CAMPING in the RAIN - HUGE Air Tent - Dog

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And here we have Christmas dinner welcome back everybody to another camping with  Tony and Bruce hello he wants his treat just give   me one give me one minute Brucey let me just talk  to them so we're at a site that I haven't been out   for a long time this has been closed for I think  a year um it's such a beautiful sight but as you   can see it's unmaintained all the dandelion The  Tall Grass there's just nothing it's it's been   unapproachable you'd have to have major equipment  to get in here there is a lot of trees down there   was a lot of damage during big storms uh  so it's just unmaintained so I've got this   place to myself hopefully for this overnighter so  I've got a massive tent this thing is a behemoth   and I am not joking when I say it is colossal  it is the Senpai Evo TM V2 four person tent but   I could probably sleep 10 people in this thing  admittedly some of this there's a pump in the   middle although I've got a spare pump that I  bought that's more powerful so this is an air tent   uh and what I'm going to do is set up on that  high spot over there have it coming down a   bit uh just in case it rains which it is due to  rain most of the time that I'm here uh the water   will flow away so first things first is Bruce  wants his treat so let's get that sorted out all right Pig's here for Brucie you're gonna sit pretty Bruce is it  pretty is it pretty good boy there you go   go on then go on then off you go  right let's get this tent set up now   it is so vast that I actually haven't  managed to unpack it and check it at home so fingers crossed it's okay  all right let's get it set up okay so it's in this giant bag sack that expands as I say this is an air tent   and if you've never seen an air  tent before well you're about to okay so this must be the floor wow okay so that must be the pump that  it comes with which is just a basic   small pump but I've got a much better pump now we need to just show you what that looks like  it's pretty small let me get the big one hang on   okay and this is the big one the  hurricane da double action pump it's a huge difference this thing is Tiny this  this one that comes with it compared to this   so this thing apparently pumps pumps  it up as you pull up and as you go down   okay so in this case we're going to see if Size  Matters she said right let's get this thing set up okay so there's a bag of pegs oh no typical ah  why it comes with the worst pegs ever created   these things Shepherd's crook pegs let me tell  you right now this day and age 2022 that is a   bad sign they all do it North Face everyone they  Supply it with these cheap generic Chinese pegs   that are just no good for anything they really  aren't it comes with a couple of cable ties   and I have no idea what that's for oh this  is to patch an area if it's broken right   well I'm not going to use those because they're  useless I'm going to get my own pegs okay my pegs I've got a selection of 10 inch and  12 inch steel pegs and a tent hammer so that's what a peg should look like  like that for a massive family tent you   want something like this and a proper Hammer  with a hook to pull the tents out afterwards all right let's get this thing set  up now I've watched a video on it it looked straightforward enough there it's a single wall tent so you can set this thing up in the rain as  well foreign I've got this the wrong way around the thing is it is so huge okay it's stuffed with loads of paper again if you'd have if I'd open this  at home and I wouldn't have all of this but as you can see it's so huge there's  no way you can set this up at home foreign the front of this thing huh okay let's  have a look what are we playing with here   the floor is super thick and  you can buy a footprint for it   but honestly after seeing this  floor I don't see the point okay that is the front that is the back  as predicted it's the wrong way around because the back doesn't have a door on it talking about yourselves while I set this up now obviously this is a family  tent it's meant to be set up   by a group of people not really one person another thing to note when you're  when you're setting up a tent   make sure the doors are all zipped up because they'll become a stress point otherwise how much paper if it's chucked in this thing all right so this tent is made in New  Zealand you can buy it all over the world yeah made in New Zealand they advertise it as designed for the shorter  conditions that we get here in New Zealand   which can be pretty bad okay now can I be bothered to Peg this down first   or should we just start pumping  it up and see what we get I watched a video on this thing that's about it I haven't actually seen an  instruction manual with it I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing foreign ah okay so you do have to strap it down from  what I remember for it to work foreign this is a colossal tent this really  is this makes the Wawona six look tiny   what am I going to do here I think I  do need to Peg down at least one end okay you know what I'm going to do  I'm going to Peg down the back first and then see what happens okay  let me first check that I've   got the orientation right yeah that's good okay foreign do I need to Peg this back down I don't even  know that is a peg okay you do have to though   I do know this from looking you do have to have  these straps these aren't guy lines so much as   these massive straps actually support the entire  structure without them the tent doesn't work so   bear in mind that you're going to need a  few foot clearance in the front and back okay so how does this work well I'm guessing here without putting any stress on these straps  I'll just put them in see what happens every sea all right let's start pumping this bad  boy up and see what we've got all right Clicks in okay there's a valve here double action single  action okay we'll set it to double action all right and there's a little  valve here with a cap on it foreign assuming you just screw this  onto the end okay yes you do is this going to be easier  than using poles here we go I think that's it well I can hear air coming out of this okay that's one that wasn't too bad how many of these are  there there's four of them on this foreign is this is meaty this pole here with  the earring is really solid I gotta say   makes um normal temp poles look ridiculous now this thing is meant to be rated for  gale force winds officially gale force winds thank you okay I think we're good two more to go can I think when you get to the last  one you do have to put those straps in I'll tell you what this is pretty painless  I have to say compared to doing poles right now sand flies are going all over me I'll  be back in one second I've got to get some spray   ah got some error guard Deet foreign it's just strong enough to get rid of them   but as I've said before deet's the only  thing that works okay here we go third one okay so you just sort of help it up a bit all right all right last one now what I might do is  just do this without picking it in first this thing is massive it really  is massive I might have got   two bigger one here but I'll  explain to you why I got such a   massive version of this so the smaller one  there's more paper I'll explain that to you later all right yep that looks good okay wow that was actually pretty quick I can't see there's any chance of   any problems with this thing these these tubes  are just colossaled okay let's stand it up so I think I need two pegs for these two straps oh yeah okay right but actually you wanna   you do need to Peg the bottoms down just  to get them in line so let me do that now because you want the bottom bit taut okay excuse the butt shot I can do this a bit more  later just to get it right foreign ly a lot of rock here that's why you need pigs like this okay  and it's starting to rain I can feel it it's not cold I said it's quite  mild I'm gonna get cold tonight this thing is incredible I'd say these are the ones that you're going to  really want to make sure you've got them secure okay oh Palace is up okay we just need to Peg out the  back a bit more and tighten it so where is it a bit Slack slack on the back I can actually redo these ones I think I need to park the car  next to it to give it some scale okay right so pull on these a bit it's good right there's an air  vent thing at the back that's this this is a peg I don't know if this is maybe it isn't yeah I'm sure it is okay right so the back seems a bit floppy but  what you're meant to do is that   you're meant to guy it out  with these two here I guess but I'm wondering if I can just guide  these to the same one I've already got   foreign having to put loads of pegs out oh my God you know what I'm  dreading is packing this thing away oh okay let's see if this works it would be very handy if it did well it does except oh hang on I've got this  setup wrong that's why okay yeah that's better okay oh yeah that works okay wow it's  so humid there's huge clouds coming so as I say it takes a long time to set up for a  tent like this when you've never done it before   when I first started setting up the wire  wanna that used to take me forever really did okay looking good it's pretty much done I think I  don't think I need to Peg the sides down or guy   it down haven't got any gale force winds coming  but I could do I'm just not sure it's necessary so the valve covers are on the side I know you're  all desperate to look inside so am I so there's I need to show you around and  show you what it's all about we just keep tightening it first  oh Bruce is already in here foreign I think we're good to go like that for now so we've got a side door let me  just move you a bit so you can see got two side doors here hang on  sorry while I do some camera jiggery okay two side doors one on each side  and there's a perspex panel here   with mesh on the outside and a whole  waterproof system inside as well so let's have a look at what  we're dealing with in here okay a mesh room like a mushroom but a mushroom all right Let's Fold this up this  is awesome if it starts raining this is just so easy I mean we're bordering on  glamping now with this thing   but it is camping so a lot of people don't  understand what the term glamping actually   means they've never Googled it they  just think glamping means fancy camping   uh glamping is where the tents whatever they  are whatever type of tents they are the big   tents they're already set up waiting for you when  you get there and everything's like out there's   tables in there and all that sort of stuff like  you would on Safari that's glamping when you've   got to set it all up yourself you lug it in the  car that's car camping isn't it Bruce that's right   so in here is a room so what I'll do is I'll  get the GoPro and give you a tour inside all   right so here we go let's have a look inside  the big tent so we've got this room here okay a massive living room I mean I can't reach  there if I stand here I can't reach that um oh actually you know what it might be one  door ah there is a zip here but it's for   no okay so there is only one door and it's there  oh and it's raining you can just hear it now so this has got privacy PVC windows and  mesh here and you can just fold this stuff   out of the way down here like that and if you open the bottoms up you've  got mesh breather there and here comes the rain   so let me just close this mesh actually let me just close the door  because the rain is going to kick off now I need to put all my stuff away okay  I'm in a panic to get this done now this is not going to be a  great camera work I'm afraid   okay I can leave that open at the  bottom right I need to sort out   the rest of the tent what have we got here  um a massive door we'll also wear the mesh oh wow that thing's incredible look at that  okay so that tucked in this pocket here and we've got a porch so you know what  that means I don't need to set a tarp up   how awesome is that right so  this I'm gonna just do up to here you go so even if it gets wet that doesn't  matter but I've got light coming in yeah oh there's Brucie out  there look come on Bruce   Okay so we've got this Mesh Door here foreign I need to get everything in from the  truck because it's all going to get wet all right let's open up this massive Mesh Door in as well it's at the pocket okay so look at this I've  got all this space out here   to sit out and the beauty  of it is again PVC windows up to the mesh there like that so I can tuck this stuff in here out of  the way rain's not coming in and I've got light and it's privacy PVC it's dark on the PVC  so you can't really see him from the outside so even if I just got a massive amount of  room Bruce is out there looking   at something in the woods the river okay now  I've got to get everything from my truck so   I'll come to come back to you when I've cleared  everything away because it's chucking down I've   left the back of the truck open oh okay  that was a Mad Dash to get everything in right you know what I need is a  car mat just to wipe my feet on oh okay I won't give you a tour of the   bedroom area yet it's going to be very dark in  there also because it's black out hey Brucey there are so many features on this tent   to show it's going to take me take me two videos  just to do it okay I want to set up my table   so I'll probably Set uh I'll set the table  up where Bruce is standing sorry mind out watch out where you see no Brucey I'm cutting the table right there oh I know you think you're settled there  Breezy but I'm sorry I've got to go that I got this thing set up just in time  okay mind up Lucy mind out move good boy okay there okay I got Bruce's dog  bed which he probably is waiting for   he's seen it so I'll set this up for him but he  whether he'll lie on at the moment I don't know   there you go Bruce trying to go on your bed   where's your bed Hey where's your dog bed  where is it where's your bed what's this what   is that is that your bed come on up go on there  light up there you go is that nice oh yeah oh my chair so I'll tell you even though this is colossal  it's a palace it's the four season except   for season four person extended edition so in  other words it's got this living room area here   that's what makes it extended because the other  one does they both come with a porch like this   foreign but they don't have this compartment here   what that compartment means is if there were  just billions of sand flies mosquitoes whatever   I could just go back I could go in here and zip  it up with the mesh if there was a typhoon raging   and the rain was coming in again I could zip  that up completely and be here and have loads   and loads of space and I don't have to be in the  actual main claustrophobic sort of tent pit right I've got all sorts of cooking gear Kettle  and everything else and I do need a coffee   my back I've got my star  length that I need to set up   but first of all I've got to set up my battery  Banks so as usual I've got my ecoflow Delta Max   and I've also got the ecoflow power river river  Pro which I will be using in the actual tent   and I'll leave the big units the Delta maxes out  here so let me just go and bring those over here Okay small one that's that's the river and this Beast is the max I think the table can take that I hope so if not I can put it down  here but for now I think it's okay   and I've got a spare battery to  plug into the side of that for later all right I've got my fridge so I'll plug this in I'll give  you a rundown on the ecoflow later   foreign probably when I'm cooking but  right now I just need to get it plugged in get my fridge on so I've got all  my meat in here and everything okay good that's running and that's chilling okay what  else have I got to bring in food food drinks wine water and everything else I need to get Bruce's water put some extra in there for you oh I know you want to drink from the bottle all right I can sit for a minute oh right now I forgot one thing I need to do I need to set up a thermacell so the thermacell   gets rid of the sound flies because they  are coming in so let me get that as well I've got two of these bad boys let's just check to see oh that one's empty so the gas canisters last I think it's 12 hours and the tab that you put in it whatever that  is Permethrin or whatever that lasts four there you go one of these should  be enough in here so we will see what have you had Bruce Lee nothing oh I need to just chill for a minute  actually I'm desperate for a cup of coffee let's get the kettle on sorry for the ass shot again  I'm doing that a lot I know oh I'm making such a mess okay now I get asked about this Kettle a lot jug  whatever you want to call it I call it a kettle it's the Breville compact Kettle and yes  it does really boil that fast it's amazing should have bought two tables right water yeah this Kettle isn't it's  incredibly fast okay ready on someone will time it I'm sure  oh now I can sit and chill out and look at Bruce's so happy in The Tall Grass he  loves this environment absolutely loves it because to him this is just wild the ground smells natural  it's warm soft he loves it I've got his bed there   and he wants nothing to do with it he'll sleep on  that begrudgingly later tonight when we go to bed I don't know if anyone was timing this kettle I can't put my feet out because Bruce is there now oh Happy Happy Days no tarp to deal with  I got this massive secure outdoor space if I I what I'll probably do tonight  if I go to bed is I will Peg it out   just because you never know what's  going to happen in the middle of   night you don't want to wake up and have  to deal with it in the middle of night oh there you go boiled I told you it was quick that fan noise you can hear  is the Eco flow Cooling oh so yeah this is amazing that you  don't actually what you could do   with the truck is Park your truck  in front of the tent and then strap   connect these two straps say to the top of your  truck instead or to the wheels whatever but you   could you could you could strap them out the way  they don't have to be here right in front of you   um not that I'm really noticing them at all let  me just tighten this up so all these straps that   you've got to tighten you tighten the outer  to these these air frames these frames are   solid I tell you that they are I can't I Can't  Describe just how solid these things are they're   what four inches thick three inches thick  and it is just incredible it would Sway in   the wind but then I haven't got the guys out  but it won't go the other way definitely not oh I just want to chill I know you're all gagging  to see inside to see how big it is in there   shall I open it yeah let's  open it up and have a look now it's actually two bedrooms believe it or not and it is fully blacked out oh my God it really is  fully blacked out in there it's so dark that you   wouldn't even be able to see in even if I did want  to show you uh I need to work out how to do this   as one oh there it is okay give me a sec again  I've never used this I don't know what I'm doing okay so there's two doors or one  massive door so if you've got kids then this is a two bedroom tent so what are  you meant to do with the door I'm assuming   there's a pocket somewhere and there's  actually a divider in here for two bedrooms   absolutely do not need that for me  because I'll be sleeping in here with busy okay and there's just a button  on the bottom oh okay gotcha oh I see there is a pocket here right I need to get rid of  this junk that I put in here there's a nicer floor there's another inner  in here so it's actually got two floors oh this is awesome look at this they've thought  of everything toggles to keep the door out the way I'll tell you this is impressive very  very impressive impressive quality as well let's hope it lives up to it  and doesn't leak or anything okay you can really tighten this thing up foreign okay so I'll take  this door out this inner panel and then that you have toggles all the  way around that then button that up yeah it's a shame there's no rear access I guess no that just isn't there's a lot of  venting at the back that's what that was for I can deal with all that later right lots  of pockets everywhere and it is blacked out   in here it's got a separate floor separate inner  that is fastened to the ground you can unclip it foreign there's just so much gone into this  so much really it's very impressive it's designed obviously to clip lots of different  things on there's Clips velcro clips and hooks   everywhere to hang lanterns there's a power  cord attachment zip thing here to go through   and you can hang a lantern in here with  a light with power uh you could probably   run aircon into there as well if you wanted  to or a heating system there's so much room so I would probably put Bruce in the corner here I don't know I'll work it out and  then my cop bed will go in there later   it's just incredible I hope that  all came out it's so dark in there   and I know it's a long way away from where you  are but it is amazing let me bring you closer so you can actually see in here how's that is that any better it's it's fast but you saw how quickly I  set this up honestly that wasn't a big deal   I think I set that up really quickly but it's just it is vast I don't  know that I'd want four people   sleeping in here though to be  honest that's a tight squeeze but you could have more people sleeping out here   so that's not a problem you've  got venting in the back here which vents outside at the back this is superb yeah I think the the fact that  the bathtub floor is so impressive   look at this thing is massive and you can  Peg it all down in a storm not a problem I'm loving it really am loving it and the fact that I've got windows out here this is next level comfort really is I've  got a beautiful view out of the trees I don't think I could want for  anything else this is just spectacular   and I tell you what as a one  for one person and his dog   if you're going somewhere and you want a  base camp this is phenomenal it really is I'd love to use this as a base camp  you've got so much room so much space if you've got kids it's great if you're a couple  and you want the luxuries you want chairs and   tables and whatever you want to take on holiday  with you right you're entitled to take whatever   the hell you want on a camping trip and ignore  all the uh the trolls and the naysayers that   you're going to be getting back to Nature and  you're not allowed to have any of those things   ignore them they don't know what they're talking  about they're they're miserable people and you get   to my age this is what you want you want comfort  you want options and this is great you've seen   me struggle with tarps so many times and it is  complicated it really is to get it right and if   it if there's wind then you could lose the whole  setup this is so this is just all connected you   can also get another screen to go in front  of this at the front of the porch as well   so the options are endless and then you can get  a massive carport that goes out the front too just amazing amazing I'm so happy  I got this tent this is I tell you I think well we'll see I need to spend more more  time in it but this could beat the Wawona   and I thought nothing could beat the war owner but   it's just this is so practical whereas  with the Wawona you really need a tarp I can cook in here I don't  need to back the truck up   and cook in the back of the truck which is all  you know it's much nicer to be in here to do it okay loving it all right everyone  I've got to set up my starlink   I've got to clean up do some odd chores  here and there and I'll bring you back welcome back everybody so got all my chores done I've had a coffee  I've got another coffee on the go here   um hello it's not time yet so the  plan today is he's actually gonna   have I can't say it because d-i-n-n-e-r he's  gonna have it with me at the same time so   as it's Christmas so the date is the 19th of  December 2022 wow it's starting to Chuck down the seam ceiling in this tent is insane insane  quality I'll have to give you a full rundown   later with the uh with the GoPro just the detail  and the Machine sealing it's amazing but yeah   as it's Christmas as it's the last video of  the year and it is the last video of the year   um as a treat he is he heard the word  tree he's gonna have what I'm having um so not normal food that he usually has just just  this a one-off special just because it's Christmas   and it's the last video of the year  I thought I would do that for him this is great look at this this just vindicates  everything I said about this tent and the idea of   having this porch not having to set up a tarp it  it is coming down it's getting heavier and heavier it's just superb just the way this thing is set up so what I did was I opened the vents at the  back just to let full air flow through and it is   um because as I said it's in here it's a good five  six maybe more degrees warmer than just outside of   the tent outside of the tent it's starting to  get chilly in here this is just retaining Heat   I don't know how it's just just warm it's  really warm in here I can't feel any wind at all and yeah it's starting to come down foreign so as you can see it's just a beautiful spot the birds singing the sound of the rain  now this is meant to be persistent this   is hello I know he's he's hassling me for his  d-i-n-n-e-r but it's way too early way too early   okay enough for it slow down lie down good boy it's okay lie down I mean  we're nice and dry in here nice and warm sound of the rain you know what I'm  gonna do I'm gonna watch a movie   I've got the starlink set  up it's on top of the truck   got my Wi-Fi here I'm just gonna watch a movie I'm  just gonna chill out it's uh it's just so easy and   then I'll bring you back for dinner well I've just  got something really special planned this time   um I'm quite excited to do this one this is  gonna be good this is gonna be a good one I   hope it's going to be good I hope it turns out  okay all right everybody catch you at dinner ah welcome back everybody okay so time for  dinner and um I've got to put mine and Bruce is   on but I've got a bit of work to do here so what  we're doing for dinner we're using the airfryer   and I'm using a induction top where the  pan and the lid to cook my veggies and in the airfryer I will be cooking a roast turkey that's right I will be air frying roast turkey Christmas  lunch or dinner I should say now I mean I   don't know if this is what you have in your  part of the world but where I'm from in the UK   this is what we have okay Brucie no no  you can't be you can't be loitering here   Bruce come and lie down come on he's hassling  me hang on let me just turn this this way a bit   I don't think you're going to see him hang  on oh there we go how's that is that better   can you see him just about just about okay so  yeah what I need to do is what's going to take   the longest and I've got to work all this out  and get my stuff out the fridge Bruce go away   he's hassling me so I have actually have two  turkey Bruce go and lie down enough come on   come on lie down here come on lie down you're  pestering me right I have two turkey breasts   um and these are big but what  I'm thinking is cook them both   uh this is the reason I've got to because  Bruce is gonna have uh part of this will   be his breakfast as well one's smaller than the  other um so this is actually turkey tenderloin   and this is turkey breast and I've got some bacon  that I'm gonna wrap over the top of it as well now I did bring some light herbs just to put on  I've got potatoes and I think that was it for   the veggies I don't think I got anything else I  got stuffing yes so I don't know if you've ever   had this is a sage and onion stuffing this  stuff oh I love this so that will replace   my greens I'm basically not going to have  greens because I'm gonna have this instead okay cut and everything right so what I need to do  is there's quite a lot of prep that I've got to do   so I might have to bring you back  while I prepare all this stuff um where'd you cut along the line okay I can smell it already so yeah so the stuffing mixture you've got to  prepare in advance and what I thought it was I   would make some stuffing balls and put them in  the airfryer as well but these only take this   doesn't take long at all yeah cook at 180 for  15 to 20 minutes um actually that's not far off   I think I can put all of this in together  but do the potatoes in the pan instead yeah let's do that right I've got some prep  to do I've got to chop some potatoes up   I don't think I need all of these but why not  so I've got three red potatoes King Edwards   got my turkey okay oh and you know what  importantly I've got a bottle of wine let's have   a let's have a let's have a glass of wine this  is craggy range this is from New Zealand to Kahu   I don't know if that's showing up  no probably not um it's a blend   from gimlet gravels in New Zealand  this is absolutely delicious oh oh it's oh cheers everybody Merry Christmas all right   okay so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna do  all the prep and I'll bring you back for cooking   okay welcome back everybody it is absolutely  pelting down can you see in the window here it is a torrent Bruce come in come on you're going  to get wet lay down lay down lay down good boy   wow it's actually pelting down I might have   to move the camera around the other way  just so you can see this let me do that let me just take the umbrella off first all the things that you've got to do here we go okay the things that you have to do   to record on YouTube it's quite  spectacular okay how's that I don't know what you can see I don't know what  you can hear but if you can see behind me now   Bruce please come and lie down come on come  on lie down he's being a pest because he knows   it's dinner time but that's no excuse lie down  okay he will eat he's gonna eat but he's gonna   eat with me and he's just not used to it  so it is what it is right first more wine okay so I've got the airfryer on very hot  air comes out the back of the airfryer so   don't have it aimed at that's why I haven't  got it aimed at the tent right so my turkey so let's get this in this NutriBullet thing is  pretty good it's small though it's not bad okay so the thing is this is so big it takes up  most of it but I will be able to fit both in so the thing with air fries is you're meant to  be able to let the air flow around it's got to   get underneath it and stuff like that I just  don't think that's going to happen with this okay that's in there like that I want  to put some herbs on some now these are   simple Italian herbs so nothing that's going  to upset Bruce 's stomach the stuffing I'm   actually going to do the stuffing in the pan um  I might put the potatoes in with the turkey ah   I'm so torn do I put the stuffing in so the  stuffing looks like that so I've made a sort of a   a flat base of it you know what  let's put that in with the turkey there we go now give that a spray of oil and that's it so put that in okay that's in at 180. yeah and I'm  going to do that for 25 minutes I think   because I reckon it will be  longer yeah 25 minutes okay right oh and I wanted to put some bacon pieces in there so these are rough cut ends and that'll just add to the overall  flavor of everything in here okay we're good right so  that goes back in the fridge wet wipes always have your wet wipes oops oh my God I'm knocking everything  over turning everything on okay right now potatoes are here  I need to get the pan on actually what I'll do is this  is all going to cook off anyway give the pan a spray it's not Jamie Oliver style cooking right now how much power is this  consuming 1200 okay so it should be   fine if I put this on low it shouldn't  affect the Eco flow system turn it on temperature 240 power down okay  let's put the power on really low 600   there we go and it's already steaming I can see it let's put potatoes in all right they're on okay they're on they're cooking  already because it's induction and that's it so my eco flow power unit this  is this is a big system uh what   I'll do is I'll cover this at breakfast  but I've got the backup battery as well   um but this will easily power all  of this that I'm doing no problem the potatoes are already cooking  might turn it up to 800 okay so I think total withdrawing about when  that kicks in as well at the same time as   this we're drawing almost two kilowatts  and I've got the star link plugged in   um I've got something else plugged in but I don't  know what it is not the kettle I've unplugged that all right the fans have come  on so it's running colds now so what you can hear is the  ecoflow wow it's really coming down ah excellent cheers everybody cheers I mean that's it that's it  that's dinner ready All In this is my cold steel folding knife sr1 there's nothing more to it now I won't get  Bruce's bowl out yet because it'll trigger   him and he's just happily now lying here you  can just see the top of his head probably   and yes I've got a top on now a hoodie  because the temperature has really dropped it's still okay in here but  out there it's pretty cold so this is why I wanted to be  on a high section of ground   just in case a lot of rain does come down I  wanted it to Flow Away down to that dip there so the rain is coming in up here I mean  if I put my hand just at the edge here   it's it's getting wet incredible but  this is holding there's no pooling brilliant fabric the seam ceiling is superb  this is this is a superb tent this is   this is everything I wanted in a tent pretty  much ever I can't think of anything it's lacking I really can't let's see how it holds  up with 12 16 hours of just solid rain   but I can tell you from what I've seen   judging by the thickness of the floor I know  that's waterproof and it's all seam sealed   judging by the seam ceiling everywhere else  I don't think we're gonna have a problem wow I can turn this right down  these are cooking way too fast okay that's doing its thing  this is doing its thing   oh one last thing that I have is somewhere in here oh no it's in the fridge oh no I've got my carrots as well oh  I've been I've forgotten everything   oh I'm an idiot I've got carrots here you know what I need to Chuck  the carrots in with the potatoes oh why do they make everything  so you have to cut it oh no hang on there's a  thing here no it doesn't work foreign carrots that are already washed and you know what I think I'll just chop these in half and put these  in the pan with the potatoes give them a spray yep they're already topped foreign oh no five second rule and Bruce  wasn't quick enough to get to it okay oh hey if you came here looking for  an expert you came to the wrong place   came here looking for smooth everything perfect  lovely again you've come to the wrong Channel here we are basically drinking  wine and cooking very badly all right what I was showing  you was I've got gravy   so it's pre-made gravy all I've got to do is  once I've served everything up put the gravy   in the pan get it nice and hot and then pour  that over everything and we are good to go I can't wait for this right on that note I'll bring you back when  we're almost ready thanks for coming everyone cheers um get some more of that welcome back everybody it  is absolutely chucking down um I just showed you a little bit of it but   I just got wet putting the camera just there Okay  so according to this the buzzer just went off so the oh the bacon is is beautiful look at  that lovely bacon okay let's take that out now   the stuffing is done it's golden yep the stuffing's done I'm  gonna turn the turkey because   there's just no way the turkey is ready yet because it hasn't got to it all   here we go okay so the turkey's gonna need  I'd say another another 10 minutes foreign maybe turn it up a bit now that  I've taken everything else out   and then what I need to do is keep that warm I will put it in the pan with the potatoes and the carrots but you're coming along nicely I've got it on a really low heat oh hot yeah really low heat and I just keep giving it a bit more oil let's get that roast effect so yeah I'll put the bacon back in the bacon and  the stuffing back in when it's all ready we're all   good to go with the turkey which is going to be  I'd say another 10 minutes it is so loud in here this is really torrential hey you know what a good time this is a  good time just to double check walk around   and look for leaks just have  a look at where the seams are where the airframes are see if  there's any signs of anything leaking but I'll tell you what the  seam seals are so strong   I can't believe there'd be  anything floor is so thick if anywhere it would be where these curtains are   no no leaking because the seam  ceiling again is so strong um no no leaking around the PVC  Windows there's no pooling okay so far so far so good it's this is now really heavy rain and there is no leaking bone dry no tarp needed not having to sit outside  Bruce is dry I don't know if you can see Bruce is   down here um got my cooking going so this is why  I wanted this model because this this version with   the extended vestibule the porch like this means I  can work outside I'm outside if if I want to close   up the living area then I can close that up and  have it just as Mash if there were sand flies as I   said earlier the bedroom the bedroom is massive  honestly I mean Bruce's dog bed is pretty big my cock bed no problem in fact why don't I do that  now let me zoom in a bit oh it's wet it's wet okay so this is my cop bed and it is  a large I mean it's a king single I hope you can see me all the way back here okay so the cop bed does not fit that way which is what I thought yeah so if you're over six foot there's just  no way you're going to fit four people in here that's what I'll do is move bed you know I  wonder if the four person bit is really is   two adults and two kids you know okay there  we go that's better okay now there's room yeah look at that check it out hopefully  you can see me there's plenty of room now and I've got all this space here  but I would say for a couple   with a dog perfect or even just a couple you've  got all this living area to be honest you could   sleep out here instead you could have a couple  of people there as well so you could fit four and   they do much bigger versions of this I think  they do a six a six person version eight person   boosting mind out I need to stand there thank  you come and lie down come on over here no I   know you know the food is here lay down lay  down he keeps lying here because he knows the   food is here let me stick my arm out into the  wet ah okay all right where are we with this welcome to the cooking show ing you how not to do it again I've got this thing   turned down to its bare minimum 400 watts  because I really don't want it all burnt you know what I think by the time  the turkey is done this will be ready and then I could if I wanted to swap them  over and give them a quick fry in the airfryer I'm so hungry I'm tempted  to have a piece of bacon now   but I'm not going to eat in front  of him because that's not fair yeah check it out I am absolutely loving this tent I really am easily easily better than the Wawona much more heavy duty floor I have to say  the Flora and the wild owner is pretty weak   and I have worried about it before which  is why I always bring a footprint for it   but this is really thick stuff very heavy  duty the fact that the inner tent has another   floor as well a separate floor so it's completely  cocooned separate in a tent that you could remove   completely and you don't need the inner tent uh  it's just amazing and the fact it's blackout and   everything that's not with the wild wanna when  the sun's out it's bright in there so the fact   that you've got that all this mesh and you can  seal this thing right up you know what in winter   I don't know about snow you could put a couple  of poles up with this work in the snow I'm not   sure if you had a heater in here yes because  then the snow wouldn't settle and you would   be nice and warm in there all zipped up but in  winter this tent would kick but it really would   you could warm this thing right up  I'd even be tempted to get the awning   it's like a PVC warning for the vestibule  as well so you've got another room   and you can see a lad off too because  if it's really windy you'd probably   it probably would be good there's this  massive zip that goes around the edge here   so it must be a meaty product this  uh awning that comes around the front   it must be pretty spectacular the only thing  that annoys me is these straps that are here but   whatever that's a small price to pay to be honest  to have all this space love it absolutely love it I'm so tempted to eat some of this  bacon I'll have some wine instead cheers hmm you know I didn't bring a heater  with me oh my God my bedding   my bedding is in the roof tent why  didn't I get that out earlier oh no so the roof tent on the truck   is where I I always keep my bedding in there  it's always in there so I've got a a quilt I've even got electric blanket in  there and I've got a proper pillow oh no oh you know what I need to do  is as soon as there's a lull   in the rain I need to get up there and get it out I should have done that it's okay hey keep calm carry on camping it wouldn't be camping with me  if I didn't screw up something   so people you know I get comments saying recently  someone I've got a few comments saying oh you're   the only Bush crafter I know that talks about  politics or as a bushcrafter you shouldn't do   this and hey I'm not a bushcrafter I don't know  where anyone got this idea just because I camp out   in the woods I I guess my ratio is two wild camps  for one car camp which is a pretty good ratio that that does not make me a bush crafter you want  Bushcraft a proper expert someone that is a pure   push crop Bushcraft who knows the field then go  to Corpus Corner Sean Kelly he's the goat okay um Sean would show you everything you need to know  about Bushcraft and that's what he focuses on   yeah you want Bushcraft go to him I'm not a  bush crafter I'm just a guy that goes camping   with his dog and tries out new gear and tents for  families to try out kids or whatever okay so this   is just a bit of fun this isn't Bushcraft this  isn't going to save your life this isn't prepping there's no survival skills going on here in  my wild camps okay yes there are some you   you can learn from it still doesn't make  me Bushcraft it just means I've got some   experience and I was trained in the military  you know how to survive and a lot of survival   tactics and things like that and I use that  now to camp I just don't bang on about it okay the carrots are perfect  the potatoes are definitely dumb oh yeah yeah the carrots suck oh yes  all right we're good here we're good   right I'm gonna put the stuffing on top the bacon and I'll just rest I've got another pan because I don't think the lid   oh yeah the lid covers it okay and I'm going  to turn the induction down to 200 Watts which   is nothing that's just keeping it warm now  basically keeping it hot I have another pan and I will do the gravy in that scissors Tony get some scissors but when you've got a knife it's  that sharp you don't really need it so this is roast chicken gravy with herbs it's  gonna taste good it's going to taste excellent   for anyone who's saying where are your  greens I don't have any greens okay   why ruin a perfectly good meal ah you'll have to take my word for it  it's absolutely chucking down I I'm   not going to stick my hand out there again  to move the camera and again to aim it out   because it's just so grim well  I'll tell you what I could do   I can bring it in a little bit hold on yuck  oh I just mustn't get the camera wet because   that would be a disaster okay here  we go oops sorry let me Zoom that out oh I'm trying there we go how's that  is that better you might be able to   see some of the rain outside I don't know  you see that over there let's have a look   nope because it'll be out of focus so I don't  know why I just did all that what a waste of time okay this is all done so I'm gonna put  the gravy on oh says the turkey is dumb right I've got the induction on I  put it to 400 . you know what this   gravy is super thick so I might  just water it down a little bit I'm not a fan of super thick gravy oh the smells look this is a  really good camera the Sony a7r5   does 8K 4K high def stereo great night vision but it doesn't do smell-o-vision so I'm afraid there's not much I can do about  that all right let's have a look at the turkey look at that can you see that that looks so good now I need to cut it open just  to see what's going on in there to see if it's done let's have a look oh oh it's is it perfect oh it's  a little pink tiny bit pink still   just a tiny bit okay okay all right we're getting  there we're getting there we're almost there let's quickly finish this off right gravy is heating up it doesn't need to boil ah I'm so happy look I can't explain you you get these comments saying does it  always rain why do you go when it rains   yes I plan it I plan to come when it rains  because of this sound defeating the elements   do you know how good life is right now it's  chucking with rain I'm bone dry and warm I've   got my best friend my dog with me Brucie  and Bruno is at home but he's with Anne   and I'm cooking a Christmas turkey dinner  and I've got a superb bottle of wine and I've got a cigar for cigar time  and I've got Scottish shortbread   somewhere in here I can't find but I  do have it it's got a shortbread what's   what's not to like you know what I  need to put some wine in the gravy there you go oh yeah wine in your gravy trust me   always put wine in the gravy and an onion  if you got it but I don't have an onion   so I didn't think about it I can't tell you  what Bruce is doing right now but his nose   he is looking straight up at me and he  is just going nuts with all these smells I gotta say without the Eco flow I  couldn't do any of this this thing   is a beast it's still got 43  battery left after all this   cooking and I've got another battery to  plug into the side of it to recharge it I haven't seen another system on  the market that is good as ecoflow and tonight I can charge all my stuff  up on the other one on the River Pro   okay I think we're there I think we are there this is piping hot the gravy is piping  hot it's starting to adjust simmer who invented the induction cooker it's  awesome and who invented the air fryer   I tell you the generation the  younger generation the generation now   you have no idea how good you've got it when I  was growing up as a kid we didn't have any of this we didn't have induction and air fryers  and Battery Banks and everything else   was crap it was crap honestly we had just crap   this stuff is amazing you should really  appreciate it because it is amazing all right that's all going to  be nice and hot in there now just waiting for the turkey that's all I'm doing  now is waiting for the turkey just to finish off so I've got my big MSR plate I bring this every time  because it's just trustworthy   uh you'll notice that the glass I'm drinking  from is plastic cheers again any excuse I probably shouldn't put it on the uh super  expensive beautiful ecoflow battery bank but   it does serve as a good table um plastic and  plastic because glass you don't want that it   breaks when you're camping so don't  take glass with you plastic is good I need a knife and fork and I need Bruce's Bruce's bolt so he's not going to get gravy  obviously he'll get he'll get a bit of bacon so start putting some stuff in for  Bruce now so he's going to get bacon obviously his has to cool right  down I'll Chuck a potato in there for good measure you can have a bit of stuffing not much   actually what I'll do is I'll put some  water in with his to make it easier and it's okay that I'm using my knife  because it's clean the bowl was clean does he want a carrot I'll give him a carrot  he doesn't really want the carrot but once it's   covered in juice then he'll have it all right  let's shut the induction off that's all hot now   and let's see where we are with the turkey I'm running out of space here yep turkey's good okay so Bruce  is going to get a tenderloin I can't believe this this is these best dinner he's he's ever  had now he does get treats at Christmas but I'm very careful with his health with his diet okay you can get some chicken turkey breast   because there's loads there might  be enough for the morning as well this is a big meal for him really big got to  be careful he doesn't usually get too much   he's older now you know and the older your  dog you've got to be careful okay I'm going   to give him a teeny tiny bit of gravy just  a tiny bit yep there you go just for flavor okay put some water in there that is way more food than he's used to but he'll finish it in no time I just know he will and he'll burn it off all right  that's plenty there you go it's   Christmas honestly no other time will I do this   no matter how many people write into here and  give your dog more food it's not going to happen all right let's put some cold  water in that cool it right down that is Bruce's food oops I spilled some juice he's gonna love  that okay my turn we're gonna eat together um what am I gonna have oh Tony you haven't planned this well at  all right I'm gonna have turkey breast come on yes turkey breast do I have a  tenderloin yep take a tenderloin all right that's stuffing I'm gonna have all of  that whole load of potatoes carrots bacon get it all in there all right I need that turkey to cool down  that's going to go in the fridge   all right my gravy which is still steaming I'm going to be a heathen and do some salt and  pepper because I know it's going to need it okay what am I missing here hmm pink Himalayan salt and some Gourmet pepper oh my God what a meal and there you have Christmas dinner what is and the sound of the airfryer  just finishing Christmas dinner   roast turkey yeah roast turkey bacon potatoes carrots stuffing oops and gravy now as usual I'm gonna have to eat this on  my lap even though I've got a table with me right I'm just going to move the  camera bring you right back ah okay   now as Bruce's cooled down yep that's cold  okay weight boost sit sit sit good boy wait   you know what I should have also  got with some cranberry sauce you're such a good boy go on then oh here we go all right this is tricky I've overfilled it potatoes good got to do a bit  of turkey and a bit of stuffing um hmm been craving this bacon bacon and turkey this is the tenderloin I'm in heaven cheers everybody happy Christmas Merry  Christmas to everybody and a Happy New Year I can't emphasize enough how happy  I am to have you all here with me because it genuinely feels like you're here  with me enjoying this phenomenal Camp meal all right he is loving this what a treat for Brucie what a treat I'm gonna have to watch him tonight  for diarrhea watch any sign he'll   tell me that he needs to go to the  toilet because you just never know hmm oh if you've never had stage and onion  stuffing before get out there and find it beautiful Goosebump so the river is right here   hopefully tomorrow I'll show you  the river we're right next to it he goes to play by the river he knows the spot apart from having Anne here my wife and my son  Brandon and Bruno my puppy Bruce's little brother struggling to think how this  moment could be any better snowing maybe yeah snowing if it was snowing okay that is a lovely drop of wine   craggy range single Vineyard to Kahu lovely New  Zealand wine from gimlet gravels the North Island it's a blend of so many wines hmm okay everybody foreign this is usually the best meal  I've ever made camping easily   nothing comes close and I've  made some really great stuff but what's not to love about a  roast turkey Christmas dinner in the pouring room I really hope you can hear this and by the way we have a winner this tent okay we can't declare  it until the morning but   right now we have a winner hands  down family tent or couples tent chill out 10 at base camp I love this no for no no poles excuse me it's airframe it's phenomenal wow I think this is my best Camp ever it's every box is ticked of why  you should go camping and get out into nature in the elements but bring the Comforts of home with you Christmas dinner your dog your best friend or your wife cooking gear battery Bank fridge and an awesome tent who says that camping has to be roughing it particular set but they would all enjoy this right now I almost wish there was one camper somewhere nearby in his  little solo one-man tent with his rehydrated meals stuck inside in this I've got a knock out honestly  I'd knock on the tent I would after I'm done   filming I'd knock on the center mate come on what  are you doing come on come and chill out with me   I'll save you some food come and have some  real food come and have a glass of wine come and enjoy this I guarantee you no one would say no  no I'm fine thanks in my tent with my   rehydrated biscuits and gravy really loving this I'm sure I'm gonna get in trouble right bring it all back for cigar time everyone  thanks again for coming uh welcome back everybody absolutely chucking down it's time for a cigar again I'd like to thank Christine in the states from a lovely humidor   love this thing awesome oh Bruce  why did he have to do that hmm how much wine have I got left not much okay I've  got a glass of wine left it's a whole bottle you know what let's get the kettle  ready for a hot chocolate just in case oh so meal was excellent I'm waiting for  this turkey to be absolutely cold to then   put it in the fridge to the Rain died down for a couple of  minutes literally a couple of minutes   and I made a Mad Dash out to get the as you  can see my trousers are wet shoes are soaked   because I went out to do this to get my bedding  from the roof tent but they've got a long grass   is so wet that's why I've got my boots here for  the morning to pack up the tent oh hey Brucey oh cigar time okay man it is chucking down it was  just meant to be persistent drizzle   but I tell you it's really really coming down  the only worry I've got is that the river I've had this before I've got to cross  the river to get back out of here   should be interesting tomorrow I mean the truck is completely set up I can across   very deep stuff in this truck but I  don't like it I'd rather not do it when I came across here it  was barely half a foot deep   I don't know what it's going to be tomorrow the  catchment's going to fill up with all this rain   and this is meant to last through till tomorrow Monte Cristo number four for the win and the last of my bottle of craggy range let's put the kettle on are we on we are on we're  cranking let's get a hot chocolate   I can see my breath it's temperatures definitely  dropped I mean for me to see my breath must have   but I don't feel cold in here because there's  no Breeze and it is trapping the heat quite well   even though the whole of the front of the tent  is open it's doing a great job if I get cold   to be honest what I would do is just go back  into the living area here and close the door then I'd be plenty warm  enough I wouldn't need Heating I could even put my quilt on my lap   it's definitely not cold enough for Bruce to  need even bedding he's a lie on the bed just   even if I put a blanket on him he'd  kick it off it's way too mild for him gosh it's spoiled already this Kettle is amazing it's not chocolate okay cigar time it's a big one it's a big one because  this is the last video of the year so make it count it's been such a year amazing year so much  stuff has happened but here's the thing   I'm not going to review it can just go back and  watch all the videos to review it I don't need to   review it here relive it I lived  it already it's done it's gone cheers everybody Merry Christmas okay so let's refer to my notes for cigar time the year ahead let's look forward to that   year ahead what is the year  ahead involved lots of camping   lots of camping some great camps and this time  unlike this year I'm gonna make the most of snow   again New Zealand southern hemisphere  opposite to Northern Hemisphere so our winter   is July June July August so right now it's  Christmas it's December it's summer although   cold and raining Four Seasons in one day  New Zealand the weather is all over the   place we get some of the wireless weather  you can possibly imagine we really do it could be chucking down now and then tomorrow  it might be drought and we won't get rain again   for two months three months where I am actually  we've got a lot of rain coming so we're okay   lots of camping lots of snow camping I really want  to do more snow camps which will be wild camps but   I also want to do a Snow Camp with the truck  where I drive down south south of South Island   and camp in the snow with the truck as well and  we're busy obviously year ahead uh at some point   when Bruno maybe turns about 10 months old take  him camping can't wait really can't wait to take   Bruno camping it'll be great fun he's just too  little too small too young right now can't do it what else I mean that's the year  ahead lots of camping oh the holiday   meet and greets they're happening had a  lot of responses a lot of mails messages   and people really want to do the meet and  greets so I will give more than 24 hours   notice I'll probably give like a week's  notice of the date and then probably with   48 hours notice to go I'll say where which  specific bar to meet in okay so those that   want to meet up when we're on holiday in the  states or in Singapore or in the UK or in Spain   um we'll give the dates probably a week  before we're there just so you know   um and then we can hook up if you want to and  have some shares and drinks together and some   chats about which videos you love and you'll  get to meet Anne because Alan will be with us   and Spain Brandon might be with us as well but  no Brucie he'll be in New Zealand with Bruno so that's happening and we can't  wait for that that would be great fun all right uh oh the email list turns out a lot  of people want to do it so if you want to get a   notification of when new videos are coming out  please sign up for the email I can't do it for   you you have to do it yourself you have to go to  my website a b uh and then   in there right at the top put your email and  click sign up I can't do this for you you will   then get notified where every time a brand new  email comes out also I will use that as the only   way to notify you of when we're in town when we're  coming to to those towns to do the meet and greets   uh so whether it's New York um La Vegas or  anywhere in between or Spain Singapore the UK   the only way I will notify is by emails I  will not post that anywhere else it won't   be on Instagram it won't be on Facebook Twitter  and it won't be on uh Community posts on YouTube   it will just be emails so please sign up for  that it's the only way I can make sure that   it doesn't go out to random public it will  just be people who are genuinely interested   so yeah sign up please it will honestly that's the  best way to know about it back to other stuff um a few things I want to note oh a Twitter  Elon Musk just tweeted today uh do you   want me to quit should I step down as  CEO of Twitter this is because he's made   a few random calls that have just been  mistakes that he's had to backtrack on oh he's not a people person Elon he's an  innovator everyone's getting an insight into   the mind of a genius that has Asperger's that  is Elon Musk and it's a scary sight sometimes   yes he should step down as the CEO of C of Twitter  he's got it now he's done it now find a CEO to run   it for you and get back to Tesla get back to space  SpaceX innovate create that's what your Genius is   you're not great at coming up with policy for um  a platform like Twitter that needs to be someone   a bit more level-headed I think less reactionary  just my view again but he did ask TV shows   are on Netflix volcano I just watched it awesome  so it's about the eruption of white Island fakari   in Maori um near whakatane in New Zealand near the  north island that blew up two years ago it erupted   I think it killed 21 22 people died a mega  disaster fascinating to watch volcano on Netflix   um there were some Heroes there  really were those helicopter Pilots   absolute Heroes even though the government  typical New Zealand government they're   cowards by the way the New Zealand government  and all the top Ministries in New Zealand   they're so slow to react to anything they really  are very cautious very bureaucratic if you look   at all the disasters that have ever happened in  New Zealand you'll find that the reaction time   by government by these emergencies Ministries  police whatever even the massacre in Christchurch   have been appalling just because there's a lack of  coordination I'm sorry I live here I see it it's a   mess they couldn't make a a quick snap decision  to save their lives and it's because they're   afraid of making mistakes and it's just terrible  anyway those helicopter Pilots that went in and   saved all those people Heroes absolute Heroes  they really were so please watch that volcano   it's about New Zealand is about the eruption of  the volcano two years ago and it is fascinating is on Apple Apple TV  fantastic show about spies MI5   um a bunch of useless rejects  from the main MI5 in sloughhouse I'd say it's one of the best shows on Apple TV so definitely watch that I've loved it slow horses   so New Year's resolution just for January to  start but I would see how I feel afterwards but a New Year's resolution is just for January   I will be staying away from all politics in my  entire life so personal life I won't be following   anyone on YouTube that's political because  right now I I watch a lot of stuff Ben Shapiro   um Russell Brand Fox CNN MSNBC I watch everything  I consume it all because I want to see both sides   I want to see everything you know what I'm done  with it yeah I'm done with it it's it's just   it's so depressing it really is it's so  depressing they're all out to get each   other they all hate each other there's so much  hate I'm sick of it I'm sick of the people that   that talk about it all the time as well and I want  to break from it so no more politics for January   absolutely off including in this  talk you know in this channel   obviously but I won't be watching  any posts so it won't be discussed   um if I like it I'm going to take it on a month by  month basis if I enjoy if I'm happier not watching   any politics at all in January or any political  programs basically being indifferent to it all and   just ignoring everything and just living my life  looking after my family and enjoying my family   then I'll continue it month by month just as long  as I can until I feel genuinely inquisitive again I've let my cigar go out so on that note cheers everybody Merry Christmas have a  fantastic New Year from myself from Anne   my wife from Brandon my son from Bruce I'm from  Bruno I really hope you all have a fantastic 2023   uh 2022 is almost done we'll be  gone we don't have to look back   um we can look forward there's some great stuff  coming up it's going to be fantastic I can't wait   got so many great plans for 2023 I'm hoping  it's just gonna be a nice positive friendly year now on that note can you believe  this rain it's it's really coming   down I have no idea if the  microphone is picking it up I hope it is I hope you can see  it it's it's bouncing off of the   umbrella that's over the camera but I'm just not sure if you can see it or not   so I always say this but I don't I can't tell  until I get home and see it on the big screen   and start editing whether you can see any  of this stuff or what the sound is like it's a complete guessing game okay on that note love you all thanks so much  it really has been a fantastic uh year with you   all well I'm really looking forward to next year  I've got so many great plans I want to do so many   great camps in new places with new gear although  I'm loving this tent I have to say this is Empire   is it this Empire I guess so is Empire  this New Zealand tent this air tent is   it's just the bomb I love it no leaking so much space absolutely loving  it nice and warm it's expensive   um but you know what you get what you pay for   and you're getting a lot of tent for the money  you really are you look at companies like oztent   in Australia their gear is the same price as this  and to be honest you don't get much for your money   you get a huge chunk of really heavy clunky  canvas attached to a massive frame and you   end up in the morning with a ton of condensation  all over you that's Oz tent it's not good it's   really not good stuff I don't know why everyone  rates it so well I've not had great experiences   with it I've I've ended up with condensation  every single time no matter what I do oztent so   um yeah they've yet they've yet to win me over  this awesome let's see what the condensation   like is in the morning but I can tell it's a twin  wall there won't be any I just know there won't I'm rambling right I've got some Scotch  um shortbread biscuits to have it's hidden   somewhere in here yep ah I've got my  hot chocolate on the go I've got my wine got my cigar I'm happy might let you look at a little  bit of the rain but basically   bring you back for bedtime thanks again everybody welcome back everybody it's bedtime I've  been having such a relaxed time it's   it's been chucking down Non-Stop I can't even  imagine how wet it is out there Brucie was soaked   he's I've dried him off he's got his towel on   but he'll kick this off because he'll be too warm  with it on in the middle of the night I mean it's   chilly it is chilly but for him it's not he's  he's gonna be really warm it's pelting down wow um the situation here is I just love this  tent there's so much room there really is   I wouldn't say for four people it's   I mean for four people if you've got two here  like this and then two in the living room perfect   but you can't fit four adults in just this  bedroom bit even with this divider in these   are these are small people I've got to say so if  you're if you're getting this tent for four people   uh then get the six person version I would  say if it's for two people with a dog and   you want all your gear and you want the best of  your then this is perfect the tm4 the Evo tm4   I'll put a link to this 10 in the description  um I got it Direct on their website I bought it   on there but you can buy this all over the world  I think you can buy it in the states and the UK   I gotta say it's a phenomenal piece of Kit just  the engineering and the quality no loose seams the   seam ceiling is excellent the space is excellent  just love it love the Fabrics they've used the   quality the water tightness it's so waterproof  it's unbelievable and I love the fact that there's   this inner tent within this big tent you don't  get this in the North Face one owner I'm going   to zip this door up tonight and it will be toasty  warm in here I just know it well I've got it open   at the moment you can just see the zip outline  there where it leads through to the living area   I've got the area to the vestibule zipped up  that's covered let me show you let me just turn   turn this around so you can see hang on  this is a lot harder than you can imagine   okay right so as you can see all closed off I've got a few lights on I'll be turning those off  soon but it's zipped up it's covered as you can   see I've got the the main door closed completely  sealed up uh the only venting that I've got on is   behind me and below me but basically there's a big  vent up here that's that's on and there's a vent   um behind us as well that's open too  behind just behind Brucey in fact so oops so the whole thing is vented really well  ah it's just awesome a little bit so you can see   him here we go I've got my eco Flow River Pro this  thing is a beast as well I've got that charging   on my gear my microphone my my phone I'll be  plugging all my camera equipment into this tonight and that will run on the app but I'll show you  that in the morning as well so I've got both   pieces of Kit running the starlink is running on  the big one on the ecoflow max Delta Max but I'm   loving this setup easily hands down best setup  I've ever had love it this is it I can't imagine I mean okay it takes up a lot of room  it really does take up a lot of room   if you're gonna book a campsite with this  then you're gonna need to book a big spot   this is a big tent this really is it's a very  long ten the Wawona six would probably fit inside of this tent excluding the vestibule yeah so  the the big porch area I've got   is probably what's different other than that  it's probably the same size as the wall owner um I've got it guide out not  guide out I've got it pegged out   the sides it's not going anywhere so solid the  frames are incredible these airframes they're   so solid the structural rigidity it's amazing  compared to just poles these little thin poles   versus something the thickness of a wine bottle  or wider in fact but yeah loving it awesome best   tent ever I can't wait to uh try this out  on a major storm I really want to do that   uh 2023 I'm gonna look for a big storm maybe by  the sea and you know the spot I'm talking about   Robin Hood Bay if I can find a very windy  night coming or storm coming then I want   to try this in that guide out give it its  fair chance and I want to see how it does as far as waterproofing listen to it hasn't  stopped it's just been going like this it's   meant to be like this all through till  tomorrow I mean I'm going to be packing   this up in the rain def in fact definitely  packing it up in the rain oh all right Brucey all right everybody well unless something drastic  happens in the night which I hope it doesn't   uh then I will catch you all in the morning if  there's a massive colossal rain in the middle   I might come back to you but I doubt it I'll  probably sleep through it I'm so comfy on my bed   I've got my Therm-a-Rest on top of  my cot I've got my duvet a quilt   and proper gel pillow I think I'm gonna  sleep well tonight had a bottle of wine and I'm comfortable and I'm  warm all right everybody catch you in the morning Brushy night night all right night night everyone  see you in the morning hello Bruce good morning Brucey morning everybody kisses did you have a nice sleep oh good  morning it rained quite a lot last night   this blackout material is very good I've  got the main door open though up there   so it's not dark in here but it would  be otherwise you can see the difference very dark very good if it's very light   right oh time to get up fishy oh  time to get up I need a coffee no is that the spot is that the spot okay  time to get up bring me back all right   let's let Brucey out see what the world looks like and as predicted there's no condensation that's excellent I've got them Brucey oh it looks like it's gonna rain as predicted as well oh Bruce were you desperate for a pee okay our empty bottle of wine scene of the grime I think it's going to be boots on this morning whoa I tell you what is  cleaning up my plate for me   that's chilly wow temperature difference when you  open that door that is amazing that is pretty cold okay I'm gonna get ready get everything ready  bring you back Bruce no bring it back for coffee   and Bruce's breakfast and then  my breakfast I'll bring you back great I think we could Bruce a little walk before we do breakfast and coffee and stuff  like that got my camera already   look at this Palace it really did a great job these PVC screens such a great idea they let so much light in  and you'll see the difference when I open   them later and then all this down here is mesh  and PVC up here so in summer brilliant tent and even in Winter and you can see what  I've done here I've open the back up   for venting so this is all mesh under here and that vents clearly into the the back of the  the tent which is why there was no condensation   excellent piece of kit and I've got the starlink on top of the  truck there which interestingly is reporting   an obstruction every two minutes because the  mountain the there's a mountain just there a hill   and the trees and starlink dish for some reason  has to point that way I guess that's just the   trajectory so just be aware that trees and  starlink do not match so it's reporting   all of this as an obstruction even though  you've got all this Open sky everywhere else   uh because there's just not enough satellites  at the moment so it is working and it's very   fast but every two minutes it cuts out slightly  doesn't it Brucie do you want to go for a walk   should we show them the river where's  the river fishy come here stand here oh he's got a spring in his step okay and this is why we've got boots  on because it's absolutely drenched   and my my trousers would be drenched as well this the Pretty River I think there's any way down here thank you but it is lovely it's where Bruce has been going to get  a drink but that'll be easy to cross and look I've got this whole site to myself okay admittedly it's four wheel drive  only access and you do have to cross   the river so a lot of people just  aren't equipped or would be scared foreign people often ask me   how'd you go to the toilet when your car  camping well I knew that there were toilets here someone's had a fire here so there's a  toilet there tucked in there oh here we go foreign you had to go in didn't you you had to  get soaking wet and lie in the river   anyone who knows Bruce no he's a water  dog he sees water he's got to get in it just spectacularly pretty I think you thought we were  going to cross the river through some Rivers yeah so there's a toilet there  if there's not going to be a   toilet if I don't know then I'll  take a chemical toilet with me this is the rest of the  campsite again it's so overgrown usually this would be maintained   again it's just been so difficult to  get here because of all the damage and I've got a chainsaw in the back of the truck   I was expecting to have to use it as  well but someone had done it before me well Bruce there's a nice swimming pool here come  on look at this gotta go for a swim I'm gonna go   for swim ready this is deep come on then I'm gonna  go for a swim come here okay ready one two three you're not gonna go for swim there's a very deep pool here that's about  gosh it's gonna be about six foot deep   absolutely lovely so I cross just further down there foreign right oh and here comes the rain thought as much yeah so if you're camping in the  rain boots like this are essential in fact just camping in  general bring boots because   even in the morning even if it's not raining oh look at this it's cormorant  flying straight towards Bruce wow so that was a cormorant and in New Zealand  they call them shags thank you see Bruce whole place to myself welcome  to New Zealand South Island oh my God this grass is so long see my tire tracks all right what do you reckon we get some  coffee on Bruce and you can have your breakfast okay Okay so stupidly I forgot to turn the  microphone on while I was giving Bruce's breakfast   um so I'll just run that as b-roll now so  you can see he wolfed it down really did   chopped up all the turkey a couple  of vegetables on there and he's   absolutely stuffed it was a huge breakfast  yeah I don't know how I forgot to turn the   microphone on usually I do a sound check to see  if it's moving and I got distracted by the rain   oh dear and I've made a coffee as  well which you'll see in the b-roll   board that up in no time Brucey no you've  had your breakfast it's gone off you go it's never easy it's never easy it's not  easy doing this and remembering to turn   the camera on every time in the microphone  and stuff like that not that I'm complaining   this is his sensitive spot right here there's nothing out there Bruce there's  nothing there so the Tall Grass he thinks   there's something in the tall grass but he does  like to sort of hunker down in it and then just   keep his head up like a predator just to look to  see what's coming but there is nothing out there   all right everyone I'll  bring you back for breakfast okay welcome back everybody so time to do  breakfast let's get some light in here though because it's quite dark so you just need to open the so it is raining   so I won't open these fully just  down to the window the PVC windows foreign these windows honestly it's such a great  idea I don't know why more tents don't do it there you go so just high enough yeah right that's better so this tent is dwr treated so you can see  the water just sheening off it out there it's quite impressive at the back here is just  it's meant to be pitch black so you can sleep   but here yeah this window makes a big difference  because this this is actually blackout as well so   when you have this door done up it's it's very  dark material even though it's light up here   so it does make a big difference I haven't had  to open that door at all useful but if I parked   a few parks in a regular size SUV in the front  here and tied the straps to the side then this   would probably be your main main way in and out  is that door it is nice to have another door okay right let's start cooking so we've got  let's get all this stuff out the way   I've got pancakes for breakfast  now I was gonna do bacon as well but oh after last night's meat Fest I don't think  I can I don't think I can handle any more meat so I just fancy some basic pancakes with  maple syrup I am a man of simple tastes and like Brucie I am a creature of habit oh so he heard his name and he thinks  that there's food no Bruce no food no actually we're not having pancakes I'm not even  paying any attention no we're not having pancakes   we're gonna have waffles and  last time I tried to cook waffle   the waffle maker is screwed up and I  didn't bring the correct amount of mixture   and it was a a waffle disaster that  turned into a pretty awful pancake shall not make the same mistake again always have your wet wipes handy okay so first thing we need to do is plug the  waffle maker in to the back of the Eco float like so and then crank this up nice and golden so set it to five   and now that's running okay I'll bring  you back when this is at temperature   so you can see power is on it's ready to go got it  plugged into the back of the Eco flow here you see   there's four sockets and this is the charging  Bay in here which is like a super fast charger   and there's a 12 volt socket down the  bottom as well which I'm not using   and then on the front you've got four USB type  A sockets and two USB type c100 watt sockets   and then you can see how much power is left so in  the lower one there's 22 percent left and at this   rate you can run 48 at 40 hours and the top one  has 60 left and you can see the output so it's   outputting 830 825 Watts that's the combination of  the starlink and the waffle maker and then there's   input is 918 Watts which is coming from here  which is plugged in by this Ultra thick cable here   and there's actually space there's a socket here  for another one of these as well I'm combined that   gives you over four kilowatts of power surge  uh with X boost switched on to run really high   power equipment I've actually used this to run  a jackhammer to break concrete and it was superb   so I use this for my cooking for my big stuff  the fridge and everything else and then I use my   which is plugged in now and charging  I use my um ecoflow River Max here   to charge all my cameras and stuff like  that uh at night time I'll use the light   just to light the place up and that's  also got a 12 volt but this also has   600 watt capability in the back with these two  sockets here as well if you need to use them so   this is a full inverter and what I do is I take  this up into the rooftop tent and I run I plug   my electric blanket into the back there my heating  blanket and I run that on low and this goes runs   me through all the night charging all my gear  and the electric blanket so that's another useful   piece of kit but it's just more portable and I can  lift that up easily into the into the roof tent or cranking away heating up loads of power with this  whole brick system running it's a great setup Eco flow okay so the waffle makers just  beeped lights on it's ready   let's do this so keeping  it well away from the tent okay now the trick is not to put too much  in because otherwise it goes nuts that's it then I wait for it to  beep again and we're good to go   and I've got my lovely maple syrup here from  Pennsylvania from Christine in Pennsylvania who   I think I'll be seeing on the meet and greet in  New York hopefully you never know so I wonder how   long this is going to take shouldn't take too long  it's steaming away up it's rising now so perfect easy once that's done I'll put the kettle on  have another cup of coffee with my Waffle bring you back when this beeps  okay we've got a beep it's ready absolutely perfect I think I'm  gonna have to do two of these I don't ruin it now I'm taking it out huh oh yeah   a perfect waffle look at that oh let me  just put some maple syrup on so you can   see it Bruce it's not for you nice try  honestly you had a massive breakfast so naughty and yes I always have uh waffle with my  pancake with my maple syrup check that out yum okay let's tuck in oh you know  what I'm gonna put another one on just because I can Bon Appetit everybody oh it's crunchy hmm hmm a very Carby breakfast I've put a bit too much in this  time it's just slightly overflowed   it's okay it's designed to do that um it was so good I mean I do love pancakes  but come on that's so easy you know it's so warm in this temp  compared to outside of it I think   you could easily use this in winter you could run you could run some sort of heater in here um and just run it in the back and  the heat will come forward here you don't have to have the awning on the front  if you want to look out it'll be a bit chilly but   the rest of it would hold all the heat in it  would be lovely I think yeah if you have one   of those double Mr Buddy butane heaters  because they're safe to run inside here   or uh an electric heater electric um either  fan heater or what I found recently actually   because fan heaters use up so much power whereas  oil heaters cassette heaters the oil ones   they store that heat and they use a lot less  power so you could plug one of those into this you know what when it comes to winter when it  when it gets cold I'm going to get an oil heater for in here and see how it does I think it  would do quite well I would need to crank   this though I mean this would be cranking  it would it would suck this dry overnight um so I definitely need to bring  the generator to charge this   but it would keep it hot in here and then  I wouldn't have to deal with gas and the   effective gas which is you know the  condensation and stuff like that I'm ready for another coffee but I need the  waffle maker to finish first because I don't think   yeah you can't run both the kettle and  the waffle maker at the same time it's   just too much power too much drawer  it's not designed for for that much this should take no time ah well look I'm absolutely loving this tent I  really I know I've said it already   but now it's gone through the whole night of rain I was warm I was very warm in there with  this zipped up this door here I was so warm   Waffle's ready interrupted oh no it's not completely dumb hang  on I think that needs a bit longer let me leave that for another minute I was so  warm with this zipped up this panel here amazing   yeah totally waterproof the only thing that I  haven't tried in I guess is strong winds but it's   rated for gale force it's got guy lines everywhere  these air frames are so meaty they're so thick   they're so solid I can't believe this would ever  have a problem the quality is very very good   everything there's no stick no loose Stitches  the Zips don't snag they're very solid very thick   um I don't know what brand of zip it is  whether it's YKK or not but it looks like it   uh toggles meshes the seam sealant the floor  tub just it's all it's all great it really is I like the fact it's got these it's got a  a hole in the corner zippable hole so you   can run cables in and out as well um  and there's a little sign next to it   that shows electric but yeah so you can run  cables in here both front in here and from   the side out there to Power Equipment air  conditioning unit in summer maybe Heating why is this not doing it oh no okay it's just had a bubble in  it air bubble okay let's turn that off and let's put the kettle on so now you're going to hear the  fans from the ecoflow kick in this one's stuck a little bit I don't know why didn't do anything differently I mean it says you're not meant to use  oil in here you're not meant to spray it   it would mess up the non-stick coating and there  you go that worked let's flatten that out okay lashings of maple syrup ah waffle number two it's  not gluttony it's survival um I'm yeah I'm joking obviously it's pure gluttony all right waffle number two   so yeah loving the ten absolutely I don't think  there's anything I've found that I dislike hmm maybe a way to stop these from  flapping around on the sides   when you have it down like that only when  you've got it partial partial way down or way to roll that thread up foreign I guess you can just use bull Clips  or something roll them up and then clip it up but considering they've thought  of absolutely everything else they've got these velcro Loop  hooks just everywhere in here to   hang things hang a washing line you  know drying lime lights everything I think actually what you would probably  do is have all of your kitchen equipment in here and this would be a dining setting  out area here but you know it's just me I am very tempted to get the awning for this now for the front so I can use it in winter and I think if I did use it in  winter I'd want to do a two-nighter yeah very happy with it all right everyone I'm going to savor this I'll  bring it back afterwards right welcome back everybody it is time to  pack up um I got loads to pack away this is   gonna take ages so what I might do is fast forward  the packing away of everything inside and then   show you in real time how to break down this  tent how long it takes you can time it yourself   um yeah let's fast forward packing  everything out and getting into drug foreign thank you okay oh right is everything packed up now  I've got to deal with the tent I'm getting hot   so I'm just going to check I'm going to take  this off and I'll come back to you okay we're   back right so I need to prep this so feel free  to start timing it now to see how long this takes foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign you know what I just found the instruction  bag the instruction manual it's in the bag   in a waterproof container foreign didn't look very hard now  usually you'd roll this up with   the pegs and everything inside  it but there's no point I've got   to take it all out when I get home  anyway so yeah no point doing that I haven't done a very neat job of it because   again I've got to take it all  apart as soon as I get home to let it dry out I'll tell you what though that  was pretty painless compared to the Wawona I'm sure I haven't done this  100 correct but whatever yeah the Barona is a lot more Awkward to pack up  don't get me wrong that's still a fantastic tent but it isn't this well I've done a really messy job here but it's just soaked so it's all  going to be unraveled at home but I don't think I'll put it up at home   because there's just nowhere  to put it up it's just so huge and don't forget I'm just one person  this is made for a couple or a family and I still managed to do  it even if I did make a mess foreign 's really dreading packing this up  but actually it hasn't been bad at all right got an air pocket stuck in here come on you can do it it's empire if you're watching put a  little valve in here at the end here just to make it easier all right that's in there we go that'll do oh pretty easy okay  let's get that in the back of the truck all right there you go it was meant to be well that was painless I  have to say that really was   I've spent twice as long as that putting the  Wawona away and trying to fit it in its bag   and you're trying not to damage the poles  you saw how easily that air system deflated it's got to be the future it has to be foreign okay we're good to go Bruce is already in there so what I'll probably  do is say goodbye to you on the other side of   the river and uh I'll put the Drone up so you  can see us crossing the river okay here we go   across the river I've got the drone on auto track ah this is so low compared to normal and we're through stuff that was pretty painless ah there we have it that was quite easy let me just get past these  trees and we'll say goodbye questions well that's it that was the last trip  of the year 2022 it's been fantastic thanks   everyone for coming along on these Adventures I  really do appreciate it both myself and Brucie we   love having you along so the river was just over  there we're alongside it now in this Pine Forest   we've got about an hour and a bit to  get home but what a lovely spot this is   so again thank you everyone for coming  thank you for a great year we couldn't have   done it without you you're everything to this  channel uh and without you there's no Channel   so I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas uh  fantastic New Year here's to a brilliant 2023   I'm so excited for next year I think it's going  to be great it's going to be a year of positivity   we're gonna have some great times and yes if  you liked the video please give it a thumbs up   uh please subscribe and also a big thank you  to everybody that has bought us treats on buy   me a coffee throughout the years um everybody  who's bought merch much appreciated there'll be   new merch next year as well especially  because we're gonna have Bruno around   um everybody who's done super thanks and all of  the YouTube members who have signed up and paid   for a YouTube Member Subscription thank you so  much and finally thanks to everyone who signs   up for the notification of the newsletter um  that basically tells you when a new video is   going to drop without that you might never  know that a video is dropped and also if you   want to meet up uh next year for the meet and  greets again that will only be sent out by the   email on the newsletter so again thank you  very much everybody it's been a superb year   loved it everything was great Bruce had a  great time I've had a great time with Bruce   and we will catch you in 2023 on a b camping with  me Tony and Bruce the Border Collie say bye Brucie all right thanks again everybody  have a great holiday bye
Channel: AB Camping
Views: 1,903,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car tent camping, car camping, a b camping, a. b. camping, ab, ab camping, ab camping and outdoors, ab camping new zealand, ab outdoors, ab outdoors and camping, abc camping, abcamping, camping, camping in the rain, camping with dogs, rain camping, solo camping, tent camping, tent camping in rain, truck camping, car camping gear, car camping in the rain, car camping winter, car camping cooking, camping in the forest with my dog, tent camping setup ideas, solo car camping
Id: 3zSIaV8OasQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 15sec (11475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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