Beginner 3D Modeling #1 | Radio | Basic Subdivision Surface Modeling Tutorial

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hi everyone welcome in this new series i will show you how to model objects if you are new to 3d modeling or you have no experience in 3d modeling and this is the first one in the series i will use only three or four modeling tools and only two primitive objects so it's not going to be very complicated it's going to be really simple and easy to fall off i will increase the difficulty gradually in the next videos let's get started now let's create our first primitive object click here and select cube i will change my y size to 100 centimeters also i'm gonna change my z size to 100 centimeters now i will make my cube editable press c or you can click here now i will change edge mode or you can change the particular mode so first let's select this front polygon right click select exchange inner after that i will right click one more time and select extrude just like that all right now let's use subdivision surface to make these edges softer to do that let's create a subdivision surface and put our object into the subdivision surface make a child of it so subdivision deformer or modifier basically divides your each polygon into 16 polygons at defaults but it divides them in a such way that it always once curve the surface or the polygons this is where we use sporting edges or cuts to change that curve you can see that each polygon is divided into 16 polygons so now let's use loop cut right click select loop cut we select or look at our viewport will show the original mesh let's put our first look at all sporting edge right here and right here let's do that for air counter also let's cut right here let's not forget the back sides a default subdivision surface comes with two subdivision editor and subdivision renderer subdivision editor what you see in the viewport and subdivision renderer what you will get when you render your object so let's make it three for both of them now let's create other primitives i will click here and select cylinder change its orientation to z because this is the face we are looking at then i will click here this is the model mod if you click that dot this is going to change the size or radius let's make it something like 32 move it here and change the height with this dots let's make it 50 then move it here then i will make it editable just like we did in this cube press c or click here now we can access the polygons of the objects switch to polygon mode click here select these polygons with live selection tool right click select extra tiner after that i will move these polygons on the z-axis then i will make another extrude inner right click select extrude inner right click select x route after that let's make another extrude inner a really small extra thinner then we can go back to x root right click select x root that's all now let's put that cylinder under our subdivision surface so in order to subdivision surface to work in two objects we need to make these two objects into one group to do that i can create a null and put these objects into that null after that i will put that null in under my subdivision surface this is the hierarchy we need to use the subdivision surface for two or more objects or you can just select them and press alt and g now let's try to make these sporting edges for the cylinder too right click select loop cuts and add these cuts right at these edges to make the edges more sharper we can add two cuts let's create our second cylinder change the orientation change the size or reduce let's make it third of two just like the other one let's move it somewhere here let's make the height 50 centimeters and maybe it's something like that then i will make it editable click here or press c polygon mode select all these front faces polygons right click exit inner after that i will use x-root another excerpt image another extrude one more time extra thinner after that i will make another extra thinner and move these polygons on the z-axis let's scale these points sorry edges just save the edge mods double click on the edges then press here this is the scale tool or you can press t and i am going to slide the scale this all right let's put that cylinder under our subdivision surface group now let's add our supporting edges right click select blue cuts i want to extrude these center polygons let's do that right click select extrude and select extrude i will make another cut for these front polygons we can add another one here and maybe here let's make that cylinder a little bigger i will scale it with the t or you can press here let's move it now i will create another cylinder change the orientation videos and heights now i will move that cylinder until it touches the surface or the polygons let's go to display and enable all lines so we can see the polygons in this cylinder i won't need these height segments so let's make it one and make the cylinder editable press c or click here now i will switch to polygon mode select these front polygons with the live selection tool switch to scale tool or press c and i will slightly scale this front polygons now all i need to do add spotting edges all loop cuts right click select boot cut but let's not forget to put that new cylinder into our subdivision surface group i will add my first look at here and here let's make another copy of that new cylinder press ctrl and move your object on the y-axis this is going to create a new duplicate so let's them just like that i will add last loop cuts here and it's here all right now let's create our last cylinder change orientation height and radius this time this center will be really small let's enable all lines in the viewport this time i will change my heights segments to 1 as well and make it editable press c and put that under our subdivision group now we will need to add our loop cuts to do that let's switch edge mode right click select loop cuts this time i want these edges to be softer to do that i will double click on these edges by the way you can activate subdivision surface by pressing q i will move these edges just like that this is gonna give me softer edges just like that we can do the opposite of that just move these edges to the very close to the next ones now let's create something for the button i will again create another cylinder this time i am not going to change my orientation i will just change my height let's move it's like that let's change our radius 9 is good 10 is good for the height let's make it five i will enable my line some more time since this is a very flat in here we will not use any or we will not need any height segments so let's make it one and make it editable i will put that into my subdivision surface group which means you will need spotting edges right click make sure that you are on edge mode or polygon mode right click select loop cut and add these loop cuts now i will place that cylinder here then i will press ctrl and move my object this is going to create a new duplicate now i can do the same thing for these two objects select them press ctrl and drag the objects now let's try to unwrap these objects uvs but first thing i need to rename these objects because they all have the same names and a little bit organization let's turn off submission service so you can select the objects easily let's select these four objects and i'm gonna move down right here then rename that let's rename that to bottom one then i will copy the name ctrl c double click on the second object and ctrl v but this time i'm going to change name to button 2 and i will do the same thing for this other two objects let's select that one what is that this is light so let's make that light object or indicator this one let's name that button two this one speaker if you want another button a swim button tree this is our base cube i'm just gonna name that bass now we can start to ue unblend to do that let's change our layout to uv edits let's start from the top so just like in the 3d view i will switch to polygon mods or you can switch to edge mods but in this case i will work with polygons i will select other polygons and i'm gonna just say uv unwrap just like that now we have three identical objects which have same polygon and edge count so we can use these first objects uvs to do that i will delete the other three objects uv text just select them and delete then i will select the first ones you will tag press ctrl and drag that uv tag to other objects just like that so now all these objects have have same uv let's select light select other polygons here we unwrap but make sure that you don't select any other objects you attack just click somewhere else in the layout then select your lights select all the polygons say uv unblock perfect let's do the same thing for that button select all you unwrap but this time these polygons are slightly rotated but it is really easy to fix that just switch the edge mode select that vertical edge and say align uv islands this is going to fix that let's go to base select all the polygons using overlap sorry i selected all the edges not edges select all the polygons switch polygon mod and your arm wrap so this time this automatic uv envelope didn't give a good result but we can change the type that we enveloped these polygons for this one let's go to automatic uv and select angle i think this is going to give us a better result and say apply yes as you can see now we have a better uv all right guys i think these are enough for the basics of modeling and uv i'm wrapping i hope you learned something new and like the video and i see you in the next tutorials bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 8,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, radio, beginner, starter
Id: --NDpkuY4t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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