Christocentric Meal (April, 1st) | The Spirit Lives In You

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Christocentric mill a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell demeanor is my name and I'm excited to welcome every one of you today as we look into the Word of God you know the Word of God is a mirror the perfect law of Liberty so you invite a friend a loved one a family member let's get in the word it will build you up today I have co-hosting with me this broadcast my wife dr. Richard Amina honey good morning hello everyone welcome to today's broadcast let's pray to get us get in the water today father we thank you for Grace Mercy and Jesus we thank you for the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things and the blood of email on our behalf and today we have access into the deep things of God we have access into the best of God for us we pray for viewers around the world as they connecting the broadcast today that the eyes of the understanding be flooded with light their minds be unlocked their understanding be quickened that everyone will come into the fullness of the revelation of the finished work of Christ barriers are broken and terminated and we thinking that your people will be equipped edified at the end of the broadcast be the benefit we give you praise for answered prayer in Jesus name Amen amen and amen praise God alright let's get into what today today is the first day of April and it's joy to see every one of you let's get into what the spirit lives in you Philemon chapter 1 verse 4 to 6 I taught my god making mention of the always in my prayers hearing of thy love and faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all things then the communication of thy faith may become affect wrong by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus so brother Paul reminded Philemon how he prayed for him to the end that the communication of his faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in him in Christ this implies that a believer will be effective to the degree that he has precise knowledge of the things that belong to him in Christ this on the line several of Paul's prayers for believers in his EP stores in the fusions 117 223 the prayer dance for you to know the power that raised Christ from the dead which was wrought in Christ which is wrought in the believer in Philippians 1 9 to 11 but a poor pray that you may come to the knowledge of his will walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful on to every good walk in Colossians 1:9 G Levin Ypres dialog will abound yet more and more in all knowledge and judgment all right all that is knowledge that you may know no no but epignosis in specific areas in Romans chapter 8 verse 900 false Romans 8:9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he's none of it if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his so you cannot say you're a believer without the Holy Spirit once you believe the gospel the Holy Spirit gives brought to you you're born of the Spirit everyone was believed the gospel has the Holy Spirit living in him permanently you know it's different from where it used to be we were taught years back now when you get born again they you need to look for the Holy Spirit know every child of God is born of the Spirit that's so important so he says he that has not the Spirit of Christ is none of these you cannot belong to Christ without the Holy Spirit you see now an important concept of study for the believer in Christ to be well-acquainted with is the indwelling of the Spirit this can be seen from the promises made in the Old Testament books of the Bible and the fulfillment of the same explained import the four Gospels any pistols in the light of this the believer or to carefully pay attention to this important detail as a failure to do so may lead a believer to Kennedy's promises without knowing the husband fulfilled it's like believers who pray or father give me the spirit father give me your power fill me with your power breathe upon me the spirit afresh Mannu Spirit of God create in me a clean heart renew a right spirit within me all those that believe also have not come to full knowledge those that believe us was developed an identity crisis who are mentally agitated who have not come face to face with their realities in Christ Jesus also in understanding these the indwelling of the Spirit it's important to bear in mind the sevre concept related to the indwelling of the Spirit you know even here songs like this in charge Jesus is passing this way where is he passing to something like past me not too gentle see if your ways he passing you - he lives in your house him so those are not songs that reflect your identity in Christ they sound nice this sounds sweet they sound like religious but they are robbing you of your reality in Christ Jesus pass me not you Jen to see you no Savior see no cry no he lives in you and he can't believe in you and pass you by see that he can't believe in you and you think in take not your Holy Spirit from me he will never leave no facilities if you sing that song he just saying that God is a liar but God says the spirit will have died with you forever so there's no point the box in God not to take away the Holy Spirit it's testamento implications yes most of David said Sophia's thing is all right also to say right most of those songs just robbed you of your reality in Christ Jesus so this include concepts such as the new birth being born of the Spirit they gives a new spirit the fruit of the Spirit being filled with the spirit all of these odd things you must get used to you must understand so let's begin this study with Ezekiel 36 verse 25 to 27 honey then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols will night lends you a new heart also will I give you and the new spirit will I put we deal and I will take away the stony heart out of a flesh and I would you and heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall keep my judgments and do that so this was the prophecy in Ezekiel concerning the spirit they are pouring of the spirit the indwelling of the Spirit in the bond of in man this was the prophecy again Joel prophesied the same prophecy in George of the to verse 28 to 29 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants and upon handmaids in those days will have pour out my spirit we find the two above prophecies in Old Testament books of the Bible concerning the spirit note that Joel's prophecy is about outpouring of the spirit upon all flesh this was pointed out by Peter in explaining the events of the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 verse 16 to 18 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and shall come to pass in the last days said God our part of my spirit upon all flesh and your songs are your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servant on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy so George prophecy was explained by Peter as fulfilled by what happened on the day of Pentecost our believers spoke in tongues and prophesied does Joel's prophecy was concerned in the spirit both must pay close attention to what was said as seen above the prophecy of Joel was explained by Peter with respect to the events on the day of Pentecost they spoke with tongues and prospered everybody you know except the two of us one sees and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were together in one Accord and in one place and suddenly there was a mighty rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire and sat upon each of them and they all of them they were all feared and they began to speak with tongues as a spirit give them authoress we can say dear form that the prophecy of Joel was concerned in the outpouring of the spirit and doing that that time when those are the last days for them you know and the same spirit continued still today yes you know what time yes where we have the promise of the Word of God but to party spirit upon us through Jesus either because getting born a game is receiving of the Spirit of God yes so the same trend from sin that trying till now yeah you know yep that was the beginning of the New Testament church yes Pentecost was the beginning the broth of the New Testament charge and whatever happened then happens much now yes so every believer has the indwelling of the Spirit every child of God it doesn't matter where you are what the experiences have been every child of God and his born again has the indwelling of the Spirit and the spirit didn't come to dwell in you installed mentally he came to dwell in you in fullness all of the Spirit Himself in you all of his gifts in you all of his fruits in you all of his abilities are in the believer that's what we say the believer house is God he houses God via the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit in you is God dwelling in you this was fulfilled from the day of Pentecost however this is not about the indwelling of the Spirit which is the God's prophecy noted as we shall subsequently see so the indwelling of the Spirit will be explained further you know from what happened on the day of Pentecost we'll explain further because it's important those concepts and clearly explain to you but second Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 hundred for us for all the promises of God in him I yield and in him Amen unto the glory of God by us so all the promises were ready to see that promises in Ezekiel promises in jail and all the other promises that were made in the Old Testament all of them are fulfilled in Christ all of them I it is full filled all of them are fulfilled in Christ Christ or when Christ comes into you there you have all this problem you have all the promises fulfilled the moment you've got vonnegut the Spirit comes dwelling you to come and live in you and because he lives in you now you experience the outpouring not downpour but output I know in the church what is his song like open the floodgates of heaven and let it rain the rains don't come from the floodgates of heaven the rain is already in the believer out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water you carried the totality of the Holy Spirit on your inside and we shall explain you a lot for that as you go through the course of study my advice is stay with us in this study this is no one study you want to miss even a day or a moment it's one study you want to pay close attention to because once you understand what indwelling of the Spirit is that the Spirit of God lives in you it will change everything you now know that you are empowered you now know that you can function like God and you live in a reality that is different from this physical reality a reality that is superior to this physical reality a reality that is cause reality that's your own reality that's where you live and the more you study the more you look into the mirror the more you come to terms with that reality and the more you are able to function from that reality and from that reality all things are possible and that is the believers right and this is so important because it's very easy for you if you are not paying attention to the things you are teaching you and meditating on them it's easy for you to think that the physical reality is you're really so you begin to live a substandard life you know because you not start talking like everybody else if everybody is suffering you to us often if everybody is trust rated you are frustrated because you are not realizing we take it as normal cuz you're not realizing that what is in you is greater than what is in the world that the life you live now your reality is in Christ so what cannot be found in Christ should not be found in you you shouldn't be comfortable anything that is contract in all that is a contradiction to Christ's life you shouldn't be comfortable you should even accept it you shouldn't admit it because your reality is in Christ if any man be in Christ Christ is your reality the believer lives in Christ you know that's her brother poni henceforth know we no man after the flesh once we knew Christ after the flesh henceforth we know him no more we don't know Christ after the flesh that means whatever defines the physical world does not find our reality we live in a world that is different from this physical world it is a world of the supernatural it is a world of the Spirit it is the realm of God with function from that brain and from that RAM with directing in the physical realm we have superiority over the rim of the natural it is from that RAM that Jesus who look at the wind and the waves and rebuke them and there was a great calm you know I wish the believers would like be more conscious more aware of this reality yes because that the shortfall of Christendom today that we are not operating in full capacity right of all that has been thwarted right and that's why brother Paul say to Philemon acknowledge acknowledge in every good thing that is in you in Christ if you fail to acknowledge the good things that are in you know wrought in you because you are in Christ your faith your Christianity will never be factual you will never live in the victory they are designed to live it you will never live in the realm of immortality which is the rim of the believer because it gospel is the gospel of immortality eternal life in you is immortality that's what he meant by not in Shaba enemies hot you you can live above all their hearts the traps the snare of the enemy the snare of the Fowler same thing that happened to brother Paul when he escaped the shipwreck and they sneaked fast in itself on him he just shook it off he didn't panic he didn't collapse and start screaming and shouting and speaking hopelessly he just shook it off because he knew that this was no haughty you must be steadfast immovable you must be still sound in the faith you must stay in the feet and maintain your position and maintain your position because you know you have won and because you know you win and because you know you always win yeah always nervous thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph always not sometimes even today you have already won remember you quietly the victory is already else so you're not looking for victory today you're operating from victory today you live the life the resurrected life the life of Christ finding expression through you today in this world on the leaders in the confession the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ Jesus the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ Jesus and the recipient of the same my feet I'm a recipient of the same by faith and look in Christ I look in Christ the fulfillment of all of God's promises the fulfillment of all of God's promises and I work in the benefits of all that I receive and I work in the benefit of all that I have received praise the Lord father we take authority over everything that is contrary to the RAM of victory in the realm of life the quality of life that we have received in Christ Jesus the substance of the very essence of God's life we take authority over everything that contradicts it we silence it in the name of Jesus we pray for us today that you grow and abound in this reality as you begin to function the supernatural naturally in the name of Jesus man we decree that your understanding is flooded and that just starting with my body spirit that we enjoy the exploits that I in Christ Jesus enjoy the redemption that you received in Christ and we take authority over everything that is substandard to God's life making noise around you we silence it we rebuke it today in the name of Jesus amen and we release the power of God right where you are now and we command you lifted from every shackle of hell we're listening to the liberty of songs you are blessed today your going out is blessed your coming in is blessed the fruit of your body is blessed the walk of your hands are blessed today the favor of God is at work on your behalf only good and not evil is your portion living in the name of Jesus amen father we rejoice because of your word that keeps finding expression every day in the understanding of your people empowering your people to reign in this Larry we give you praise for total victory in Jesus name we pray amen oh praise God what a blessing and a great blessing to have all of you connected to this great time of sharing and teaching of God's Word I want to encourage you to order for this devotional it will be a world of good you know for you the Christocentric meal for yourself your family friends and loved ones give it as a gift to somebody the announcer will tell her to get this and other products of this ministry for your spiritual enrichment and edification we're excited that were able to come with go talk to you every day you must do all the favor of inviting more people to benefit from these teachings so that the body of Christ is edified at life this is critical and very important just before we go on to one last word for viewers don't forget to work in the benefits that you have in Christ Jesus amen don't forget to work in the benefits you have and remember the Spirit of God lives is not VCT you so stop asking him to visit you oh geez also visited a lot no no no he will not visit you he has taken up residence on your inside so the bank visitation is not for us he lives in us praise whatever coming our way tomorrow friends looking for to connect with you very powerfully tomorrow this is Rachel and I build a - a then the kingdom of God is in power amen James 1:22 223 but be to us of the world and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he builded himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was he forgot who he was the word forget in the Greek means to lay aside he led aside his identity and began to copy an identity that was not his in the blue Canyon said a gapper doesn't go to the divorce courts agape doesn't go to the divorce court no court on earth can divorce agape no court can divorce agape the reason why as a wife you are thinking of divorcing your husband is because you are forgotten what manner of woman you are and brother the reason why you are thinking of divorcing your wife is because you've forgotten who you are you don't love the mirror long ago you are looking at a different middle otherwise if you are looking at the mirror of Christ divorce you won't even know the world you won't know the world you will not recognize that world you even think about it that you need not thinking of it that you even considering it who has bewitched you one day I spell my brother you have forgotten who you know what you did to Christ you know what you did to Christ and yet he loves you against what any standard says God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet creeping out the word see Nadia is a war criminal or ungodly Christ died for us he didn't die for you because you are going to be a good guy he died for you because it's love for you is unconditional and when you're born of God does that does the same thing you receive in your heart you receive unconditional love love that is sacrificial love that does not take record of evil love that does not look for your weaknesses love that only concentrates on your good parts no matter how bad you are behaving the love of God does not see that what the love of God sees in all of your behavior are the good parts and that love focuses on the good part and amplifies the good part in you until the bad part don't exist that's a love of God that's why people can understand why God is answering your prayer in spite of your mistakes because it was not your mistakes that got God to die you're dead it was his love for you so your mistakes cannot decide when I answers your prayer for you that's him love that make him die for you it's the same love that makes him answer your prayer every your prey is my prophet he perfects it for you likewise the spirit itself also helpeth our infirmities so we do not know how to pray as we ought so even when I can pray well mate olynyk again the Holy Ghost kicks in and takes over and praise my prayer to ensure that my prayers are always answered so don't wait for me to be perfect to love me if you waiting for me to be positive of me then you're not born of God because those that are born of God don't look for perfection in the imperfection they see perfection amen does the love of God and Kappa does not go to the divorce courts never why do we have too much divorce in the body of Christ I said because the body of Christ don't know Christ our churches are full of motivational speakers in the name of preachers our churches are full of success teachers nobody's teaching Christ and when a husband doesn't know Christ how can he love his wife as Christ loves the church when a wife doesn't Christ how can she submit to a husband like the church who submit to Christ it all begins with the revelation of Christ don't talk about our character show us Christ live Christ to walk on a la cañada don't tell us about our behavior show us Christ when we see Jesus in Jesus we see who we truly are and sees himself and does not make a judgment to hit into the image you see our churches are not preaching Christ that is right this divorce Oliver the Church believers are going to cut as if the court has become their charge every day you see Christians in court seeking for divorce why no revelation of Jesus ladies and gentlemen that is when like more than ever before I am resolute I am persuaded and I am totally committed to reveal Jesus to my generation like never before because Jesus is the answer to the whole world we are the reason see bring Christ where there is jealousy bring Christ where there is war bring Christ when Christ shows our enemies how is concerned [Music] stop trying to make things walk just show the world Christ reveal Christ when they see him the equation is dissolved please sit down say pastor you don't know what what what what is there to know yes you've been cheated highest what else didn't you cheat Christ and yet he forgave you how many head do you have they cannot forgive it's women man's revelation of Jesus is beginning to be around that's when bitterness anger unforgiveness begins to kick in when he forgets what manner of man he was when he doesn't focus on the mirror to see himself in the light of Christ same thing with you when you do not see the Brethren to the eyes of Jesus when you see them as flesh when henceforth we know no man after the flesh when you do not operate in obedience to the scriptures you begin to see people like a natural man that's when you begin to calculate their false abraham believed God it was credited to him for righteousness now on to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith not just walks his faith not his walks doesn't work matter no they don't matter in determining who you are but when you now know who you are it affects your walks it is not the works that determine who you are it is Christ that determines who you are then when you see who you really are that revelation produces good works hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you need to not only hear but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel Jimena call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,471
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Id: oz79wiLylY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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