I built a rocket that launches AROUND CORNERS in Kerbal Space Program 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Kerbal Space Program two yep a truly momentous Dayton OH hello oh dear oh dear are you meant to be floating there mate you don't look very pleased with yourself hopefully this isn't predicting of where we're gonna end up in a second uh but I thought we'd just go into this completely blind so into single player start a new campaign and then the campaign name will be this will be fine oh God there's another gem pie but look at all the debris yeah the agency no no no that will not do that will not do but UK space agency has returned yeah and then we just need to pick our flag now for some reason there's no UK space agency you want so I guess we'll go with this one because it's all looks like a bridge and a massive thank you to the devs for giving me early access to this massively appreciate it probably don't deserve it judging by how I did in the past so here we are a loading screen that's not filled with errors because of all the mods I've installed isn't it beautiful isn't that beautiful look that looks very efficient down there okay so here we are the base of the UK space agency oh my God how far can I can zoom out so far or even if I don't make a rocket I guess it's space we've technically made it into space right anyway apparently they've made this game way way easier for like beginners like myself and they recommend I head into the training center to learn how to do everything however I'm more of a Dubai trying sort of guy so let's head into the Vehicle Assembly Building the VAB so oh look at this look at this there's no there's no people running around oh I sort of missed the people wandering around hey there's still random lifts that go nowhere though okay we're down with that all right so here we are we've been given we've been given free range we can build whatever we want and I've also been told as well once you've built something you can click this the engineers report and actually gives you like all the stats no longer do you have to like try and decipher what the symbols mean and only expert people know what it means I can actually see a Thrust away ratio if it's less than one it's not going to take off I don't have to go to launch press launch and then be annoyed at myself but more importantly there's also this the trip planner so you can decide whether you want to do your one-way trip a round trip you can see where you want to end up I presume these are all planet names and it will actually tell you if your rocket can make it there assuming it's piloted correctly so yeah that's really cool look at the moment you might not make it that's because we literally have nothing all right so I guess to start we'll just build a rocket so we need a pod oh my goodness that's big or is it just for it no it was just really close it was just really close yeah we want a fuel tank actually no no no no no no no we've learned about this Matt we need a decoupler in between and there we go probably want a parachute on top oh man look at the Sparks coming out with them one of these boosters that can go underneath I think I probably want some extra fuel after that that's those on there well actually I've just remembered heat shield so you want to take we take that off I don't know if this has a heat shield built in so I will take a heat shield shove it under there that just means it won't burn up in the atmosphere as it comes back because this thing we 100 get into space by the way so our engineer support says yep it's got more thrust than weight so that's good um apparently I could actually make it to the moon in a round trip or does this mean I need 5 000 I've only got two and a half thousand so if I add possibly some more fuel oh yeah that's better that is efficient that is efficient so we're on the launch pad look at this look at the graphics of this game now so before we launch we do just need one more stage and that's to put the the coupler on so basically down here we've got the rocket should go then we'll decouple then the parachute will go oh man this thing looks so diddly I need to build bigger anyway who is our who is our Astron here we got Bill Kerman okay well built I think we're gonna be okay because I remember we've got to turn SAS on or I just turned off I think I've turned it off let's leave it on then this is our throttle on the left so that's up to the top so I guess we just oh they're counting down counting down ready ready look they've got the sprayer stuff all the Sparks and then over off we're actually off I'll go into space incredible space program too we're going into space okay so I guess now we're starting to get up I probably wanna tilt a little bit so I'll let the clouds were above the clouds oh this is efficient Space Engineering to the Max uh can anyone see my fuel is that or is that those we use half of our fuel already anyway there's the moon I don't think we're quite aiming for that yet but I'm gonna try and get a bit of a curve on this because we want to head around the planet but look how well I've done we're into space almost how high are we oh there you go 18 are we 1800 meters oh I think we're actually like into space okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna lean over like that because we want to head around the planet so we're still we're still in the atmosphere it I think when we get up there I think we're officially in space now no one can tell me otherwise I mean you technically can but oh look and there there goes our fuel but we made it into space oh wow that was well easy maybe I did actually learn something from Kerbal one anyway so from here do we still have the old yeah okay we still got the map view and we can see oh no okay we're not we're not quite in orbit unfortunately I did use all my fuel and it looks like we're planning to crash over there by the way look at look at the map how far out can I zoom yeah so you can speed up time and just see where like we're getting closer and closer to crashing but that's fine sort of because what I'm going to do now it looks like pitch black but if I press base we should undock so that we are just the tip there it goes so we no longer need the shaft and balls that is falling back to the planet and this is oh can you see that look where I can steer this thing I can steer okay okay I'm gonna try and get the window to the front because look we've got is that bill in there what's inside well something's jiggling inside as Bill exploded I might be the back of his head you know I don't know why you're not looking out the window bill there's a banging view out here look over there look at that that down there is boom and that is exactly where we're heading so let's speed up time and then oh no we are descending Into Darkness oh wow we're coming down pretty fast pretty fast yeah I thought would I would have expected flames and stuff by now I'm not sure you're meant to fall vertically to Earth should there not be flames where are the Flames I feel like I'm gonna hit the parachute all right parachute is on oh yeah look you can see it's the top of his head oh so he's he's sat like looking straight up in that window then interesting anyway it's very very dark but I think we're gonna land in like a forest or something oh someone's just subscribed to me so thank you Hood pipe uh congratulating me on my first ever landing and we actually survived so we will recover that vessel excellent you didn't crash I know I'm surprised as well so the game really wants me to go to the training center no game I will learn by doing and granted they are saying you can learn by doing that just do it safely please don't put the kerbals at risk if I'm not living life on the edge I'm I'm losing up too much space that's all I'm gonna say about this guys things went well I think I know what I'm doing so first rocket huge success uh but I wanna I wanna push things to the Limit I want to know how tall of a rocket can I build that can actually take off so we're gonna grab this and I'm gonna take it as high up as we can go How high oh oh we're nearly we're nearly outside although actually actually before before we do that let's not get carried away let's not get carried away let's prep this thing before we put up there we want it to be safe so we need parachutes so we've got all of these sorts of parachutes so to make this really really safe what I'm thinking is we take a parachute like that that we can shove on the side we turn up the Symmetry up to okay it goes up to eight times that's good then we can do that all right so now we're safe the UK space agency Pride itself on safety and we've got to maintain that 100 success rate so that's fine um I feel like with all those parachutes we probably don't need one on the top so we can probably put like a nose cone or something on that so there we go semi-sensible looking nose cone you then want a heat shield and then add a Cutler then I think that's all we need so we will grab this and we'll go up as much as we can come on we can go higher we can go higher all right sorted then we want fuel lots and lots of fuel so we can just copy loads of these down and then we won't go silly to start we'll just we'll go sort of mid-range length so booster underneath I assume the engineers report will say yeah you're an idiot you haven't got enough thrust for your weight so I'm gonna add some boosters I mean or I could try and find a better engine so this one has a 188 Max thrusts at the atmosphere so oh man if I use that one that uses 3700 okay let's delete that can we shove you on okay you're a little bit you're a little bit big well that is fine because I reckon we can probably use fuel tanks the ones that sort of like yeah get bigger so I think if we take that one yeah that goes down to that size and I guess we choose the same part for large so yeah okay is that the right size yeah that's the right size yeah I'm gonna call this one the needle I think then engineer support says we're good trip planner says we should be able to get into orbit with this thing okay I reckon we're good let's launch so here is the needle it looks more like a jouster is that like oh no it's leaning it's leaning why are you leaning don't lean don't lean you're gonna fall over no evacuate evacuate okay parachute parachute he's fine he's oh no oh no he's I don't think he's fine I don't think he's fine uh thankfully we have the revert to launch button and I'm not doing that because we just massively failed or anything no no no no I just I just um I like this loading screen it's a nice loading screen though anyway this time we will be launching straight away so oh my goodness look at the power oh no it's bending okay now it's oh it's bent it's really bent okay let's just turn that down turn it back up turn it down and try not only thrust when we're pointing upwards right now off is this rocketing look at Bob in there he's like whoa I actually you might laugh but this is actually working I look at our altitude we're going up and up all the time we're going above the clouds it's actually working all right trouble is I'm not entirely sure how I can stop this rotating so much if I turn off SAS I thought that might be messing me up so SAS is like it sort of tries to stabilize you but I think because my top so because it's so Wiggly it might be screwing me over here I feel like the less computer assistance I have the better at the UK space agency we pride ourselves on actually using our brains not just listening to the black box of a computer so can we oh God it's got a mind of its own it's got a mind of its own what are you doing go up that's it that's it go up go up or out of fuel uh okay we're out of fuel okay so what we're gonna move on to is our next phase vest so we're gonna decouple boosh there you go we have decoupled so that should land safely in the water oh no we're Falling Towards it so we probably want to hit our parachutes so we don't die so boost so we should be safe while that falls to the Sea there you go a nice safe landing there I mean look at all those parachutes you can't even see through the string it's so dense look at that anyway I'll tell you one thing that is safe I want to be fair look you can you can actually you can see the Sun for it I mean you can see the sun through the parachute for some reason but yeah overall I say oh wow that's actual C I don't know is it sinking it's sinking no why is it sinking how do I stop it thinking uh he looks kind of worried up here as well is what I bigger than the other was it always like that or is that the pressure anyway we finally landed on the sea floor can I I can recover vessel can recover vessel with a submarine yep confirm that that was some good flying and this game's like I feel like that's all I needed that's what Kerbal Space Program One Missed just constant appraisal no matter how bad you do I just need good feedback all right so we're gonna try this one again but this time I'm gonna use some clamps because the theory is a place of lose there and yeah as this thing bends we should still be looking up oh that's quite a lean that is quite a lean look at the bounce back that went all the way back up to the top right hang on a second all right so if I use the smallest the chodiest of fuel tanks by the way I love that you can now like see what's inside there can you see like the actual fuel cells you can see inside all of them like in there you can see like inside the actual control room that's cool anyway I sort of want to make like a short Bender rocket so if we go for this I think because we've used more parts oh yeah there we go oh my goodness oh it's a bendy boy it is a bendy um okay that's a little bit bendier than I thought it would be look at the curve on that I probably made a snake all right so now we've got a bit of a bend on hopefully we won't explode our tip it's pretty close to everything yeah but that looks pretty good to me all right so we'll give this thing a launch but I'm pretty sure I know what's gonna happen as soon as we let go of those clamps it's just gonna spin but if we're sort of vertical like now then we might be okay yes oh yes we're actually going up we're actually going up it's not it's not spinning look how fast we're going oh my goodness okay that was truly unexpected I thought we're gonna be whipping all over the place like before yeah no this looks good this is actually this is sort of promising look at this like snaking through oh man it's proper sneaking oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay okay game I was gonna say this game's got really easy but no maybe I was just lucky before because we are truly going all over the place can I stop spinning is the question or at least before we hit the floor all right it's not looking good evacuate evacuate parachutes parachutes uh that that was problematic but if we want to make the UK space agency's dream of building the tallest ever rocket we are gonna have to try and get through all these learning phases and so far I'm pretty happy with progress if I'm honest right so now I think we have the physical tallest tower we can and what I'm thinking if I shove clamps up the top just on one side might do some more clamps like lower down all right so I now think we've literally got the world's tallest rocket ever made we've got collapse all the way up so it can't bend about the place yeah so I think I want to shovel these clamps on the same thing we probably want the Rockets to go first all right so I I guess fire so hopefully down there we should see some flames in a second wait for it all right there we go oh look at that look look at graphics on this game right okay we're burning fuel we're burning fuel so now we want to let go of our clamps and then boost we should be going oh no we're not going up we're not going up although the top came off the top came off parachutes parachute Safety First there's going to be a lot of explosion that we're gonna fall into oh my goodness are we actually okay I think we are we're fine another successful launch for the UK space agency uh by that I mean I feel like we've learned we've learned that you can't push spaghetti so what I'm gonna do we're gonna shove some radio de couplers down and I reckon if I do you got six times symmetry so no no no why move the crate Why move the crate watch my rocket oh well uh that was sort of unexpected anyway hopefully they'll just move that out of our way meaning I can look for boosters yes here we go here we go so free stuff blows around there shove some nose cones on the easier said than done when there's a cream going through right and I stuck the nose cones on because I want this to work like we care about aerodynamics that the UK space agency so there we go they're all on so in terms of staging I think I just want the boosters to fire the clamps to decouple the Rockets the couple then the Boost at the bottom sorted sorted right okay let's go we'll skip the countdown because countdown is for Architects and then we say boot so now we're pulling spaghetti upwards although not very not very we haven't we don't have enough power I don't think we have enough power I think we need more boosters so we go get oh man the top the top is trying to wobble not entirely sure white but anyway launch those they look good then we let go oh man that's a lot of force right we let go of them and then we should be up this time surely we've got the power we're only just lifting off we're floating like a balloon and by the way if you ever watched my series on cover space wagon 1 The Return of the Flaming tampon who would have seen that coming anyway as we're getting lighter as we're using up that fuel we are actually lifting off a bit better and of course we've got no we've got no crumpleness of the of the main rocket we're just heading up very nicely that I say very nicely why are we no don't spin don't spin oh no okay we might have to evacuate evacuate right we've launched those off one's still attached for some reason yeah they've all gone that way I've tried to launch that oh we've just launched the last one now sort of missalish and then we've ended up launching a snake Okay parachute parachute yeah we came in we came in a little hot I'll give you that I'll give you that game all right so as the crane just destroys my rocket I've done some tweaks I've also just found if we go into Launchpad there's not only several launch pads on the runways there's also a boat launch we can make boots anyway let's try Launchpad 3 for good luck and I can show you the changes I've made so we've added twice as many boosters and if you look closely you'll even see I've struttered them together and although I don't have steering on the boosters I'm pretty sure that should get me up now we should go in a straight line so if we hit launch we'll skip countdown so boost so Flames are okay you'll notice the bottom engine is not moving but we'll let go of the clamps and then yes yes okay we're going up in a straight line not too much movement because we're pulling the spaghetti now we're no longer pushing we have learned from our mistakes oh yeah look at this look at this we're actually heading way up into space there's a slight bit of tilt but I think we should be good so basically once all these fuel canisters are gone we'll then detach those and fire the main rocket at the bottom hopefully that will get us into orbit so yeah still going strong got a bit of a lean on there's so much flame though I can't actually see the rest of my rocket I assume it's still in there all right yeah it's still it's still there still there still in one piece so oh no no no why are you leaning why are you leaning so much why are you leaning so much no no oh no wait why why does this always happen Okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna wait till about now and then we'll we'll uh we'll revert to launch and see what I'm loving the symmetry of my rocket off the launch pad all right so things actually going a bit better this time if we start tilting I am just gonna gonna detach all of those we don't need them probably is it's hard to tell if we are tilting right I think it's happening so let go of those let go of those not worth it not worth it okay so they've gone up there that's fine that's firework for someone oh I just tried uh no I pressed the wrong button I just attached the snake I went the parachutes fire weren't the parachutes fight without the lodge and this time I'm doing it four times time speed thing hopefully it won't be able to calculate the physics in order to spin our balls I failed I failed right this is looking this is looking a bit better though if I just don't fire when we're pointing downwards and we can keep momentum going up which is sort of working to be honest oh yes look at this don't tie a knot in yourself to tell you what let's do a front flip I think I'm if I learned to steer this thing I think I have I feel like we're definitely steering yeah you know what I think UK space agency we're going to take this one as a win we've got the world's largest rocket into space so for now let's just man the parachutes and land Valentina safely we don't really care about that bit anymore oh man imagine that falling down oh my God I hope no one parked their car there but yeah as before I think we are we are now safe to land Valentine is happy although lots of wires in her face yeah it's pretty it's pretty crazy in here I'm not gonna light but the UK space indices motto is seafood first so that's fine right and with that successful Mission I can see a bright future for us at the UK space agency if you have any missions I should be attempting let me know in the comments but for now I'll say peace love and poor Valentine is covered in spiderwebs bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 647,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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