Cinema 4D Hard Surface Open Subdiv Modeling Tutorial | Part 1

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hello in this tutorial i will try to model that gun in some of 4d but i will use another technique called sub open subdivision so it is gonna be a little bit different but it's gonna be faster and this is the end result so let's start first thing let's load our image to the front and i will press mne which to polygon pen mod and i will try it i will start to mesh the image press ctrl to max extrusion okay we created our base model base mesh now let's select those points and scale them on the x-axis and here also add here those points needs to be perfectly straight [Music] okay now i will select all my polygons and i will extrude them and also let's go to mesh access center and center decks and i will put that object into symmetry object and let's change the plane about something wrong and i did access center so let's enable access and enable snap and let's move the axis to center edge now let's put symmetry one more time okay let's check on these options we need some extrusion around here so to do that i will extruding and i will just move them and now i will switch my modeling axis and offset my axis to 100 percent on x-axis so i can scale it like this now i would select those points and move them and these ones i am trying to make a circular shape okay that's enough or here now let's move to the next part let's make a hole right here but before doing that i will make a cuts writes in the middle that's let's see [Music] let's make an extrusion and delete let's do the same thing here but let's make a loop cut right in the middle extrude and delete and let's move the polygon something like that and let's make low cuts also here right in the middle press shift now i will add a cylinder we need a hole right here so i'm gonna do that select those polygons and extinguish we have one two three four five six seven eight sixteen minus two fourteen point seven is fourteen segments and i will switch to slides and match those points they don't have to match perfectly because you won't see those whole spots again it's it's another detail okay now let's select those polygons and they are actually selected i will press nng to switch wireframe modes and i will breach them by pressing shift but before that let's move those points there cause problems i think okay it worked now we created all of our alts and also let's don't forget here let's add the disk it's 8 segments and let's change our multiplier frame and let's enable snap actually let's make this six segments okay we have another hole right here but this time we need its segments and let's snap them okay we are done with this piece now i will switch my edge mode go to select and long break selection at let's reach that angle and let's select all so these are the edges but i don't want this to be selected so i will deselect them also here here and those ones i am trying to select the edges that i want them to be sharp okay but forget something we need to extrude those parts so that's and also let's select those edges okay we are good to go now i will add a subdivision surface but i will change my mode to open subdivision and for subdivision now these are edges that selected now i will put my last selection side division surface and give them 75 strength and that's let's turn off angle limits let's make it five to see it better okay some parts are too sharp so i will fix them let's start with here let's make it 50. make it 35 okay better and i want this these edges to be sharp so let's make it 75 okay and these are too strong let's select them let's make them dirty and these ones are also too strong so i'll select them and make them some persons maybe loaf so they just look too strong so let's select them and give them the person strength okay that looks a lot better also these ones let's make it 75 actually no okay that's better and this once let's give those edges fifty percent strength also okay but here i will change to zero but before moving to the next part i will change some points let's select those inner parts and just scale them it's also here and i will select those polyglots and right click normal move this is going to add some thickness to those parts and also let's select here starting from here until here and let's move them on the zx you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 13,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3sd max, hard surface, organic, procedural, 3d, vfx, lesson, gun, weapon, open subdiv, open subdivision, creases, advance
Id: A1stTy7M07k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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