Christocentric Meal (September, 22nd) Healing Is Yours (3)

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[Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Christmas centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell demeanor is my name and I'm glad to welcome you to this wonderful time of studying the Word of God I have co-hosting the broadcast this morning with me my wife dr. Richard Amina greetings everyone welcome to today's broadcast amen let's pray together father thank you for light the entrance of your word give it light and thank you that veils fall off today your word comes with clarity and power sick bodies healed your people built up equipped and edified we give you praise for Jesus be made manifest among us through your word in Jesus name Amen all right today we are looking at healing is yours but tree healing is yours honey read for awesome 103 verse 2 and 3 bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases forget not all his benefits oh the healing of your diseases is one of the benefits we have in Christ Jesus sickness is not spiritual sickness only affects the physical body so sickness is physical yeah everything that God created from the earth was called good so man's body was from the dust of the earth Genesis 2:16 and 17 rich was and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it and he didn't doubt it has thereof thou shalt surely die we are to note that he didn't say you cannot which shows free will in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 brought a Paul explains better wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have seen the word enter means it came into the activities there was no sin until Adam sin is not in God's creation there was a transgression which is the same word for sin in first Timothy 2:14 and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression so obviously those consequences showed up in man's physical body sickness is a result of that disobedience and every other anomaly God did not make his sick body right from Genesis what happened was a procreation what God did was perfect in John 1 1800 Falls no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he had declared him so whatever Jesus does is what the father is doing Jesus gives us a clear picture and Jesus declares the father to us look for ET the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised he look for it in the word brokenhearted is a word used for the feeble feeble means seek so Jesus meant those who are very sick Jesus is anointed to do what the father does the four Gospels are eyewitness accounts of Jesus He fulfilled a prophecy of Isaiah 61 verse 1 2 3 wait for the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he assigns me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound so proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified observed that Jesus in fulfilling the prophecy did not mean and the Vengeance of the law because the Vengeance of the law is supposed to be scarcely mentioned in the Epistle in Luke 4:35 just after he said that the very first thing I did was to meet someone possessed of demons honey Reed Falls looked up the focus touch it and 39 and he arose out of the synagogue and entered into Simon's house and Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever and they besought him for her and he stood over her and rebuked the fever and it left her and immediately she arose and ministered unto them in those days fever was like a terminal disease he rebuked the fever the word rebuke is used to correct something to confront an oppressor it seemed as though Jesus was talking to personalities when he confronted sicknesses same way he would have rebuked demons he rebuked the sickness acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him the word oppressed is sin for in relation to tyrants who phosphonate people this summarizes Jesus is healing ministry Jesus addressed sickness like he was confronting a tyrant it will therefore be wrong to address God as someone who puts sickness on people God does input sickness on people in Luke chapter 13 verse 11 to 16 there was a woman bent over she had gotten used to being sick the word infirmity is used which is a consistent word for being deaf dumb and blind it was called it disease because it wasn't meant to be like that Jesus rebuking it was to correct it Jesus demonstrates the willingness of God to heal sickness there was so much that Jesus did than were recorded we shouldn't doubt that same power today even after he died and rose from the dead that same power is will alive in the believer to heal to correct conditions and to restore bodies to their proper functionality that power resides in the believer jesus said this sign shall follow those that believe in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover that's God's promise to us today and it's available to everyone watching the broadcast right now praise God only leaders in the confession God does not make me sick to you me God does not make me sick to heal me today I do not doubt the healing power that Jesus demonstrates to heal the sick today I do not doubt the healing power that Jesus demonstrates to heal the sick healing is yours right now but I will pray for viewers thank you for the promise leave fulfillment of your word your promise to heal to set free and to deliver thank you for your goodness and your act of kindness in healing sick body we rebuke every infirmity every sickness disease i conditions here in conditions we rebuke every internal situation blood disease we rebuke you in the name of Jesus amen we rebuke asthma we command every oppression of the enemy be broken right now in the name of gmn bodies be healed be healed in the name of Jesus thank you for your healing power thank you for bodies that I rest on right now we declare that your body is strengthened today in the name of Jesus in every pain gone yeah thank you for in Jesus name Amen amen praise God we're excited that the Word of God is will and alive in your heart today we're expecting testimonies of God's healing power at work in your bodies in the name of Jesus order for the Christocentric mill for further study you can order physically from our office the announcer will tell you how all the ink copies from Amazon dr. evil demeanor is enjoy always to bring you the word of His grace before they go honey one last what who viewers yes remember that Jesus demonstrated God's willingness to heel off today so don't put up with that sickness don't settle with it rebuke it stand on the truth and receive your healing in spite of how you feel maintain your confession I am healed I remain healed and I am whole and you stay on that and refuse to give the devil any room your body has been bought at a price you are ghosts prized possession praise God we love you guys looking forward to spend more time with you in the word tomorrow and until death this is Rachel and Abel damina see the kingdom of God is empowered [Music] fest B touch of the one verse number 11 such an word are what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that shall follow next verse on to whom it was revealed that not unto them the prophet not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported on to you by them that are preach the gospel unto you which the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into now question what do the angels desire to look into protects the pretext tells us that go back to that self as Peter chapter 1 verse number 9 receiving the end of your faith what is the end of your faith the salvation of your souls that is the end of your faith all of your faith in God and all of your faith in Christ the end of your failure is to bring you to a terminal and call salvation receiving the salvation of your souls the end of your faith you believe to be saved once you are saved your belief expires it expires in salvation the mission of faith is to deliver to you a product called salvation it is called the end of your faith which is the salvation of your soul because the mission of the gospel is salvation Matthew 1:21 Jesus's mission statement she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus why he shall save his people from their sins the end product of Jesus is coming is salvation the end of your faith is salvation Romans 1:16 I'm not ashamed of the gospel the gospel is the power of God unto salvation receiving the end of your faith which is the salvation of your soul then in the next verse he now said in that free spirit chapter 1 verse 10 of which salvation the prophets you see of which salvation which is the end of your faith the prophets have enquired because even the prophets didn't know the details of salvation and that salvation is what verse 12 now says which the angels desire to look into that means they don't know about salvation so anything the Angels will be saying the Angels are only saying it because that is what they heard not because that is what they understand because angels are messengers meaning that whatever the angel says has to be subjected to the revelation of Scripture that means whatever the Angels said has to be interpreted through the eyes of doctrine sound doctrine because the Angels just spoke but we have to depend on doctrine to interpret what the Angels casually said in the gospels please follow this so the angels desire to look into salvation and for you to know that the angels really don't know much first of all angels are not women important angels are not women in science and angels are not women present angels are messengers angels are servants the only run errands and carry out instructions some 103 verse 20 bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength hacking into the voice of his world Ephesians chapter 3 verse number 8 on unto me whom am less than the least of All Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ next verse and to make all men see so the mission of preaching is to bring you to a place of Revelation to make all men see that's what I'm preaching this morning to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery so there is a fellowship in inside a mystery which from the beginning of the world had been healed in God who created all things by Jesus Christ so there's a mystery that has been healed in God from the beginning of the world that mystery has to be revealed so when the baby appeared in the manger the baby was a mystery in a manger they thought they saw a baby in a manger but that baby in the manger was not really a baby they thought they had the cry of a baby in a manger but there was not the cry of a baby because that baby is a mystery which had been healed from when the war began manifesting in a covert operation in a covert operation an operation that is not expressed that is not explained but that operation is concealed in a mystery which will require revelation if you're with me say here because I'm going somewhere very deep so that baby was in the manger but that was not a baby that baby was God that baby was God the manger was in carrying the baby the baby was carrying the manger that's why the baby is a mystery in a manger that baby is a preincarnate who incarnated that baby is the pre-inca leech who incarnated so that baby was the Incarnate one who has his roots in the pre-internet meaning that baby predated that event meaning that baby long before the manga has been in operation meaning even when Mary was pregnant that baby was Carrie Mary is a mystery teaching good for any Christian or any man a God who does not settle down with the Holy Ghost he won't see these things I'm about to show you all you will be preoccupied with was wise men watching their fields by night angels appear to be cows sheeps shepherds manger a little baby that is born angels gives case closed eyewitness account Jesus is beyond and witness accounts teaching good Luke chapter 1 chapter 1 verse 1 pay attention for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us even as they delivered them unto us which from the beginning were eyewitnesses so what Lucas aim is the things that we are reporting here and the things we are recording here are things that people who saw me there are so much you Mark Luke and John even though John is in a class and I will explain why but Matthew Mark Luke and John recorded eyewitness account the record of Matthew Mark Luke and John was an account of what people saw with their physical eyes what they saw with their physical eyes they saw Shepherds they saw sheep they saw goats they saw minja they saw Mary they saw yourself they saw baby they saw offering that's what they saw but because this baby in the manger protected the manger there was much the baby that the eyes couldn't see henceforth the eyewitness accounts could record ok now why where the Gospels Richie the Gospels were written that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God the Son of God question why is Jesus called a son of God now Jesus is called the Son of God by the witness accounts they call him the only begotten Son the Greek word is a mano Genoa or the mano Jimmy's or the only a kinda tie the son of God why did I call him the son of God they call him the son of God now first of all in the Gospels they called him the son of man he called himself a son of God they're calling the son of man he called himself the son of God why did he call him the son of man it tallies with what they saw at the birth of Jesus why did he call himself a son of God he knew better than what they reported they call him the son of man Matthew Mark Luke and John Jesus the Son of Man he called himself the Son of God why the son of God is an amalgamation of deity with humanity he called himself son of God because we were simply saying is I am God who has become a man Jesus is God who became a man to save man so they imagine the imagine of bathe with humanity is called son of God the Greek word is Gino my judo my means God change shape and location for a purpose that God removed God and squeezed himself in human flesh and change location and came to another location to operate like the people in that location Gino my that's why he's called son of God because it's a measure of de G in humanity he is God as though he is not man he is man as though he is not God the Greek word is they tend to oppose tent repose means God man so Jesus is God man or God who became man to save man so in that I witness account we don't have all the details but we have a few details that they saw and the details they saw was the man's side you will need Jesus to help you know that in that man was a God so if there was a God in that man then that baby was not really a baby even though that baby was a baby that baby was not a baby even though that baby was a baby because he was God as though he was not man and he was man as though he was not God teaching dude alright I'm stretching her mind right I'm gonna stretch it for that so just get ready for it this is a good Christmas food what else can you eat on Christmas Day as well hallelujah well somebody was shot he live in hallelujah until somebody will wake up I shot a louder hallelujah okay the word son of man is used hundred and seven times in the Old Testament hundred and seven times Jesus didn't use son of man secondly Jesus never called himself son of Joseph never not once neither in the eyewitness account nor in the revelation he never called himself son of Joseph number two Jesus never called himself son of David not once it was people to call him son of David he never called himself son of David he called himself son of God and sometimes she called himself son of man there always called him son of man but he called himself son of God and sometimes depending on the circumstances he called himself son of man but he never called himself son of Joseph and he never called himself son of David it's people that called him Jesus son of David have mercy on me but he never called himself any of the two why I'm gonna show you in a moment Jesus beyond eyewitness accounts he Cal alone used son of man ninety four times in numbers 23 the column son of man in some it was for he is called man what is man that thou art mindful of that man dear in some advanced for his Jesus Jesus is called man those of you that have been in charge you know I did a teaching series on what is man and when I did that teaching I explained to you what man is in Scripture alright and in Daniel chapter 7 they're talking about Jesus he said his kingdom is a kingdom that looks like the Son of Man he gives it to the sins and they have it forever in Daniels vision he describes the passing of Jesus the same son of man was also used by Daniel to describe the humanity of Christ in Revelation 1 Daniel's prophecy was recalled and in Revelation 14 Jesus is called in prophecy son of man he is called after his incarnation Son of Man in the four Gospels exclusively Jesus used the term son of man for himself which in the Greek is man son or like man 9 times son of man son of the man in Matthew 30 mark 14 Luke 25 John 12 John use it differently Jesus in his humanity was called son of man he is called son of God because of the major between Daisy and humanity at 7:55 256 less in a way Stephen used it but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God he saw the Son of Man so even in heaven after Jesus rose and went back to heaven when Stephen saw Jesus he saw a man standing we have a man like God we have a man like God he saw the Son of Man because he could identify that this is Jesus in his humanity when he saw his saw the Son of Man so today in heaven does a man there's a man in heaven on our behalf he's a man meaning he identifies with where we are and what we go through he's a man the man cries did you there's a man he's a man [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word he needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode amina call the number or email the address on the screen this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,954
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _srAGsp2MYs
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Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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