are certainly gonna have problems with this I mean I ain't never prayed fire down out of heaven how about you tonight and yet this great man of God could transition from one verse to the next I mean Jeff listen to this verse number 46 and the hand of the Lord was on Elijah that's how chapter 18 ends it ends with the Holy Ghost on him pushing him anointing him using him but yet one verse one opportunity one Queen one word one thread and now the man of God is no longer living in faith but he's running in fear you say how does that happen preacher there's three little quick things I want to give you for introduction of how we wind up in this place and then I want to look at how God can get us out you know how we wind up there number one we have unrealistic thoughts you say what do you mean I told you to remember that part of the verse it was important he said I'm no better than my father's God take my life what does that got to do with me preacher here's what happened he goes up on the top of Carmel he praised the fire down he slew the prophets of Bale he goes up now to the very top of the mountain he prays a total of eight times the fire but the fires now failed now the rain comes he's thinking Lord judgments fail now revivals here the blessings have come God's on the move judgment is passed the Lord's gonna do big things he's so excited and he's so anointed that he outruns the horses down the hills and he gets back to the city ahead of him that's how excited why was he excited because here's what he was thinking he thought that everybody was gonna serve God now he thought that every person would be fire to him he thought the revival would sweep the entire land not just a few in the remnant not just a few of the prophets but he said everybody surely now he's gonna want to serve God why because he saw such a great miracle he saw such a great movement of God he thought surely everybody would love the Lord now and want to serve him but guess what happened when he got to the bottom of the hill he found a bunch of people that was just ho-hum business as usual they still just saying yeah thank the Lord I mean I am glad the rain but Elijah don't ask me to do now said don't ask me to fight don't ask me to stay don't ask me to pray I'll ride the wagon down with you if you push it up but I just want to be an average Christian on Sunday morning if you will I just want to kind of see us I just want to come every now and then and get a little tickle if you will and Elijah gets discouraged why because God never told him he's gonna send revival to everybody nowhere in the Bible did God say Elijah when the rain comes every single person will want to love Jesus and love God and do something great Elijah had expectations and he had self pressures in his life that God never expected him to have and can I say the same is true with a lot of us we're carrying things we're trying to produce things we're carrying pressures and putting pressures on us pressures on our spouse pressures on our children that God's never asked us to carry did you know tonight that I may have been asked to come preach today but I can't bring revival to this church I can't ignite night of jewbilee God's never asked me to do that I'm not equipped to do that that's the working of the Holy Ghost of God all I can do preach and throw the seed out and hope that God will blow in and blow on it and he'll do something in your heart and he'll do something in my heart rather Joe's a great man of God one of the best serious but I promise you tomorrow night if the Lord ain't in it and if the Lord hang on it it won't matter if he's here anybody's here the reality is a lot of times you say well I got to see this person save this has got to happen over here but I don't ask you something tonight has God said that he was going to do it number one you got to ask yourself is this the will of God has God told me to do this has God told me to believe him for this and if he has then what you have to be willing to do is say on whatever scale and whatever portion in whatever timeframe God it's not my life God the ministries not mine my family is not mine all of this is yours I'm just living in it and you just got to leave some things with God you say well I can't control them that's the best thing that ever happened in our lives you got to understand you can't control anybody but you you can't affect anybody else at the end of the day it's up to them but you can't draw a circle around you well I just should have been looking where God was looking and said boy it touched my heart and he should have went to the bottom of the hill there's at least 7,000 that loved the Lord because God's gonna remind him that in a little while there's at least a few hundred prophets that obadiah's been feeding and taking care of there's some people that love the Lord the problem with Elijah was it just wasn't on the scale he wanted and so here's how the devil works we run realistic thoughts imagine if this one section over here it's all fired up for God that's still a miracle if just that many have a heart and pray and God does some things in these last days that's enough to shout about that's enough to say it's worth living forgot about but here's what the devil says forget about them look at all this crowd that ain't in on it so he got his mind all messed up unrealistic thoughts number two they go hand in hand then he finds unexpected trouble so on the one hand God's people are complacent he don't feel like they're praying for him or with him you don't feel like they care he's labored and give his life for this thing he's probably absolutely drained himself to two degrees we can't even understand with all he just did laboring for God and fighting hell by the acre these people don't care and the devils crowd is ready to turn it up a notch a lot of times the reason preachers leave churches the reason moms and dads get discouraged the reason young people a lot of times get discouraged is because they know the battle they're in but they don't see anybody else that seems to want to labor for them they don't feel love I tell you what I found when young people feel loved at church when they feel like they got a man of God that cares a man of God with a touch tone if they want to come to church they want to live for God they just need somebody in their corner most preachers just need somebody in their corner most children of God we just need somebody and Elijah standing there and he's looking that way and it may have been partly his fault because it was unrealistic but he's saying they don't care and they do care it's all backwards in his life and he throws his hands up and says is it even worth it because let me say this about the devil the devil don't just come with one big nuclear bomb in your life and if you survive it's over he just chips every day and let me say this about it he don't mind losing cuz he'll show up again tomorrow you can whoop him on Sunday but guess what he'll be waiting in the morning Elijah he took care of the devil almost every single time in his life I mean look at this man he conquered it in chapter 17 at his call he conquered the devil when he saw the king he conquered the devil when he raised the boy when he lived by the provisions of the Ravens he conquered the devil with the little meal in that barrel I mean he got it right with God every single time in his life but hear me tonight it does not matter if out of a hundred times 99 times you got it right it only takes one time it only takes one day of being a little too lacks a little too in the world a little too out of your prayer life a little bit off of balance and Satan will come he's not looking to never lose he'll keep loosing he's just hoping that one time say you can whoop him every time I didn't don't mess him up but he's only got to get you once and he can send a ripple effect through your life that you can never get back brother Charles Worley used to preach it like this he had a title of a message that was there's some things you can never change there's some things you can never get back and the devil knows ad he's out the wreck can destroy you he's trying to discourage you how's he going to do it he wants you to look in unrealistic areas and then get discouraged and then he wants you to look at how the devil's crowds to win it and how they're fighting and he wants to get you to a place where you just say I quit and I give up hitting it amazing that what hundreds of prophets could not do - oh hi J one woman with one threat at the right moment took down God's greatest service at that time what do you reckon he's trying to do in our lives thirdly we're getting into it tonight I find that there was unresolved tiredness then let me just be honest with you if I struggle anywhere I'm just a transparent preacher I tear through this where I struggle I've tried to really conquer about the thought life that I have and I try to just remind myself that all this is up to God and a lot of times I can I realize that hey you may not think nobody's for you but there's a crowd fighting for all those we got some balance a lot of times we know the church loves us and you got a great place around here and you're pulling for each other but I tell you what there's a real struggle here because in America we have this don't come natural unresolved tiredness I grew up my daddy worked all the time and I think God had a hard-working daddy he taught me some things but let me just say this we live in a society now where if you ever just take a break you almost feel like you you're just sinning something's wrong let's prove it this way so you got a job all of a sudden the Lord blesses you and you always want to have a little extra time off because you're so busy so God puts you on for tens let me tell you the American Way you say well now I got Fridays off it'd be a good time to rest with the Lord to be a good time to take time to meditate Spurgeon said one of the greatest problems he's seen coming down the road would there would be so much chaos so many things that not that you have um you listen the reality is you have to do the things you're doing your life I'm not fussing at your night Satan just knows how to war he keeps us so busy and society's got so much and everything's coming at you there's no time to relax there's no time just to enjoy God there's no time just to sit out and think about the Lord and let God strengthen you and here's what happens in our lives when you get tired you do things you never do because you're weak so you get that job goes to for tens here's how the devil works well you know if you ain't got another side job just work Fridays and half a day on Saturday you still got Sundays off but then you can get a nicer truck you can get another boat you can buy a different guns you can go on this hunting trip you can go over here and do that you have this you can give them that and you may have the best reasoning in the world you may have all this in your mind that you're just trying to do the best you can for the people you love but here's what happens to you what really is most important is that you make sure that you got time with God the greatest gift you can give them is your spirituality for the people that you love and Elijah had a problem here he ran 15 miles history says from the top of Mount Carmel down to the city gates out rend the key now he has killed of the prophets of Bale he sprayed down fire rain he's out ran deal he's been busy he's listened physically he's a man he's exhausted it's time for a break it's time for him to let God help him physically and spiritually you can't out but so long without some inflow or it's gonna dry out there's got to be some private time but allied just got this mentality there's too many people to reach there's too much to do there's too many revivals that need to start there's too many people that need the gospel and what he did is he did not take time for himself and he got too tired and too weak and the Queen got him I remember brother Ralph telling me that he was coming up there was a saying they had and they said will not take a vacation until every sinner is converted and if that ever happens and we may take a break and he said son that may sound spiritual he said but I watched a lot of those to me and wrecked their homes wreck their lives lose things with God do things he said Jesus retreated the Lord took time out Vince Hebner said it like this you either need to come apart or you will come apart that's just a reality in our lives I'm not talking about being lazy I'm just saying there's got to be some time for you there's got to be some time with you and God there's got to be time in a marriage there's got to be time with your family we live in a society that we're constantly doing this and it may seem innocent and you may think it's all physical but the real battle spiritual Satan is trying to drain you and exhaust you to the point where you may not be thinking clearly I'm just telling you tonight the way you get down to nothing the way you lose your faith and running fear the way you get yourself in a mess the way you miss God is because you just don't have enough time to just relax and let God get you where I need you now here's what happens and I'll be done in just a minute notice this now God didn't forsake him verse number five and as he lay in slept under a juniper tree behold that an angel touched him and said unto Him arise and eat don't I show you what happens here Elijah's over here everything's been going great but he don't take care of business too many expectations too much frustration too much tiredness and Satan catches him and he throws the knockout blow and Elijah wasn't ready and all of a sudden that fear comes up and he starts backing hood he says she is me she is full of the devil how am I gonna stand because anytime you start looking at how big your problem is or how mean or how bad the situation is or how bad the devil is you're automatically you're in your looking the wrong way and you gonna forget how big God is so he decides he's gonna pack up help God out that's really what he's gonna do here if I run and hide I'll make it easier for God to try to keep my life so here's what happens he runs from the city you say how far to go Bible don't say but I wonder if when it Bible says they fell asleep or he collapsed under that juniper tree I think he almost had a heat stroke I can't prove that but many writers seem to lean that way that makes sense to me so watch this here's what he did he ran and he ran and he ran then he started walking see how he's wearing down I mean I told you what all this man's been through now the sudden he's limping he said I got to go another mile I got to get over here this she's coming after me and all that in his life he's just driving and finally it seems like he found that tree and he just collapses here's the piers from that point of view it looks real bad don't it he said boy he's in a mess boy if we quit the preaching right here this man's life and ministry is over but I'm glad that there's a God that knows where the Lord didn't forsake him and here's what I see I see Elijah limping along and the Bible says the angel of the Lord who does the ministry here that's Jesus in the Old Testament I see Jesus walking behind him and I wonder if he's saying something like this are you done yeah are you tired or are you ready to let me do it quit trying to do it yourself we a cast a load on me quit trying to make it happen yourself know where my Bible died see where the Lord ever said to carry your load around and show how hard and how tough you are or anything else only thing I find in my Bible is a God who said this he said casting all your care upon me he's the only one big enough he's the only one strong enough to handle all that load you wasn't created for it and neither was I and neither was Elijah he sure tried and it collapsed him and it'll collapse you but I'm glad to report to you tonight in Statesville North Carolina at the same God that didn't forsake Elijah he's the same God they won't forsake you you say preacher I'm exhausted tonight preacher I'm trying around the church but I've took some any blows from the devil preacher my marriage is on life support preacher my young uns are about exhausted me preacher it's my job preacher it's my heil preacher it's just a middle battle with the devil I'm just under assault there's just so much going on in my life it's coming from every angle I don't even know where to start gotta tell you tonight when you're down to nothing and you ain't got no more to give and you feel like you're all alone and God's a million miles away and the devil says he don't care I want you to know he's a lot closer than you realize and he knows exactly where you are nobody else may know where you're at nobody else may understand what you're going through or why you cry the tears you cry but I want you to know there's a three times holy God in heaven who loves you who died for you and he cares and here's what he's doing he's right on your tracks like a good kundo head even walking right behind you you say what's he waiting on he's waiting on you to get steel and quit trying to figure it out and fix it and just collapse you know where's a good place to collapse right in his arms and just say God I give up the Christian life's backwards from society society says get what's yours fight for it you've got to come out a winner and on top here's what God says God says just lose just quit just fall into my arms because when you're weak he's strong when you can't he can the Christian life is all about you getting out of the way so he can get in the way so we find in height number one God didn't forsake him let me tell this little story it's on my heart I love dr. Percy ray and he's always been one of my main just heroes and I love listening to his tapes I love going down there brother Daniel different things and the old church is just something special and then you look at who knows how many millions of dollars those buildings be worth now and he did all of that with a congregation that usually never got more than a hundred people miracle I mean it's the Red Sea parting of today nobody can explain it except to say what a God we know shout about to Hatun whedon heard the history or if you read the book or if you ever did it blow your mind you'd feel same way I do it's unbelievable but did you know it almost never happened he was in a hotel and God put this calling on his life he had such a burden at the Lord long story short but God told him it for the work that he had for him he said it's not my will for you to marry he had his Abraham and Isaac kind of moment on the altar because he was engaged to argelius daughter who was the greatest preacher of that day if he had to go to her but time he got to her house she was already grinning sitting on the front porch and she said already know God's done told me with tears in his eyes he had to lay that down and choose God's plan over his he goes into evangelistic work planting churches May he starts pastoring at Myrtle and back in them days you didn't have to be there but a couple of times a month and people would feel in for and he's all over the place he's in a hotel one night all alone now cuz that's where God put him totally dependent he always used to say my bride was the church he married the church in his life he's in that hotel and the Satan comes strong against him in the middle of the night now I'm talking about a man who prayed when Myrtle was getting starred in Kem's I'm was about to take off and fireballs started coming across the sky 70 some people signed an affidavit that was layer that night talking about a man of God but all the best of men are just men at best they got in that room in the middle of night and Satan was hitting him from the light ride and Satan was hitting him from the left he said I can't handle this he never did say what it was but he said I got under such a power lockout I mean just a slugfest with the devil he said I just thought I was done he said there was no way I could stand up to it I was too tired he was exhausted he was everything Elijah was I'm telling the story he got so bad off this man of God picked his Bible up and swung get out of that bed across the room and hit the door and he said I quit he said I'm done I've had it and that's how some of us feel tonight we to Baptists to admit it but that's how we feel on the inside I said about that time he's laying in the bed crying and he thinks it's all over and he can't do it he's quit back in them days they didn't have Facebook or Instagram or text message they had what you call a telegraph knocked on the door and somebody slid one them under there somebody went down there and paid to send one picks this letter up and he gets it out and reads it and there's one of those folks who was on his prayer team on them old praying Graham halls said there was a little letter and here's what it said said brother Ray I don't know what's going on with you but said God woke me up about two o'clock and told me to pray for you she said I begin to start praying and God said no get out of the bed and get down on your face it's serious Percy's in trouble said that woman said this she said I've been down on my face with God praying that the Lord would do whatever it was you need him she said the burden lifted about 30 minutes ago and I wanted to send you a letter and let you know that there's somebody praying for you and you can keep going for God we're behind you he said he got that letter and said as he begin to read and he realize you know sometimes all you need to just know somebody cares a lot of times you can watch your pastor needs whenever God puts it on your heart he just needs to know you're praying he just needs to know you're in the battle trips it is nice I know he's got a few boot buddies in this thing somebody that's gonna ride through the storm with him somebody that's gonna get out in the war with him we got a lot of folks that want to hide out at the base camp and as soon as we gain the ground they want to run in and enjoy it we need some people again I'd want to be Special Forces for God I'd want to take some ground and fight hell by the acre we need some warriors again and Buddy when he found one that night with tears in his eyes he said that he folded that letter hood he went picked his Bible up he got down on his face he told the Lord he is sorry and asked God to have mercy on him and said if she's praying for me that's enough and he took off and he went for God and now look what all that's happened over the last 50 years at that place while he was alive but if somebody wouldn't have been there for him what if there wouldn't have been a God that didn't forsake him you know that would ever happen wonder what all God's planning to do in your life but it may never happen if you quit tonight what if there's all these prayers and promises the Lord it's gonna work out and do big things for your family big things for you young uns grant young uns what if God's gonna show himself mighty but he's looking on the night and saying I know what all you've been through but if you quit now if you don't let me help you if you quit right we're yeah it'll never happen you got to understand the night that there's a god that won't forsake you number two we find this not only did the Lord not forsake him at number two God fed him he said where does that hit preacher this one of my favorite parts listen right here verse number six and he looked at me hold and there was a cake Baken on the coals and a cruse of water I love this phrase at he is head here's what happens Elijah topples of that tree he collapses he faints he passes out he's done he tells God to kill him he winds up passing out of exhaustion maybe a heat stroke maybe he's dehydrated I don't know but if it was the hydration wouldn't that be such a picture cuz the waters a picture of the Word of God needs to hydrate it didn't have that in full of Satan's took it out of him it looks like it's all over but I love how the Lord's following behind him and now that he's too weak to move now it's God's turn to move and I love height does this he goes over there Jesus the angel of the Lord here now he gets him a little fire started lays him a meal home Aaron's got a cruse of water gets that cooked up he goes over there and the Bible says in the angel of the Lord what just touched him I don't know if you're getting it like I'm getting it but let me say it to you tonight this ain't a message but this may encourage us I felt a whole lot of touches in my life and I'm glad for every single one of them there's nothing like a mama's touch when you little and you sick or you afraid and they come and pull you up in their lap hold you in their harms there's a whole lot of touches in this life that means something to you but can I tell you there ain't never been no touch like his touch the first time he ever touched me was a day reached out and saved me I couldn't get out so he came to where I was I couldn't reach up high enough so he reached down far enough and he touched me and he touched you if you're born again by the grace of God and every day since for the child of God there's a God in heaven who attached you there's a God in heaven who give you exactly what you need when you're afraid he'll give you a touch of courage when you're down hill lifter what Psalms three say he's a lifter of our head I'm glad when Elisha didn't deserve God I'm glad when Allied ships held God I mean if anybody ought to have faith it ought to be this great man of God after all God's to her but even when somebody so great it's somebody this seems so much mister I'm glad there's a God who came to where he was and he still had compassion he still had love in his heart he still had more to give him he still had a plan for him he's still gonna use his life and the Bible says he touched him and he said arise and eat here's where it gets good God didn't even have to come at all he sure didn't deserve it so he could have been gracious by just saying Elisha get up and go over yonder I shouldn't even cook this for you it's your own fault I mean you messed up you're the one who didn't have faith you're the one that was too tired used the one that what list and used the one that thought too much and it's about kicked him I guess what the Bible says Jesus did watch the compassion of our Savior he not only cooked it but the Bible says I love every little word in our Bible Bible says he brought it over he not only fixed it but he said I know he's weak and tired it was such tenderness compassionate and all it touched him but the Bible says he laid it by his head in other words he said this he said I know you've tried so hard and you've been through so much you can't even get up do you know there's some times in your life you can get in a place where you can want to read your Bible all you want to but you can't get nothing out of it you pray all you want to but you can't even get words that seem to make sense you can't even make thoughts out of what you're praying you're in such a battle now I've met people before that say things like I'm too blessed to be depressed and I know what they mean but the very core things that's just not true boy you can positive think your way all you won't do you read all the Bible you won't to listen all the preaching you want to but there's just sometimes you can get so far down and get in such a mess and phase commit goings and you can get such a dark place that you don't even know which ways up that's where I'll hide you said God could have just said about like what we're saying tonight he could have just said well there's a word over there for you somewhere go dig you find it it's your fault you figured how I'm glad for a God that in our life like Elijah he'll not only touch you he'll not only not forsake you he'll not only not leave you he'll come after you but he'll also make it easy for you he knows our frame he knows our weakness he knows that we're not built for this thing he knows that sometimes it's just too much for us and I'm glad for a god that's all the time every time and you have a word for you mean make it easy and you lay it right by God fed him not just once but twice let me illustrate it this way I hear probably two years ago I guess it was and Lord was gracious to us and then we went and had the Bristol tent meeting in May and God really did some big things and on the last night that other meeting preached and I always remembered brother hazel saying this at youth meetings and places I was at and he was preaching he said you always better watch as he said any time God goes to doing something in your life you better know the battles coming you better know that Satan angle take that lying down and you better get ready well at last night I mean God just fell in a very deep powerful holy way and people is all out on the altar everywhere and I got the praying and God made me some promises that night on that altar and showed me some things that blew my mind and had me call a friend and tell him that God was gonna do something for him it's just a supernatural night just to leave it at that and I went out of there rejoiced him but there was a part of my heart they thought Oh Lord what's gonna happen now I kind of faded out of my mind and I thought where everything's fine it's been a few good days aside I was gonna try to take my wife on a little trip we hadn't had time together I'd ran so hard I had that unresolved tiredness I had unbelievable expectations I think that I just preached to you that's where this message came from our marriage was was fine I mean my wife's gracious she lets me go but man we ain't had no time together I'm tired she's tired we're tired to get everything I said we gonna take off and go I booked a little trip about two o'clock in the morning on Expedia found a deal and was gonna fly down to this little place down around Mexico and it's just one in place where you ain't got to go nowhere I said we just go sit in the room and eat all the food we can no phones no nothing I said boy this sounds good and I said baby we're gonna take some time Satan heard that to God just so allowed it to be that he let him wreak some havoc in her life when we got down there and things were great for about a day and I got food poisoning in the Atlanta Airport on the way time I got to the to the hotel down there around where was that in Mexico I sitting in the for year and I got the shaking and I was cold I said you just go get the room keys I said get me the room I just need to sleep it off it'll be fine I slept for a while and got up and I was worse than it was and then all of a sudden my fever went to 105 I had blood coming out my nose not to be disgusting I was vomiting and I was laying in the bathroom my wife's crying all I ever heard was you get sick in Mexico you'll die don't go the hospital they'll kill you I didn't want to go the hospitals the poor parts they said no if you're over on the other side you'd be fine with where I said maybe that's why I got a deal I didn't know what to do finally that doctor come in he said I need to take Hospital I said I ain't going my Barber's from down here he's my buddy he said this part there you go the hospital you won't come out he laughed he said well it ain't the best I said well what am I gonna do doc he said I can give you a shot he said we always use it it'll be fine well I tried to call my mom she's a nurse she couldn't transcribe all of it back in the American lingo and medicines and break it all down and I'm dying in the floor I mean it was bad I said just give me the shot he gave me that shot and he was just doing the best team who to do but their medicine ain't like iers I tell you what for about eight or ten hours I thought this is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me I mean like an hour later I was up no I mean everything was fine I said well let's go enjoy ourselves we went snorkeling I felt so good got out on some little boat thing they had and went out there I was ready to salute the flag of Mexico and everything else time I got back I took a shower now come out and hide broke out in hives all over my body and my wife said what in the world's wrong before I knew it I was in bad shape shaking now my skin was peeling what it wound up bends they gave me a sulfur-based shot most people's allergic that it's name allowed in America then on top of that the shot they gave me has been banned in America come to find out because one in two people I guess I don't know how they trial that out hopefully not a living people whatever they tested in May said one a never to that they tested they found that it created liver failure so they banned it in America well I didn't find all this out I got back home but I just knew I was in bad shape I was leaving that day so drunk as much benadryl that's all I could find got back to the airport trying to hold it all together Satan sitting right there telling me it's over you know I can feel on the inside of my body shutting down if you've ever been there you'll know what I'm talking about I don't know how to describe it in words but it's a weird feeling not before we left has an all-out spiritual war for about four and a half hours in the middle of the night wound up texting brother dad you know some people I had to just get some prayer help and I'm not I'm usually not that kind of person I'm usually kind of mister even keel and I man I was having a full-blown meltdown I was getting assaulted left and right I tried to turn a television on his bad stuff on there try to go outside they was party and had all kind of people out there dancing around and come back in I have nowhere to go my wife has health concerns and some things she's been going through she had done collapsed out of sleep couldn't wake her up nobody around I laid down and I heard this preacher now that we're all alone and for the next four hours it was about the darkest saying and the scary saying makes my hair stand up now I ran into some darkness and some battles like I ain't never been through in my life all he's heard they'd come when you pray for God to use you and bless you in the Lord that's up for your family there's a war there's a price but now it was here boy I cried and couldn't get out of it I didn't know which way was up I finally got back to Atlanta Airport and I snuck through customs I ran into a woman that was a preacher's daughter and I just started telling her why I was on this trip what all we've been doing I was trying not to shake and he had my hands cuz there's all lookin bad and I got through but I sitting there and I got so bad off I called my mom and she'd been calmed the whole time she finally just had a meltdown on me she started crying she said Heath you're dying she said you need some help she said we're pretty sure you got Stephen Johnston's and that could be fatal that's a bad thing she said you could get the hospital and so I don't go that lanta hospital I don't know what I was going on you know how it is you want somebody around I said I'm gonna fly to Greensboro one way or the other I said you meet me at the airport oh the hospital and I'll never forget brother Daniel always told me he said son sometimes in your life you'll get in a place where you can't pray if he wanted to you couldn't read if you wanted to he said what I found I do he said you just got to lock in on God he said you put you some good Holy Ghost music in he said all you can do just sit there and say I'm Jesus name I plead the blood and Jesus name help me God Jesus name and said you just agree and you just can't wait on God told my wife just leave me alone on that airplane I put their little earphones in and I just put on some good Holy Ghost music boy they got to singing them songs and all I knew that just said God I don't know what to say I can't even think right but I know everything is wrong and I need you I don't know what all this is about but God you made me some promises all hell's fight I need you I set my juniper tree hot didn't ran out of everything I knew to give and I didn't have nothing left but I found the God that didn't forsake me a God that fed me somewhere between Atlanta and Greensboro I can't tell you where I was at but I know the moment it happened I felt God throw about 400 pounds of glory across that airplane tears started running down my face I felt all that darkness leave he's like God suplex the devil and all his crowd flexed his muscles and all I feel sitting on that airplane was I didn't know how but I knew I was better I felt it I got that Greensboro we went to the ER you know how did I let you die before they see you six and a half hour wait so I went home woke up next more had so much sweat on the bed I could have swam in it went over there to doctor they start running around everywhere they're checking my blood work from the night before they're in full-blown panic because they know what I got they come in and they said we can't believe it I said what they said you have Stephen Johnson's we know it we can diagnose it it's all over you you need penicillin you ain't had none have you I said oh no I all I had was a bottle of Benadryl yeah you know how they taught well you're sure lucky I said really they said we just checked all your organs from your blood work and said they's better than they was six months ago it's your physical they said they ought to be shutting down by this point you've been 48 hours without penicillin man right there sitting in that hospital where my mom works with all dem doctors around us it ain't lucky I said that's my god it's like the youth choir was singing that's my Jesus and I love him I told you that story tonight not so you'd feel sorry for me I got no complaints in serving God he's been better to me than I deserve whatever a little bit I've been through has been worth whatever a little bit I've done for the Lord I just wanted to testify and let somebody know that when you think it's all over and when you think Hills had its last word and you're surrounded and you think you can't go another mile there's a God that not only won't forsake you but if you let him he'll cook up the meal you need he'll lay it right by your head he'll give it to your own time every time you say preacher I don't even think I can get up that's all right he'll breathe to where yet and all you got to do is just reach over and say lord help me you see I can't even hardly pray then you ought to just say in Jesus name God have mercy god help me I'm just telling you sometimes in this thing I'm serving God it ain't gonna be easy you gonna fight some battles you gonna face some things you don't know what to do about there's gonna be some darkness that you can't handle but I'm glad they're greater is He that's in me that he that's in the world I'm so glad that my god said : to me and I'll show thee great mighty things the battles worth the Blessed the break-ins worth the Blessed honey hang in there with God he's up to some big things in our lives he's gonna answer them prayers he's gonna fall filling them promises but you got to trust him even when it's hard because he's trying to build that faith just like a preach to you this morning lastly and I'm done I find this tonight there's not only a God didn't forsake him God failed him I love the last from God fellowship with him verse number 13 listen to this now and it was so when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entering of the cave and behold there came a voice on him and said what doest thou here Elijah Elijah gets the strength of that meeting he goes 40 days I don't know about you I've had some pretty good meals but I ain't never had one good take me 40 days I'm glad that there's some things God's got for the child of God that this world I'll never get ahold of I'm glad there's some privileges being one of his I'm glad tonight that it pays to serve God I'm glad it still pays to come to church Sunday night and Jubilee and Wednesday night I'm glad it still pays to build your family in a Sunday School class and to give your life to the house of God why because you may not have what they have but what you don't realize is you can have something better than what they have everything they have it runs out by the next day that's why they drink another drink that's why they shoot another needle because they need some relief but I'm glad that we may face the same storms they do we may have some of the same problems and failures and pays but I'm glad that while theirs may run out there's a god that if you ever let him get a hold of you and if he ever touches you and if he ever feeds you you can go in the streets of that for a long time he can change you he can sustain you he can give you everything you need young people there's no life like serving the king and then he runs out and he goes to that cave he still ain't getting I'm glad God's patient tell you what one of my prayers is this year that I'll be as patient as people with people as God is with me that's a mouthful ain't it we love for God to take 20 years to teach us something we'll give people about 20 minutes and then we're ready to knock him over but if God did that to me I'd be in a mess tonight Elijah just ain't getting it now he's at the enter of the cave and he's got that only man syndrome I call it God's trying to help him he's done fed him he's fellowship willing he didn't forsake him Elijah says well let me just tell you again I'm the only one left and if it wasn't for me there just wouldn't be nothing left and that makes God sick finally God gets tired of hearing that stuff and he says Elijah but aren't you glad he answered in grace he said aloud you I've got seven thousand that ain't bowed the knee it ain't that I need you I just want you and it same true and our life God don't need us tonight but I'm glad to let you know he wants you he don't want you when you're just perfect and good he won't you just like your heart he's just looking for a willing vessel he say I'm broken that's the county likes to use he's saying got it all together that's the ones you can get glory out of you say I got my problems I got my issues I got my fears that's why he likes folks like that cuz he can take you you upside down and feet and fellowship with you and then you'll know that when it all turns around you'll know that when God does something that's beyond you and bigger than you you know when things happen that you could have never done he'll be sure to give God the glory and that's what he's after anyways and he looks at Elijah he said I don't need you and I just won't you and Elijah says it's all over the Bible says he wraps himself God shows him that he's in that still small voice he teaches him how to trust God in the littlest ways he teaches Elijah don't look for all this physical signs he says that still small voice you know what that he is you know what we're looking for a lot of times a physical result to keep our faith going you know what God's saying that still small voice just one little verse just flip through some where you say I'm down in my head my head's low I'm down and out I don't know what I can do pull out about a Psalms 3 in your life Lord how are they increased it trouble me many are they that rise up against me many are they which saved my soul there is no help for him in God they can get you a verse like this this that still small voice stuff you don't need lightning and thunder and wind and earthquakes the lads have been trusting the wrong thing it's that feel small voice that you need tonight and I need tonight listen to verse 3 but Thou O Lord are a shield for me my glory and I love this race and the lifter of my head you know what God's teaching Elijah there and he wants us to know tonight and remember in Jubilee this week it's this all you need from God is one word all you need from God is one of the steel small voices running deep on the inside it's a lot louder than an audible voice it's a lot more powerful than earthquakes and thunderings and lightnings that one little steel small voice can move mountains it can subdue kingdoms it can bind every devil in Hale all you need tonight is for God to speak in your life oh you need us for God to touch you in your life I don't care what you're going through how bad it is how dark and how long it's being all you need is for God for you to say God I'm empty God I'm empty to myself god I got no more to give he'll say that's exactly what I've been waiting to hear because when you ain't got anymore I'm just getting started when you got no more to give I've got plenty in grace you say when I'm sedan I can't think he says that's alright I'll do the thinking for you I'll do the praying for you I'll do the providing for you he's a God of more than enough tonight but somebody's got to believe that he won't forsake you somebody's got to call out and say I'm tired of living like I'm living I'm tired of all the frustrations and it coming up short and say God I can't so I need you and that's what he can go to work there's got to be a message in it somewhere but you know that Jesus seems as though what he touches people that are down and out he always cooks a meal notice he did that with Peter too after he went a fishing he was discouraged and had no more to give maybe it's because Jesus is showing us that he has a human compassionate side he's not just interested tonight and fit and spiritually getting you where he needs you but he's also interesting physically getting you where you know you need to be you know God's God and he could do anything but I'm glad to let you know tonight I'm glad rain of God who just cares about making sure that just using you up almost like you using abused you but I'm glad we serve a God that so loves you and so tender he's got your best interest at heart and it ain't just about you but it ain't just about what you're going through but there's a God who says I'm gonna get glory out of your life and I know you don't understand right now but I want you to trust me that really in the end I'm doing this because it is best for you I'm doing this because I really do want to bless you I'm doing this because one day I'm really gonna use you you say prove that pre-trial in with this tonight allege after all this goes on home god humbles him and God gets him where he needs to be and God feels him and God has mercy on him and God helps him and then watch this he gives him an Elijah and when he gets Elijah you know what God was saying God was saying your ministry will carry on you know what the greatest desire of a preacher is or a daddy or a grandpa is that there'll be a legacy that would live beyond your years and live beyond your grave to think that your children would serve following your footsteps to think that your grandbabies would love Jesus and fall after you and for the preachers in here is that somebody else would pick up the baton and carry home with what God started that Calvary would continue on and do great things or that your ministry or your that's our greatest desire and the lads are sitting there going here epsom somebody says it's all over I've really messed up and God says it ain't over son I know that you've meant well I know you had the right heart you just missed the mark but that's okay we're gonna get restarted right now and he tells them you're minister ain't over it's actually just getting started he tells them to go in Norn Elisha I love this part now and this where I want to close this is my burden for you to do this this week learned you believe the Lord put this on my heart every single person in this building you need an Elisha I'm not saying it's got to be somebody younger than you that's following in your footsteps I'm not saying that at all but you need a companion that you can trust and that you can go through the hard times with and battle together for the glory of God because of when Elisha got started whoever that servant was that he had he left him and went a day's journey I've often wondered why and the best I can come up with preachers I just think he left him Elijah knew he needed somebody Elisha knew it was dangerous to be alone he'd been through all that but I think he also I don't think he thought he could handle it I'm afraid that the person that was the Messiah he him his friend his companion he couldn't trust him with something that deep and that hard maybe it was that he couldn't let him see him like that he just didn't have that kind of relationship so he had to leave him behind and he went all alone he winds up depressed and in a mess reckon that's why the Bible says a three-fold cord is not easily broken a lot of times we get convinced that this thing is serving God's Lone Ranger and you come riding in and you can do it all by yourself but let me just take the night day nobody that's special people always say well if we get a good preacher church will be good and that's true to a certain degree certainly got to have a good shepherd with God's touch on his life but what good is if there ain't people that'll get behind him and go to war for the glory of God there's no eyes in this there's no big eyes little use we're just all a bunch imperfect people serving a perfect God that need each other more than we can understand I can only do this much but if we pray together we could see a lot more on the evangelism rather you know and do this much you're a preacher can only do his part but if you all get together what can God did and here's what it's on my heart when Elijah came alongside and started pouring that water see there was a difference in Elijah and the rest of them he wasn't trying to figure out what he could get he's trying to figure out what he could give and Elijah had a different trust level with him because he was that calibre of young man he could trust him through the deepest and darkest parts of his life you read your Bible all you want to but she won't find one place after God gave a lodge in Alaska that he ever struggled with this again because when he was down he had somebody pouring water and saying can I help you can I pray he had somebody standing over in the shadows it said and he got a no mind that he hain't got to know that I'm doing this but I want you to know I'm pulling for you man of God I want you to know why you're out there doing their miracles while you're standing in the gap while you find help by the acre I want you to know that I'm somewhere in the shadows of pulling in a pray and I'll do the praying you do the provide you do the prophets work I'll do the praying he never asked the man of God for one thing until it was all over with he's just there to serve and when Elijah had that look at all they did for the glory of God together and then look at how his ministry and Elijah did twice as much and guess what Elijah is gonna get reward for all that in heaven because he invested in his life and his legacy carried on here's what I want you to think about tonight piano players come in whatever y'all want to do somebody seen brother and here's my thought I think a lot of us in here Sunday night crowd you love the Lord you care about the Lord on and on and on but I'm afraid that sometimes we don't have that prayer connection like we need to hurt brother Alpha preached not long ago at brother Daniels power conference about the purest form of power in heaven in our soul heaven coming inside of us and work through us as a husband and a wife connected as two Pierce form a power when was the last time you and your wife really got honest with each other shed tears together wept together prayed together you were real open and honest about your fears your dreams your burdens your desires and you connected I said we're gonna agree together to pray every day and let's believe God and then rejoice together when it happened when was the last time you put them youngins in a prayer altar somehow and connected and said here's where we're at and here's what we're praying for I want you all to watch with us as God does something big when was the last time if you don't have that or if you need even something beyond that when was the last time you had a friend you had somebody you trust when was the last time you connected for the sake of your pastor for somebody else in you connected and you said I'm here for you so a preacher I thought you just preaching tonight about what I need to do when I ain't got nothing left to give I am here's what I found sometimes you can't pray so guess what if you'll start praying for somebody else cuz you can't pray for yourself or you don't know what to pray there'll be somebody gall to raise up to pray for exactly what you need it's all about other people it's all about being about each other that's how you make a strong church that God can use you say well I got health problems with them pray for somebody else that does you say well my young uns messed up we'll pray for somebody else's youngin you'll find you and pray better for somebody else and you can yourself but God will always have somebody else that will pray for you and it's all about struggling and pulling and believing you hard together tonight maybe some of us need to deal with our tiredness maybe some of us need to deal with them thoughts we've been having putting too much pressure maybe some of us need God to fill a ship or to feed or maybe Satan's just knocked you plumb down you just need to realize God ain't forsook you and God ain't ran off he's right where you are and if you'll just look up and say God help he'll help you tonight just his brother ray I guess God could get somebody halfway across the country to get up in the middle of night to pray for him if God has to he'll go California to get somebody to pray god I forgot about you and he loves you tonight and it ain't over Cod can still help you if you let him when we can't he can't as you stand all over the building than I had maybe there's some Elijah's in here that want to go pray for an Elijah maybe there's some people that's got big things this week they want to go pray with somebody that God to help them in the Jubilee God will working the Jubilee God will do something maybe you know us somebody in here that's really going through something wouldn't it be a good night to go to them and live on them for a little bit you'll be surprised how much of God will bless you if you'll bless them well that's just the way the Holy Ghost tonight maybe you know of a young person in here is singing tonight so beautifully and good maybe you want to go to him and tell him you're praying for them tell him you're proud of them so many times we're guilty we wait too long to tell people nice and complements and I never understood while we wait till they're in a casket to get up and brag on them why don't we tell them down encourage them [Music] husbands and wives when was the last time you found yourself buried on an altar together believe in God together be surprised what God do tonight if you'll just run to him instead of from him maybe your chapter 19 won't end in fear but it'll end in faith victory God can if you'll let him tonight but you've got a band you've got to be weak enough you've got to be desperate enough you've got to be needy enough somebody needs you tonight there's a God if you need him he'll be there for you just gotta trust him [Music]
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 7,033
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 32sec (3452 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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