Atheists Aren't Elected Because of Ignorance Like This

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dear mr. atheist stop complaining it's not like atheists are actually oppressed now for the record this episode isn't gonna be the oppression Olympics I'm not a religious person I don't need to figure out all the ways in which I'm oppressed but I do want to talk about some important things and some important misgivings about atheists and politics welcome back to your mister atheists let's get to it [Music] now if you watch my show especially my live streams you'd know that I am very interested in politics and to some degree I think I might like to hold political office one day certainly I often joke about running for president that is a joke probably probably but the fact of the matter is there is still a major obstacle between me and holding political office and that is that you commit political career suicide especially at the federal level the moment you say you are an atheist and there's some real things to talk about there now I don't actually wanna have a discussion about a my oppresses a pious I see my group of people being far less oppressed as say black theists are but the fact of the matter is I live in the United States and I should be living in a democracy that is representative of its population and right now the non-religious those people who say they are atheist or agnostic or just don't hold to a specific religion that is the fastest growing group and yet there are virtually none of them in Congress at present there are zero people in the house or in the Senate who openly admit to being an atheist now granted as of last year there are people who claim to be humanists however they won't outright take on that label because that label has a lot of baggage but it's not the kind of baggage it's earned so when you say for example the label of Mormon a label I've held before has a lot of baggage that's because of things Mormons have actually done instead the baggage for atheists seems to be the things that religious people did or religious states did or religious kinds of minds did projected on to atheists because they were such incredible evils that these people who hold to those same belief systems like to rewrite history to cover their ass yes I am referring to all of you wonderful gems of beings who often say like Hitler was an atheist he wasn't back to more of that here in a moment I don't want to mix words here I do think the the creation of that what is it the Congressional free thought caucus that is a victory and having that there is awesome now at present literally zero senators Democrat or Republican are a member of that caucus in the house there are 10 House members who are all of them Democrat know Republicans in a lot of ways being a Republican atheist would be far worse for your political career than being a liberal atheist but right now empowered by the Trump White House there's even a resurgence of religious thought and religious laws coming about at the local level you have States this year literally trying to pass laws that take the phrase evolution out of science textbooks wanting to teach the controversy in science which doesn't exist there is no scientific controversy about evolution you also just had Alabama and already five states prior to that passed laws requiring all public schools have In God We Trust on the buildings as though with some kind of magic safety spell that's going to do anything public expressions and outright expressions are at a peak there have been many more decades past where religion was considered a private thing that was for yourself then now where you're either doing something religious publicly or protesting your right to do so and yet there are those trying to draw correlations between gun crime and the lack of prayer in school so are atheists being oppressed I don't think there would be a clear and concise answer to it anyway and honestly of the oppressed minorities right now I would not put the resolution of atheist oppression anywhere near the top honestly but atheists need to be included in conversations our government is a secular government our Constitution is a secular Constitution and we need to be restoring those values because those values work for everyone secular governments are great for religious entities especially nowadays when there are so many religions it doesn't put any individual form of Christianity above other forms of Christianity or any religion above any other most importantly the baggage people are giving to atheists that needs to be stripped away and people need to be speaking realistically about this but instead you have these people that do influence social culture saying these things that aren't even close to accurate here for example are some things Steve Harvey has publicly said does he have a relationship with God you send up your topic to a dude and he tells you he's an atheist you need to pack it up and go home what's his moral barometer whereas it is nowhere that is such an absurdly and frankly offensive thing to say but it clearly comes from a place of ignorance which will actually speak to hear more in a moment but my moral barometer I chose it after a lot of thought and reason and seeing arguments for the different ways you can live your life morally and ultimately because we have evolved such wonderful brains capable of this deep thought we are equipped with the ability to do that but instead you think you should surrender your morality to a book that was given to you no one argues for that book and that's the difference between your morality and mine if some part of my moral system is wrong and a person asserts that fine as long as they can justify it and prove it wrong I will adapt I say the Bible is wrong and your side says there's something inherently evil about me you come from a very oppressed minority you should be able to see the way your moral barometer when given to somebody else has oppressed people who look like you but your Bible your source of moral authority it looks at slavery and says dopes where mine looks at slavery and says nope here's something else he had said in an interview dr. P Walter I'm an atheist I just walk away I don't I don't know what to say to you so this guy doesn't actually even know the other side he only knows the side with which he was given that he was born with his religion how can you claim to have the superior position or to know that these people aren't worth the person's time or to give people advice not to date someone they might be able to have a beautiful relationship with because they don't have your moral code you don't know what our moral code is you've just said you don't know what to say so you just walk away you said you don't really know what an atheist is so joy tries to tell you so here is joy trying to tell you this is someone who doesn't quite believe that there is somebody out there some God out there well then to me you're an idiot okay well I'm cool with that I'm probably not the right politically correct it's not that it's not the politically correct thing to say is that it's a non defensible statement you don't know the other side you don't know why I don't feel stupid for not believing in God I also didn't feel stupid for believing in God it is not the case that you must be an idiot to take one of those positions but I know your side because I've been religious you don't know mine but if you don't believe in God I mean really you gotta have an explanation for this and you can tell me just spun out of a gastrous ball yeah and then all of a sudden then we were evolved from monkeys why we still got monkeys it's too much open here just believe that and if you don't believe that then I don't like talking to you I say so he done sort of points of this idea that atheists have this scientific basis and that he summarizes two big things the Big Bang and evolution in ways that are totally not compatible with science of course you think it's stupid if you think that it's just some big gaseous ball if you don't actually understand what happened and not just that if you don't actually understand the theory behind the Big Bang and all of the predictive power it is had and that's one of the beautiful things about science the fact that when you make these hypotheses that eventually elevate two theories you can use that to predict certain things so they were able to predict background radiation and certain behaviors of gravity and black holes before actually discovering it and then went and found them and validated those ideas and anybody who says we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys clearly has never made the most basic attempt to understand evolution so let me be clear we did not evolve from modern-day monkeys modern-day monkeys and us have a common ancestor that is as silly and has the same meaning as saying monkeys evolved from humans and the reason there are still monkeys is because monkeys are good at being monkeys evolution wasn't striving for humanity and that is the arrogance of so often these religious positions because they cannot conceptualize anything where humans aren't at just the absolute top tier of everything evolu doesn't care if humans exist and it wasn't aiming for humans and humans aren't necessarily more evolved than monkeys monkeys are good at surviving that's why they evolved to exist humans are good at surviving that's why they evolved to exist because the natural pressures that push down on them they emerged from with the abilities to adapt and cope to those pressures and to tell you the truth I don't really mind when people don't believe in evolution I mind when they profess proofs that it doesn't make any sense or that it's false when they don't understand the very basics of it the wire they're still monkeys question has literally never been a good one and this is why society needs secular people and atheist people because there is going to be religion getting in the way of fact I'm not saying don't have religion but at the level of society in government we cannot have religious obstruction so I hope for the day that I can run for office maybe even a federal office openly as an atheist full disclosure we did have one openly atheist senator he did lose his re-election after coming out as an atheist however it wouldn't be fair of me to say that was because he was an atheist while I can't say it didn't play a part it seems unlikely that it did I don't know if anyone knows Steve Harvey Tom he can come on any time and discuss this but it's honestly sad to me to see people especially from communities that religion is so ingrained come in and help empower those communities against things that are absolute facts I don't care if you're white black Republican liberal when I hear anti science things come out of your mouth if you have a large public platform and you are going to spew these absolutely anti scientific ideas that I have a big problem with you especially if your justification seems to just come from musings total non understanding of those things you are claiming to refute but Steve at the end of the day at least you and I can both agree that your mustache game goes unchallenged it is top tier that's it for dear mr. atheist thank you so much for watching hey follow the secret link of the day below I keep forgetting to mention it secret link fun stuff go see new people they're dope don't forget to follow on twitter at dear mr. atheist as well as my twitch channel where i will be playing games and talking to atheists and theists about whatever debating discussions all that kind of stuff we are starting soon it got set back a little bit this week but that all is turning up soon it's gonna be a lot of fun I think hey check out these patrons here and also these videos one of them suggested by me and one from the algorithm which is which we'll never know today's patron of the day is ygo insider which I believe stands for yugioh insider thank you again so much for watching stay skeptical my friends [Music]
Channel: Mr Atheist
Views: 170,132
Rating: 4.9185028 out of 5
Keywords: atheism (religion), religion debate, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, atheism debate, evidence for god, atheist in politics, atheist politics, dear mr. atheist, dear mr atheist, steve harvey, never date an atheist, Atheists Aren't Elected, why are there still monkeys, evolution, young earth creation, steve harvey cringe
Id: vuAY5ZXWx00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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