City Stealth Camping In The Snow With A Tarp

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hey guys welcome to this week's captain with Steve I am going to do an urban stealth camping tonight it's snowed it's looking pretty wintery around here I'm gonna slither into that valley over there and we're gonna camp out for the night hopefully undetected as soon as the power of darkness comes I can get in there a lot less detected so let's go camping I have to move a little further into the woods because the spot I had picked out somebody was already set up there I saw their shopping cart and everything so I'm gonna set up a shelter first here cuz it's chilled out fast and tonight should be about minus 18 Celsius which will be I'll do the math sorry I can't just due to my head but yeah very very first thing I got to get a bit of a shelter set up here because that's the only thing that's gonna save me is getting colder as we speak I don't have gloves on because I need the dexterity in my hands right now for this setup so as always no fancy gear I got the cheapest tarp I could grab from local place called Canadian Tire and we'll see if we can rig this up as a shelter it's got this little camping hatchet thing woods brand not fancy but when you got a tent peg anything's a hammer Hey this will give me a little bit of shelter in there and for if you can't tell by now I am NOT a real ghost craft I'm just a camper that likes to go out to the city so I'm just using real cheap equipment that I got from a place here called Canadian Tire which is kind of like a hardware store it's got a whole bunch of stuff it's a in Canada so get the therm-a-rest inflating once I could get in here that should should make things a lot more comfortable and then we can hunker down so this is unfortunately step two today is the therm-a-rest and then step three is all the other stuff then we'll get to the real step to maybe try to gonna try to be as quick and quiet as I can here because I know what they don't want you here but where it goes I'll explain more about that for any newcomers but the regulars know what's going on with this urban camping again this was a fairly inexpensive backpack as far as your sleeping bag as far as sleeping bags go they get crazy when you talk about doc packing cold-weather thing up to give me some good power tonight just about ready to crawl in there so in here out of the direct cold outside I've lit one of these alcohol gel things I don't sleep with that on I'll tell you that but I have a couple other things up my sleeve in case it does get too cold an emergency bivy that I can throw my sleeping bag into mrs. made of like Tyvek stuff with a reflective layer inside and then I have another another one of these emergency fuel can things really if it did get that cold I would just kind of pack up and go back home cuz I am in the city but I'm gonna stick it through the night for you guys so I am going to get comfortable like a crack a step to Oh Angus Monroe now there's a guy he owns high country beer and I got an email from him asking if I'd like some beer I said wow do you know me so he invited me down took a tour of the brewery it's real good stuff it's actually made at the rig hand distillery it's a part of that brewery in askew Alberta so if you're in that neck of the woods it's worth a try my wife really loves this beer too but this is quite good today I'm enjoying a high country ale and English pale mmm all right nothing fancy tonight for dinner but we'll get to that in a second I'm just gonna enjoy this and then we'll continue on with the evening holy moley it is cold I'm going to preemptively put my sleeping bag into this emergency escape vivvy so that I don't have to do that in the middle of the night and the only thing keeping me from giving up and going home right now is this little can of gelled alcohol fuel it'll be fine once I crawl into that sleeping bag but until then sitting around in this tent is not all that fun I was gonna go outside you do the cooking but as soon as I got outside I realized that's not gonna happen so this bivy I'll keep ready hopefully the sleeping bag will fit in it and this was pretty cheap it's obviously not serious camping equipment this is like for an emergency but sleeping bag go into there and I do have in case of emergency if there's an animal around I got bear spray and that goes for any animal on four legs or two and are going to be cooking probably in here tonight I have Canadian MREs that called I MPs and it's little box got a lot of good stuff in it so I'm gonna put the sleeping bag in there work up the courage to go outside and grab a couple of the other odds and ends but this is I have to account I can't believe there's people that actually just live out here year-round like I had the luxury of going home these guys don't home man it shows you a ton is and is pretty tough out here in the winter that's for sure this already oh it's got a nice zipper oh good the zippers on the same side as the sleeping bag perfect I was worried about that oh yes it is so chilly that the camera battery you know on a charge that's a problem so I'm gonna get into dinner real quick and then I got to throw a bunch of things in the sleeping bag with me and I also wouldn't mind throwing this thing on to cook the meal it so this is just one of those isobutane cylinders which also they don't like to work when it's really cold so it's another reason to get going this little stove that screws on to the top of it pick that up at that Canadian Tire place I think for twenty dollars or something so you don't need really the best gear of course it makes it easier but it's not necessary technically so we're gonna crack open a Canadian OMP Canadian MRE version it's loaded with stuff I'm not gonna be able to eat at all these are for hard-working men in combat and all I did was walk out here and just set up a tent so I'm not gonna need twice as much nutrients but inside of the emery pouch you've got your main entree and this case it is turkey with orange sauce and that comes over these pouches and I'm gonna put that in a little bit of water in a pan to warm it up when I get to that but I'll just show you every other neat little thing in here a dessert pouch comes in the same type of foil container die there for dessert sliced peaches I don't like peaches okay moving along oh boy there is a hamburger bun it's concerning but what else we have Reese's Pieces peanut butter candy well that's okay some tropical trail mix a little strawberry jam Oh some espresso roast coffee along with the coffee whitener and some sugar there is a prank Frank's redhot because that stuff goes on just about anything there's a drink mixing pouch where you can put your proper levels of water in there of course you got your utensil stuff keeps coming out of this like a nice bag Oh some tic-tacs for afterwards couple more goodies in here peanut butter because that's high in nutrients gets through grape sports drink a hand white bees and the coolest thing that they throw in is book of matches so clearly I'm not eating all of that basically I'm gonna eat this and they have some desserts then I'm going to conquer now so that's everything in the mr e or the canadian IM p and we'll get this cooking this I got to be careful with because in this spills I'm gonna have a bad night but there's no way I'm cooking outside right now shouldn't take too much time at all so yeah we are in the city and it is $100 fine to be camping these parts between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. so I'm not even breaking the law yet but I'll be asleep when I am so it's similar to the fine like walking a dog off leash when it should be on leash jaywalking that type of thing it's a ticket not a criminal offense in its public land they just don't want you camping here at night so I understand what they're getting at but unfortunately I like camping so that's what's gonna happen so I do have a group of people I met for coffee the other day they have a little camping group and they invited me out to coffee in this cube and they are subscribers and I said yeah he'll come out for coffee for sure they generously gave to the beer fund which you know I'm not drinking a whole lot of beer on this trip because I'm carrying it all but a lot of beer goes into the planning and editing and sitting around answering comments so thank you to those fine folks that I met out there for coffee and also to everybody that's donated to the beer fund I'm just gonna dump this water out the door and there's there's a lot a lot of ventilation so it's there's no danger about this being too humid anyways all the other gracious benefactors that have donate to the beer donation fund you're really making things a lot more easy on me because I'd be out here with my crummy old sleeping bag and not nearly enough beer or rum etc so thanks to everybody and I know I haven't done much on this trip but I usually get out a little bit earlier and do some stuff so please subscribe if if you can handle this type of camping it's it's always something different usually I'm just gonna take it by to this and see how it is smells good mm-hmm yeah unique it's got little little pasta bits in there part I'm most scared about is the hamburger bun and I know how to get questions if I didn't open it up to show what it looks like but okay it looks like oh boy it's uh it's crumbly mm-hmm well he's a bit of a staleness to it but clearly there obviously would be okay I wouldn't try to put a burger in it but I'm gonna dip it into this pasta sauce and see if that that helps no doesn't but in combat or something this would be just great and I used to be an Air Cadets when I was a kid and on a survival camp we did have these the bread was always something to be explored delicately hmm okay I'm gonna focus on this and then I'm gonna crawl into here because I just can't wait to get into this sleeping bag and then we'll continue in the morning it should warm up by then but it's about - eleven - twelve Celsius right now which is anyways good morning it is very challenging to try to stay warm with just a hint tarp but I did it I got through the night I'm gonna get outside cook some breakfast pack up and get out of here because I get have to reevaluate my gear that was chilly it is warmer than it was last night my phone is saying it's about minus six degrees Celsius right now plus night closer to 16 below but I'm gonna cook some breakfast to pack this up and get out of here not a lot of traffic on those trails right now because the weather is so miserable and I'm the only one that's enough to be up here doing this so I'm going to start this up a subscriber told me good hack do you take a water bottle and a funnel you put your eggs in and shake it up and put in stuff like an omelet so it actually looks awful probably because I put the mushrooms in it but it looks severely disgusting I'm gonna try and cook it up anyways I'm sure it's fine maybe next time I just won't put the mushrooms in because I think that's what what did it oh I should have started that a little bit earlier that's nice here goes no mushrooms in it next time it's better be better than I was oh man what have I done whatever smells okay you can see the color of the mushroom has permeated through the egg so I leave the mushrooms out in the future or add them on the spot but mmm-hmm tastes like a scrambled omelette to me so that will warm me up nicely and that egg mix anything that'll freeze put in the sleeping bag with yeah that's I learned the hard way a few years ago cell phone I had to put battery for this camera in the sleeping bag with me a bottle of water in the sleeping bag because it'll just keep it warm enough that won't freeze on you so I'm gonna chow down on this and then we're gonna get out of here and no one will be any the wiser unless they watch this video okay that's good things of course never go back into the bag as nicely as they do when you're sitting in a nice warm home taking your time packing it legally but when you do it in a frantic rush obviously a little hard to get it all in but gonna get out to car or anybody catches on to my escapades out here of course just going for a walk with a big backpack on it's all I'm doing get back out there think there shouldn't be anybody here around now it was a fine spot for the night and better than I left it well the same I didn't pick up any garbage today there was none to be seen I've made it back to the car and load it up and get home to edit this I know this type of camping isn't everyone's cup of tea but there's a couple channels out there to do some more survival II extreme bushcraft II stuff that you could check out if that's what you're looking for and if this is what you're looking for I'm glad you found it please comment if there's any tips you got for me any ways to stay warm any meal hacks that type of thing and we'll see you guys on next Thursday's video so till then you're camping with Steve thanks guys
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 1,126,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, tarp camping, tarp, snow, stealth, stealth camping, camping with steve, cold, IMP, MRE, urban camping, urban stealth camping, backpacking, backpack, steve wallis, hunker down, winter camping, wild camping, beer, military rations, military surplus, bivy
Id: LyDMjShk2Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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