Kayak Urban Stealth Camping On The River

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hey guys welcome again to camping with Steve now my long-suffering subscribers have put up with a lot of weird stuff on here so it's not getting any better today it will in the future I'll do some more real camping but I'm in the City of Edmonton right now where I live and I gotta jump in a real cheap inflatable kayak that I picked up from Walmart it was about a hundred bucks I'm gonna go down the river for a nice weekday secret camping trip and the forests out there somewhere so follow along this should be a good time cheap is right this thing was like a hundred dollars u.s. so pretty well a cool toy and this is a fairly serious River too so I got a patch kit and lifejacket okay that took a lot of pumping but all loaded up and ready to go not a moment too soon because looks like we could have a storm blowing in so I got to get down this river to somewhere that looks good to camp and set up just waiting for my beautiful wife to come I forgot my charging station to charge all this stuff up so she's bring that back and I'll be in the river and off I go got everything and I'm launching also first time to kayak let alone an inflatable one so we're gonna make this a short and sweet trip oh great lightning just what I needed time to look for a spot sooner than later I think like now okay I was ready to paddle to shore because of the lightning but there's a bit of a break in the weather and I'm not the only one out here there's some actual pie ax up there I gotta keep paddling guys so I'll answer a couple of questions I know I'm gonna get I am NOT homeless I have a house I'm not unemployed I have a job and not just making videos I run a furnace repair company so I just do weird things and I like to get outdoors the city I live in is a couple hours drive in any direction from any serious forest so I gotta make do with what I can in the city here and pretty well the entire river valley has these houses they're real nice ones and they're hogging a lot of the access to the river but I've got my ways to get into the river valley so I'll keep paddling and we'll find a good spot in the pillars on bridges gotta watch out for those things they are pretty dangerous I am moderately far from houses and I don't hear a lot of traffic so I gotta check out the forest or at the woods right up there I gotta see if there is anything worth camping in alright got to shore without killing myself and there are houses on the horizons but I'm by no means in their backyards this time are close to their backyards I was never in anyone's backyard so there's a little beaver trail here and that means it should be fairly remote place I'm gonna look around and if it looks good I'm gonna get this raft hidden right away and have a whiskey I'd like to get out here but it's just not the right spot to camp the banks are too steep got to keep looking and it is really close to a trail - so next stop over there somewhere [Music] who says there's no nature in the city hey little beaver now we're talking this is an awesome spot across the river there is a city park and anybody local will know which one that is probably that one's patrolled quite heavily over here this is just a park kind of that nobody really knows about or it's just parkland it doesn't even have a name so I'm gonna haul this raft up there and then I'm just going to be out here on the shore panning for gold which I'm allowed to be doing right now nobody has to know about the camping and yeah let's go at the bottom of the kayak is a light gray so it doesn't stick out too bad I'll push it further into the woods and cover it up and I'm gonna set up right in this little mosquito infested hollow they should go away when the Sun Goes Down though I found two perfect trees to set up the hammock on and it should be just fine and dandy oh great there is a trail not too far up there but it's a little one not a lot of people using it and I got hammock straps to protect the tree how about that this'll work we're quite good if I can figure out how to do it the trees I'm using this time have a lot more girth than what I use the last time so that should stop with any swaying around at night or unpleasantness like that [Music] [Music] hammock set up the good people at jakhary sent me this power station charger so I'm gonna get my phone charging up I'm gonna put on some bug spray I remembered this time and get this camera charging because the for Kate really sucks knees sucks these batteries down so and we're gonna have a little whiskey tonight as well see you in a bit when everything's nice and charged okay I hope you can see me okay it's a little bit of a strange shot with the Sun going and the darkness over here but I am going to enjoy a little bit of wiser special blend right here by the river where I'm allowed to be there's nothing wrong with this other than I shouldn't be having any whiskey up here mmm delicious so I'm gonna chill out here by the river my woods over there everything set up nicely secluded but it's so relaxing out here beautiful view I can hear the water trickling and a lot of people ask you know why why are you doing this but I just love to be outside feel the cool air hear the wind blowing through the trees it doesn't get any better than this so you're gonna chill here for a bit charge some stuff up and then we're gonna do dinner and I'm trying those freeze-dried packages because they're easy and I've never had them before hopefully they're not too offensive but we'll find out there's a couple up ahead walking their dogs off leash technically illegal but I don't mind and they could come this way which is close to the camp my camp is tucked away out of view up in the woods there so even if they stop by to say hi I don't stick out all right the couple with the dogs have weaseled their way up through a trail somewhere up there back on to the main trail system which does go a little bit close to the camp but you really have to bushwhack through real dense woods in order to find the to find the camp the wind is whipping up pretty bad so I was gonna cook out here by the river which would have been pretty nice but I'm gonna get in out of the wind into the woods here yeah this is more sheltered for sure good good good what's nice about this spot is there's a berm there that blocks my view to people on the river and there's a fairly substantial hill up this side which blocks my view from them as well okay we're gonna cook some food here never had the guts to try one of these freeze-dried things it's a mountain house beef stew freeze-dried they look so happy in the picture I'm happy out here so I'm using the same thing at it last time on last video I think this were hexamine tablets extremely toxic when the fumes come off of them so you shouldn't cook directly on them but in a pot it should be okay I'm using the cheapest cook set known to man this little aluminum the Coleman thing because money's a factor inside of this guy there's this turns into a frying pan I'm sure here's what I'm after I hope that holds two cups and if not something in there will work perfect so I'm gonna start these up boil up our two cups of water there's people out there on the river they can't see me and they probably can't hear me they're training for rowing they're in one of those big long boats like fly to them with paddles and their coaches in a motorboat anyway believe it or not this time I kind of brought a knife and I've heard that these tablets some of my comments that you scratch them up they light easier we shall see and we'll see how many cups of water this holds this guy wants two cups of water in it and I have no backup food if these things are crappy like I have mm-hmm pretty good food usually when I'm camping I'm just a little nervous that this might not be as tasty as I'm used to yeah I think it holds pretty much pretty much two cups - whatever I spill so I'm gonna light this boil the water dump it in there I mean they didn't scratch these up enough I don't know it's burning okay well blooper number one I brought extra water so that's good oh really rickety really rickety here I don't know I guess don't cheap out on your cook setters it's a good idea okay this is boiling along nicely and I'm gonna give a shout out I don't normally do this but I got a message from Johanna the other day and her son Easton loves watching camp and was Steve six years old and just started school so I Easton nice to have you watching and hope you get to do some camping instructions look pretty easy on this open the pouch remove the oxygen absorber and dump in a couple of cups of water never tried this before guys could be unpleasant doesn't look very good to be quite honest doesn't smell too bad I've certainly smelled worse but yeah look at this hope you can see what's in there that oh I don't know I really hope this is a lot better than it looks and I actually brought a fork today too prepared I've got it all okay that did it two two tabs boiled two cups of water absolutely perfect we're not going to tempt fate and try to lift this in all at once but some of this in here and we'll see just how rotten this stuff actually is even got tab despair so stir this stuff up with the fork that I brought and you seal it bag right yeah beeps doop superfast let's sit for a bit and now hmm tasted worse that's for sure I'm going to truth and the verdict is not bad strangely tastes like a can of chili hooked up with one of those Ichiban soups and made this Google Earth tells me that there is the trail about 150 feet that way from where I'm camped which is still pretty close but it's really thick woods around here so I should be all right I can't be too brazen but I can hear people out there right now I'd be more worried on the other side where there's the river in case the police boat or something came down there but I am I am hidden pretty well behind this berm [Music] there are a lot of coyotes in Missouri Valley hi oats are close by so even more of a reason to get that little fire going [Music] it's gonna be a wild night out here guys [Music] this should do and I'll scoop it out with this little guy and then drill a little air hole in it from the bottom here everything's gonna be all right guys so I'll just ramrod through the side here to give an airhole I'm sure I'm gonna be corrected about this but with what I've got here in what I've read on Google hahahahaha that seemed a little appropriate somehow but okay got air shooting into the bottom through this side and we put in some fire in there so this is the other view top there's where all the wood material goes in that's the air hole yeah rain is coming down here is this Dakota fire hall that I've probably done wrong it's very small but there is the air hole there there's the fire there and it keeps it all kind of nice and below ground level if you're looking from ground level I can see how this works so I'm absolutely certain I should have dubbed this a little bit deeper or put in a little less fuel but it's still quite low-key considering circumstances all right I'm gonna crawl right into my sleeping hole for the night you get in from underneath and then feels right up so I'll organize this and I'll give you another update in a second side oh the Dakota fire hole we're gonna it's magic out there it's a little a little more fiery than I thought well anyways guys those geese are not given up tonight almost prefer the dogs almost morning guys it was a much better sleep than last time I'm gonna pack this up cook a breakfast I'm a little scared about that because it's one of those dehydrated things like I had for dinner as eggs in it but hopefully it's not as bad as I'm mentally preparing myself for then I got to get home and edit this up so I can have this uploaded for camp and Thursday let's go now the piece of advice I can give for taking down stuff quickly and setting it up quickly don't I granny not ever that's it these little sliders are called snake skins they make things pack up easy and nice and clean and set up in a flash know where you want to be I treated the trees well with these nice little protective straps and I won't forget these because I lost my first set of these things and I've had to buy him a few times actually so down to the river for breakfast [Music] that one that went by was the police boat so I'm getting out of here right in the nick of time lovely to be on the river I'm actually in full compliance with all local bylaws right now so breakfast time happens I'm having an Alpine air something called a dandy DOS scramble and it's got powdered eggs in it and all that so if the beef stew was any indication I don't know I might be surprised let's just keep a positive outlook on this and we'll oil up our one cup of water one thing I found with these freeze-dried meals add a little more water than they suggest they can be a little dry so that'll boil up and if Google Maps is not lying to me there's a spot just up the river that I can get back to my house down the trail and it's less than a mile to my place from that trail as long as I can manage everything what we'll see I guess but banditos scramble mmm the camping Bandito all right time to do this move the oxygen absorber gotta say I'm not liking the smell guys not like in this mall I think what was he thinking how hard would it have been to bring an egg or two Oh God okay I'm gonna seal this up now hopefully the flavors develop a little bit better than when I tasted right there oh and it says to let it stand ten minutes I'm gonna give it like 15 20 or something like really let that sit then I'm gonna do a final garbage sweep around the area make sure I haven't left anything behind and I normally don't in fact I take extra garbage with me when I go that other people left it it looks doesn't look bad I guess hey here we go hmm the flavor is not bad but the texture it feels like this should soak for another hour so you know the potatoes in here are a lot more chewy than I normally like but I'm gonna have a few bites load this all up I'm gonna let this marinate the pouch on the hike back home if I can get home through that little trail so needs a little more time to marinate but lesson learned you know and I'm sure these would be really good after an eight-hour day of hiking you know all day long eat nothing but granola you get a hot meal I get that but time in place time a place for this right on we're ready to launch [Music] and that looks like the spot right up ahead that I've gotta try and get it at let's see how it goes yeah I've managed to get to this spot and you can see other people have been out here no take care of that for them it's half the hazard of pulling a raft like this on the shore broken beer bottles slice in the bottom of it but just in a double check this is the right place oh yay out Paul 29 yeah this is it and that's that's not sewage they just be routed a creek to the city that we don't dump our sewage in the river here well I can weasel my way up there thanks for watching this if you liked it or if you can stand it please you know what to do and leave a comment - any questions any suggestions I read all the comments I ignore the mean ones but I read them all so if I don't get back to you on a comment just give me a reminder and I'll get back to you so thanks for watching until next time your cabin with Steve
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 919,044
Rating: 4.9251866 out of 5
Keywords: Urban, stealth, camping, hammock, stealth camping, hammock camping, kayak camping, steve wallis, wild camping, city, river, canoe camping, camping with steve, canada
Id: FQZdbA-ikYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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