I accidently made Zapdos in Kerbal Space Program...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to kerbal space program now you may be sat there looking like this but in a minute you're going to be looking like this and by the end of the video you're going to be looking like this now because today i'm outdoing myself i'm going to attempt to make a bridge fly i'm gonna try and use the plane thing which i've never used before but first i wanted to let you know about an easy way to make extra money for free opinion outpost is sponsoring today's video if you head to the link in my description you can head on over to their website where you can earn cash directly to your paypal or exchange it for an amazon gift card just by sharing your opinion so thank you so much to opinion outpace for sponsoring today's video and supporting the channel right so first job is to find where i build airplanes uh i assume the runways are at takeoffs maybe it's like yes bass plane hangar in we go oh this is different look at this why are those people floating look at their shadows what's going on oh my god he's like drifting they are floating anyway right so i know everything there is to know about rockets but what do i know about planes uh i sort of know you need to start with a cockpit i guess i don't know would be a good one to go for for a bridge have you ever seen a bridge that's a uh spaceship before brigham you see how close that was right oh look there's outside whoa oh yes this would be lovely it's got the uk space agency flag mark one because it is just a prototype don't expect the finnish article i might should do you think i should probably just do like a test run just to sort of see how planes work before i go and build a bridge straight away so we got a cockpit uh i don't what else do planes have they just have like an empty space oh fuel yes we need fuel of course [Music] it's going to be one of those days oh there you go there you go it's going to be one of those days i was about to see all right i think that's very round but okay and then wings i'm thinking wings aerodynamics oh god a winglet it's not like a small wing yeah no that's just making a missile i need proper wings big s wing they seem tiny planes have bigger wings than that oh here we go airplane oh my god i've made a dragon i do wonder why aren't wings like that that looks cool all right so let's get some engines on this bad boy is there like a goliath turbo fan and that sounds like what i need holy crap that is insane can they just go anywhere yes yes that's what i want oh god i'm gonna have to try it honey is that just gonna implode surely that will just implode wouldn't it i am intrigued though so we're gonna go ahead this looks like i've never seen a plane before i have seen a plane before i'm just trying to like trying to be like the wright brothers like don't use anything as an example they didn't they didn't look at birds they didn't think two wings they're like no we're doing four wings uh okay so wheels i think we want like those yeah large ones so if we put maybe i don't want that one if i do that and then can i rotate them by my rotators see i actually know kerbal stuff now so that doesn't look too bad i don't think then we just need a wheel for the front i think for the front we just want two wheels so there you go oh yes decent right i think that's actually not that bad i probably need a tail fin so i can steer see i do know planes people think i don't know planes but i do i'm going to actually find one that's called tail foot there you go tail fin okay and then what goes on the back i don't know we probably won't get that i could put one of them i mean our tail connections there we go here we go beautiful i'm gonna try and do this properly you can hold alt there you go that don't look too bad although it doesn't need like tail i feel like it does need well are they called delta wings are they the back wings yeah i think we'll shove two of those there right sweet let's uh let's give this a try i i do think it's going to explode oh god i nearly forgot the most important part the name all right what was was the first first ever plain name it's called the right flyer i'm gonna call mine the right player gotta start somewhere okay come on uk space agency your first ever maiden flight let's hope the engines do not implode oh it hasn't exploded yet oh god the ship the shaders are exploding hey let's bounce in [Music] right so we know it's got some moves oh god i just realized my wheels are actually pointing oh look at jeb he's like way different looking uh do you need to hit space oh the engines are on they are spinning jeb is okay you can't see the blades behind his head in there look he's looking around he's like i can fill a drawer here we go here we go oh god oh it's gonna work pull up pull up i don't think i can pull up oh god we're taking off we're taking off it actually worked how do i put the wheels away yes it worked oh this is wicked me it's sensitive whoa sorry jeff slow down i'm holding left oh god he's doomed he's doomed how do i stop the spit oh god that don't look good um uh okay it went reasonably well in that i know i know how planes work now um yeah okay there back to the hangar right i feel like i didn't have any lift i don't know if it's just those wings but i feel like they weren't like flapping about so are there any wings that have flaps on them it's like none of these wings have flaps all right tell you what then i'm going to try out all of these wings and just try and work out which ones are the best and which ones have flaps and stuff right there we are and now we have one of every wing we can now find out which wing is the best [Music] oh i am i'm going insane i'm literally going insane right so time to test which wing is best what a rain that was map water rhyme right ready throttle up and then boosh oh we're away we're moving i'm scared to touch any of the controls oh well we're up oh my god there's so much lift there's too much lift there's too much we're lifting too much oh god we're doing a backflip for our maiden run quick pull up pull up pull up ah look at the wings going crazy oh what a triangular mess the best kind of mess actually okay so to the untrained eye that wasn't very helpful but to me it actually was so how how do i bend this off right sorry see you later right i think now it's time it's time for the main event i know how everything works it's time to build a freaking bridge all right so i'm gonna call this one the bridgest brain ever is it a bridge is it a plane oh god i can't type who do you like is it a bridge oh i really can't type what's wrong with me is it a bridge is it a plane what's wrong with my fingers no it's hammer time what i i question myself sometimes right so so as someone points out in the last bridge episode i actually built it not very well because these beams they're the wrong way around so i think i left them in that orientation i didn't think too far about it i assume the game doesn't actually go into this much detail but if you want to be realistic about it your i-beam should be that way round so that's the strongest orientation if the load is coming from above so say force was put in the middle and it was supported on either side the web the bit the vertical bit there stops it bending like that whereas the two flanges flanges they're just to like stop it twisting and buckling and some other forces anyway let's uh let's build our bridge so i think i want to space these like that far apart or do i know where were those metal sheets were they in structural like structural it was like a crane where's the crane i can't see a crane no i'm on the crib idiot what is wrong with you structural panel so we got two by two and one by one one by one is tiny so we'll do two by two so we've got that sort of thing so we wanna move these i-beams a little bit closer so we can use move and we'll just yes lovely okay all right so essentially i'm just going to copy that with alt and just keep putting them on the end in the meantime i'm going to make my truss nice and then we add the 3dness by pocket i-beam oh that's actually a good size all right turn the symmetry off oh it's not quite i could use my scale tool yeah should i do that oh oh that's a bit too much can i type a number in 110 oh bollocks i can just click i can click exactly where i want nice 118 yes how do i move up and down is to do my head in okay we'll just have to do an angle do we think that's flat i can see right and now we just strut the hell up i imagine this will be time-lapsed so i'll probably see you on the other side all right i'm just interested to know have i actually done that properly i know i need to bolt the floor let's just see will that launch yes and the floors attach somehow i think maybe it's wedged in the uh in the flanges grease all right so hopefully i can just copy like that and shove it there-ish then oh i've just i think i've just worked out it gets smaller oh well it'll be fine it'll be fine it's a rickety old bridge it's not a new fandangled new one yes this is awesome this is awesome it's finally taking shape now some of you might be saying my engineering tolerances are a bit a bit iffy along here it's not the straightest bridge in the world and i would say is that i'm a road engineer i work to the nearest meter nice but i'm pretty happy with this i should probably do a few i'll probably double that yeah i'll do do one more oh and people in the comments from last video they told me this number down here it isn't weights or anything it's the price so this is a really cheap ass bridge which some of you might be saying that's obvious look at it it's oh my god it's a bridge around the corner all right let's try and fix this rotate all right let's look down if we do yeah if we do like that and then sort of move it into place we might get away with it not looking so wonk i might rotate that rotate yeah just to uh just to try and keep it straight yeah it's definitely going around a bend a bit all right sweet now copy a load of those you would have thought me being a civil engineer be able to build a uh a bridge a bit better right i think just a few more struts because that floor is a bit gappy now and then wherever my joints were so yeah i can see there's a few struts missing in there so just do that oh no i wasn't symmetrical bollocks cool we we might be done i'm going to add some wings so i've got an idea to keep it more streamlined but to start with i just want to see if it works i feel like they're facing the wrong way or is it meant to be one of those cool like backwards planes not entirely sure okay and then we want some engines so i'm gonna grab we've got no fuel we've really gotten a few i thought i thought in real life fuel tanks on aeroplanes were like in the wings i don't know maybe i was wrong i'm going to use these rugged wheels for my plane no i'm not because i don't know how to use them i'm going to use these ones instead note because they're tiny i'm going to use these ones instead no i'm not i'm going to stick with the normal with the large ones yes i think that's good i need one at the front i can get to the front just a it's one of those a medium right now that actually looks like a plane to me i need some sort of nose cone i quite like the idea of that one because that looks like really cool yeah that looks decent right now i need fuel and engines see what i might do whether this will work i don't really know i do feel like my wings are backwards but we'll see i need a telephone i need a tail for this definitely do a tail fin first so what i'll use the space one i'll shove that on there well i could do i could actually scale that yeah i think that's better and then i will move it just so it is in the middle well in the middle of the back it's not in the middle of the front because our bridge goes around the corner right so now i'm actually going to add rocket boosters just to get us up i think so i want some decouplers and i think i want radial decouplers like that and then boosters like that well but ideally facing the right way so let's just rotate yeah nice and then i'll put nose cones on sorted that's going to trigger some people that's going to trigger some people right this is the bridgest brain ever okay i don't know if my wings are connected to my bridge uh what if i oh my god we got three people got jebediah bill and bob holy i'm gonna launch it is connected it is connected go left oh crap not that much left i'm not gonna touch the steering we're just gonna it's gonna go we're gonna hope that we don't hit the building oh we're snaking oh i haven't touched anything pull up pull up pull up bollocks hmm okay maybe back to the drawing board for a little bit so i'm gonna do i'm gonna get under here with some struts and just strut my stuff symmetrical mat yes there we go so base i'm just like stitching i'm like a surgeon i am literally gonna cross stitch like a surgeon as well right they should be attached i don't know whether i need to do the top so that you can see you can see the struts through those that's cool i'm also thinking maybe i should make my wheels a bit wider so a bit more stable so let's grab these and shove them yes just like that that's that's much better so we'll rotate those like that cool let's see can this thing fly oh she's a bit she's a bit back heavy now it just wants to take off it's a very impatient plane it's like please can we take off on the plus side any vehicles in a chase they can just drive up the back if they're a bit late for a take off all right let's go oh what's exploding oh the arse end of my bridge exploded but we're up we are up we are upside down i can't seem to steer oh because i lost my tail i didn't oh brutal but we survived successful first flight right i suspect that my wings are the wrong way round which is very frustrating considering we've just stitched them all up uh oh well we'll move that off and we'll shove him on the other side um yep that's what i wanted that's what i want all right then we'll rotate nice i might also move these back just to get the old the weight a bit more balanced all right we're good all right ready i got a good feeling about this one oh thank you i didn't flip the engines yes proving once again the bridge is the strongest shape it really wants to go right it really wants to go right the world's fastest bridge we're drifting this is the sequel to tokyo drift all right so what i'm thinking just to allow myself to have more steering is i grab this just do that right so my theory here is bigger tail fin will allow me to steer easier i'm only noticing now it's quite large uh let's see what happens oh god look at the door oops all right i'm just trying to think maybe it wasn't the tail so i will scale that back down i literally think the problem might be the wings aren't big enough so i'm gonna grab that wing i'm gonna scale it up oh maybe not that much [Music] um okay that's actually not a bad size 200 let's try this you know we rest i think we're resting on our engines um yeah the trouble with making the wing bigger overall is this also made it thicker i could make my wheels bigger but let's let's see what happens first um three days later oh we are moving we're moving i'm scared the engines might get hot and explode because of the friction on the ground yeah i don't think this is going to take off is it well maybe it will we are we're drifting again kerbal space drift two oh yeah we we definitely ain't got enough speed oh oh did we just we hit that light but we basically survived all right it's time to take this seriously now this has gone on for too long i'm gonna leave you with a time lapse while i build this into the most insane bridge plane you've seen in your life i'll see you on the other side [Music] cool so i've scaled my wheels up added a few more engines i kind of forgot to scale the front wheel so we are leaning forwards a bit i think that would just help us to like know when we should pull up we'll see right let's go all right engines are firing nice we're moving off oh no we got this again i think we've got too much power come on matt you got this you got this come on come on left left left left yes we've made it see under the runway we haven't pulled up yet we're away we're not quite awake we might have to use the mountain as a ramp yes no oh no you are why doesn't this work [Music] right looking at our shadow this should work surely surely right so hopefully i've solved it now i've added to stay put next just because it looked like a knob in the shadow i've added a booster to the back i've got little wheels on so we can take off without scuffing the rear end and i've staged it so that the engines fire first hopefully we'll get enough speed up the runway and then we can hit the booster just for that last bit of the last bit of push and then we might be able to circumnavigate the globe in a bridge i feel like i'm close i've got to be close so i've got to keep her straight get as far down the runway as we can and then i'll hit that rocket booster right wish me luck a lot of concentration going on start it hit the booster oh yes oh this is better pull up pull up the lights yes yes yes no yes no ditch the booster we're flying that counts that counts as fly please i can't steer this thing push oh yes look at that trajectory she's going she is off i've actually done it i've actually done it it's going too high it's going too steep pull the nose down pull the nose down we're going upside down all right if i can quickly just yes oh right the solid fuel is about to run out if i can just pull her up a bit can we save this no oh that was incredible though i actually did it all right one more time one more time pull up pull up pull up look at that tail look at that tailbone that flies better than my bloody plane what anyway guys i think we got one successful flight out of that let me know in the comments how can i how can i improve this probably get rid of the bridge part yeah peace love bridges i'll catch you next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 302,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: longest rocket ksp, longest rocket kerbal space program, kerbal space program longest rocket, tallest rocket, tallest rocker kerbal space program, tallest rocket ksp, kerbal space program, ksp 2, real engineer kerbal space program, real civil engineer, first time in kerbal space program, engineer plays kerbal space program, engineer plays kerbal space program for the first time, bridge rocket ksp, bridge plane ksp, best plane design ksp, ksp plane, ksp airplane, airplane ksp
Id: FaQQzXcTQ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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