Christmas Dinner in a Can | Ashens

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hello ho ho and this weekend I can't believe it exists hot can Christmas dinner mm-hmm no microwave no kettle just hot can ready-to-eat in 8 to 12 minutes and apparently there's a sprout in it Christmas dinner self-heating meal almost certainly tastes of failure and tears and yeah this is something I've been repeatedly asked to review and I did manage to get hold of one and it really is almost unbelievable it's apparently marketed to people who think using a microwave or a kettle in order to get food is hassle I mean I'm hardly Jamie Oliver but come on people have some self-respect so feeding Christmas dinner all the elements of a traditional Christmas dinner in a can the pieces of succulent turkey chipolatas roast potatoes carrots and chestnuts combined in a rich gravy sprouts not included hang on that makes no sense the only piece of food you've got on the front of this is a sprout and it doesn't have sprouts in it no comment right how does a hot can work he'll be a chemical reaction we know there's 400 grams of this joy ingredients vegetables water Turkey Chiba loves sausages chestnuts savory stock including rehydrated potato water mm-hmm gotta love that hard care and love level are directions for use of God's go to our code your seal of quality we can by the way is very S spongy so it's obviously got some sort of insulation around there to stop the heat escaping remove plastic cap and push on to the bottom of the can o L and you have to eat it with an allen key and okay there we up done that to push spike provided that'll be this then oh let me get a fork that I'll come on this would be lazy on me push spike provided into the three holes in top rim of can push the spike to the maximum depth each time right time for some piercings yep maximum depth I believe that's typical to get out again and again oh yeah already this is more effort than boiling a kettle gallon I suppose it's handy for in the middle of the Antarctic or something what kind of fun quite the way down anyway I got it up it comes and my thumb's go numb brilliance oh look it's spat at me right lift the ring pull to the vertical position before pulling pect and put the food continues I'm aware of how to use a ring pull right that's it apparently then after about three minutes steam will briefly come out of the three holes in the top of the can take care as the steam is hot I better get this done then yeah mm-hmm yep looking a bit like jellified dog food at the second so I'm not exactly going to hold out much hope for this being a fantastic Christmas meal but hey what never knows using a spoon stir the food occasional it's heating up if you'd be ready to eat into 812 minutes right well I suppose we'd better fade out and come back in eight to 12 minutes 7 week why oh man we've got steam look at that I don't need two minutes in as well I suppose I've got a waitlist finishing buddies stir it mmm something smells good not genuinely does smell really nice actually M has been cooking for 10 and a half minutes or so this is just see if it is hot enough I should stick some gravy on me gob it looks quite steaming so oh there are not on the sofa yep that's warm enough gravy's alright okay let's see what Christmas dinner is like answer undoubtedly fantastic okay it's got a little bit more of a stew look than a Christmas dinner look really that kind of looks like Christmas dinner not for humans if you know I mean um marvelous well you can't argue with that can you exactly like you would get in an expensive Calvary if you were for some reason somebody who would really upset the people who ran the Calvary go on then lump of Turkey I think it's Turkey could be horse hmm it's all right a little bit dry um sticks to your teeth oddly why is that is that part of the Triple R tochi's are disintegrated that's very Wow so sort of watery and it just gotta where it's kind of disintegrated in your mouth it seems like something others hunger breaks tins what is this potato presumably mmm tastes like a bit of cou potato con so much about that carrot there we are and that's it that's Christmas dinner apparently I don't really know if you can market that as Christmas dinner with a straight face can you I mean technically it's got some of the ingredients but it's not kind of got the whole ethos of what Christmas dinner is about the good thing is is probably by far the nicest thing I've had at one of these cans the bad thing is is cause far more expensive and supposedly upmarket market well if you really need a conclusion to this video I would heartily not recommend this to anybody and here just cook something in eat it'll be 40 times nicer Merry Christmas
Channel: ashens
Views: 2,501,211
Rating: 4.9011693 out of 5
Keywords: christmas dinner, can, christmas dinner in a can, xmas, hot can, ashens, review, sprouts, turkey, gravy, chipolata, stew, crap
Id: K-mfYXdjNTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2012
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