Cinema 4D Hard Surface Open Subdiv Modeling Tutorial | Part 3

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okay now let's add a cube and hide that object and let's change to display lines and scale that make that editable and i will make cut right in the middle and delete that half and let's unhide that part and let's change our modeling access to normal sorry world and let's extrude here one more time i will move that edge something like that and i will enable snap which snap and select those points and i will snap them to that edge and so let's extrude three times and move that polygon over here to match that extrusion here and let's snap those i will move those points now i will select those polygons actually not this one let's select them switch to scale press ctrl and now i want to duplicate that object to multiple times and i will use more graph but use my graph i should know the exact length of that object so i will just create a cube and let's make it 22 let's make it longer and i will select my points and enable snap i will just snap them to the group that we just created so we now you know the exact length of that edge is 22 centimeters so when i add a mograph sorry clonal object i give it to 22 centimeters it's gonna fit perfectly let's change the color let's move that cloner here and let's add two more actually unless that let's add that cloner symmetry object that we created with this this object but i should make them one object uh sorry one group select them all and alt g okay we are done with that cloner so i will press alt and then connect object and press c and let's delete actually let's go back to the cloner object we didn't delete those polygons so let's delete them and also let's delete the originals in the middle now i will let's connect objects and make data this part is a little bit tricky so let's delete that polygon cuts right here and move that polygon to here and i will right click slide and add that point to here and select those two points right click and that's okay now let's move to here select those ones and press ctrl now i will extrude that edge like that and we don't need that polygon anymore i will make a look at right here connect those two ones also here that's an extrude here and set the position to zero on the axis we let's duplicated points every time we exert like that we will get that replicated point so right click but okay let's make any cuts like cuts but uncheck usable only and delete no no i will make that hole so that's the disk and as always give it one this disk segment and eight rotation segments duplicate select them all right click and make them one object and delete these ones select those points right click stations here now i will add two loop cuts to alt t curve when i save divided stop divide that object okay let's select them all and extrude with caps on okay let's select our object press alt and add a bull object and also let's add that disk that we created just created under pool but before that we should make new loop cuts we need new polygons to make that cuts right click cuts and also less at the right in the middle select those ones right click and extracting now we can enable tool in the bool i will check create single object and hide new edges and now i will make deadpool editable now i will merge those points also let's double click and exert now let's close that gap i will select those ones press ctrl and extrude but after extrude i will set my position to zero out so the scale as usual we have duplicated points that's well done let's move to that part right click line console i cut an apple i will press shift snap my cuts and make a cut here also right here and let's continue to finish that cut okay now i will select here here also and delete so let's select those ones right click and chances and press shift right click close polygon hole so now we need a new cuts here connect those ones but before that let's move that point by hand and know that now let's add the hole right here so i will add a cylinder something like that now we need to calculate that how many segments we will need for that cylinder to have so i will count them actually before i will one more those but it goes to points that remove those ones we have seven points duplicate that by two it's 14. since this is a symmetry object we will remove two so that makes 12. so extraordinary ads with the slide tool i will try to match those points okay let's select that cylinder that's that's some extrusion and storage and lastly let's close that extrude and set down to zero both sides and position those points okay now the best mesh is done and you won't need these edges so right click and so we have a handgun here so let's close that i cut and now i will select those edges switch to slides and press ctrl because we need a tester one h loop to hold that curve here okay you think it looks perfect now i will use h mods selection and controlling selection so these blue parts will be selected let's select all but i want those ones so i will select ring selection and select also here these two ones should be sharp so i will select them too and select them actually these ones too live selection subdivision surface and that's at 60 percent and enable subdivision surface let's make that 4. you don't need those edges to be that sharp so i'll select them and set down to zero okay that's better and also let's turn off the angle limits you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 3,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3sd max, hard surface, organic, procedural, 3d, vfx, lesson, gun, weapon, open subdiv, open subdivision, creases, advance
Id: R3_J9A_5Hfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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