Cindy Trimm - Self-Knowledge

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hi I couldn't get here fast enough and today put in come fast enough welcome to my new show I'm dr. Cindy trim and I want to also welcome you to a new you I've traveled all over the world and I've learned that in order to become a very best version of yourself you've got to make the commitment to do so so are you ready for it the first step to success requires more than just being around the right people or doing the right thing or saying the right things it requires you to understand yourself to learn how to make the most of your talents your skills your gifts your ability your experience your expertise your education I could go on and on and on but also you have to be able to break down the barriers between who you pretend to be and who you really are and I know a lot about that and then at last you've got to be able to be empowered so today I'm going to empower you to discover your strengths to recognize some of the areas in your life that need a little changing and to get excited about what your future holds it's all about what you know and it's it's going to happen right here on this program I'm going to give you the tools you need to move forward to compete with yourself and win get used to that statement because you are the original and as the original you have no competition with who you are so you might as well compete with your best self and win so let's get started well welcome back listen well as I was meditating on challenging you I want to challenge you with one word the word that is most important for any of us to have it starts with a see I call it the C word is that big word courage all of us need an extra dose of courage I remember very clearly and as I think I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach and my stomach turning I was 15 years old I was in England and they said we are going to show you how to up sail it looks so easy from where I was spending I said I can ace that until I got to that high point on the mountain they put me there harness me up and they said go all of a sudden the butterfly show up I have absolutely no courage every ounce of I can do it was drained out of me when I look down to the bottom and I was trying to figure out I have never done this how am I going to get from the top to the bottom it started with putting one foot in front of the others was I shaking absolutely I even had a tear coming down my eye but with some coaching and with a lot of cheering I tell you I learned how to abseil to me courage is not saying that you don't have fear it's not saying that you don't have anxiety I had to face my fear I had to feel it and I had to do it anyway and that's what courage is all about you act yourself can I really do this can i really go back to school can i really heal after a broken marriage can i really go on we all ask those questions sometimes especially if we've been through a storm a financial storm an emotional storm a relational storm or even a health storm when those winds blowing it seems as if we're going to capsize in a sea of fear but hang on for one minute life is made up off storms and I've learned from sailing that it all depends on how you are just your sails to me riding through the storms getting courage starts right here and right here healing starts from within never from without and if we can learn through what I call the core for our life empowerment system it's starting at the core the core of who you are it's starting at the core the core of your emotions the core of your feelings and it's connecting your sails to that wind there is no sail boat that can sail without the blowing of winds and sometimes the stronger the winds you have to make up in your mind that I'm going to pick myself up adjust my sail and go at it one more time if I can encourage you to go into one more time I'll encourage you over a period of a year why a year you know what it takes about 90 days just to create those habits of picking yourself back up and doing it one more time I've had those moments where I said okay I'm giving up I'm going to throw in the towel this is not working but I discovered one thing that successful people begin where failures and this is not the time for giving up this is not the time for throwing in the towel it's time for you to say I'm going to go at it one more time and guess what I get to do it with you 365 days every single day I'm going to be with you and we're going to take it one step at a time listen let me ask you a question how do you eat an elephant my answer you eat it one eight at a time let's not take the big goats let's just breathe in one day and then exhale and let's do it the next day and the next day and the next day your worst days are behind you your best days are ahead of you and any day above ground zero it's a good day to start all over again courage takes several things number one it takes a knowledge of what lies within you and I'm going to tell you what lies within you is more powerful than the storm that blows outside of you I read something the other day I thought it was brilliant was written by Bishop TD jakes one of the things he said is this that a boat sails in water it's not the water around you that causes you to sink it's when you let the water come on the inside listen to me carefully you've got strength you've got power you've been a wired to weather every storm and guess what you're not the only one that's going to be sailing in this kind of turbulent times we're going to be sailing right there with you we're going to be encouraging you we're going to challenge you to do number two not only have knowledge of who you are but to dare to begin the healing so many people go through life just stuffing pain into a garbage bag they just stuff it and they believe that if they stuff it in a garbage bag they're never going to see it again but I've discovered from troubling from country to country from the Netherlands to Africa to India we all hurt we all get disappointed people betray us all the time but let me tell you this is the stuff that life is made up off you're stronger than that you're bigger than that when I've told my story pity guess what I sink deeper and deeper into the problem but I've learned to tell my story for principles because therein lies the secret to prosperity and progress if you tell your story long enough sometimes you become your story so let's change and let's go to the next part of our challenge today not only to have courage to heal but find a solution that works this is what I want to challenge you with throughout this segment stay tuned you you all my life I was looking for a coach a mentor someone that I could trust in trust myself - and I finally discovered that person and that was Jesus and I spent the rest of my life trying to emulate him I tried to boil down his message into one word was what was that gospel he preached what was the message that so captivated people's heart that fishermen left their fishing industries and businesses that lawyers and doctors left their practices to follow him what was that word he preached a gospel and I asked myself the question what is the gospel to me the gospel is a message of empowerment that gives people meaning purpose dignity and hope and I've spent my life studying the teachings of Christ I'm learning along with you I'm journeying along with you to me the only perfect person that's in this world is Jesus Christ and that's the person that I'm emulating I want to emulate his life but I also want to be able to preach his message it is a message of empowerment I have trained thousands of people around the world and touched millions of lives and everywhere I go I meet people who are disempowered these are people who say I'm on a quest to discover who I really am why am I in this earth what is the meaning of the life they say to me I want to know who I am and then they say people just don't get me the question I often ask them do you get yourself when I hear the statement and statements like these one word keeps coming to my mind and that is the word empowerment so as I attack this subject the subject of empowerment today you hear it everywhere you hear women's empowerment and empowering children and empowering this to do this and empowering that nobody ever taking the time to give us an explanation or a definition and that's what I want to do right now so that you can walk away empowered empowerment to me is a process by which an individual or group of individuals are assisted equipped and strengthened in order to discover their potential identify their capabilities and to access available resources while at the same time enabling them to exploit and leverage opportunities in order for them to maximize their strengths and their potential as they hone their skills and ability that's a whole mouthful so let's just recap that one more time and just roll back and let's see if we could say it one more time so that you can get it get out your pens get out your notepads and write this down empowerment empowerment is a process a process doesn't just start and finish at the same moment it means that it stretches over a period of time so it's a process by which people individuals or group of individuals are assistant are equipped and are strengthened these are three very important words when someone says that I'm empowering you you've got to a cure self this question have they assisted me or how have they assisted me or if they talk about a program that is empowering you acts yourself the question will it assist me will it equip me will it strengthen me but you have to be assisted for something and equipped for something and strengthened for something so let's just drill down a little bit more you are assistant you are equipped you are strengthened in order to discover your potential identify your capabilities and in addition to that access available resources while at the same time in abling you to exploit and leverage opportunities you can't leverage or exploit opportunities that you don't see and in person will be equipped so that they can identify opportunities now opportunities usually show up disguised as a problem and whenever problem shows up in your life it is a divine announcement that God is getting ready to promote you and cause you to progress most of us hate problems but I often say the bigger the problem the bigger the opportunity for progress and prosperity now when you exploit these opportunities you do it in order to maximize your own strengths and your own possibilities as you hone your skills and you hone your ability now this happens at a very high level so that you can advance to new levels so that you can fulfill a goal a vision a dream an aim an objective or a purpose all of us have dreams all of us have goals all of us have aims all of us have objectives and all of us have purpose and so in when we talk about the message of empowerment it is important if you are going to fulfill your purpose and maximize your potential it starts with the process of empowerment but we're not going to stop there we're going to drill a little deeper because once you're empowered ultimately it's going to be able to lead you to both individual success prosperity so that you are no longer surviving but thriving not only as an individuals but you can impact your family communities and ultimately nation right now the world is looking for nation building and nation building starts with an empowered individual empowerment addresses the true and ultimate bottom-line in creating the wealth of nations and that's people this is where people are put back into the driver's seat where they are fully and confidently engaged in understanding their value their worth their dignity and they have a level of intimacy not only with other individuals but they have a level of intimacy with themselves this is why the empowerment message is the precursor to self-knowledge stay tuned join dr. Cindy trim for these next live appearances welcome back we were talking about empowerment empowerment is one of those words that are thrown around but empowerment is very very important especially today because empowerment starts with self-knowledge it's about learning to live authentically being true to who you are rather than living outside in you begin to live inside out you cannot live authentically if you don't know who you are an empowerment helps you to find that core of you empowerment helps you to discover and to connect and to embrace with your authentic self we have given so much a way to so many people I think we know more about what people want from us than what we want from ourselves if I ask you who are you are you going to say I am a doctor I am a lawyer I am a mother I am a husband no those are the roles that you play that's the title that you wear and in some instances that's the mask that you wear as well so empowerment helps you it helps you with knowing who you are self-expression living a healthy life we want we don't want to be stagnated in anything that we're doing we grow go from faith to faith grace to grace every day of our lives we should be discovering something bigger and better about who we are we live in a global village a global community and there are so many people that need your gifts that need your talents that needs your uniqueness and you should put this on display there's a scripture in the Bible that says let your light so shine before men when you put a lid on your life by dumbing down or by refusing to engage in a process that helps you to discover who you really are and your true value then you put a lid on the progress of humanity we need your gifts we need your talents finding out who you are simply means that you're going to embrace the fact that you have something to give as well in this world when you're empowered you begin to focus on the possibilities that lie ahead of you rather than the disaster that lies behind you you begin to feel more alive you will begin to feel competent too so that you can overcome life's challenges and trust me there's a whole lot of challenges many of us are facing challenges now including me and when but when you're empowered and when you are fully engaged in the process of knowing who you are and embracing who you are it gives you the ability to overcome those life challenges it's going to help you to become the person that God ordained you to be so that you no longer feel victimized you will no longer allow people to marginalize you when when you know who you are it will eliminate helplessness and addiction and those self-destructive behaviors it will helped us to overcome those social injustice 'iz and abuse and boy are they just prevalent today self-knowledge is important when you know who you are you will be empowered to pursue your dreams to maximize your potential to go after that vision that goal that you put in the background when you know who you are people will never be able to make you feel inferior in fact there was someone that once said no one can make you feel inferior without your consent when you are empowered and when you know who you are you can overcome prejudices you can overcome social and cultural restrictions it all starts with that one word empowerment one of the things I've found out is that a disempowered person just wait for others to solve their problem but an empowered person or get up they will get the courage they would put their hand to the plow and they would go out searching for solutions and answers they don't wait for some else to do what they are equipped to do themselves they are able to empower their family and they are able to empower the society could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything you could change the way you think about yourself the way you feel about yourself you can change this world by doing one thing changing yourself change is not just a process it's a person it can start with you and it can start with me the world will tell you you've got to compete with everyone else but that's not true your biggest competition is always with yourself every single day is a new opportunity to become better than you better than you were yesterday and it starts with you getting to know who you really are if you're ready then watch this how different would your life be if you had more money more energy more time greater knowledge and better health all that worry is just like a weight that has lifted off of my shoulder you know financially emotionally just to really see my mom now truly she's recovered the deep hole that deep grief the deep sorrow that was in me was being pulled out imagine if you knew the exact steps to take each and every day to overcome any challenges in your life and exactly what to do to get ahead and achieve your personal goals you're gonna have to decide that where you are is not where you want to be and you want to go somewhere different adjustments must be made if you want to improve in an area of your life and so I but I'm ready for the change I'm ready to grow as a best-selling author renowned teacher mentor to major global corporations and empowerment motivator to some of the most successful people in the world dr. Cindy trim will reveal to you exactly what it takes to be successful happy fulfilled and how to reach your dreams doors opened in my life in a new level of understanding of information concepts principles about the Word of God about business about just over all aspects of life it wasn't an option because it changes your life dr. Cindy trim has compiled years of her proven strategies and building blocks through this innovative and revolutionary system called core for an empowerment helps you to find that core of you hence our core force system going back to the core of you this core for life empowerment system will help you to unleash the talents and gifts that exist inside you and empower you to experience the results you deserve no matter where you are in life no matter how far you need to go no matter how limited you might feel this life empowerment system is for you so the life empowerment program allows you to be able to move forward no matter where you are every day is going to be an opportunity to continue to pursue greatness here's how to get started for less than a dollar a day call and subscribe for a full year of teaching that will equip you to know your true self and harness the power within you with this life-changing subscription you'll receive two DVDs every 30 days that walk you step-by-step through the life empowerment system including self-knowledge success skills significance and service that's a total of 24 DVDs in this complete system more teachings in a single program than dr. cindy has ever offered before that's 24 DVDs worth of step-by-step practical instruction for all aspects of your life for about just a dollar a day you'll learn how to thrive in the midst of change you'll learn how to face your fears how to get focused in your life and finding your comm center all this and more every single day for an entire year to empower you for your very best life plus when you call to subscribe you'll also receive dr. Cindy's detailed guide books for each month study so you can have the practical tools to make your life change last for making the choice to finally take control of your life for you and those you love dr. cindy also wants to send you a free gift her special teaching the empowered life on DVD exclusive to this offer are you ready to jump start your new life dr. cindy trim and her program has transformed everything that I do the way that I do it and isn't effective everybody I come in contact with for the better and I've spent money around the world going to Singapore to Beijing China and they've all given me information but I didn't get revelation until I came to Cindi trim for a fraction of the cost previously paid by those who traveled across the globe just to hear her speak you can now join the thousands of people who have seen the power of the principles taught in this system and have already improved the quality of their life and positioned themselves for breakthrough growth and abundance and she has a way of challenging you and stretching you and then filling that new capacity with the vital information that you need to continue to grow we've only just got started because through an entire year I'll walk you through the four pillars of empowerment to enlighten your mind and help you to become the best version of yourself you never ever dreamed was possible and I'll be right there with you every step of the way but there's even more if you're not satisfied for any reason you can cancel your monthly subscription anytime and keep the dvds and guide books you've received what are you waiting for she's that person that's gonna pull out the greatness that's in you don't wait this is a limited time offer and will not last call now if life was a baseball game and you want to be successful at life you're going to have those times where you're going to have strikes and foul balls and you might even get hit this is not the time for you to stand on that diamond climb because the person that threw the ball accidentally hit you that's the time to pick that bat up one more time and strike at it again and this is what the core four is all about particularly when it comes to core to success being able to find your rhythm being able to find your footing and to be able to when life throws you a curveball to pick up your back and strike it with success principles start to change right now to empower you means you get in the driver's seat
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 158,518
Rating: 4.8436975 out of 5
Keywords: Full Episode, Self Knowledge, Dr Cindy Trimm
Id: oCTneuPNg_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2013
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