CHURCH OF SATAN Deceives Millions of Christians! (Part 2) | Dr. Gene Kim

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now i want you to turn to the book of first corinthians chapter one and then we'll look at second peter or first peter chapter three we're gonna look at first peter three and first corinthians chapter one first peter three and first corinthians chapter one the sign how you can tell what a true church is throughout history and today is to see if it is anti-catholic now the biggest sign of an anti-catholic church was through baptism that's why this is known as anti-catholic slash baptist that's why we proudly call ourselves baptist you might say why is that because going tracing further back through the baptist tradition where you go to anabaptist for example and other people who made a big deal about baptism baptist made a big deal concerning water baptism why because the catholic church made a big deal about water baptism the first sign that is so important in the sacraments and the face of catholicism what you have to start out with is baptism that's key why because baptism is a sign baptism is a sign of your allegiance so the roman catholic church they made a big deal about baptizing people into the faith why is that especially pagans constantine uh sprinkled all his soldiers and called them all christians automatically like that made him a christian you might say why is that because it's a sign that you're now a part of our church a catholic church why because jesus said that baptism is a sign that you're a saved believer it's a sign you're a saved believer so the catholic church took that as a sign of a true believer is their baptism that's how you can tell in church history who's the right group of people look at their baptisms in their baptisms the catholic church heavily criticized these people why because some of them if they were baptized into the catholic church and they were lost they believed in re-baptizing these people why because that catholic baptism did not count that was a clear sign you are not part of the catholic church that's why baptism was extremely important it goes all the way back where we go from donatists to novations then we go down to the kathari and then we also go to the albujenzas and waldensians and then the vuduas so these people are the most ancient that time who through their baptisms the catholic church dubbed them as heretics so baptists we go all the way back all the way from the true believers how they did baptism why because we don't count one is that we don't believe baptism for salvation the catholic church did catholic church believed in baptism for salvation so then if you were part of so think about this if you're if you're right now part of the catholic church and you got baptized for your salvation and then later on you got saved in jesus christ you know what that means your previous baptism didn't count you have to get baptized again that's a sign of anti-catholicism that's a sign you're a baptist then so look at first corinthians 1 17 for christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel so notice over here the salvation gospel is not part of baptism look at first peter chapter 3 verse 21 the like figure we're unto even baptism that also now save us oh see baptism saves us ah look at the next part not the what putting away of the filth of the flesh baptism doesn't save you from your sins it's not salvation from your sins because it doesn't put away the filth of your flesh for some people who are still skeptical look up filth of the flesh ii corinthians 7 1 that's referring to your sinful nature so we don't believe in a doctrine called baptismal regeneration that's heresy where you get regenerated and saved by baptism that's heresy it says it doesn't do that baptism saves us what the answer of a good conscience toward god yeah if you have a good conscience you're going to get baptized again after you get saved you're going to get a good conscience why if you are a former catholic this is a sign i renounce the catholic church my previous baptism didn't count that's why anti-catholicism and baptists go hand in hand look at acts chapter 8 this is this is the best verse to prove baptist doctrine so they didn't have the name baptist necessarily but that ideology was ever set in foundation and stone in scripture donatus novations etcetera etcetera a lot of these people may have the specifics of baptism wrong you can find doctrinally wrong however what you can get right out of them is this is that it's a sign of renouncing catholicism what they want a true believer to be it's through re-baptism look at acts chapter eight look at this this is extremely important that modern bible versions take out if they took this out you would have gotten rid of one of the most important verses on this sixth point look at verse 36 and as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch said see here is water what dot hinder me to be baptized you have to be a save believer in jesus christ a true believer in jesus christ first then you get baptized as a sign showing it verse 37 and philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god that's a sign of a true believer it's a sign of an anti-catholic person that's why verse 38 he got baptized later important one of the best verses on baptist doctrine that's the verse proving baptists go way back at the early centuries all right let's go to the seventh point can someone shout out the seventh point to me all right so next point is anti-worldly we're not only anti-catholic we're also anti-worldly and that's why we're also dubbed as fundamentalist fundamentalist we don't go by the grain of the world we don't follow the world that's why they call us fundamentalists but if you look at fundamentalists it doesn't mean a terrorist it actually simply means one who follows the fundamentals of the faith look at john chapter 17 john 17 a church that follows with the trend of the world is not a true new testament church so why do they have contemporary music then huh that's worldly music that was birthed out of hollywood that was birthed out of famous musicians who got heavily involved in hollywood hollywood is the clear sign of worldliness that you can get any christian that becomes a hollywood church you're not right with god look at john chapter 17 calvary chapel with their uh hippie movement their worldly dressing hip-hop with their wick with their worldly music anything that makes mingles with the world is not a true new testament church getting involved in politics is not a sign of a true new testament church because even the republican conservative party follows the trend of the world right sure you can find principles that you can say as christian or you can match with the bible that you can agree with politics believe it or not are some political ideology is not birthed out unless there are some people who have a belief down here so yes we can see that but you got to realize this that when you when you go by specific parties they contaminate your beliefs they are influenced by your beliefs but they also contaminate at the same time because it's not your personal belief it's their party's personal belief john chapter 17 verse 16 they are what not of the world even as what i am not of the world but uh aren't we in the world yeah we're in the world but we're not of the world because look at this verse 9 i pray for them i pray not for the what look at these christian churches praying for the world praying for the world no god says don't pray for the world why because they're evil they hate jesus christ even people with good intentions they do not love jesus christ verse 11 and now i am no more in the world but these are in the world and i come to the holy father keep through thine o name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are so notice over here that we are in the world but we're not of the world verse 14 i have given them thy word and the world hath hated them that's why they call you fundamentalist see that you see these wicked evil calvinist and charismatics non-denominational churches who attack fundamentalist churches why because they're too legalistic they get rid of the love of jesus they don't have a love for others and souls etc etc these are wicked evil people they are of the world those are the type of people who will condone worldly music worldly dressing and politics [Music] all right let's look at the eight point what's the eighth point anti-intellectual go to the book of colossians colossians we're going to look at the book of colossians the trend of bible believers the right church is that they go against the world's main education system did you hear what i just said i didn't say true education true intellectualism true academics true science true philosophy et cetera et cetera look all this stuff they got some good teachings and you should study it even more but mainly if you go by the world system of doing things it's corrupted look at the world system of psychology uh philosophy higher education higher academics when a church tries to adopt that into its system listen up now we're a bible institute but they want to get more academics inside look there's nothing wrong with that i wish that christians would get more uh highly educated we should do that with our young people so that they don't get brainwashed by the wicked world but look at the trend because they want to be more respectable in academics they're gonna tend to compromise more and that's where you have to keep a red light on look at all these fundamentalist bible colleges i'm talking about fundamentalists to fundamentalist bible colleges who adopted academics bob jones university fell away a long time ago bob jones senior was known as one of the big fundamentalist guys then his children got more involved in academics fell down look at liberty university didn't you know jerry falwell the founder of it he used to be fundamentalist too but what happened compromised with the world and then got involved in uh intellectualism fell down the drain look at big shot bible schools who started out good by the way didn't you know that berkeley and harvard started out and princeton started out as good schools too jonathan edwards son-in-law started princeton whoa how about that but guess what the once they the mainstream world kept digging deeper into academics and guess what it became more wicked how about that harvard university had george whitfield preach for them can you believe that berkeley their phrase let there be light founded i think uh if my memory serves me right methodist but their name berkeley was actually from one of the most spiritual men you'll ever hear in the bible that is the famous quote that you probably heard before at romans chapter 7 when dr utman comments on it you know what the guy said berkeley whose name berkeley university took after uh i think it goes uh wait let me just look at that real quick let me let me quote to you it's a good quote it's a good quote all right but you know what quote i'm going to read right guys you know that quote i can say it roughly but i would do it injustice if i don't do it accurately so let me read it over here so i'm sure that he would have that quote oh it looks like he doesn't have that quote i was hoping dr upton would have that quote over here nope he does not have it so he does not have just have to say it from the top of my memory but basically the saying goes this way is that uh when i pray i sin uh when i serve the lord when i read the bible i sin and i sin my repentance needs to be repented of and my tears need washing in the blood of christ that was a famous quote showing the two natures of man where no matter how many spiritual things we do for jesus christ our fleshly nature will still sin at the same time that's holy thinking right there my repentance needs to be what repented of i can make a sermon off of that they'll put everybody on the altar probably and my tears need what washing in the blood of christ all right i'm so i can't preach on that unfortunately that's the book of colossians chapter two that goes a lot berkeley one of the most wicked universities you can think of now have taken took a is this so ironic man taking one of the most holy statements ever from a man from his name all right [Laughter] let's look at colossians chapter two yeah i'm gonna have to change all the video titles you know like dr gene kim uc berkeley i'm gonna just have to scratch that out all right let's look at colossians 2 what did the bible warn you about philosophy verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after to the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ that is a sign of a true church's anti-intellectual look at church history all the big shot intellectuals the early church fathers messed up and created the monster catholic church created false doctrine you know who are the ones who are the true believers the one who are the weirdos unintellectual the one who were dubbed donnatus novations kathari vadois heretics weirdos you want to look at the cults look at those guys they tend to be the right guys oh you know that church is uh it's anti-intellectual they have a bunch of members over there who are not smart they're not well-informed people that's what the government's now doing unintelligent people are the ones who are speaking out against us and speaking out against uh the liberal movement etc etc it tends to be those people that the lord uses because the lord started out with fishermen who the jewish sanhedrin who are highly intellectual and elitist they said about these disciples these men are ignorant are not well learned wow all right what is the ninth sigh all right the most important look at second timothy 2 15 and 3 verse 16 through 17. let's close it off right here the sign of a true bible-believing church is when they study and live by the bible that is the problem with independent fundamental baptist churches see they might have fundamentalists and they might have independent which was from our fourth point if i recall but do they have uh they might be independent fundamental they might be even baptist to distinguish but are they bible believers that's why we call ourselves real bible believers you might say how so because we want to show the world what a real bible believer is like it ought to be and these nine signs are how i wanted our church to live by and that's how i pastor and attempted to pastor and that's the only reason why the lord will bless our church so if so every believer should live by these nine points look at second timothy chapter 2 verse 15. it says one of the famous verses study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you got to study the bible that's why why do peoples get intrigued by my videos and keep watching there's so much information because of studying the bible so dispensationalism i never heard that before the genesis gap wow differences with kingdom of heaven kingdom of god eternal security dispensational salvation pre-tribulation rapture down to the deepest doctrines we talk about even blue-blooded aliens the shape of the universe the sea of glass and etc wow fascinating why we study the bible so we can get deeper into truth that's the problem with today's ifb churches independent fundamental baptist churches they don't study the bible if you don't study the bible then what happens is these eight points that you your independent fundamental baptist churches started out with is gonna fall did you pay attention what i exactly said and you bible believers better listen up too is that if you if you fail to study the bible these eight points i don't care if you get these eight points right you start out with eight points but when you fail to study the bible you will die out or your next generations will die out it is so important to study the bible and not just study you need to live by the bible look at second timothy chapter 3 verse 16. all scripture given by inspiration of god profitable doctrine proof correction instruction and righteousness verse 17 that the man of god may be perfect truly furnished unto what all good works it's one thing to study the bible but guess what if you stop there guess what these eight this if you go from eight points to nine and a half you die your church will fall apostate did you hear what i just said did you hear what i just said the important thing is when you go by the eight points to nine and a half you need to live by the bible that's good so when you studied it are you going to live by it how is it applicable where you can live it didn't you know even blue-blooded ufos from outer space you can live by that even if you study a deep doctrine like that a crazy doctrine you might say no that's weird no i'll tell you what it helped me out with because i uh at the beginning i was skeptical sure but then when i studied in the bible more it made me believe it the specifics of ufo i couldn't really believe i wasn't sure in time i started to believe the specifics more but the thing is this when i started to believe in something really crazy and deep like that it made me careful of our wicked government around our world that's how i live by why do you think the lord blessed me with the bible-believing church i wanted the most liberal communities you thought about that see it became lived by why because i know because i started to believe and if not believe some specific specifics at least be open-minded to some specifics the government may be capable of doing this why do you think our youtube videos are still running see because they may be capable of what tracking and doing this you never thought of that before did you you can live something deep the genesis gap why something deep like that can be important because i can live by it why satan really hates us it makes me understand satan's kingdom because we took it over if we believe satan had a kingdom previously before the creation of adam and eve if i believe that then i am aware man satan really hates us so it makes me more spiritual warfare uh watchful that's what happens how about that dispensationalism definitely live by because that's the majority ninety percent of wrong doctrine in our world so bible believers they study but they don't live that is your problem you study but you don't live because you get into the meat studies but what about the milk studies right the bible shows that you meet at the book of hebrews you can know a lot of meat but you lack grace and that and by violating living by the bible you violate if i recall the fifth point unity of the body of believers because in every history and even today amongst bible-believing churches everyone is different and they don't all agree in the same thing people online think i'm over divisive and arrogant and then some uh some pastors uh around the world excuse me some bible believers online think i'm divisive and arrogant and other bible believers online think that i'm compromising what in the world you know what they're they're so both off balance you know why because they didn't find the right group of people the right church movement they all have their own independent beliefs and pick and choose which one is uh you're being arrogant and picking and choosing which one is you're compromising then you're your own cult if you don't want to be a cult you need to follow how god moved among the church throughout history and these are the nine pointers that's how i live my life balanced at that so if you think that i'm too extremist for kicking certain preachers and if you think that i'm too that i'm compromising with this government in this world you guys can go take a hike and go jump in a lake and hopefully the lord can wash some sense into you where you can see these nine pointers all right please this is so important to live by especially onliners because your prey to anything you watch in creating your own cult creating your own beliefs you need to look at the nine pointers and then find the right church that followed these nine pointers and then you're going to find out that's why we started our channel real bible believers that's why we try to put bible believing preachers in the website and recommend you their churches that's why we try to recommend bible believing websites we tried to do that that's why we have different bible believing preachers in our blowout revival meetings you know why we want to show that world this is the right church you want to get involved with this church movement join the proud group of real bible believers you know what i'll put the compilation video at the end of this showing that we're a team and we're against satan's system heavenly father i pray tonight's teaching was a blessing to the hearers made us very very motivated and careful and aware and serious about being a true bible believing church what is our purpose for being here what's the purpose of running this church may we now be well aware in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 33,684
Rating: 4.9261537 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, spiritual vs physical, characteristics of a godly church, heretical churches, satanic churches, how to identify a spirit filled church, god's church
Id: tojDpebFEeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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