The Kingdom Behind the Parables [THINK!] Dr. Cindy Trimm

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[Music] today we're going to discuss the pinnacle of your path when you are given the capacity to receive and apply the word of god no longer will you live diminish you will be prepared to live in your truth and see the world from the correct perspective what you speak how you act are determined by how you think and influences what you manifest you will speak the kingdom language a language of progress and prosperity to be achieved from the fools and follies you will lead a new generation of innovators and problem solvers in a new culture and a new nation from darkness to light this is all promised within the power of the message of the kingdom the kingdom of god is within you and the nature of the kingdom its glory its purpose are waiting for you to make manifest receive it now [Music] hey there welcome back we're getting ready for our next installment about the parables of christ and in particular how to live in the realm of greatness i know it's a lot to take in but i wanted to build a foundation so that you can really understand the importance of the parables the parables were really used as a way a teaching style really a tool for jesus to share very complex and very complicated concepts concerning the kingdom he used parables and similes metaphors so that he can draw them in so that through the holy spirit they could be taken to a place in themselves that they were not able to go by themselves connect with the ultimate expression of their humanity and that was their christ-like nature culture had molded their mindsets and their mentality and restricted their thinking in many instances they lived as we lived and that's with limiting beliefs and the parables where an expression of a master teacher in helping the students to not just find answers but ask the correct questions and the parables were stated in such a way that when they would walk away from the teaching there would be enough tension that piqued their curiosity and opened up their spiritual appetite for them to want more he that hungers and thirst after righteousness shall be filled so he created an environment a learning environment for them not only to be taught in a didactic way much like we do today but the greeks and the romans both had a way of teaching and they used parables basically to build the intellectual capacity of their students we know that aristotle did it socrates did it and we have today in many of the ivy league schools they teach these socratic methods they don't provide a lot of answers what they do is they create enough questions to build your intellectual capacity uh in this installment i want you to go to colossians chapter 1 verses 12 to 13. it says given things unto the father which have made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light who have delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us into the kingdom of his dearest son translation that word is interesting it simply means if if you look at the word in its original text it means to place someone on their feet it has the connotation of someone walking through life upside down and then they have an opportunity to walk on their feet in other words they'll begin to think straight the blood is not rushing to their head and they're not going to be dizzy and they'll be able to see the world from the correct perspectives their everything is not turned upside down but it's right side up he began to teach the disciples in the kingdom the scripture says in the book of matthew and from that time jesus began to preach repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that's matthew chapter 4 verse 17. they also taught them the kingdom of heaven is within you that's from out of the book of luke so the word kingdom is that that word that you hear in the church and a lot of people um are using the word kingdom but i believe a lot of you um are what or maybe like i used to be i understood kingdom i grew up british american so it was easy for me or i grew up british and i'm british american it was easy for me to understand kingdom you have the windsors or the montbaton windsors as a hyphenated and they're a dynasty literally a dynasty and the queen is the sovereign rule over great britain british territories and over england of course and all of the british territories and she is a sovereign um and so for me i understood the word kingdom presuppose that there has to be a sovereign ruler and in the natural you have the united kingdom so as in the natural so it is in the spiritual just like you have a sovereign ruler in our kingdom there's a sovereign ruler you've probably heard of the the terminology that jesus is the king of kings and the lord of lords and that has a lot to do with the structure of the united kingdom and along with the um great britain's the british territories but the word kingdom comes from a greek word buzz allele which means royalty or royalty ruling has a connotation of someone having the right either through their lineage or heritage and it was a part of their blood it was genetically passed down much like the queen of england her father passed away she assumed the throne and thank god our king has never passed her um is still alive and there's no one else except the king of kings and the lord of the lord that is going to rule um the sovereign will have to die before another king or queen ascends to the throne and our kingdom is an eternal kingdom because the king will never die we hear the messages about the kingdom and the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of god is a realm ruled by royalty we are all sons of god and if we understood that if we believed that we would show up in this world vastly different than what we would show up in our behavior would be different our deportment would be different our expectations would be different our etiquette would be different if we really understood that we are royal the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of god is a literal spiritual realm it's very powerful that cannot be naturally perceived and so if you want to know and understand the kingdom you have to first understand that it is spiritual so it is a literal spiritual realm accessible to born again believers and it is god's sovereign rule over the earth through man so when we talk about the kingdom of god is different from the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of god is god's rule over all his creation that's all of the planets that's all of the intergalactic over the earth over the sea over everything but when it comes to the kingdom of heaven it's god's rule in the earth through man and he calls us royal priesthood you probably read from out of the book of peter ii peter that we are royal priesthoods hence royal priesthoods we are a part of the lineage we are sons of god therefore we're here according to the promise when the kingdom of heaven is advanced it establishes this divine sovereign spiral spiritual geostrategic geopolitical and sociological movement so this is not just a kingdom that is very static it's a very dynamic kingdom in fact when jesus came to the earth he came to establish the kingdom of heaven he could have done many things he could have decided to acquiesce to the culture the prevailing culture which was obviously governed by the the territories were governed by the superpower that day which happened to be rome and this is where you get in history caesar and all of these great rulers um that were a part of that particular kingdom or that superpower but when jesus came now the kingdom of heaven came and it created this movement i call it a political campaign jesus did not come to the earth to set up a religious movement but a political one and he was after the entire world he came representing his father's interest and he came basically to save the whole world and introduce the entire world to an alternative kingdom a kingdom that was a kingdom of enlightenment empowerment a kingdom that gave you the ability to think for yourself again the bible says that god translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light he literally moved us from one spiritual kingdom to another spiritual kingdom so in order for you to understand the parables you've got to have an understanding of the kingdom because of course the parables were spoken about the kingdom so the kingdom is literally uh sort of like a compound word king dumb so let's isolate a king sovereign ruler dumb out of which you get domain dominate dominion and so kingdom is a sphere where the king dominates where the king rules where the king has his headship and rulership and where the king has the right to rule not just ruling but the right to rule so the kingdom and and the message of the kingdom is usually very difficult for the average person to understand and to conceptualize and a lot of people are really like the pharisees i'm not saying that they are religious like the pharisees but they are ignorant because the pharisees had a different kind of context and it was shaped and mold and and molded by the um prevailing culture of that day so when jesus began to preach they thought okay this kingdom is going to come now it's a it's going to be a physical kingdom and in luke 17 verse 22 21 the pharisees demanded of jesus when the kingdom of god should come and he answered them and said the kingdom of god cometh not with observation neither shall you say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of god is within you so the the when we pray from out of matthew chapter six the scripture said when you pray pray our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done not on earth a lot of people pray and they say on earth as it is in heaven but the scripture actually says in earth as it is in heaven so nothing happens on earth except it happens in earth and then through earth why because the kingdom of heaven is within you so the kingdom of heaven is a way of life that is dictated by a paradigm and a specific world view it's the strategies it's the life strategies that you're adopting that dictates to your life experiences your problem solving and how you establish relationships the kingdom of heaven therefore is a mindset it's a paradigm it's a perception it's how you proceed to see things it's those glasses through which you perceive yourself in the world and you perceive the world um it is a perception it's a world view it's a set of principles that you live by it's a quality of life everybody wants you to tell your truth and that's the big thing now in this generation i'm just going to tell my truth and you got to tell your truth well here's my truth that the kingdom of heaven is within me and the kingdom of heaven is what dictates my worldview my behavior my attitude my progress my success my prosperity it is how i live it is my life strategy it is my um gps system it is my um gps that points me due north and a lot of times we talk about those core values that point you due north well my core values are actually extrapolated from the entire bible and if you understand that the bible is a book about the king and his kingdom and his children and you and i happen to be some of them so it is a set of principles that you live by it dictates to your core values and it dictates also to a quality of life the kingdom of heaven should be the force behind your core values it is the mentality it's how you show up it's how you experience life it it it is how you interpret life and interpret experience experiences when the bible says let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus he had a kingdom mentality so it's an indication that what the bible is asking us is to have a kingdom mentality the kingdom drove all of his philosophies his methodologies his ideologies it was driven it was molded it was shaped by the kingdom when you're living in the kingdom the kingdom itself produces ethical standards of behaviors moral uh codes of conducts we we can have a long conversation about morality and what morality is in terms of um the world in which we live in and the kingdom that we have the opportunity to live in when you have king the understanding of the kingdom and you understand where adam actually fell from he fell from this realm of dominion that had had him thinking like god and he fell from that he fell from a very powerful state where he knew who he was he knew where he was going he knew his assignment his relationships were healthy and when he fell he fell from that realm and that was the realm where he thought like god's original plan and purpose for humanity and i believe that the message of the kingdom really is a message that restores humanity back to the equation of planet earth and i think this is the movement that i'm in to be able to put humanity front and center stage above money-making and above business and above science everything that we should do should be restoring our humanity so many people feel less than and a lot of people live marginalized lives and there's no one to represent them but i believe that there are so many gaps that anyone could step front and center stage to today with the simplest and and the most simplistic model and if you step forward with that simplistic model to solve problems you get everyone's attention the the focus will be on you because what the world really needs are problem solvers and humanity we were created to be like god and to represent him and the earth and that makes us problem solvers when it comes to the kingdom the kingdom of heaven is within it's a mentality it's a way of life it's the way you show up at life it's the the law of expectations because what the message of the kingdom does as you become a student of the kingdom it's going to restore authority and dominion where you know you are no longer asking for permission to do anything i was speaking this weekend and i was saying to the ladies i said look you know because i grew up like i grew up some of the wiring some of my my wiring is missing but i don't have a problems with problem with that because a part of that wiring is i really don't care i don't care about what people feel or think neither am i asking anyone for the permission to live in this world to succeed in this world and so many people give their personal power away they don't know that they're doing it it's a part of the fatal flaw but i think is if if we understand how powerful the message of the kingdom is you can get your personal power back and you can go ahead and to fulfill your assignment and go on about your kingdom business not being overly concerned about people's opinion of what you were doing when you hear the message of the kingdom again the kingdom of heaven is within you and when jesus preached he taught uh the the the through the parables and the parables was an opportunity again to put tension on you at an intellectual level not just a spiritual level but at an intellectual level to build capacity in you foxes have hole the birds of the ear have nests the son of man had not no one or not one man to to to lay his head on he had he has nothing no institute no person that has the capacity to receive the downloads of his philosophies and ideologies and methodologies there was no institution that was there that could um hold or had the capacity to receive what he was giving and what he was offering and what he was teaching and so he had to institute another institution that had capacity for his revelation and his downloads and he called that the church and um you know we want to make sure that you have capacity you have the hunger you have the thirst and the message of the kingdom does that and the parables is there to be somewhat like salt to make you thirsty and to give you a thirst for these revelation when the when you have an understanding and when you have this um experience uh where you begin to handle the parables and understand it from the context understand them from the context of the kingdom something happens it's like the parable of the seed the soil and the sowa the seed is planted the state of the heart and the heart also is the mind but the state of the heart of those that hear the word determines how that particular seed which is not only the seed that is planted concerning the word of god concerning the kingdom but also christ that is planted in your heart and if your heart now has been um massaged by the parables it makes it easier for that the seed of god's word to sink in and to take up residence in your heart until it pushes out the old and you have the new and so the word of god has to take root in order for you to have fruit and if the word of god does not have root then there's going to be no fruit when when when the word of god concerning a kingdom takes root in your life it actually counsels the power of the flesh paul said he was wrestling and he said the good that i would i don't do the evil that i should not that i do i find in my body another law and then he talks about the law of the flesh and then the law of life in christ jesus and it is that law the law of life in christ jesus that cancels out the power of the flesh the power of psychic energies and manipulations and i have to throw that in because um that's what we're surrounded by say for instance have you ever been emotionally blackmailed where you used to be close to someone and all of a sudden they withdraw their support and they withdraw their approval and they withdraw their emotions from you that's called emotional blackmail and that's what what psychic powers are someone trying to come control you emotionally with their emotions or their mindset with their withdrawal or with emotional blackmail or bribery you know that if you act this way then i'll give you my attention and i'll give you my support and i'll give you my respect and i give you my honor but if you act any other way i'm gonna withdraw it it's like a three-year-old and uh wanting to stay up at night and the kicking and screaming and then they want candy and their parents are saying absolutely not you gotta go to bed and they say i'm not your friend well that's the fatal flaw because we carry that throughout our adult life we may not be kicking and hollering and screaming but that's what we do and we do it because this is how you were trained to do it in the world and i'm i'm praying that we can move beyond that it's it's it's sophomoric it's adolescent and when we grow up in the things of the lord you will begin to understand that you can only control your your reality you cannot control someone else's reality and you should not try to control it and this is what the kingdom does when the message of the kingdom sinks into your psyche and it rearranges we're going to show you how the the message of the kingdom actually rearranges your thought process in a minute but what it does it it cancels the power of psychic energy and manipulation so that even if people are withdrawing their support and um like a two-year-old does where they say the two-year-old says to the mommy i'm not your friend anymore and then they get over it and two weeks later they're your friend and then you do something and they're not your friend anymore and it's called manipulation emotional uh blackmail you know where people withhold their support and a lot of children unfortunately grew up that way where if they're two or three and just learning how to navigate the navigate the terrain of the world i've seen parents as i travel around the world and i am in airports where the three-year-old is kicking up fit and the parent is across the way when you're finished and just sits off ignoring them until they get out and they learn okay this is the way that i play this game and so we learn how to manipulate people rather than living our truth or uh working at this the center of our truth and for every christian living your truth is a king living with a kingdom mentality so you can overcome that if you're in relationships that are similar to that uh if you're in marriages if your children treat you that way or even if your parents treat you that way the more you understand the the message of the kingdom and understand what the kingdom is all about the less likely you will be a victim of emotional blackmail or emotional manipulation uh the kingdom when it sinks down it actually uh helps and eradicates and cancels inappropriate behaviors and attitudes and language patterns i think that once you hear the message of the kingdom automatically you have a language upgrade and then you learn the language you you learn the language of success you learn the language of prosperity you learn the language of opportunity you learn the language of wealth and all of these are guarantees in the kingdom of heaven the language of success have you ever tried to share your vision with someone or share your dream with someone and you got really frustrated because they didn't understand the language of your vision the language of your dream the language of your hopes that is what it means basically when you live in the kingdom you are bilingual or you are polygar you begin to speak in the language of success in the language of wealth creation in the language of progress in the language of greatness in the language of influence and the language of affluence and they all have a language i remember flying to brazil i think we flew into san paulo and we were going to another part of brazil and we got there and of course you know the language is portuguese well i got off i was connecting i read the sign and i asked in english uh where's the connecting flight well i did not know that the lady didn't speak english and i didn't speak portuguese and she looked at me and i was looking at her and all the people were walking one way and she just pointed wherever the people went and i trusted her so i i was looking at the signs and i didn't understand what the sign was saying in portuguese and i just followed the crowd and i went i ended up in another part of the airport and um i was trying to read the signs and i you know she pointed in the direction that i should go at least i thought so and then i ended up in the wrong part and by the time i got all the way back i missed my flight and i missed my flight because i didn't understand the language and how many of us are missing out on opportunities some of the biggest opportunities we're missing out in progress and wealth and all of those things that are promised because we don't understand the language the language of the kingdom the language of success the language of wealth and once you are in the kingdom once you are extrapolated from the prevailing culture and you end up living in the kingdom and you end up really embracing kingdom culture you're going to learn the language the language of success the language of prosperity the language of greatness you'll be a kingdom polygart and um [Music] when you when you live in in the kingdom the kingdom of heaven is within you you're living inside out and your whole language pattern will begin to change the kingdom of heaven is within you it it eliminates faulty belief systems limiting belief negative emotions iniquities of the heart inequalities in humanity you know it also subdued the strength of sin i remember reading the scripture knowing not that that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators or adulterers or adulterers or effeminate or abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkenness nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god this is your inheritance so it's very interesting when i read that when i was younger i was thinking oh they can't get to heaven but it doesn't say that they're not going to heaven what it does say is that they would have hal going there because they will not inherit the kingdom of god so the kingdom of heaven is within you it's a mentality it will help you and empower you to overcome to subdue the natural proclivity of sin the fatal fall of humanity to overcome the power of the enemy it guarantees healing and health and prosperity and success and greatness and honor and empowerment and direction and destiny and wisdom and it brings integrity to our lives it maximizes potential it activates the fruit of the spirit the gifts of the spirit it brings you into a realm where god literally moves you from primal to powerful it delivers you from social impediments it breaks generational curses it heals uh congenital disease it it liberates us from economic depression and oppression it rids us of of of um economic uh maladies and and and and gives us uh character and it it refines our personality and temperament and it causes us to be sensitive to god and sensitive to his spirit and you remember one of the things that i said earlier the whole point of the parables is to give the holy spirit an opportunity to take you into yourself to navigate realms that you would never be able to navigate by yourself and that's what you want you want the holy spirit to be your helper the scripture says i have not seen ear have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him but those things are revealed to us by the spirit and this is why the parables are so important you understanding it building capacity in you and one of the things that happens when you live in the kingdom it brings you stability you're not going to be a an emotional mess all the time knee-jerking to everything you're going to be in control you're going to be calm cool collected you're going to have yourself together you know i love i love this um statement when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord lives up a standard against him and i was reading one of the parables from out of luke uh chapter 13 where it talks about the seed the soil and the sower and the first one is hoarding ground that the seed couldn't even penetrate this ground was so hard and i asked myself this question well how how does a flash flood actually happen a flash flood happens when the earth is so so dehydrated and stripped of moisture and it's so dry that when a downpour of rain comes the water level rises because the water cannot seep into the hardened soil and so it causes these flash floods and we see more and more flash floods all over the world not just in the united states of america but these flesh floods that are going on all over the world as it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual it's not like god has not opened up the windows of heaven over us and over you the question is do you have a hardened heart and it's easy for our hearts to be hardened for us to you lose the um the the um sponginess because so many things have happened uh over the last couple of years over your life that you just don't believe anymore and even if god opened up the windows of heaven it's like this great big flesh flood that does more damage than it does good so you want to make sure that your heart stays supple and and sensitive to the things of the spirit and not allow things to harden you when it comes to the kingdom and the parables it is all about educational reformation we have been mis mis-educated all of us and if you went through any kind of school secular secular school and i hate to say secular but if you you've been through the educational institution and that is with every country the educational institution you have been miseducated and you you might say well i have a phd but it's still a miseducation and because why do i say this education and i say it with confidence i say it because all educational institutions what they do generally speaking now is to tell you what to think but they don't tell you how to think and i think this is why you have dropouts like mark zuckerberg and bill gates and steven jobs they were innovators and the traditional schools and universities didn't have capacity for them because they they were reaching back and they want them to be skilled at rote memory in this season i'm going to tell you vision is more powerful than memory you can always write things down if you if you forget it but i would like to see the next generation of innovators that we are innovating new um arts and new works of arts and new uh thoughts and i would like to see the thought leaders rising up i would like to see [Music] new educational methodologies and new economic philosophies and not only do i want to see it i'm writing my thesis right now um not because i've applied uh to a university it's because i decided to put my money where my mouth is and to bring solutions to the table and not just stay behind the church who accepts any great writing that is not does not have academic underpinning and what i wanted to do is to take my philosophies the philosophies that god has given me and give it the scholastic treatment and to ensure that when i present my philosophies it has academic underpinnings there and i believe also that as as as christians we should never lose our intellectual edge and we should never be afraid of presenting our philosophies especially if they're bringing solutions to the world to be scrutinized so i don't mind if an academic institution scrutinize my work i won't fight him why because i've been planted as wheat in the field called the world and as wheat i have an obligation to thrive there and so it's one thing to preach to you and to teach to you and get an amen is yet another thing to say i have a solution to your economic problem and it's hidden in xyz and to present that and to publish that and to be debated on it i want to be debated on it i want to be strengthened you've got to understand that daniel was powerful because one of the reasons not only because of the favor of god because you have to remember that daniel was a victim of human trafficking but when he went to babylon they gave him a scholarship to the university of babylon and he was disciplined in the ways of babylon but he never ever compromised his christian or his jewish values he was able to keep his jewish values and he was able to serve in government and um i i admire him i mean deborah mordecai joseph these are brilliant they had academic underpinnings to what they offered but as as a solution to community problems and world problems and uh problems within their spheres of influence and so it must be with us we must think at another level and we must be challenged and this is why i love the message of the kingdom because it not only gives educational reformation but social reconstruction community development political enfranchisement economic empowerment i have to be a businesswoman i have to present my works that have academic underpinnings why because i live what i preach so it's easy to preach to people that believe like you but do you have the the strength of an integrity and do you have the boldness to test your ideas against the academics and do you have the scholast the scholastic moxie really to show up and say i have a solution for the world and i'm willing to invest invest my time and energy and my resources to bring the solution to the table and um this is what i want to see christians who are wheat let the wheat and the tears grow let them thrive together and incidentally the good man who happened to be jesus christ planted the good seed first in the field we were we weren't planted second we were pledging first and i believe the enemy sits watching how this good seed was thriving and how the wheat was thriving said hmm i need to plant some bad seeds there at least the sweet the soil is good and they could thrive together and so if the enemy recognizes how powerful the soil is the kingdom is the wheat and the tears growing together at least we should recognize it as well the message of the kingdom is about spiritual renewal it's about psychological liberation it's about realignment it's about um all the facets that impact how we do life on planet earth it's about people skills and life skills it's about critical thinking and problem solving it's about leadership it's about sonship it's all wrapped up into the big word of servanthood whoever is going to be the greatest in the kingdom let him be servant of all and before we are thinking of servant as slave is not the same thing because you have many many major wall street friendly globally scalable corporations and i don't have to name them all that have built their trillion dollar machinery on servanthood so leader servant leadership is huge in the kingdom and it's used in the world what do we call it customer relations what do we call it customer service what do we call it customer experience and so a rose by any other name still smells sweet it smells the same way so call it customer service call it customer relations you can ask disney you can ask mercedes bands you can ask the marriotts about customer relations and these major brands they get this one thing right they get the customer relations right and this comes from the kingdom he that will be great must first learn the six sigma protocol for greatness and that servanthood god will make you a servant and we're talking about servant leadership the kingdom of heaven is about realms and systems and it's about mantles and it's about matrons and technologies and regions and portals and the anointing and cultures and protocols and environment and climates and atmosphere that that that message actually is a confidence builder a capacity builder a cultural builder and a nation builder it's the message that christ preached and it's a message that he invites all of us to understand as we begin to extrapolate the wisdom from the parables of christ god bless you thanks for joining us today don't forget to tune in next week for part two of think for a change you're going to be blessed we pray that god spoke to you through this message and that you are able to take it and apply it in your life please go ahead and comment in the chat and let us know what god spoke to you in your heart and what you took away from the message you know how i love to do life with you subscribe to the channel hit that bell stay up to date with the notifications of when we have new videos and when we go online i want you to know that there is a place for you right here at cindytram ministries for more information head straight over to you can find all the information on how to give how to get involved and you can also join us live each and every week so thanks again for being a part of this family we continue to wait to see how god continues to work in you and through your life right where you are and don't forget if you're ever in need of prayer send us a prayer request we'll be more than happy to join our faith with yours god bless the cindy trim ministries app just got even 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Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 30,388
Rating: 4.94453 out of 5
Id: uRG4Tf8u_p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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