CCF The Holy Spirit Part 1

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we will talk about the probably the most important topic you will need to know after knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior if I have one message to give to people who are not sure of their salvation I'm going to talk about Jesus but once you are sure that you will go to heaven based on the teachings of the Bible your assurance is not based on your feeling but it is based on truth the promises of God once you know that the next topic I like to teach will be the Holy Spirit because many people don't realize God has given us the Holy Spirit to teach you how to live the Christian life let me repeat the Holy Spirit is God's provision for you to live the Christian life the Christian life is not hard I always say that it is supernatural it is impossible for example how will you follow the teachings of Jesus when he tells you love your enemy do good to those who hate you forgive those who abuse you how will you do it today most of the people of the world will react when you do something bad against them they will retaliate they will never understand how in the world can I love the unlovable and that's why most marriages do not last why because they don't understand the super natural power of the Holy Spirit because you were never meant to live the Christian life in your own strength but God is saying you need me I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit therefore this topic is so important I've seen Christians they have known the Lord for many years but they look at their lives no joy defeated I'm sad because that is not God's plan God's plan is for you to live an amazing supernatural life so only two possibilities if you are not experiencing the supernatural life God promised you why is it important to know and be filled with the holy spirit so we will only discuss part 1 the problem with many of us it's not because God does not want to help you God has provided everything the only problem is you're ignorant or you refuse to follow his provision so are you ready let's discuss now who is the holy spirit right but show you the importance why should important everybody win you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you notice the condition you will only receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you now how do you know you have the Holy Spirit many people have these wrong ideas about what is the evidence that I am filled with the Holy Spirit what you need to learn that and then what will you do once you have the Holy Spirit you have power and what will you do and you shall be my witnesses so you will be the representative of Jesus Christ on earth to reflect who he is so the witnessing is secondary the primary is make sure you have the power from the Holy Spirit how many of you have been attending our series on the book of Acts raise your hand again raise your hand higher a wonderful most of you because the book of Acts is really the book about the work of the Holy Spirit so if you have missed chapter 1 chapter 2 bucks you get our video I will you make sure you subscribe to it so you will learn about what you add miss chapter 1 chapter 2 now why do you need the Holy Spirit power putters look everybody ready the disciples were continually filled that's why it's important with joy and with the Holy Spirit joy now how many of you are continuously filled with joy raise your hand h-how'd if you are continuously filled with misery and unhappiness don't let your hand now do you believe God is for you he wants you to be joyful so a Christian that is not joyful it's problematic there's no reason for you not to be joyful unless you are living in sin you are living in disobedience so it's important somebody once said the great difference between present-day Christianity and that which we read in the Bible in the New Testament is that to us it is primarily performance to the first century Christians it was a real experience to experience joy experience peace so my prayer is CC efforts and all Christians will really experience the reality of the power of God through the Holy Spirit because we are sick and tired of playing games called church Jannetty you know what's church Jannetty it's religion in this country we are full of religion religion does not give people joy it does not really change people what you need is the real thing and without the Bible you will not know all right so number one who is the Holy Spirit well let me tell you the Holy Spirit has different names in the Bible for example in just two verses what are the different names of the Holy Spirit however you are not in the flesh but in the spirit first name the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God another name for the Holy Spirit he is called the Spirit of God dwells in you but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ now the Holy Spirit is now called the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him if Christ is in you though the body is dead because of sin yet the Spirit is alive because of righteousness notice what are the different synonyms of the Holy Spirit number one die spirit number two the Spirit of God number three the Spirit of Christ and number four Christ different names talking about the same thing Holy Spirit another example the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty the Bible say if you have the Lord Jesus you have the Holy Spirit so I'm now introducing to you who is the Holy Spirit let me first tell you the Holy Spirit is not a mystical force he is not the Jedi the force no no the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal power or an emanation from God if you do not know the meaning of the word emanation look at your Webster dictionary and you will find out what is emanation listen for many people because when we were younger we hear the word Holy Ghost remember Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit my friend now I want you to change your thinking it's not ghost it's a person the Holy Spirit is a person what's my proof look at how he's described in John 14:16 17 he's a person I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper that he referring to the helper maybe with you forever he has intellect even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God so the holy spirit has thoughts he's a person he has he will but one and the same spirit works all things distributing to each one individually just as he will he referring to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has emotion look everybody the Bible says do not grieve the Holy Spirit in other words he is a living real person but he is not only a person who has a mind who was a will and who was emotion he is also God are you aware of that all right let me show you from the Bible the attributes of God attributes what does it mean look at Webster dictionary again attributes characteristics which only God possesses for the rose example he is eternal only God is eternal everything in this world is not eternal everything in this world has a beginning and it will have an end only God has no beginning and no end yes or no only God so how much more with the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit see the Holy Spirit is eternal you read him and you find him in the book of Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the spirit already described in Genesis chapter 1 he is all-knowing even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God he is all-powerful omnipotent the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will over in other words the holy spirit has the attributes of God therefore he must be God he is ever-present omnipresence all Europe of missions omnipotent omniscient omnipresent where can I go from your spirit where can I flee from your presence so what can we learn about the holy spirit tonight the Holy Spirit is God is a person so let me explain this to you what is the meaning of tri-unity God the Father the father is God the Son is God the Holy Spirit is God one God the Bible does not say there are three gods one God eternally existing in three distinct persons the father is not the son the son is not the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is not the father they're distinct ha do you understand God is a tri-unity unlike the Greek gods the quarrel they fight never will you see that in the Bible because God is infinite now when it comes to infinite those of you who know physics who knows math you don't think of one two three four five six infinity has another dimension it's like parallel line parallel line according to physics they meet in infinity that is beyond my understanding God is a spirit so how can you define him as one numerically so you to change your concept when the Bible says one God what does it mean let me give example how the tri-unity of God is described the Trinity we did not invent this it's in the Bible but the word Trinity is not in the Bible let me repeat the word Trinity is not in the Bible but it is described for example go therefore make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit notice equal look at mark chapter 1 how the Trinity is present the tri-unity immediately coming up out of the water this is Jesus he saw the heavens opening and the Spirit noticed the spirit like a dove is the Spirit is not a dog but in this verse like a dog descending upon him and the voice came out of heaven so there's a voice what was the voice you are my beloved son in you I am well pleased by the way this is one of my favorite verse you know why this one of my favorite verse my prayer is that God will tell me Peter you are my beloved son in you I am well pleased so every day if I'm bought to make decisions I ask myself Lord am i pleasing to you you see my goal in life is to please the Lord what about you God described his son I am well pleased you know God is very affirming God the Father he did not make Jesus guess am I happy with you am I not happy with you he tells his son Jesus I am happy with you nice now the word one in the Bible is from the Hebrew word ikan now it is not like our numeric one you see in the Hebrew language when the Bible says hear o Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one in the Hebrew lung which give a numeric one and you have the word one the word one here is it now what is a minute word ikan when God says I am the Lord your God the Lord is one can I share with you how that word one is used in the Bible for example for this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one husband and wife becoming one numerically are they two numerically yeah but at the same time the idea is eated one so in the Bible says God is one you will notice the hint of the plurality of God the try unity of God as early as the book of Genesis for example God L know him Elohim is plural L is singular written in the Hebrew language obey Him it's plural so technically you should translate this us then God said let us what is the singular or plural plural let us make man in our singular or plural plural image singular or plural singular according to our singular or plural plural so how do you explain them you see it's hard to explain how do you explain John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God let me repeat John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was always in the beginning with God nothing was made apart from him that was made so how do you explain that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God my friend any fourth Legion will always say Jesus is not God see they don't understand because they used their finite mind to explain the infinite God but the Bible is very clear is Jesus God he's the Holy Spirit God that's what the Bible says having said that as the foundation why did the Holy Spirit come and what are the works of the Holy Spirit by the way ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna teach you a few things about Bible truth you don't invent Bible truths it is not dependent on your feelings Bible truth is discovered as you study the Bible so truth is revealed from the Bible now you better learn why do you believe the Bible now that is another Bible study why do I believe the Bible that's another entirely different topics but those of you who attended our IDC will be series on why the Bible is the Word of God by the way that's why I bring people to Israel I bring people to Israel every year to prove to the audience when they come with me why I believe the Bible is the Word of God not only because of prophecy not only because of geography not only because of archaeology but because of Israel there are many reasons but that's another topic are you excited yes but that's another topic so why did the Holy Spirit come and what are the works of the Holy Spirit one let me tell you there are many reasons number one we read ready he came to empower us yes or no you receive power so we need power and number two I really love this to transform us I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you'll be careful to observe my ordinances you know the context of Ezekiel if you read the Bible you are not this God says I'll remove your heart of stone to change it to a heart of flesh you know when I look at my life I understand once upon a time my heart was hard I never liked the things of God I don't like Bible study I don't like anything to do with spiritual things but God did something God says I'll give you my spirit so that the heart of stone will be changed to a heart of flesh now some of you have heart of stones why do I say that because even though you have been coming you are still living in sin that means your heart has become hardened you need help and the way for you to be helped you have to cry out to God and say Lord change my heart and that's why I tell all our pastors it is not my job to change people it is my job to pray for people and teach you the truth and let the Holy Spirit touch your heart so if you have been coming and you're living in sin your heart has become hard so who will change you not see if it's good so I love this verse I will put my spirit within you and cause notice and cause you so the Holy Spirit it's causative it does something your inner life and my friend I don't know about you I need God to chase my heart what about you do you need God to change your heart I think so and then you will begin to be so sick and tired of your sin and he began to cry and the day you begin to cry over your sinfulness is the day when you experience the fullness of God in your heart and that's why I love this topic the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit is manifested every time there's a mission order if there's something to do for example God had a mission for Earth Nia and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him God had a mission for Gideon and the Spirit came upon Deaton you must understand Gideon used to be a scale boy scared but then God wanted to use him so the Holy Spirit came Jeptha samseong all of this the Holy Spirit came that's in the Old Testament the Old Testament talks about the Holy Spirit entering helping people become skillful I have filled him with the Spirit of God this is Bessel in wisdom in understanding in knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship to make artistic designs for work in gold in silver and bronze in other words even a craftsmen an excellent carpenter or an excellent craftsmen or excellent artist hey God is involved amen so God gives us abilities but there's a special ability given to people after they come to Christ it is called a god-given gift after having Jesus and that's what i'ma talk to you later on in the meantime the Holy Spirit came really to fulfill God's promise because in the Old Testament the whole spirit is given to special people only remember I read you those name you have David the Kings soul you have Moses see these are special people but not given to all but God says someday everybody really in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles who are Jettas in this from who are Gentiles raise your hands higher are you and none Gentile are you gentle or not raise your hand you know let me repeat who are Gentiles raise your hands you know guys you don't realize I have special vision from God I watch your movement now the Bible says what is that blessing given to us Gentiles the same blessing has given to the descendants of Abraham you know what's a blessing what is a blessing so that we all of us may receive the promise of the Spirit through faith you see you and I take the Holy Spirit for granted in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit is only given to selected people selected people today it is given to everybody who are in Christ Jesus what is the prophecy the prophecy is given in the Old Testament God says in the last days he will come about after this that I will pour out my spirit on all mankind on your sons and daughters boy or girl old men young men even the male and female rich or poor I will pour out my spirit in those days my friend we are living in the last days the last days is not yet completely here but we are now living living in the last days the timeclock has begun ticking the day when the Holy Spirit was poured forth on planet Earth 2,000 years ago on the day of and they cost so you know understand the Bible when you read this versus you know understand ah I see I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper Parakletos that he may be with you forever that is the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive you see the Holy Spirit is only given to God's people now let me explain to you why I love this verse Jesus tells his disciples I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper now in the Greek language we have different words for another we have the world aloes and we have the word heteros heteros is not you see the word is a loss you know why the Greek language is very precise it is meant to mean another helper exactly like me so it is another of the same time not another different trend remember made especially if you bought a very expensive Mercedes Benz example that's your car and something goes wrong and there's a warranty they should replace that with another what Mercedes Benz it cannot be I'll replace you with another kind of car you know why the warranty specifies so God is saying Jesus saying hey guys don't worry I will give you another helper exactly like me Wow that's the word for a loss but the word helper is amazing word it's a combination of two Greek words para plato's para means a guy log what is in your para you know that's how I passed my Greek examiner I used Tagalog and my American friends don't know why I know the Greek so mas para means what Steinbach so the way I will teach you one Greek word it means alongside so I never forget para means along side that Ibiza viene para along your side God they say I will send somebody to you who will be alongside Plato's what to cry for you to help you to assist you so this is like the word to describe a lawyer is a word to describe helping you defending you so God is saying hey when I go I will send you exactly like me who will be your so she the word helper today expects in the Philippines you say helper what will enter your mind you know you know what I'm say it's a beautiful word ah ha ha clintus god is saying so some translation uses the word comforter i will send you another comforter now comforter is a better english translation because it's from two Latin word calm with Ford Forte I'll give you strength so the idea is this God is saying I will give you strength I'll be beside you I will help you when you are tired when you're discouraged I will be there it's a beautiful you need the Holy Spirit so other examples of what the Holy Spirit will do lots of things the Holy Spirit will teach us he will teach you all things now many people miss apply this essay you see I don't need to attend Bible studies because Holly still will teach me excuse me you need everything understand the Holy Spirit will guide you but you still need Bible teacher what else he will guide us but when he he will guide you into all truth but notice the context of John 14:26 he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance mmm that's why the Apostles could write the Bible amazingly clear why God is helping them so the Holy Spirit is our guide but above all how do you test it is from the Holy Spirit everybody will to glorify Christ he will glorify me for he will take of mine and disclose it to you the Holy Spirit never glorifies himself he always points people to Jesus amazing does it try unity of God they don't compete for glory and what else will the Holy Spirit do you'll convict us of sin and that's why when I speak on Sunday well I tell pastors it's the Holy Spirit at work so ladies if you are having problems with your husband may I suggest ladies are you listening to me how many of you are married ladies way about me and you're living with your husband wave at me okay do you agree sometimes you have problems with your husbands so I teach you don't knock don't know if you keep nagging your husband will not heal the Holy Spirit because you are too noisy and gentlemen you are married with your wife all right don't keep up like a girl keep talking keep talking you know why the Holy Spirit is more powerful than you and I've seen this I just pray so the Holy Spirit will convict you have children what do you do with your children mommy you keep Magda your children you know what your children will do automatic cup of Anna you know there is amazing here if you keep talking talking you just shut so you need to learn and I suggest you attend parenting class it shall come so in she she will teach you the Bible parenting husband-and-wife everything but I hope you apply them okay and then he regenerates us you know the Holy Spirit does amazing so here the generators I love this okay when the kindness of God our Savior in this love for mankind appeared he save us notice grammar dramatically he saved us see some religious teacher said ah you will never know whether you go to heaven or not until you die excuse me the Bible says you will know you are saved or not saved that's not me it's the Bible he save us not on the basis of deeds which we have done you see why I can be sure of my salvation it's not because of me but because of him Jesus and what does it say but according to his mercy by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit it's God he died on the cross he's died for you he gave His Holy Spirit he baptized us huh what is the meaning of baptizing us remember I explained to you day one this year Acts chapter one but this theme means what but Tice means what immerse you are identified you want to change the color of my handkerchief from white to blue what you do you dip it in the dye once you put it in that died vu ye you know dying you know blue you dip it immerse it pretty soon it becomes blue you identify you connect it now when the word baptized in the Holy Spirit what does that mean I'm gonna explain to you when the Bible says he baptizes us what does it mean it means he now connect you identifies you with him with the people of God so for even as the body is one and yet many members all the members of the body go they are many are one body so is Christ for by one spirit we were all baptized into one body whether Jews or Greeks were slaves or free Negra whether rich or poor once you come to Christ you become part of the body of Christ so the metaphor of Christianity is you and I become interconnected to Jesus he is the head and we are his body on earth look at the metaphor beautiful so on earth how would people see Jesus is through us where his hand where his heart in other words we become part of Jesus beautiful picture but question are you part of the body who is the head so that's the picture of what God wants you to understand so to be baptized by the Holy Spirit is to be identified with Jesus so the word baptized by the Holy Spirit is used only how many times in the entire New Testament one two three four five six seven times in the seven times it is used I want to explain to you so you will not be confused someday for are in the gospel he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire you know the description of the coming of the Holy Spirit but I see with the Holy Spirit baptized with the Holy Spirit now when was this fulfilled it is now fulfilled in the book of Acts you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit many days from now when did it happen in Acts chapter two which I will explain in acts 11 he repeats his courting Acts chapter 1 verse 5 so the word baptize with the Holy Spirit has only really one explanation it is in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 by one Spirit we were all baptized so that word but dies in the Holy Spirit is explained in first Corinthians however let me show you how that word is used in the book of Acts how the book of Acts will fulfill all of this okay Bob passing the Holy Spirit with fire baptized in the Holy Spirit with fire you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit many days from now so look at Acts chapter 1 it talks about for John baptized with water but you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now so what does it mean to be baptized with all his spirit not many days from now so let's find out in less than 50 days it's called Pentecost what happened the Bible tells us when the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were setting notice please on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was going to be poured out here are what this is what happened number one suddenly there was a noise what was the noise light like rushing wind it is not wind just noise I don't know what kind of noise away and then next the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared to them tongues as a fire not fire but like fire so imagine some fire like fire but not fire distributing themselves and they rested on each one of them 120 nobody laid hands nobody prayed for them and they all of them no exception for all filled with the holy spirit and they began to speak with other tongues now what are the tongues here you will remember we studied Arabs Cretans Egyptian blah-blah-blah languages in other words God is saying so that you will know the reality of the Holy Spirit you wait I'm going to send the Holy Spirit and what is he gonna do in a pub - ooh so exactly what happened the Bible says on that day 120 of them experienced the reality of the Holy Spirit because the baptism of the Holy Spirit is invisible you cannot see it but they said you can hear the sound like the fire and then you are able to speak supernaturally it's like suddenly you are now speaking in Japanese you are now speaking in Mandarin but you never started it Wow how can that be why to show you the Holy Spirit is real and you need to know once you receive the Holy Spirit you are baptized into the body of Christ that's what he's trying to say you are now part of Jesus I would clear so far now what did his Holy Spirit do when does he come into you when he seals us in him after listening to the message of truth the gospel of your salvation having believed you must be lived once you believed you were sealed in him with the Holy Spirit of promise so see remember I explained to you sealed is a business term you were marked with the Holy Spirit who is given as a pledge of our inheritance with a view of the redemption of God's own possession so this is the meaning when you come to Jesus the Holy Spirit enters you that is a mark a supernatural marking you have the Spirit of God so in this entire universe who will know you're a Christian let me share with you my illustration was you are a rancher you like to have cows you have ten cows you have twenty cows you're five cost and I put them all together how will you know which is your car how will you know which is your car how do you know you look at the sin understand how do I know you're a Christian you're silly there's a silly what is the seal the holy now you understand the importance of the holy spirit you know why it is the proof that you belong to Jesus what my other verse this the proof he endorses however you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him I don't care what your religion I don't care how good you are I don't care how many times you come to cease yet it is not the issue the issue is this do you have the Spirit of Christ in you if you don't have the Holy Spirit the Bible says you don't belong to him here if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him period it doesn't matter so my question to you is this do you have the seal of God you have the Holy Spirit how do you know you have that's what we can discuss okay what does the sea do he sanctifies us please wait for me everybody what does it mean sanctify sir ready go read you do you know how to read English okay let's read it one more time together but I say stop the command walk by the spirit what's the promise and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh what's the problem with my desire this is the problem please read so the Bible is saying you need the Holy Spirit to overcome temptation to overcome surface Ness to overcome the desire of the flesh I have certain desires that are not good do you have desires that are not good so who is controlling you your old stuff or the Holy Spirit you must learn to let the Holy Spirit control you and then I'm gonna teach you tonight and next Wednesday he makes us bear fruit if you have the Holy Spirit what will happen to you ladies and young man look at this amazing promise amazing promise please read but the fruit of the Holy Spirit is joy peace patience kindness goodness ladies do you like to marry a man that is full of love full of joy you like a guy like that gentleman you like to marry somebody who is full of love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control you like to marry somebody like that yes or no that's like my wife full of the Holy Spirit you see the beauty of being in Christ and letting Christ control you fruit means what by product right how many of you have seen a mango trees mango how does it bear mango you make sure there's water make sure the sunlight yes and some fertilizers what will happen is a barefoot have you seen a banana tree water fertilizer and sunlight boom banana you don't see a banana tree you know it will come guys the same thing with you it's really amazing I've seen many of you I see you now smiling right before the first time you had to enter Bible study and my wife and I had this experience many times we have many social I think even the first time they come really very stiff and then later you see them now look at them like you it's mildly maharloka diamond locket Napoleon yeah you don't be seen together after a while now look at you guys are lucky now you know people don't realize I know about the language when you're counseling people and that person's like that go home I'm just kidding okay but do you understand what I'm saying your action reflects the heart but the fruit of the Spirit beautiful now we will talk about this important topic gifts which is seldom discussed he gives us spiritual gifts now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I do not want you to become unaware now you need to understand what do you mean by spiritual gifts that's from the Greek word carries Mata that relieved word Karris Mattox carries Mata carries from the word grace carries Mata its gift the gift of grace what art was give so the Bible tells us there are varieties of gifts but the same spirit to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good so the Holy Spirit gives you different science different gifts abilities for the common good for example spiritual gifts these little gifts are special god-given abilities when you come to Jesus it happened after coming to Jesus all of you listen to me now all of you has a special gift from God it can be the same as your natural talent but many times it's different but it's a special gift so look at me now everybody you are going to discover your gift this seminar by next Wednesday you will submit your assignment you will tell us what is your gift because that is your assignment I guarantee you you'll discover your gift for what purpose for service so the definition includes the source Holy Spirit the meaning of the gift special abilities purpose of gift service for many years I could never speak many years ago I vowed I made a promise to myself I will never speak publicly because years ago I was humiliated when I joined the Oratory contest in elementary I told myself I will never speak in public I'm nervous but after coming to Christ without realizing it I began to teach the Bible and people began to tell me you know what you should keep teaching the Bible it's called gift all of us have a gift I don't know what you give but all of us had one gift at least some it more all right so where do you find spiritual gifts in the entire Bible in four places Romans chapter 12 first Corinthians chapter 2 chapter 14 Ephesians chapter 4 1113 first chapter four verses 10 to 11 so these are the places you will learn about spiritual gifts so tonight I'm going to go over quickly this verses is that okay with you are you ready or you want take a break now to Linda all right if you have to go to a toilet just run the toilet and come up I won't get angry okay but our proceed where is Jing verse attaching okay the gift of hiding I don't know alright here are the gifts in the book of Romans chapter 12 the following gifts are enumerated the gift of prophecy service teaching exhortation giving leadership mercy all of this definition I printed up for you it's right there in the book of first Corinthians chapter 12 these are gifts Apostleship prophet teacher miracles healing helps admit administration Thanks word of wisdom word of knowledge faith interpretation of tongues discernment I will specially give some time tonight for the gift of tongues because it is often confused however all of this I will also illustrate if I have the time to explain to you what is controversial is this for example prophecy what is prophecy many people think prophecy is talking about the future in the Bible it is not it's really declaring the message of God it is not always prophetic let me repeat not always prophetic most of the time it is declaring God's message okay now you understand and I will show you from the Bible the next one is this word that's confusing is a possible technically apostles don't exist today but the work of Apostleship continues let me repeat apostles per se like the New Testament don't exist anymore in a way in Acts chapter 1 the qualification must be he must be with Jesus he must seen him baptized and he must see Jesus raised again so my friend those people are no longer alive today however the word apostle from the word apostolos meaning you plan a church you start a new ministry we have those people doing today today they're equivalent to our missionaries where many missionaries with church planters they are doing the work of Apostleship but they will never call themselves just call me a potion they are careful they are careful not some people they like to be called apostle no problem but for us we are careful not to use the term ok so the next one is what is the meaning of wisdom knowledge see this can be confusing now you will see that in the definition words of wisdom for some Christian depth this gift they really wise you tell them about your life and they will advise you the gift of wisdom for some people the word of knowledge they are almost the same they are not exactly the same sometimes they look at your life they know the situation's your life so these are special gifting it may case example determine wisdom sometimes I exercise those gift when people come to me I discern whether they are telling the truth or not or real not here I mean all of us have different gifts but I will teach you how to develop those gifts would you like to know in the meantime I'm just gonna give a quick outline of all of these gifts in Ephesians chapter 4 five gifts are mentioned Apostleship prophet evangelist pastor teacher in the book of first Peter only two gifts are mentioned speaking and serving observation number one these are not exhausted so I believe when the Bible is written it is not meant to exhaust all the gifts these are just example of the gifts are we communicating but what are gifts what what do you mean by carries matter it is given by the Holy Spirit so that you will have the abilities to serve him in CCF we serve based on giftedness in other words what you like to do and your giftedness must match if what you like to do and your giftedness do not much is a cost frustration to you and cause frustration to the body of Christ so our job is to teach our leaders including you to know your giftedness what area are you gifted and then use it not to make you proud not to make you compare and not to make you insist example many people think that the give of speaking excuse me how do you know you have the gift of speaking at the following guidelines and and you will learn this tonight I always tell people you shall give but if you don't know how it is just keep serving and then people will validate it how they validated I should share people you begin to see in any big group you begin to tell oh this person has a gift of help very helpful this person give of mercy my warrant Agha it'll give of administration lugging washing washing embossing this guy the gif of generosity now there are some people problem blonde para para do you have the money I love this kind of friends generous some people they told me my gift is the gift of criticism ah ha ha boss water survival yeah that's not in the Bible that's the dangerous Bible but so I'm just trying to tell you people will affirm him so I have talked to many for leaders I said brother you're a good teacher but you're at the picture so I would not invite you to preach on suddenly the guy was hurt at first then he became happy why because I told him the truth you don't have the gift of preaching why I can tell when he says preaching people fall asleep but in this man here's the gift of preaching many people think of the gift of speaking give up preaching I say excuse me let that be validated by the people and you will know yes well you know some people you really know wow when they speak you listen some people when they speak yes or no some people don't have a gift of giving [Music] do we need each other all right so let me give an example of the book of Romans how the gift is mentioned right right in Romans chapter 12 here is the gift mentioned please lead everybody just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function so we who are many are one body in Christ individually members one of another now he is now describing the church the church is one body with many members just like the body many members but one body do you see the comparison and then he's saying the barians different function alright having said different functions same body what is this point this is his point therefore we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us we have different gifts each of us is to exercise them accordingly so all of us are given different gifts so don't be jealous don't compare will always have different gifts but your job is to do this your job is to exercise them let's read each of us is to exercise them accordingly the prophecy according to the proportion of his faith if service in the serving he will teach us in his teaching so he's now giving example of the different gifts as I mentioned to you the one who exhorts encouraging people in his exhortation so if you relate this gift you are encouraging he who gives the gift of giving with liberality he who leads with the joy there are some people there really leaders you know I have 20 grandchildren I know this already a few of them have the gift of living even though they are younger when they get together I told my wife what's this that particular grandson of mine takes the lead he organizes everybody and they follow that's called gift I mean some people that natural ability some people no matter what they say nobody listen to them so better know your gift he he who shows mercy with cheerfulness now I can tell you my wife has a gift of mercy she's happy when she has people if you need mercy see my wife some of our pastors don't have the gift of mercy but they forgive off leading let love be without hypocrisy so example now one of the most exhaustive birthdays on gift especially when it comes with tongues is first Corinthians so I'm going to spend some time in first Corinthians are you ready let's read together ready go now there are varieties of gifts but the same spirit same idea do you know the same idea there are varieties of ministries same Lord so same gifts varieties of gift is equal to varieties of ministries because you need different abilities for different ministries if you like to work in the orphanage make sure you have the gift of mercy give up patience and the same Lord I'm sorry patience isn't a gift patience is a requirement for all faster patience I just want to make sure we're correct there are varieties effects but the same God who works all things in all persons so the same God but everybody read this together with feelings but to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit the secret of knowing your gift is not to be surface it's how can I bless the common good so the gift of the Holy Spirit is never meant for your stuff one that is in your mind how can I be a blessing to others you are now on the path to discovering your gift one in the same spirit let's read faster one in the same spirit works all these things one and the same spirit so it's the Holy Spirit that decides distributing to each one individually as he will meaning the Holy Spirit decides what gives Europe what give our help I don't decide the leadership don't decide you don't decide who decides for space then you ask me Peter can I ask for a gift sure you can ask but ultimately who decide the Holy Spirit is that clear now if the Holy Spirit decides don't be proud and don't be discouraged why it is he who decides the problem is if you compare how come here's this gift I don't have this gift excuse me why are you complaining God is the one deciding but give you help so be happy with what everybody gives you may have the problems when you begin to compare how come this guy's so good in doing this how come I came up well don't compare alright next for even as the body is one and yet has many members all the members of the body though there are many are one body in other words the analogy now of giftedness is not brought into the human body so that you and I will understand why you need to be part of a church many people understand the church the church and living organism organism whereby all of us are together having different functions for by one spirit we were all baptized remember that verse this is not the context by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body so believe the Holy Spirit you were put in to the body of Christ whether Jews or Greeks slaves or free we were all made to drink of one spirit in other word by one spirit we are now all inter connected that's how the word baptized in the spirit is used you will receive the Holy Spirit meaning one many usage you will empower you tons from you one of them is to baptize you into the body of Christ the church is the body of Christ so the church means what a clay sea so ecclesia means what special called out people so a church from the Greek word egg clay compulsive people called out to be different from the world so if you come to Jesus you are part of the egg Plescia ecclesia isn't a building it is not a denomination so in CCF CCF is not an egg - here it is for the people of God they ecclesia meet on Wednesday night on Sunday morning the church meets so if you read the Bible you receive the church meets in your house greet the church that meets in the house of Philemon greet the ecclesia that meets in the house of Agrippa in other word church is composed of people and who puts us there who place us in the church who the Holy Spirit are we clear the Holy Spirit so let me summarize the Holy Spirit is a source of all spiritual gifts number two it's person has been given at least one spiritual gift number three every person does not have the same gift all of us have different gifts it is the Holy Spirit that determines what gift we will have exercising the gift should build up the body of Christ so when you use the gift it is for the purpose of helping all the others build up whatever gift we might have we are all baptized placed into by the spirit in the body of Christ I will clear so far the office the Bible is populated on a pallet Napa when I was reading all of those verses yes or no yeah you know why that's personal to learn let me show you he gives another example if you don't get it the Bible gives another simple example here's the example of the body hey everybody read if the foot says because I am NOT a hand I am not part of the body it is not for this reason any less a part of the body if the ear says because I'm not an eye I'm not a part of the body it is not for this reason any the last part of the body in other words guys don't be generous because sometimes a foot do not like to stay down a foot likes to be always in front like the eye but the Bible says excuse me but a bit party data special now let me ask you what part of the body are you when it comes in terms of analogy some people say pastor I think I'm the appendicitis it's very humble in appendicitis some people say I really don't know what use I am because for some scientists appendicitis is useless no no they discovered that's also use but of course sometimes better just remove it huh but do you understand the analogy so do not say I'm only the hand I'm not important I want to prove to you everybody demonstrate do it this way now try to hold a piece of paper okay without using the tongue don't use a ton just use the forefinger to get paper okay can you do it play the banner okay now let's do it the opposite don't use the forefinger just use the time can you what's my point every part is important I've discovered in running and jogging you know your toe if you don't have it though you try to jog if you don't believe me cut off your toe and then you try to run you can have a problem you'll be out of balance so every part is important bye burn up a little again so look here if it's in a different way God has placed the members each one in the body as he desired GT analogy as she desired if they were all one member where would the body be imagine all of us are no such that cannot be but now there are many members but one body so are we important which other healthier neighbors tell remember you are important look the I to show you I'm cool it cool it down by Bala the I cannot say to the hand I have no need of you tsukumo or again the head to the feet I have no need of you on the contrary it is much truer that the members of the body which seems to be weaker are necessary you see what I'm saying these are the analogy can be the I can I say to the hand I have no need of you you try to eat without your hand just using your eyes now hands you try to go through your room without using your I see we need what all of us amen so can I tell you from my heart we need you you need me yes or no we need each other amen so are you part of a small group this is the most spirit or ghost amazing alright and those members of the body which with them less honorable on this we bestow more abundant on hissing let me give you example in any church in any organization who is the most neglected people think about it in CCF for us to function efficiently answer janitor I want imagine no one will clean our toilet will you feel it maybe not the first hour pretty soon everybody's important yes or no so it's good we understand each other so turn to your neighbor tell never you are important the problem is this my friend listen to me listen to me some of you are not fulfilling what they were designed for let me repeat some of us in this room I call them free loaders you are not contributing to the body because you are only thinking of yourself when you come to church what in your mind let's see what I can learn today what can I get out of this according to my friend what's his name Francis What did he say it does not come from me I cannot say those words because I have no choice I cannot leave you we're together but I know what he said su ckers my goodness hey guys if one member suffers all the members suffer with it if one member is honored all the members rejoice you can imagine if the Philippine country if the Filipinos will learn to be biblical will be amazing country this grub mentality one exists and will care for each other in a way we don't care for each other with understand we don't have the Holy Spirit the tradition is my wife and I when we have members who fall into sin we grieve we hurt when people are hurting in our group with chip in to help because that's what we were designed to do but if you are not part of a group you cannot function as God wants you to function that's why I'm shisha if we follow the genius of Jesus big group and so you need to understand your role be part of a small group and be part of a big group and God has appointed uncoolest little garden Bible God's appointed in the church in the body in the egg procedure notice there is hierarchy first apostles second prophets third teachers miracles gifts of healing helps administration various kinds of tongues now notice dramatically he changes all are not apostles are they in English you call it a rhetorical question the answer is obvious of course not but he defeats all other prophets are they answer of course not all are not teachers are they answer of course not all are not workers of miracles are they answer of course not a falafel learn to answer all denies the gift of healing today of course not all do not speak with tongues do they all do not interpret the day meaning it is unscriptural to insist the all of us have the same gift it is not only unscriptural it's a biblical is illogical therefore I tell people whatever prostration you came from to say everybody massive this gift to prove you're a Christian you will never find in all the verses I'm giving you because there are certain groups who will tell you if you don't speak in tongues you're not a Christian or you don't have all this video what do you find out that's why you need to understand when you read the Bible understand it clearly but I'm teaching you tonight so that you will understand what is very important what is enough so spiritual gifts is very simple different people have different if we should not insist on having the same gift do not be jealous or compare all are needed amen we can desire gifts but God determines but God determines we should desire greater gift ha ha what did I miss I missed last birth dito verse 31 everybody read but earnestly desire the greater give what is the greater gifts can you tell me what is the greater gifts of course between chapter 12 and chapter 14 you have the chapter of love very good however between chapter 12 and chapter 14 you have love sandwich can I tell you why the Corinthians have the greatest problem when it comes to gifts they're the only church the foolishly focuses on tongues so they were escorted by the bottle Paul he must understand tongue speaking is in all religion from Buddhism the Muslim religion to indices to Hinduism there are tongue manifestation but be careful not all terms are from the devil but it can be abused yes or no so let me repeat he is not against tongue but he's saying pursue greater gifts so what's a greater gift after lab he talks about something else let's really pursue love yet the CERN desire earnestly spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy what is the giver prophecy the giver prophecy isn't about telling the future is declaring the masses of God one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God for no one understands but one who prophesies speaks to men for edification exhortation and consolation in other words a Bible teacher basically is exercising the give of prophecies continue reading aloud feed on mine you or into him it is better to prophets prophesy than to speak in tongues prophecy is for building the church and defies the one speaking I mean that is what he seems to imply let's continue reading ready go you you know something very surprising he said tongues are for a sign not those who believe but - what does he mean can I share with you what he meant so you have to go back to the book of Acts in tongue speaking you have only three instances mentioned in the entire Bible okay about speaking in tongues it is found in Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 10 and that's 19 what is so unique about each of this instances let me share with you so that you will understand tongue speaking in the Bible how it was practiced are you ready all right in the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem Bible College will it go all right let's read together quickly you remember we discussed this already right they were together in one place 120 of them rushing of the wind they heard it what else they appeared to them tongues are so far distributing you again and then what happened they all filled with they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and what happened and they began to speak with other tongues now what kind of tongues are they talking about let's read there were Jewish leaving Jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven and when this son occurred the crowd came together notice the unbelievers they came together they were bewildered tongue is a sign for unbelievers and because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language what are those languages they were amazed and astonished why why are not all these who are speaking guardedly and and how is it that we have we each hear them in our own language to which we were born to same time I did not discuss anymore that languages verse 9 10 11 at least what 15 of them 15 different countries around them all I am saying is this unknown languages now I want to imagine now you come to CCF and you are from Russia and you are from let's say Japan and you are from the Middle East suddenly you were different patter speaking in your own language what would you say wow what is this you know understand it's a supernatural manifestation tongue is a super natural manifestation all of these gifts are all supernatural from speaking to helping all these are supernatural give of God another example is for a Gentiles while Peter was speaking everybody read while Peter was still speaking this is in Acts chapter 10 now the Holy Spirit look while Peter was speaking the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message all the circumcised believers the Jews who came with Peter was amazed because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles the first time the gospel was preached to the Gentiles the Lord needed to show the Gentiles that you are now accepted and how will you know you're accepted I will pour out my spirit on you so all the Gentiles receive amazingly the gift of the Holy Spirit and what is the evidence they were speaking in so Peter noticed he did not lay hands on them nobody ever prayed for them it was a divine supernatural intervention to give them the gift of tongues are we communicating you can never force anyone to speak in tongues it is the gift of the Holy Spirit so Peter said when they were healing them speaking with tongues and exalting God then Peter answered help everybody read surely no one can diffuse the water for this we baptized who had received the Holy Spirit just as we did came he and he ordered them to be baptized she Peter would not have baptized them if he was not convinced but you see all of the Gentiles how did they know they receive the Holy Spirit according to this story they began to speak in foreign languages languages are we clear and another instance in Acts chapter 9 these are Gentiles in a foreign country in Acts chapter 10 this word Gentiles in Israel okay in Caesarea now it is in a foreign country that's read it happened polis was at Corinth Paul passed through the upper country came to Ephesus and found some disciples he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they said no we have not even heard whether there's a Holy Spirit in other words these guys are not even believers yet he said into what then were you baptized we Desa into John's baptism so they were part of the Giants group before Jesus yeah what about this Paul said John baptized with the baptism of repentance telling the people to believe in him who was coming after him Jesus support began to explain to them Jesus and we communicating and the Bible tells us when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul has laid his hands upon this time notice the sequence you know you're playing on hands the Holy Spirit came on them and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying what I'm trying to tell you is this descriptive passages are different from prescriptive passages what are descriptive passages descriptive passages are describing what happened you call them this cryptic David had many wives Solomon has many words it's called Desk descriptive it's not prescribing some men say gee the Bible says I must be like Solomon 1000 we met excuse me it is describing describing it is not prescribing in the ballpark's it is not telling you what happened describing the prescriptive passages are the New Testament epistles so here is the prescriptive passages what is the outcome then brother welcome everybody will when you assemble each one as a son as a teaching as a revelation ha Satan has interpretation let all things be done for one purpose prescriptive for edification for encouragement to build up if anyone speaks in a town it should be by two or at the most three and it's in turn one must interpret but if there is no interpreter he must keep silent in the church let him speak to himself and to God and that's why shishya we don't have this problem people come to me thanks no problem but you cannot speak publicly if there's no interpreter you know why how will you help the people understand if I speak to you in a foreign language and user understand how would this help you I'll be bragging I'll be impressing you with my ability yes or no so be careful so the Bible is very clear so I just want you to understand tongue is a special gift from God but I'm not saying don't I'm just saying be careful are we clear therefore everybody read therefore my brethren desire earnestly the prophesy but he said do not forbid but all things must be done properly in orderly manner you know my wife has and I've been to different groups and some men they all begin speaking now honestly it's hard for me to be edified because I don't understand what they are talking about and honestly I don't think they know what they're talking about either so I'm just saying in sheesh if we are not perfect but we try to teach you the biblical mandate are we clear so in summary everybody don't banks should not be forbidden tongue are not encouraged by poll without interpretation should be exercised with the strict guidelines in the church should not cost divisions but should build unity so the Bible warns you now what is prescriptive passages this is prescriptive everybody ready do not despise prophetic utterances however examine everything carefully so I'm very worried when people say there are prophets especially when they start declaring this what will happen this what will happen the Bible says examine them carefully and I examine when people are saying their prophesy because the Bible says a prophet who names his prophet in the name of the Lord has to be hundred percent correct original correct is not of God and God says that is presumptuousness so be careful when people say God told me to tell you ladies if a man tells you God tells me you should marry me what should you do okay you wait God has not told me yet beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone up in other world one of the most one of the most dangerous delusion you can have if you think something from God but it is not it's very dangerous and the reason is this you don't know why one God's will God's revelation God's manifestation listen to me will never go against the Bible and that's why I read the Bible through and through I know if somebody say God says this if it's against the Bible I know immediately this guy is not from God why I know the Bible you must know the Bible if you don't have Bible you are deceived easily and many people are deceived let's face it in this country people don't know the Bible yes or no how can you explain the people you know there are certain groups they believe this guy's the Messiah I mean the guy calls himself the Messiah yes or no ya know I ask myself how can people believe it very simple they don't read the Bible you see my friend many people just because somebody wears something very sacred or you know son she has so many degrees in college whatever it is the Apostle Paul is very clear he says if anybody teaches you something contrary to what you have learned that guy is not from God so I with my humble opinion I say please study the Bible and that's what we're trying to do we give you the Bible and you read it so we are not afraid for people to study the Bible amen but I'm gonna warn you be careful with Internet be careful with what you hear in the YouTube because a lot of these people are miss coating the Bible just because you write cite a Bible verse but you don't start the context you can easily be the same notice what I just did today I read through you the whole context of the Bible yes or no is it clear now I cannot deceive you you know I just read all the verses but if I just use one verse two verses I jump here I jump there my friend I can easily deceive you remember in the book of John the Bible says Judas hung himself Oh some people you know how they read the Bible oh she can't see so you will marry me because God says oh and my friend that's not how I read the Bible I did the bible systematically so when you read Judas hung himself I will commit suicide but the Bible is very clear suicide is forbidden in the Bible so if you hear a voice and you're depressed and the voice tells you kill yourself I'll tell you where that voice comes from it's not from God it's not from the Holy Spirit it's a devil my wife and I had been involved in counseling and the dangerous favorite ploy is this number one you're hopeless number two years no future and number three just kill yourself so depression is a function of the mind in suicide is usually part and parcel of devil's technique because the Bible says the evil one comes to destroy and kill that's his motive he comes to destroy and kill but jesus said I came to give you life so please don't listen to the devil it doesn't matter what mistakes you have done in the past do you believe God can redeem your past God can redeem the worst mistakes but you need the Holy Spirit so the Bible tells us major on the major don't major on the minor example these are the major ones everybody read this as each one received a special gift all of you have a special gift employ it in serving one another so what's the major serve one another so the gift that you are studying today is for you to serve one another that's called majoring on the major example he gave some apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors teachers for what purpose equipping of the Saints for the work of the service for the building up of the body of Christ so and she's here I'm a pastor what's my job are some pastors and it was my job my job as pastors and teachers or evangelist was my job for the equipping of this who are the same you I want to unleash you to do the work of the service you are to serve and then what how are you deserve to build up the body not tear it down not cause division that cost jealousy so how can you know your gift can I suggest the following number one be sure you have the holy spirit so tonight I'll give you a chance to make sure you know you have the Holy Spirit if you don't have the Holy Spirit how can you know the gift in fact my concern is I don't know what spirit is in you okay so make sure you have the Holy Spirit number two God has given you at least one spiritual gift yes or no so you must know ready at least I have one speed forgive now I want a survey I stopped now how many of you really know what your spiritual gift raise your hands be honest you'll know your gift ready okay most of you do not know yet right you don't really know your gift yet raise your hands you don't know your gift yet raise your hands higher no those of you don't raise your hands I'll ask you to stand up that means many of you do not know your gift yet so this lesson is very very appropriate yes because you are going to fill up the assignment so you'll know you're given next Sunday now next Wednesday you come next release today I pray there are no other first-timers so because the lessons really part two of this okay discover your gifts how do you discover gifts how louder you will never discover your gift just filling in the blanks you will never discover a gift just sitting down you got to serve we do believe it I serve in almost every position even in music I led the music they did not know I had the gift of music they told me stick to preaching really CCF you lost a talent but that's okay you know I some day in heaven you will discover my gift okay but really I discard my gift I tried to serve God in every way how many of you have heard of jazz McDowell just moved on he came did you know his first job after graduating from seminary he told me something the assignment they gave me was cleaning the toilet he was so angry at Campus Crusade for Christ he studied everything he was thinking with his ability with his talents what is apologetic they will use him to speak no his first job janitor cleaning the toilet we clean all the toilet and then one day somebody came into the carpet and it was wet outside and there was a new tire you know when you do asphalt and the guy was destroying the carpet with his footprint and the founder of Campus Crusade was there he said hey this guy is just McDowell he's one of our most talented mean Campus Crusade staff I just clean up the floor because I don't want to hurt them he told me I was so mad I went to the HR department and I slammed on my fists I give up the moment he did that the Lord hit him the Lord said if you cannot clean toilet okay not served me he went back he told the HR I'm sorry that was the beginning of just McDowell's journey to how he became the most well known youth speaker of his time he spoke to more young people than anybody in the history of Christianity just MacDowell why he learned to clean toilets some of you don't want to serve God because you choose don't do that whatever is needed you do it and then the Lord guide you because it is based on need many of us we are so choosy so God can abuse you understand so let me give you your gifts will be validated by the people around you so whatever gifts you may have from speaking to whatever people will tell you your gifts will be affirmed by your leadership one of our job one of my job as leaders and all the other pastors we are always on the lookout for people with giftedness but you see giftedness is different from being filled with the fruit of the Spirit let me repeat gift is different from fruit for us I focus first on the fruit Christlikeness character and then I focus on the competence if the competence is there but the character is not there I will not use this person because competence wrought character is dangerous let me repeat character is more important in God's eyes when it comes to serving him the fruit of the Spirit which I'll discuss next week abilities competence is important but it comes secondary to character are we clear therefore let me share with you illustrations of fruitfulness this is a hospital room and this person is sick so here comes the lady with a special gift the gift of mercy what will she say she will say you must feel so bad let me stay with you that's a gif of mercy here comes a guy what is this gift administration if somebody taking care of your house who will bring the children to school you see different gives have different burden same problem but different response now here comes another guy and a hot bath later what is this gift giving look at what he will say do you have enough money to pay the bill and the condom given what about this one encourage ER you will get well soon understand now the problem this if you are not mature example your gift is mercy you want everybody to be like you you begin to judge others what's wrong with ggf why will they not care for people who are sick excuse me all of us have different gifts and when we see a problem we all respond differently if you have the gift of giving you will calm pain don't care what are they not giving excuse me some people give their time some people give their and I won't we all have different abilities so be careful you don't expect others to be like you are we clear so what must you do my advice well is there one more gift yes this one sometimes you don't like this person you know why he has the gift of teaching and he will ask you when you were sick and about to die what is God teaching here okay so my wife you should tell me that's my gift okay so when something breaks on the table I noticed something one of my daughter has the gift of help see anything she runs up she gets a piece of you know swipe she starts leaning what's her gift she helped leave seven my wife will immediately get him up she will start cleaning now some people they give up reading okay you do this bossing type now people will give up teaching I tell you what is he got teaching you today so we all are different amen all right my advice is this everybody whatever you do I like this confession if a man is called to be a streetsweeper he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry he should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say here leave a great street sweeper who did this job well I can I may and can I add that he did it for the glory of God praise God thank you that's our Bible study for today next week I will teach you how to overcome temptation also become sin how do we filled with the Holy Spirit
Channel: Gabriel Rebuta
Views: 30,012
Rating: 4.7917571 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Holy Spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 40sec (6340 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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