Women Of Worth Conference with Guest Speaker Ms. Maricar Reyes-Poon

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I'll introduce a little bit brittle previous bill you know it just be honest with you so you better understand you amazing old church socks I do this very often but Vietnam home I should be nice night as money after Savoy and what people don't understand of Venice when you're happy you're supposed to forget the camera to some TVs that nothing no you're not so when you're actually you forget the camera out there oh wait you're on stage if they're after your audience so this is a new thing for me so you know yuneisia from critics of Panasonic Bella Union move doubly good okay ajanta by an animal I was wondering how much and began a negative Nancy I do the Jewish immunity response time so so all the more I realized my boy I knew pretty Pina started eating almonds oh yeah sorry maybe you need for Sharia then I'm scared so I know I'm here he says you know they asked me to lecture on something about women's words and the whole rant on credentials of the fun of being annoyed by good school and honestly I try I try to be a good Christian really not bad so I like them get me out with the first one is please and the plagues all that behind them at home with each year but I think this began the homicides for Charlie glancing back I know it so I only need a green light I when I was introduced when iris introduced atomic own credentials non-primary embrace you and I really started laughing at before I met the Doric you're gonna get meaning how honorable I need to be impressive I need to be perfect [Music] lacking antelope oil but I think see that's a question that we tackle everyday word everyday your worth is being questioned every time the number people say oh they criticize I feel even at the dark' and that's actually a question of worse name but I guess that way the system divided you already so Yamuna Gary Snyder go babe okay the question going to touch upon the order they didn't like me that's already I'm already questioning my wording so good on the whole even before I try to make myself always impressive so I always I made sure that I was a good girl I did well in school I didn't have the best grades but I made sure in Yahoo Polina and soy yo natete Ayana your college tour delay or repossession Ateneo de Manila college for it during that time la lluvia Colburn sham friends the modeling agency offer opinion or something Tampa system allow the commercial commercial well one be honest they are socially capable in terms of media I got to be home without a body so our policy when I was in college who happenin operations and in points I so conspiracy so I more than a and again and I know that a night and all this time I didn't know my pride was growing up very soon and among them and then everybody asked what about me [Music] but Lamia during that time you curriculum Dominguez imedschool understand Hindi traditional India shame everyday school maro perak study Bay which was Wednesday and then Jung DNA on well Appa so but you're supposed to study again the next idea home no I I worked like nordella ho I think I was during med school I was flying to Hongkong Singapore Thailand on Wednesday so after school number up la Bonilla well a possible partner as Omaha lumpia that was around a little early 2000 in deeper you see my prom affair so can you imagine Pelican I was really very proud he said want an idea I'd fly to Bangkok I'd rather shoot I'd be in time for school lunch time I just missed my morning class and then I keep doing this I keep doing this and then eventually school and then eventually I fill the subject and Byron for me boyoung seen in our perfect am I going to tell my parents developer on again this is try to recap now I and it who defines my words that is the question that we are dealing with every day you may not realize it but every day every time something bad happens you feel bad and you question your worth never say enough an apology he attained a oh and this is me in med school this is called labor watch so badminton in China no new contractions not anybody don't make kids now not many I also go pentane yunchan more on the contract now and then this was my one of my first commercials during that time Polaroid Papa Co anyway in this audience you don't get the picture straight on the screen you have to take a Polaroid by Rama checking lights and then they can take the real shot so it's an Impala roid this is I think coke and then and this was one of the shoots now you Louie pack the bed excuse me movie but look at the Hoya by Wednesday so this was Thailand this was a commercial a shampoo commercial for pretty Vietnam I think it was shot in Thailand but it will be shown in Vietnam Japan gun so yeah and this is the Polaroid again yeah it's not mine Hong Kong so I supplying in an article I think I learned an auditor just fly fly fly a ho and then when I finished I finished med school I got the degree and then hung up on the guy a long career as a doctor no modeling agent goes having a car mr. M mr. Wong meeting anybody mr. M mr. M mr. M is the head of star magic which is the talent arm of abs-cbn still young manager nicotine Bernardo Liza in you least get a lot some big loves beams is usually under I think Justino after him there but anyways I see mr. M and he wanted a meeting at me so impressive sorry inaudible as I say I know my things were going really well this is another picture so I know it's cool and then you see mr. M he asked to see me and I remember that day when I was walking into abs-cbn going to his office and I'm in town and Avila and I walked past them my gosh I'm like I don't realize how big that was now get to mr. M it took a while it took a long time and it oh no they were handing me a show on a silver platter Wow nice better I'm so used to having a life like that because I'm impressive because I have skills and my opportunities and even when they they put me into workshops so workshop aha God I was one of the top little workshop that a young sorry nothing meddling dilettante man but of course I would never tell anyone I'd still be poor humble but the inside in my heart now I see with open eyes from the Lord bride was really really growing so what defined who I was people what they think of me do they like me that is my driving force I need to do things well and right and excellent and good because I want people to like me they are in the Bancorp one that's still in me and that's that Bible that I fight every day and it gets better so anyway I'm getting ahead of myself so you're and that is that defines my word people in a crisis something very negative I don't want to explain but if you need to explain ask somebody along but a crisis happened to me and it destroyed everything that I had built for so many years I had a lot of positive nog in Abajo a lot a new reputation and a build goal was in trapper was up nobody it was already became hard to find somebody who would think well of me so my trip the one I tried to solve it on my own I tried to consult office among experts abs-cbn also tried to help me of course Stella GaN grab you - aha pero inside me now Bo what happened I mean I can fake it develop around but then he's a billionaire like about now so that was me that was me and I was just trying to get through the motions and I'm like am I ever gonna get out of this coming apart when I know who were so that was the time that somebody shared the gospel at all my sake now if I save a science course a whole doctor when you grow up the way I did Machado Kong I know I wish I don't see the bottom got that all here about but no mantle again you hear about that everywhere that we are very religious country the ban in filipinas Cleland my opinion is easy to say there are like like most parenting dementia superpartner life Kaduna Sharon the whole God had to slowly Casillas Palin process when he polish a quick fix that is a slow but sure process or inna sheeni shift Miyako from what you panel enough is even more that they what what you value is what people think of you my own shift not and slowly happened about pasar Burnett the disciple shift to what I think of you Scripture learn enough return you pour the new Christians here whose like less than five years less than one year Christian became a tequila oh my gosh when I first read the scripture now Jesus loves you pero indicia tomar Pakistan de Polan whenever somebody criticizes you or puts you down when somebody betrays you you know when you just mad at that moment jesus loves you Elena in Michigan in a devil so I time I had to be patient years those years the God was working with me that was every time there would be small tests para me tiny basher mixer Sabina Milan so social that a the so burn a hot coal when I first started put me but me basher I know social media behind a that didn't hook I seen as a bonanza so I wouldn't have social media at all and then afterwards Ascot was working on me I get Instagram and get Twitter again and then over time I realized and then maybe like a few months ago the gubernatorial don't mean a basa who Nagar okay but I'm starting to think something Annika Darlington taro do saguru pass a similar vignette Onegin Atoka see me naked in Sahara opposite Eva whatever's in your heart that's what you give out so if you're better you will also spew bitterness if you're angry you will spew anger so this person is probably not loved amazing how God was slowly working on me it's small small instances small challenges everyday say in Des Moines irony somebody not just for artista anybody somebody will criticize you at one point or another and your identity will be questioned you know sometimes you will at one point question that every time I have an embarrassing mistake to say even after the even after the crisis Nick a family put in the holy now allow me time alone laughs well Tennessee echo was 2014 Wednesday alone so it's called china-pakistan a hop-on does anybody know that I wish I played an offer on multi-angle dita but critics comments are like a claims are getting better what we don't know behind the scenes blow me up and then it was 2:00 in the morning everybody's sleeping and they're all staring at me in the Parramatta car can you just go that's another challenge Who am I wait sue men proper yes they don't like what you're doing right now try to get perspective then see no Kaaba dismiss moment define who you are the sick define your career or setback sure there is it enough to ruin your day Mannion so over time God is really training me to say in Michigan and learn in a safe gonna awaken I envy Paulo telecom process OSHA and every year the Google at Milano Hana each year is better than the last supinate the length Allegheny Lord so I find it very funny iron getting invited here oops sorry I see but I came from a life of trying to be perfect and now I believe that God is bringing me into a life where I will boast about my weaknesses I said and the only reason why I have great done it's because of him and how he changed my life [Music] [Applause] number one example the book nope i am aaron exciti simon about the bungs you know let no bottles of fights are you fight see I think that's what's real that's what we want that's what God put on their hearts to write about it usually but my gosh oldest couple Cindy Salaam accessible and bad things why air out dirty laundry I've been having since I belong young details but in this book there are real stories you tell Agong the drive communic awake of me very do me time now Richard can when I'm in Telegraph I say this we feel like it's not anyway I hope you know boom ericbakker.com life 'no squeaky-clean Lanza had a perusal Abu don't wanna money that's not how that's not how God wants us to live I think so then again it's about our other fights so people certain things we fight about their 10 chapters and 10 fights now feeling cold yeah yeah we get a lot of messages now but beam along now let's do not care about fights Casey no no like bizarre feeling nella still along you make a noise very day actually we're all the same we're from the same mold so our insides are yearning for the same thing so I think we can all relate to each other's stories especially the negative ones so you and you know and that's also how we deceleration matters your website Navin actually unique oh wait I like a high supply you should be a Google stop and I really so Monica from a life of trying to be good and perfect I am now I think palana looking okay then some mistakes more are you and and then this one my my this is my chocolate cookie and very proud of it but I cannot be too proud because a humbling experience events happen though because our CEO when we started a company that not only our husband go and then a a girl that is 10 years younger than me and didn't go to a prestigious school like a denier simple school unsure indie Chicano cackling my English but I'm telling about management ago show honestly Kalasha him pepomattic alone three years were already three years and we're still going strong getting number buying a call on the evening chocolate cake seguro it still be I don't wanna Moneypenny me some time now now you're sending a bizarre Emily Pavan am annoyed one oven makes three cakes Gaston young bizarre half the cakes you know the cake bakes at the oven bakes three cakes at a time it takes 45 minutes to make one batch how many batches the conc Detroit that's the numbers kailasha ingonyama analyze now there was a time now we were having trouble with a certain store major gonna do gay not caitanya undying Morano said to me in the numbers so actually this is the success of this business you know if I don't figure head La Jolla I pop off to the clients I bought the marketing but the inside job Zilla talaga I cannot with good conscience take full credit for it and it's very humbling said about attend a yoga the med school Magelang know in this business behind the meeting new people on but it took me a while to get there to see that bazinga I came from a past man back home again I should be good but Union God is really setting it up man and I'm very happy that you're not perfect [Music] [Applause] well then a saleslady God really puts me in a place because I love talking to people I get Nigel Mejia at first I love interacting with customers so I'm telling land that God really puts you where he give we're using the gift that he gave you to you and so all people are operating below you set up yeah so battle plan you know I said when I first started this stuff better not have I have to know if you can relate with me remember that every day something someone the devil whatever will try to question make you question who you are but um and then that bad miron compiler because they eleven among Shillong a possible outcome than that against it so there is a specific example of days ago I was hosting a 50th anniversary for a very prestigious fraternity this opposite Salmonella panchayat was in the biggest ballroom and sobering Wow very very high in China India ho I mean people think I'm Sinai with high end of tales but actually I'm not gonna hot milk the same age ok learning something from Palma abandon home when I was so young when I start to be the event but by supporting everyone welcome it's a celebration fraternity shy so it's a celebration about Brotherhood and fellowship sorry Coco Paso welcome everyone thank you for having me I'm so honored to celebrate your brother ship with moon oh my god and my lab manager cuz I know he recorded again so your Obata plan and I said by revealing oh my god ninokuni never because you think I'm the worst host ever they probably regret the PS but they gave me a bag on to first is it true because it's usually not as bad as you think it is Sarang oh okay okay okay okay I guess again buh-bye yes I screwed up but probably don't think I'm the best post but I am the man and then sabahi day nopalina hommina people group of lawyers from the event and then they really they really went out of the way and they said Oh Monica I think you are thank you that you were there so it's probably not that bad Paulo not that bad but but even if they don't think I was the worst host ever what defines my word syllabus but I'm running my own and then never not over yet or will I pick up the pieces when I get it from God oh hey wait you want me to host you open the door for an opportunity for me to host it came from you we're not from their dynamic belong syllable word but it came from God and I always I think and I think you have to eat the same morning young stories no bailamos to remind you who you are I particularly like the know in the column comes an asylum provision Oquendo it's somewhere in it's Jesus in the Old Testament sorry I went on your question and it's about Elijah and his assistant wanna see Elijah so li shows a powerful prophet and then finally for persecute national my Dhoni King Ahab biotechnical it and yeah so what do you know assistant open a new king Elijah Khulna boonleung and he's like hey kita he prayed for the people for God's opinion north please open the eyes of my assistant paramachaitanya who won in the vaquita home and I'm sure and I know you know a new Christian leader Peter no assistant the really huge army of fire I [Applause] have to remember that and then there's there's so many there's so many versus I mean you just have to pick which one is yours now then look marshal para union by lamo pug mean like a question over the more I always like Psalm 139 also and also the story what Jesus was about to raise the little girl and then barboonia need a little goat in that barn and Munna Shire anyway but they for me and even hopeless order one husband oh that's enough for me and then jumpy keys I'm sorry say it out loud he but then I got my life that maybe needs a coat a jacket when consequences better be but never cooks Pocoyo and I go God not to me this is go this is what's real Magnus a blogger Mirabella singing that love is really really different there was one fellow very depressed home I went back to my car I don't think I'll go afterwards but it was the most fruitful 15 minutes ever so burn a bottle again making out loud and then lastly involved people I usually do this cuz I mean son if that doesn't work if it's particularly bad you have to play with someone the bow when two or three are gathered together God really made us to interact with each other you can't do this alone London Epoque depressed but the press car goes oh mama it's a colony really doesn't work then I can file on a bottle I capital allaha unicorn I do declare so you wouldn't Christianity is really weird religion I mean coming from a science background and not really thinking about God very much when we're done that was at first of Christianity because I ona in Christianity says have been the Papa except no no sign of alarm cuenta one go ahead that was a compared to God who are you hello your sins are so vile and so I feel him alight Lila Mia but Tina Padma hi God Subramanya and he wants you to know that he wants you to know how worthless you are and the second that I accept that but we accept that stir by a coach I tells you how much he loves you and he died breathe [Applause] that's not very I just want to I just want to thank God okay that's a really good story for everyone yes we want to be get a conversasion as possible [Music] [Music] greatest lesson in life even be okay with your weaknesses as well as your strength what is your shadow what advice all women how to protect their words a simple man so what's your advice to them how to protect your words you have to know your word I love Masha I had certain bad before and then my pilot mechanic alaikkum a Malaysia but it's a Sobran I don't want her to think badly of me in Hobart militia her inhibitions Inuyasha Molina hey I did not know you know there's a broad base of people I did not have my word when I know you're worth dealing with policy decisions balloon [Music] [Music] [Music] boundaries they mean exactly boundaries [Music] sorry up arrow on billing polenin bibles i relations it's really hard nowadays shape because it's accepted now you know you can when you have a boyfriend he can have sex with them whenever you can give your body pero you love i'm pray for a conviction from from the lord if God didn't tell you and put it in your heart by eruption go ahead so pray God will speak to you through the world am I gonna Panama verses that tell you about your Worth and then you they're all good for me our God made it very simple one man one woman at about what's your advice the mentors who eat other women that is dealing with the loss of self worth and how do you think they could better help those women what is your advice with the mentors who lead other women that is dealing with loss of self-worth ah whom a man who mentor cami but I can tell you now about myself I think as leaders you already know what to say but I think I'm gonna India for Machado I believe I'm a counselor I think what's my own sir well say experience along the money in the circles that I'm in now pray you're behind it yeah you can give advice give advice give advice pair of whom you follow your heart I mean deepen the prepare new erupt on the path that I mean she share passive and I get advice and leave a like a parcel paint it took God open if I evaluate I own but there was a lot talk awhile for me to accept what my mentors were telling me and my mother and also be in along routes passing her ladyship over so as much as and animal topics vanilla diamondden Deepika damning words am sesor be my God in prayer
Channel: Amazing Hope Christian Church
Views: 43,409
Rating: 4.8704453 out of 5
Id: 1r49_It4Fw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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