Christ is Supreme - Worship Him with Ptr. Peter Tan-chi

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it's always a joy to be in CC of Alabama I have lots of friends that are not so young anymore and just like wine they get sweeter as the years go by turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor welcome you know today I'm gonna continue our series on the book of Colossians but before I do that I want to really let you know from the bottom of my heart I'm so glad that I'm here to speak to all of you you may be asking why not come here more often now you may not realize this CCF we have around 70 satellites if I were to speak to its satellite once a week I would even finish the round robin and then we have international satellites all over the world and they are all growing so God has amazingly blessed yes we are a worldwide discipleship church planting movement so let's give God the glory now some of you may not have seen my wife for some time now honey why don't you stand up and get them okay that's my lovely wife now quick review we're going to start a series on the book of Colossians last Sunday pastor Ben's talk about Colossians you remember how many chapters are there in the book of Colossians how many louder four so here's the outline four chapters divided into two parts four chapters the first part has to do it right believing say that with me right believing then when you have right believing what are you gonna do you will have right living it's always believing first and then living you have the same outline in Ephesians the same outline in Colossians if you look at the Bible God always tells you what to believe first because you need strength you need power and then he tells you what to do and book of Colossians is so simple the first part deals with who crisis what it did for us then the next part deals with everybody with what Christ does in through us so you're gonna learn this in the coming weeks today our focus is on Colossians chapter 1 we will talk about the preeminence of Christ verse 1 chapter 1 15 to 20 to 20 basically verse 19 everybody let's read this together again right believing will result in right living now how many of you recently heard the news about this famous TV host show the name is Matt Lohr Roy how do you pronounce his name Matt Lauer how many of you have heard about what happened to him he's one of the highest-paid if not the highest paid TV anchor but he was fired he was kicked out why how many of you have heard of Harvey Weinstein famous powerful TV producer they also got rid of him how many of you have heard of this famous Democratic congressman his first name is Al Frank and then the other one is another famous Democrat politicians they have been in politics for thirty years they have one thing in common they sincerely believe what they are doing will not be made known it's called sexual harassment doing something not right with the opposite sex and they all thought nobody will spill the beans in fact one of the congressman said I'm so ashamed I'm so embarrassed that's it but he won't resign it is really funny the people don't realize we are product of our belief system I sincerely believe if they knew what will happen to them imagine your career after 30 years at the pinnacle of your career suddenly you'll be disgraced brought down will you do it I don't think so see that truth is all of you believe in something and we are all theologians in the sense I always tell people you are a theologian the only question is a real good theologian or a bad theologian but whatever you do look at your own life it's a product of your belief system think about it all your actions it's because you believe in something consciously or unconsciously today I'm gonna share with you the important mindset of knowing who Jesus is the title today is so simple Christ is supreme what must we do worship Him turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor Christ is supreme merciful so when I see you next week I bump into you and I ask you what was the message last Sunday what we don't tell me don't tell me it's a good message you need to know and apply so the application is because of who Jesus is what must we do worship Him what does it mean to worship Him well let me give you a definition of worship everybody let's do this together worship it is the proper response to who God is what he has done and continues to do in our lives so who crisis what he has done for you what he has done for me and what he continues to do our response is worship therefore let's give example of worship because of what Christ has done for you because of what he has done for me how should we respond to him anybody when you say worship all right so give me example of worship his gratitude worship his thankfulness worship yes or no it's singing for him worship it's praising him worship it's obedience worship so worship is a very important word I believe many problems in the Christian community will be reduced or resolved if we live a life of worship because worship is centered on who crisis do you realize the biggest attack on Christianity today is Jesus the book of Colossians was written because people were saying it is not enough to believe in Jesus it is not enough that Jesus died for us you need something more therefore Jesus is not supreme you need something more my friend is Jesus enough you will not know until you get to know him see there's a big difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus just like our president if I were to ask you do you know president 230 how many people say yes see many of you will probably say yes you know about him I know about him and I've met him I've shown his hand but I don't think I know him knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus are not the same the evidence of knowing Jesus is how you worship I'm gonna show that to you in a short while for example if you know Jesus will you love him if you know Jesus will you obey Him all errors heresies idolatrous offenses abuses and godliness in the church have originally risen because of wrong view of Jesus that's why all false religion will attack who Jesus is today I want to share with you from Colossians 3 aspects of who Jesus is what's the theme today Jesus is supreme right so you must worship Him so there are three things I want to talk to you about the supremacy of Jesus Jesus is supreme in our salvation Jesus is supreme in creation Jesus is supreme in the church so let's look at those verses that describe the supremacy of Jesus and why we should worship Him everybody let's now begin Colossians chapter 1 13 and 14 I believe this was discussed by Vince Berger later but let's read this together now everybody for him rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us the kingdom of his beloved son in whom we have Redemption the forgiveness of sins a few important words I highlighted the first one is rescued the Bible tells us you and I have been rescued if you don't understand your original position what happened to you in the past and what God did for us you won't have a heart of gratitude you know why the next important word is the word redemption redemption is a word use freely in the time of Jesus in a time of the Apostle Paul during Roman times can I have that word use the time of Jesus in the time of the Apostle Paul the Roman Empire had more they had more slaves than Freeman it was a very powerful Empire every time they conquer a nation they make them slaves so imagine that picture you have more slaves than free men it slaves are not always the poor you can have doctors you can have lawyers who are slaves however the only way to get out of slavery is the word Redemption you need to pay your way up because sometimes you are slaves because you were sold by your family sometimes you were asleep because you are a captive you are a prisoner so the only way you get out is you need to redeem the closest illustration we have in the Philippines is when you go to a pawn shop remember you pawned something and how do you get it back redeem the Bible uses that word Redemption it is a business transaction it is a legal transaction that says you have been set free because in the days of Jesus when you are in debt they put you in jail there's a warrant of arrest you will never know when they will come and confiscate everything and put you in jail you cannot run away from debt so Redemption is a precious word the next important word is the word forgiveness notice it says here everybody read one more time in whom we have Redemption the forgiveness of sins forgiveness is the real problem today psychologists throughout the Western world have been trying to help people overcome the problem of forgiveness so what they try to do is very secular they will not use the word sin they will not use the word you need forgiveness they will use the word you are a victim it's not your fault that's why you are feeling bad you are a victim so you don't seem responsibility and if you don't assume responsibility you don't need to ask for forgiveness however in the Bible the Bible is crystal clear you and I have a heart problem and because of sin you have no peace and the only way you can have peace based on the Bible is for you to experience genuine forgiveness and forgiveness comes when you admit when you recognize what you have done and you come to Jesus do you realize people today have a hard time forgiving themselves our Center of somebody who tried to commit suicide seven times and he tells me he feels guilty many times because he's a Christian he he he believes he's a Christian he knows the Lord so I shared with him you must learn to forgive yourself God has forgiven you admit your mistake move on Satan also paralyzes he does not want you to experience real forgiveness but in Jesus he is supreme in our salvation in a way he died on the cross for your sins so he accomplished the intention and with that redemption there is for giveness so you need to learn to receive forgiveness from Jesus but above all you need to learn to forgive yourself you need to learn to forgive others then you turn to your neighbor and tell your neighbor I forgive you and then your neighbor will say why are you asking why are you telling me what have I done wrong what are you forgiving me see if you can say in case anyway my whole point is this my home my whole pond is this many Christians find it hard to forgive and the reason what they find is hard to forgive they have never understood forgiveness you know when I experienced forgiveness from God no in my life I have a heart of gratitude I was so thankful that I been forgiven Jesus gave a story when he was in the hospital Pharisee the Pharisee did not show courtesy of Jesus and Jesus said do you remember a woman who is full of sin and Jesus said because she's full of sin she was forgiven and then Jesus asked the Pharisee who will love me more the one who received much forgiveness or the one who received little forgiveness and then the Pharisee said of course the one who received much forgiveness will love you more what the Pharisee did not understand is this he is a product of much forgiveness you see the reason why you and I have a hard time forgiving people you have not realized how much God has unconditionally forgiven you and philippa me so for us believers there's no reason not to forgive don't play that victim mentality people have done me wrong my father have done me wrong throughout your life you'd be blaming others so why do we worship Jesus because he's supreme in our salvation well do you realize once you know what God has done for you you will have a heart of gratitude you heard of joy you would like to come and worship Him I ask people you know sheesh if Alabama is amazing you all come here on time right praise God and none of you like to sit in the back you just want to sit in front because you love to worship the Lord am I correct I hope I was talking to somebody about the importance of knowing salvation and I ask you know he's very religious he grew up in this country but he's not a follower of Jesus yet in my mind I I know and since we have this target of sharing the gospel with 33 people do you remember that target 33 well I was playing golf with this man and on hole number three I asked him I said brother if you were to enter Heaven's Gate and the angels were to ask you why should we let you enter heaven what will you tell the angel he began to sing and he began to think and I told him I'm not gonna tell you you tell me why they should let you enter heaven he was thinking so I kept quiet now you have to imagine now the scenario we are playing off and my son was with us is a successful businessman on hole number nine I only play nine holes you know I'm busy so I played in the afternoon four o clock so by 5:30 we are almost done he said Uncle Peter he calls me uncle Peter I don't know Hawaii he said can you please tell me I said well you tell me in your mind wrong answer right answer it doesn't matter I want to know what your perspective and then he said well because I do good works I think I'm a good man I said yes I also know I'm not that good so he's answering some questions finally said no no you tell me you see when you evangelize when you witness you don't always tell them the answer immunity you ask question you ask question and finally he surrendered then I said the reason why you can never be sure of your answer is because you are always depending on yourself you are always depending on your performance good works you're going to church building you're going you're doing this I said but the answer is very simple you must realize who Jesus is he believes in Jesus but I said you believe in Jesus but you don't depend on Jesus you must realize Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins he paid the penalty your focus must be on Jesus not what you will do for him but what he has done for you and then what you do for him is a byproduct then he said oh thank you then I gave him remember our gospel tract the best decision of your life we revise it my friend if I were to ask you today how many of you are really sure your go to heaven how many of you are sure you know why some of you may not be sure in fact yes you raise your hand a little happen if you are sure you're gonna go to heaven raise your hand no no not too high impress others but I have good news for you until you transfer your faith from yourself from your performance from all the rituals from all your activities to Jesus here is Dimas he died on the cross you will never be sure of your salvation once you are sure of your salvation the impact is worship you begin to worship Him in my case I've learned that worship is whatever you do in response to who God is good works is an abortion singing is not of worship because I do it for Jesus everything I do now is out of my gratitude for Jesus because he gave me salvation forgiveness and redemption all right so why do we worship Jesus he is supreme in our salvation but that only is supreme in our salvation based on what he has done but because of who he is do you know who is Jesus let me share with you who is Jesus supreme in everything let's read this together he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation what in the world does not mean he is the image of the invisible God how can an invisible God have an image well he's invisible the Bible tells us God is spirit you cannot see him but his real image therefore from the Greek word icon it's a manifestation complete revelation of who God is let me give you example in the book of Hebrews let's read this together Jesus and he is the radiance of his glory everybody read the exact representation of his nature upholds all things by the word of his power just in this few verses alone the Bible tells us the glory of God is manifested in Jesus the very nature of God is manifested in Jesus what does it mean for example how do you know God is love how do you know God is holy you look at Jesus how do you know God is all-powerful you look at Jesus he made the blind to see he made the Deaf to hear he made the dumb to speak the paralysis to walk the dead to come back to life Jesus has all power he can stop the wind he can come the sea he casts out demons and the Bible he died and rose again from the dead Jesus tells us he is the one and only unique son of God Jesus is God let me share with you what the Bible is talking about let's read this verse one more time Jesus is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation many people miss interpret this verse mainly false religion will now use this verse the firstborn of all creation to say Jesus was the first created he is the first angel to be created and is a super being that is not what this verse is talking about the word firstborn does not always imply sequence the word firstborn is a title it is discussing the importance the position the importance of that person let me give you example how that word is used in the Bible in the book of Exodus the Bible tells us you shall say to Pharaoh thus says the Lord Israel my son my firstborn Israel it's not the first nation Israel is first born meaning the most important do you understand the word firstborn now it's a title it's significance it is important the highest value the highest ratio firstborn another example of how that is use when it talks about the prophecy about Jesus let's read this together some 89 I shall make him my firstborn the highest of the kings of the earth this verse is not saying that David was the first King he is not saying that Jesus will be the first King but he's saying of all the kings this is the most important firstborn therefore firstborn means what firstborn means highest importance in terms of position highest ranking so if Jesus when the Bible talks about the highest the firstborn of all creation never believed this false religion that says Jesus was created no in fact the Bible tells us the next verse let's read this together everybody Colossians 1:16 for by him all things were created now tell me what is the minimum the world all things in Tagalog lahar in Spanish todo in Chinese long term in Bangla rain shampoo in Orono Byron R is Abu Anas what I'm trying to say according to the Bible for by Jesus all things were created by him he was not created he created what oh do you understand that all things were created by Jesus in the heavens and on earth now to make it crystal clear the Bible tells us visible and invisible super beings angelic beings is pretty well being visible yes as you can see and those you cannot see there are many things in the universe you don't see but they're real next Thrones dominions rulers authorities in other words Jesus created everything notice the next verse all things have been created everybody through him and for him that for most people don't understand well you may believe that God is a creator Jesus is a creator but you have not understood the meaning of created by Jesus and for Jesus why is that crucial because this has to do with the most fundamental issues of life what's the purpose of life you see many people get depressed they commit suicide because for them there's no more hope life has no meaning idolatry the test of idolatry are as follows let me share with you three tests there are many tests but I want to give you three tests to ask yourself who are you really were shipping test number one the trace of devotion love who do you love most you see idolatry is anything that takes the place of God in your life anything that takes the place of God in your life that idolatry we are to worship Jesus the problem is this our heart has a tendency to worship the wrong thing so what do I mean by the test of love how many are singles change this way button Singles way but me higher higher I love singles higher just worried about me come on come on singles they know you're single so just I tell singles if you say I will really only be happy when I get married you're not ready to get married because whoever that person is whatever that thing is marries everything in your mind that has become your Idol because you're equating happiness with that thing if you aren't able to be happy single don't think by getting married you'll be happy if you're a miserable single and you get married you'll be doubly miserable I'm serious the test of love what is it have you loosened your life loses meaning unites many people the idea idol is ministry if they don't have this position if they don't have this ministry they go to depression you know what I tell them you're not worshipping Jesus ya worshipping ministry you're worshiping family members for some people they worship the people's impression of them their image the test of your love next test the test of your security what are you depending on for your security there are many many people they say it's gone but in reality it's their money in reality is their job your security is dependent on things position job you know I tell our pastors I praise God for she she she she takes good care of our pastors by the grace of God now not all of us are paid many of us they follow my example after this day we are self-supporting no problem but the is our blessing is not because we depend on people or CCF our blessings depend on who do you realize your well-being your securities on the Lord see don't think it's people once you put your faith on people they will disappoint you the next test how do you know you are not committing idolatry I call it the test of obedience who are you serving Jesus tells us in the book look why do you call me Lord Lord and not do what I say let me repeat why do you call me Lord and not do what I say see my friends you know I need to grow many people are not disciple properly so they don't live a life of worship a life of worship if you realize Jesus is supreme that's a life of joy understand gratitude if you realize Jesus is our Creator he has all power he can provide for all our needs nothing is impossible what will happen to your life peace rested knees you worship Him therefore I want to share with you the importance of all things let's leave the last part all things have been made everybody read all things have been made by but they say all we have been made through him and for him now I discovered in my many years of ministry why is it that some Christians are not joyful why is it that some Christians are getting bored let me tell you why while you have come to know Jesus but you have forgotten the purpose of why Jesus saved your life you have forgotten the most fundamental issues of life what will I do was the purpose of my life why is that important you will never be all that God designed you to be until you surrender to his purpose let me give you example many years ago my son enjoyed driving I got a new car it's a 4x4 he was so excited and every time there is flood in this country in the Philippines you know the meaning of the word flood you know what my son will do he will bring up the 4x4 and he will go to the flooded area and I tell my son this is a car it is not designed to swim it is not designed to go through water it is a car a boat can go through water but this is a car you use it on the dry ground road it may go through the water but it is not a boat why because the designer has a purpose the designer of the car has certain limitations it has certain parameters example all of you you have cell phone now there of course you know what I did with my cell phone some time ago I went swimming with my self guess what happened my cell phone it was not designed for underwater by the way this is Samsung of him it has one of the best camera feature whether it is a gift okay everything I have is a gift praise God however it has limitations why is that important many of us don't know who Jesus is and that's why you don't appreciate that creators manual the designer a designer will tell you how to best use the product God invented sex God gave us sexual pleasure it's as limitations young people don't know this so they think free sex is wonderful but you are not designed for them marriage is wonderful but there are parameters family is a gift but there are parameters until you live your life in accordance with that creators manual purpose design you will not be all that God wants you to be and then you'll be amazed how come I don't have any more joy in my Christian life let me tell you very simple you were made by Christ for Christ if you are not serving him how in the world will experience the fullness of life so it's very important when you worship Jesus you align your will to his will you live for him see God loves us our biggest problem is we don't know Jesus and let me tell you the truth if you really don't know Jesus very well how will you worship Him well what will you be excited you know I observe people on Sunday when they sing I realized many of you sing but there are some of you you know how you worship God you know why you don't sing perhaps you are not excited about him perhaps you don't really know him how can you not be excited about worship when you have personal experience forgiveness Redemption when you realize he is your Creator he loves you my goodness if you are invited to go to Melania example to see the president let me tell you how will you dress up what dam will live in Melania if your appointment is example 10 o clock what time will you be there what time all I'm trying to say is this you watch your behavior because your behavior is a reflection of your belief system so you and I need to grow people are asking why do I serve God and to shut them can I tell you why I serve God with enthusiasm to miss the privilege the greatest privilege in my life is to serve my Savior my Creator my Maker it's a great privilege why do I worship Jesus he does he's God and the Bible tells us God is seeking and looking for true worshipers let's look at the Bible who is Jesus as let's read this together in the beginning was the everybody in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God grammatically intellectually do you understand this verse in the beginning in the Greek language before there was time think in the beginning everything as a beginning except the Creator even scientists have humbly accepted there is a beginning matter is not eternal they believe in the Big Bang Theory today that something got everything started because they measure the radiation all over is the same but it is slowly winding down when something is winding down that means there has to be a beginning if the heat in the universe is slowly winding down that means once upon a time somebody put heat into it it cannot be eternal in the beginning let's read was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God my goodness read the next verse all everyone say oh one more time per expression Oh things came into being through him apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being what is the meaning of the word nothing in Tagalog well in Spanish by lagana Sabatino in other words nothing came apart from Jesus do you know what kind of power it is to create life think about it the greatest scientists today with all the accumulated knowledge we have cannot even create a living cell up to today my friend who is the world let's read this together and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory glory as of the only begotten from the father full of grace and truth who is the word at the Bible who is the word you should let the Bible speaks for itself Jesus was not created one of the biggest cult in the Philippines tells us Jesus is not God there can only be one creator yes or no and the Bible tells us let's rediscover no one has seen God at any time the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father he has explained him you know what this verse is telling me no one has seen God except for Jesus and you will not know who God is apart from Jesus let me repeat the Bible tells us you will not know God apart from Jesus and you will not know Jesus apart from the will of God so this is my best explanation about the try unity of God why you should worship Jesus God the Father is God God the Son is God the Holy Spirit is God we don't have three gods one God comprendes manifested eternally in three persons God our Father God a son got a spirit but we don't have three guns one gun the father is not the son the son it's not the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit isn't the father they're distinct at the same time there are one for you to understand this just humble yourself you are finite you can understand the infinite gun if you can understand the infinite God your God I don't understand infinity let me share with you something up blow your mind let's read this together about Jesus let's read it together you ready go my goodness the Bible says Jesus is before all things in him all things hold together what in the world does that mean do you know scientist to this day don't understand what holds the universe together in why they do understand how can you understand God in His infinite wisdom made sure that the nuclear forces all over the universe is perfectly balanced do you know our atoms are perfectly balanced that they are together it takes a lot of power and force to put those things together you know why only Jesus can do them let's do this together to the degree that your life is under the kingship of price to that degree your life will hold together in other words you must align your life under the lordship of our Creator he designed you do you believe God wants what's best for you be honest do you believe God wants what's best for you louder do you know he knows what's best for you how do you know he knows what's best for you excuse me he made us he knows and you know that he really really wants what's best for you well then the best thing to do is what to the degree your life is under the kingship of Christ to the degree your life will hold together your family your financial life your private life surrender to Jesus everybody win and the degree you are not under his lordship and under his mastery and not under his obedience to that degree your life will fall apart why do you think many Christians some of them start out well they know Jesus but something happened they stopped surrendering their lives to Jesus the Dauphine is well their life falls apart very simple you need Jesus that's why I worship Him I thank him one of the richest or one of those rich men is this guy Kirk Steffensen Kirk Steffensen was a multi-millionaire banker a financier but you know yes its own business at the age of 47 he threw himself under a train you know his world his world fell apart because his security was in money when there was financial crisis but it was these guys are so rich even they lose a lot of money they can live on continiously but because their lives are not under the lordship of Jesus its fell apart no I'm not gonna say everybody will commit suicide but I've seen so many people they'll they lose their joy they are no longer vibrant they just go through life I've seen families fall apart I've seen Christian families fall apart and I'm sad and there's only one major reason you don't live a life of worship to live a life of worship means you put Jesus first in everything private life public life you find joy in Jesus and if you don't find joy in Jesus that's not worship can you imagine because of who Jesus is what he has done for us and you don't find joy in him you don't look forward to serving him what's going on you need to grow you need to know Jesus more and more you know the Sun you know let me just give you some pictures of the solar system in the universe how far are we from the Sun how far do you know you forgotten your physics 93 million miles away the surface temperature of the Sun eleven thousand five hundred eleven thousand five hundred degree Fahrenheit no don't worry about that my whole point is this if the Sun it's just less than one percent less than one percent warmer life would not survive if the Sun is just one percent cooler we won't survive what I'm trying to say is this Jesus when he made this world he calibrated it in such a way that everything is precise example the distance of the moon to the Sun do you know if the distance is a bit closer you may have tidal waves just a bit further away the ocean will die everything has to be what precise do you know the gravity of the planet has to be so precise if not you will have atmosphere you won't have this atmosphere oxygen helium nitrogen will not be here it will dissipate but if the gravity is a bit too strong it cannot work also we will perish everything has to be free there are thousands of all of these things that has to be precise example what is planet Earth what your address did is zero home address now what's the biggest planet that's near the earth which was Jupiter with no whites near the earth at the precisely the same place there because without Jupiter we will be hit by asteroids by meteors because it is like a vacuum cleaner the gravity so big it will suck in all the falling debris in the universe however if you make the gravity of Jupiter stronger will be pulled out of our orbit nothing will survive in other words everything has to be precise let's look at our solar system and there what galaxy do you know how large is our Milky Way it is not so big only 100,000 light years what is hundred thousand light years one light years is equivalent to five point eight trillion miles traveling at the speed of light if you travel at the speed of light how fast is the speed of light how fast is one second say that with me one thousand one ready go one thousand one oh you've traveled around here seven times that's how fast the speed of light is now listen to me 100,000 light years across how many stars are there in our galaxy Milky Way how many billions over 100 200 billion stars one of the biggest star that's near the Sun is called pistol star that pistol star can accommodate 1 million Sun our Sun that's how big our universe Milky Way but that's nothing now how many how many stars in our galaxy how many what did I say does it build hundreds of billions now how many galaxies are there in the universe do you know all of those white dots that you see they're not stars they're all galaxies there are billions and billions hundreds of billions of galaxies and who made them he's got amazing praise God I tell you do you have a big problem here a big problem nothing compared to Jesus how big is Jesus if we can create this universe precise calibration do you think he can solve your problem you know why some of you are always sad you go to sea ship and a bomb like you attending a funeral service you know why you don't have joy because you don't know the Lord do you know you all to the world to be the happiest people on earth because you have every reason to be happy people who don't know Jesus who don't have Jesus honestly there's no reason to be happy I'll be depressed somebody ask the leaders of the united nation do you feel there is hope you know if they talk privately there's no hope the whole world we're surface we want to kill ourselves it can be depressing but I'm so excited you know why Jesus is our Savior he is our Creator the designer and lastly Jesus is the head of our church are you aware of that alright let's read this together Jesus he's the head of the body the church he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead so that himself would have first place in everything let me explain to you the meaning Jesus is the head of the body the church what does it mean here are the implications what is the church the church is the body of Christ in simple English put this in your mind people in the world today don't see Jesus they only see Jesus through his body the church through us if you love people people realize Jesus is love that's the picture God wants you to know he is the head and we are the body meaning we are interdependent now there are many Christians today who had no concept because of wrong belief equals what's wrong behavior you don't understand we are made for each other we need each other many Christians especially from Alabama I'm not talking to you well from CCF as a general rule she she asked questions by the grace of God are very educated we met service we are probably one of the most educated congregation in the whole Philippines college degrees Master degrees educated financially bless many of us are professionals you have jobs these kind of people who are successful in the marketplace have a tendency and nothing all but you and I have a natural tendency to not want to submit to Authority you have a natural tendency to do things your own way you want to be independent because the truth is this you feel you don't need anybody else because you're financially ok your career is OK and that my friend is poison when it comes to the church because God made us as a body you need each other you know that truth is this I used to tolerate the differences because we are not the same now as I grew older in the faith I don't tolerate I celebrate the differences I praise God that you and I are different are you not happy we are different look at your voice tell your wife I'm so glad we are different you know why because God made us different because you have different gifts you have different burdens but we are one body in Christ and how do we glorify Christ the most if we work together as a unit let me repeat the most dangerous Christians the most dangerous Christian leaders are those without accountability because they have not understood we have one body in Jesus the head and Jesus has appointed the church there are leadership structure that we will become what account above one of the greatest blessings I have experience in CCF is accountability where others I remember one time I wanted to invest in st. Francis Square because the owner was giving us an amazing price and then the two towers beside him he said I will build you a bridge you can have this the worship place and the different floors for Sunday School and I give you good terms yet to me Wow no brainer but price but the others I can sense they don't like it they say what are we gonna invest you are we gonna be here forever they simply ask the question are we gonna be here forever why why do we need to invest you and want to push my weight but that was the best decision you know why after that offer and we turn it down one year later that company went into receivership and because of that look at us now we were offered a better place do you know Steve headquarter where are we now in 10 the Citiz see five if we are invested in San Francisco we won't have this place you know why God knew the all I'm says this we are one body I praise God you know I used my wife used to ask me honey do you really like me to be like you you do you like me to be like you because I always try to help my wife come better and she said you really like me to be like you and one day I said I thought about it yes said yes and then I realized the world will be boring if my wife is gonna be like me because we are really different my wife is very creative she's very spontaneous and Here I am man my life is so regiment you can predict where I will be at 6 o clock at 7 o clock I've routines I praise God honey I'm so glad we're different and because of that my character have change you should we need each other so be careful when you don't want to be part of a community and you want to be alone no to worship Jesus as the head of the church means you will work together for his glory for his honor it is nothing about you it is never your ministry it's never your reputation it's all about Jesus and we need each other and the fact and the Bible tells us it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him in other words Jesus 100% 900 person who God and the Bible says the fullness of God is in Jesus and if you and I as a church submit to Jesus the very glory and presence of Christ is manifested in the church and that's why I believe CC palpable will be a mighty force because I see unity I see love in all of you Satan's ploy is division Satan's ploy is for us to divide the body so that Christ will not be honored so I make it a role in my life relationship relationship relationship is crucial humility humility humility I praise God for the CCF leadership team with values either we humble ourselves we'll all work together for what purpose everybody Jesus Jesus our Lord Savior yes or no yes do you know this concept is so important that Jesus has to be the center of our attraction everything have you heard of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci painted many famous paintings but one of them is the Last Supper you remember now if you have time you google or you see that picture again in the Last Supper when he finished the painting there was a cup in the hand of Jesus and one of his artists friend told him Wow the cup is so beautiful when the Nardo the vinci heard it he repainted the painting he repented that portion you know why anything that takes away the attention of the people from Jesus I will remove so he removed the cup so today if you look at the painting of the Last Supper you see the two hands of Jesus no cup because we are neither the Vinci said nothing should take away people's eyes and attention on Jesus you know I applied that spiritually when people look at my life my prayer is this nothing will take their eyes away from Jesus I want my family and I want our ministry I want our lives to point people to whom to Jesus that's the meaning of war he's worthy he deserves your best somebody who knows worship is this famous lady by the name of funny crossed me have you heard of funny cross be but you have higher excuse me you don't know Fanny Crosby Fanny Crosby is a very prolific hymn writer she wrote 9,000 hymns 9,000 hymns one of those hymns you love to sing blessed assurance Jesus is mine you know that so blessed assurance Jesus is mine alright what about that song to God be the glory to God be the glory great things you know that song that's written by Fanny Crosby funny Crosby was blind and her blindness was caused by human errors when she was a little baby a doctor miss applied the medicine say quack doctor they could have sued the doctor there could be there could have been a lot of bitterness but enough Fanny Crosby learned what true worship is she surrendered her life to Jesus at the age of 8 imagine at the age of eight she wrote a poem somebody who knows Jesus do you know at that point can I tell you that point let's read together everybody oh what a happy soul I am although I cannot see I am resolved that in this world contented I will be how many blessings I enjoy that other people don't twit inside because I am blind I cannot and I want somebody who knows Jesus he memorized five chapters a week and he has memorized the first five books of the Bible Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy he memorized lots of sounds proverbs scriptures Fanny Crosby loved the Lord she served the Lord and when she was invited to speak in a church she overheard a pastor saying how I wish God gave you the gift of eyesight he knows he said immediately when she heard that statement she said do you know if at birth I've been able to make one prayer request it would have been I was born blind never sure because when I get to heaven the first face that shall ever garden my sight will be that of the face of my Savior here is somebody who knows the Lord and will love the Lord the older I get the more I realize what a privilege life we live I can never understand how Jesus the creator the all-powerful God would love me how Jesus would die for me why did Jesus why did he make me for the rest of eternity I will sing to him places I will worship Him that's what a life of worship is the only proper response for you and for me who knows Jesus Jesus is supreme what must we do let's bow our heads if there's something in your life that is holding you back from worshiping Jesus remember the test what is it in your life there is more important than Jesus notice I'm asking you what is it because I know for a fact all of us have idols the only question is have you recognized the idols of your life what is it that is more important to you that you love more than you love Jesus what is it that you put your security and your confidence in what is it that you really serve well whatever it is I wanna I want you to surrender that Jesus into me sometimes the hardest thing to surrender if your own self is self you have not given your life completely to Jesus you come to Jesus with so many conditions you serve Jesus with so many conditions but you have never surrendered your why perhaps you don't know him you don't appreciate you if you want me to pray for you I want you to surrender that privately to Jesus whatever it is if you have something to surrender to Jesus raise your hands praise God I want to pray for you you have something that's holding you back and today you want to surrender that to Jesus you want me to pray for you will you raise your hands higher praise God higher between you and the Lord you offer that to Jesus anybody else remember the Christian life is the process of demolishing idols we all have idols you just have to grow and surrender them as God we built them to you today God has revealed something to you perhaps I don't know what it is you want to surrender that raise your hand higher praise God many of you whatever it is is in your pride this is yourself you have lost the joy of menacing you know why because Jesus is not all your all let me pray for you you pray this prayer with me with your hand raise up higher pray this prayer Lord Jesus Here I am i humble myself before you I surrender to you my idols nor whatever it is I surrender that to you [Music] and today I give you my all I surrender to you my own my dreams my hopes whatever is holding me back Lord I surrender that to you if you are that person you surrender something why don't you quietly stand up yes stand up you pray that prayer you raise your hand stand up in your same Lord Here I am I surrender to you my all and if God is speaking to you and you are struggling in your chair and God is speaking to you it's not too late stand up because I want you to surrender your all to Jesus today will be something special anybody else stand up don't fight Jesus in your heart you'll never have peace because Jesus is our Creator he designed there is nothing that is so precious that you cannot give to him you hit these verbs your own anybody else I believe today is going to be a day or your life will take a different direction as long as you are willing to surrender your body anybody else between you and Jesus don't don't worry about other people don't worry about your sit leap if they stand up you don't stand up because they're standing up it's between you and Jesus everything is between you and Jesus at the end of the day you stand before him at the end of the day he's the most important the Bible tells a wish and all worship Jesus in the book of Revelation every knee will bow every tongue will worship God and the Lamb of God that's what the Bible says anybody else why don't you start worshiping him today father God in heaven I now pray for those who are standing up Parsa reading were surrendering their old remind us whatever we offer you Lord you are more than happy more than glad to accept it and turn it around into real blessing help us to make our lives count for you help us to live a life of worship whereby we will be a blessing not just to ourselves but to our family and to our community Lord here we are except us as we are we surrender all take over completely in Jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you thank you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 20,809
Rating: 4.719512 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, alabang, sunday, service, peter tan-chi
Id: MBfRFaiEQtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 29sec (4229 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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