The God of all Comfort | Tirso Cruz Exclusive Interview

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and we want to welcome to the show Hana dul tears oh and my dear sister Lina welcome to the 700 club thank you thank you thank you alumna this is a good opportunity I know we hear a high among began an interview especially about this topic and so we're so blessed to have you here no no I ain't gonna know any new male mignon conditioning TJ I knew unum the Mannino at neguin reaction II know I asked the doctor pedi podo Cuyuna Almog sabe because in the Kofi Annan so long since I've been on dr. Santa ho no you know what you know boss the city J oh it's not been known dr. negative lymphoma you have to undergo chemo Oh spare me Nathalie good luck na ho I couldn't show my son Oh me ha ha because goo stop Nikita Yahoo strong horn Diana Tinto so no para pasar a teacher ok so I mean you're here I'm okay so I've been on dr. sacani oh good you're okay so something I saw Anna do we not in Sabine and dr. McKie chemo hang on and on and then you know what he said I will fight and I know I will win this battle some people pray everyday but when things like this happens you pray I mean there's a difference when you just borrow you're going through the motions and when you lift up something to the learner they come online indeed Joe Couto this is this is like a death so unfocused elegant the poem tells Napa ditalion focus on oh lord save the matter the bottom line is you lord seimei's i'm mangalica beside yours yes young guys it goes because that eatery bug here I've known ya I thought you were a merciful God why why did you make my son suffer six and a half months and then you were going to take him away the Impala because I'm saddened ability subpoena gear up I mean like it much more it was more the suffering in me the baby and made me question him because he was DJ meme sorry Conti on a scale of one to ten and a four we sent five ask me support my gosh yeah he would he would move my attention society everybody get to know anything you okay but he never will Yuma go grown in pain or anything like that Messiah talking about the patella or how we thing or Navy would ask the nurse [Music] himself slam you think of mom that was me buddy topically nothing to mean toe scoop but I wouldn't those bogus that's how I said I mean like you know I take equal doors have been there Meir up on a bed he was trying to make light of the situation in a way yeah so an example that the guy was hideous I mean well now I I go back and think about it indeed when you telegin guy little example and all because muddied up in here up and if you question because I do that I don't know there was a point got it yes Irene she but she rebuked me that's not because maybe when the time comes when I have to go the Lord will grant me audience I have a bone to pick with him about it I mean I I knew the answer but I need to hear it from you I need to get the answer from you directly why well of course I we he was just loaned to us he was a responsibility it was given by the Lord to us him I guess his mission here on earth was not so what does that mean just guess I know and you have to suffer I bring you home I do that I know because I told him sabi ko when he started questioning God sabi ko I'm sorry now I I should be submissive but but I'm feeling Co I should tell him also now I told him stop because you know what because we are blessed we are blessed because the other it gave us six and a half months to be with DJ weddings it's an it LeBlanc and away maraming reading manga incidental and the padena wallah inaho but this this one parent element lonardo Lonardo I mean NASA and anon pnina onion-like Kona he worked for hospital nah kala jamun fine Baba so you knocked errs and I mean dr. spero blessed come in because Saddam in ela you know kind of but Gaga with a rocket EJ is more of tender love and care so for that blessings Armenian and then six and a half months na as a mother you know of course in relationship na - mother and son it wasn't perfect or made me father and son not perfect nobody's perfect only God but ha ha Osaka minima toggle like Sabina ma Sabina you know what Sabina you Eber this one really touched me Sabina you know what young I bar I own a llama table on the mama's boy pero ah ha listen yeah yes I am a mama's boy so being brought to be a mama's boy Sabina in the Gita so don't tell except you could thank you Lord and how we were given the chance to sing together pray like the devotion alchemy mission Kenan Comicon Tohono Giga tera ho no Allah who sat oh no he was giggling and you know when I'm in Italian ha ha ha and say oh you know tapas nahi gosh it's a bed Kahuna name Kimiko za say oh honey so happy moments although me maja you like you kill an animal procedures and at the Anna no / hansha but Tina afternoon Ricky Tommy you graced me God I mean that hindi esha you hindi mandira polygon sobre sobre blessings just I mean we have a hard time letting go of people real of especially a guy 18 Jana but yeah every time except didn't have a better every time bubble examine you the body heat Italica in the bible coming in looking at pictures you last listener SABIC okay lord I surrender I surrender everything to you pero Maya Mississippi indeed Lloyd a Hindi man Anna man surrender at the name is bhagavati under the last moments no Saturday DJ passed away DJ went to heaven Wednesday Saturday Sabina sockin ma Sabina not thirsty Saturday Kanye on Thursday Friday Gannon Sabinas ah grandma merica Mississippi negocio Sabina Alamo Nikita cosas God Nico alençon dream or vision marinara Tahu see God Sabina and in the Newtonian cominius akheon tapas in embrace new Yahoo so sad because that means you know the Lord said he will take care of you everything's going to be ok no and then that because Cyrillic oh yes thank you lord thank you lord and he told him oh so you think the Lord because everything's going to be ok but no when he was going already the day itself no Wednesday sabi KO Sonia because a nurse I call the nurse because I slept sabaha sad because a nurse can talk to you TJ mom - Lupo sabi ko Hindi ligamenta lay upon us at la mia because of anemia cotta - Luna luncheon and to log lagrimas attend ganya and multiply c'mere so sabha cottage sabi ko okay so because teach would be based on a homily legal but I will be there right away but before that's a pickup retire so he prayed they usually under nah mean thing in the morning we pray and then you know Indian Edition and gratis span so I'm holding that it's a I'm holding that indigo Savannah boom english and malayalam Delavan malayalam para sabi KO hindi hindi city Jeon but after a while being a packing phone but after while the nurse told me mom put on a per hospital Negroponte position DJ Kue mina sako pocket Sabina the Excite gotta know Marina gun boss is small or or uneven something was up but something had happened jungle Mina Sako sigue sigue so any put on of a mrs. Patel not Camilla maja me and I take and praise God and also for that now complete - humming la hotness of ice at the cottage if you see the light sabi ko go to the light go to the light because Jesus is there waiting for you don't look back and then static operetta JUSA become before you go I would like to clap my hands sabi ko I would like to congratulate him for you for the good fight you promised you would fight thank you for that for fighting but the Lord wants you now he wants you there and the Lord and the angels are welcoming my son and I am grateful I'm happy for that I'm happy about that I'm happy for my son before we continue with this interview I just like to grab this opportunity know for you the interior so to minister to our audience right now who who may be up to now you know denilla anything behind bucket bucket can eat all why God decides to heal somebody but God also decides to pick away somebody and they are grieving right now so may ask you to just lead in prayer and minister to our audience right now thank you shall we pray okay thank you selamat pagi no answer opportunity night on a pinnacle of Musa I mean to share you don't peeling the onion Amon but this is not about TJ it's not about meats and about my husband here so but it's all about you lord Guerra fiying you you're not logging on and the whole lagina Cena sabe I want to horrify God so here we are Lord praising and thanking new pokémon Mahalo a pinnacle of moyen de empezar Amen kindig-it salads upon Omaha's most iming enough and I pray Lord for the mothers and you mccoullough he gets Latoya Magalona who's going through trial and suffering pinic the and and I mean I pray Lord for strength for them comfort and that at this time Lord you young young Selita young shank Tonka Wakan kneel upon you know on you are the greatest of all Lord well on ebong paddington hikakin camión de colon Papa Nino on welcome impending Capitan kun de Coulomb Papa Nino onto that 1901 Ameen gunawan on panahon TJ was confined in the hospital thank you for your promises father God and I pray for comfort will Mangano Allen enough to let go every day is a struggle but with you Lord I know nothing is impossible with you Alam ko Hindi Mohammed Ababa and Lord in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen thank you for that freely in a bond get more happiness how can young sanatana he was at Narita Sahara Penelope yeah an apology mom biblia I would just like to share among Mikula yeah you MA not only Magoo lang pero un gladdening manga manga pacientes hospital a humming humming in hokkaido Nampa him to lotsa hospital at Apogee Navajo new NASA Hospital see TJ I posted all these verses yan ask ya seek and you shall find and at all don't be afraid for I am with for I am with you don't be discouraged for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will hold you up with my victorious right hand Michelle : doh because my son is in there it's already in the hands of God so Keanu victorious right hand he announced elegant Penang hawaikan Korea man ok and at home because I stay here and not like that but I'm pinaka favorite nominee TJ I at all lamentations 322 23 the status love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end there in new every morning great is your faithfulness I cry every time an akuto because every day talking event and i'm in a phone and but i claim it that every morning is already a blessing the magazine for someone donate oh and I pray that the Lord will allow me to to share whatever whatever we went through mm-hmm because una manera plan inaho no sin opinion on Lord heal me and I will give glory to you and I told him oh hey Teej I will share also my testimony as a mother as her mother who went through the trial and this time I'm going to do it for my son para muggin inspiration semana Nana and as you do this you're honoring the life and not just the memory of your son but his life actually you know and I believe that the hills Minari at Daisaku Antonino marami on may inspire no maraming the total ummah and maraming and him as my son ii in a pocket unquote at mar our meeting in an hour muhammad I'm here at Manoa in cometo know I'm sovereign Tina depending on yours and kind of mercy at the fine and grace Cebu Hina TJ Nana mu hi now my is the hill Karanka mama gula and I heard Nemea healing and Z P Jason yo oh I'm nobody told the healing any TJ but could say annyeong Bhagu meanie string a Hernandez among like that LM happy mama gulanee like a let's get in touch with the people of Mecca we sure are you finding TJ spike for her foundation Guney nothing tomorrow beta and then there we go CK will try to talk to the people of ek and I'd like to thank mr. maman once again some people without batting an eyelash you seen our big Sonia I don't want even know another thing I want to problem WIC gay gathered the kids together bring them here I'll take care of things here on our sides opinion so you know what I mean you know 23 here enough DJ's sure loves all we were able to bring about 15 of them ek and I become priceless experience you meet away children moan about that and of course all the while while we were spending the whole day sir DK we're thinking as a we go so don't have a key Tonya Tonya no no mm-hmm I hope if he can get the glimpse of one of his dreams I'm not really feeling under Telugu me I'm sayin Oh baby I have a feeling I mean one point but for you from us even though in Demon's ago you were not here so they have many people and Kamini my mom you know why not me per se but for the kids maybe in the future he still had a lot of other dreams and we try come cuyana mean no promises but we'll try our best to fulfill his dreams and I think and I think this his dreams were actually for you who Cassie you know any new thought an opening a cinema hot burning 700 club team seen a theory so at Celine's enchanted kingdom at the top oh and nagging up don't burn or impunity meet on looking viral social media and video NATO is some celebratory dance number nice an ally possess a llama non familia at Monica I began minute ear so cruise the through Paris upon II Nando's is a Samana wish Nana the cpg moonshine a boo-boo hyper telling us inability mom and you know MA the link o2a tuturu what - Desdemona badass a church and then he's hace una minato Zambia Kenya animal is a salmon highlight non TJ share a love event and a song flash mob Nadine Ahwahnee la misma seafood Courtney Enchanted Kingdom sanaya Neela Ito sassily unum a burrito a weed in Purina TJ when somebody goes on there is celebration and so we felt sad because he left but we were happy because we knew that as he was entering heaven there was a celebration that was going on because he was promised eternal life by the Lord and they accepted the Lord in his heart bougatsa dance number a serene salmon obesity Jane on Shana boo boo - an apostle Anya Amana bottom my Saki naka are intimately Nadia locking - Angela no moussaka - Aaron ammu is NATO phenomena Johanna Hamas appear so Attis oven Salim Kassab Amana comic Anna at Monica a vegan vegan on our own even under Benjamin bottom Ulla so make a wish foundation Kazama Antonella Monica : at manga volunteers sama-sama cylinder give a hajiman saya at excitement now once in a lifetime experience NATO is a Samana botany an SI asha not at loomed on ringing Calligan EDG I am nominating an indigent aluminum adalah Mahapatra dito that Malaya and financially and a own very grateful kameena the invite me invite SI asha the king the Undine anova shown up on my pad asylum capita bt j nocebo decruz imbaba beta a Campanella Manama Gulen nyeba Iranian gives him a booting bolita and yours na putana hanim Familia Cruz nama arena dinky bahagia adding bug Mahalo I think aqua say a human piranha the Hilmer Ontario snapper - Louie Nana booboo who's not buggy be at Nexus will be not in Tallahassee because he was to be allowed by the Lord to take a pic down here I'm sure he'd be wearing a smile and it would be very very happy that the fulfill it to drink a little and guide chemica Nina we were very very happy that night animism of hanumana bata you enjoy somehow in his small dream he was able to bring happiness and joy to the kids I thank you very much dear so Cruz the third leg in a Linda enchants technologies in early thank you so much god bless you and God give you peace all the days of your life thank you thank you thank you mohammed iqbal on the 700 club aja [Music] every big thing starts from something small and the big impact or seeing traces back to your simple gesture of giving never underestimate the impact you have on someone else's life for your donation of five hundred pesos this gift will be yours make a difference where it matters join us in our mission partner with us you [Music]
Channel: The700ClubAsia
Views: 277,157
Rating: 4.8296785 out of 5
Keywords: COVID19, GOD, GRIEF
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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