The Bait of Satan - John Bevere

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good morning action Church good morning and happy new year but really happy new decade everybody stay standing I'm gonna I'm gonna pray can I say what an honor it is to be in my home Church in Orlando and I'm so glad to call this my home Church so proud to be a friend of pastor Justin pastor Stephanie you know can I say this he is such a great leader and I saw that from the very first day that I met him and I knew that God had something so great in store for this couple and he is so kind to me because he calls me like an older brother but he really he really knows that I'm old enough to be his dad but anyway I feel really young when I'm around Justin and Stephanie and I feel young everywhere you know I just turned 60 and it's just a number okay I plan on having this much energy when I'm 85 all right so listen I just want to say that Pastor Justin asked me to speak on this it's a book I wrote 25 years ago you would never have heard my name you would never have read one book by me if I didn't come through this hurdle this is a hurdle that I have traveled all over the world and I've seen people literally taken captive by what I'm gonna share this morning and I'm so excited because I know what it's gonna do I know the results it's gonna bring and so I normally talk about my family can I tell you my family is just doing amazing I'm so in love I'm more in love with my family every single year of my life every single day of my life but I don't want to do that I want to get right into the Word of God this morning because I really believe the Holy Spirit's gonna do something special in all of us today man so I don't want to just bring you a message we cannot we cannot I could be the greatest communicator on the planet but if the Holy Spirit doesn't touch these words you're just getting information so I want how many of you believe that your life can be changed forever in one service let me see your hands all right let's put up the other hand and let's pray together father in the name of Jesus thank you so much for action church in Oviedo and Sanford and here Lord in Winter Park but Lord I believe all over Atlanta Orlando one day I believe there'll be so many campuses they'll be hard to count but father I'm asking again today that you would do what you love to do the most and that is glorify and honor and exalt our Lord Jesus Christ I'm asking that today that you would open up our eyes to see our ears to hear give us a heart to perceive and understand and maybe we beat forever I declare Liberty in our houses today Liberty that will last and endure forever and for this we give you all the praise the glory and the honor and the Thanksgiving and it's in Jesus mighty wonderful majestic holy awesome magnificent name we pray and everybody that agrees shouts come on give him praise in advance for what he's gonna do amen amen amen you can be seated I'm so used to being in a high school a taxing church it's so wonderful to be in this auditorium and so anyway I think that's good we got to start somewhere amen but listen I I just want to open up with sharing this I believe we're living in the last days jesus said we know the season we wouldn't know the day or the hour but we know the season we're in the season and Matthew 24 you know Luke 21 mark 13 Jesus talks and all three of those chapters about what's gonna happen right before he returns for us we're living in that day and the disciples were so curiously said hey what's it going to be like on the earth right before you come back and Jesus started listing some signs that would occur and the ones that really want to focus in on today is found in matthew chapter 24 verses 10 11 12 and 13 so let's just read this here jesus says in matthew 10 and then many will be offended everybody shout offended alright now look at this they will betray one another and they will hate one another now this is a progression an offended person will eventually betray and if a betrayal is not dealt with it will ultimately lead to hatred you say well where do you get that from proverbs chapter 18 verse 19 says this a brother offended it's harder to win than a strong City now in the days of Solomon who wrote the book of Proverbs what did cities have around them come on say it walls what were walls built for protection those walls would keep out those people that you believed were against you and they would allow in those people that you believed were for you this is exactly what an offended person does they will begin to build walls now they're not physical walls they're that are built in our soul okay Paul calls them strongholds not walls and Paul says this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 he says though we walk in the flesh we don't war according to the flesh how many of you know we're not in a playground we're actually in a battleground he said for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not fleshly but they're mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds and then he says this what are the strongholds he said casting down every imagination now a better word for imagination is reasoning and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ so what are strongholds their thought processes or reasonings that we develop deep within our soul that are contrary to the will of God now how many of you know the will of God or the Word of God is rooted in his very nature and what is God's nature I want everybody to say it come on say it don't be afraid love I mean about us and say he has love the Bible says he is love so the love of God is always seeking to give to give to give a person that's been hurt says I don't want to get hurt again so what they do is they start developing thoughts in their mind deep in their heart that seek to protect protect protect so now the focus becomes you not others right so now that makes you a perfect candidate for a betrayal now most people don't even know what betrayal is they they think of Benedict Arnold they think of Judas a betrayal is simply this when I seek my benefit at the expense of one I have a relationship with so when you're focused when your thoughts are me me me it push comes to shove I'm gonna protect me at the expense of you that's a betrayal and a betrayal is an ultimate abandonment of a relationship and if it's not dealt with it can ultimately lead to hatred now here's where people don't get hatred they think hatred is being really angry at somebody know to be honest with you that's actually a sign that you're not there yet Absalon hated a man therefore he neither spoke good nor evil to them the actual definition of hatred is love less what does that mean it means it's a vacuum with zero love in it okay so there's not a lot of emotions a lot of times that are associated with hatred that's why believers miss it and the Bible says you hate your brother you're a murderer and don't even think you have eternal life abiding on you oh wow so this is what Jesus saying in the last days men are gonna be offended now the word many they're you ready for this it means a majority and I have seen this personally because I have preached this all over the world and I've never except one time other than one time in 25 years seen less than 50% of the people respond when I preach on this so I've seen Jesus's words fulfilled all over the planet many are gonna be offended those offenses are gonna lead to beat rails and betrayal is gonna be hatred and then he says this he says and then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many who are the many that the false prophets are going to see the many that are offended so you know what that tells me that an offense is the breeding ground for deception now there's only one problem with deception you know what it is it's deceiving the person who's deceived believes with all their heart they're right when in reality they're wrong that's really scary to me okay now what are what are what are false prophets called by Jesus they're called wolves in sheep's clothing now notice he doesn't say they're wolves in Shepherds clothing everybody's always looking for the false prophet on the platform in all my years they're traveling I found more false prophets in the chairs than I do on the platform yeah I know what do wolves do they travel in packs what's the goal of the Wolf Pack to isolate the sheep from the herd you can isolate the sheep from the herd the Sheep is meat for your table you ready for this proverbs 18:1 says that a man who isolates himself rages against all wise judgment seeks his own desire so a person is offended what do they do they build this persecution complex they build this everybody's out to get me complex so they isolate themselves now even be in a big family you make a big action Church but the isolation occurs in the soul you are meat for the enemies table sure is quiet here right now and then he makes this statement he goes on to say this and because lawlessness was about will abound this is verse 12 this is very next verse because the lawlessness will abound everybody say lawlessness now what is lawlessness is the greek word anomia which simply means this are you ready not being submitted to the authority of God so when I develop thought processes that are contrary to the will Word of God and nature of God I am now a lawless thinker I'm not submitted to the authority of God because I don't trust I've been hurt you see what I'm saying because lawlessness will abound the love of many is going to grow cold now here's what's really really scary lawlessness abounds in society we all know that but Jesus isn't talking about society he's talking about the church when they said what are you gonna be the sign of your coming it's gonna say offenses are gonna be rampant in the church how do I know that because the word he uses love their the love of many will grow cold is the Greek word agape that is the love of God that the world does not know the only person has agape is the person is born again has the love of God shed abroad in their heart Jesus saying that the betrayals the offense all of that is gonna cause people's hearts to grow cold and I also know he's talking to believers here because the next verse verse 13 he says but he who endures to the end shall be saved you don't say to a lost person if you endure the race you're gonna be saved they didn't even started the race you say to a person who's in the church if you endure the race you're gonna be safe who are you still with me yeah the person that can hurt you the worst is the person that is closest to you why is that our expectations are higher on them see have you ever met a Christian before that said you know the world treats me better than most Christians don't raise your hand okay why is that because our expectation in the world is here let's say this is ground zero we have very low expectation in the world so the world does this much they're that much of a blessing but if your expectation is here unbelievers and it's probably here on your spouse and it's probably here on a pastor if they only do that they've offended you by that much so we set ourselves up for an offence by your expectations you still with me okay so if you want to put all offended believers in two categories you can do it okay what are the two categories of offended people in the church category one number one is those who have been genuinely mistreated category number two are those who think they've been mistreated now I'm not dealing with category number two they got inaccurate information or they got accurate information and they have discerned inaccurately okay I don't want to deal with them I want to deal with a person that's been genuinely mistreated so if you've been genuinely mistreated do you have the right to be offended come on you guys are like unresponsive right now do you have the right do you know you have the right to go to hell and burn in the lake of fire forever and ever and ever and God will protect your right because he's giving you a free will so yes you have the right to be offended but if you want to walk with God you do not have the right don't know what they did for me have you ever heard somebody say that you see your hands come on you've heard somebody sick how many words somebody said you don't know what they did to me how many of you have said that don't raise your hand okay okay no no no you don't know what you did to Jesus an offended person who cannot forgive is a person who's forgotten what they've been forgiven you know listen listen let's just let's go back to the garden when Adam betrayed God when he sinned against God God the Father could have looked at the son said they chose the devil over us let him all go to hell and burn forever let's go over and create a universe a new universe and create people that love us if he would have done that who would have been perfectly just that's how deeply we heard him see here's the problem in the church we categorize sin we have the big ones we have adultery we have murder with witchcraft then we have what we call weaknesses gossip unforgiveness do you know what's amazing to me proverbs 6 says these 6 things the Lord hates and the seventh is an abomination do you know adultery is not on that list do you know murders not on that list do you know what's on that list those sow discord among brethren gossip tree gossip the way you treat murder you probably get delivered treat unforgiveness the way you treat adultery you'll probably get free but when you see it as a weakness sure is quiet right now I love you guys remember I'm your family ok ok don't get mad at me I'm just I'm just I'm just the carrier boy okay you got it see look this is not a bunch of theory for me I hmm I was I'm just gonna be honest with you before I got saved I found it easy to forgive people after I got saved it was really easy but there was a man and this man was like closer to me than a father okay and I'm not kidding when I say that and he did some things over a course of a year and it climaxed with some really devastating things and it was so obvious people were coming up to me going are you okay I said yeah are you gonna go to him no no no I'm fine I'm going on with the call of God of my life what I didn't realize now I want you to listen to me carefully I didn't realize that I was too proud to admit that I was offended okay so I'm a man I gotta be strong and for me to say I'm offended is for me to say I'm weak so I denied it so I go for months and months and months denying that I'm offended okay but here's what's happening this is really scary my heart kept getting colder and colder and colder all right I remember Lisa and I at one point we were driving the car back in the day you know and they had cassettes I know forget it google it look it up later and this worship set was on and we had a long drive we were driving down to Houston from Dallas and she she's weeping she looks over and I got this cold look on my face she's John what's wrong ass babe babe babe you're you're worshiping I'm meditating right now just everything's cool you know I could justify it because when I got on the platform people got saved people got healed God would speak but my heart's getting harder and harder and harder and harder it's the reverse frog on the kettle and I remember one day I got so dry I mean ministry is just an occupation for me now it's not a passion okay so I'm so dry I'm so numb I walk out to my backyard and I go God am I offended and I heard this on the inside of me yes can I tell you it is the loudest I have ever heard the voice of God to this day and I remember just I dropped my arms and I sing I don't know what to do I've prayed I've forgiven by faith I've even fasted I need help well I remember at the shortly after I went to a service that this guy was conducting and I was in the back and I remember about two-thirds of the way through the service the wells broke open and I started weeping I start weeping and I said I forgive you I forgive you I release you you're forgiven and I remember I left that service and I got in my car and I drove home and I thought it's done two weeks later I saw him again and I remember when I saw him I thought he did this to me and he did that to me and he did this to me and he did this to that person and he just did that person how can he be so blessed and I remember I went home thinking about it I talked it over at lunch with my wife I I thought about it all afternoon I thought about a dinner I went to bed thinking about I got up next morning thinking about it I took a shower thinking about and then I got scared I thought wait a minute two weeks ago I cried and I forgave this guy why am I still so torment because jesus said when you don't forget he you turned over when you don't forgive you're turned over to the tormentors until you pay all that's due to God figure that one out so so I'm tormented and I got so scared and there's something that I didn't understand Paul makes the statement acts 24:16 he says and herein do I exercise ever say exercise I'm gonna put the scripture up look at this herein do I exercise myself to always have a conscience void of offense towards God and men exercises the key I need somebody goes to the gym a lot I mean you're in good shape come on come on I need a volunteer run up here I need you I come is it you you you come on run up here you go to the gym you go to the gym come on right up here right you're good you're good come on jump up here you don't need to walk up stairs jump okay you go to the gym right you're an athlete I need somebody goes to the gym give me somebody come on no no no Oh a man a man yeah yeah hey thank you so much I just I gotta have a man you'll understand in a minute you will understand in a moment okay I promise you okay what's your name st can you stand right there you go you go jump now I can walk up to s T and I can do this did you like that oh good you're honest he's an honest guy but are you okay yeah okay now I can now do this okay let's talk about this I just hit him pretty hard but he's fine right but if I would have taken this and hit him I would have injured him there's some offenses that hit us we don't like it he didn't like that when it's over we're fine it's like water off a duck's back there are other offenses that hit us they wound us and if wounds aren't properly treated they never get healed they eventually kill us st are we still friends you're not gonna wait for me in the parking lot okay I just want to make sure okay so a few years ago a few years ago actually 25 years ago we are doing a conference in Hawaii we were suffering for Jesus and I remember the second the last day there's a wall right there's a wall with these stones on it right and I'm playing tourist and I go to lift put put put put my foot up on the wall to lift up to take a picture of a namib a it's called and I remember I heard this in my knee when I put it my way to my right knee I heard anyway right and my wife and the associate pastor laughing in the car when I get down I'm like I'm like this I and she goes oh my gosh so they come out to help me back in the car well for the next six weeks I'm in crutches I'm in brace I'm getting in airplanes with wheelchairs it was crazy okay and in Hawaii there was this guy that was a physical therapist that was working on the associate pastor's wife he owned a gym and so they made an appointment with me and I'm in his gym he's making me hurt and he's really arrogant he's really big guy bald he's made me hurt not he said this to me he said hey he said see everybody exercising around here you see all these people he said they wouldn't have gotten injured yesterday but you did I said okay wise guy why would they not get injured and I did he said cuz you're out of shape you don't exercise which was shirt back then now you know why I picked st right because he's in shape if I already hit some of you the way I hit him you have been the doctor tomorrow you might have been at the hospital because I hit him hard I'm purposed why because he's in shape he following this there's some people are like my next-door neighbor here in Orlando when I used to live here who's the WWF wrestler and I remember one time he he convinced me he said watch my videos and i said i couldnt believe it they broke a guitar over his head they broke a chair over his back i remember an eight hundred pounds or a 400-pound sumo wrestler landing on him on a he jumped off the ropes and laying on top he got up like nothing was I thought if that happened so most people there they're gonna be in traction forever right so I get on the plane to fly to Indonesia it was really hilarious Lisa and the boys get off the plane you know and here comes the man of God in a wheelchair right and another physical therapist is working on my knee and Indonesian he says mr. Revere do you want to know how to get your knee healed I said yes yes tell me how to get my knee healed he said exercise and I thought gosh that's so true what does physical therapy it's just focused exercise if a guy blows out his need let's say he's a football player right when how does he get healed he's got to do the focus exercise to get his knee back to where it was before he got injured and that's what and the Holy Spirit spoke to me said that's what you need to do you need to exercise and I thought exercise and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said read Matthew 5:5 so I read in Matthew 5 and I get to the forty-fourth first I think it is forty fourth verse and Jesus makes the statement but I tell you pray for anyone who mistreats you dude was amazing as Jesus never once in the gospel says pray for your mother now I'm not advocating not praying for your mother you better pray for your mother especially this week when you're fasting right but I find it interesting that the one specific person he does tell you pay for it's a person who mistreats you and you know what it says in another version to the person who has abused you so the Lord said that's how you exercise son so I got it from the table and this is the way I pray does he father bless him next day Lord by the way bless him next day if you can bless him that's the way I prayed the next four or five weeks now that's like lifting a penny on a curling machine right you gonna get no better so remember after five weeks of still being in the same torment I'm on another fast I'm on a three-day fast and the Holy Spirit speaks to me and said read Psalm 30:5 so I start reading Psalm 30:5 doesn't make a lick of sense until I get to the 11 first and then David makes a statement he says evil people pay me back evil for good I said hey that's me I did him good he paid me back evil for doing him good and I'm thinking the next versions gonna say like break their jaw right that's what I really thought right he said but when they were sick I dressed in mourning I deprived myself of food in other words he fasted for that guy I prayed with my head bowed blows I would pray for a friend or a brother the Holy Spirit said to me you pray for that man which you want me to do in your life or your families that change things and I remember I got it from the table I'm on this fast I start praying for him I said father I pray that he would know you the best of man can know you I pray that he would walk with you as closely as a man can walk to you I pray that he please you as deeply as a man completion he'd love you as deeply as a man complete love you that you would surround him with godly counsel that you would deliver him from working in are reasonable men that you would bring finances from unexpected quarters from his men three everything I wanted I prayed for him can I tell you it really hurt it was painful to pay pray that you ever hear somebody say pray what feels right oh shut up please no you don't pray what feels right you pray truth seriously I don't have a lot of tolerance for that kind of thinking see when the guy's got 20 pounds and he's a football player and they're doing that physical therapy has anybody ever gone through physical therapy I wanted to hit my physical therapist and she was a woman okay because why she's making me hurt when I'm praying it hurts I don't want him to be blessed I'm asking God to do everything for him I want him to do for me what's okay so now I keep praying for that that way every day because that's what God showed me to do well after a couple weeks I started getting a little passion in my voice right what's happening I'm starting to get healed right now remember after four weeks of praying for like for him I'm out I'm in a remote place I'm deep in prayer and I screamed his name I said yo and it was like junk came out of me and that morning I thought I'm free I'm totally free free free so I'm a couple weeks later Neverland on the inside what so my wife who's so discerning between Lisa and the Holy Spirit I can't get away with anything and I actually like that so she sits me down she goes honey you need to go to him I said no I jumped up off the couch no no no no no no no I've exercised I'm healed everything's good she goes okay so I go out and pray God do I need to go to him yes so you know what jesus said if your brother sins against you go to him what's your name James come here this is where most people take that Scripture James and I just went you know you did this you did this you did this we may forgive you okay whoa whoa whoa what are they doing with that scripture they're using that scripture as to go vomit all over you and tell you how badly you've treated me that's not what Jesus had in mind when he said go to your brother okay why does Jesus tell us to go to her brother for the purpose of reconciliation see there's a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation most Christians don't get it they lump the two together no no no they're different if you want understand the difference we'll look at the cross when did Jesus forgive you and I when he hung on the cross when he said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing he wasn't just speaking to the soldiers of the Sanhedrin he's speaking the next generation the next generation the next generation right down to you and me cuz our sins put him on that cross so he forgave us before we ever said I'm sorry you know many times people looked at me and said I'll forgive them when they apologize what if Jesus would have waited for you to apologize before he forgave you we walk we would have all been in hell but when were we reconciled back to him when we repented and said I'm so sorry you were right I was wrong what led us to that repentance the goodness and kindness of God you know what Jesus is saying go to your brother and create an atmosphere of goodness that's gonna want to make him say I'm sorry when you go you did nice he goes excuse me so this is what the Lord led me to do through my wife I but this guy gift now I'm talking a real gift I'm not sorry gift you got something from Christmas you don't like it you give it to somebody else it goes in the box and waits for the time when you don't have the right gift no we're not talking to read gift I went out and bought a gift I would have liked to have had and I remember him opening up that gift and I remember him just looking he was completely I made appointment go went to his office gave it to him wrapped it up he was flabbergasted I mean you could tell he was shocked and he just looked at me in shock when he looked at the gift he looked up to me it's just like and I realized now is my opportunity to show him more kindness I said I really have been praying and I want to ask your forgiveness he said what for what I said I've been really critical in judgmental of you he said no no no no no no you haven't said yes I have and it kind of broke the air then when I started laughing I said yes I have I said I said I'm so sorry that's all I said and then it opened him up and he shared his frustrations and after about an hour we came together like this and we've been like this ever since I remember that weekend I looked at my wife and I said you know when I first met him he could do no wrong in my eyes and I loved him I said that's immature love I said then I saw his faults his faults were directed at me I didn't love him anymore that's immature love said now I still see his faults I said I love him with the intensity of when I first met him I said Lisa that's got to be the love of God because the love of God covers the multitude of sins my my whole life our ministry everything changed from the day I went to see him Lisa and I to this day like 30 years later seriously we look back and we go that's when everything changed for us Jesus makes a statement in Luke 17 verse 1 who said it is impossible that offenses will not come so what is Jesus saying if you breathe air you will have the opportunity to be offended it's a promise you can count on it but what you do with the offense determine your future either you become bitter or you become stronger but you'll never be the same now the Greek word there for offense is actually an ancient Greek word it's skandalon that greek word was actually originally used to describe the bait stick of a trap that hunters would use to catch small animals and birds the hunter would put the bait on the scandal on the animal would take it in the trap would cap the animal or kill it there by an offense is the bait of Satan to pull you the believer into his captivity Paul affirms this with Timothy when he makes the statement those those listen to this those are in opposition those are offended with one another or taken captive of Satan to do Satan's will scary thing is you can still come to church you can still volunteer in the parking lot you can still be an usher you can still be a sound man and you're taking captive of Satan to do Satan's will now instead of releasing pure living waters you're releasing waters tainted with bitterness you're actually sorting the will of Satan man I really respect had a vision of the church in the last days God gave him a very clear vision he said as the armies of Hell marched against the church he noticed they weren't riding on the backs of horses they were biting on the backs of Christians and he said they were Christians that were offended and they really believed they were serving God when in reality they were wreaking havoc do you have the right to be offended you have the right to do anything but if you want to walk with God you want to be a fruitful Christian you do not have the right to be offended I want to end it with this getting ready to speak in a conference before I got up to speak the leader the conference brought up a 36 year old man he had a beard he looked like a construction worker his jeans were filled with holes and it wasn't a designer Jean and he's a little dirty you could tell you just got off the job and guys crying he does not look like the crying type and I'm interested I'm intrigued because I'm seeing an oxymoron here right and the guy said I've been in church all my life and there's always been a wall separating me from God he said I watched people get touched by God's presence in church he said I'm totally numb he said and three weeks ago somebody put in my hands the book the beta Satan he said I read the book in two days and I realized that held unforgiveness against my mother because she gave me away when I was six months old he said so I contacted my mother for the second time in 36 years he said mom I've held unforgiveness against you for 36 years she start crying she said I've hated myself for 36 years for giving you away he forgave her she forgave herself and this is where it really gets good now tears are running off his beard under his shirt and he said now the wall between me and God is gone he said I've been crying like this for the past three weeks when I pray when I come in church do you have the right to be offended yes but remember two wrongs never make a right your sin of offense is not justified by the sin of the person that treated you badly I want every head bowed every eye closed father in the name of Jesus thank you for what you've given to us this morning I'm so grateful to you and acknowledge it it was you that gave it to us now I'm asking that you would complete what was begun the men and women would get set free what a time to get set free the beginning of will 2020 if you're in here this morning and you'd say John I'm offended I didn't even realize I was offended until the Word of God exposed it and I realized today two wrongs don't make a right I can no longer justify my offense yes I was treated it terribly but I realize I've sinned against God by holding on to this offense and refusing to forgive if that's you I just want you to raise your hand up high I want to pray for you and I don't want you to miss out this morning Wow looking about oh there's probably 40% of hands are up you know what let's just do this just stand to your feet if your hands up this is a safe environment I'm not gonna embarrass you nobody's gonna embarrass you I don't want anyone missed I don't want anyone missed please don't do what I did pride kept me from getting free somebody says well I'll pray this afternoon the anointing won't be there this is what this is what God is calling you to do through through the service right now in his presence so if that's you just stand up every head bowed every eye closed cuz I just want people to be able to stand and feel safe just stand up that's you okay let's pray together say this with me Father in heaven say it out loud Father in heaven everybody help these people are staying father in heaven thank you for speaking to me this morning I realize that I've held unforgiveness you've commanded me to forgive as Jesus forgave me forgive me for not doing this so this morning I take responsibility from my sin of being offended and I choose to forgive forgive me and cleanse me with your blood from my heart I forgive I just whisper their names just say their names boy I'll tell you what the presence of God is here holy spirit I'm asking you Minister Minister to the men and women that are standing pour your love into their heart afresh thank you you are forgiven and you are free let me say this you can just be seated just for a moment keep your heads bowed your eyes closed it's impossible to forgive in the way that I've taught you unless you have a relationship with Jesus Christ a relationship with your Creator Christianity isn't about saying a prayer isn't about tending church it isn't about believing that Jesus exists the demons believe that they even tremble it's about giving your life to Him the way a bride would give her life to a groom when a bride walks down an aisle of a church she's actually making a pretty strong statement she's saying goodbye to about 3.5 billion guys she's saying this is the one and only man I'm giving myself to the rest of my life Jesus is called the groom we are called the bride the reason God did that is it's a perfect illustration of the only way we can enter relationship with our Creator and that is to give him our entire life some of you you come to church you love the love you feel you love the community you sense because this is a great community but unfortunately you're still estranged because you haven't made that decision you haven't given him your life I want to give you that chance this morning what a way to begin 2020 it's amazing when you think about it if you say John I honestly I believe in Jesus but I've never really given him my entire heart in life I want to give you that chance right now okay so you can know for sure for sure for sure you can spend eternity with your Creator instead of eternity separated from your Creator that's you I want to pray for you this morning I'm not gonna have you stand I just want you to lift your hand up if that's you can you put your hand up all over put them up really high see those hands hands are going up all over the auditorium this beautiful it's beautiful Wow just put your hand up high I want to pray all of us are gonna pray with you can we pray this together all of us together everybody pray with these several people that have raised their hands say this with me God in heaven forgive me for livin life in my way from this moment forward I will serve Jesus Christ as my Lord and Master and Savior and because of this you have spoken and said that you will adopt me into your family you will literally cause me to be reborn with a brand new nature I receive that today and I declare that Jesus Christ is my Lord my Savior my healer my lover in Jesus name Amen let's thank God for that
Channel: Action Church
Views: 47,141
Rating: 4.932261 out of 5
Id: eyDH6adoUNU
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Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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