Ways to Find Jesus in Times of Crisis - Online Recollection with Fr Jerry Orbos SVD

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thank you very much for father troy idol seminary he was a dashing young priest that's ten years between father troy and me but look at him father troy 77 you're still there in regards to my classmate's father ichabod and salamat was saying wherever you are let me just invite just a simple moment please bow your head right now wherever you are whatever you're going through right now bow your head put your right hand over your heart close your eyes just let god bless you let mama mary embrace you only god knows god knows everything so just let god bless you and embrace you and assure you and his message to you tonight is i am with you always and in always be not afraid this too shall pass malapic nato do not give up do not lose hope don't be discouraged don't be go into hopelessness or depressions trust in me i will lead you i will be with you and mahapati in a few days will be the birthday obama mary our dear mother mary now now and tell mama mary special thanksgiving special request your special intention but you are a mother and a mother knows my mother hears from other labs m to be generous in serving the people our selfishness our pride we do not really care we do not really share it's all about us many times please sorry lord and for our lack of trust the times we lose hope we lack joy in our lives sorry today also as a gift to god as a gift to mama mary in this crisis let's just be at peace reconcile with god if you're reconciled with god you can face anything you're ready so may i ask you please forgive people who have hurt you but tonight lord lord elon i want to be at peace with them i don't want any more to feel that hurt and one and at the same time my mother and let's promise to stop hurting people from now on and finally divine mercy your sins my sins are just like a drop one drop of water in the ocean of god's great mercy please don't focus on your sins [Music] nature garden lovers in paris on the wings of love forevermore provinciano markup it is with joy that i come to you because i know i know in my heart and i believe that we are loved we are forgiven never doubt that it's better to be presumptuous of god's love than to doubt god's love and you know our greatest blessing i don't know what you're going through maybe you lost money you lost your favorite food you cannot go out etc etc but hey hey hey you are still alive boy that is your greatest blessing so before we go i don't know how we'll do it but pakis amen amen thank you and marami salamat praise god thank you mama mary wow uh crisis how to see the lord in this time of crisis remember this a broken heart is an open heart i look at this crisis as a time for us a time for grace tremendous grace because of this time you know margaret we started the pandemic march quarantine march 15 the pilipinas it's like 170 plus days now almost six months naputayo pandey mignon one of the most useless things i bought at the beginning of the year was young 2020 planner appointment you see how little we are and that's one of the first things the lord has made us realize life is short life is short so let's be humble to god if life is short two things number one do not postpone your conversion if today you hear his voice harden at your heart mahapati wherever you are please let this moment now right now be a moment for you and for me just to tell the lord i invite you once again just to bow your head and tell the lord lord you are my god i love you lord i'm sorry for my sins this moment i ask you o god to come into my heart change my heart to god i accept you as my personal lord and savior stay with me i love you lord i would like to father you do my mission and reach my final destination heaven someday amen what does it profit a man you gain the whole world but you lose your soul any one of us can go anytime and it goes fast nepala the next thing you hear them cremated so if life is short as i told you number one do not postpone your conversion and number two do not postpone your loving people mohammed biscuit foreign and no matter how he called her we call hernan don't forget we have a mother the blessed mother i would like to include mama mary in our recollection oh no man birthday ninja and she will teach us how to find jesus remember jesus was lost in the temple nahan of mary so we asked mama mary mama mary your dream is to find jesus in this time of crisis how do you find jesus let mama mary lead the way amen so i would like to propose these things if you really want to experience jesus especially in hard times follow this three four five ways i i experienced crisis in 2018 the cancer aquinas never expected it i had four chemotherapy but it was a beautiful time of grace i came closer to god because of that cancer i thank god and the lord saved me so if you want to find the lord in the time of crisis the first is prayer pray i'm happy that because of the pandemic andamina put allegation see the lord is fixing us the lord is fixing our families he fixed the world you know why because we cannot fix the world anymore only only travels only pleasures and the unlimited unemployment pandemic comes and you realize wow we're back to basics the essentials and we are praying again as a family it's i remember mama we like to pray for him parents tonight huh tell me since i was a little boy up to now i carry a rosary and a handkerchief in my left pocket give your children your grandchildren a rosary and tell them hold that palate i sleep at night holding the rosary the whole night and pray the rosary for the troy i remember father jesus mendoza kaputzin and father domingo and these are moments foreign pray with the heart pray slowly with the heart may now invite you let's pray one hail mary from the heart huh with love so now you pray and smile at mama mary and say hail mary full of grace the lord is with you blessed are you among women blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our time amen see how beautiful korea mission sisters and brothers praying and i'm happy you're praying not only for yourself pray for the whole world you find the lord now that the lord the life is more quiet morphine pray for mourinho amen amen number two you find the lord in this crisis in humility the lord has humbled all of us we focus now not so much on the work of our hands or the possessions in our hands but the love in our hearts the lord has humbled all of us have mercy on me oh god i am a sinner please be humble to one another parents be humble even to your children humility is the key to everything all the saints took the road of humility take the road of humility and you will find the void may as you know everybody to wave [Music] from now on you tell the lord lord i'll take the hidden road the humble road humility by the way foreign [Laughter] and that's something you should never forget simplicity is beauty kiss keep it simple stupid we're so stupid we complicate our lives we complicate and that is simply complicated hello stay humble please if you are humble you can feel the presence of god some humble suggestion i know you pray every morning when you wake up yeah to say thank you lord may i ask you to go one extra mile continue as soon as you wake up kapatid kneel down gaga and humble yourself to god you know the act of kneeling down is a beautiful gesture of lord humility i humble myself i'm still alive all that i am all that i have is from you beautiful start the day with humility amen amen so tomorrow morning if you wake up tomorrow morning because of being like to be amen [Music] hamburger okay eleventh commandment don't take yourself too seriously is hello don't take yourself too seriously okay god is in charge that brings me to the third way to find jesus in the crisis prayerful humble to be kind kindness it's a time when you are kind to people you realize may you find god in people who are suffering more than you are suffering reach out to them you'll never find the lord there or whatever you call it say something nice say something positive you're spreading god's love and encouragement okay say something good this is what people need now and remember this ah please remember this people will never forget kindness the goodness you have done to them so specialize in kindness okay kind words kind thoughts kind words and kind deeds you know think well and don't think ill speak well don't speak ill of others that's the work of the devil say always good things so little things mean a lot may i take this opportunity to say detroit thank you for the mission you're doing there my god difficult mission but you are there thank you for keeping the flame alive you know you are there for a mission that's no accident in batman janka got us a mission for you there amen amen salute everybody thank you god bless you and mama mary loves you thank you and prayerful humble kind and one more be joyful the joy of the lord is my strength you have focused on yourself break that mama mary's message for us simply mama mary had many problems she had a doctorate in pain and sufferings summa laude but but she remained joyful magnificati you know the secret imam amiri because she magnified the lord pinala see lord not her problems my soul magnifies the lord and my spirit rejoices in god joyful magnify the lord oh my god be joyful atmosphere please don't kill the joy focus on the humor not on the tumor in the same way now focus on jesus oh i'd like to wish you all now a merry christmas merry christmas hello wave naman tayo merry christmas god will be victorious jesus is stronger than the virus anyway why am i saying this because the joy of the lord is my strength our god is a joyful god our god is a god who loves us i'd like to share with you a little this is my book i wrote healing moments and later on i hope you can get to i wrote some my my moments but i also wrote some prayers might just share with you a prayer especially those who haven't smiled for a long time my title is make me smile lord you can join the last part okay make miss my lord lord when i become to serious make me smile lord when i become too anxious make me smile no when i become too envious make me smile lord when people are cold and uncaring make me smile lord when i'm tired and my strength is failing make me smile lord when i burden with work and deadlines make me smile lord when i'm stressed with money and finances make me smile lord and have to adjust to unforeseen changes make me smile lord when i feel like shouting and complaining make me smile lord and people around me become irritating make me smile lord when i experience loneliness and pain make me smile lord when i don't feel well make me smile lord when i don't know and i don't care make me smile lord when i don't even feel like smiling make me smile lord amen smile though your heart is aching amen amen by the way if you want to help father jerry for the retired priests and the missionaries about we're doing now five books and five masks we can even deliver it anywhere maybe you just call this number okay leti lety zero nine zero six five nine four one nine five three zero nine zero six five nine four one nine five three i'll ask romel perhaps perhaps also to get this because it's something that we're doing now anyway be prayerful be humble be kind and be joyful then you redefine the lord no storm lasts forever walang forever in a baguio it will pass be strong sana so my dear friends romelu is it my time now pass my time on so thank you very much god bless you and mama mary loves you one last question 5q plus five q equals thank you thank you that's it keep saying thank you thank you and thank you lord lord and problem thank you lord welcome welcome so please be strong god bless you and mama mary loves you on gcq mcq malapang well why are we confident why are we joyful through it all because our deep faith that god is with us god has a plan and there is life after death where there are no more tears no more pain no more sorrow no more sadness excuse me one more time we'll see you soon and see you in heaven promise promise mission
Channel: Divine Word Media PH
Views: 1,298,759
Rating: 4.7741838 out of 5
Keywords: Fr Jerry Orbos SVD
Id: o0fzDwzdLyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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