I BROKE The Land Speed Record in Kerbal Space Program 2

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so real civil engineer claims to have set the record for land speed in this game but I think that we can do better just out of curiosity I want to see what like these smallest bits can get us for Speed so if we just get the small parts at the smallest fuel tank and a decent amount of thrust in an atmosphere along with some landing gears so we don't just Pace ourselves on the runway uh where'd that go there we go something like that should be good enough so the record that real civil engineer claims to have set is 34 meters a second shouldn't be too bad um I guess this Thruster needs some airflow so what we can do is change out this nose cone for an air intake it actually doesn't look too bad I could definitely see this making a speed record Valentina certainly seems to think so so let's just go oh yes that's working that is working so much better okay 20 of 34. how fast is this gonna go whoa whoa it's teeter-tottering oh gosh okay 146 meters a second though in all fairness it was 34 meters a second and the Kerbal survived so let's try that again we can just boost this up and then okay 34 and cut the power whoa whoa right now I shouldn't be getting too greedy with something this powerful but we will just get this going 34 50 cut it okay Easy Does It Easy Does It should I put on the brakes uh whoa whoa okay we're in the grass we're we're actually at 88. oh man we're still going I guess what this thing could use is some parachutes I think the extra small one should be fine enough so let's get this going again 34 mirrors a second let's get to 50 and turn it off and then deploy the parachutes hopefully they don't burn up in the thrusters actually there isn't heat in the game yet so you should be fine I didn't see what the top speed was because this thing still lamps up even though I cut the power whoa easy okay and land it land it I'm not sure this council's Landing yet you can't get out because this is blocked but we still have power so let's just ramp it up again oh there's no airflow this time though we can just uh recover The Vessel top speed 87 meters a second so we already doubled the record however that record only cared about the Kerbal surviving we don't need to limit ourselves with things such as these so let's just get as much speed as we can Valentina will be remembered for her contributions to science on getting AirSpeed on the ground and that was 159 meters a second which is not fast enough because in his video real civil engineer managed to get up to 419 meters a second before ultimately crashing I think we could do that not with this little thing though go away we're gonna need something a little bigger like this one I really like the shape of this one it's very pointy definitely gonna go zoom zoom and then we just give it some fuel it might not even go through both of these tanks before crashing but then we can narrow it off with a thingy like oh that should fit a big Thruster on it something good within atmosphere like this one oh yeah that's a good size that's a chunker right there and then we're probably gonna need some bigger wheels so let's get a few of these like so and like so this definitely looks Speedy so let's see how speedy whoa balances a bit off why are you so bouncy okay but this is a rocket engine so it shouldn't need air intake either why are you bouncing so much those are not what those Hydraulics are supposed to be for anyway we're just gonna go whoa oh this is so much faster 300 300. 431 already and uh I don't know what's going on anymore so how fast can we go that's what I want to know I want to absolutely demolish the record also see how much fuel we go through before ultimately crashing and whoa easy okay it's very bouncy and oh it's taking off this is not how land records work just yep get back down to the ground if you please no you don't go spaceship mode this is not a spaceship he's just doing loopty Doodles and we ran out of fuel and we are also very much up can we turn this thing around no not really but we can fall back into the ocean quick eject eject okay uh note to self don't eject in the air wow but that was very bouncy so we're gonna need something that'll stay on the runway I'm gonna do something with the wheels Auto friction control suspension yeah that could be enough maybe just reduce the spring strength and the dampener I don't know what any of these do and then I don't want rce coming in being like Oh your record's invalid because he didn't survive so fine we shall get some parachutes on this one as well and then oh hey manually doing those spring things really helped out for the landing gear very nice oh but these parachutes are on the wrong stage uh quick Readjustment there we go so let's do this oh yes well why are you spinning already whoa easy so as long as you're not bouncy we should be fine so let's go okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you spinning already okay it's very unstable because yeah the center of mass is oh wow it's very far back and the aerodynamics are right there so that's kind of cool but that's we don't really care about that unless we put some wings on here and just give them a few adjustments so no control surfaces and just changing a whole lot of angles here and the wingspan will be very narrow and this will be narrow as well just have something that can keep it going down and it already does that but it's going up I don't want that so if we manually just rotate them down like that hey that worked maybe a little bit less yeah there we go okay and then yes so that should keep our rocket tube on the tarmac I'm feeling pretty good about that let's make sure these are in the correct stage this time and then we should be good to go hopefully the wheels don't cause any more issues with the spinning and whatnot but as long as it doesn't leave the ground it shouldn't spin at all I wouldn't think let's go okay same flat a lot more it's current up so next problem is to fix the spinning shouldn't be too much of an issue though we can just adjust the wingspan a little bit I don't know why you're upside down all of a sudden okay you're fine and then root length as well so that we can now attach some Wheels to you just way out at the ends it actually seems kind of normal and we can rotate these slightly too so that they are pointing same direction as those Wheels I think we can work with this it does seem kind of weird it almost is like one of those uh I don't even know what you call them the helicopters that can turn to planes but anyway we're gonna go okay whoa oh hey it's not turning over but it's also just continuing to spin I feel like there's something going on that we need to correct maybe adjusting the suspension of the back wheels too whoa whoa kie that and kill a dampener too he's just doing a little dance bring back the spring strength Maybe and Just amp it up okay it's not dancing anymore if you turn off friction controls well and uh do that to the front yeah sure we should be able to do this go okay why turn right away what are you doing at least I can reduce the landing gear not sure how that's supposed to work so my guess what going on is that it's still not stable enough well obviously but in what way Center Mass seems pretty Center maybe a few more wheels just go on the edges here I don't know what those are gonna do so why don't we go back to was working take off the wings and if we could add more weight to the front I think that would help with the bouncing issue thing is I really don't know what's heavy here uh that looks heavy five tons is definitely heavy so you you and then you and probably move the landing gear up having one be wider than the other might be good too that actually looks kind of cool I wonder how well it's gonna work let's find out and well okay yup it's definitely nose heavy that is not leaving the ground I hope not anyway here we go and why are you spinning right away maybe I'll turn SAS off see if that solves the issue that we can keep going okay nope it just likes to spin so if instead of one Thruster we had perhaps two already get three of them let's start with two so there are these engine ounce maybe we can do something with that to attach multiple thrusters onto them well I mean uh definitely not like that so if we came in here brought an adapter from the medium to large is this legal can I do this uh let's find out I mean so far everything is together and we can launch it oh my gosh that's so much more thrust already okay definitely keeping that maybe we do need Wings on here just to keep it level but we also don't need control surfaces I don't think there's something about it that really makes me want to go that way what if we slow down what's happening and boost a little bit okay it's spinning it's spinning it's spinning I don't know why it's spinning there might just be something wrong with the tarmac so maybe I can get this thing to the grass for a nice smooth takeoff I don't even know what this thing is supposed to be that nose part is so weird but it adds the weight okay we're in the grass feels nice and smooth whoa except when I do that and then we will just look down the runway like this please work this time and go whoa okay it's spinning again and the wing is down out of here the wing is taking off on its own what I get wings are supposed to go in the air but not by themselves I gotta say that is flying remarkably straight for only being its own thing and pow that was weird I'm thinking maybe I messed up some things with the landing gear that just makes it do weird things so we're gonna get rid of these and bring in some new ones some bigger ones I don't think we need bigger ones just the ones that we were using and then I think we can put some of these on the wings I should keep it level I would think I hope anyway I really just want to see the maximum potential of these thrusters oh okay very bouncy this is what it was before should be fine I think we're going okay it was the wheels I just shouldn't mess with things other than how they are look at the speed though 360 meters a second okay let's cut these and then deploy the shoots uh okay we're going and whoa okay thrusters are gone that's fine we're slowing down oh my gosh we I just do it this works so good and then we just put on the brakes and we are safe Eva can step out not Eva uh Valentina can step out and enjoy her record-setting craft how far do we get with that hold on let's uh go back in and recover vessel 361 meters a second and we live too but that 419 number still haunts my dreams so you know what we probably need is more thrusters that is menacing right there and that even fitted on properly I feel like there was an adapter for that but also how's the weight looking yep very back because of that extra Thruster because if it was just two yeah it's still pretty far back this just pushes it back even farther just entirely dependent on these back wheels I need more weight at the front because each of these thrusters are which ones are those these ones or is it these ones main sales so these are six tons each so I need 18 tons at the front and these could do somewhat of it if I could get two of them or we could also just change out these wheels and it should be fine and place them farther on like the adapter piece here I think this can do it everything is pretty bounced oh those are touching the ground and bit worried now uh let's just send it and whoa yep okay already lost those ones and yeah so we can do a cheeky little move called push these down oh yep that did it okay none of the thrusters are touching I can see underground which is kind of cool and now let's try this again yeah oh that's so much thrust but it does so good 360 370 76 ah they already ran out of fuel and it wasn't getting much more speed really whoa easy there yeah not too much more speed so we've pretty much reached the maximum thrust of these thrusters let's see that's an extra large on there or a large it's a large and uh in atmosphere that's 3 000 of whatever oh boy that's the ticket right there how's the weight uh pretty good actually Center Between the Wheels I like it and we just have to really hope that everything stays together with this thing here we go oh my gosh that is so fast they're 98 I was so close so really what happened there it's going smooth and then oh oh it hit some sort of like hitch in the runway oh 404 that was a little more 404 rocket not found so that's the part that's giving us trouble it hit some sort of divot in the runway and then it all goes kabooy so maybe what it needs is bigger wings for more stability and then we can scoot the wheels out as far that might be enough to offset the Jitters ideally anyway and then we just start boosting and then hopefully that divot doesn't do anything oh we pass it oh look at that look at that 430 get 440 whoa shoot to play the shoots to play the shoots save it save it save it wow oh please survive oh what she survived oh my goodness we just got some ridiculous speeds also there's some part that's in orbit right now hello our little cover right here got some crazy speeds with that and she uh we just won't talk about that let's go back in recover The Vessel 440 meters a second I'm no engineer but I'd say that's a new record and the best part about it is our Kerbal survived so it's really not up for debate anyway guys thank you for watching and sub to intern and I do want to thank the channel members including bread Dakota C Mr one Calvin K ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Destructo man bladed Archer Cowboy Donna Moto deviant X muffin stuffer Lucas s LED splatter sax the real nickname Edward eyeballs and hateful Harold
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 186,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, ksp, ksp 2, ksp 2 intern, intern ksp 2, kerbal space program, kerbal space program 2 early access, kerbal space program 2 gameplay, kerbal space program 2 game, kerbal space program 2 steam, kerbal space program 2 intern, kerbal space program 2 interndotgif, intern kerbal space program 2, kerbal space program 2 best shuttle, kerbal space program 2 best rocket
Id: X9ysIh1S9o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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