No Shelter Thunder Storm Stealth Camping

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hey everyone welcome to camping with steve we're at the edge of town here today in a new neighborhood with a ton of construction work going on all over the place and i think there's a little spot that just might work so we're gonna wander over there got the car parked out of the way so nobody suspects a thing and i'm gonna get this big backpack off and hidden here asap and it looks like it might rain a bit so things could get interesting i have found that newer neighborhoods haven't quite cracked down on all the good stealth spots yet largely because they're still under development uh clearly fence in an actual construction zone is uh a no-no because they're riddled with security and it's also just plain dangerous and highly illegal however there seems to be a good spot right up ahead that i've been scoping out where i'm looking is right there right on port-a-potty there equals one problem solved already and there is nobody down this road because it's a dead-end road aside from construction workers but we'll see how many of them are in tomorrow because it is sunday now just gonna wander over there looks like these used to be small acreage homes and the city has ex-appropriated them and now it will turn into apparently a future park of some kind but considering it's already listed as a park let's break it in let's duck behind here where no one can see and check things out [Applause] [Applause] trees are spaced really widely apart in here and yeah this was obviously somebody's old driveway this is pretty concealed from the road big open space in here and not a lot of spots to set up a hammock and i anticipated that so i just brought kind of a ground sheet sleeping bag etc it's neat but of course i'm clearly not going to be using that humongous fire pit there is nothing stealthy about that and moving through to the last clearing here there's a few rain pieces coming down from the clouds um there's the last row of trees right there and on the other side of that is a high school so it is the weekend and in an effort to look as least creepy as possible we're gonna just avoid the whole school all together and find somewhere to set up closer to that wonderful porta potty about the best spot i've found is in through this little opening into these dwarf honeysuckles here and nice nice level ground visibility kind of only from this side so i can hang up some camo netting there and this looks like it'll be a great spot so with that said i'm going to empty out what i can from the pack here and we're going to go scavenge for some food because the beauty of being in an urban environment is there are resources available to us in order to cut down on the suspicion of the humongous backpack i'm leaving most of the inexpensive stuff here under a little camo netting i'll just bring with me valuables like the camera so that doesn't disappear on us and a lot of people are probably noticing this isn't thursday what happened well it's probably sunday now and we had a severe wind storm for you know three days or so and despite having one of these little wind filter things on the camera uh dead cat we call it um it's not made of a real cat but they have their limits and i've done this before where i filmed the whole video in the wind and the whole thing was just garbage i had to use it for maybe b-roll but i don't do a lot of b-roll so i i've been skunked before trying to film in the wind so we just waited it out and it's a nice calm day today but let's cover on this and get out of here because i did hear some people laughing playing the park probably who knows people okay i got that tucked away just going to take a little peek here because i did hear some voices i want to be sure that nobody's going to come around and uh try to take off with my stuff but from here is crummy of a job as i did of trying to disguise it i don't know i think it looks okay i'll just do one final little sweep of the area then we're gonna go find some grub and i'm getting thirsty so i think you know what that means all clear or so i suspect time to let the hunting and gathering begin well there's quite a quantity of restaurant options here but i did bring the cooking equipment so i'll try to make something um i'm sure it'll end up costing more and tasting worse than if i just got a sub from subway but where's the fun in that [Music] yeah i absolutely hate bringing a backpack into stores because it makes it look like i'm going for gold in the world shoplifting finals but it's gonna work for today now i've got everything i need for a tasty meal in the woods all right yeah they got the plan up for turning this into a nice little park however i have the suspicion it is going to be not my access to where i'm going to be going into the stealth camping there's somebody walking around and anybody around here knows that the sidewalk goes nowhere and i'm carrying groceries so just pretending to be on the horn here until they wander on by they're gone time for stealth um i think i am medically dehydrated and it needs intervention immediately see how quietly we can crack this beverage here just like we're sneaking a beer in the basement when we're teenagers well that's a fail okay mom and dad will be coming down the stairs right now to see what was happening [Music] although it's quite seasonable right now 9 out of 10 meteorologists are in agreement that it's going to go down to about 5 degrees celsius tonight which is around 40 fahrenheit or refrigerator temperature so i've got this wonderful new sweater thanks to tom and adain who showed up at my birthday party and brought it along it's absolutely perfect and thanks to everybody that showed up and partying for bringing step twos and cards and all that great stuff so what we're gonna do is set up this little uh this little camouflage thing while we still got a bit of light [Music] and from out here that's that's perfect for anybody 20 30 feet away that's just fine and there shouldn't be anybody this close anyways because i haven't seen a lot of people around why do i jinx myself saying something like that of course uh i'm not doing a shelter i'm just gonna do under the stars because it will be cold but it shouldn't rain too much and if it does wonderful canopy of leaves here should protect me [Applause] somewhat cry lord please forgive me for my stealthy transgressions [Applause] well that bunk is sufficiently and stealthily set up and we got another half an hour or so of daylight so i'm going to use that remaining daylight time to enjoy the rest of my beer here and we're going to get to cooking in a little bit it will be in the dark but that's okay because we've got our little light here and there's enough areas that are away from anybody that we can comfortably cook here without stressing too much as long as we don't point the light towards civilization over there it's gotten a little darker for sure and that aids the stealthiness factor we're talking stealth level midnight here even if i did see that i wouldn't walk over to see who's behind it um but let's see if i can get a peek of what's left of the sunset over across the edge of the city that's yet to be developed [Music] looks like it'll be a calm and peaceful night i spoke too soon the wind is whipped up and i'm just gonna secure this time for some steaks i don't mean the yum yum type i mean stop this okay there's lightning um so we may have to buckle up and do some fancy camping here i have no idea what's coming our way because the radar station here is going through upgrades so the hourly forecast shows a little spattering of rain here possibly in the next hour or two and then it looks clear sailing after that but in the event that it does start to come down a little bit i've got garbage bags with me um for picking up some garbage which there is plenty and we can rig them up a little bit to try and stay dry okay that didn't work well we've got seems like hail coming down trying to cover things up that rolled in quicker than i thought and it's kind of because i got this tarp i got a tarp here i'll put on top of that and uh [Music] okay so basically you gotta hunt her down as much as possible here this uh wonderful hail storm we we didn't get any uh storms all summer but yeah being underneath of a tree is about the best place you can be in this situation i'm kidding however let me see [Music] okay oh yeah now you're camping with steve okay garbage bag to the rescue okay we've got my garbage bag poncho on right now and we're just gonna kind of wait for all this to blow over in some ways um hopefully and uh of course the yeah we're just gonna have to hunker down here because this is oh yeah this is a little bit more severe than i was expecting and uh nine out of ten meteorologists are incorrect tonight seems to be uh dying down a little bit the rain at least oh my this is uh quite the unexpected uh situation wow it is certainly blustery and it's supposed to be very very cold tonight so i've hopefully got the sleeping bags as uh as waterproof as i can i gotta try to find shelter under somewhere a little bit more sheltery shall we say let's go see we can find one uh it it seems pretty dry under this tree i'm just gonna kind of stay close to it as dangerous as that is but uh most of these storms on the prairies are short-lived and we'll hope it blows over and we can get back to the comfy comfy hopefully dry sleeping bag so we've clearly had a late summer splasher here and that's okay we got food to make hopefully i've stayed dry enough and we can come up with a really really horrible version of chicken chow mein you know it's you know what's good when it comes in a dried packet like this which says chow mein on it this does feature a cooking package with the chow mein spice there's actually a couple of them here i'm not gonna mess with that today but i will add in my own flavoring here a package of chow mein noodles which look just like ramen noodles but probably with different spices i'm going to dump in a can of can of chicken breast here some chunks of chicken in there straight up a little bit look how healthy i am uh i got vegetables [Applause] when you get chinese food or take out chinese not the authentic stuff it comes with that weird gray sauce which makes everything so delicious probably 90 msg which is good this is the one i use this uh filming stir fry sauce but in lieu of the in lieu of the flavor packets in there and oh that was a lot okay so third of the bottle in there what could go wrong with that um [Applause] it's looking like mediocre ramen to me but the secret ingredient is sesame oil doesn't part of flavor so give a little bit this time yeah that's a lot but mix this up in there i'm ready to try this ramen soup chow mein thing a little different than i expected it to be in my imagination all right well that's actually very edible this did a great job by the way garbage bag is always something to bring with you and i have to say at this point um i need to give a huge shout out to all the beer donation people got a couple of sleeping bags so that's pretty good and i think from an initial from an initial review of getting into this thing seems pretty good so [Applause] thank you all for suffering through my hack need attempt at camping and we'll see you in the morning cheers everyone oh yeah i can do this [Applause] good morning there is no happiness quite like that of a poorly prepared stealth camper that lived through the night so uh yeah that was actually perfect uh the perfect amount of sleeping bags they were a little bit wet but i stayed nice and warm through the whole night uh got back into my wet clothes and i gotta pack this up and get somewhere warm and dry and get a hot coffee just like so this stuff's available from any hunting store it's just this camel cloth it's got little leaf shapes cut out of it good stuff works for this works for this job right on all packed up and uh we got this little garbage bag we're gonna find a few pieces of garbage here on the way out and take them with us i know they're going to be leveling this place and by next fall this will be leveled and turned into a park um a nice fancy one probably with a fountain but i'll tell you one thing it won't be good for stealth camping so i'm glad we got this done before the park gets destroyed and turned into a arguably nicer park but uh this is one thing i won't move is they've staked out a gas line there so here we go so yeah if anybody sees me out here picking up garbage they'll just assume i'm completing some court-ordered community service hours or something along those lines so electrical here anyways if you happen to like these videos uh please don't be afraid to subscribe it does it does help and uh if you are subscribed and they're just not doing them for you anymore uh i won't be offended if you unsubscribe either it's a two-way street guys um thanks so much for watching and i'll get out of the woods here and we'll see you in a few days here it should be i'm just gonna uh head back out to the acreage and uh get this all uploaded so happy sunday everybody we'll see you next week and okay we have successfully left the woods and back into what some would call civilization we'll see you next time
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 1,563,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, stealth camping, steve wallis, step 2, hunker down, stealh, urban stealth, storm, rain, thunder, hail, storm camping
Id: dhHyftzgrGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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