Jehovahs Witnesses Spread Anti-College Propaganda

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I was planning out a video on some essential oils stuff but I had to put it on hold when a fan told me to check out the newest Caleb in Sofia video I gave it a watch thinking it couldn't possibly be as bad as the anti-gay one they did I was very wrong I don't know if it's worse but it's up there a close second so let's take a look at it and see what they're teaching children let's get into it [Music] Jesus always made you over happy Satan didn't like this he tried everything to get Jesus to do what was wrong if you were a son of God tell these stones to become loaves of bread it is written man must not live on bread alone if you are a son of God throw yourself down for the angels will carry you on their hands so you may not strike your foot against the stone prove it to them again it is written you must not put you over your God to the test [Music] see all this glory it is mine and I give it to whomever I wish and all these things I will give to you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me go away see for it is written it is Jehovah your God you must worship and it is to him alone we must render sacred service so this is a what a parable lots of people know this one it's about Jesus going into the wilderness and fasting for a while and in the Gospels it talks about how he was approached by Satan and tempted with food and gold and riches and all that junk lots of Christians take this to be a story from which they can derive moral value but Jehovah's Witnesses actually believe this to be a real literal event they take the strangest things literally it's almost like they arbitrarily pick whatever to believe is literal anyways they actually talk about this parable in their new book pure worship of Jehovah I swear I don't intend to keep plugging my podcast like this it just seems relevant so I'll mention it again I'm giving their new book a read-through on my podcast I read through the book thirty minutes at a time once a week links are in the description the podcast can be found on iTunes SoundCloud and YouTube so give it a listen if you want to see what their new book has to say they introduced some pretty big changes in it anyways like I was saying the parable they're talking about here is in their new book the very first chapter in fact okay let's continue with the video Jesus was determined to make Jehovah happy but this story isn't over this is your story - what do you mean dad well what you do can make Jehovah happy our text is morning proverbs 27 11 do you remember what that says be wise my son and make my heart rejoice notice they said our text is morning proverbs 27 11 do you remember what that says the daily text the thing you mentioned there just now is a dissection of a different Bible verse for every day of the year and new ones are released on a yearly basis the family supposed to get together and read the text every morning that's just another subtle hint at something they're supposed to be doing I know I mentioned this every time I address this type of propaganda but I feel like it deserves another mention this video is produced by Jehovah's Witnesses leadership everything in it is designed to evoke a certain feeling everything in it is there for a very specific purpose even down to the music and the sound effects that mention of the text is just one more example of a subtle hint that they stuck in there so here we're seeing a quote-unquote temptation that Caleb is having of course Jehovah's Witnesses are complete pacifists and we see this kid staring at a soldier longing to be like him presumably because of some video game he plays they put up the soldier because they want kids and the kids parents to know that video games movies and TV shows that have soldiers in them are evil that might feel like an extrapolation just wait we'll get there in a minute and you'll see what I mean good memories of you that scripture is talking about you what you do every day not only big things but also small things you do can make his heart rejoice [Music] [Music] remember today's text children I know you'll make Java happy let's pray just make note of that poster for the moment as I said they place everything in these videos for a very specific reason if you see it in frame then it's because they want to call up certain ideas and emotions in the viewers but this specific video is mostly designed for Jehovah's Witnesses who are already indoctrinated they make some videos specifically for public consumption but this one is a little too on-the-nose for the regular member of the public just like the anti-gay video members of the general public did not react well to that they'll typically show the non controversial ones at the door instead of videos like this one it's a pop quiz today now Sophia if you a cyst esthe you'll be number one in the whole class [Music] [Music] [Music] number one in the hey Caleb you want to play come on it's fun forget it he's a loser let me play with it are you gonna play or not [Applause] you gotta play so now it's expanding on each kids temptation will take them one at a time Caleb's temptation is to play video games notice how everything goes purple when he starts playing remember a minute ago when they showed Jesus being tempted by Satan that's just another subtle part of the propaganda they display a scene with something that's clearly recognizable as bad and then they put a dark purple filter over then they show something that's clearly recognizable as good and they put a bright yellow filter on it it's just another method of linking certain emotions to what's happening there maligning video games here it doesn't even say what type of video game it is these are just kids playing some random unnamed game system that kind of gets under my skin in a more general sense because some people talk about how bad video games are and how they make people do bad things to me that's an equally ridiculous argument as rock music makes people want to sin or as the thinking atheist is mentioned that he's been told before dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire people will always try to blame something they don't understand for bad behavior but there are real actual answers to be had we don't have to wonder if games make somebody more violent we could just look at the scientific studies and find out no more wondering if rock and roll music makes you sin and for reference there is no link between violent videogames and behavior I looked it up specifically for this video it's nothing more than fear-mongering there's a link to an article in the description and in that article there's a link to a scientific research paper showing that there's no link this is legitimately no different than rock and roll fear-mongering from the 1950s okay let's continue with the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's that purple filter again now at first glance it looks like Sophia's temptation is cheating on a test right sure cheating is wrong but is that actually what they're trying to communicate this is where the propaganda gets really subtle and insidious remember earlier when they showed the picture of the person in a graduation cap and remember when the teacher said now Sophia if you a cyst esthe you'll be number one in the whole class and notice how the purple filter isn't just over the part where she's tempted to cheat but it's also over the part where she's giving a success speech [Music] [Applause] [Music] if that isn't enough to convince you they're saying her temptation is getting an education just wait there's more let's continue [Music] [Music] that's okay [Music] no thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there it is not only did she leave it blank but there's any race mark on the paper she wrote an answer and then decided jehovah wanted her to not succeed in school this is the message they're trying to deliver not just to parents but to the children who watch this fail in school you don't want success you should just not answer questions rather than be the top student this is a step past as simple don't go to college and it's crossed into actively telling kids to fail in school what is wrong with these people it's reasonably overt here I mean they did dance around it a little bit by adding in the cheating element but it isn't always even this over it's all through their literature in fact let me just read an excerpt from their new book I covered this part on the podcast last night it's in Chapter one it's talking about the temptations that Satan was putting Jesus through it says Jesus thus rejected the attraction of a prominent but short-lived worldly career and an easy life that is on the nose if I've ever seen it they didn't come out and say it in the book but it's heavily heavily implied and that kind of thing is constant it's all through their literature and culture going to college is a waste of time it's wrong you don't want to be sitting in a classroom when Armageddon comes which will be any five minutes now you want to be knocking on doors even if you can't pay rent it doesn't matter you're making a sacrifice for Jehovah aka the organization they use the names interchangeably check out this article on their website it's called how do jehovah's witnesses view education near the bottom of the article they have a subheading that says higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers then they list some quote unquote misconceptions misconception 1 money brings happiness and security I beg to differ how can they possibly argue that money doesn't bring security it absolutely does of course the governing body members behind this article have no idea what it's like to live in the real world missing rent because they don't have the money getting evicted from their apartment because the people who they grew up trusting inherently told them they don't need a good job they're safe in Bethel aka their cult compound no worries about paying rent there no concerns about being evicted they just get their de facto slaves in mind if not body to pay for the materials and build it for them and they're set up for life misconception 2 higher education can provide prestige or status actually they aren't disputing that they go into more detail in the paragraph below it they quote somebody named Nina gallery a former prime minister of Georgia apparently as saying young people who did not get a degree were a disgrace to their families then the paragraph says the Bible warns against seeking prominence in this world it sounds to me like this woman is saying the families in Georgia just encouraged kids to get an education and a good job so they didn't have to live below the poverty line their whole lives I've lived poor before I've made $12,000 a year I've missed rent and been evicted before I've wondered where my next meal was coming from I've eaten nothing but toast and ramen noodles because I didn't have enough money for anything else I've weighed 120 pounds before because I didn't have a goddamn penny to my name have they have the governing body members ever experienced that they should be embarrassed by what they're doing to people misconception 3 each person should set his own standards of right and wrong the paragraph says in the university environment practices that God condemns such as drunkenness drug use and sex outside marriage are often common and even encouraged I knew a ton of people who weren't into that kind of stuff they were there to learn and nothing else it seemed like they benefit more from having an educated population who made lots of money than to cripple their members financially and in turn themselves they've found ways around that by having their members build Kingdom Hall's and then selling them off so really the only people who suffer are the kids who grow up believing University is bad and finally here's the fourth alleged misconception higher education is a best way to improve the world the paragraph says we recognize that many pursue higher education not to gain wealth prestige or illicit pleasure but to improve themselves in the world these are noble goals but Jehovah's Witnesses have chosen a different path then they go on to basically say that they improve the world by spreading the good news not by ending hunger or finding a cure for cancer or something that's actually productive they want people to grow up to be window cleaners so they can knock on doors full-time instead of succeeding in life it's right there in black and white in their new book on their website and it's in full HD in this propaganda video for children even going so far as to tell kids to intentionally fail test [Music] and finally as one last dig they show that God is watching everything they do if you do something wrong he'll be watching don't disappoint him they drive that point home pretty hard and really they have been since I was little in fact I've told this story before but when my sister was little like eight or something my mom caught her changing clothes under the kitchen table because she didn't want Jehovah to see my mom lapped that up thought it was the cutest thing ever in reality she was observing the consequences of mentally and emotionally scarring a child making her think that everything she said in did was being watched and judged does anybody doubt this is child abuse at this point I'm not gonna go as far as to say that all religion is child abuse I don't think I feel that way sometimes religious belief is mostly benign but there is a line and Jehovah's Witnesses have crossed it the sad part is that they've been crossing it for years and there's nothing anybody can do to stop them at least right now the best we can do is talk about it understand that it's happening and that it isn't okay spread awareness about it I won't stop talking about it as long as there's air in my lungs anyways that's all I've got for you don't forget to follow me on patreon YouTube is a very volatile market from one month to the next it's impossible to tell if my channel's gonna completely disappear or no patreon gives me that added level of stability that I can't possibly have with YouTube also check me out on discord and all social media and if you're interested in listening to me read through the new Jehovah's Witness book called pure worship of Jehovah follow my podcast on YouTube SoundCloud and iTunes soon to be other places also check out my science channel and don't forget the secret link of the day thanks for watching guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 281,318
Rating: 4.8204989 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, video, telltale, telltail, jehovahs witnesses, propaganda, college, jehovahs witnesses spread anti college propaganda, university, education, caleb and sophia, caleb, sophia, jehovah, jesus, god, bible, cult, religion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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