Urban Stealth Camping With Hammock In Residential Area

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Urban Camping, AKA being homeless.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RaddBlaster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watched the whole thing and thought it was pretty entertaining. I subscribed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jmir828 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I do this every now and then, mainly cause sometimes I just dont have the time to drive 1.5 hours to a decent fun spot with lots of trails and I have to be around so in case I get called for work and I need cell reception for my laptop hotspot. I have a slightly different setup, but the main thing is the same.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ride4life32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy reminds me so much of a good friend I made when I lived in Canada. Gosh what nice people.

edit: giv'er

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hoofglormuss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
and I'm ready to do some urban stealth camping I'm going to get into the forest quickly because this is super suspicious with this humongous backpack but I'll explain a little more about it to what I'm doing and let's go camping [Applause] all right it's nice to be out of the wind and in the forest here but we're still very close to people's homes I can see someone's fence just right back there so we're gonna move down here a little bit get right into the forest and I'll explain to you all the laws about stealth camping in this particular city and what we need to be looking out for and aware of I found a spot where the main trail deviates and there's a little mountain biking trail so we're gonna head down that way a little less traveled but there's still people around so we're gonna be quick and quiet splits up here into a few different trails I got to take the one that goes away from all that traffic noise this guy seems to be the main trail I'm not the only one who's thought about camping out here there is a sleeping bag looks like an old abandoned camp up there for someone but we'll keep going because I don't want to be camping anywhere close to that I know that there's a little bit more daylight left a few hours but in the forest it sure gets dark I'm gonna find a spot sooner than later get set up and start cooking something to eat really marshy area and I hope that doesn't mean a ton of mosquitoes but it should be pretty cold tonight can't really see anything from the trail so I'm gonna set up the hammock it is really a dark green and black so people shouldn't see it especially once the Sun Goes Down this little guy is that Hennessy asymmetrical hammock and I don't get to use it enough now I'll clear a little bit underneath of it because we have beautiful things here called wild roses and they are thorny and painful so clear that out you know we'll have this all set up for a nice relaxing evening I do hear a dog out there on the trail a lot of people don't keep their dogs on a leash so it's a very real possibility that a not-so-friendly dog might come running in here or they could be friendly who knows see it's pretty stoked and this is the asymmetrical hammock set up this is a hennessy hammock you get into it from underneath through a little a little velcro flap and I'll do a tour in there later but it should keep me nice and dry regardless of what the weather wants to do we got the nice setup I'm gonna head up to the trail and see just how obvious this is from the trail hopefully invisible this was the original spot that I wanted to set up that was too close to the trail but even from here it's pretty hard to spot from up here on the trail you can just see it's a good thing it's not blue or anything so no fire tonight but let's get down there and get comfortable and crack a beer so from here i zoom in you can see the top of the tarp there does glennon great nicely so there's a creepy thing to find in the forest I'm just saying it is creepy and close by people that definitely camped here before today's step two is its affectionately known around here is actually happy camper from the Nelson Brewing Company I picked that up when I was in BC and in order to thank the people who made this possible gonna have to give a shout out to Kelly M and I smell em thank you guys for making the forest a little more comfortable and ease these all folding tripod stool things lifesaver lifesaver case you never know what the terrain you're gonna have have to set up on is set up in the nick of time with enough time to relax get the stove set up we're not having a fire tonight because that's just way too obvious being this close to the trail I don't know craft beers always seem to go nuts at the hops I don't mind it but it's getting a little predictable they'll seem to be hahaha anyway YUM well it is technically illegal to be camping out here secretly in the forest nobody ever gets charged with it as a matter of fact there was a thing in the newspaper nobody has ever even gotten a ticket for it basically they'll just tell you to move along so I'm not really expecting too much trouble the only thing they probably house on me about is drinking a happy camper out here because that's also not allowed in the city park anyway Edmonton which is where I'm camping and where I live has I believe the largest urban park largest s-- uninterrupted urban park and it stretches right through the city a big beautiful river valley full of trails and people like to walk their dogs etc so all of the really nice houses tend to be right around the river valley which makes it a little bit tricky to get in because I don't want to be camping in too nice of an area because people get worried that somebody's camping 20 meters away from their mansion and I don't want to camp in the really bad areas cuz that causes more problems for myself but the other campers that type of thing so this I found a decent area here which I think should work so if I brought my mosquito that would've been great it was sitting in the car and I looked at it but I just didn't put it in the backpack anyway I'm gonna start getting a nice little slow cooking meal here going and it's really actually a pretty sweet setup how to do this without any campfire any lights or nothing so we'll get that going what I've got for dinner today fits entirely inside one of these little takeout trainings and and I mean everything including this stove to cook it with so that's super neat I'm excited about that what I've got is Oh probably beautiful white one of these solid-fuel camping fuel stoves this comes with 24 pellets and the stove in there they were closing him out a few years ago on sale so I grabbed everything on the shelf Elsa got some Uncle Ben's flavored rice today we'll be enjoying broccoli and cheddar flavor the reason I got this is it requires no milk to it still gets a nice sauce to it only requires butter which I brought and to make it more of a meal I'm adding some back bacon or Canadian bacon into the mix there so I should be able to cook it right on there and be eating in no time a good thing I brought some aluminum foil because mosquitoes are out and I don't want them in my food young the stove is really rudimentary it pops open like so and you set whatever on there you want these are the solid fuel pellets each one burns about 12 minutes or so I believe and this can be adjusted for you know however you want to direct the heat super cheap things I would assume they're basically a disposable item but time to start this up and boil some water these go by a lot of names I've seen them as trioxane solid alcohol that type of thing and when they burn they really don't give off any smoke and very very very little light see where's my blowtorch when I really need it how many did I put in there one two three four okay very curious to see it is gonna boil any water and just how quickly this recipe calls for two cups of water which is basically one of these little water bottles suppose I should have leveled that out but don't tell me if for these is enough to boil a little bit of water it is truly incredible four tabs that pretty well boiled a two cups worth of water I'm gonna level this off a bit because it's freaking me out how unstable it is but these fuel tabs I can't believe I've never used these before holy moly that boils water well even this out somehow oh yeah it's hot I'm kidding that's a naps that should do I will throw in another tab cuz I'll simmer this two more tabs - for good luck it's a good go I don't know where did the later go put them touching that'll burn oh yeah that's better much more level so whole ban flavor packet the rice put in my pre-measured butter no margarine guys butter the only way to go [Applause] [Applause] seasoning mix so that looks cheddar II and II rice and this is not instant precooked rice it's actual real rice happy about this innings coming up Steve today perfect now we're talking when I was leaving the house I said Steve don't forget a knife and we're scamper of the Year award it goes to but they not bring the knife so I ain't gonna have a meatless dinner I'll get in here somehow my technology I'll make it happen okay they've moved on I don't know if it's the thrill that I'm not actually allowed to be doing this technically but this is actually pretty fun it's a level of excitement I don't have to worry about bears for once cuz that was starting to become a little bit annoying and this is cosy I'm liking this guy's gonna might have to head back to the car I've forgotten a couple of things but that'll be a nighttime adventure and get this all set up for the night and hunker down you've noticed I'm using a plastic spoon that's just an emergency situation because that was a spoon was on my list along with tonight so don't follow my example but these cooking tabs to cook one of these took 10 cooking tabs if this was a dehydrated precooked meal where you just add water I put a cooked it with probably five or so so it takes about twice as much to cook just a normal over the shelf sidekick style side dish anyway that's looking pretty good to me [Applause] through the lid on the dinner to keep it nice and warm for now and yeah these just burned down to really nothing just little ash completely cool and you ten of them just like so he folds she's close to fold right back up yeah very convenient very convenient that is a meal hearty enough for a hungry guy that just hiked for the first time in quite a while hmm it's quite good any of those little side dish things just perfect for camping add a few ingredients so simple I hear somebody they can probably smell my delicious food I'm going to get my sleeping bag into the hammock before it gets too dark to do that oh great there was a fork it's a down field so I get to fluff it up a little bit and it's gonna be cold tonight that's gonna be seven degrees Celsius overnight in Fahrenheit that is I'll figure it out and put it out but now it's probably 40 degrees or something like that this bag feels pretty light mommy back now I've eaten the Sun hasn't set yet but it sure is a little dark in the forest here I can see the sun shining up there I gonna head back up to the trail take another little look around and see just how exposed I actually am this is a lot of sitting still and being quiet and if the Sun Goes Down soon which I hope it will I gonna have a little fire up here like a really little one that little stove that I was cooking on I put little twigs in there just to give it the ambience of camping so let's forget about all our problems and go exploring and have a little fire right there's people right down there walking a dog got a cool limit [Music] there's other people up the trail here take a sneak peek see how obvious I look from the trail now that it's a bit darker yeah no chance anybody is gonna see me in there unless a dog runs over if he smells me or the delicious food anyway I gotta see oh great I am disturbingly close to this helps those are nice houses too I best be quiet and keep a low profile get back in my forest [Music] I've turned my flashlight on and I want to see if that can be seen from the road just to tell how stealthy I am up here on the trail and if I look into the forest I can see a little bit of light through the not a lot I should probably keep that keep that all up as much as possible it's not quite camping unless you've got a little fire and little is the key word here that small sticks small sticks and I'm using one of these pucks we're gonna start this thing and this is burning inside my cooking stove keep it nice and small and under control right on that looks very very promising to you start sprinkling in my smaller pieces and that one's a bit big and it's late enough that any sort of [Applause] smoke smell could be normal coming from somebody's chimney for their fireplace we've got a cute little fire going that's gonna keep me company for a bit the relaxing nighttime sirens okay time to crawl in for the night and hunker down this thing you get in through the bottom and I'm gonna crawl in here and resume the video okay here I am shoes are coming off right underneath of the beautiful it's art beer and went get into this thing get snap shut right on the bottom and I can get right into the sleeping bag I'm hunkered down for the night in the hammock I got bear spray here and I'm ready to go to bed see guys in the morning oh the joys of the city dogs barking so I'm gonna try and cook up some breakfast as soon as I get out of this bed it was a little cold last night it's quite cold actually but made it you know yeah I'll try a little bit of breakfast to see what I can do and then we'll get out of here yeah dogs everywhere it just won't stop barking yesterday this seemed like a real good idea when I was in this store today I don't know if it's gonna work but I got one of these frozen burritos and I said you know frozen breakfast burrito it's got eggs and everything in it I said yeah that'll thaw overnight and then in the morning it'll be in good condition which it is and I thought I'll wrap it in aluminum foil and throw it onto that stove except judging from the stove yesterday I think it's gonna like burn it but I'm gonna put it on anyways worst case it only cost a buck so we're gonna try this though these things take a bit of convincing to light but not that much I guess could be worse so I really put a lot of oil on this because I'm very sure I'm just thinking back to yesterday when I saw the water boiling I'm very sure this thing get burned and listen click on the draw yeah now I gave it lots of foil to lots of oil turning it a whole bunch is also gonna be helpful okay did I call that or what so if I had something like a frying pan that would have worked perfectly but this is still quite edible not a problem with this cooked a bit unevenly for sure but beats doing dishes right it was a buck perfect for an overnight camping trip I'm gonna consume my burrito and rip this all down get back home because I gotta have this office Thursday and I want to do Thursday videos but if you've watched this far you may as well just subscribe like you've watched this far really and I appreciate it if you do and I'll try to keep these up my goal is weekly sometimes work in life and all that getting away and I can't but that's the goal anyway and that's there's people that there I could definitely hear yeah they sounded real close by on that trail gotta be a little more quiet anyway finished there's nothing we're gonna get out of here bear spray didn't need it always good to have I like convenience stuff fact they deal with convenience stuff explicitly yeah just like that guys no granny knots for this guy I'd be there till next week untying it so yeah the whole Hannah thing like bundles up into quite a small little little thing bring my garbage with me because there's a reason people aren't allowed to do this just somebody ruined it for the rest of us so by being responsible I can at least try to not make it worse for anybody else that wants to do this in the future okay people up there but far as I'm concerned now I'm not camper I'm just a photographer out in the forest [Music] it's like a marathon yeah all right anyway out of here not a moment too soon so thanks for watching this vid to the next video you're camping with Steve and I got some neat plans for the next ones so stay tuned guys there's there's always more stuff like this usually better than this but our
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 1,716,686
Rating: 4.8410497 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, urban, stealth, hammock, city, forest, stealth camping, dispersed camping, urban stealth camping, wild camping, steve wallis, camping with steve, hennessy hammock, hammock camping
Id: SGEcHes5akk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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