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[Applause] if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your lord a feet [Applause] the word of god [Music] is are you excited i am what god says i have what god says oh [Music] but i would never never be the same with the holy ghost [Music] is is [Music] the sun no it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord i would never never never be the holy same [Music] father we rejoice for the privilege we have to come together in fellowship with one another in the light of your world lord we come before your word humbly respectfully as we study your holy written word and we thank you that your mighty holy spirit lives on our inside to guide us into all the truth so as we study or what revelation knowledge has gifted us veils full of clarity comes your people built up equipped edified and we take authority over everything that is not planted by god sickness disease is terminated in the name of jesus and we rejoice that by the end of this service will all be the better for it we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say this words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this series i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we are so glad to welcome all of you to everybody connected in a while bomb state do me a favor call a friend a family a neighbor a colleague in your office ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and i want to thank you all our social media family and friends we're so glad that we could have all of you as partners of this ministry in helping to get the gospel to the ends of the earth do us the same favor you've always done share the video on your page tag some people and put it on all the groups on your page all the groups join as many groups as possible let's get the world to the ends of the earth and then of course drop them a monogram telegram and whatsapp groups and it's a joy to have every one of you i tell you we're gonna have an adventure in the world of his grace bible study centers in the state we love you all our campus is all over the world what a joy to be able to come your way again with the word of his grace and those in the building are we excited to be here together can we celebrate the lord with a shout glory whoa amen well grab your pen your notebook your bible and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace grab your bibles to the book of john chapter 5 verse number 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me look at the book of luke chapter 24 verse number 25 when he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself we've established beyond every shadow of doubt that the bible is jesus's book we've established beyond every shadow of doubt that the bible has only one message and that message is the message of the christ we've established beyond every shadow of doubt that the bible is centered on the person of christ it's a crystal-centric material that is why jesus is the end point of all the writings all the prophecies all the promises of the scriptures jesus is the end point of all of those prophecies and promises times and shadows that's why jesus beginning at moses which is symbolic of types and shadows and promise and all the prophets the prophecies he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself is the endpoint of revelation knowledge he says search the scriptures they testify of me now we began to examine the fact that there is the sufferings of christ and the glory that will follow so we establish that the sufferings of christ is his crucifixion death and barrier the glory that will follow is his resurrection ascension and exaltation now there are details in these realities we need to confront face to face now we also said that the glory he will enter is the glory he has never been in before the word eso come i that is for the first time he is going to enter this glory at the end of the suffering which is the glory of his resurrection the glory of his sacrificial work or the glory of his sufferings which brought about the resurrection we're examining when the bible tells us in matthew chapter 1 verse 21 she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins in matthew where the scripture was spoken he had not saved anybody so that scripture is a post-resurrection reality also so john chapter 10 verse 10 i am calm that you may have life and be abundant i am calm that you might have life and be abundant that's also another post-resurrection scripture because he had not given life to anybody as at this point yet so the glory of his walk is that he will save his people from their sins the glory of his work is that he will give life but in his earthly work as the incarnate christ he was not qualified to give life that means there was a greatness after he rose from the dead in his earthly walk he couldn't give life in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life as at the time john was writing that scripture jesus had not given everlasting life to anybody why because it was reserved for his resurrection now look at matthew chapter 3 verse 11 i indeed baptize you with water pay attention to the tenses he didn't say we indeed baptize you with water whatever baptism is not for we it is i i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes are not worthy to be he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire these things happened upon his resurrection look at john chapter 1 verse 33 and i knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shall see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he which baptized it with the holy ghost no fire john removed fire and jesus in acts 1 5 confirmed what john just did for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence so john said i baptize with water he didn't say we baptized with water he said i somebody said to me there are two baptisms so i asked him which one he said baptism with water and baptism with the holy ghost i said oh okay i see i didn't know that before can you explain further so i asked him which one comes first he said water water comes first and then holy ghost i said to him give me a scripture and a verse he said jesus was first baptized into water then the holy ghost i said wow this is so deep i need prayer to understand what you're communicating and then he now said to me and the person who who baptized him with the water said it was very important for other people to be baptized with water so that they can follow the steps of jesus so anna said to him i'm the person who baptized with water what did he say did he say we shall be baptizing you with water he said no he said jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel baptizing them so i now said to him do we go for evangelism with drums of water we should be carrying buckets of water as we go because we're supposed to be baptizing as we're going to take evangelism time everybody comes to church with buckets we're going for evangelism what are the buckets for water baptism if baptism to you means water then there is trouble if all the understanding of the word baptism in your head is water and then there is big trouble bible says they were all baptized on to moses moses must have been a big ocean they were all baptized onto moses in the wilderness john said i indeed baptized with water he that commit after me will baptize you with the holy ghost that statement made by john did jesus accomplish the baptism of the holy ghost in his earthly work did he accomplish it in his earthly work as the incarnate christ did he get anybody baptized with the holy ghost so it was part of the glory that will fall it was post resurrection that's the glory of his work that is he will have to qualify to baptize anybody with the spirit now pay attention the incarnation did not qualify jesus to get anybody baptized with the holy ghost the incarnation did not qualify jesus to give life if the incarnation was the basis of the qualification then the scriptures would have been very clear but he had to die first and he has to be raised from the dead to give the spirit to anybody now in acts chapter 1 verse 5 john said that he will baptize you with the holy ghost john's statement did not put a time to eat but i tell you that statement was meant for the glory of his resurrection look at acts chapter 1 verse 4 and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have heard of me now what he said in acts 4 is it the same thing he said in luke 24 49 tarry until you be endured with power from on high yes then in acts 5 why did he ask them to stay in jerusalem because of the feasts of pentecost yeah all right now we you know we dealt with that now so what john said was meant for post resurrection john did not state it like jesus said i give unto them eternal life that was open all right just like john said you shall be baptized with the holy ghost jesus said in john 10 28 i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish no one shall be able to pluck them out of my hands my father that gave them to me is greater than all and no man can take them out of my father's hands now when jesus said that he cannot give you eternal life until his raise from the dead so that scripture in john 28 29 is post resurrection post resurrection that is the glory of his work now note that he doesn't want to give you life he cannot give it it's not that he refused to give it he didn't have the wherewithal to give it in the incarnation because something had to happen before that ability will be given to him now if he speaks like god it will be very ridiculous as at the time of his incarnation but he speaks as a man he was born he grew he was anointed and he had to be glorified look at acts chapter 2 verse 32 this jesus brother peter preaching had god raised up whereof we all are witnesses 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed for this which you now see and hear when it is shed for this being by the right hand of god exalted or been at the regency on high he is talking about the folks on the day of pentecost and now he explains very definitely that the only time the holy ghost will be shed forth is when jesus is exalted to the right hand of majesty on high now that was definite not that he didn't want to he was not able to not that he didn't want to save them from their sins he was not able to save them until he was raised from the dead that is why the word is called glory weight splendor wealth resources that were available and he had to enter into it there was wealth splendor weights heavy heavy value what resources that were available he couldn't use them in the incarnation he had to die and rise from the dead to enter into this realm where he could use these resources i don't know if we're together he had to die in order for him to enter into this level of glory or weight or or splendor that means he was not in it until resurrection look at that word glory john chapter 14 verse 12 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works are greater than this shall he do because i go unto my father look at the word greater greater than d shall he do the word greater does it imply more when we say something is greater we have great we have greater greater and greater was the difference greater has more greater is greater when he says greater that means there's a greater glory upon his him going to the father a greater glory it is going to the father he was referring to as his exaltation so his ascension to the right hand of the father will be the basis for the greater glory look at john chapter 2 verse 11 this beginning of miracles did jesus in cana of galilee and manifested fought his glory manifested what fought his glory and his disciples believed on him this is the beginning of miracles jesus did and manifested fought his glory that was glory in his earthly work so he had glory in his earthly walk but there was a greater glory when he rose from the dead he manifested fought his glory this was a realm of glory but there was a higher realm of glory that was awaiting him upon his resurrection a greater glory jesus was actually increased he was actually glorified he was actually exalted he was not exalted in a corner somewhere he was literally exalted that means there was more to jesus being raised from the dead oh hallelujah there was more to jesus being raised from the dead so jesus of the four gospels is not the same jesus that rose from the dead jesus of the four gospels is not the same jesus that rose from the dead please listen carefully so same person but different office and different personality same person different office and different personality look at john chapter 12 verse 23 and jesus answered them saying the hour is come that the son of man should be glorified next verse verily verily i say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone and if it die it bring it forth fruit if it die it bringeth forth much fruit much fruit there is referring to his death he is saying when i die i will do more when i die i will do more look at me everybody i will do more meaning i will have more john 12 24 very literally i say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bring it forth if it die it bringeth forth much fruit i will have more john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth so there is a glory of the only begotten of the father we beheld what his glory that means there's a glory of the incarnation the glory as of the only begotten of the father that's the glory of the incarnation but then that is not the glory of the resurrection so there was glory in the incarnation but there was greater glory in the manifestation look at john chapter 7 verse 38 he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water 39 but this speck he of the spirit which they that belief on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified why was the holy ghost not giving because jesus was not yet glorified so he had to be glorified which means that more was added to jesus upon his resurrection more was added to jesus upon his resurrection john chapter 12 verse 16 john chapter 12 verse 16. these things understood not his disciples at the first but when jesus was glorified then remember day that these things were written of him and that they had done these things unto him they didn't understand at first but when jesus was glorified after his resurrection then they understood john 12 28 father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying i have both glorified it and will glorify again i have glorified incarnation and will glorify again resurrection so i will glorify again in among the jews when you say again it means newness except a man be born again again there is new born again born anew i have glorified my name i will glorify it anew i will glorify it anew look at john 12 30 jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me but for your sakes but for your sakes next verse now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out next verse and i if i be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me the word lifted there means death you can't leave jesus he's been lifted the father has exalted him there's no exaltation higher than what the father has done in christ no exaltation higher than where jesus occupies now he's a regent on high there's no exaltation so you can't lift him up he's not down you can't raise him up he's not on the ground you can't carry him up so how do you exalt him you exalt him by acknowledging the glory of his work you sing songs that acknowledge the glory of his work the glory of the new creation the glory that came for redemption the glory that brought justification the glory that brought you know oneness with god the glory that brought union with the father you sing songs that celebrate the outcome of his work not to be lifting him or crowning him crowning him now which crowd are you gonna use cloth crown or gold crown all of them don't have they don't stand a chance because they're perishable they're they're corruptable stuff even if you use a diamond crowd it's perishable it does not stand the chance to compare to the glory of jesus seated at the right hand of majesty glory to god he's been exalted he's been lifted he's been magnified it's done done done so what do we do we acknowledge what came out of that walk that is what glorifies him somebody shout hallelujah now so we're looking at that same scripture look at verse 33 now john 12 33 so that is clear to you this he said the lifting up if i be lifted up this he said signifying what that he should die so the lifting up was a language for death if i be lifted up means if i die i will draw all man to myself not praise him if you praise him he will draw all men no not praise him not praise him his resurrection is what has guaranteed the salvation of all men we are saved by his resurrection so we preach his resurrection so men can be saved we don't sing and dance for men to be saved you don't sing songs to save men songs don't save is the message that saves someone say well sometimes when they sing songs i used to feel the glory of god then you're far from god if it's a song that makes you feel the glory the glory ought to be living inside you he's not supposed to be visiting you like goose pimples you're supposed to live in the reality of the glory 247 because the glory is in u247 it's a residential glory the glory of his resurrection that is what gave back to you as a believer that's your reality not goose pimples of course sometimes we feel in our human body but that that is not the basis because you can also feel cold from malaria yeah you can feel cold from malaria the room can be so cold that you're freezing and things are moving and you're feeling sensations that's not a proof that the glory is there but it is written and because christ is in you that's the guarantee that the glory is inside christ in you the hope of glory somebody is not shouting hallelujah so do we all agree that the glory jesus entered into after resurrection he never had it before do we all agree we've looked all through the scripture he said come on now another question did jesus increase after resurrection did he increase all right john 17 1 and 2 this world spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee as thou was giving him power over all flesh that he shall give eternal life to as many as thou has given him notice this prayer is about to happen but jesus is speaking as though it has happened so it's a post-resurrection prayer verse 3 and this is life eternal that they might know did the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent next verse have glorified thee on the earth i have finished the walk which thou give us me to do verse 5 oh glory to god and now oh father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which i heard would be before the world was before the world begun remember jesus is speaking as a man go to verse 22 of john 17 and the glory which thou gathers me i have given them hallelujah that they may be one even as we are one that means he didn't have it i have given them jesus is making a statement of things that have not yet happened as we are one he is not talking about christian association as we are one he's not talking about the coming together of churches no as we are one he explains what he means by as we are one in john 17 23 john 17 23 i in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved me as thou has loved them wow now that they may be complete in one are you and them in one all right look at verse 24 now 24 further i will that they also whom there was given me be with me where i am that they may behold my glory which thou has given me for thou loveth me before the foundation of the world look at verse 22 so i give them the same glory all right and the glory oh my goodness which thou gathers me i have given them that they may be one even as we are one you are the lord that is your name you will never share your glory with any man religion is wicked the glory which thou gave as me i have given them say brother brother you want god to use you don't touch the glory don't touch the glory shh don't touch it the glory you gave me i have given to them the same glory the glory of his resurrection of allah thank you lord so jesus is about to enter into his glory and he says i give them the same glory this glory is a pre-resurrection or post-resurrection post okay post okay let's see it when he said this had he risen from the dead no remember we said there are two events that happen when jesus died arose from the dead look at acts chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had set for this which you now see and hear exalted not restored he was not restored he was exalted acts 5 31 him hath god exalted with his right hand a prince and a savior for to give repentance to israel and forgiveness of sins exalted exalted means to elevate taken from the same compound word where you have doxa dogs are for glory in the greek which is caballed in the hebrew dogs are taken from cabot so that word exalted means to elevate and it comes from the same compound world with doxa let me explain exalted what it means exalted is not same as in literal terms the word exalted simply means he has been promoted it means you have more authority you have more doctor exalted means more authority more wealth that is there is more worth to that office of jesus than it was before jesus office has more value he's more precious he's more weighty he's more heavy it has more splendor than his office before he died look at philippians chapter 2 verse 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even the death of the cross wherefore god also has highly exalted him promoted him and given him a name which is above every name that means he has authority he had authority that's what exalted means it means he had but now he has been increased the authority is increased there is an elevation that has occurred now do we all agree that jesus was glorified yes i mean glorified beyond the incarnation yes glorified beyond the anointing of the spirit yes was he glorified spirit soul and body yes was more added to jesus in the spirit after heroes yes was more added to jesus in his body after he rose yes did his spirit change after he rose did his spirit change after he rose did his okay was something added to his body after he rose was something added to his spirit after he rose so yes his spirit changed he's not a trap don't be trying not to fall into trap he's not a trap we're just studying hallelujah was his body glorified yes was jesus glorified spirit soul and body yes all right good i like this class so jesus was glorified spirit soul and body jesus of the resurrection was he elevated beyond jesus of the four gospels yes so therefore we have agreed that jesus was elevated spirit soul and body now our identification with him is it in the four gospels or in the resurrection in the resurrection so we identify with jesus where in the resurrection so it's in the elevation that we are identified with him we are not identified with the only begotten son we are identified with the first begotten our identification is with the rising lord the first begotten the proto-tokus from the dead hallelujah we are not in the incarnate christ we are in the resurrected christ so come to john chapter 1 verse 16 oh hallelujah and of his fullness have all we received and grace for grace this is one of those verses that is new testament in application it's a post-resurrection verse because he couldn't have had fullness in the four gospels e.w kenyon said this is a new testament text in the four gospels i agree with him absolutely john wrote this historically and you know don't forget that history tells us that john wrote the epistle of first second and thought john the same week he wrote john the gospel so that's why he didn't have time for mary was pregnant joseph wanted to kick her out and while joseph was contemplating he mistakenly slept the angel appeared and said jojo jojo do not to put her away for she that which is in her eyes born of the holy spirit oh jew and then joe woke up and then joe now decided to father jesus and and when the baby was born there was no place to put in the inn so they had to burn the baby in a manger and the wise men came from the east and brought gold frankincense and mare and herod wanted to kill jesus john didn't have time for all of that he just said in the beginning was the world and the world was with god and the world was god verse 14 and the word became flesh so john was not writing history john was writing revelation that's why some theologians argue that the gospel of john is not a synoptic but don't mind them because of you know the advantage the gospel of john i mean has so his fullness is not the four gospels his fullness is resurrection that is a new testament talks in the gospels because the word fullness in john 1 16 is the greek word pleroma pleroma cannot be in the four gospels because if there was plural in the four gospels there will be no need for jesus to die play roman means fullness pleroma can only happen upon his resurrection so go to colossians chapter 1 19 for it please the father woe it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell huh fullness fullness it please the father the kind of person brother paul is is very unique he never saw jesus in the flesh not once he never saw jesus preach and never sat down under jesus's teaching so he could never have been speaking of the incarnate christ because he had no experience he had no reason to write about the incarnate christ whatsoever now historically it was said that paul never passed through jerusalem at all during you know during jesus's earthly walk he didn't have access at all to jerusalem he was not influenced one bit by one eyewitness account none of them influenced him now colossians 1 19 for it pleased that in him should all fullness dwell in him is this incarnation or resurrection resurrection verse 18 tells us look at verse 18 of colossians 1 and is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence that is resurrection look at colossians chapter 2 verse 9 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily bodily means in person that in christ dwelleth the fullness of the godhead in person bodily why because of verse 10 ah colossians 2 10 and you are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power when did he become the head resurrection or incarnation resurrection is he the fullness of the godhead spirit soul and body yes because he's upon his resurrection that means in his humanity he is the fullness of the godhead in his humanity spirit soul and body now come to ephesians chapter 1 verse 20 which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies 21 to 22. far above our principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world which is to come next verse and had put all things how many things all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church to the church that word all gave him to be the head over all a-l-l a key factor in identification is the word all the word all is key in identification the word eternal the word forever there are key words in identification look at that same ephesians where we are chapter 1 verse 23 which is his body the fullness of him that feel it all in all then ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 now and you had he quickened and you continuation and you look at verse 23 of ephesians chapter one which is his body the fullness of him that fill it all in all chapter two verse 1 and you so he says the fullness all in all notice where he went in the heavenly places he went in the heavenly that means the glory of jesus added glory to heaven the glory of jesus added glory into heaven which means heaven was not complete until christ the glory of christ the glory of christ added value to heaven not just to you and i but it added value to heaven because he felt all in all the pleroma so the glory of heaven today is the glory of a man the glory of heaven today is the glory of a man god in man is the glory of a man because heaven is for man angels can serve god or protect god or help god angels can't serve god they can protect god and cannot help god he doesn't need protection he doesn't need help he doesn't need their service so the ministry of angels is for man heaven is full of the glory of christ hallelujah question was jesus anointed upon his resurrection was jesus anointed upon his resurrection huh huh upon his resurrection was he anointed when was he anointed his resurrection was he anointed no he wasn't anointed when he rose why because when he rose from the dead he became the one who shed fought the spirit fullness fullness it please god that in him should all fullness dwell so something changed when he rose from the dead he was no more being anointed he was the one now giving the holy ghost the baptism of john the holy ghost came upon him when he rose from the dead the holy ghost came from him in the baptism of john the holy ghost came upon him when he rose from the dead the holy ghost went from him he wasn't anointed upon his resurrection our identification therefore is in him in him what incarnation or elevation so our identification with jesus is in his elevation colossians 2 9 and 10 now for him dwelling on the fullness of the godhead bodily and you are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power complete their means pleroma we are full in him we are full in him where spirit soul and body do we partake of christ spirit soul and body yes today is he still a man yes so when you say in christ is it like a bucket or container in christ when we say you are in christ is it like being in a bucket or container did you say no okay let's look at it what does it mean in christ ephesians 1 3 blessed the god and father of our lord jesus christ who are blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in christ in heavenly in christ ephesians 2 6 and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly in christ jesus in heavenly in christ ephesians 1 3 in christ ephesians 2 6 in christ so when we say in christ what do we mean you know we have in adam in adam in christ first corinthians 15 22 lots of scriptures good for your health for us in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive in christ will be what referring to the same kind means we are of the same kind he is a prototype in christ just like adam was he is the prototype the prototypus jesus is the head in in means he is the head of the body the word figuratively head is a figure meaning we take our fullness from him that's why it says he is the head he is the head means he is a sauce so when we say head of the body it means the source of the body the one who is first when we say head of the woman paul says manifest then the woman that's the meaning of man being the head of the woman the woman came out of the man man being the head means the woman came out of it means christ first then we are christ so in christ means we are like him prototype we are a kind of him so when he says you are seated in heavenlies in christ it means like him so it means that everything we have is in christ so notice the terminology in christ in christ it means identification that means we have the same dna we have the same substance we are made of the same stock kabayada he is the prototype spirit soul and body so let's summarize what we have said today christ is a man spirit soul and body christ died spirit soul and body christ rose spirit soul and body christ is exalted spirit soul and body we are identified with him spirit soul and body so look at this in the incarnation he identified with us in the resurrection we identify with him is it clear in the incarnation he became a man died our death was buried our burial and rose from the dead as the head of the new kind of humanity a breed a race of beings that never existed before he became the head and we are his body born of his bones and flesh of his flesh what is in the head is in the body why is the prototypus the prototype all of us came from the same stock what cannot fight him cannot fight me what cannot finish him cannot finish me as he is so am i so he identified with us by death we identify with him by resurrection he identified with our spirit soul and body he became seen tempted in all points was tired was hungry was tested slapped pricked and got tired and sat down wept groaned cried died was buried he rose from the dead no more incarnate in the incarnation he was born from the womb of mary in the resurrection he was born from the womb of death so the church came out of debt so what could not defeat jesus in the grave cannot defeat you in the grave why because you have passed from death to life he identified with us he took on flesh identification when he rose when he rose we now identify with him if any man in christ a new creation a new breed a new race ayah badaga a new kind of humanity that the earth has never seen before that's the new man and that new man is standing here if that man is in this building shout glory whoa i feel like preaching [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah sit down let me push a few more bullets now let's go back to the 12 apostles matthew chapter 12 we have agreed that they got born again did they have the holy ghost yes notice in the four gospels all of them were always called disciples that's why in the epistles that never came up again they were not called disciples in the epistles but the word disciple is used in the book of acts the word disciple is not using the epistles at all because we are not disciples of christ we are not disciples of christ we are in christ we are not followers of christ we are in christ so that's why in the epistles we are not called disciples listen they were never called songs in the four gospels that's why the language carried on to the book of acts let's see something we are there called apostles in the four gospels look at matthew chapter 10 verse 1 and when he had called unto him his 12 disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease verse 2. now the names of the 12 apostles are this that's why in acts of the apostles look at it acts 1 2 until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen apostles whom he had chosen so they were called apostles too in acts chapter one if they were called apostles in the four gospels what about ephesians 4 8 wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men next verse now now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower part of the earth next verse and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers brother paul taught the apostolic office as something that happened when jesus rose from the dead that means we have two kinds of apostles two kinds of apostles we have apostles of jesus who were witnesses of his resurrection who transited into the new covenant apostles of jesus who were witnesses of his resurrection and who transited to the new covenant and we have apostles who came strictly by virtue of the new covenant they were not eyewitnesses so that means there was a uniqueness with the twelve and obviously all the eyewitnesses were present on the day of pentecost is that correct all right now there was a uniqueness of that group of 12 and all the people on the day of pentecost so let's see two things that jesus said to them that you cannot repeat to anybody again two things jesus said to those apostles that transited okay that you cannot repeat to anybody again the first thing he said concerning the holy ghost luke 24 49 tarry in jerusalem until you be endured you can't repeat that to anybody today and behold i send the promise of my father upon you by tarrying the city of jerusalem until you be endured with power from on high notice they are referring to the holy ghost as upon was that repeated in the epistles no nobody was asked to tarry okay now because sending the promise of my father upon you happened only once look at the next statement but ye in the city of jerusalem can you give that instruction to anybody today somebody is born again you telling brother tarry in the city of jerusalem it's a pilgrimage is going to happen in september well wait until then go to jerusalem and tarry you can't say that to anybody today in fact in acts 1 5 he says to them not many days hands not many days can we safely agree that the 12 and 120 can never be a prototype today yeah they can never be never none of them can be a prototype now why because of the uniqueness they cannot be prototypes today you know some denominations don't know they don't know this they actually ask believers to tarry tarry for holy ghost but he said tari in jerusalem not in acquirable so if they are going to tarry they won't tarry in gongola state if there's a state like that they won't tarry in old gongola neither will they carry in taraba neither will they tarry in johannesburg or terry in ghana he said it has to be specific in jerusalem he can't say i send the promise of my father upon you notice that when paul ministered the things of the spirit in acts 19 he just laid hands and they were filled with the holy ghost and they spoke in tongues and they prophesied there was no turing so that means that group is unique we will discover their uniqueness but just know you cannot follow that group you can follow that 12 and the 120. the mention of their salvation and their participation in the things of the spirit was transitional transitional they switched from one covenant to the other in such a way that you would not notice you know they were believers before jesus died they were believers after he rose is there any believer here before jesus died online is there any of you tv house center any of you was born again before jesus was that none the believers before them who believed are in glory the people who believed before jesus died they are in glory there was a uniqueness about this 12 and about this 120 subsequent people who believed believed upon his resurrection so they played two roles two roles they believed before he died they believed after he died so their uniqueness is key it is not reproduced same way the event of acts chapter 2 it cannot be reproduced acts chapter 2 cannot be reproduced they heard a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and it sat upon each of them clothing tons of fire and they began to speak you can't reproduce that okay what happened afterwards was people just received have you received the holy ghost since you believe and after paul spoke to them he laid hands on them bam they began to speak in tongues you know the only thing that looks a little bit like asked to is ask them why peter yet speak the holy ghost fell but even then there were no clothing toxins on fire those are very unique events very unique and they have significance in the new testament glory glory as he is so are we in this world glory to god get on your feet that's all i've got for you glory thank you lord father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost comparing spirituals with spiritual thank you for the privilege to grow in revelation and grow in knowledge be grounded rooted and established and we rejoice for the privilege we have to know these things blessed are our eyes for the sea and our ears for they hear many righteous men and kings and prophets desire to see what we see and what we hear and they never heard it what eyes never saw he has never heard neither did he occur to the hearts of men but they are revealed to us by the holy ghost for no man knowing the things that are in a man save the spirit of man that is in him even so no man knows the things that are of god save the spirit of god now we have not received the spirit of this world but the spirit of god that women know the things glory to god that we may know the things that are freely given to us of god we know we know we know the things that are freely given to us of god we know we know we know we know thank you father and with the creed that this revelation grows big in the hearts of your people until nothing else matters thank you for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen say with me i know the things that are freely given to me of god i know i know i'm not going to know i know right now those things the deep things of god i know the things of god because i have the spirit of god in me amen oh i tell you i feel like running around this building glory amen you know it's time to give your offerings all over the world you have your offerings the the banking details are scrolling on the screen television social media radio audience mr michael bush will read the account details in another one or two minutes and just get ready to give our offerings in honor of the world and in honor of all that we're learning and receiving to enable us the opportunity to get this gospel to the ends of the earth through our giving in honor of christ i want to thank all partners and friends who keep supporting this ministry tirelessly in and out of season we want you to know that you are in everlasting remembrance and we want you to know that your labor is not in vain and we want you to really know we appreciate all of your commitments towards this ministry through you we're able to get this gospel continually to the ends of the earth my prayer is that grace abound towards you you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good walk in jesus name thank you father all right lift up your offerings we want to give father thank you for everybody giving we're giving faith we give with joy we're giving honor of what christ has done for us as we give our offerings a sweet smell before you and we rejoice that but we and our offerings are accepted by you in jesus christ's name amen praise god i said praise god hey guys i'll be joining mr michael bush in another one or two minutes we'll be responding to your calls your emails will be responding to all of the things you have sent to our office and phone lines will be open so get more people to hook up it's going to be an exciting ride so you know when you are establishing doctor you won't be toast to and fro with every wind that is flying all the conspiracy theories they'll just be falling on deaf ears because you know better so you don't want to miss what we're going to be sharing and it's timely because of the times that we're living but guys we love you looking forward to connect with you in the order section of ask the counselor and until then enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory amen we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call plus 234 806 800-9939 or email powercityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my name is michael bush i'm the anchor i'm super excited to be that for you and hopefully would be that for such a long long long time okay so the man of the moment is here the sex man the man that god sent to guide all of us through his word the crystal-centric man and you know prolific also um international televangelist also on the radio 11 hours every day help me welcome global baba dr ebel damina the intercontinental wow so so nice to see you look good man you look better baba just uh you're reporting for you just kidding you just keep pushing these things um we're just waiting for the ritualistic prayer that sessions on the way sure let's pray father we rejoice that all over the nations of the earth the truth of your world is growing and disciples are being raised every day this gospel is continually preached proclaimed and we rejoice that ministers of the gospel are being equipped the word of god is growing mightily and prevailing in nations i want to thank you for acquiring state our governor is cabinet public and civil servants of this state private individuals businessmen thank you for grace that is upon this land acqui bomb is making progress and we thank you that the government are enabled by grace to create an enabling environment in this land for the gospel to keep thriving and we decree that in our nation and all of africa and the continents of the world the word of christ continues to grow mightily many are turned to righteousness and we thank you that barriers are terminated and ministers of the gospel are granting utterance and boldness to preach the word like never before and we give you praise for answer prayer in jesus name amen amen here we go from ninety eight to one gibberish in the heart of you 1981 about road by the way is the global headquarters of power city international this program is for you two hours every day and what a blessing it's been for everyone worldwide so global power was spent in the night in the united states of america that's in northern america uh yesterday and so we're starting there from anonymous entry hello baba mr bush i'd like to thank you for the sacrifices you both make to impart knowledge to our generation global you said the other day that god the father god the son and god the holy spirit our so-called in relation to redemption that god is one my understanding of one is inseparability then the four gospels predominantly shows that jesus was anointed of the holy spirit does this mean therefore blah blah blah that jesus christ as a separate personality an entity from the holy spirit please help clarify this for me thank you so much well again like i always advise just take it easy with trying to understand the trinity understand all other concepts understand salvation what does salvation mean understand redemption understand righteousness understand spiritual growth understand ministry understand every other thing in the process of understanding all of that you will come to a place of revelation where you really understand what the trinity concept in redemption is when jesus came to the earth the bible says he stripped himself of all privileges that makes him god and took on the form of a servant for the purpose of saving you all of this trinity concept is an expression of the extent to which god is willing to go to save a sinner is a is is a demonstration of the love of god towards humanity that's what it really is okay another anonymous entry still from the united states of america in the northern part of the americas hello global baba mr bush in one of your teaching series two kinds of righteousness by said righteousness is tied to the resurrection of christ then paul described to the law as holy romans 7 12 as spiritual in romans 7 14 and used to the phrase the righteousness of the law in romans 8 4 furthermore the book of hebrews described the law as false finder at what point is the law holy spiritual and righteous well again words must be used within context the law is holy in the sense that the law is not wrong there's nothing wrong with the law the law says you shouldn't hurt people the law says you shouldn't do things that are wrong to us people that's what the law is all about there's nothing wrong with it however the law does not have the power to empower the person to whom it is given to to observe the dictates and the demands of the law that is the weakness that is the weakness of the law so by by so doing the law puts you at a place where you have false and they not only have false it defines for you punishment for the false of not keeping the law that's exactly what the law did and the reason why the law was given is because of unbelief moses because of the hardness of your hearts so it's because of the state of emancia which means the law is a reflection of the state of man's heart so the law is holy or righteous in the sense that the law demands for things that are not wrong but the people it is making the demand on don't have what it takes to keep the law that's why jesus kept the law fulfilled the law took the law out and gave you his righteousness by faith devoid of walks praise god so from one part of the continent of the americas that's the continent of america we're still going to stay in that same part that's still the northern part but a different country canada hello global baba and michael bush the two warriors actually how can he say i'm a second warrior i'm only a half warrior should have been one and they have warriors well maybe when the person defines those what warrior is in the context we know who the warrior is but he doesn't need to define you know i'm just have i'm just saying i'm just a supporter okay so thank you for your life and for your ministry may god's grace continue to multiply on you and your family amen now question is from first john 5 16 and it says what is the sin which is unto death well again like i always say get so terrier season five it will explain in details for you what's seen unto that and seeing not unto that is but like i simply explained for the purpose of a ether seen unto death is the rejection of christ sin not unto death are wrongs you do against your brothers okay marty in canada i hope you got that so we're leaving this part of the continent now to the other part suriname it's a small country on the north eastern coast of south america here we come hello global baba my name is robert i write from suriname your teachings are a blessing to me but i have a question if god is the god of love why does he say iso oh it was a concept it was a concept of what we call the doctrine of election it was just a mode of communication that means and when it says iso i hate jacob i love he added that the purpose of election may stand that means that god's election will not be dependent on walks it will not be dependent on works you you will not qualify because if it is for qualification he should love issa being the first born being the senior but he loves jacob to show you that it is not about who came in first who didn't come in first the purpose of election in christ is that whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life that's just by way of teaser how much i can explain to you here but when you get the material soteria five you will have all the excitations with further explanation the united kingdom be nice by the way somebody is here from the united kingdom feels nice hello back colossians 2 3 says in him hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge for emphasis global baba all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him surely if the bible says all there must be traces of wisdom of business in him this is not always from the world your thoughts not my thoughts you i don't have thoughts but what you just said really doesn't it doesn't count at all god's wisdom is not business god's wisdom is the death the burial and the resurrection of christ that's god's wisdom if you want business wisdom go to business school go to harvard go to london business school go to lagos business school there they will give you the wisdom remember god didn't create money money is man's creation so since man created money man sets the rule for the operation of money you know so if you want money for for business go to business code or look for a mentor who is good in business and money to mentor you in christ what we have is the wisdom of his salvation justification redemption and his plan to save mankind we're flying out of the uk we're heading to spain meanwhile this caller hello yeah thank you for joining us yes your name where you're calling from yeah evening okay what's the issue my daughter my friend's daughter just confessed that she has been given a wish in order to destroy my family and the life that i have in my house okay so i didn't have any options for that okay and then i have been having natural difficulties we have been for over a long time he confessed that she has been dead ignorance is a problem listen some of those things children just say it out of fear or because they know that's what you expect them to say so they can get your sympathy there's nothing like giving a child witchcraft it's ignorance and it's actually a mentality of illiteracy it's nothing like that so my advice to help you since you don't know better both you and your daughter come to oyo power city international we will open the bible and show you what i'm saying now and then pray for you and your daughter bless you the mentality of illiteracy to spend now greetings dr ebel damina i'm joyce peters i write from spain why did you pick that word no no baba you know you just dropped you know you keep dropping things as if you're not the one dropping them i mean it's it's in my soul straight the mentality of illiteracy you know okay so i'm going to peter you know what i'm saying absolutely it's like people just come and say they say i have water spirit they say i have a banjo it's lack of proper teaching and it's because it's bad pastoring is bad pastor and we need to correct it because if we don't correct those things that mentality will keep our people down for too long okay so global we have not even finished from one you have added another one so um the mentality of illiteracy and then bad past story haven't had that one bad personality bad pastor yes okay okay so i hope just callers will just come and rescue me okay but um i'm josie peters arrived from spain global but my husband was tested positive for kovitt 19 today and we fear for a four month old baby please join faith with us and pray for our quick recovery thank you blah blah blah you and everyone in your family your baby and everyone is covered kept coved is totally rendered useless in the name of jesus amen thank you lord for victory amen and healing amen in jesus name amen from spain to sweden may the peace of the lord be with you global baba and the entire continental mr michael bush first i want to thank the lord jesus who uses you to spread the gospel thanks for the wonderful eye-opening sermons you gave us every day may god use you even more i live and work in sweden blah blah blah would be grateful if there is a church that you can recommend here in stockholm would also like to receive information if there is an opportunity to go to your bible school online thank you darwit in sweden wow yes there is we have an online bible school but you need to send us a meal to that effect and we'll make sure our office responds to you even with the campus they will give you details on how to connect our people in sweden bless you amen okay so from sweden let's uh fly to africa just close our home sweden from sweden to zimbabwe my name is love more mafata arrived from shurike in zimbabwe i'm a 42 year old man and i got saved in 2011 global barber since then i'm still in the faith and having received the call of god in july 2010 i desired to know and to grow in the knowledge of christ it is still of my heart to sit down and be taught the word that i might grow in the knowledge of christ and the true gospel so that i can fulfill my purpose until one day as i was scrolling through the gospel channels and came across klm tv and had this man of god dr damina after i developed a desire to be mentored by dr damina i felt in me that this is what i was lacking i would love to be a student and his son in the faith if he could accept me as one my house desire will be fulfilled if i possess this knowledge of christ and will not be ashamed to share with others thank you faithfully love mohammed in zimbabwe wow praise the lord we we thank you for reaching out our office will respond to you and help you on how to get in contact with our mentoring academy and all of that bless you amen another caller hello inclusive fire on i want to thank everyone and secondly my friend then i was asking within your opinion that for the daughter this is not clear so he gave me genesis that she said to change well i can't explain enough for you in this broadcast so what you will do is order for my teachings the full teaching of the misunderstood god series is part one part two part three part four part five the series of the misunderstood god order for it sit down like a student and go through it so that you are better equipped to help people like your pastor and the other pastor who said god punished him with accidents then when he became a pastor the accident stopped something is not right somewhere but you can't help him until you know better so order for the series bless you okay so from zimbabwe flying straight to le ceto where the usual suspect is on call that is leloko and he writes global but i'd like to thank you for continuing to feed us the word of god i'm grateful because since i joined your live stations last week my understanding of the world has increased i've been reading the gospels as you instructed us i've realized that these books are the same and tell the same stories only that you find slight differences here and there in their stories or reports some some you would find them using different terminologies while others having other parts of the story is omitted for instance i tried to overlook okay but i tried to overlook them but what took my attention was the story of jesus casting demons into the head of swines i couldn't overlook it because i saw a big difference between the stories in the book of mark and luke it is written that jesus met one person who was demon possessed but in matthew it says there were two demon possessed men from whom jesus cast out demons into the swine so i want to know blah blah blah why they didn't tell us the same thing in these stories and others that i didn't mention here and which side got it right it goes on to give us some scriptural references and concluded these stories are the same by their similarities they all begin with jesus coming to the country of dimensions he immediately met a demon possessed man my second question what kind of the feeling of the holy spirit is this in the verses luke 1 15 41 67 i got confused because it didn't say the spirit upon but it said filled with the spirit and i thought besides jesus the spirit within is only related or associated with the new birth in christ my last question blah blah blah is based on this verse luke 7 19 and john calling two of the disciples to him sent jesus sent them to jesus saying are you the coming one or do we look for another why then did john ask jesus if he was the one yet in the previous chapters it was very clear that john knew who jesus was thank you so much sir all right well first of all remember the accounts were eyewitness so it is what matthew saw that he wrote is what luke and john saw that they wrote and there could be differences depending on where they stood from to see what they saw that's why it's eyewitness and that's why we don't build doctrine on eyewitness account second question is about the what kind of the feeling of the holy spirit is this in the best the feeling of the holy ghost is like in the old testament where the spirit of god came upon people to do certain assignments that's the kind of holy spirit after the assignment the spirit left that's the same thing that happened in the four gospels until the resurrection then the spirit came to stay in us okay so we move from let's say to we go straight i think there's one more okay yeah the last question is based on okay john calling two of his disciples to him send them to jesus and says why are you the only one well remember john the baptist um they were cousins with jesus and he didn't know that jesus was jesus until water baptism then when he got into difficulty he expected that jesus should come and rescue him but jesus did nothing about it remember he john already said i must decrease that he will increase but when jesus came he didn't decrease he was busy talking and speaking to power and speaking to government so they took him and put in prison to chop off his head his ministry had finished he was supposed to decrease for jesus to increase so jesus allowed him to face the music and he got angry and he said go and ask him is he the real one or should we look for another one and jesus sent the disciples back with evidence that he was the one he opened blind eyes commanded the lame to walk when they saw miraculous john what you see and what you hear confirming that he was the one so sometimes when people get into difficulties they begin to doubt what they believe especially if he didn't come you know by revelation knowledge no but that's so real that's so touching but ah no i i'm i mean why would jesus keep quiet like that for john was that even a good prayer because there's some pastors who say oh that that prayer decrees for god that he didn't need to pray that kind of prayer no it was a good prayer what actually john was saying is that my ministry has finished okay my ministry was to introduce jesus i have introduced him it's over i'm done he should have just carried his briefcase and be following jesus quietly but he instead he continued talking like one who is still relevant and in the midst of his talk he went and talked in the wrong context [Laughter] okay to garner next uh my name is banzo emmanuel i'm from ghana bless you sir just love to say thank you for the labor of love for the body of christ transformation is taking place in my life since i started listening to your teachings global baba great grace abounds towards the minister of staff amen thank you still from ghana hello global baba and mr bush i've been following dr abel damina's teachings for the past two months he has really helped and shaped my christian life i want to know global about which bible version will you recommend if one wants to study the bible also if jesus christ is a passover why do we still take communion at church service finally is jesus in heaven with earthly body or a spiritual body regards nana from ghana now there's no place to read read everything read from genesis to revelation or follow our bible reading plan you know the last two weeks we were reading matthew mark luke and john in fact in my family we finished john we're in acts now but on sunday i'm going to give the second plan for the next three months so follow our reading plan secondly your question is uh passover well are those churches that are still doing it why are they doing it but i will recommend for you before you ask them so that they don't give you scriptures you cannot explain order for my book on the communion table the communion table all right finally jesus in heaven with everybody or with a spiritual body jesus is in heaven with glorified body glorified body glorified human body okay number from ghana quickly quickly to cameroon hello global baba and power city international ministries i want dr abel damina to pray for me to be born again and filled with the spirit because the way i've been listening to his messages and teachings i have come to realize probably i was born again out of fear or something but now i want to receive christ by his death by his gospel death burial and resurrection teachings that after hearing i'm born of god thank you doctor dominic richard rosie in cameroon wow that's a good one what we'll do is produce a please make sure we reply him tonight and get his phone number so that somebody can minister to him tomorrow and you know pray for him to get saved and receive the holy ghost okay i'm just wondering are we done with a trip around africa okay so we head straight now to lagos nigeria close our home dear bloomberg mr michael bush let me begin by thanking you global baba for your commitment to the gospel and the training of millions all over the world i encountered you five years ago where i was instructed in a dream to follow you as you would show me the way to go ever since then those words have played out in my life and family even as my children recognize your voice and your leadership all my questions have been answered and i'm continually glued to learning from you my spirit man is always that attention whenever i hear your voice in whatever medium i believe i speak for millions worldwide may your ministry find greater expression all over the world and may your voice be amplified on all continents of this blue marble planet god bless you sir one regard johnson a course lagos nigeria amen thank you johnson what a joy to hear from you and those wonderful testimonies from lagos states in the south eastern part of nature we'll go to central north central nigeria kwara states that is the north central nigeria sure hello global baba my name is johnson peace arrived from kwara state i needed to guide me as my spiritual father i'm working on a radio station as a junior ict staffer but as after i acquired my bsc certificate i got promoted i was chosen to head the department which i where i work as a senior staff demand has uh who has been my boss in that department before i was promoted he was now actually my assistant very refused i started causing many problems insisted that i can't be the head of department that even before i was appointed to be one of the staffers in the department has been working and concluded that we will quit that work that i can never hear the department he can never be my assistant departmental head because the head department before today submitted his resolution letter on the 6th of february 2021. global i need your prayer and guidance in this matter well in the name of jesus you have direction you have favor thank you father amen in jesus name amen from kwara state we hitting the south southern part of the country by road worry delta state here we come dear global baba and the intercontinental mr michael bush greetings to you too and the presence of god continually be with you robert i'm becoming a regular in asking questions and it's because i want to get the best last tuesday that is on the 8th of february you referred to the 12 hours being saved and later you said 11 received the gift of the spirit taken into account of what happens to judas iscariot now my question is judas was saved with the other eleven and after he betrayed jesus did he not go to hell because jesus said it was better he was not born the person that would betray the son of man matthew 26 verse 24. nobody buys any difference between being born again and being saved if a born-again christian keeps committing fornication adultery kidnapping and all that was listed in romans 1 verses 28 to 31 will he or she still go to hell romans 1 32 thank you sir god bless you richly yemi from worry delta stay nigeria well yeah me i'm sure he didn't follow very well we never said judas was saved in fact i even said judas was the son of pedicia that means he was not born again so it is the 11 that was saved and of course remember they became 12 again in the book of acts because matthias was added to their number all right so judas was insane people that commit sin doesn't mean they are not saved there are people who are saved who are still growing and they make mistakes here and there committing sin does not define salvation faith in christ defines salvation however when you are saved by christ by faith in christ as you begin to grow in the knowledge of christ the consciousness of christ begins to affect your lifestyle i hope that helps you okay global about from there because of time of the lack of it i'm trying to see let me just switch over to potako river state closer and closer to aqua bomb state where we are broadcasting from hello global baba and this one when we keep we piggy darlington arrived from river state so i've been listening to your teachings for about three months now and i've begun to see and have a clear understanding of scriptures knowing that the whole scripture only speaks about jesus christ and his finished work thanks so much for allowing god to use you to open the eyes of a generation on the finished work of christ god bless you abundantly and deliver you from unreasonable and we kept men in jesus mighty name amen okay wonderful testimony absolutely so global quickly quickly from river state let's come to aqua bomb and then we take through our back my eternal spiritual father dr abel damina my name is moses israel i write from a back local government area of aquarium stage daddy i came in contact with you in 2018 since then my life has been has not been the same you begat me through your words of wisdom in the scriptures that in your words of scriptures got me saved they equipped me they build me up for the ministry i heard daddy i'm glad to tell you good news through your teachings miracle has broken out in my life and everywhere in my ministry and community i've been able to lead my mother and my wife and others to christ our heavenly father has graced me to be reconciled to him and to give the gift to others to be reconciled to him too and that should be done on the basis of love the love of christ compels me to tell this truth to the world that it please with all amount of respect and love i have for you in christ teach me be my mentor direct me on what to do and so that glorious love international ministries could grow until nothing else matters souls to be worn by the medium of this body of christ thank you my spiritual father i love you god bless you richly amen amen that's a blessing everywhere just keep following the teachings keep following and keep following okay global because of time again of the lack of view let's just come straight to the live audience here we're going to be spending the night in you yeah um hello global baba my name is i promised i was going to carry this from the last edition deterring at jerusalem was it for 12 or 11 well again we always use 12 11 interchangeably but when we say 12 you know what it means it means 11 but remember there was there was uh matthias added to the number of these of the of the disciples which made them 12 in number so always also remember that fact because that's important okay so uh rounds off they're talking about heaven not being a planetary location where are the pay tracks and matrix after the fiscal resurrection they're in heaven but not a material location heaven is immaterial what is the last days what does it mean is the last days the same as end times if not what's the difference last day started from when jesus rose from the dead so we've been in the last days for 2000 years now last days means at last at last that is like you give a promise to somebody and you fulfill the promise the time you fulfill the promise is at last the promise is fulfilled so in bible language that at last they called it last days doesn't mean the end of times losses simply means at last when god's promise was fulfilled okay so please look over about my question is if angels were not working and or avengers don't work for god why would god be sending them to human beings anytime he wants to talk to you know us like he sent an angel to mary my name is christian michael well again remember if there was no man there will be no need for angels god is not sending them because he's helpless he's sending them because they're a medium that god created to assist man so angels are there because of man okay does it mean that jesus and the devil called the principality work together because the bible says christ is the head of principalities and power galatians 2 9. please sir uh more blah blah blah blah you know and this is from prophet emmanuel yoko it's my name head over all principalities and powers doesn't mean they are working together it means the rules over all of them and that's why you can cast them out but again remember principalities and principalities also used for angels angels are also principalities so context will define what that principality and power in that context implies okay just so that we leave no unfinished business like uh revelation two verses seven eight are we able to have that twenty revelation twelve okay revelation twenty verses uh uh no i remember it okay i thought you were seeing it expired satan shall be loosed out of the prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle the number of womb be as the son of the sea now when you read like that you will not understand anything so my advice get my teaching on the book of revelation part 1 to either 12 or 13. that whole teaching series will explain all of this to you with the background the foundation remember the book of revelation is the book of heavy metaphors so it needs a lot of explanation and teaching from doctrine to open up that understanding global bible must go produce and its production team many times my name is michael bush here dr abel dabina in the continental mr bush so good to have you here again remember you know we'll be back tomorrow we love you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god we'll be back tomorrow remember to follow all our broadcasts tonight on all the various radio stations tomorrow eleven to one uh radio acquirement one two three xlf m3 to five you know ufm and we're back here six to eight pm on comfort fm you don't want to miss what god is sharing get more people to join tomorrow as we begin to explore the antichrist it's going to be an explosive one and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,751
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Id: jYODR1Kxq_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 20sec (6740 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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