Christine Caine : The lecture after 8 years is still watched by many people

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and this was hilarious and so we went to grandma's day and like i'm the mother but the grandparents live in australia and so i went and i'm in a row with five women and the other four were grandmothers that were younger than me and i'm like just look straight ahead christine it's fine do i look like i'm almost 50. right answer but i don't really care but i'm just saying like it's um i'm joking i i am from the hillsong church part of the leadership and teaching team at hillside anyone heard of hillsong music in this house yeah you'll love that in this place and um you know i said to the first service it's like people get really pumped when a chick from hillsong comes because they think that i'm going to sing shout to the lord and my thing is if i sing shout to the lord this morning you are all gonna cry to the lord so it's not gonna happen uh i talk a lot that's for sure i'm both greek and a woman i only speak three ways hard fast and continuously so you will not fall asleep uh today and my husband and i have the great privilege and honor in god of heading up the a21 campaign and i'm not really going to talk about that today uh god has blessed us in the last five years we um you know i've always been part of the teaching and leadership team of our church and traveling and doing mission and evangelism and then god interrupted as he has a way of doing my life and which became our family's life um really when i was about 41 and then we started the a21 campaign five years ago um i'd seen some po i was on my way to a conference in eastern europe and saw some posters of some young women and children and um you know just made a decision that i couldn't walk past and i couldn't ignore it and i couldn't um pretend that the fastest growing crime in the world during our watches the church of jesus christ is the crime of human trafficking it was incomprehensible for me to think that in my lifetime slavery would be the fastest growing crime on earth and that we just could uh not sit by and just watch it and and i i didn't want to be the levite and the priest and see the man standing on the side of the road and just walk on by because i was so busy going to my next christian conference or so busy going to my next religious festival that i was walking past the very people that god wanted me to help people are not an interruption to our ministry they're the object of our ministry and so we've got to take time to stop and cross the street and get involved so we started the a21 campaign it's not anything i ever thought i didn't even know what it was human trafficking those years ago and um anyway by god's grace uh in 2008 really we started operationally and um by the grace of god we're now in ten nations and we've had hundreds of girls rescued and dozens of traffickers in jail and transition homes and restoration programs and god has done amazing amazing things so you could go online to the a21 and check that out if you're kind of interested but i'm here to preach the word of god i love sundays i love the house of god and anyone ready for a word from the lord this morning that's what we're here for i want you to turn with me to the book of exodus chapter eight as you're turning turn to your neighbor and say you are the hottest looking thing i've seen all morning anyone sitting next to the hottest looking thing you've seen all morning can someone see someone better looking across the sanctuary you want to change seats we are very accommodating at the rock and we love arranged marriages no okay so exodus chapter 8 the bible says then the lord said to moses go to pharaoh and say to him this is what the lord says let my people go so that they may worship me if you refuse to let him go i will plague your whole country with frogs i could probably just stop there and just preach the rest of the morning because if you ever thought god was boring if this is your first time in church if you're kind of still maybe a little bit hungover from last night and you're kind of what is this god like a god that would plague a country with frogs that is very random at 10 o'clock on a sunday morning but i wonder if god was sitting in heaven thinking what plague will i send frogs right anyway we'll just go on the nile will team with frogs he goes on to say they will come up into your palace and your bedroom that'd be really attractive when you want to go to bed and onto your bed into the houses of your officials and on your people i would not be impressed and into your ovens and kneading troughs i would never notice because i don't open my ovens but anyway it goes on you're okay my daughter was at school and the teachers made all the little kids go what is the favorite thing for your mother to make and you know kids are going like lasagna chocolate cake my daughter puts her hand up and says my mum makes great reservations anyway so now we're going on and the law then the lord said to moses till aaron stretch out your hand with your staff over the streams and canals and ponds and make frogs come up on the land of egypt so aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of egypt and the frogs came up and covered the land but the magicians did the same things by their secret arts they also made frogs come up out of the land of egypt pharaoh summoned moses and aaron and said pray to the lord to take the frogs away from me and my people and i will let your people go to offer sacrifices to the lord moses said to pharaoh i leave you the honor of setting the time for me to pray for you and your officials and your people that you and your houses may be rid of the frogs except for those that remain in the nile pharah said moses replied it will be as you say so that you may know there is no one like the lord our god the frogs will leave you and your houses your officials and your people they will remain only in the nile after moses and aaron left pharaoh moses cried out to the lord about the frogs he had brought on pharaoh and the lord did what moses asked the frogs died in the wilderness in the courtyards in the fields they were piled into heaps and the land reeked of them i bet you feel blessed that you came to church this morning didn't you to hear about the frogs where the land reeked of them so here we have just for me to give you a little bit of context for 430 years the children of israel are in bondage they are in slavery they are in captivity crying out to god to set them free from incredibly harsh conditions so pharaoh's heart was extremely hard and the lord in this portion of the bible sent 10 plagues in order to soften pharaoh's heart so that he would let the children of israel go so right here we just pick it up in the midst of one of the plagues that god sent which is the plague of frogs i could almost think of nothing worse i'm really not into animals and especially those kind of animals i'm just like not a frog person if you are more power to you so here god says i am going to send frogs i'm going to infest the land the nile river all of egypt with frogs so the scripture tells us very clearly wherever the people went there were frogs everywhere they went into their kitchen into their bedrooms into their bathrooms into the streets on the people wherever people went there was here a frog there a frog everywhere there were frogs everywhere and so what happened pharaoh's wife i'm convinced must have been ticked with office with all of the froggeths and so she went to her husband and the only thing worse than a plague a frog is a nagging woman and so she no doubt went to her husband so he calls moses in and goes i'm done would you talk to your god and tell him he wins i'll let the israelites go i'll let your people go if he would just deal with these frogs and so moses says absolutely you tell me when to pray to my god so that my god could get rid of the frogs now we all know obviously if you've summoned me in we all know that god can get rid of the frogs we all know that god is willing to get rid of the frogs we all know that god wants to get rid of the frogs so tell me pharaoh when will i pray to god for god to get rid of the frogs we have a land that is infested with frogs we have a god that is well able to deal with the frogs and we have a pharaoh that just needs to say when we need to deal with the frogs and then to me is the weirdest verse in the bible the verse has only three words and there's only one of those words that i want to focus on today so in verse 9 moses said to pharaoh i leave to you the honor of setting the time for me to pray for you and your officials so that we could get rid of the frogs i leave to you the honour of setting the time for me to pray and then in verse 10 what does the bible say tomorrow i just want you to pause and think about this that god can get rid of the frogs god wants to get rid of the frogs moses is saying we can do this any time when do you want to do it and pharaoh goes tomorrow i just want to ask the question what would implore the man to want to spend one more night with those frogs and the question this morning church is not why pharaoh all those years ago wanted to spend one more night with the frogs my question this morning is what are the frogs that are in us on us around us that we bring in every week to church that we carry with us every single day that god is willing to deal with that god is well able to deal with that god wants to set us free from what are those frogs that we carry we sit in church week after week we listen to sermon after sermon we read christian book after christian book we listen to dvd after dvd we get wise counsel after wise counsel and we think that's a great point i need to deal with that and i'll do it tomorrow i am convinced 99 of the reason most people don't step into their god-given purpose and destiny is not out of an unwillingness to want to do that but it comes out of this thought that i'll deal with it tomorrow i hear that sermon on unforgiveness on bitterness on lust on greed on envy on dealing with my addictions on dealing with those relay i hear it and i really like what she said and i really like what he said and i really think that that's true and i'm going to deal with it and i'm going to deal with it tomorrow and we think because we've decided to deal with it tomorrow we think we've already dealt with it and then 20 years later we find we've got the same old frogs and we're doing the same old laps around the same old mountains of fear and doubt and insecurity and lust and greed and envy see we think i need to get fit and healthy i'm going to start going to the gym and guess when we're all going to the gym tomorrow oh i'm going to get fit and healthy and i'm going to change my diet and i'm going to eat a lot less chips and salsa and i'm going to start eating celery sticks and carrot sticks and guess when i'm going to do it tomorrow and i've got a whole lot of issues in my marriage that are not great and we are going to get around to dealing with them but we're going to do it tomorrow and i know i need to cut off this adulterous affair and i really intend to do that but i'm going to do it tomorrow and i know that i really need to deal with this addiction and it's ripping my life apart my finances are part my family apart and i am going to deal with it but i'm going to do it tomorrow and i know i need to deal with this unforgiveness and this bitterness that i've been carrying around for 20 years and i am going to do it but i'm going to do it tomorrow and i know i've got all of this shame and guilt and condemnation that's and i will deal with it but i'll do it tomorrow and the only problem is when we wake up tomorrow guess what day it is today and then when we wake up tomorrow it becomes today and we think i'll deal with it tomorrow and then we come to die and we discover that we never dealt with anything because we all thought it would happen tomorrow but tomorrow becomes today tomorrow and unless today we choose to deal with yesterday we never will step into tomorrow most people exist in today but live in yesterday and never step into the tomorrow that god has for them and god says i know the plans i've got for you their plans to prosper you and plans not to harm you they have plans to give you a hope they are plans to give you a future but you will never step into those plans if you don't deal with yesterday today so that you can have tomorrow and so pharaoh says i'll deal with my stuff tomorrow and if you and i as the church of jesus christ on the earth today we don't have tomorrow and our world cannot wait for us to deal with our stuff tomorrow we need to deal with it today because god's got such a plan such a purpose such a destiny for us when i look by the grace of god of what the lord has as part of my purpose and destiny and here we are leading the a21 campaign and seeing the victims of human trafficking rescued all over the earth traffic is being put in jail by god's grace to be able to have a the marriage that we have to be able to be the mother and the wife that god has enabled me to be and i'll tell you a little bit about my story so you can understand what a miracle my whole life is but if at some point when i was sitting in church if i didn't make a decision that what that preacher was talking about was something i was going to deal with today i'd still be sitting in the grandstands of church life like so many christians watching something that i should be participating in because i never got over my unforgiveness i never got over my bitterness i never got over my shame i never got over my guilt i never got over my pain i never got over my defeat i never got over my past so many christians lived there so many christians living yesterday even though their body exists in today and therefore they never step into tomorrow and if i've come down to the rock church to help one person say finally today i'm going to deal with my yesterday so that i can step into the fullness of what god has for me tomorrow then this whole trip is worth it i grew up in sydney australia sydney is a beautiful city i grew up in the second generation migrant greek greek is my first language i didn't speak english until i was five if you've seen my big fat greek wedding then you have seen my big fat greek life and so that's really what i came from and you know but i grew up in australia before my big fat greek wedding when it was not cool to be greek in australia extremely marginalized because of my ethnicity in a culture that in no way esteemed women in a culture where a woman just had to be a little breeding machine that would be about it there was no sense that she could do anything more than that in the poorest zip code of my state the third poorest we call it in australia local government area the third poorest zip code in the nation in a government assisted housing estate and pretty much every week of my life from the time i was at least three to my mid-teens i was sexually abused at the hands of four men weekly and often several times a week now that messes with you when that happens and the reason why it's so quiet in this church is you don't need to be a prophet to realize whether you're watching me online whether you're in our other campus the fact is it's so quiet because so many of us know what it's like to have in some way been abused the word abuse means to use an object for a purpose for which it was never designed and for at least 12 years of my life i was used for a purpose for which god never designed me it messes with your whole sense of self-esteem identity your value your significance your security i was a young woman that was so full of anger so full of shame so full of condemnation so full of guilt and so full of unforgiveness and so full of bitterness and most young women with my kind of background don't normally end up doing this they normally end up either drug dependent or alcohol dependent or maybe two or three different kids to two or three different fathers or at the very least confused about their gender identity that's what normally happens with someone with my kind of background and so i was my yesterday was very messed up i was a young woman headed down a really wrong trajectory i wore the cloak of victimhood well because it wasn't my fault i grew up poor wasn't my fault i grew up a migrant my fault i was a woman wasn't my fault i was abused and you can sit there with those frogs and they can be very comfortable in your life because you're so used to them and you become accustomed to them and you blame everybody and then i tell everyone i fit every government funding category in australia i was a marginalized depressed dispossessed poor ethnic minority abused adopted chick anyway so i could make a fortune out of government funding because that's what happens with people like me you put a label on them and say i'm going to pay you to remain a victim for the rest of your life and we're going to label you that and so many of us accept the labels others put on us and think well i know god says something different but i'll change that tomorrow see two weeks before my 33rd birthday i got a phone call from my brother george because when you're greek or your brothers are george or con or nico or spiro so anyway george calls me and he was 35 i was 33 two weeks after my birthday goes christine i just got a letter from the government department and it says i've been adopted now you know i laughed at him when he first said that because you know when you growing up with your brothers or sisters you always say to them you're adopted your mother's from mars we're not related you know you always sort of say that to them but then when they call you and they tell you they really are you start getting defensive okay george don't be stupid of course they've made a mistake of course they've sent this document to the wrong person i said call the department of community services and tell them they sent it to the wrong person and then call me back well about 15 minutes later he calls me back but church this time he is sobbing and he says chris it's true they told me the name of my biological mother my biological father when i was born when i was immunized they have a whole file on my life i thought i was in a monty python movie i could not believe this my dad had died when i was 19. and so my mom was alone and i don't know if you know anything about greeks but greeks are very volatile they act first and think later so i'm thinking my brother's going to race to my mother's house anything could happen and it could have and my mum might have a heart attack because this 35 year old family secret is about to come out and so i jump in my car i race to my mom's house my brother's already on the way so i get to my mom's house walk into the lounge room just as my brother is giving my mom this piece of paper this document from the government now i saw my mother take it and she looked at it and there was this moment of hesitation in her eyes i thought oh my word this this is true i could just see and my mum just started crying and she said george i'm so sorry all the adoptions in australia 35 years ago all of the adoptions were closed adoptions and we never thought you would find out and before your father died the final thing i promised him was that i would never tell you and so i tore up all of the paperwork and i threw it away and it was just a moment church i mean i'm watching this play out like a movie in front of my eyes and you know my mum starts crying my brother's crying the dog's crying snot's flying i mean it's happening it's a big fat greek moment and so it's all happening i didn't know what to do and so you know you're a greek girl what do you do you go i'm going to the kitchen to get baklava and have coffee and so i'm in the kitchen about a few minutes later my mother walks in behind me and she goes christina since we're telling the truth do you want to know the whole truth i'm two weeks out for my 33rd birthday church i've got like no idea i turn around i don't even know why i said this to her initially i went i've been adopted too and then with tears streaming down her face she just nods ahead yes i was stunned and um and for the first i didn't say anything for the first few minutes which you know in and of itself is a miracle greater than the resurrection of jesus but anyway i just sat there and then the first thing that came out of my mouth the first thing i went am i still greek and i thought because i was called names at school for a lot of years and i wanted to know there was a reason for all of that taunting but anyway so i went to my steel creek and then right there in my greek orthodox mother's kitchen the next thing that came out of my mouth right there i went oh well before i was formed in my mother's womb whose ever wound that was he knew me he knitted together my innermost parts he fashioned all of my days before as yet there was one of them i'm fearfully and wonderfully made in church that day every fact that i thought to be true about my life changed what my name was what my heritage was every fact that i thought to be true up to 33 years old changed and to this morning i still don't know the facts surrounding my conception i don't know if i was a result of a one night stand or perhaps an ongoing adulterous affair or whether i was the result of a rape but although i don't know the facts i've discovered that there's a force on the planet much higher than the facts and it's called the truth of the word of god and ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 does not say that i am the workmanship of a rape it doesn't say that i'm the workmanship of an adulterous affair it says that we are his workmanship and that we've been recreated in christ jesus for good works that god prepared beforehand that you and i should walk in them and you know what although i was shocked that day god was not shocked he knew from before the beginning of time and you and i are not a product of time we're a product of eternity god has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and he has given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation now when i was still in my mother's womb the enemy sent an assignment to try to steal kill and destroy my life when that didn't work he sent another assignment into my bedroom when i was three years old for the next 12 years of my life to try to still kill and destroy my destiny and so god said to jesus would you go to earth would you die on a cross and rise again from the dead so that christine and all of humanity could have not only forgiveness for that past but a brand new life and a hope for the future and because of the redemptive work of jesus christ in the cross i am living proof that you can start bad and finish good in and through a relationship with jesus christ that's what he does that's what he does that is the good news of the gospel of jesus christ that what the enemy meant for evil god could turn around and work it together for good and who would have thought this abused unnamed unwanted adopted kid could be used by god to not only be rescued by him but then turn around and open up the prison doors and rescue others the very thing that the enemy wanted to take me out with is the very thing that god is using to rescue a generation on the earth i i feel i feel like joseph in genesis chapter 50 verse 20 who said to his brothers you meant this for evil against me but god he meant it for this very purpose to save many people alive and i guarantee you the devil regrets the day he ever touched me i bet you he wishes he left me alone because i will spend the rest of my life making him pay for what he did because that's what being more than a conqueror is that's what being more than a conqueror is and so there came a time though i had to decide that i was going to deal with those frogs today because if i didn't i wouldn't be doing the destiny that god had for ordained for my life and he has got a plan and a purpose for every one of our lives without exception but while we keep thinking i'll deal with the stuff tomorrow or while we keep excusing the things that keep us separated from the purposes of god and while we keep thinking well it's not my fault i'm a victim well the truth is at some point you've got to make a decision that says jesus christ died on a cross and the power of that blood can set me free but if i don't step into that freedom how am i going to set others free and the devil would love you to carry the frogs of your past into your presence so that you never step into your future and you know what other christians will keep you in that place too oh that's okay you don't know what happened to her she can't submit to a church she can't submit to male leadership and because she was abused because she was this and she was that and jesus goes but i came to set a free and make her whole and so you don't have to live with the frogs of your past if you are willing to take off the cloak of victimhood and embrace the cloak of victory that can be found in and through a relationship with jesus christ you can find a whole new way of living in your future and you can fulfill the purpose and the plan and the destiny that jesus christ has for your life let me show you the best way to do this it's the best way that i know how to let go of the frogs of your past in your present that you may walk into the future that god has for you there comes a time where you must make a decision that you are going to believe the truth of god's word over the facts of your circumstance if you and i are going to continue to bring the gospel to our generation in a relativistic society a pluralistic world the bible says if you abide in my word then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free you and i have to bear witness to that truth by showing a generation through our life that this stuff really works i don't have to carry the frogs of my past into my future because i abide in the word i believe the word and that truth sets me free let me show you very simply in five minutes how this works practically when i received my documents about a year after i found out i was adopted i received my it's so weird getting a birth certificate and a social worker report when you thought you had one for 30 years and this was my birth certificate when i got it and there it is department of community services and if i'll bring it up close for you so you can have a look see in there it's got child's name unnamed i mean who on earth has typed on their birth certificate unnamed that's me not even a name given a number 2508 of 1966 see that's why to me when we talk about trafficking it's not just 27 million slaves it's not a number to me nothing is ever a number to me 40 000 children dying of preventable diseases today is not a number to me three billion people not knowing jesus is not a number to me because c i was that number numbers are numbing numbers are dehumanizing numbers are desensitizing it is easy to ignore suffering when you leave it nameless and faceless but the minute you put a name and a face on it changes everything and every human being is created in the image of god nothing's nameless and faceless to god i was number 2508 but as soon as you know it's christine it changes everything about that birth certificate as soon as you acknowledge 27 million slaves of human beings created in the image of god suddenly it's not okay for us just to go to sleep as the church and pretend that the world's not dying when you know that at this point there are at least three to four billion people going to a crisis eternity it's not enough to just throw numbers out and go to sleep as if it doesn't matter but there it is the facts department of community services says that i'm unnamed black and white income paper so many of us define our lives by black and white income paper what does the government say what does the media say what did a teacher say what did my parents say what did the medical profession say oh we limit and we define our destiny and we carry those frogs based on look at the facts christine and i'm looking at the facts that was my birth certificate i have a look at my social worker report two weeks before i was born this is what they wrote about my mum so there it is black and white ink on paper royal hospital for women and if you bring that up close it says this she does not seem to be too emotionally involved with the child she seems to want to get it all over and done with and get back to work as soon as possible so i'm looking at a document that says you're unwanted christine and then the tape recorder begins to play see christine no wonder you're abused for 12 years because you didn't your mother didn't even want you she didn't even give you a name you were just a number no wonder that happened to you and i've got that in writing black and white i'm not in denial unnamed unwanted i want to show you one other document that i got from the university of new south wales on the 23rd of march 28th of march 1993. at the time i was running one of the largest community-based youth centers in australia who would have known that was setting me up to run now by the grace of god what has become one of the largest anti-trafficking organizations in the world who would have known but back then when i was running it this came from the dean of the social work school at the most prestigious university in our nation and basically what happened was the fourth year students were wanting to do their internship at our youth centre but they we were faith-based and so they liked our outcomes they just didn't like the methodology used to get those outcomes and so they called me in for a big meeting to um basically say they were not going to give us any more students for our placement and they used the excuse that i only had an english and economic history degree so i could count to 10 and read golden books but i didn't have a social work degree and so that i wasn't i could never build an ngo or reach young people based on the qualifications that i had now remember this was what the experts said in 1993 it's now 2013 20 years later running one of the largest standing trafficking organizations in the world but this is what the experts said to me 20 years ago so if you put that document back up see there she goes on and says if your career ambition is to remain in the area of your services in the longer term i would strongly urge you to take time out to study for a basic social work welfare work or other relevant professional qualifications the comments i've made may be difficult for you to digest but they reflect the honest assessment i have for the most appropriate way forward for you i see you as a young woman with enormous innate potential and i sincerely hope that you will enhance your innate aptitude by taking several years out to study for basic qualifications basically christine you're a loser and you're unqualified that's what that means and so here's these three documents and that's what most of us build our life on some teacher that said you're dumb or stupid some parent that said i wish you were never born some lover that left you some expel said that you're useless something that happened to you something that was done we define our lives in our society by these sort of facts look at what the black and white ink on paper is and so i could have allowed those facts to deny to to find me i'm not ignorant of those facts unnamed unwanted unqualified government and of course if the government says that it's got to be true and there's the medical profession and there's the education department and we allow so many of those things to define us to become the loud frogs in our life that allow our past to limit our present which stops us from moving into our future and we go well look at the facts christine i feel this sense of a call of god but look at the facts look at the black and white ink on paper well you know what church i found myself another black and white ink on paper i found another black and white ink on paper and it's a whole lot more powerful than the facts it's called the truth and it takes as much faith to believe the truth as it does the facts and the facts say that i'm unnamed but isaiah 49 verse 1 says that from the womb of your mother i have named your name the facts say that i'm unwanted but psalm 139 says sweetheart before you were ever born i wanted you and i put you in that womb the facts say that i'm unqualified but the truth says that he whom he calls he qualifies you've got to build your life on the truth of the word and not the facts of your circumstances in jesus name church in jesus name in jesus name you know god has such a powerful plan purpose and destiny for every single life without exception and the enemy comes to do only one thing to steal kill and destroy the future that he has for you but the best way to step into your god ordained future and destiny is by surrendering your heart and your life authentically to the lordship of jesus christ friend this isn't some pep rally talk i encountered a life transforming relationship with the resurrected savior jesus christ and the same god that stepped into the life of this unnamed unwanted abused adopted chick from the other side of the world and gave me forgiveness for my past a brand new start and a hope for the future that same god is in this place right here right now ready to do the same for you friend i wonder if you know him not do you know about him but do you know him amazing to me how many people go to church how many people know about god but friend my question is are you living for jesus see you and i were created by god for a relationship with god and it's jesus that connects us to god and it's jesus that connects us to the grace of god and for some of you this morning the most powerful decision you will make is not to leave this building by thinking yeah i'll get around to that tomorrow but by saying today today i'm going to have a fresh start with jesus christ today i'm going to surrender my heart and my life to the lordship of jesus christ either for the very first time or maybe you once walked with god but if you're honest today you've been away from him cold in your heart maybe even backslidden and this morning you're gonna make a decision to stop running from god to come back to god to make you peace with god maybe you've been sitting in church for weeks months years but if you're honest you've been away from him you know really surrendered your heart to him why don't you make a decision this morning to move from religion to an authentic relationship with jesus christ there's so much ahead for you and friend whether you're in this room whether you're on our north campus whether you're online i'm speaking to you right now are you living for jesus and if you're not right here right now today not tomorrow today is the day of salvation today is your day with destiny i want every head bad and every eye close wherever you are from the front to the back from the left to the right up on the balcony down on the floor up north online i'm not talking right now to the person next to you i'm talking to you are you living for jesus and this morning if you say chris i want what you're talking about i want a fresh start with jesus christ i want to make my peace with god either for the very first time where i've been away from god cold in my heart and this morning i want what you're talking about i want a fresh start with jesus friend i want to pray with you and if you say chris include me in that prayer i want to say yes to jesus then wherever you're sitting right now just so that i know who i'm praying for would you just raise your hand really high really high thank you i'm seeing hands shoot up everywhere thank you thank you i'm seeing you even if you're online you're on our north campus i want you to raise your hand and say yes chris yes i'm seeing you all over the building there's so many of you up on the balcony down on the floor all you guys with your hands raised could you look at me would you all just stand wherever you are because i want to pray with you and there's too many of you for me to individually run out so would you just stand and just come and stand here because i want to pray with you wherever you are all those people stand up with your hands raised and come down and stand here because i'm going to pray with every one of you that's it i want you to come just say excuse me move out of the road kick the person but i want you to come this is wonderful come and say yes to jesus christ and i'm going to pray i'm going to wait for you from up on our balconies wherever you are friend i want you to come forward and say yes to jesus that's it that's it how wonderful is this come on and we say yes to jesus christ it's what we live for hey [Applause] [Music] this is awesome friend come come to jesus that's what we live for in this place that's awesome how are you all of you guys that's it keep coming [Music] we love this people are coming from the balconies i'm waiting for you it's what we live for it's awesome i hope all over so glad you girls came well done well done this is what we're going to do i want the whole church just to stand together for a moment i need you to do this in faith with me because this is what we live for people being connected to jesus christ and i don't know how you do it in this church but for a minute i'm going to do it how i do it at home just because we're all part of one big family what we do at this moment is we all bow our heads together and pray with all of you guys and we pray this even those of us that are believers there's a prayer of affirmation in agreement with these guys as they're saying yes to jesus the bible says if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that jesus is lord you will be saved and this is one big family that's what happens when you make this decision you just kind of inherit an instant family and if you don't like them all that's okay there's one or two you will like in there so it's all right it's like any family reunion and so what we're gonna do is i'm gonna pray and i want all of us together church to pray this with conviction out loud and especially you guys i wish you could all see what i see here people's tears never ever take for granted this moment i never forget this moment when people say yes to jesus and because i said yes in that moment i'm able to stand in this moment today and so it's pretty awesome god's got a great future for every one of you every one of you so why don't we all bow our heads you guys are praying this to jesus we're praying with you to jesus so church let's pray this with conviction out loud after me dear jesus i'm standing here this morning because i recognize my need for you i ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a brand new start today and a hope for the future i want to be a christian a follower of jesus christ every single day for the rest of my life in jesus name amen and amen come on let's thank god as
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 3,510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine 2018, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2020, 2020 Is Your Year, Message 2020, 2021 Is Your Year, christine caine 2021
Id: X7Ew7rIM29U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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