Hisoka vs Chrollo Breakdown | Hunter X Hunter

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga although lately I do have to admit that it seems to be mostly your source for various things on to hunter that's what the overwhelming majority of you want so that's what you're going to get and today we're back to modern events specifically to discuss one of the most anticipated battles in series between Hisoka and crawler although I do feel like battle is the wrong way to describe this conflict because there was a lot more to it than simple fighting and honestly it was kind of akin to a chess match but both competitors were frequently heavily engaged in mental calculations to come on top more so than primal instinct and it really is a masterclass in crafting a brilliant sequence and deserves to be discussed because there is an awful lot to dissect here especially with crawlers insane combination of borrowed and or stolen abilities first up though just a little background on what makes this a series defining event in that it is important to note that this is one of he sokka's greatest desires brought to life essentially everything this man has done in the series was in service of fighting strong opponents and the large majority of those actions were specifically to engage in combat with Crowe Lowe in particular so this is something of a wet dream to Hisoka in fact when I was first reading it I wouldn't have been surprised if immediately after its conclusion Hisoka suddenly woke up having made you know a bit of a mess of his sheets but whatever the case Crowley decided to indulge hisoka's desires and the mad magician was becoming nothing short of a pain and as such the two agreed that this would be a fight to the death now there is a lot more to Chronos contextual situation than this as he had spent a great deal of time preparing for this conflict and acquiring an ultimate combination of abilities in order to take he soaked it down and this is made possible through crawlers hot suit bandits secret a specialist ability that allows him to steal the nen abilities of others provided for very difficult conditions are met which we won't go into here but just be aware that krola was something of an ability collector and to this fight he brought a total of six new powers into the mix the combination of which he believed would secure his victory the first ability of which is a crawler original known as double-faced now traditionally to invoke a stolen power through bandits secret Rollo needed to open his book to the page in which the ability was listed in order to gain access to its power however would double-faced Rollo is able to create a bookmark which when placed on a page will allow crowler to continue to use that ability even if the book is closed or open but on another page and this was very very relevant because now allow krola to engage in hand-to-hand combat while using an ability due to no longer needing to keep the book open at all times and much more dangerously it allowed krola to access to stolen skills and use them in concert so you know it's probably history's most powerful bookmark next up crawler also acquired two abilities from his very own members of the Phantom troupe one of which is black voice provided by shall knock this is a stock standard manipulation ability that allows it to use it to control the minds and actions of a target by inserting an antenna into them and providing them with orders then we also have gallery fake inability owned by koto P which gives the user the power to touch an object with their left hand and replicate it with their right hand these objects remain in existence for 24 hours before disappearing however the user is also able to track the movements of said objects for the duration of that time also very importantly gallery fake cannot be used to replicate living things or I mean it can sort of but if a copy is made of a living thing then that copy will come into existence as a corpse during his prep time though a crawler stole our further 3 abilities from primarily unknown users one of which was order stamp this power is a combination of conjuration and manipulation in which its user generates a physical stamp and when a puppet is marked with the stamp it allows the user to control them although it does come with a limitation that to be considered a puppet the object must be both lifeless and have a head quite notably due to the beliefs of order stamps original user corpses are not considered puppets however crawler would prove to creatively circumvent that restriction before we hop into that too much so crawler also comes into this fight wielding the Sun and the moon I mean not the literal Sun and Moon but a very funky hot sue which marks its uses hands with a Sun symbol on one and a moon on the other and whenever they use a touch of someone or something with their hands they will be marked with either the Sun or the moon symbol respectively and depending on how long this contact lasts the symbols will be charged to a certain extent with three to five seconds required for maximum effect now why is charging important well it's because whenever a Sun and Moon symbol come into contact with each other it triggers an explosion the potency of which is dependent on how charged the symbols were upon contact rather interestingly Sun and Moon is also a case of post mortem known as its original wielder an elder from eto City as indeed passed away which would usually remove the ability from crawlers use however in this case his name became more powerful after death allowing crawler not only to retain the use of this power but sun and moon also goes on to circumvent the restrictions of bandits and double-faced keeping the symbols active even if the ability is not bookmarked or has its page open and the only way to remove them is to trigger an explosion and finally for this ability dump we have convert hands which like Sun and Moon produced marks on Crowley's hands although in this case it is his palms and this is quite a cool power as when Crowley touches someone with his right hand it will result in them taking on Crowley's appearance whilst if he touches someone with the left hand then he will take on their likeness and of course touching someone with both hands pretty much means that their appearances will be swapped so it's a very fine ability for stealth and sowing confusion amongst a crowd although it must be said that only the ability user will retain the arrow marks on their hands which is more or less the only way to spot them outside of general personality traits alright so apologies for dumping you with all ton of nin exposition but in understanding of crawler 6 abilities Argus 7 if we include bandit secret is absolutely essential for this fight in the meantime our other contender Hisoka has just been waiting here patiently like the wonderful chap he is and to this conflict he brings nothing new to the table it's pretty much just Bungie gum for days but to be fair when you wield the powers of both rubber and gum what else would you really need well we're probably about to find out so immediately after the match commenced Crowell invoked black voice by sticking an antenna into the match judge and manipulating him into attacking Hisoka and something that I didn't mention in black voices description is that the user has a maximum of two antenna and crawler strategically uses to convince Hisoka that his original plan was to pin him down with the judge and stick the second antenna into him thus instantly winning the conflict by virtue of being able to control Hisoka himself this was but an elaborate faints though allowing crawler to land some physical blows against Hisoka but the first phase of this conflict would end with the judge mysteriously exploding right in he soaked his face a boss that he barely managed to escape by using Bungie gum but of course we all know what caused that explosion and this was the first instance of crawler demonstrating how he can form some pretty crazy combinations of his abilities as he marched the judges body with both a Sun and a moon symbol and then used black voice to force the judge to trigger the explosion himself essentially turning the judge into a suicide bomber that could go off a crawl assault discretion and while this effort was unsuccessful in killing Hisoka it did lead directly to the next phase of cromoz plan in which he invoked gallery fake to copy the body of the judge and then used order stamp on the new corpse to control it like a puppet now you probably remember me saying that due to the mindset of auto stamps original user a call did not qualify as a puppet however crawlers circumvented that as apparently a nen copy of a corpse fits into this technical gray area in which can be considered a puppet Carola mostly did this as a simple display of power essentially giving he soaked or detailed lecture of his abilities before jumping into full force and using the mighty crowd of heavens arena to his advantage by controlling someone with black voice then using convert hands to take on the appearance of a random spectator and disappear into a crowd of thoroughly terrified but captivated individuals many of which was going to escape potential death and in this moment Hisoka began to realize the predicament he was in Crowley's strategy was incredibly problematic for him because he had to be wary of getting too close to him in case he had a second antenna free for black boys however if he Sokka went to keep his distance and krohler was completely free to enact his maddening combination of powers which swiftly came to fruition actually a squirrel used the combination of gallery fake and all to stamp on mass to create copy slash puppets of various audience members and commanded them to attack Hisoka meanwhile krola used this as a distraction so that he could get in some guaranteed hits on Hisoka causing the magician to well let's just say that he Sokka was thoroughly enjoying himself at this point in the battle and while he Sokka did creatively use bungee gum to decapitate the puppets with the head of a former puppet he was also smart enough to realize that defeating all of the puppets would allow crawler to deactivate older stamp an initiate gallery fake once again to create a new army of puppets thus keeping Hisoka in an infinite loop of problems until he would potentially eventually run out of stamina and be overcome by Crow and his ami and so he Sokka went about putting a plan into motion for singling out crawler also using the audience of heavens arena to his advantage in conjunction with Bungie gum to turn them into something resembling human bullets in order to pink Rojo down now well the Hisoka was caught off guard again when the crawler he had caught turned out to be an audience member who had been made to look like him with convert hands and who was being controlled by black voice Hisoka also came to further realize the gravity of his situation in that the cop is created by gallery fake when not disappearing despite having been decapitated which only removed the effects of order staff but the real problem was that all of these copies were also marked by sun and moon and with this he Sokka deduced the crawlers ultimate attack would be a rush of puppets all detonating upon him in unison however even before that he still could be outplayed by krola who detonated a body that belonged to the head that he soccer was swinging around like some sort of bungee mase but this action would blow off one if he soaked his hands but more importantly removing the bungee gum that he had to fix to the ceiling of the arena for an emergency escape so without the use of his left hand he Sokka was forced to use bungee gun primarily with his feet but from here on out his fate was sealed crowler had completely mentally overcome him and eventually he Sokka was forced to the ground assailed by a group of puppets and killed in the ensuing explosion his body was then recovered by the Phantom troupe and it was in pretty good condition actually which was explained by the idea that the mass of puppets around him cushions the explosion somewhat and his actual cause of death ended up being suffocation rather than the actual detonation however to say that this was Carla's complete victory would be a lie because he Sokka was about to do something phenomenal just prior to his demise in Heaven's arena Hisoka used his vague knowledge of post-mortem ninh to program a sequence in which Bungie gun was able to restart his heart and lungs off to death which occurred in the presence of fandom troupe member machi after waking up he so could got a kick out of the fact that his wild plan had actually worked and used texture surprise to mold his aura into the missing parts of his body which I guess we could essentially call gum prosthetics after making a full recovery and seemingly more powerful than ever Hisoka issued a warning Tamachi that from now on he would cease his games and fight and kill any phantom troupe member on sight going on to make good on this promise by immediately killing Shana and caught Opie although he did spare machi for now but the deaths of and caught Opie are extremely relevant to this discussion because black voice and gallery fake abilities that were previously Orange by the two of them were absolutely integral to crawlers ideal conditions to face ahsoka and with the two of them dead assumedly chrono has lost the use of those abilities oh I guess I should say that it is currently unknown if those abilities vanished from his grasp or not because you know just like the odor from eto City they may have been subject to post-mortem nan Fairy maybe but in any case as it stands this fight is not over and currently the entirety of the remaining phantom troupe are on the hunt Figgy Sokka as part of the succession war arc and that pretty much does it for this breakdown of Hisoka versus Corolla if you enjoyed this video on the content this channel produced in general and please do consider donating to the new world revue patreon because the support of all of your amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible and if patreon isn't quite your style then please do leave this video a like share or subscribe because it also helps support this channel and Incred and if you'd like to join the fun at anytime then please do head over to my discord server for a wide array of shenanigan ray takes place on a daily basis and finally please do comment with your thoughts on Hisoka vs. crow this has been the new walter view and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 923,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, chrollo vs hisoka, hisoka vs chrollo, hunter x hunter, phantom troupe, kortopi, shalnark, machi, gallery fake, black voice, bandits secret, bookmark, order stamp, succession war, sun and moon, killua, dark continent, ging, pariston, hisoka nen, bungee gum, hisoka revive, revive, post mortem nen, resurrection, heaven's arena, heavens arena, black whale, illumi, kalluto, chrollo vs hisoka explained, explained, break down
Id: FzDdL7_7e0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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