Christine Caine | Fine Tune Your Hearing Part 3

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the enemy will turn up just like Goliath every morning and every night and this is what we do most of us we empower the enemy because we turn our phone on every morning first thing just before we go to bed every night let me read the negativity and the news and who's not talking to me and who's having a party without me and what bad things are happening all around and the first thing we do every morning and the first thing we do every night is fill me with bad news you are born to win you have been given the strength to have victory and overcome any obstacle in your life but there is an enemy and he wants to keep you trapped in fear he wants you to be too intimidated to step into your calling to overwhelm to see your destiny so it's time to recognize that the one that is on the inside of you is greater than the one that is in the world it's time to step onto the battlefield and take out your giant in the name of Jesus I'm Christine Kane and I have a personal mission to equip and empower people just like you to connect with your god-given purpose and potential I am so glad that you're joining us today let's get started [Music] [Applause] I'm so glad that you've joined me today we're in the middle of a series about how to fine tune your hearing because what you listen to is going to determine your destiny and I'm believing that as we come around the word of God you're going to hear the truth of God about your life that you are created in the image of God and you are filled with god-given purpose and god-given destiny you're not just here to take up time on the planet and then just kind of die you are here to do great works for the glory of God and I think you're going to discover your purpose of destiny we're looking at the life of David and when he turned up onto the battlefield and his brothers were part of the Israelite army and they were in battle against the Philistine and there was this 9-foot giant most of us whether you have ever read the Bible or not a very familiar of the story David and Goliath and often we hear that even in culture people going you know you're just a little David and this is a big Goliath we're gonna learn how a little shepherd boy took out a giant and how that relates to our own life that you and I are confronted with giants every day of our life we have financial Giants we have emotional Giants we have relational Giants we have spiritual Giants so we've got to get good at taking out the Giants the Giants are not meant to take us out we're supposed to take them out because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world so I don't know what your confronting in your life today but I am here to tell you that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and the God that is inside of you is greater than any giant that is confronting you right now so now we've gotten to the point and I hope you've been tracking with us every week we're saw put his armor on David David took his armor off because it's like I cannot wear somebody else's gear and a lot of us what we are learning in this series is that we've tried to get through life wearing the clothes of somebody else trying to be like our big brother or trying to be like our little sister or trying to be like our next-door neighbor or trying to be like that you know girl and the cheerleader at school and like someone always tries to put a different label on us they say to you why can't you be more like you fill in the gap and Jesus is saying why just can't you be more like me because I've made you uniquely you so that you can do what I've called you to do so now we pick up this great story there it says then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's pouch his sling was in his hand and he approached the Philistine so he's now wearing his Shepherds pouch he's got what he's familiar with which is a slingshot and a few rocks and this is where his confidence was because this is how he took out the bear this is how he took out the lion and he's like look this might not look glamorous to you but it's what I feel comfortable with and often times that's how how I feel you know sometimes people will come and pick me up at an airport if I'm I have the privilege to go and speak at a conference or a church and I can see when I come out they kind of look at me and their face drops and it's like I'm this major disappointment because I think either they've seen me on a stage or on big screens and they're kind of like that's it it's like I'm like and I have been known to say yep this is about as good as it gets I'm so sorry I go but I'm telling you when I get there and I'm under the anointing I'll take out any giant in Jesus name you don't have to worry and so he just turns up as he is and the philistine moved forward and came near to David with his shield bearer in front of him and when the Philistine looked and saw David he disdained him for he was but a youth ruddy and handsome in appearance and the Philistine said to David am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his gods the Philistine said to David come to me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field he was not a nice dude just in case you're wondering then David said to the Philistine you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you down and cut off your head this guy's got some confidence I'm telling you and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this state to the birds of the air into the wild beasts of the earth that all the Earth may know that there is a God in is and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with a sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hands somebody needs to hear that today you've tuned tuned into this broadcast because you need to know that the battle is the Lord's and He will give your enemies into your hand it's not by might it's not by power but it's by his Spirit you've been fighting you've been travailing you think that the enemy has won but I'm here to tell you today that no matter how it looks in the natural the battle is the Lord the victory is yours stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord deliverance is coming in Jesus name it shall come when the Philistine arose and came Drew and drew near to meet David David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine do you see the difference the Israelite army ran away David ran to it when you go in the confidence of God you're not running from the battle you're running to the battle I need you to know we were born for the battle you don't need to run away the enemy wants to paralyze and you with fear so that you run from the very battle that God has given you victory over we were born to win the Spirit of God the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you and lives on the inside of me so we don't have to fear the battle we don't have to fear the Giant we don't have to fear the obstacles or the hurdles we have to know that God has given us the strength to have victory he has given us the strength to overcome any obstacle any hurdle you need to know there is not a need that God cannot mean there is not a mountain that God cannot move there's not a Red Sea that God cannot part there is not a Jericho wall that God cannot tear down there is not a River Jordan that he cannot push back that there is nothing that your God cannot do the enemy wants you to doubt God the enemy wants you to not have faith because without faith it is impossible to please God and so what he doesn't want us to do is to please God he wants to paralyze and our faith and the whole purpose of why I'm on this TV screen right now and every week is because I want to activate the faith that is on the inside of you I want to help you stir up that gift of faith that God has given you because faith is the currency of heaven faith is what moves the heart of God and I'm telling you when we pray by faith we move God and when God's moved he moves mountains and he destroys Giants in our life in Jesus name that's what he does and so and David put his hand in his bag and he took out a stone can you just imagine this a little stone and a little slingshot and here's this Philistine giant sometimes that's how we feel that the enemy is coming at us full of armor with this huge weapon and we go I got a rock nearly every battle in my life that's how I feel like we're gonna start a 21 I've got a rock and people gonna hey I got a rocket I've got a slingshot I don't know but my God can do miracles with a rock and a slingshot my god can do absolute miracles so he goes on and it says the stone and and I love this part and David put his hand in his bag took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine in the forehead he didn't even need five rocks he just needed one he just needed one because one Rock in your hand that is guarded by God a small stone can take out a huge enemy sometimes some of you you don't think you're going to get victory because the enemy looks so big the your weapons look so small the size of a tiny little rock but God says no no we just need to hit him in one little spot in the head and he's going to go down and it goes on the stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face to the ground isn't amazing how a huge giant can just be brought to nothing can just be brought to nothing and the thing that you were so scared of the thing that terrified you that thing that lied to you just falls flat on his face you know the Bible says that's what we're going to think of the enemy when we kind of see him when all this is over and go you that's what I was scared of that tiny little puny thing and we've got to learn not to give the enemy any ground we've got to learn not to make the devil bigger than he actually see some of us all we ever do is talk about the devil and I'm under attack you know you got those chicks they call their girlfriend I'm under attack and the devil was under this rock and I'm sure he was under the bed and I knew he was in the bathroom this morning and and I'm like you spent all your time talking about the devil last I checked the devil was small enough to fit under my feet that's what the Bible says and God is big enough to fill the universe and so why don't we make God bigger than the enemy why don't we stop giving the enemy more power than he really has if you keep talking about him you're giving him power in your life so why don't you silence that and begin to talk by faith about the truth of the word of God so David the Bible says in verse 50 prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone and struck the Philistine and killed him there was no sword in the hand of David God wants us to know you don't need the weapons of the world in order to defeat the world you just need the Word of God to be able to defeat the world and he says there wasn't a sword and then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of his sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead they fled they fled so they weren't confident in their own strength at all when they saw that he was dead they ran away do you know that God wants you to just take out once you take out that one big giant in God strengthened by the name of Jesus then you're gonna see a whole lot of other enemies are gonna flee right after them a lot of other Giants are just hiding behind the one and they look more fearful than they really are and so what happens here the whole point of this story is that listening to the wrong voice will you paralyze you and immobilize you listening to the right voice will activate you and stir you into your god-given purpose and your god-given destiny see God had already promised the Israelites victory when they went to the battle instead of listening to Goliath they should have listened to God see what happens to a lot of us is in the heat of the battle we listen to the wrong voice in the heat of the battle if you're in a conflict with your spouse don't call the person that is going to end up speaking negativity and fear into that situation and telling you well pack up everything and walk out and you deserve better than that you need someone that's gonna speak godly counsel to you in a relational conflict you need someone that's gonna speak godly counsel to you so many things can influence your future how you see things what do you think about and who you listen to too often these influences try to take you in a wrong direction but the life-changing truth is that you can successfully set the right heading for your life in her new and practical DVD series fine tune your hearing Christine Cain unpacks powerful biblical insights that will help you hear God's guidance clearly and consistently as you watch you'll discover how to selectively retune your hearing handle harsh criticism fight crushing discouragement and much more CBN wants to help you fine-tune your hearing so as our thank you for your gift of support of the worldwide outreaches of TBN we'll send you your very own copy of Christine's new series just call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG slash fine-tuned to share a gift and request your copy now you can share the transformative power of the gospel with lost souls all around the globe as you experience renewal and transformation in your own life don't wait another minute call click or write us right away to take that step and chart a course to your god-given destiny [Music] so many people have stepped out of their god-given purpose and destiny because they listen to the wrong voice they listen to the wrong counsel who you listen to is crucial God had already told them in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 20 verse 1 he says when you go out to battle so it's already telling them not if but when you're enemies oh sorry when you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you do not be afraid of them for the Lord your God is with you who brought you up from the land of Egypt so God is saying when you go out to battle and you're gonna see huge Giants and you're gonna see numerous enemies not if but when don't forget that the same God that brought you out of slavery in Egypt the same God that did the miracle of parting the Red Sea that same God is going to be with you right in the middle of the battle so he's already saying there will be a battle there are battles ahead and he's already saying there are enemies and he is already saying God will be with you so I don't know when Christians get shocked when others are battle God's left me I'm like what I do you read your Bible do you read your Bible because a lot of us we think God's left us because we're in the middle of a battle and God's saying no no when you get there I need you to remember there is enemies and there are giants and you will think that maybe I've left you that's why I'm reminding you don't forget I haven't left you and what a lot of us do is in the heat of the battle right at the moment when we should be remembering that God is with us is the time that we think God's forsaken us I remember when I got the phone call in Australia that I had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer right in that moment I knew I was in a battle I wasn't thinking God has left me because I got a cancer diagnosis I'm like wow I am now in a health battle so the first thing I did was called three of my most intimate faith-filled friends and said we got to go to war we've got to start praying the Word of God we've got to come in agreement we've got to believe God together because we are in a battle I'm not thinking then God has four and me because I've got a diagnosis of sickness I'm like I'm realizing I'm facing a Goliath so I need some people to come into battle with me when it comes to a21 and we're helping to rescue the victims of trafficking I'm like if we're in certain countries and it is heated we're trying to take down a trafficking ring there are people that are trapped I'm like calling very close counselors and going you've got to stand with us we've got to believe God that we are going to have victory and we're going to see these children rescued we're going to see these women rescued I'm not thinking God's left or something and God is with us but we are now in battle together some of you you've been in the midst of a battle and you think God has forsaken you because you're in the middle of a battle what happened to the Israelite army is they started listening to the enemy instead of listening to God so in the middle of the battle who are you listening to because if you'd list of the enemy will be screaming the enemy will turn up just like Goliath every morning and every night and this is what we do most of us we empower the enemy because we turn our phone on every morning first thing just before we go to bed every night let me read the negativity and the news and who's not talking to me and who's having a party without me and what bad things are happening all around it the first thing we do every morning and the first thing we do every night is fill me with bad news tell me how hopeless I am tell me how unworthy I am tell me how I'm not good enough how I'm not smart enough how I'm not eloquent enough how I'm not pretty enough how I'm not connected enough that's what we all do let me scroll through and feel really bad about myself rather than going every morning I'm going to fill myself with the Word of God last thing I'm going to do every night before I go to bed is fill myself with the Word of God you've got to change what you turn on every morning and every night can you imagine if the Israelite army made a decision that they were not going to listen to Goliath every morning and every night he came who are you giving voice into your life to every morning and every night what are you turning on and listening to who is making you angry and bringing out not the best version of you but the worst version of you who is stirring up anger where do you get critical and negative and fall into temptation of gossip and slam well I bet you it's got a lot to do with a lot of the stuff you see online so why don't you change it why don't you change it you're responsible for it there are certain things I don't leave the news going on a cycle in my house morning noon and night because I don't need it I'll control what I read when I read it I will control what mood my spirit is in when I'm going to read it but I also need you to know there's some stuff we can't control and the enemy will make sure you see something and here's something right at your most vulnerable moment I remember just I did a whole series of TV shows and you know as often times I'll come in and I'll record a whole lot of them so I had done 25 shows over a three-day period I mean that's a lot of talking even for me and so of course I'm very vulnerable at that time because I have poured myself out and I know better this is what frustrates me oftentimes we go I know better than this and even the next day I got up and I felt like a truck had hit me there is no doubt about it and I went to the gym and I was going to listen to a podcast of a you know just a life-giving sermon which is what I normally do and often times first thing I do Monday morning is download a couple of really good faith filled sermons to get myself filled back up again and what I did was I made the mistake of something came up on my screen and the enemy will make sure I wasn't even following it but it just popped up and I thought oh I'll just click onto this link please don't do what I am doing this is a and exact times have we just click through and followed a link through something popped up and normally I would just like close it and not even look at it but I thought I know this person and and then they're interviewing a really good friend of mine this is fantastic this looks like it's interesting before I listen to my life-giving sermon I might just follow this click that click through this link and see so I clicked through and it went on to someone's Facebook page and I normally don't even follow you know I'm like please don't ever leave me a message on Facebook because I post things but I never read things and so if you're being horrible to me I wouldn't even know so that's great if ignorance is bliss and so I say a lot of people social media is not way to talk to me send me an email to my office because I could not in any human way be able to keep up with all of that that happens but anyway so I click through and so I'm on this person's Facebook page and I'm never normally on anyone's Facebook page I'm because I just don't do that and so I was so excited because I thought oh this is a dear friend of mine and she's interviewing her and this is going to be awesome I'm really interested about this subject it's going to be fantastic and so all of a sudden they're doing this interview and then suddenly I'm hearing this person that I thought was a really good friend of mine quote certain things that I had said in a conversation with her in private she never quoted my name I'm not saying that but I knew that this is stuff that we had talked about and what actually got me was when I was having the conversation with this person they were agreeing with me in this conversation but now during this interview I got to see what they really thought about our conversation which was there was about two or three things that I had said that they didn't agree with which is fine nobody has to agree with everything except what hurt me wasn't that they disagreed but I was already feeling so vulnerable and that moment it's so exposed what hurt me was that they didn't feel that they could tell me that they didn't like it and so because I was already feeling down because I was already feeling vulnerable because I'd already done all these TV shows it just got to me and gutted me for weeks that I'm thinking wow I thought our friendship was at a level and you know what to this other person later on we talked about it it was actually not even a big deal they would just say that I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you and it was great because then we just got an opportunity to get our friendships sort of worked up and go you know maybe we could talk to each other first before we go on air and tell everybody but in the midst of all of that what I'm saying is that actually stole a good three or four weeks of my piece you know when you wake up with them not in your gut because you're like and and I made a bigger than it actually was this is what what I meaning that what was a small giant actually became this hundred-foot giant and I mean I know you're all perfect and have never done anything like that but what my whole point with that is that if your van and you're exposed in that moment don't click through to things you don't need to be looking and I'm trying to be like as open as I can with you but one click through that if I didn't click through wouldn't have actually been even a really big deal I wouldn't have known and in fact you know it wouldn't have even really mattered at some point we probably would have come back round to that conversation and she would have said Chris you know when you said that what did you really mean and how did it really go and it all would have been resolved but how many of our days ruined by things like that and what we need to do though is not keep our Bible on our shelf so that we look spiritual we actually need to open it and we actually need to read it because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now I love the audible Bible - because if faith comes by hearing I want to hear the word of God I have it just playing over and over sometimes I'll get on my elliptical and I will just listen to an entire book of the Bible because I want to stir up my faith because without faith it is impossible to please God first and foremost I want to please God but I also want to slay the Giants in my life in Jesus name I want to see mountains move in Jesus name I want to see signs and wonders and miracles and it's according to my faith so I want to drown my doubts my fear my negativity and my insecurities and I want to replace them with faith in the Word of God but it's not just faith in faiths sake it's faith is not just this nebulous thing now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and so I want to stir that up with the Word of God the future can look bright why because if I start to speak that future by faith according to the Word of God then it doesn't matter what the media says it doesn't matter what the naysayers say it doesn't matter whether anyone else says it matters what God says and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the supreme voice in our life needs to be the Word of God in Jesus [Applause] hey thanks so much for joining me today it's my passion to encourage you and help you become the person God created you to be he has an awesome plan for your life and I am so grateful you are connected with this ministry and with your gift today I'm going to send you my newest teaching series that I believe is going to have a profound impact on your life don't wait call or go online now and your gift will not only get you this resource but also bless others through TBN god bless you so many things can influence your future how you see things what you think about and who you listen to too often these influences try to take you in a wrong direction but the life-changing truth is that you can successfully set the right heading for your life in her new and practical DVD series fine tune your hearing Christine Cain unpacks powerful biblical insights that will help you hear God's guidance clearly and consistently as you watch you'll discover how to selectively retune your hearing handle harsh criticism fight crushing discouragement and much more CBN wants to help you fine-tune your hearing so as our thank you for your gift of support of the worldwide outreaches of TBN we'll send you your very own copy of Christine's new series just call 803 five zero five one seven zero or go securely online to TBN o RG / fine-tuned to share a gift and request your copy now you can share the transformative power of the gospel with lost souls all around the globe as you experience renewal and transformation in your own life don't wait another minute call click or write us right away to take that step and chart a course to your god-given destiny [Music] one rock in your hand can take out a giant you have exactly what you need to defeat the enemy in your life the Word of God is powerful it's time to stop running scared do an about-face and charge the enemy he's not as scary or powerful as he seems the Bible says if God is for you who can stand against you no one God is on your side and those giants are coming down thanks so much for joining me today I love the time we have together I've got more to tell you about this subject so I'll see you again next time right here you
Channel: Christine Caine
Views: 8,413
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: nGWOOuRt2pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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