Shortages of Everything | Perry Stone

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[Music] you know there's a number of people that have asked me about the shortages that there is evidently and it i say evidently i'm hearing reports of people even here in town various shortages uh before i get started thank you for uh for joining but i do need you to subscribe to the channel because it helps us to keep our videos out there before the people let me just mention this that in our own community here in the restaurants one of my dear friends who stays in touch with a lot of the restaurant owners are saying that first of all they're having difficulty getting people to show up to work some of them are cutting back on their hours and at other times there are basic products that come from factories chicken wings for example that they're having difficulty getting and they're having to change their entire menus they're having to say we don't have this and this and this or they're coming up with just what we call very short menus so it's affecting the food industry already in a town well cleveland tennessee which is a town that has a lot of conferences so we need as many restaurants open for the church folks coming in as possible we're seeing that take place but i was just reading this and i want to share this with you that the belief is that during the pandemic factories shut down and when the factories shut down it put them behind three six months and in some instances because some of the metal had to be cut and some of the things had to be brought in from china it's put things back a year now charlie is behind our camera he's our television producer we purchased equipment was it a year ago or a year ago we still don't have now imagine this is it coming from california charlie a lot of it different places but california is waiting for the chip makers from china which have not sent the material in to make the material that we need or the or the boards that we need for our television and we have equipment that's 15 years old that we're having to rig together to keep from breaking down to keep the program coming to you and so uh we're dealing with this right now so we know that there is delays extreme delays and so many things factors being shutting down in china and also in the world and the united states have caused a lot of this i was reading where pool liners chlorine tablets are short a shortage they can't build some of the pools that they planned on building pool builders chips for trucks they can't get them in used cars are are very pricey they're they're thousands of dollars more than they normally should be because there's a shortage of those new cars are not getting in because of chips that are needed for example in trucks and things of this nature there's a shortage of drywall there's a shortage of building supplies uh people are not selling their gold and silver i have some friends that are in the coin industry excuse me the coin industry and they said we can't get anything people are holding on to everything they have you have to have certain metals for catalytic converters they can't get that in there's a shortage of that therefore they can't give the catalytic converters on the new vehicles i mean it is an absolute mess there's a shortage of chicken wings there's a shortage of pepperoni and the list goes on and some of uh our friends were at the house the other day and we were asking about in your in the places that you grocery shop were you finding shortages and they said oh absolutely you may go in and they'll be things that they do not have and i don't want to go into what i have been told here about the uh the food supply chain and delays in the food supply things etc someone said there's about 10 million jobs available people aren't taking him nobody's going to not won't say no one but a lot of people are not going back to work there are port closures which brings delays ports are backlogged shipping container shortages where there's things waiting at a port for a container containers are going up just to rent them for on ships like 20 to 30 percent more than normal there's a truck driver shortage according to costco delivering products to costco in the west there's a drought where seven states are well forty nine percent of america let's say if that one has been in some form of either a very mild or very extreme drought of some type in california one almond farmer that supplied for uh some of the almond companies uh pulled up all of his almond trees because of the drought uh set 90 percent of seven ninety percent of um states that are in the western part of the united states are in a severe drought 90 of the land where farming is done i want you to think about that and what that creates is a very true reality of food supply shortages in the united states and if people go into a panic which they did here during covet in cleveland tennessee the shelves were empty they'd bring a truck in the shelves would be empty within an hour they'd bring two trucks in the shelves would be empty and so this is turning into a serious situation because the shortages are making the prices go up much higher i went to the store the other day i told my wife i went to uh cvc pharmacy is that the name of it cvs cvs pharmacy and uh purchased some basic things toothbrush shaving cream and i could not believe what it cost i was like stunned it was like 30 more than it had been in the past and so um i've also been told that the arsenals in the united states have emptied their bunkers a lot of times they i don't want to get into this but they will leave weapons on in a battlefield because they're inventing new weapons so those are going to be outdated anyway but they'll leave that on the battlefield not bringing it back because there's nowhere to store it and one of the reasons is the arsenals are buying up the food because they say this is where the next war is going to be over food and we may we may deal with that on a later uh teaching on our youtube channel so um i i don't know what to tell people because people often call us or email us and said perry what do you feel would be wise well the wise thing to do would be to have extra food supplies and i'm not talking about hoarding and buying a warehouse and you know hoarding food so people other people don't have it but i'm talking about your basic supplies of sitting down with your family finding what they need and getting what we call some long-term food that would store so that if we get into the winter months and there is severe weather and the power lines are down and there's shortages of truck deliveries you don't get caught in a panic and so i would just suggest to people to have a cupboard somewhere in the home where they could support they could uh you know purchase some food and purchase it while it is the prices are where they are now maybe instead of going up and and my wife and i have a little cupboard that where we do that uh with my mother who passed away had a cupboard where she did that with my brothers and sisters do the same thing most people we know have an additional supply but i think it would be a wise thing to do especially with winter coming with the situations the way they are because the bible this verse always comes back to me when i think about times like this that a prudent man foresees evil coming and prepares and the ant knowing winter is coming stores up and it says go to the ant and study its ways well the aunt sees what's coming and makes preparations accordingly and i want to suggest to you do not make preparations out of fear make preparations with basic necessities just because it is a wise thing to do never operate in fear because the bible says god doesn't give us the spirit of fear but power love and sound mind but i do suggest if there's things that there could be a shortage of and you can go to the internet and look at these supply chain details and it will tell you where shortages could come to go ahead and have that prepared and set aside and you know continue to go to the store and purchase but have that set aside in case there is some kind of a a month or two or three months supply chain shortage that could take place i've never seen things happening the way they're happening i've never seen the the the the attack on freedom the way that it's attacked either whether it's religious freedom or just freedom you know your own personal freedom but those of you who are true believers patriots and conservative people that's mostly who our followers are you've got to stand up speak up and we've got to stick together like that we got to stick together like glue we've got to stick together like an italian family if you know what i'm saying because we're going to really need each other in the days of ahead especially with what's happening now there are some things that i will be sharing with you that will be more on my website later than on the social media because of the sensitivity of the material that i'm going to share and also in the very near future we have some new resources coming out that i'm going to put some things on the resource that i cannot say and you know why i can't say it you know the reasons why i'm limited with what i can say i say as much as i can but i want to keep you informed of the best of my ability now subscribe to our channel right here click the bell in the button and also be sure and always watch to the end because i i'm advertising new material consistently and you may not even know we have this and it's something you may want to get thank you for your time god bless you greetings everyone this is perry stone and i have a great announcement for you i'm now making available to each of you the international prophetic summit the greatest summit i was ever able to participate in these are available on cd and dvd albums there are 11 messages in all by myself bill cloud mark biltz and also joel richardson let me just give you the titles you're going to hear is the seven sealed book now being opened the parable of the fig tree and what it means for america what would jesus do during this present civil war a biblical response to aliens and ufos i preached a message called the green new deal and its economic impact on your family another great message that was preached a word for america from the prophecy of habakkuk another message is called what time is it bill cloud stunned the audience with a message called beware of the abba i preached a message called answering tough apocalyptic questions that no one is answering mark biltz came back and preached a message called jeremiah is a prophet for our day i closed the conference out with this message should you prepare for a pillar transition now i want to say something to you it is a right now word they are prophetic they answer questions and these are the unedited versions of the message now listen to me on the manifest telecast you only get about 20 to 21 minutes of a message i still have another 40 minutes to preach not only that but we never show the speakers messages and sometimes some of the information they share is for certain at-home ears only it really would be rejected if it was put on social media so i'm going to tell you how to get this series if you want to get the see the album the number is 21ps cd and it's for 65 or more donation if you would like to get the dvds and can i suggest you to get the dvds because especially with mark biltz they have powerpoint pictures i show you pictures in my messages and people really seem to enjoy that but the dvds are offer number 21ps dvd for ninety five dollars now here's how you order you can call toll free one eight eight eight twenty one bread order that way or you can contact on the internet log on and order online or just send us a check to perry stone po box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 now remember this that those checks and those orders go 100 to the voice of evangelism ministry to help keep the manifest program on the air now we're living in the greatest prophetic times if there's ever been there is a clash between two kingdoms taking place you are only arming yourself properly if you are armed with revelation knowledge and the truth of god's word may i encourage you call go online or write me right now god bless you
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 113,460
Rating: 4.9739714 out of 5
Id: I_KJ6Cd2e7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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