Creating Motion Graphics #1 | Low Poly World | Cinema 4D Tutorial

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hello everyone welcome back today's tutorial will be a little different than the other ones today i will model shade light and animate everything you see on the screen so if you like motion graphics and low poly words this is just for you so without further ado let's start i will start with the island so let me change my layout to model so we will have more view and turn off that save frames i will start with cylinder change the segments to six and you will need no height segments then i can see the shoot-off view and create duplicates of that cylinder but this time i'm gonna scale them randomly also i will turn on ambidexclusion so we will get a better view and we can change their position to make more flat surface okay this is going to be enough fun now then i will create a plane so we will see our sea level let's make it big by scaling that i'm going to put them into one group and rename that to islands now i will model the lighthouse it's gonna be really simple i'm just gonna update that cylinder by pressing ctrl and move i will put it out of that group door and i'm going to put it into a group lighthouse so for the cylinder instead of 8 instead of 6 i will go with eight make it editable make the top polygons smaller for the base let's create elder cuts make a loop selection and extrude these polygons slightly i will switch to front view and make these points flat by scaling them to zero and we can lower them to the floor for the top let's exert these one more time this time i'm gonna scale them one more time it's okay i'm gonna make an extrude in here so it is no i can select that point and move that up and i want uh selling a separate object so i will split this object original one and delete these polygons i will extrude this it kept on maybe we can do it slightly bigger and i'm gonna scale this but i will lock the y so scale won't affect the y axis now i want to add little windows so i will create these loop cuts and actually i should separate that part as well select this right click split object original one and rate so i will easily cut and make an extrude and elite i will select these one more time i will include inner polygons invert selection and delete let's delete that as well so since our center axis right in the center of the rod i can easily use a cylinder with radial modes so if you remember we had eight segments cylinder so if i put eight here and set it to zero i will get same shape color is a little off so let's turn that off that should be enough for now since we are gonna look at from a distance this is not very important now let's add some details i will select these splits and make these loop cuts i will only need these two and i can invert and delete i will try to create some kind of circle shape now i can exclude polygons okay switch to model mods also this one has its axis right in the center of the road which means that i can use cloner with radial mode easily or instead of creating a new one i'm just gonna duplicate that delete the one inside that and put that into that new cloner i will scale this cylinder slightly maybe we can scale the polygons as well select them all since we lock the y that scale will not affect the height actually let's set the radius to zero because i will make another couponer out of this this time i'm going to select that split and make a loop cut two times actually invert selection delete i will add let's see maybe now let's make it five and i'm gonna lower these maybe we can add more depth i'm gonna select them all and scale them i will change my but the link access to normal so i can scale them along the normals okay that should be enough let's give some thickness channel number [Music] eight and as i did before i will clone the coloner and delete inside and put this one in so i will lower them more okay oh no there should be no this time i will make a little entrance for the lighthouse let's add a little cut so i can execute that polygon but i will change my annotation back to normal press ctrl x root now we need to deal with these bottom polygons like let me just delete them and create new ones but i'm gonna change my orientation to worlds scale them to zero on the z let's solo that i will do cut here and delete these ones so i can merge these points okay close the bottom polygon now let's scale these polygons change it to normal and that's fine now i can slide it down let's slide it down and create a door i will create first cut right in the center if you press shift we can bubble this with zero subdivision [Music] another loop cut and simply insert this polygon for the roof first let's average that edge slide it down then dislike select one more time and move it back ready to pass select polygons split i'm going to scale them slightly and we can do that on these edges as well and some thickness okay that should be enough for the lighthouse i will change the axis of that group of lighthouse so i can scale it and position it easily let's enable edge snap and move it to the very top a button now i can't scale it but remember the turn of the lack of the y while we are here let's make some adjustments such as i want that to be larger now i want to lock my view with the camera let's create a camera and for the luck and like focal length 55 is always a good start that looks fine so from now on i can start at the tails based on that view and i will do that it started with trees let's create simple trees this time i will start the cube scale it make it editable duplicate that three times select them all right click connect objects and delete press shoot edit taper and let's give some strength okay that should be enough let's apply that deformer right click kind of state object and click that one select the bottom polygon make an excerpt in here and execute polygon now we will need to distribute that tree i'm going to do that with scatter pen tool actually before doing that let's plate place that tree okay that looks fine now i will switch to scatter pen tool first let's see what we get okay that looks good but i want more density so let's play with spacing sorry not spacing object spacing let's see what happens with one centimeters looks really good now i will go to scatter enable edit mode so i can select the trees individually and make some fine details such such as rotating and maybe scaling them actually let's do the scale with place two select three and just scale it it's gonna automatically place it right on the cylinder you can also change their position but make sure that you don't select base object like the cube 2 if you select and scale that it's going to affect them all you need to select the instances i will select the scatter one more time and select scatter pane i will add more switch back to place tool and plug the trees actually i'm gonna change the view so i will get more of the trees something like that but we know i will rotate the large lighthouse now i'm gonna model all the little and cute duck i will start the tube it should be right here i will rotate it scale it now i'm gonna need some duplicates to do that i will use cloner of course change it to linear we want to clone them on the x so set to set y to zero and increase y x so i change my camera view so i will press ctrl shift and z to go back it looks like we need to scale the cubes change x to something like i don't know 6 or 5.5 and we may add the last one let's lower higher this actually i can select them all except camera and plane and i can lower this now i'm gonna duplicate that cylinder ctrl c ctrl v scale it come on i have changed my camera view one more time i'm gonna i'll do that a few times and go to perspective view so i will increase my car to seven so i can duplicate that to that one select them all press ctrl and update i will select them all alt g and rename to doc select them all and lower these now i will create a pet starting from the house to the dock it's going to be a rock pad kind of now i'm gonna ctrl c ctrl v that cylinder scale it and put it somewhere around here it's not very important maybe we can lower the height i will select scatter plan one more time first thing first i need to lower my radius because the object is very small and let's lower the object spacing to 0.2 maybe and let's try that okay that looks fine but we need more of them so i will change my count to something like 20 or 40 maybe i will add more randomness so i'm gonna it's time to maybe we can add 10 to the z okay now let's add some scale randomness i'm gonna set it to minimum scale to 50 maybe yeah now i will start from here all the way down to the part but i believe that my radius is too big let's make it five okay switch back to place tool with scatter enable edit mode and play with these rocks okay that should be enough i will return two racks this time i will create simple rocks cube scaling that i will add segments press shift it is smoothing deformer side pick up one more time this time i will let displacer deformer but shading add a noise i will select something more interesting like this one i will change the space store because i'm going to change the scale of the cube so if i change it to 2d the scale won't affect the texture i mean the displacer i will make it bigger like 500 i can select this placer one more time and i will change the height one last thing select the cube add a remesh change it to triangles and lower it to something like 10 maybe if you don't like the shape you can go to displacer noise and change the seat for example this one looks more like a rack i will change my coordinates to words so it's going to be much easier to move and scale this now i'm just gonna duplicate this rotate scale and change the seed of the noise [Music] [Music] all right i think these are gonna be enough we can add them later as much as you want for now i'm gonna stop here and make time lost select them make a new group rocks i will need one one more thing though you see that these rocks have some submitting on them but overall we have this you know this low poly look i mean sharp edges so i will look for all the cubes i'm gonna look for search for cube so just going to list all the cubes i will select all these font tags and set my phone angle to zero i can lower that group so here then we have this plane actually this is going to be see let's rename that also i'm going to put this you know transparent material so i really want to see the inside so it's going to be good to have an underworld to do that why don't we just ctrl c and ctrl v that be that cylinder make it longer maybe smaller i will let cloner change mode to honeycomb array we need to change orientation play with the sizes are not going to match though i should change my rotation like 30. and something like that also they can intersect it's not gonna be much important we will need more than ten let's start it in 5050 so it's too long i will make it 30. let's look through the camera okay maybe 60 to 40 i will add a random effector i will change random motor noise so we will get a more uniform shape i will change my space to uv for the scale let's go to eternity for the parameters you can lower x and z i am only interested with the y maybe we can add some randomness to the scale so if i look through my camera i will lost my island so why not remove that i'm gonna slightly move it on the z so you can as you can see we have an app space over here okay let's enable the plane of the sea so these are too [Music] high let's go to run the man lower these but i'm gonna keep them they're gonna look like small items so that part is too empty i'm gonna duplicate that cylinder we use for the coloner and it should be somewhere here i'm gonna move it over here and i'm going to create my own islands now we got that spot one more time i will just duplicate this to cover here okay select them all group jam and say underworld i'll change that color of the colors now i'm gonna model a little bot i will do that in a cube solo that and i will get out of the camera make it adjustable move that polygon and i'll do cut right in the center move that edge another loop cuts so that can select the bottom polygons and scale them you will not need this select them all and exclude for the inside i can let's put the that polygon scale that extrude duplicate it one more time maybe we can lower this that should be enough for the bot select amount connect objects and delete that's all for that i will turn off follow this is a giant bot so we need to scale it now let's give some animation to that bot to do that you should see your timeline so i'm gonna switch back to standard layout select the bot so i believe that that random effector is moving because we set animation speed to 100 let's set it to zero okay and i'm gonna turn off the cloner for now it's good to enable save frames now so for the bot let's rotate it and which over here it's going to come from here but before making any keyframes i will press shift and va sorry control and d set my fps to 25 now i can keyframe select positions at the rotations keyframe and at the frame 50 i'm gonna move the watch over here and keyframe one more time let's play that perfect of course it's not gonna be enough i'm gonna enable a open up timeline top sheet and lock it over here so first thing first i want start animation to be linear so i'm gonna move them like that for the ending i'm gonna click here easys so that i can play with the left value i will set it to something like that that way the ending will be so much smoother now i want to add some rotation then the bot gets closer to the dock so obviously this is not what we want but actually we can use that to add some you know shaking but for now i am just interested in the edge so let's say that it starts to rotate on frame 13 and at the very ends it comes something like that now i need to change x and y so it's going to be much closer to the dock i'm going to select these two for the rotation and say easy easy and i will move the first moment so it's gonna start early or we can do that from here everything looks perfect except that it's too fast i mean it looks like a drift so i'm gonna i'm gonna select them all and scale them up to the frame 75 if this is not enough you can set it to 100 frames which is 4 seconds i will select x y and z position and increase that left value so the ending will be much and much smoother yeah i like that i cannot look unlike that are we done no of course i will add more to the scene and it's going to be about that c i will affect a wave to the bot i mean on the surface of the c the first thing i should make my c or plane smaller but you shouldn't see the border something like that should be enough because we will need a lot of subdivisions i mean even 100 to be not enough for a good start i will start two hundreds select c shift at the plane deformer use for the cloners but when you change their information to polygons you can use them as well on the objects you can see the effect right away i will go to falloff and put that plot into that falloff so you will see that the c object will be affected something is wrong too i mean y is not true you should play with a z something like 5 maybe or a good start now we have bought i'm gonna keep that as points but i'm gonna lower the radius to five i will add freeze below the bot and set my bottom at so for the freeze i want average now i'm gonna go to frame 0 clear the freeze and plate to see what we got okay not bad but i will add another thing to over the bot it's gonna be delay i will change its type to spring and maybe something like 25 yeah looks perfect i will set it to 90 percent the last thing i'm going to add another freeze set it to add and with this one i want to kind of create a wave coming from the bot i will set it to grow let's go to the frame 0 clear the place i think we need to also clear the first phrase yes now enable that and play it so this is of course too much so let's lower it to 50 maybe i will slightly increase that to 55 yeah something like that maybe we can try 53 so you can see that since we have such a low resolution on that plane you may get some old shading normal shading issues so it's not going to be smooth but you can select or see and at the subdivision surface it's going to be too much to so i'm going to set them to one that's that should be okay or if that makes you too slow you can go to c and we can manually add these now let me turn on cloner and start on working on shading and lighting first thing i'm going to change it to octane render my render engine now i can open up live beaver window and lock it over here let open up render settings first thing i'm going to change my gi mod to pet racing this is going to give us the most realistic results and i'm going to lower this at the end we can hire them up for now it's going to be enough let's hit render lock the view first thing i'm going to create um octane planetary light this is gonna be just for a diffused light so it's not gonna be much visible let's rotate the not offset i don't want to see the light much i just want it to affect the background it's gonna look really good when i apply a reflective shader on the c now let's create our main light it's going to be an array light but instead of area light i will select the lighthouse and select area light targeted area lights now we can move all lights obviously this is too much let's lower that to something like 50 maybe or 40. i think it's on the right side too much maybe something like that the scatter object should be non-editable so i will look for these scatter objects select them all and turn off edit modes now you should see them now i will let's octane come and attack to my camera first thing let's add some depth of fields so in normal situations 0.5 will be enough but since we are too away from the scene it's not going to be enough i will make something like 20 it's going to be unrealistic but i think in that case it's going to work 10 maybe and let's pick a focus point now we can enable camera imager and increase the exposure and give some highlight compilation and i forget to add some colder look i mean i'm going to increase my temperature to colder values what else can we add of course volume power if we have octane you are gonna use that maybe two coats let's lower that okay for lighting i think this is going to be enough now we can focus on shadings i will create my first material create obtain diffuse material mostly i will use diffused materials except for the c i believe you'll see that i'm gonna duplicate that on [Music] i will use mostly green [Music] colors not too saturated though something like that i'm gonna apply that to the main island i'm gonna apply that to the islands yeah i'm not wet duplicate that one for the trees i'm just gonna darken it go to trees and apply that to the trees you will see that that's going to change in the view in the render view that's because you need to apply that to the cube also we have this underworld i will turn off the c and let's see what our day yes cloners i'm going to apply that to the cloner but they are going to be all the same color so i want to give some randomness so i will apply that material to the cylinder then duplicate that one and assign apply the darker green to the second cylinder if you want one color to be dominant you can duplicate that one for example i can duplicate the lighter one so the lighter color will be more dominant i really don't think you're gonna need that then we have these little irons i will assign them randomly turn on c i will quickly make a material for the rocks let's make it something like gray without nail color rocks again don't assign the material to the scatter add to the cylinder these are not instances so i can assign that to the group now i am gonna get out of that camera and i will add two loop cuts to the lighthouse because you know they have this kind of stripes texture on them so i'm gonna select that loop and that should be enough i will make loop selection two times actually there should be higher okay while we have these selections i'm gonna duplicate that one i'm gonna make it more red right click and apply let's check that yeah not bad now i want to create another greenish material but this time i'm gonna make it more raw something like that let's get out of that camera one more time i'm gonna assign this new material to these ones and that one is going to be roof and we have these cloners and these cylinders i will just say right click apply or the cylinders i don't need to assign them one by one if i put it on the group it's going to assign them automatically actually we don't have to put that either and we have the door let's see what we got okay not mad maybe too dark and let's not forget the bot okay everything looks fine now let's create the last material this is gonna be for the c so for the color i'm gonna make something blue but it's gonna be dark i will change its type to glossy and give some roughness like point one we want that material to be shiny so two for the index will be good and the last thing actually i should show you while i'm doing that i'm gonna assign that to the c and the most important one will be the opacity just lower that so you will see the underworld there's another option you can create specular material and assign that to actually that one looks better but it's gonna take too long to render another thing we should create something for the dog you know it should stand on something i will add more details to the c i will do that with a displacer deformer select the c press shift and select splicer go to shading select noise i will change my noise type to vb turbulence so you see that it's gonna be too much actually it's like it's raining but we don't want that i will scale the noise yeah 500 looks nice maybe we can lower the height because you know we have another displacer kind of plane effector actually let's stop the and play the animation [Music] we can see that our wave animation with the plane effector is not much usable because the height of that displacer is too much let's make it something like two or three also i am gonna animate that it's one let's see if it is too much actually i'm gonna stop the plane effector it's gonna be much faster yes that animation is too fast i'm gonna make it 0.5 turn on the plane effector one more time i will go to freeze and clear that you can see that it's on the viewport now i want to make some fine adjustments to the light so select the octane light area light and i want it to be more on the left i will lower the power because it's too much it's casting too sharp shadows let's make it 20 i'm gonna get my brightness from the exposure from the camera let's go to the camera images and increase the exposure another thing i'm gonna take back what i did with the temperature i'm gonna make it warmer so that it will kind of sunset now if you excuse me i will quickly add some small details such as trees you know these are really empty i will make these and come back shortly okay now i will make my final addition to my scene it's gonna be a common animation so let's try to do that first thing let's make sure that this is 25 go to camera and select these rotation and positions keyframe these on the frame zero let's go to the last frame i will select the lighthouse so that my camera will target that and i'm gonna slightly rotate the camera maybe we can zoom a little then go back to camera and keyframe these one more time to make the viewport faster i'm gonna turn off these not bad but i will make the start of the animation of the camera linear so let's select these and move them back actually this is not the best way but it's the fastest okay now some camera shake animation tags rate enable rotation i will make them solo that because it may shake too much let's try that yes they are shaking too much let's lower this still too much maybe our frequency is too much let's make it one everything looks perfect but before hitting the render i will make a preview render i would highly suggest you to make that before any render so this is basically render the viewport in real time so everything looks fine then i will say okay okay here we go let's play that to me it looks perfect except here so somewhere around here we can't see the background you will not probably notice that but i want to make sure that i cover that so open up top sheet one more time i will select the position of the camera especially the x you know and go to qr mods i'm gonna change it slightly until you don't see it now let's check the render settings actually i will need a denoiser go to camera imager and enable that then go to the other render settings octane render and click that use denoised b to pass other than that 512 it'll be enough for now actually even higher our resolution so 512 will not be enough so make sure let's render okay if we check the denoised image i see no mistake or error but to make sure it should render all of them so i'm going to keep that and hit render and i will see you when i am done with renders render is done the only thing i have changed is the depth of field i lowered it to five centimeters because the bot was out of focus so that was it everybody thank you for watching if you have any questions just ask in the comments i read them all and i'll see you in the next choice bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 3,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, Blender, low poly world, motion graphics
Id: JbOyoz4A5xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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