The 3 Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus & Israel Evangelism Report (By Eitan Bar)

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[Applause] Shalom y'all so first of all I would like to say thank you thank you Becky and hob and David for your invitation and hospitality and generosity my plan for the rest of you guys today is to get you excited about the fact that after 2000 years of silence the gospel is now finally being shared again in the land of Israel and I would also share with you the three main reasons why Jewish people do not follow Jesus as some of you already know our ministry one for Israel became Canada leading evangelistic initiative in Israel sharing the gospel with million of Jews all over Israel and but before I dive into that I would like to apologize to you all in advance as an Israeli Jew English is my second language which by the way I've learned mainly by watching Seinfeld true story true story so you know if here and there I get stuck show me some grapes up until a few years ago Jewish Israelis coming to know Jesus as the Messiah used to be an extremely rare happening in fact 70 years ago with the establishment of the State of Israel there were only 30 Jewish believers in Jesus all over Israel just 30 but in the last four or five years we see a dramatic change and that is what I will be talking to you about today first I'm going to show you on the screens a short three minutes video that explains kind of everything that one for it well is because I'm only going to be concentrating on one thing and joy over the last 70 years Israelis have been at the center of the struggle hungry for meaning asking questions and searching for answers many find joy in the comfort of the world while others drown in the sorrow of disappointment [Music] but some have found the answer in one name Jesus or as we call him in Hebrew Yeshua one for Israel is an initiative of native-born Israelis who are in the forefront of high-tech evangelism bringing salvation to Israel raising up leaders and equipping them with the tools they need to transform their communities and with an emphasis on winning souls building disciples and sending leaders we promote the kingdom of God to both Jews and Arabs throughout the Land of Israel our Bible College has now grown into a certified educational institution offering bachelor's and master's degree programs bringing Jews and Arabs together in the classroom and experiencing peace and unity in the name of Yeshua from our campus located in central Israel we work together to proclaim the gospel of the Messiah through websites a radio station a television studio classroom instruction and the largest Christian library in Israel training equipping and providing a platform for the gospel to go forth also in partnership with local authorities we provide you manna terian aid to Holocaust survivors caring for each and every generation with the love of Yeshua Israel has always been on the cutting edge of Internet technology and with more Israelis online per capita than even the United States Israel continues to be ripe for evangelism on the digital frontier ìgod Messiah Isaiah 53 X rabbi in I'm at Messiah among others are all tools and outlets provided by one for Israel so the Jewish people can hear receive and grow in their knowledge of the Messiah we want to promote the message of the gospel in the Land of Israel through the cooperation of Christians worldwide together we can care for educate and reach out to both Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel [Music] as he made of born Israeli who's experienced firsthand the transforming power of the gospel of the Messiah I would like to invite you personally to extend a helping hand and become one for Israel okay on the screen you saw the president of one for Israel my boss dr. SOF this is my other boss and you can pray for us and later on you will learn why and how I myself came to know the Lord about 20 years ago some of you are now looking at me and asking yourself will you even alive 20 years ago I'm actually 35 I just look young and I came to know the Lord because I was challenged and provoked to jealousy by Gentile Christian believers while I visited Canada for a few weeks and God Willie blessed me in the ability to combine two of my greatest passions in life one of them is my professional background which is media and advertisements and the other one is the world of the Bible theology the gospel and I'm actually about to just now complete my doctorate with Dallas Theological Seminary don't worry I'm not thank you I'm not really I'm at anything and today I am I all with one for Israel is the director of evangelism and apologetics and let's talk about that let's talk about evangelism and Israel today now in Israel today we have nine million people and only 0.3 percent of them are born-again Jewish believers in Jesus how come you would expect the numbers in Israel to be the other way around Israel after all is well the gospel came from Jesus was an Israeli Jew the disciples were Israeli Jews you know just like me so how come how come the numbers are so so few there are three main reasons - that - the reason why Israel is an anti Jesus nation today reason number one is replacement theology and anti-semitism for 2,000 years now many in the church did not really know what to do with this concept of Israel after all a nation with no language a nation with no land up until 70 years ago is basically a nation without hope you know that history teaches us that most nations disappear within 3 to 5 generations in that situation that we've been in for 2,000 years so when many of the Church Fathers realized that most Israel rejected the gospel they thought God probably replaced Israel teaching that God changed his mind about the promises he gave Israel in the Old Testament but in Romans chapter 11 Paul is arguing against it teaching about the remnant he himself being one of the so am i and he says I asked then did God reject his people by no means I am an Israelite myself a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin God did not reject his people whom he foreknew so the problem is that replacement theology oftentimes leads to anti-semitism and if we look at the church history that's exactly what we see you know a few examples the Crusades the Inquisition and Inquisition if you don't know it's when Jews would be forced to convert to Christianity against the wheel and had to choose that or dying pogroms pogroms mainly happened in the 19th and 20th century in East Europe well mainly Catholics we'd come in the middle of the night into Jewish villages put the village on fire and Massacre the people including some of my own family blood labels blood labels is when Christians are used to tell one another also Eastern Europe mainly that during Passover we Jews kidnap Christian kids we kill them and we turn them into matzo balls for Passover meal now this is obviously a big fat lie we never did that we turn them into gefilte fish [Applause] another example is the Holocaust my grandmother was able to escape the Holocaust not before she was tortured by the Nazis who did things to her such as pulled the nails out of her fingers telling her that that's because she rejected Christ if you go to the Holocaust Museum in Israel you'll see a big picture of the Pope and Adolphe Hitler together shaking hands with one another my point is not to criticize the Catholic Church my point is to show you how we Jews automatically associate you all Gentile Christians with this horrible history we Jews think that all Christians are under the Pope and we just think that to some degree all Christians dislike us and that is why it's very easy for us Jews to put you all in a box and ignore your Gentile message and ignore your Gentile God but you know we cannot really escape I cannot escape my my Jewishness even as a follower of Jesus I mean you only have to look at my big Jewish nose to realize that and we and our team we are not something for in something different who speaks this other language and looks different we are one of them you know we are Jews ourselves we are Israelis we speak Hebrew by the way my French accent is not French its Israeli accent and that all leads me to reason number two reason number two I call it blind love to Israel sometimes and it's sometimes also known as dual covenant theology which basically means that we Jews are saved just because we are Jews having nothing to do to our faith or unfaith in Jesus okay so if we are saved without Jesus nobody needs to tell us there is no reason to tell us about Jesus so that's reason number two and this one is pretty much the other extreme of the first reason it's the kind of people who love to quote to me solemn hundred and twenty to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem but they never ever quote Paul spell in Romans chapter 10 my heart's desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation so I believe that and the peace King David was praying for that we all love the quote will only happen when Paul's pearl will become true and I know most of you probably know by heart Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you but my question is what does it mean to bless Israel how do you bless Israel if your love for Israel is only expressed as a political love and support then that is not really blessing Israel I want to share with you the top causes evangelical Christians in the world give money to in Israel the most thinking they are blessing Israel and this is mainly for building Israel physically building religious schools building synagogues building settlements etc etc and I'll share with you one example come a well-known guy from Hill Tech in Texas past o'hagi and a couple of years ago he put together a large event where he gave over three million dollars to 23 Israeli organizations by the way that's public knowledge okay now that is very generous of him that is very generous of him but guess how many of these organizations in Israel that the Christian money came form well of believers in Jesus none absolutely none so while these are not bad causes that the money goes to okay we believe that if you don't bless Israel by building us spiritually meaning if you're not sharing with us about our our Jesus our Messiah then are you really blessing blessing us or are you just sending us to hell on a full stomach I believe that your calling as Christian Gentiles is not to buy us more tanks or build more religious schools your calling as Christian Gentiles is first and foremost to provoke us to jealousy and we need to be jealous of your relationship with our God which is only available and only possible through Jesus Christ okay this leads me to reason number three and that is what the rabbi's what our rabbis teaches us about Jesus in those synagogues and religious schools that some of you may be helped built okay let's talk about the world Jesus about the name Jesus the connotation of Jesus in the West you know like you open here in the States is usually pretty positive you know people might not like Christianity they might not like Christians but they're usually okay and maybe even positive with Jesus himself if you take Jesus to Islam he is a great prophet it's also it's positive they don't see him as the Son of God but is a prophet it's positive if you take Jesus to Asia I mean they already believe in what 300 million guards what's one more you know only in Judaism is where Jesus has this extremely extremely negative connotation we already saw why but there is more to it I'm gonna share with you a history lesson a short history lesson okay almost 2,000 years ago back in 132 ad a guy called Simon Bar Kokhba led the third Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire when halfway through the revolt rabbi akiva declared Simon ball cava who by the way was a soldier famous of his barbaric cruelty to be the Messiah in the beginning of the revolt the Jewish followers of Jesus agreed to help in what seemed at the beginning to be a campaign to fight for and protect the Land of Israel and especially Joseon however after their by a Kiva's declaration that Bar Kokhba is the Messiah the Jewish believers in Jesus had to withdraw from the revolt because obviously this dude is not a messiah we are not going to follow him rabbi akiva and the senate win to keep really really bad and they considered us to be traitors of Judaism from that point on leading them to create rules against followers Jewish followers of Jesus in order to basically kick us out of the synagogue's kick us out of of Judaism these laws forbidden other Jews to even associate with followers of Jesus until today three times a day in every synagogue they repeat the bill cut hominem which is benediction concerning the heretics guess who all the heretics well that is basically cursing Jesus and his followers and we as followers of Jesus we cannot pray that well therefore we cannot be in the synagogue therefore we cannot be inside the heart of Judaism later on in the Talmud the Talmud is the Jewish Holy Scriptures the RIBA is added off all false stories about who Jesus was one example it says that his mother Mary committed adultery with a woman soldier and that how jesus came about another story says that jesus was an idol worshiper who got his powers from Satan sounds familiar another story is of a guy named un coulis who was at Ana at Ana is a great rabbinic sage and in this case he was an expert in mediumship mediumship is the ability to communicate with a dead or maybe I should be pointing down according to that story in the Talmud they asked uncoolest to communicate with Jesus from the dead and so he did and he asked Jesus again that's according to the story in the Talmud not my opinion they asked Jesus where are you and what is going on with you and jesus replied I am in hell and my punishment is to be boiled in feces for ever and ever because I was a false messiah and a false prophet there are more awful stories about Jesus in the Talmud and about us the Jewish believers but I think you've got the idea in Judaism Jesus is considered to be the worst enemy of all times Jewish people look at Jesus as the blame for anti-semitism in the world now remember in Jewish history any kind of a spiritual message that somebody wanted to bring in must be first approved by the gatekeepers who are the Orthodox rabbis who used to be the Pharisees we see that in the New Testament and they rejected Jesus and his message and Jesus himself accused them in Matthew chapter 23 verse 13 scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces and for two thousand years now Jesus is kept out of Judaism and for these three reasons you now understand why Jesus is the best kept secret in Judaism by the way I realized that what I've just shared with you about Jesus in the Talmud can cause your heart to react in bitterness and hatred even enmity and resentment against Jewish people which can lead and will lead to anti-semitism but please choose compassion and grace like the Heart of Jesus when it was on the course Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing man so now you understand why most Jews do not believe Jesus to be the Messiah and why Jewish evangelism is so difficult like no other now how is all of that relating to what is going on today and to the conference today to make things even more difficult for you if you take Jesus's words in Luke 30 and 35 as futuristic which is by the way as the way most scholars do this means that Jesus is not coming back until we Jews accept him look 30 and 35 you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and Jesus was talking to Israel so we have a problem we all want Jesus to get back right don't we and but the gospel is being kept a secret from us Jews for 2,000 years now so that's why we've been waiting for so long so I shared with you some bad news and I told you in the beginning I want to encourage you not to discourage you so let's move to the good news there is a group of us now Jewish Israelis followers of Jesus in Israel who found a way around those gatekeepers bypassing the rabbi's we no longer need the permission because we we don't go into the synagogues to share the gospel I know some of you who've never been to Israel before you probably think that we still live in tents and ride donkeys that is true now and some statistics 99% of all of Israel is connected to high-speed Internet connection even outside of the homes even if you go to a beach or anything like that we are first in the world in the amount of time we spend online surfing the web 60% more than the average here in the United States every 100 Israelis will own 122 computers which is also first in the world I own three computers if you ask me why do I need three I don't really know we are first in the world in the amount of time we spend on social media and specifically on YouTube watching video clips so you know when your children are taking a shower and having dinner we are on our laptops watching video clips on YouTube so that's not necessarily a bad thing because that means that we can meet Israelis where they are at and that is not the synagogue that is online on the Internet now let me tell you something we know how to relate to Jews and Arabs because we know how to share with our own people it's not somebody foreign it's our own people not you know we don't we don't share with them the Jesus that they were taught about which is you know from the movies am usually a Gentile jesus a blonde Jesus blue eyes Jesus European Jesus who's been hanged dead for 2,000 years now on a Roman Catholic cause that's not the one we are sharing we share with them Yeshua Yeshua the world the Ashura means salvation we share with them Yeshua the Jewish Israeli Messiah who loves them so much that He gave His life for them a messiah was resurrected and he is alive can change their lives as well a man okay how do we do that how do we share with them most of our work is in the Hebrew and Arabic language but we also have some content in English that is available for you I will quickly run with you over a few things that we do when you come to Israel or as an Israeli if you walk into a secular bookstore you can find any kind of book on spiritualism and religion besides one book you will never find the New Testament in Hebrew in bookstores in Israel so we make sure that it is available for them in any possible way for faith we also operate the one and only Christian radio station in Israel we produce and testimonies of mainly Jewish people who came to know the Lord but also Arabs and Muslims okay and basically we have three main testimony services that we do Hebrew Arabic in English and on the screen you're going to watch now a two-minute short teaser of the Hebrew ones with English subtitles Liat mukacheve had me son isla l the odd mode luna in the bishop shall have no authority mizuchi let's me Mike Maggie do I'll really mad you do essentially loaddata fantasy medieval I'm Israel oh I'm sheriff Chatham Ameen be sure Enoshima Kaluga cabal tu me Maura Healey the Cobell Erica likability Falco Bella her motivation Allah snow soon eSATA coal kadesha attacked of salami Pia Cena you mean Laura TT layer cyclamen a burly hilariously hypothermic or Rockville as an imam in visual so really the Beyonce fella fella instinct to steal it a facade was a frittata it biased you busy as a sham solemn or Liholiho watch shaken I mean a symmastia meet an emotion Alpine Shanna Misha cream lab Shelly - even Yeshua your beauty routine Oheka Alpine Shanna issue a who else'd I'm Michelin who a messiah hi LD maybe she will cool I know Yeshua covets them I'm not silver I'm a tiny sign bomb original L fiction Lord looked at a range of additional mission she said of anticipation and mercifully is alone Vasil tea our von Schlemmer and ashamed Skookum nation si a Holy Smoke as a developer sod Neil Diamond eschew a messiah voila a pasty least a tell Lally - Vito - quick velocity should Loretta Haram a Nutella my team is ourselves well column deny edema that yes you have seen on us all Shiva can we also produced 100 testimonies in English of Jewish people who came to know Jesus as the Messiah and with over fifty million views on them in the past foils coming from a small team in Israel and I'm gonna let you watch one it's about five six minutes and it's a very famous Jewish scientist if you're into science you'll know dr. James - his story I think is very powerful maybe if we can dim the lights this time would be even more some thank you [Music] I got my PhD in the field of organic chemistry postdoc at Stanford University join the group of a man who is gonna win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry voted one of the top 50 most influential minds in the world I was a visiting scholar at Harvard University I've spoken it every major university in this country have over 650 research publications voted the Rd magazine scientist of the year I'm in the National Academy of inventors I'm a member of the American Association for the Advancement of science over 120 patents started seven or eight companies we work in areas that range from medicine to material science to electronics computer memory medical devices we work across a broad range of areas but more than any event what means the most to me is that I'm a Jew who believes that Jesus is the Messiah I grew up just outside of New York City I thought everybody was Jewish I didn't even know that there was anything else I had no particular interest in that other than when all my friends were getting Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah and then I would attend of course every week there was never really any excitement for me I remember once I even tried to talk to a rabbi he just brushed me off there was very little explanation for me I remember when I went to college I started meeting a number of people that said that they were born-again Christians which was sort of an odd term I was what's born-again what do you mean born-again one person saw me in the laundry room he said do you mind if I give you an illustration of the gospel and I remember we sat there and he actually started to draw a picture a cliff with a with a man on one side and he drew a little man and then another cliff with God on the other side the big chasm in between that he labeled it sin they looked at him I said I'm not a sinner I've never killed anyone I never robbed the bank how could I be a sinner and he had me read a verse from the Bible for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God in modern Judaism we never really talked about sin I don't remember ever talking about sin in my home so he turned to another passage Jesus said I say to you that everyone who looks upon a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart I felt just as if I had been punched right in the chest here I was new in college I didn't think anybody knew I would pick up these magazines and I became addicted to pornography it was just through those magazines and all of a sudden something that's written in the Bible somebody from lived who lived 2,000 years ago is calling me out on it and I felt immediately convicted and that now I realized I was a sinner when I read in the scriptures what sin is then I knew I was a sinner how am I going to get to God we Jews know this better than anyone else without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin this description in Isaiah 53 of how he will bear upon himself my sin the things that I had done and this was him this was the man that took this upon himself on the cross the perfect God comes and gives himself for us he is the one that gives himself for us I started to realize how Jewish the New Testament is this book is so Jewish the New Testament is so Jewish it's all around Jewish people and then on November 7th 1977 I was all alone in my room the realization that Yeshua is the one who died on the cross and I said Lord I am a sinner please forgive me come into my life then all of a sudden someone was in my room and I opened my eyes I was on my knees I open my eyes who was in my room that man Jesus Christ stood in my room this amazing sense of God Jesus was in my room and I wasn't scared all I started doing was just weeping the presence was so glorious because he was there in my room on that day and I didn't want to get up and this amazing sense of forgiveness just started to come upon me that was him finally I got up I didn't know what to do didn't know who to tell here's this Jewish kid from New York City what I'm going to say my cousins were shocked how could you do that you're Jewish telling my mother how I had invited Jesus into my life she didn't say much she was weeping she told my father they weren't happy at all and she said I don't blame them for killing Jesus after the things that he said who is he to come against these religious leaders that have dedicated their lives to helping people and to tell them that there are whitewashed tombs who is he this young man in his 30s to say this to these scholars he got what he deserved and my mother's a very deep pensive careful reader she read from Genesis right on through the Tanakh the whole thing when she got done I said what did you think she said God warned us over and over again he warned us when my daughter was about 15 my mother and father came to visit us at one point my mother went into her room for several hours she came out she said the quite a young girl you have she talked to me for a long time she started reading the Bible again both the old and the New Testament one day not long after that she called me on the phone at the age of 72 she said Jimmy you wouldn't believe what happened this is what happened she said I was just reading and it hit me it hit me the way he gave his life I believe it now Jesus is the Son of God you know we love inside the church we love to concentrate on how Satan is using media don't we now you can see how God is using the media let me share with you a little bit more on the screen you can see some statistics and we also do a lot of Jewish apologetics which is answering rabbinic objections against Jesus and as you can guess there are 2,000 years worth of objections to deal with and just as no Catholic person would ever speak against the Pope Jewish people do not speak against the rabbi's that's the authority okay but we do we came out with so far one hundred and fifty short videos quoting the main rabbinic objections against Jesus and answering them as well as teaching the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament and sharing the gospel a lot of that I turned into a book translated to English and you can get it it became it was released in January of this year and it became a best-seller pretty fast after that you can get it later on and you know in those videos you it's not videos from all the religious rabbis but for young male and females which is very refreshing in Judaism especially to see a young woman because a woman will not be talking about God in Judaism and I'll share with you now another show video an example of what we do when I say evangelism it's an evangelistic video we produced in Jerusalem in Hebrew but this time we dubbed it to English for you and joy we Jews hardly know of him because he's the best kept secret in Judaism he lived long before television or social media even existed and yet he's the most famous Jewish man throughout all of history he never wrote a word but his words have inspired more books than anyone else he wasn't a prime minister or a political leader but his teachings formed the foundation for the law of the Western civilization he wasn't raised among wealthy and famous rabbis but dined with the poor and rejected he wasn't part of the elite class but even today great thinkers and philosophers hold him in the highest respect he wasn't a military leader I never used force but nonetheless he has an army of millions around the world who love him and are willing to give their lives for him he never studied in yeshiva nor asked to create a religion but thanks to him millions of Gentiles now believe in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he didn't attend university yet almost all academic institutions were founded because of him and in them everyday people learn of his teachings but here in Israel it's taboo to even talk about him he's erased as if he never existed his name has been trampled and we've long forgotten him well he's a star everywhere else among us his considered diseased tortured and despised but the prophets in the Bible who were also rejected by our religious leaders prophesized the disc would happen he was despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows acquainted with grief one from whom people hide their faces he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he has borne our griefs and carried our pains yet we esteemed him stricken struck by God and afflicted but he was pierced because of our transgressions crushed because of our iniquities the chastisement for our Shalom was upon him and by His stripes we are healed we all like sheep have gone astray each of us turned to his own way so God has laid on him the iniquity of us all in the time when the political leaders were religious and the religious leaders were the politicians God was a hidden captive anyone who wanted access to God had to swear allegiance to them bow to them and give financially then the Messiah in army on weapons fought against this twisted oppression to make god freely available building a bridge to God with his own body not just for us Jews but for the Gentiles as well who are also created by God but our religious leaders did not give up and with them all of us in our sin we nailed Jesus to the cross but the death of the tortured righteous one was considered by God to be a worthy sacrifice an atonement for the sin of humanity and thanks to the sacrifice of the crucified Savior we can finally enjoy forgiveness because like a parent who would give their life for their children he took the punishment that we deserved on himself he was punished we were forgiven he suffered we were saying the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gave us peace with God and now out of this peace we can also make peace with others though other nations have grasped this it's forcibly hidden from our peoples but our nation's denial is no surprise to the prophets then I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication when they will look toward me whom they pierced they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only Son and grief bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn for two thousand years they have done everything to hide him from us in the dark but you know what he doesn't matter the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it Yeshua the Messiah is no longer in the best-kept secret in Judaism [Applause] [Music] okay moving on em ever since we started doing those videos about four years ago we see tons of Jewish and Arabs Israelis coming to know Jesus the Messiah all the time and we are no longer today 30 Jewish believers in Jesus in Israel today 70 years later we are about 30,000 Jewish believers in Jesus in Israel and here is one short text message one of many that we get again we've translated it from Hebrew to English from a young teenager in Tel Aviv Shalom as you can imagine as a child I was only taught false things about you sure two days ago we've learned in history class about how 2,000 years ago a new religion began Christianity back at home reading on my own I was amazed to see how much compassion yushua had the very next day an advertisement on YouTube for your video about Jesus popped up I always ignore these ads and just click the skip button but I decided I want to watch the whole thing and so I did your video really grabbed my attention so I continued watching over 50 of your other videos long story short I have made a decision the truth is on your side and rabbinical Judaism which I grew up in is full of agendas false teachings and is basically a men made religion look I don't have a unique and supernatural story to share with you but I know that I saw the truth and I cannot look back it is important for me to live in truth and I didn't a lie I'm still in high school I do not know any other Jewish believers in Yeshua and I know people will tease me in the upset with me if they knew that I now consider myself a follower and believer in Yeshua but it is important for me to connect and find out how do I now live as a follower of Yeshua please help me for the sake of time and I'll just share with you some last statistics worldwide we have 90 between 90 and 100 million views on our videos a lot of them went viral on the web people liked them so they share them and just take in mind that you only have 15 million Jews in the world today and inside Israel you have 6.8 million Jews and inside Israel in Hebrew our videos have been seen 27 million times and that is big because after 2,000 years of nobody talks about Jesus all of a sudden everybody talks about Jesus okay hallelujah so this whole situation in the last few years led to two things first people now recognize us on the streets we've made it to the national news a few times we basically became the face of Christianity in Israel the second thing is that some famous rabbis are after us we you know we got used to getting death threats all the time and I actually had to move relocate so about two years ago this kind of famous extremist guy religious guy is very involved in politics in in politics posted my picture my son's picture on his Facebook page and you can imagine the things that he wrote the very next day in our backyard we found this huge bug full of feces which was reminder to us that we're gonna end up just like Jesus so we decided we're going to move to a place that it's a bit more difficult to throw things into so we moved to the 18th floor renting an apartment and I really pray that that guy who is very much like when Paul was soul will turn into a pole it's not easy I know you can see on the screen the kind of things that they say on about us and and the faces those are rabbis that produced videos against us and they usually don't take the highway as you can see but we love them and you know what I would give up my life to see them getting saved ok last slide everyone talks about the books I will talk about my book it was released on January of this year became pretty fast bet seller a best seller is got over 300 reviews already and I need a small favor from you the rabbi's are sending their people to give a negative review if you go over the you'll see it's pretty obvious and please get the book and give a positive review if you promise to give a positive review I promise to sign the book that's a Jewish minded walk for you and none of the income comes to me everything goes to the ministry and so we use it for evangelism this is it time is up I hope I was able to get you guys encouraged and thank you very much toda raba [Music] you
Channel: ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
Views: 2,750,122
Rating: 4.7077255 out of 5
Keywords: messianic, yeshua, one for israel, messiah, jewish, israel, dr. eitan bar
Id: ynnjGKwVTjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 16sec (3076 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.