EDUCATIONAL Walmart Grocery Haul- CLEAN Condiments & Salad Dressings

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all right so here we are we're gonna pick out the best healthy low-carb condiments at Walmart and believe it or not Walmart has some really really good choices when it comes down to this it's a good steak sauce I'm actually gonna get some of that ah we have a winner here creamy ranch so we're gonna look at ketchups we're gonna look at mustards when you look at mayonnaise and we're also going to look at salad dressings because don't be fooled just because it's that Walmart doesn't mean you can't find perfectly healthy things they're gonna fit your lifestyle let's go ahead let's dive right in okay so right here we're at the barbecue sauce section it's time you learn a little bit about what's in barbecue sauce I think you already know it's super sweet so if you look at the main ones yeah you're gonna have a lot of sugar right first ingredient high fructose corn syrup okay not just sugar but high fructose corn syrup high fructose corn syrup is where they take fructose and they concentrate it high for just corn syrup into a syrup okay and here's the thing with fructose like I've talked about in other videos fructose is only metabolized in the liver and our liver can only handle 30 40 grams of fructose at a time or throughout a given day right now what happens to excess fructose that goes to the liver it goes through something known as de novo lipid Genesis and gets stored as fat very easily specifically around the liver and specifically around the midsection close to the liver because that's where the liver is going to deposit it so always always no matter what condiment you look at if it has high fructose corn syrup in it it's got to go back okay so I'm just gonna blaze through here let's take a look at a couple of ones Famous Dave's high fructose corn syrup also same kind of things so easy putback I feeling almost all of these let's take a look at Heinz distilled white vinegar a little bit better cane sugar better tomato paste dark brown sugar blackstrap molasses cornstarch natural smoked flavor you know not terrible I mean it's not gonna work on keto for sure but at least it's got nice doesn't have high fructose corn syrup sugar is bad the high fructose corn syrup syrup is a whole nother level of that okay now we've got let's see I've got sugar-free one so let's see what's in it let's look at the original so this is g hughes smokehouse sugar free when we got in here vine-ripened crushed Tomatoes off to a good start cider vinegar not bad modified corn starch couldn't live without definitely good but it's okay in this case now we scroll on down the line concentrate spices to head and then we have sucralose and it also contains sulfites so a lot of times sulfite old really make you not feel so good a lot of things when you go out to eat at a restaurant and you feel like garbage the next day sometimes because of the sulfites they're just hard to metabolize and hard on the liver sometimes sucralose artificial sweetener that has been proven in a couple of studies to kill up to 50% of your existing gut bacteria is it worse than sugar and a different level this is what we call operationalizing the variable what is your definition of worse is it worse on your inflammation your waistline or is it worse on your overall metabolism in your gut flora which indirectly has an effect so I wouldn't go with this and I wouldn't necessary wouldn't necessarily rate it better or worse let's see if we see anything here I can almost guarantee craft high fructose corn syrup KC masterpiece huh tomato puree Piper just corn syrup second ingredient not Kinder's okay this is a gluten-free ingredients tomato puree sugar molasses honey corn starch okay it's clean ish kinder let's try kinder it's made of pure a sugar just still again okay so at least it's not high-fructose corn syrup I'm trying to give you an option for one that's not keto that would still be somewhat clean let's see here I'd probably say out of all of these Kinder's is probably gonna be the cleanest either Kinder's or Stubbs still sugar okay so definitely not something and don't be full when it says cane sugar versus sugar it's still sugar it doesn't matter it's still the same so I don't know if there's any barbecue sauces that would truly genuinely recommend so that might be something where you just make your own or you just go outside of Walmart okay so he jumped over to Whole Foods really quick just to show you that there is hope okay just because it's not at Walmart doesn't mean you can't find this so here at water distilled vinegar cayenne salt extra virgin olive oil which is awesome habanero pepper tapioca starch in a little bit of xanthan gum okay Noble made I don't really know this brand too much but like that's awesome and the same kind of thing with barbecue let's see what they got water apple cider vinegar tomato paste pineapple juice concentrate not that that still is sugar in it but that's a heck of a lot cleaner right point is there are options okay you're just not always going to find them at your local neighborhood Wal Mart but it's all good but hate to be the bearer of bad news on this one and I hate to start off the video like that but let's go ahead and let's talk about some marinades for a second one of the things that you want to look at when you look at marinades okay first of all the sugar content but also we want to look at here your orange juice concentrate cornstarch molasses soybean oil okay so you want to go straight down to what's the main oil is so in this case its water as the main constituent to give it body but then we look at the oil here and they say canola or soybean oil which means that they don't really know they're not in touch with their own food right this is great value brand so it's a perfect example of just really simple but let's find just a basic marinade so here like sugar free orange ginger tamari soy sauce so if lease is gluten-free but still super low syn there see let's look at like primal kitchen okay so let's say a teriyaki glaze here or teriyaki okay we've got water organic coconut aminos organic balsamic vinegar Organic dates organic orange juice cons ok so definitely something like this and it's actually pretty low carbohydrate content only 3 grams of carbs so no soy we really want to avoid soy in any kind of teriyaki sauce the soy contains gluten that gluten has effects on your body whether you have celiac or not gluten still triggers the release of a protein in the body called zon Yulin and zhanlin triggers what is called a leaky gut because it triggers inflammation within the intestinal tract that causes these little gaps and what happens when those gaps open up is you have things called lipopolysaccharides that leak into the bloodstream and that causes a world of hurt that can cost all kinds of different autoimmune issues later on down the line that we just have to be cognizant of so always avoid the soy whenever possible so when you're looking at any kind of marinade you really want to avoid anything that's gonna be soy sauce related now here's a steak sauce kind of interesting your primal kitchens got some good stuff water organic balsamic vinegar can crush Tomatoes really clean stuff it's a good steak sauce I'm actually gonna get some of that I guess a primal kitchen for the win here then let's look at this island teriyaki here hey soy sauce yeah okay I don't want to beat this one down too much I think we know most of the marinades and most of the barbecue sauces are not going to be good things you're not going to find a whole lot of them at Walmart that are gonna fit your needs here what about hot sauces like Frank's redhot is actually a good stuff aged Cayenne red pepper distilled vinegar water salt and garlic powder that's a pretty darn clean simple thing so I'm gonna get a small one to that let's look at some of these other ones hot sauces are all pretty good if you're totally keto friends I guess the same kind of thing just still vinegar red pepper but wing sauce just still vinegar Cayenne red pepper okay see they add canola oil to this case but still it's got to be so close to a small mountain because 45 servings it doesn't even show up a gram of fat so we have canola oil as an ingredient okay this is what scares me natural butter type a flavor that's enough now I'm gonna pass on that okay plenty of other wing sauces that you can probably find that are cleaner than that I don't see one here that's a sriracha wing sauce water white vinegar butter flavoring I'm really afraid of butter flavoring so okay let's take a look over at what we've got here in the way of mustards so when you are doing keto mustard is your friend yeah very very simple ingredients you do want to try to get organic mustard if you can yeah here we go so we've got organic does John not see organic yellow there's not a whole lot of things you really need to be looking for except for there's preservatives okay so they add turmeric for color that's cool natural flavor I wish they didn't have to add natural flavors into that so look at organic yellow mustard great value brand dollar 34 water organic vinegar Organic mustard seed salt Organic ground turmeric for color and in organic ground paprika okay see so no need no need for adding the natural flavors just doesn't need to be they're super simple so here we go dollar 34 done and done what do you need to know about stone-ground mustard the only difference in stone-ground mustard is really you're having the mustard seeds in there so it does add some more calories to the mix also the mustard seeds themselves can be somewhat of an anti nutrient which means that they do chelate some of the minerals that are in your body so you've got to be careful with that so if you don't need stone-ground don't bother with it go for just regular yellow now de Jean I am a huge fan of simply because it has a bunch of different benefits in the world of digestive enzymes in terms of how it helps your body break down but look at this really clean ingredients here organic vinegar salt natural flavor which is not a good thing Organic turmeric organic guar gum organic spices so not a fan of that let's see if they've got another edition on here let's take a look at like Grey Poupon okay distilled white vinegar mustard seed water white wine stirred acid tartaric acid fruit pectin and then they put sugar in there there's a little bit of a bummer a lot of a bummer but they're no natural flavors in that one right now no natural flavors so pick your poison natural flavors or mix a little bit of natural flavors or sugar spicy Brown number one grade mustard seed so spicy brown sometimes you'll have a little bit of other flavorings in there a little bit more vinegar to give it a bite I think on this one I'm gonna go for I'm gonna go for the DeJohn mustard that's what P Anik here because a it's organic but B it doesn't have the doesn't of the sugar in it I'll deal with the natural flavors in this case okay let's talk ketchups for a second I think we know ketchup is already gonna have sugar in it okay we have to be careful with that but let's talk about the healthier versions of ketchup better here and let's kind of place through this a little bit quicker so first when people look at you look at the Heinz no sugar added I used to get this when I wasn't really paying attention what I was putting in my body because I thought I was being healthy tomato concentrate that's all fine and dandy but salt natural flavoring onion powder sucralose so once again we have ketchup with sucralose and the amount of sucrose that's needed to sweeten this ketchup is actually quite a bit so here you are trying to be healthier and you're using this it's just not the way to go okay then we've got these other two that's sick okay we've got sugar-free ketchup from the same company that we had saw had the barbecue sauce the G hues we've got vine ripened tomato concentrate distilled vinegar modified corn starch not good salt garlic powder onion powder spices and sucralose once again okay we got primal unsweetened now I've used this stuff personally and the unsweetened still tastes fairly sweet smells a couple carbs in from the tomatoes but organic tomato concentrate organic balsamic vinegar Organic onion powder organic garlic powder organic spices there's nothing nothing else in it right it's super super simple so that's a good one now let's look at Tess amazed so we have to start looking at price here too so three grams of carbs versus two grams of carbs so one more carb let's see what's in it water white balsamic vinegar constitute a great must tomato paste dates sea salt onion powder garlic powder okay here's an interesting thing okay so this one has a little bit more calories but it is technically sweetened with dates you're probably not having a whole lot of ketchup on keto or on a low-carb diet anyway so I would say in general I actually like the Tessa Mays version of this one simply because I think most of the sugars coming from the dates this one is a little cleaner for keto but this one has a nice flavor profile they're both organic so which one do you really go for well now we get down to price a little bit okay well guess what thirty nine point six cents per ounce thirty nine point six cents per ounce what do you go for okay this is a slightly smaller bottle so it ends up seeming like it's gonna be a little bit this is an eleven point three ounce this is a 10 ounce to get down to brass tacks they really are the same price so in this case I don't know I like the flavor of the testam AIT's a little bit more round flavor but the primal kitchen is better for keto which I am right now but I think I'm gonna try the test amaze just for the heck of it now I will say a lot of the things that I'm picking out here here at Walmart you can get at thrive market and if you've seen my videos I'm always talking about thrive market they're an online membership based grocery store so a lot of the primal kitchen stuff I talked about a lot of the healthy just condiments and stuff like that very easy to get through thrive so I've gone ahead and I put a link down below so you can check out my keto boxes my fasting boxes so I assemble grocery boxes similar to like what I do here when I'm walking through the grocery store I assemble grocery boxes for thrive market and that way my fans people to watch my videos can just pick hey what would Thomas choose at the grocery store for a given category so check them out in the link down below but finish the rest of this video first cuz you're gonna learn a little bit more that you can probably apply if you head on over to thrive market okay now all right here we go moving in to salad dressings for a second obviously it's going to be a world of hurt okay salad dressings are always full of oils that are not good so let's go ahead and let's just dive right in Hidden Valley Ranch anything I level they have the money okay they have the money to put it up there now Hines I know bought primal kitchen which is probably why primal kitchen is sitting up higher again we have to notice we have to recognize that even big businesses right even Heinz in craps things like that they're making plays to get into the health space but here's what we have to look for any salad dressing that starts with vegetable oil just put back just put back okay I'm okay with a little bit of canola oil if it is what's called expeller pressed but it still shouldn't be something that's a regular yeah then we start going down the food starches and stuff like that but again once again first order of business if it's canola oil that's not an expeller pressed if it's soybean oil or if it's vegetable oil just put it back immediately so saving you all some time let's just play let me try to find the first one that doesn't have vegetable oil soybean oil soybean oil hate me yet water red wine vinegar soybean oil ok phytoestrogens galore ok estrogen has been linked to so many issues ok estrogen it's gonna combat testosterone in women too much estrogen is gonna throw off different hormonal balances estrogen has been related to fat deposits in random places of your body specifically in men Gannicus mastiha around the breast area it's not good stuff we have to be really careful with that overconsumption of soy especially if it's not organic ok wishbone let's see soybean oil okay let's look at newman's own soybean oil canola oil okay that's better that's better it's not expel Express but a straight up canola better than soy all of garden soybean oil not even much luck here the jnanis seems to be a healthier brand let's see if they've got canola oil first ingredient mom soybean oil olive oil vinaigrette let's see let's see water vinegar sugar extra virgin olive oil then canola oil then slowly okay so remember on the pan so remember when you look at ingredients the higher it is up on the list the more of it there is now we have olive oil first so that's a plus canola oil second but then soybean oil so they're still olive oils expensive so take a little bit of cheap shot however I will say that's not bad at least we have this in here so we have one one particular salad dressing that we can use and I think before we go like we'll talk about the mayonnaise here in a second before we leave the store we'll check out the refrigerated section and see what Sallah dressings they have there just so that we can recap everything there's one other thing here okay yogurt dressing what's this all about rehydrated nonfat Greek yogurt yogurt powder vegetable even a wholefoods we're still it's organic expeller press but it's still swimming oil it's just a heart issue you're gonna encounter it no matter where you are see even if we look at your still I press soybean oil okay and see even with an ease such as a healthier one what's in this expeller pressed canola oil now I'm gonna have a step up because it's a stellar pressed but still ok sir Kensington's ah okay there you go yeah so let's pretend for a second that you want to make your own now okay let's say okay I'm tired of this I'm gonna get some sour cream some good clean sour cream I'm gonna make my own what about some of these seasoning packets well if we look at like ranch seasoning salt monosodium glutamate garlic let me tell you really quick what MSG does inside your body it's not that it's unsafe okay it's not unsafe in fact it's been proven in some studies to not really be detrimental to your health but it is in the long run because what it's doing is lighting up your brain okay now what I've talked about before with MSG is it's essentially is activating what's called the glutamate portion of your brain or the glutamate scale right so that glutamate portion excites your brain that glutamate is the exciting part it's when your brain gets amped up so when you have something like this it makes it so your body your tastebuds your brain thinks that tastes better than it is which is scary to begin with because it's like what are they hiding but all we have in here is just garbage we've got salt monosodium glutamate garlic modified tune starters corn starch spices onion multi-deck it's rudd total crud so even that is almost worse than having the oils from the dressing okay let's move on to mayonnaise unfortunately I don't have any good salad dressings here but there might be some in the refrigerated section all right we'll make this quick on the mayonnaise too here so made with cage-free eggs best foods soybean oil first thing mayonnaise is a health food first of all I eat a ton of it on keto in fact I all linked out to a video down below in the description where I talked about why I eat mayonnaise every day because I do I think mayonnaise is a superfood when it's done right so what do we have here okay we want to avoid the soybean oil because it's the first ingredient okay basically it's an emulsification of oil eggs water we have to be very careful what's there because it's basically oil so if we're just consuming it and then when you go with the light mayonnaise the only difference is okay soy bean oil first ingredient water next thing first ingredient okay but then what's the difference here okay they add a little bit of sugar basically sugar to give it a little more body so yeah from a calorie standpoint 100 calories are 35 calories I can see that if you're counting calories yes this is seems like a better option but if you're counting calories this seems like a better option but it's not the case okay like especially if you're doing a low carb diet this is gonna make way more sense for you alright let's look at let's look at what they've got here okay we've got best foods olive oil mayonnaise water soybean oil still soybean oil then it put a little bit olive oil so I don't think that's fair I get so frustrated that happens because they play they play on the ignorance of people and they play on the lack of education in the health community and just in general because they say just because it has olive oil excellent source of omega-3 alpha linolenic acid first of all olive oil isn't all that high in omega-3s at all it's high in monounsaturated fats that are not omega-3 the omega-3 content is actually quite low so I don't see what is giving you Omega threes in here really that just seems like an outlandish claim that seems like that's illegal like what about the Kraft olive oil mayo okay so Kraft is a little better water olive oil and canola oil instead of soybean oil okay that's a little bit better what's oh you got avocado oil Mayo water avocado oil canola oil then it's got soybean oil next who did I miss that on this one so olive oil yep all of canola soy so it's a tribe blend okay wow that's a little bit tough okay let's go check out their fridge section there's actually no mayonnaise that would really get from Walmart so it looks like primal kitchens doing well with the sauces things like that so that's all good but man I have to use some of my work to start this video thinking that I could find some healthier condiments here but I think when you start going down some of these aisles you really just get into an abyss of things that aren't all that healthy so it's a little scary I'll do of course more Walmart videos that teach you things that you can consume things like that because I feel like this it's a little bit of a bus but that's what happens when you go in just naturally and you don't have it planned out because just going in with the intent of seeing what they've got and teaching you what they've got let's go hit the refrigerated section and see what they have there in the way of a nice stuff let's go hit the refrigerated section and see what they have there in the way of salad dressings I want to see something quick pit stop at the ethnic section and up even the Mexican mayonnaise still soybean oil oh alright let's see if we can see if we can get lucky here because I would really like to have a little bit of a wind okay so we first look at lighthouse it's a big brand canola oil first ingredient could almost guarantee that Bolthouse farms yogurt dressing I used to love this stuff water butter milk nonfat milk vitamin a yogurt cultured soybean oil okay that's not the biggest deal it's a little bit lower down but we also have a buncha preserves some stuff in there so even though it's made from yogurt and they're playing on the fact that there might be some probiotics in there it's not good stuff so let's just avoid that what about Murray's brand soybean oil so still even though refrigerated section it's like why is this in the refrigerated section okay they put things in the refrigerated section because they can charge more because people think that it's going to be a healthier alternative and that's going to be a higher-quality alternative the reality is it's not okay it's usually not let's see what they've got here Tessa Mays we got high oleic sunflower oil we've got water we've got lemon just got cage-free salted egg all right ah we have a winner here creamy ranch from Tessa Mays that's awesome and high oleic sunflower oil it doesn't sound good at first and step out of these people's way okay oleic acid is actually a good thing so sunflower oil sketch people out because the thing okay is it just another one of those oils well what they do with high oleic sunflower oil is they actually concentrate what's called the old late acid out of the sunflower oil more well lahic acid is actually a very good monounsaturated fat that's really really good for you alayich acid you've probably heard a million times in my videos converts into something known as oh yay in the body which is a very very cool thing that up regulates specific pathways to activate what are called uncoupling proteins it's complicated jargon to basically say it helps your body utilize more calories as heat so really cool that they use that for one but the ingredients are also super super good now this is high oleic sunflower oil avocado ranch what's that God still sunflower oil okay this has avocado on it though that's cool so between creamy ranch and avocado ranch just as a matter of preference I would go with the avocado and then what's this lemon garlic here some flower oh this is a super simple ooh nice high oleic sunflower oil lemon juice also olive oil that's cool this would be good to use as a marinade I would totally use that as a marinade so between these two hmm maybe I'll get this and use this as a marinade and get this for my salad dressing it never hurts to stock up the house a little bit too I'm glad that we stopped at this section of Walmart because I was a little bit disappointed at what I found so make sure that you're just always looking in the right places and always double-checking because I know this video took a little while to go through all this but the reality is now you know the shortcuts you know where to look okay you can sift through a little to the nonsense a little bit noise now let's go ahead and let's grab these things hey at the end of the day salsa by the way and also guacamole let's take a quick pit stop here let's see what's in this Hass avocado and I'm gonna stop here for a second because it's important that you know that your guacamole your avocado does not need to be organic okay less than 1% of avocados that are not organic have any kind of pesticide residue on them plus they're protected by the hardshell so you're good so don't spend the extra money on organic I don't even see an organic one you can go with great value brand you can go with whatever super super clean super easy and a great condiment that again is high in the oleic acid that is also in these salad dressings so let's go ahead and check out we can have a lot of sauces laying around actually I think we needed mustard so it's all good - and then we always can you catch up so a lot of this stuff for kitchen all right so what I learned today is you definitely have to do some digging when it comes down to the marinades and the salad I think the thing is is to give full credit to Walmart you're gonna run into this problem that I posed anywhere even at Whole Foods you're still gonna find a bunch of canola oils you're still gonna find soybean oil some of its gonna be organic but you're running to that problem so I don't want to throw Walmart under the bus because well like I said in the beginning this video warrants doing a great job perhaps it was just the selection at this particular Walmart that didn't have a whole lot okay it's all just consumer demand and what they have but I love that they're seeing more of that and if bigger organizations as much as we just like them and we get upset with them from time to time if they get on the health bandwagon even if it's only to make a buck very at least getting it out there to the masses more because a few years ago we never would have seen primal Kitchen we never would have seen Tessa Mays in there we never would have seen anything healthy and now we're seeing it we're seeing it I leveled the grocery shelf so before you just get upset with some of these big businesses that yes do terrible things and can be very annoying sometimes also give credit where credit is due okay you have to be neutral on some of this stuff I'm just happy to see this so this is awesome I'm gonna go dive into this avocado ranch to probably just chug it in the car alright as always keep it locked in here on my channel and please do comment if you need any other tips for the grocery store I'll see you soon
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 119,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grocery haul, how to shop keto at walmart, budget keto, keto on a budget, how to shop healthy at the grocery store, healthiest walmart items, intermittent fasting, healthiest salad dressing, lose weight fast, walmart grocery haul, grocery haul and meal plan, grocery haul 2020, grocery haul college, grocery haul heathy, budget keto meals, budget keto grocery list, budget keto shopping list, intermittent fasting for beginners, keto salad dressing, keto condiments
Id: -S7cADD5IxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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