Stealth Camping In Airport Parking Lot With SUV (Highly Patrolled)

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hey guys welcome to camp and with Steve today I'm doing a little stealth camping in the long-term parking at the Abington International Airport so I've been horribly sick this week so that's why it's kind of a not normal camping video this is kind of easy to do and I'll explain more about that but this is one of those covers that you put over your windshield to keep all the snow and ice off of them so that will provide some nice privacy and it's nothing yet you wouldn't expect to see on one of these cars over here I did not read the instructions on this trying to get set up before the security comes around because it is patrolled so we're gonna make this Thank You UITs as possible in the back this is what I've got set up so far and I'm gonna put some of that space blanket stuff around all the windows in here so that nobody can see and then it's gonna be time for a deserved step 2 but we can't do that in the car cuz that's care and control of the vehicle and you could get a ticket so I'm gonna hit the lounge at the airport over there and I'm fairly close to the bathrooms I just have to go through that parkade right in there so crawl in here and get this started now I've done something like this before in my truck and I set up the back of it just camp out in it but I'm gonna use these space blankets to keep the light out and stick it up with some gorilla tape the really glue and Gorilla Tape make really good products but those poor gorillas [Music] so far so good this will block out a lot of the light if an actual security guard comes and starts walking around this vehicle we're done for because they're gonna know but as long as we can stop them from approaching this is a huge lot and I'm sure they just do a simple drive around once an hour or whatever it may snow tonight and that will give us more cover on the windows here and when they fog up that's also more cover so I'm gonna slip into the airport to lounge and have a beer I'm gonna take this microphone off the camera so it's not so obvious but we'll go in and have a drink yep I don't think anybody will be too suspicious you can't really see in there I think even if there was a light on nobody would know in this sea of cars good how are you sure you have anything on town back to Value Park so this is the humongous parking lot I can see the shuttle driving around looking to pick people up and a few people walking around out there but I don't see a lot of security presence etc oh yeah security just drove past right over there this is far more nerve-wracking than I thought it would be that security guard drives by pretty constantly so keeping the lights off is a good idea but I can't really do that if I'm gonna film something so again I have to apologize I know this is a strange video I'm considering what I usually do but I'm just recovering from a cold so I didn't want to actually put myself out in minus 15 degrees Celsius weather which it is so I do have a meal I'm gonna cook in here a little bit on sick so I'm making a soup and I've got a rice cooker from Value Village I'm gonna plug that into the power pack there the jaggery and we'll cook that up and I also got a little sandwich as well so um I'll feel a lot better once these windows frost up on the inside and I do have a couple of other little um heat generating emergency candles but all probably put on but I don't need them quite quite yet because it's quite comfortable in here despite being so cold outside so give you an update in a sec but I gotta shut these lights off there's a security guard actually walking around with a flashlight just saw this is gonna be trickier than I thought much trickier but not impossible I hope kick I'm just in the front of the car and I think we're about to get busted the security guard just drove past with their light on this is not looking so good guys just acting like getting ready to leave the parking lot and granted they would might have to find somewhere else to camp for the night we'll see so for the record I'm beginning to think this was a bad idea but I have these little candles paraffin wax ones you got a light up in here the window cracked of course just I don't wanna get myself carbon monoxide poisoning and it seems to be that that security guard comes around approximately every thirty minutes or so maybe every 45 minutes or so that is what the deal with I might not cook the soup but we're gonna have a little sandwich here I have to give a major Shoto to everybody actually but I brought with me the play button it's hard to tell cuz there's the security guard that drives around and then there's planes taxiing and all sounds both the same but thank you to everybody for subscribing to make this possible I'm gonna eat some of this sandwich I have not eaten today I didn't need it at that restaurant it's really the problem when I grabbed oh my step 2 but also thanks to everybody that supported the beer donations because actually in an airport lounge that was quite necessary I was more expensive than I thought it would be for sure ten dollar beer but yeah now we're talking beeping they're clear for a little bit calibrate so the best way to lay low is to shut off these legs and go to sleep but I'll tell you a quick story first I was about 10 or 12 years ago we were all out at the bar one night and I had to work the next day so I went to my friend's van and I said sorry guys I can't keep drinking all night I gonna sleep for a little bit in the back of van and then you can drive me home they thought it would be a great idea to shut down the bar and then ordered plane tickets to Vancouver from Evanson in the middle of the night like three or four in the morning on the next flight that was available which was fairly quick and they thought it'd be hilarious to leave me in the back of the van in the long-term parking while they went to have a little impromptu vacation I woke up as they're driving to the airport and then I made them get me tickets and we all woke up in Vancouver the next day stumbled off plane etc so otherwise I would have been sleeping here about 12 years ago against my will but this is I've done this in the RV before when I didn't have a place or a campground um there's long-term parking at the ferry facilities any long-term parking thing you just go in normally like five bucks a day or something which is way cheaper than a campsite so that's what I have done before and you know I'm really not even worried about the temperature here cuz I'm sure this will be just fine it's probably minus fifteen Celsius tonight which is in Fahrenheit I'll put it up there but ya know it's just finding this in the car with the sleeping bag on no concerns so hunker down and then we'll see what I can film through the night with this interior it's coming by I'll try to state stay low and be quiet and thanks thanks for watching guys I'm sorry again and this is a little bit out there for a video but there's gonna be better one next week don't worry guys so time to get to bit okay I don't want to sit up but somebody's out there that's a heater Eman is parked I don't like that time to lay low and everything will be all more right great light turned off that's not good sign okay I think we're all right it is gonna be a long night now still not fully over my cold but that worked out pretty good I was nice and cozy I do toss and turn I sleep cuz I'm a side sleeper and my one side will get sword and then I have to do the other one unless I have ample cushion I just have a little foamy on here all right as the most stealth camping I want to get out of here not wear out my welcome so I'm gonna go over to the Tim Hortons grab a coffee and use their facilities I'll pay up here and then once weird once we're all packed up here I'll just do a little another little tour on the back and some final thoughts on this camping adventure if you can call it two camping it certainly wasn't apparent repeatedly but there are other cheaper places to park I think this one was if you booked ahead online it's like $15 for a night or for a day to park here which is cheaper than a campground usually but there's other places that are like $5 a day or something they're a little farther they have a shuttle that will bring you right to the airport but that would be pretty obvious what I'm up to if I just pull into Park and then I don't get on the shuttle so yeah you get these started then we'll just touch base of few things and thanks for watching so far guys you hear all just so great all right take the cover off you did frost up quite a bit the perfect crime so this is a very very temporary setup because my wife doesn't need this SUV as soon as I get back home so I have to take it all out so some people might not know I I used to live in a vehicle years ago it was probably a couple of months in a vehicle just a normal I think it was a Pontiac g6 and then I moved to a Motorhome so I bought a Motorhome and I lived in that and I traveled around camping so this is this takes me back I I do remember I don't think of those times poorly like it was it was really fun actually in some ways there's obviously struggles and it was you know kinda by choice I wanted the freedom to be able to just travel around and not necessarily work the 60 hours a week I was used to so I just kind of had a break but this was a really cozy sleep last night I was surprised about that it did get down with like -13 but yeah as you can see you're not a ton of room in here but there was enough for some basic stuff I probably could have cooked in there but I was so freaked out about that security guard coming by a whole bunch last night because I don't know how much of a sense of humor airports have with all the security measures and stuff but probably they're not going to be putting up with my escapades but sorry for the short video today I'm gonna actually get up do some real camping you start to feel better so I just didn't want to do a sit at home vlog type of update thing for you guys wanted to actually get out so again thanks to everybody who supported you can look forward to some good videos if you've got a great idea for something too the next video like what you want to see let me know in the comments cuz no I go through all the comments I respond to as many as I can usually the first day after the videos up I'm just going through pretty constantly but it's harder to find the comments when it's you know Kobe gold or a month old then it's it gets buried wait way down there and it's a little harder to find so I gotta get back home to my wife this this SUV and my trucks out of commission for now got to do some CB joint work but that's that will all get done so thanks for watching guys and we will see you next week with another interesting way or place to camp
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 2,797,992
Rating: 4.8589263 out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, camping, airport, parking lot camping, parking lot, camping with steve, steve wallis, hunker down, boondocking, SUV, DIY camper, security guard, winter camping, cold camping, secret camping, hidden, van life, van living, free camping, car camping
Id: IH69tW3yF-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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